AND {SKIN AR kin which does not allow the oo! 'watery portion of the bicoi t; Zam: Buk cures eczema, because it gives it tone, and this ends the pa. nf own Methodist preacher, of Lyng (Noi great herbal balm. ** Fezema ia:1,. whole body in patches. 1), wed terribly, At other times they io |, and juternal remedies alike proc misery. When Zam Buk was iv, 1, her Uninigs Fhad tried, but T wus pl, gave me case, and right from tha: 1 quite cleared of all trace of cez 1. Buk ORE CURED : Welland County, says :--* My bab, gts and pimples which itched "bw ame ighited with the result, My hus and a ndidly," ? 3 E CUT IN 3 pays hia 1 cannot speak too Kithls of Zin fl found it a splendid healivg bul ai oo, | lied Zam-Buk ahd in threo. due (1, 'S wounds almost as » AR this if you ho iY € g y E B : b 'Gentleman's Full Dress : Street Shoe Slater Mode! 721 Patent Coltskin Tourist Last For Frock Coat and 'After spoon Walking Occassions } and for Stremious Wear. 1¢ shoes, or lose money!" This rican shoe manufacturer at the orted shoes pay one dollar duty, bigher wages, or $1.25 in all for ty fine themselves 3314 per cent e-in-Canada shoe can defeat on . ws 'shoe may have been "skinned" eet that handicap of $1.25. et, and you will find that the nufacturer has either withdrawn et or raised his price too high. can artisan devise a better shoe np this "Seal of Certainty" -- n, $5.00 and $4.00 men, $4.00 and $3.50 sive Agent, KINGSTON. blend of the . [ hops. No sub- sor barley gid'to diges- | cause of after dA, AND. AGENT, re, . 330-34 11 KING ST. - 9 Most people know that if they have been sick they need Scorf's Emul- sion to bring back health and strength. . But the strongest point about Scorf's Emulsion is that you don't have to be sick to get results from it. It keeps up the athlete's strength, puts fat on thin people, makes a fretful baby happy, "How Shall I Know I Have Kidney Trouble"? th urine is cloudy or milk: fioating particles or sh : i kidneys. Food in concentrated form for sick and well, young and old, rich and poor. And it contains no drugs and no alcohol. ALL DRUGGISTS;: 50c. AND $1.00. Painful Urination Here's a simple test to prove it :-- Frequent Desire Collect the urine passed in the morning, Pain in Joints and Hips nu glass vessel or bottle, and let stand 13 Puffiness under Eyes hours. If there is a reddish deposit--if the or if there are s--then assuredly there is some seriotis derangement of the THE CHAFLIN CHEMICAL CO. Limited, WINDSOR, Ont Hundreds of men and women are Pain in the Back ] ; Lambage asking themselves that question. Rheumatism They are not' well--and yet not Sciatica exactly ill. Doctors say--*'all run Reraitites down---need a tonic." But tonics fail St Colored Urine to bring back health and strength. It Brick Dust Deposit may be that your kidneys are affected. Bowels Foul Breath Healthy urine stays perfectly clear. Loss of Appetite Irritation of the Bladder The Dribbling -m Kidney Propsical Swellings Pill Bright's Disease : Less of Flesh, clears up the urine, That's the bee way you know-that it is doing your kidneys good. "Bu-Ju" reaches every part of the kidneys-- replaces the diseased tissues with strong, healthy membrane --gives the kidneys the strength and power to properly filter the blood. "Bu-Ju" has thousands of cures to its credit, right here in Canada, among people you know. soc. a box. At all druggists. Crumley Bros' Saturday Specials Handkerchiefs 50 dozen Ladies' Handkerchiefs, pure Rib bons 500 vards Pure Silk Taffeta Ribbon, ~| list. lingn, good size, narrow and wide 1} to & inches wide, in sky, pink, hems, regular price. 