ls DR. SCOTT'S ¥ best gxternal | MENT all kinds NHY ade for % pars BECAUSE 20, Cheap bat re used. Wo , pq ile aye. th that no tiny Pots Sn he Sans a comin; M&h-pr rel Ral ote. combinations tired in Excellent Hair poy ad Soap por Restore Large bottle, 25 cents, rol Jor tele at your (yr IZiist " ; is awn ARrotured gy Meg " Dry Scott's: White - dobn, NB Liniment Co and Chejpyge Seal Skin Sacks Persian Lamb Sacks Fur-lined Coats Ruffs and Mufis ang Fancy Neck Pieces W. F. GOURDIER Exclusive Fur Store Phone 700 Gold Lockets oe take pleasure ip drawing your atte ntion to our, now, full stock of Gold Locke ts. Ladies' Round Lockets: plain and stone for the Rock sete, chain. Be and with "8 CIETY for "gentlemen's vest chains, A glance at for above piece will, without doubt, he to your advantage. SMITH BROS, Jewellers and Opticians IS UERS O® MARRIAGE LICENSES our Prices COAL From ¢ ' ¢ P. WALSH : You get genuine Scranton as he handles nothing { else ' ' a MAA AEVVVVVVVVTVILTTS r Everybody ling the Most Popular OATS y at Very Reasonable Prices Coats for Children, all 1ade 'in latest style and off, regular $2.50 and up weed Coats, something ecial at $9.50 and up. of Ladies' Black Coats, lewest designs at $7.50 For the Ladies lk Waists, . White or Black, )8 and up. lack Sateen Petticoats, lined h Red Flannel Flounce, and 3 s, with Silk Hemstitching, 15. anneleile Night Gewas 49. annelette Wrappers, + $1, £1.25, $1.45. gperial at Underwear! or Men,-Women, Girls astic Knit Underwear, that would be worth "Saturday at soc a suit, 0 : : OUR BARGAINS FOR T0-MORROW And get famihar with our low prices ; certain 'trade-winds' blew in a few good snaps and are far below their usual prices, » ~~ Dress Goods h All Wool Black Chevoit, made of the finest yarn, beautifiil TO-MOR ROW, 8%¢. Bé inch- Scotch Tweed, every thread Pure Wool, in a good variety of patterns, regular $1 quality. Special TO-MORROW, 49¢c. yard. Underwear! Underwear! Ladies' Elasti¢: Ribbed Vests and Drawers, 35¢c., for 23c. $1 Natural Wool Yests and Drawers, will not shrink just a limited quantity to go SATURDAY, at each, 69c. Flannelette Gowns and Skirts In White and Pink 'only. Extra large &izes. Real value 75c., TO- MORROW each, 59c. Skirts in Blue and White, micely made, lace trimmed, §1 value, for 69c. $0 inc Black, $1.45 guality, each. Coats BO inch Long Coats, made of All Wool, Black Kersey Waist/ and Sleeves Lined, full flaring model, velvet and. braid trihumed, collar and cuffs. Very special, TO-MORROW, $11.50. { B0 inch Long Coats of English Mixtures, in light shades, double breasted, close fitting, velvet callar, > "and. Jancy buttons, the " best coat in Kingston, at $12. \ Bee the All Wool Stockings we sell at 25¢. in Ribbed or Jus The James Johnston Store ' THE STORE THAT SERVES yOu BEST "-- ' Don't Hide Your Light" Under ill-fitting, inferior quality cf clothes and thereby do yourself injustice. The best and latest style Suits and Overcoats are so low in price here that almost everybody can afford them. New Overcoats Arrived This Morning! Come in and see them: Try one on and see if you ever had a better fitting garment or a more stylish one. NEW SUITS NEW TROUSERS : NEW FANCY VESTS NEW GLOVES NEW NECKWEAR > In fact every department is filled with all that is newest in the market, and the values are the best in town. y . Cut Prices all Through the Store For Saturday There is one thing sure--you can always regard your money as being only on deposit here until you are suited. ) Roney & Company 127 Princess Street The Store That Sets The Pace Quality and Price | NOTICE . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT a apolicatiou will. be made to the Parlia- assured of if you place ¥OUT 001 "of" Canada at' the next Sdesion biter w ith us, thereol, for an Act exvending the time Qu Si i for the commencement aml completion of Juiek Servite we dim at. the lines and | nes ot railway and | New Goods arriving daily. extensions nuthcrized by Chapter 90, of the Statutes of 1904, und Chapter R86, Nes ® Figs New Thates, New [Pee 8 of the Statutes of 1905 and in addition W Lemonge New Ornhges, New Canned | po rir ning power will be asked and Preservisd. Fruits, Supplies of ew 1 1 Lto enable the Dominion Central Railway pular lines. Company to enter into an agreement or agreenynts under Neacrion 281 amd fol. lowing sections of The Railway Act, 1903. with one or more or all of the fol- lowing Companies :--Th rand Trunk Railway Company T dian Pacific Railway Company ian North- Railws Biseyits Land «Cookies, New lings of Breakfast Foods, Choice d Pickéd Smow Apples, Talons and s, also Cooking Apples. Butter, a rmers fresh made few I lots Soming in. the ines | ern Ontario ( any. Tha Co Se ok Sauseme, ls « Brockville, Westport and North Western lowest prices. Railway Company. wl BED. SMITH, Prescott For the spplicants F. Dated at Prescott, the Bth day of Van uven, November, T0086. Phone wr : i 246 Princess S t ors far excelled a Turner landscape when the sun is red and low, and there in the window in glaring green EEE Em------------ A Noisy Colors. Burcegs. type a large sign wead : 'Listen !" 