Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Nov 1906, p. 6

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| direction. | Bo thin hair without lo thi yo | ® he cause, you will remove ol -. Sold by leading * druccists. sd 100. in stamps for samule to ithe Toepicide Cor Totscit an We anh de Uo, Dotzoit, Mich {EMBOSSING Whig Office. / 1" Hastings house of refu, £35,000, Prince Edyard's 000. TIVES in 1905, $1,194,000 of CASH PROFITS), $3,272,000, wentast similar payments of $4 954,000 by 21 other Canadien Com. panies. ; A 20th Cetury feature hus ben ads opted 'by this Company in issuing the "New Annual Guaranteed Dividend Palicy bi "A call or correspondence solicited. Jd. O. Hutton, MANAGER. 3 > A Clinical Preparation That Posi tively Kills the Dandruff Germ. most. . important made after a year's patient la- horatory work wimed in a certain It is Newbro'y Herpicide, a : : pea nt and permanent) = poeddily and ly i A These evils gre iy by & germ or. parasite that burrows into the scalp, throwing up fl, as it seeks to the life of ai abe, the hot: There's 'no withont ing or, thin hair; : ie wit dnnirufl, apd no : AES it the germ is te § Newbro's Herpicide ds the only fe: that will do the work. x 0 . G. And... {ENGRAVING * Neatly done at the Ye Old English Floor Wax mn A Tos. . Strachan's Hardware .. EE eS is to fost cost $34, - vosh McConkey's high class ¢ ndy only at Gibson's eg Cross, er store. attr acoopt these Pure Virgin A8 Market Street LOCATED AT CIvVITA VE Targity ut the a leadi "printed 'thereon. There are many rank imitations of Virgin 0il of | Pine (Pure), which are put out under various names, such as Concentrated J Oil of Pine, Pine Balsum, cte. Nover as a substitute for the ry ¥in Ofl of Fine, as they will nvarishly produce nausea and never offéet the desired result. Virgin Gil of - Fine (Pure) is also said i be n perfect neutralizing agent for urit acid. - ---------------- A Child's Ooat. A very pretty little street costume for a little tot is shown in the plate, cape. cont being made of white Bedioed cord, ornamented with hand | embroidery. The edg® of the cape and' the culls of the slesves were scalloped in white silk, a conventional flower figire being embroidered every dix | inches or so above the edge. The front of the coat was laid in a box plait, which was feather stitched on each side and embroidered in flower sprays. The little cap was of white corded silk, edged with a band of white swans down, and ornamented with full ros- ettes of white ribbon at each side. Nene penis: The new pure food and drug law will mark it on the label of every cough cure containing opium chloroform, or any other stupifying or poisonous drug. But it passes Dr. Shoop's cough cure ae made for twenty years, entive- ly free. Dr. Shoop all ong has bit- terly opposed the use of all opiates or narcotics. Dr. Shoop's couch cure is absolutely safe even for the youngest ba d it cures, it does not simply suppress. Get a safe and reliable cough cure, by simply insisting on having Dr. Shoop's. Let the law be your protection. We cheerfully recom- mend and sell it. All dealers. : Very, very often a man is known by the candy he sends. Why not send high class candy, such as MeConkey's or Huyler's from Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Negro soldiers of the 25th Infantry at Fort Bliss; Texas, fought in a sa- loon last night, Private Mattnews was killed and Private Lewis and Alex- ander Johnson, saloon keeper, were wounded, A card game. is said to have (promoted the affair. William James Hanbridge, Otonahes; kicked by a colt on Thursday, is dead.' [holiday By {er, lormerly of Glace Bay, C.B., but "Hirelunil; 'but dor * The th's Falls have to _continte the Saturday half 'the year. lorenee t, Picton, was Miss KF : , on Thursday to G. G. Harp of Picton, ppson, born in hy living near Belleville, is dead. She was an Angi can, and an estim wonlafi Death camme to? the home of the Stone family, on the first concession of Dalhousie, last Monday, when Wil- liagn; second --son- of the late Robert Stone, passed to eternal rest. Deceased was about fifty years Mh % George » @& Mghly es eemed and gaia] | i born ~ Ab- hott Inn, Hampshire, fifty-eight years , 8 dead in Belleville. He was a on and S.0.E., and leaves a widow and four children. On October 16th, there died, one of the oldest residents of the Haley's Station neighborhood, in the person of Patrick Whalen. The late Mr. Wha- len had lived there for fifty years at least and always occupied the one arm. ' -------- BIG TRAFFIC. Greatest Record in Canals' History. Detroit, Nov. 5.