15¢. each. Sat- navy, cardinal, brown, green, white urday's price 10c. each or $i per and eream, regular 25¢. quality. Sat- dozen. A limit of one dozen to a urday special at 15¢. per yard. customer. Underwear Chiffon' Taffeta Silk 7 dozen Ladies' and Drawers, in white and natural, neck, long front, regular 35¢. line. Saturday high price only 2c. Elastic Ribbed Vests bright find wide, nee sleeves, buttoned inches each at He. per yard sh, pure silk, 600 yards Black Chiffon Taffeta Silk, IR regular 50ec. quality. Saturday, as long as the lot lasts, Hosiery Flannelette Lali Ril or Plain Pate Sd S00 yards Neat Stripe Flannelette, ashmere ose, extra sphced hee . + oe oorulnr 124e ap rd. and toe, regular 5c. Saturday yard yd DR gular 124c. per yar special at 28e. per pair. Satirday spevial at 10e. per yard. Coats Largest display we ever made pow ready. Here are some facts you should be made acquainted with. ---- Magnificent showing, greatest range. of designs, and the newest materi- from. csmiles of the best London, als are here for you to choose New York and Paris models, Cash Coupons at Crumley Bros. commenti . Easy to smears Buy! EVER WEAR THE FAMOU S Easy to Wear! "Dolgefelt > House Shoes They're Warm! - They re Pretty ! _ SOME$1.00 SOME $1.25 2 McDERM ASSORTED COLORS v They're Light ! They're Noiseless! | SOME. $1.50 OTT'S Shoe Store WE MAKE--BRASS, BRON CAST NGS--QUICK ¥. 7E OR ALUMINUM SEND YOUR PATTERNS ? i Islands, lie i ENTS TELL US \ The People Are Doing And They Are Saying. Willetsholme Items. vice was held in Woodburn chu lust Sunday. Miss Alberta Curtis recovering from illness. lions has begun results. pastoral visits here last week. house. re again calls through this vicinity. The Late David Goodfellow. a prominent farmer of this sixty-five vears of age. He of the first while in munfipal life he was well known, having served treasurer for twenty-six years. was a charter member of L.O.L. order, also a member of the C of Chosen, Friends, and Workmep? All the family* are at Howes, Parham; Mrs. W. was conducted from his late residence Intosh, on October Mth. mains were placed The re the order of Chosen Friends. Death At Caintown. Caintown, Nov. next Sunday evening instead of the afternoon in the Caintown Methodist church. Miss Elsie Ferguson, attend: ing Athens High the boys who went to Webbwood for a hunt, and they of game. lof her brother, James Eli. William |day last to North Bay for a month's |onting. Many from here attended special services at Mallorytown, con- ducted by Miss K. Morton, Toronto. Mrs. Nancy Tennant was called home from Toronto last Saturday to at- tend tho funeral of William Moore. | Miss Nora Kincaid spent last Satur- day and Sunday in Athens. Miss Ena Powell has returned from Brockville. Mrs. Mprgaret Fergnson is on the sick, Mr. and 'Mrs. H. R. Knowlton, Athens, were guests at T. G. Ten- nant's on Monday evening. Miss Almg { Lickey is spending this week visiting her friend, Miss Estella® Dickey, Yonge Mills. \ At his home in Caintown on Satur. day morning, November 3rd, ocourred the death of Wilham Moore, a worthy citizen of this place for years. De- ceased has been in poor health for some time with heart disease, which was the immediate cause of death. The funeral took place on Monday afternoon at the Presbyterian church, the service being conducted hy the Rev. Mr. Peacock, of which doors] was a member. His wile died only seven months ago. | | { - | Where Sunday Is Monday. Manila is one of the most important {Forts in the Philippine Islands, but | ®trange to =ay, is one day behind all | other places of its size in the world. | This curious fact is accounted for {in this way. Although the Philippine near the Asatic coast, | they were discovered by * Spaniards | who mailed from America, When they | crossed the magic line where Sunday | changes inta Monday these fier dons of proud Castilian ancestors did not revise their calendar. When told of this years later and informed that their mode of reckonine time was not up to modern notions they merely said that was so much the worse for mod- ern notions. Anyhow, the fact re- mains that these islanders keep plod ding along one day behind the rest of the world, which reckons time by new style, ww New, laced' sweaters at Pibhy's Thin The genuine Mother Seigle's syrup is sold at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Fresh there. . " A new discovery of iron ore has been made in Snowdon township in the Haliburton