'You can't beat the Irishman for sperma pane ¥it," says Robert . Edeson, "and. he "Three Swallows." takes advantage of his native procli- ty in all his business enterprises. While walking in' one of the business thoroughfares of Pittsburg last year My attention was arrested by a dis- play 'of shirts _in a haberdasher's win- tow, _ which Aor vaziety of sunset col- Sir John Power & Son "Three Swallows Teich Whiskey, Famous for over a century, OF hi p standard of purity. Distillers to His Majesty the King. ------e---- Try Bibby's $2 derby hat. . DAILY BRITISH wHIG, GRAND OPERA HOUSE NETTIE THE NEWS GIRL" WELL RECEIVED. There Was a Good Audient¢e in Attendance--There Will Be Several Fine Operatic Coms panies Here Next Week. There was a large audiehce at the Grand Opera House last night, The piece _prese nted was "Nettie, thé News Girl," a sensational melodrama, but performed by a very * good company. Miss Isabella Lowe, as "Nettie, the pride of the Newspaper Alley, was the centre of attraction, and won the favor of the audience by her clever acting. She sang and danced well. R C. Maddox, as a Dutchman with an Irish name, gave a good account of himself. The singing and dancing in the specialties were appreciated. The scenic effects were fine, especially the old Fulton Ferry and the attempted tragedy in the tunnel: The music and singing was bright and catchy. In some of the songs the "gods" were in their element, "Painting The Town." "Painting the Town," the new musi cal play, which comes to the Grand on Monday, November 12th, with a cust of sixty people, is a jolly com bination of opera, comedy, spectac le, ballet and pantomine, with an un unusually large investiture of magnifi- startling mechanical fea- cent scenery, tures, sumptuous costuming and the latest -- novelties in electric lighting and effects. «Princess Beggar." A novel dectrical effect js said to be. op of the features of *'Princess Re andr," in whith Charles Dillingh am will present Paula Fdwardes at the Grand on Widnesday, Noversher 11th. A topical musizal number, which is one of the fraquently encored features of the opera,.is called * 'When It's Ruinin~ "amd. during its repeated choruses, the girls suddenly return with umbrell constructed of foliage and flowers. The lig lower, and the flowers in these suid aly burst iif- to boom, myriads of tinted incandes cent lamps glowing brightly vast the tropical background of the "Isle oT the setting of the second The audience has hardly recov from its sarprise when the rain beging falling in a luminous sheet, and the evolutions of the chorus are earried through amidst a perfect down pour of liquid light. GAVE A FINE CONCERT. "Royal Scotg" Entertain at City Hall, Thursday Night. There was a fairsized audionee at the concert given in the Uity hall, Thursday night, by the "Royal Scots' [Concert company, but the entertain: iment merited a much larger attend ance. 'Lhe programme was an excel lent. one and provided a rare treat for all present. 'these taking part were: Miss Flora Donshison and George il, Scottish sing and Pred How- ard, ventriloquist nd musical on tertainer. A. Barwick was the accom- panist of the evening, having taken the place of Miss McGregor, who was unable to be present. Mr. Barwick's home is at Glasgow, Scotland. Every number' on. the programme received a hearty encore, and those having the affajr in charge are to be congratula- ted for securing such able artists, Miss Donaldson possesses. a clear, sweet voice, and of her numiwrs were warmly ived. Her opening selection was 'Sound the Pibroch," and "she also sang "The Bonnie Lass 0' Ballochruyle," and "A Hundred Pipers." Mr, Neil was well received on every occasion and put much life in all his selections which were most pleasing. His songs included "Afton Water," "The Auld Scotch Songs" and "Mary