-~-With six weeks of navigation yet to come, the Soo e¢a- nals already. have broken the record of the greatest year in their history in point of tonnage, which /was 1905; when', it reached 44,270,680" p to November lgt, this yedr's tommage had exceeded that of the entire sea- son of 1905 by 134,000 tons. The ton- nage for October was over 7,000,000 the greatest month 'in the history ol the canals. This year's tonnage will be double that of 1990. - Government officials predict that next year's traf- fic will be one-third greater than this year's CANADA'S POSTAL REVENUE. Gain of $150,000 Dver October of Last Year. Ottawa, Nov. 5--Canada's postal revenue is forging ahead at an as- tonishing rate. For the month of October it amounts to $660,796, a the gain of 8150,441, and $236,847, re spectively, when compared with the same month in 1905 and 1898. For the four menths ending October 31st the total receipts of the post office de- partment were $2,450,065, as against $2,136,066 for the sam® months of 1905-06, and of $1,418,728 for the first four months ofthe fiscal vear 1898-9, COUGHED UP BUCKSHOT. ---- Carried Forty Years, Before He nN Died. Portland, Ore., Nov. 5--In a vio lent fit of coughing, shottly before his death at a local hospitdl, H. L. Mills, an Oregan pioneer of 1876, and nephew of Gen. Robert E. Lee, raised from his lungs a buckshot that he had carried in his body singe the civil war, when as a member of the 15th New York Engineer corps, he fought against the army commanded by his mother's bro- ther, Bank' Embemler Oni Trial. Albany,' N.Y., Nov. 5.--The trial of Charles E. Fitcham, the former teller of the First National Bank of Sara- toga, who is charged with embemling £115,000 five years ago, was continued to-day. Prisoner admits he took $30,- 000 and that the remainder was used to cover overdrafts, and pay certifi- cates of deposits, as they became: due, Fitcham denied the rumor that he was shielding the bank and that he could make discldsures Which éould seriously involve some persons interested in the bank. He also stated that his family had no knowledge of these transact- ions and that they had been unjustly accused. A Gift From Rockefeller. New York, Nov. 5.--It is announced that John 1D. RookefeHer had made the American Baptist Home Mission Society - a conditional pift of £75,000 toward the rebuilding of the destroyed and injured Baptist churches in - and about San Francisco. The condition is that the society shall raise as nruch more by April 1st next. : He was forty years of age and un- married. a ¢ tion to 'tourists. The ous sepulchres 'fee of sixpence *e 5 A, NEAR VALE TTA, MALTA. g hw skulls and bones are sup oly) island after 'massacre of the -------------- See the Portable Vibrator. tevlessness. Cibson's Red déug store is selling them. It cures Cross 11t was all College for the last fifteen [THE SPORT REVIEW| THERESULT OF SATURDAY'S RUGBY GAMES, Argonauts Almost Defeated Tigers ~Ottawa College Surprised 'Varsity--Big Scores in the Quebec Matches. Montreals are champions of thé Quebec Rugby Union. Montreal and Rough Riders cach walloped their opponents on 'Satur- MY. hae, : : St, 'Patrick's, of Ottawa, were. Bur- ied completely By the awful score run §P imine them by the champion tregls. Racing begink at the Crescent Cit track, New Orleans, November 29nd, and at San Francisco, Nov, 17th. In the Rough Rider-Westmount match on Saturday, "Jack" Williams kicked two dron goals from mid-field. "Pud" Hamilton, of Kingston, is the conch who is responsible for Mon- treal winning the Quebec rugby cham- Fignship, The Caulfield oup, at Sydney, N.S. W., was won by the three-year-old Poscidon, the favorite, Simonda was second and Booran. third. Thd eight match of the South Afri- cans' soccor tour in England was an- other vietory for the tourists. Their score against Somerset was fourteen to nothing, Leo Convery, éne of the Gananoque rughy team's best wings, leaves, to- morrow, for Saskatoon, Sask., to settle. He is a good rifle shot, a base- ball and hockey player, and a yachts- 'man. Gananogue's sporting. 