disthict. See Bibby's display of neckwear. for boys MARK REGIST quickly cures Iiching Piles, Eczema, od other skin Leo Corrigan, 475 Fe Ave, N. hs Ed ag) and despaired of ever gett erly "7 thought Miva would be like other remedies | had tried," he writes, "but, to delight, a few PE Fel se VI Sot Don't put it off --get a box of Mira Glatment af once sa believed. Prin Se for $2.30. te' or The Chemita' Co. of "Toronto, Ointment § Canada Metal Co. Torts Prone Main'1729] £35 DAILY BRUTISR WHIG, FRIDA NEWS OF NEIGHBORS WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND- From Various Points ! In Eastern Ontario -- What What. Willetsholme, Nov. 7.--Quarterly ser- George Mil- work on the foun- dation for his new barn. The G.T.R. 'has again' placed an vio at : {linclay for might service. Decision day was observed in the Sunday SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH-WEST school, recently with very encouraging Rev. R. Calvert made several] A Mra, | lon Bennett is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. F. Atkinson. C. Shook has placed a furnace in his Agents are again making their Parham, Nov. 7.--Darid Goodfellow, village, died: very suddenly on the morning of October 22nd. For same years he had been troubled with sciatica and rheu- A . 3 3 application is to havo priority a matism, byt was otherwise in fairly | {and will be held wot) the . ry good health, and his death came asa papers to complete ® transactidls are great surprise. Mr. Goodfellow was ace) yy nl ohation™ the entry will was one pioneers of this locality and being of a very ambitious nature was very successful in kis many un- ane application for dnsbection Nip be ings, , very kind t receiv: rom an individual unt dertgkings = he rer vemdy' to. {application hus been disposed of: ose in ned, being 3 > A homesteader whose entry is in good lend a helping hand to his fellow . | standing and not liable to cancellation, In politics he was to approval of Department, a conserva x as township He lian Order the United He leaves a widow and ten children, five sons and five daughters. home, except Jobn Arthur, who is married and re- ~ : , A 3 fal particulars, apniicant will lose sides in the ri'lage. Besides his fam- | any "prior right of re-entry should the ily two brothers and three sisters | land becomegvacant, or if entry has been survive him, namely, John, of Par- Rrinted ® Fan summarily cancelled. ham; Robert, of Kansas City: Mrs. A, 'ddy, Tup- perville, Ont., and Mrs. Norman Curl, Calumet, Michigan, who arrived be- on Mn Suu on, of the land gil fore interment. His fumeral, one of (2) If the fa tor mother, if the the largest ever seen in this village, [lather is a __homesteader , | resides upon a farm by the Rev. Messrs. Fulcher and Mec- - | satisfied by such person residing with the in Parham ceme- tery, the last rites being conducted by T.~Church ser. ice School, speat Sun- day at her home here. Miss E. Dickey, Yonge Mills, spent Sunday here, the ) anthracite. Not more than 820 acres guest of her uncle, James A. Fergu- | can ba = scquire@ by one individual of son. Mrs. Thomas Brydon, Galt, was SompanS: Sovalty, ot the rate of ten the' guest of her parents, Mr. and collected on the gross output. id | Mrs. John T. Tennant, one day last Quarts. --A free miner's certificate 'is week. Word has been received from, | Rraited upon payment in advance of $6 report having lots Miss Eli Finch, is the guest A free { Graham, and Roy Hodge went on Fri, the RHEUMATISM Price 2Be. Mere ois swilles joints In a few Bours. Positively cures in» few dan It does soi put the diswase to dew. but drives b from the system ~MyNYen. HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS, tion of Domin- ein of North: West. Province, Sxospting 8 and 26, not be homesteaded any person al head of a family, or male over 18 years of age, to the extent of She.quarter section, of 160 acres, more or less. Application for homestead entry or in- spection must be made in person the applicant at tho office of the local Agent tion