of Argvle." The two duets rende! red by Miss Donaldson and Mr. Neil, "Crooket Bawbee,"" "Huntingtower," were well worthy of special 'mention. As an ent i Mr. Howard takes first place. In a Barrack Room," was the his first ventriloquist and in this he amusement. The same of his second number, Concer The musical closing number, was exceedingly well put on. Mr. Barwick gave several fine pianoforte selections. rrangements have been made for the company to give a sacred concert at the opera house here on Sunday evening next at 8:15 o'clock, when a special programme will be given. title of entertainment, furnished no end of can he said "A Country melange, | his SIGNALLERS INSPECTED t the = Armories Mundell. Last "evening the signallers 14th P. W. O. Rifles and stafi signallers, were given their an nual inspection at the armouries. Captain Mundell, commanding signal ling officer, ' Lieut. Stroud, district signalling officer, Warrant Officer Me- Gowan; chief instructor of signalling, and Sergt. Clerk Crowley, were pre- (sent, and participated in the inspec tion. The signallers were worked in Morse flag, semaphore, group reading, lamp, heliograph and Morse sounder, ind made a very creditable showing in all classes of signalling work, The staff signallers apnearsd for the first 'time in. their new uniform, which is of the infantry vie, and some- thing of a disapnoiftment to the men and civilians, who have taken an in- terest in the work of signalline. Ow- ing to illness, Major Carruthers was inot present, but Col, Gordon, 0.C., By Capt. of the the local E.0.C., and Lieut. Col. Kent of the 14th, watched the interesting work of the signallers throughout. Still More Cars Wanted. The shipments of hay continue to cguse the railways much trouble. It was stated to-dav that there . were large quantities of hay at Wolfe Is land, ready for shipment, but that it could not be brought over.to_ King ston as there: were not enough cars available. The cause for the great segreity id the fact that the railways have been sending most of their cars to the North-West to carry rain for export. . This morning the K. & P. shipped four cars of hay out of the city. FRIDAY, ---- High Price Gives Indians. Their Opportunity., Tourists in the Blaok-Hills this fall sav that the Hionx Tadlans are do inr a wood business dn working off artificial elk teeth upon unsuspecting visitors, writes the Lincoln, Neb, cor: responden of the New York Sun. The Inefians take small vieces of bone, polish them and fashion them into the shape of the 'real clk tooth. A squaw or a buck will dangle one of these at the end of a strine necklace and mingling with a crow of tou will epsily find a purchaser. usually get 8 for one of the tions, which "camiot easily be! told from the gennine. They carry the fraud to the point oa of browning the end of the tooth to init: ate that it 4s of considerable age Elk teeth have "been the principal dtnaments of the Sioux, Crows, Crees, Bannocks and other north-western tribes for centuries, They are supposed to also have velue ia warding off bad luck, and it has always been a part of the Indian creed that it is necessary to bury them with the dead owner. The principal demand for the teeth comes from members of the Elks and has caused a big increase in prices in the last few years. Two years ago a well-marked tooth could be bought for $10 and the best for $15. Nowadays a good one brings $25. hey imita- PAULA BUWARDS, In "The Prince Beggar,' at the Grand, on Wednesday, Novemier 14th Joined K. & P. Staff. M. Singleton, formerly of Swift's of fice, has taken a position in the dudi- tor's department of the K. & P. to fill the vacancy eaused by the resigna- tion of D. Davis. Difficult To Secure Men. Somy little difficulty was experienc ed at Richardsons', to'day, in rotting enongh men to load feldspar. It 'is stated" that it is hard to secure lab- oring men at present. John Vance, a well-known farmer near Omemee, and the tallest man in the district, ten from his buggy, and disd of heart failure. ' Happiness in a Tablet Perfect Health For 'Every One Procured At Small Cost. How many times have you sat down at your meals absolutely disrusted at the "thought or sight of anything to eat ? How many times have you sat down at your meals without the trace of an appetite but just because it was "time to eat ¥" How many times have you felt a guawing, unsatisfied "stili-hungry' feeling in your stomach, evem after you were through cating ? How, many