'circles will miss hin yery wich. The stakes run for in England am- ount to: $2,275,300. Of this it is esti- mated that two-thirds of this sum came from the owners in entrance, for- feits and starting fees. This leaves the actual sum won amount to $815,135, Frank Grierson, president of the civil service says it may be several days yet before the list of players now beng dealt with by the executive of the C.AA:U., on chargés of profes- sionalism will come up, for there are no fewer than-150 names under con- sideration. Alexander Warden, who this week resigned the post of treasurer of the Presbyterian * Church of Canada, will be remembered as ome of the fast for- ward line of the team that so often won the championship of the Ontario Hockey Association for the Welling tons, of Toronto. Charles A. Sherwood, the eaptain of the New York athletiq club's bicycle team, is virtually champion. of the United States for the season of 1901 Sherwood is far in the lead, with 20 points, and. George Cameron, of the New York Athletic club, stands sec ond, with 15 points. James Zanes and Watson J. Kluczek are tied for third with 5 points each. « The Versailles( France) Court is in- vestigating a case in which the facts are as follows : In August last a two- year-old filly whose name was given "Irene," won the Prix de la Hautie. Tt was an easy victory, and following it M. Camille Blanc bought Treme for a little over £500. It is now alleged that the winner was not Trene at all, but a substitute almost exactly like her, At a general meeting of the Enolish Rugby Union, with only three dissent ing voides, it was decided that in the case of regimental matches, and in such cases only, no soldier shall be considered a professional on the ground of having played with or against playérs of the Northern Up- ion, - the professional organization. This will not apply, though, in the event of such an ocourrence after the date of this resolution, and further- more, although a soldier who had played Northern Union football is thus made an amateur for the purposes of regimental football, on leaving the army he again becomes a profess al. ; Close Shave For Tigers. By the narrow margin of one point, Hamilton Tigers defeated Argonauts on "Varsity athletic fields, Toronto, Saturday, in a senior O.R.F.U. game. The score at half time stood 5 to 2 in favor of the Argos, and 9 to-8 in favér of the Tigers at the finish. The Tigers were very lucky to pull out a victory. > Hamiltonians came down to Toron- to, looking for an easy victory, and even went so far as to bet that Tighrs would double the score, .and such other bets. - A regrettable accident happened in the third quarter. Hay, the fast little Argonaut half back, who had been putting up a grand game, had his leg broken. He wmafied a punt and ran to kick it, but in the mix-up that followed those close to the touch line heard 'a snap, and therewith the above result. Hay's loss was a sori: ong blow to the team? for his. fast work was much depended upon by the Argos. To "Chaucer" Elliott is due the erodit of the Argonauts' fine showing. Had Hay not met with the above mentioned accident, the Tigers would have been defeated. Surprise At Ottawa. Ottawa College sprang a great scr- prise, Saturday afternoon, when they defeated Toronto "Varsity, at the capi tal, by 5 points to 4. The visitors did not display any great anyiety in the first halt, 'and Collage really had a shade the better of it even against the wind. At half time "Varsity lod | by 4 to 0, but they were lucky to have even that much of a lead. The first point for Ottawa was a touch in goal, and they kent ham. ting Away a point at a time until, with two rouges and two more touches, in goal, they lod "Varsity by 5to0 4. not two minutes before time was up. minutes of the t ame, 'Varsity being | practically play: 3 off their feet. Other Rugby Resplts. Montreals, 72; St. Patrick's, 3. Rewagh. Rides, Ro Westmounts, 7. tetagias, 23: Peterboros; 14, Hamilton 11, 6; Dundas, 5. Galt Juniors, 20; H ton, 4, At Seattle, = speaking in the THE BEST NATURAL PURGATIVE WATER, ORDINARY DOSE~A Wineglassful before Breakfast, The good effects of Apenta Water are maintained by smajjey and steadily diminishing doses, repeated for successive days, SPARKLING APENTA (NATURAL APENTA CARBONATED), IN SPLITS ONLY. A Refreshing and Pleasant Aperient for Morning Use, * Sole Exporters: THE APOLLINARIS CO., Ltd, London, Summer is ended and the cool weather is here It's now time to change one': shoes. Our store is the place where the best, the newest the latest shoes are to b: found, and at the least prices The freshest designs, the up-to the-day and the hour creations. Heavy and light. Walking Shoes for men and womer, shoss forthe bays and girls, shoss for the en- tire family. Riiay diy bots, storm shozs aud all other desira- ble kinds. B:wty, sarvice, comfort, and