or & t. Ap application Jor entey or & toa, mude personally at any Sub-agent's office to the local Agent by the at the expense of the a plicant, and if the land applied for vacant on receipt of the telegram au be summarily cancelled and the appli- cant will forfdt all priority of claim. An applicant for inspection must be eligible for homestead entry, and only way, sul relinquish it In favour of father, mother, son, dau , brother or sister, if eligible, but to no one else, on fling des claration of abandonment. Ww entry i8 summarily cancelled or voluntarily abandoped, subsequent to instituti 0 ion pr di 4 the applicant for inspection will be en titled to prior right of entry. Applicants for inspection must state in what particulars the bowesteader is in default, and i subsequeniry the state ment is found to be .incorrect ip mater required to per tions under one of the po months' residence up- nity of the land entered for bv such hbmestomder the requirement as to residence may be' father or mother. (8) If the Settior alen, hls perm ut uce upon farming land own the vicinity of his Homestead, t be satisfied by ng application for patent the settler must give six months' notice in writing to the Commissioner of Do- minion Lands at Ottawa, of his inten- tion to do so. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH. WEST MINING REGULATIONS. Coual.--Conl lands may be purchased a $10 per acre for soft coal and $30 for. Ps annum: for an individual, and from to $100 per annum for a company according to capital. miner, having discovered miner pe in place, may locate a claim 1. x 1,500 feet. The fee for recording a claim is $5. At least $100 must be expended on the claim each year or paid to the mining recorder in lieu thereof. When $500 bas been expended or paid, the locator may, upon having a survey made, and upon complying with other requirements, pur- chase the land at $1 per acre. he patent provides for the payment of a royalty of 24 per cent om the sales. Placer mining claims generally are 100 feet square entry $5. renewable yearly. A free miner may obtain two I¢ases to dredge for gold of five miles ea for a term of twenty ygars, remewable at the discretion of the Minister of the Interior. The lessce shall have a dredge in oper ation within one season from the date of the lpase for each five miles. Rental $10 per annum for each mile of river lea Royalty at 'the rate of 24 per cent collected on the output after it ex. $10,000. W. W. CORY, Roputy of the Minister of the Interior. N.B.--~Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will not be paid for. 4 Leather Goods We have just received a new shipment of Leather Goods, in the latest and most up- § to-date designs. Hand Bags from $3.50 to $11. Pocket Books from $2 to $5. Gent's Bill $2.25 to. $5. KINNEAR & d'ESTERRE | and Purses, Folds, from 100 Princess St Phone 363 Wood's The Great Fonte tnd ny nnd thee medy, NOrvous g makos new, So Pi Mer Hg ore A. Kiuat Weakne omiasiome Spr. or Y. NOVEMBER 9. GREAT APPLAUSE !| NEWBURGH'S PUBLIC LIB- i MANAGER. Phone 703 B Market Street RARY CONCERT. The Village's Dramatic Talent Excelled Itself, and Made Ninety-Two Dollars While . It -- Popular Doctor & Newburgh, Nov. 7.<The public lib- rary concert, given ig. Finkle's Hall, on Friday wwii wawithe big success of the "season. The Ball was packed; reserved, and the plan was sold out the largest crowd in years. was sent when D. A. Néshitt, B.A. fhe chairman opened the jprogramme with a neat speech. There were two farces, "Fish Out of Water" and "My Lord in Livery," both of which scored de- cided hits, and kept the vast audi- ence convulsed with laughter from start to finish, Harold Ryan as Sam- vel Savory, the cook, in "Fish Out of Water," and as Sparoti the - family butler, in "My Lord in Livery," was the star of tho evening, and he was ably supported by a strong company. Spiggott's solo, "When I am Dead and in My Grave, in "My Lord in Livery" was a big hit, and the applause which followed fairly shook the rafters. The music between