times have you felt that "lump of lead" on your stomach after cating, whether your meal was well cooked or not ? And how many times have you suf- fered a whole lot 'of other things from your stomach that you couldn't ex- Plain, but that made you srouchy, miserable, out-o'-sorts and generally sour on everybody and everythine ? It is safe to say you couldn't tell. You don't keep track of those things, of course, but you know you've suffered them. You probably have had them for so long that they've hecome a habit swith you, and you have come to the conclusion that your fate is to suffer them indefinitely and perhaps forever. And so men, much like horses, stand ing unhitched at the hitching post, think they're tied, und so their habit makes them prisoners But ne one need have dyspepsia; indigestion, nor lod of anpetite, brash, irritatio nm, burning sensations, heartburn, "nausea, eruetations, bad memory, loss of vim and vigor and hor the happiness thit. comes from a healthy stomach and a. ood avvetite il he will only leave his old hitching post and tie himself = to a new onp; one thatywili Jold him to health, joy, ambition and" clear mind And mem- ory, and the sunshine that eoes with them, That indeed is heaven 1 And von can get it in a little tablet already' pre- pared for the purpose, in Stuart's Dvspevsia Tablets, those «little * cher- uhs of health and: dddight found © in thousands of homes today. Tisten-- one ingredient of one of these preciofis little tablets will digest for you 3,000 graind of food. This #lieves wour stomach of the work of digesting until your stomach ean get rong and healthy avain. Your stdiigch -his been overworked and abused. It's fageed out. It needs a rest, Left Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets do the work of your stomach. Yon will be surprised how fine vou'll feel after eating, and how Tnsciontlv eoodl every- thine will taste to you. That's because the tablets are thorouchly dicesting the food which vour stomash couldn't divest before. Have these tablets on your dining table, and take one or two after every meal without fail. Then vom will real ize, ne never before that the human stomach decides for every man wheth- er he will #0 forward or baekward-- ond hesides, you'll fordet vou ever had a stomach to tormept, you, - - % - CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion," le. a word. Each. con- secutive . insertion therafter 4¢.. a word. Minimum charge for ome in~ sertion, de. Advt. 4 lines or under a week, $l. Advi. 4 lines or under a month, $2. Bverybaiy in Kingston Reads ihe WHIG HELP WANTED--MALE, = EE TWO CARTERS, WITH THEIR OWN carts and ply Swift's Coal Yards, A MAN OR STRONG BOY, TO WORK about' one hour per day. Particulars at 144 University Avenue. BOYS AND' YOUNG NEN WHO UN- derstand tying brooms ; wiso for gen- eral work. Apniy Gould & Co., Cor. King a BOAT BUILDERS, TO WORK ON launches. Nome but first-class hands need apply. State experience und wages wanted, Jutten's Boat and Launch Works, Haanilton, GENTLEMEN TO HAVE THEIR overcoats made to look like new, pressed and cleamed or turned. New work guaranteed to please. Prices right. Galloway, the Tailor, 181 Brock street. MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE IN eight weeks. Graduates earn ten eighteen rer week. Branches through- out -Canndn and United States. Help secure positiong. Catalogue free - Moler Barber College, 882 Went Sten Toronto, HEL? WANTED---PEMALE. LADY AS ASSISTANT BOOK. kecper. One with OI ape ot reed, Apply Box Whig office. GIRL, GOOD aE INERAL SERVANT. One who can cook. Apply after 7.80 Mrs. D. G. Laidlaw, in ng J greet. A YOUNG LADY AS CASHIER, WILL. ing to go to Toronto. Apply by letter to Mr. Moflat, care The Wi. Davies Co., Limited, 24 Queen street West, Toronto, MEDICAL. DR. McCARTHY, OFFICE LATELY occupied by Dr. Ryan, 'corner Mop treal and Brock streets. LOST. LITTLE BLACK PUP, WITH WHITE breast, and leather strap on neck. Finder please Hassen, Cor, streets. George Ontario return to Johnson and VETERINARY, DR. G: W.. BELL, VS, moved to his brick block, , ust above the Post Office. Calls hy telephone or telegraph promptly attended to. HAS RE- on Clarence 3 » LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. ------ Mr. Hall Is Proposed. Kingston, Nov. 9.