small cost combine. For whitever purpyse you may require Boots and Shoes we have them ani at the lo vest pricas. The House of Good Shoe Making J. H. Sutherland & Bro. This Advertisement Is Put in This Paper That It May Be Read Very Carefully Here Are the Facts THE PLUM RIVER MINING COMPANY, of acres of good LEAD and ZINC prop erty, all necessary Mining equipment. Th eo Mine is 137 miles from Chicago, THINK OF IT, and within 24 miles of the Chicago and G.W.R.R. This Railroad Company and also MONT GOMERY , WARD have purchased Leaseholds, respectively, adjoining t he Plum River Company's land. The Lead is visible in the shafts in 15 pl.aces; in '"'seams," '"'chimneys;" etc. I am selling TREASURY STOCK--par value $1.00--for 25¢. per share. RI MEMBER THERE IS ALMOST AN UNLIMITED MARKET FOR LEAD AND ZINC IN THE UNITED STAT ES. The product of this Mine can h sold at the pjt's mouth. I am the only person East of Chicago,ofiering this Stock for sale. In Chicago it is being sold, by the directors, among their friends. Up to the present there are not more than 35 shareholders The money received from the sale of this Treasury Stoek will be devoted to the further development of the property. The Brokers in Chicago ar all absorbed in selling GOLD FIELD'S Stock, or this Stock could besold there. Just as every Broker in Can ada is absorbed in Cobalt properties Now, here is a fair, legitimate inves tment, and one that vou will be al lowed 15 DAYS TO EXAMINE before you pay for stock. No "Wild Cat." speculation, this. : . I HEREBY UNDERTAKE TO PAY THE EXPENSES OF ANY SUB SCRIBER FOR STOCK, IF HE FIN DS, AFTER INSPECTING THE PRO PERTY, THAT 1 HAVE STATED ANYTHING BUT - THE FACTS. For further particulars apply to THOMAS MILLS, 79 Clarence St. Kingston, Novembdy 2, 1906. Stockton, Ill., have 215 with two shafts being sunk, and Medium Priced Shoes When we say medium price Shoes, we mean lines which sell at $1.50 to $3 for women, $2 to 3 for men $1.25 to 2 for boys, $1 ta 1.75 for girls. We have an extra good and reliable stock of the medium price shoes. They are stylishly made and will give entire saii faction to the wearer. McDERMOTT'S Shoe Store * FOCGIPO0 FIG HOOGRODFFGRH © 4 ' That Famous ae ; Satins Chewing Candy Satins r * Brown's Butter Scotch i Almonds, Walnut, < Peanut and Cocoanut Taffies only 20c. per Ib, A. J. Rees, 166 Princess St. INSURANCE AND FINAN ---------- --_------------------ Mcintyre & Melntyr BARRISTERS MONEY TO LOK) KING STREET. KINGSTON he business of the late C. one, will be carried on in office, 79 Clarence street. | G. A. Batemas CUSTOMS BROKER ho for the last five years rar0 mciated with Mr. Ov: If You Want a Home o Insurance Have a talk with George Zeigle iI Real Estate and Insurance If 57 BROCK STREET Ordered Footwe { Repairs Good "advertising serves t call attention Tor a time but merit alone can stan the test of time: * A.E. Herod, "..." Watches Solid 14k." Gold Lad Watches, from $25 up. Ab lutely reliable time keep: Solid 14k. Gold Ger Watches, from $50 up. curately made moveme that will give a life-time good service. Watch Repairing Our Specialty oo) KINNEAR & d'ESTER 100 Princess St. Kingston Business Colleg (LIMITED) Head of Queen street, Kings Canada, devoted to higher C mercial and Shorthand educat All Commercial subjects tau Individual instruction. Day Evening classes. Inter at , time. Rates moderate. Att the best. ® H.F. METCALFE, Pr WANTE All the Furniture and S Highest prices realized by", JOHN H. MILL The Leading Auct: Wm. Murray, Auctio 27 BROCK ST. 'New Carriages, Cutters, Hs etc, for sale. Sale of Horses Every Sat Ladies' Teilori Workmanship, 1 Date Styles, and Good Fit anteed. . 286 University NewYork Chinese Restau 83 Princess Street Open from 10.30 a.m. to 8.00 The best placy to met an all Lunch fn the city; Meals of all on shortest notice. English and | dishes a specialty. Finest of NewRestaura Hotel Congress 338-342 King Sireet Everything - Served in" S BILLY HARRIS, P 14th Band a . Orchestra Music for I Occasions, Inst: on Mili and Instruments Violin, Mandolin, - Guitar and Address Bandmuaster Watson H. (Canadian Chinese Resta '331 King Street + Open frem 10.30 a.m. to 3.0 The best place to get an all Lunch in the city. Meals 'of all bn shortest motice. English and ( dishes a specially. 'Phone, 655. Sn -------------------- S-- - & 4 HOUSE ORC S | "THE BUSY ONE." \ Special ENGLOut Partin, Vien: H RRY, Leader . Viels. Instruction. Pupil Boston.

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