--(To the Editor) : I hope the council will fill the position of assistant chief of the fire brigade by, appointing a man in every way competent. In this connection I would mention the name of John Hall, con- nected with the force for about thirty years. He began as a stoker, and hav- ing heen promoted to his present posi- tion as lineman for 'his devotion to duty and ability as a foreman, it is only reasonable to claim that he has the experince that should specially fit him for the position. Mr, Hall ¢ a native Kingetonian. That should count a greag deal when there are positions to fill. CITIZEN. The Public Library. Kingston, Nov, S.-To the FEdit- ori: I was glad to see a letter in this ovening's paper, callin the at- tention of the directors of the public library to its present unsytisfactory condition. 1 agree with the writer in all he says, and I hope some. steps horses; steady work, Ape Ww oe AL. kind of house ropuirs: Apply Beale, 1 Rideau street. This Is the Page where you can make your 'DIMES GROW DOLLARS . . . Just look through the opportunities o fered here. FOR SALE, FARMS, ANY LOCALITY DESIRED. . MeCunu, 51 Hro ELECTRIC MOTOR, EIG gover now running in KINDS OF CITY PROPERTY, ALL KIN McCann's Real Estate ition. a Brock street. BILL TARD \FABLL, CAROM, NEW ork make ; Ux5 feet cushion space. Apply ain Whig office. A WHITE SEWING MAOCHIND, cheap, for cash. In perfect condition. Apply Box "D.."" Whig office. AMBRICAN ENCYCLOPEDIA, NEW sixteen volumes, at a ount, for Apply through Whig special reason. office. ------------------------------------------------------ SEVENTEEN HORSES, ALL KINDS, a 2,600 nound team for $65. D. J. Hay, 'Maguey -Harrin Agent, Clarence strom. FARM, ON BATR Ri LESS 4 than two miles from {= con ining about 180 acres. three mover miling wells on the property, ing throurh jg +4 soll, clay loam. One of the fa the County. Apnly to v Py + ris, on the farm; or at 874 lfred street, Kings All Cobalt And Other Mining Stocks Bought and Sold At Market Prices Iam in direct communi- cation with the Toronto Market. J.E CUNNINGHAM 40 CLARENCE STREET 'Phone 701 Ibo taken to corroet the tute. in i manwrement he had™ mention NECA SUBSCRIBER. SUEUR COURT OF REVISION. ---- Finished Its Hearing of Appeals Yesterday. > The court of revision completed ite songions yesterday afternoon, when Rideau and Victoria ward appeals were taken up, The following reductions were made: Benjamin Asselstine reduced from $700 to 8650, Division street, ° * R. W. Nesbitt from 81 200 to $1 400, on Johnson street. R. W. Anglin reduced from $1 £0040 81,200 on property, Union street. Mrs. Breck reduced - from' $7,000 to 86,500, on Romilly House, Barrie street. George Bale,' income tax struck off. The court will st again on the 15th, to hear jopeals arising out of its de. cisions 'this week Buy Bovril at Gibson's Red Cross A FARM TO RENT, WITH A oweLd BLLINGS, T $18, urchasing, McCann, 51 Brock x St. $30°835, at Ne B53. Tie eny PROPERTY TO BUY: Nik STORAGE SPACE FOR FURNE engl. bk S. BR. MeCann, ware, ete . Frost, 299 Wve : frock Stree street. . TWO PAINTERS AND PAPER | ROOMS OVER WADE'S, COR KING hangers want situations. Used to all and Brotk (reste heated b pS street. IRST COLA SITUATED, ND onstrated brick ran. I 11" rooms. : SE Setached, on Presa, ell Two well-furnished office } rooms to let ; bright, airy, good location, on Kis St, Q Apply J. P. Forrest, Gents | Furnisher, 348 - King street.' EWLANDS "tou. cvsond. fe floor_over Mahood [ » Entrance on Besot 'Phone, 0608. es POWER & SON, ARCHITEOT chant's Ban aiding, corner and Wellington stroota, Phone, 21 E RY P. 8M ---- SIT, WARE, (Phone, 345. H H, ARC OF AY FR ART MONEY AND BUSINESS. POLICIES COVER MORE OUR building and contents than any other ts than Godwin' Insurance Ean Rat et Squal & re: drug store, Fresh there, Fo A ie Wr Wai 5 ¥ wh ™ ' ¥ ve i a, Prof. 'Shortt's Tecttre. - ! "@ ign Banking" will be 'the title of Prof, A. Shortt's lecture to be delivered before the nbating club at the YMCA, toni Fras al Canadian should 2 about the lar nati ationy of of think country, and ing ie one of them, This _a ing from an eminent spoclatist; Shou be. heard by every man in the city. Attenidgnee is not confined to members, but every man is igvited. The chair wilt be oteupiod by J. M. Farrell. Y.M, C. A. Notes. Dr. Mylks will meet the gymnasium men to-night at eight o'clock con tinuing his leéctares on how to give, aid to the injured before the arrival of a physician. Every member sl ba. on hand. Try Ribby's for fancy sweaters, Mise Edith Evangeline Karlev, born at Athens, Sighteen years ago, is dead, in Monten), Try Biby's speial $130 loves "