acts was excellent. There was an opening chorus "Men of Harlech," and two quartettes by Miss- «8 Wood and lrigto, Messrs. Moore and Yeomans. F. Moore, our popular tenor, excelled himself. He sang"The Death of Nelson" in fine voice, and the storm of applause -he received wus but a deserving tribute to an effective rendering of that difficult piece. He responded to an encore. The proceeds were $165, and the library will net $92 as a-sesult of the concert; Mrs. Benjamin and Mrs. Oldham, of Yarker, came down for the concert on Friday, and were the guests of Mrs. M. Ryan. Judge Madden held division court here, on Friday. Thore was 'a very light docket. D. H. Preston, K. C.,"and W. G, Wilson, Napanee, were in town on Friday, attending court. Hon. A. B. Aylesworth, minister of justice, Ottawa, spent = Friday with his father, John B. Aylesworth, Quarterly 'meeting was held in the Methodist. church on Sunday morning. During the offertory 'Miss Madelon Thomson, Toronto, "sang a' solo which was much ubprtelited, Miss Minnie Nesbitt, Westplain, spent, Sunday at her home here, Mrs. C. Moore spent a few days last 'week at H. M., Deroche's, Napanee, Hallowe'- ® passed off very quietly; no serious amage being e. Mra. Beaman and Miss Maude Beaman, Kemptville, ar- rived on Thursday, to spend the win- ter here. Percy 'Belfour, Marlbank, came down in his automobile on Sun- day and spent the afternoon at Mrs. A. Madden's. Mrs. L. A, Parks, Enter- prise, spent Friday and Saturday at J. J, Shorey's. Mr. Long, Peterboro, spent a few days last week at George Watkins, ha A number of young people engaged Finkle's hall after the concert, on Friday, and tripped the light fantastic till early in the morning. The Misses Vanalstine, Napanee, nt Friday with their sister Mrs. William Boyce. The many friends of Dr. H. A. Me- Kim. will extend their congratulations to him on his recent marriage. Her bert is another of our Newburgh boys who has started out successfully in business, and we are indeed pleased to hear of his success. Robert Jones is recovering from an attack of appendicitis. Organizer Watt was in town, last week, in the inter: este of the I. O. F., and secured sev- eral applications, The regular literary meeting Epworth League will be held basement of the Methoiupy next Monday evening. The Teature of the evening will be a debate: "Re solved, that a limited monarchy i preferable to a republic." Roy Parley will lead the affirmative and Peroy Nesbitt, the necative. Good music will be provided, and all are cordially in- vited to attend. Frank Burdette, of of the in the church, " SIGNIFICANT " THE CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CoO. POLICYHOLDERS or their REPRESENTATIVES in 1905, (in cluding $1,194,000 of CASH PROFITS), 2,000, against similar payments of £4 954,000 by 21 other panies. Paid Canadian Com, A 20th Cehtury feature has been ad opted by this Company in issuing the "New Annual Guaranteed Dividend Policy." A' call or correspondence solicited. J. O. Hutton, Pater and Fffects Price #1 per Dex. Six tar : CLT Sa wil od Sold by aif dragfldytoe fal in adel rcs, Toe Medion ont HIS OWN PROBLEM. The Only Two Who Solved It Correctly. { When Lord Rayleigh the British scientist, was a student at Cambridoe the examiners set, among other prob lems, one which they based on an ar- ticle in a German mathematical peri- odiéal supposed unlikely to have pene teated to Cambridge. Only two men solved it, Mr. Strutt (Lord Rayleigh) and another. The examiners asked the other man about this ngoblem, "Oh," he said, "I take the ---- (mentioding the name of the neriodical), and I was very clad to find that, thanks to an article in the last number. that prob- lem came out cuite easily." When Mr. | Stratt's turn came they "expected a j similer answer, hnt he astonished them hy replying: "The fact is centle- { men, that | sometimes contribute to ~~ and 1 could not . help feeling oreatly flattered that von should have thourht my little problem worthy of a vlace in this examination.' Mle was Boxing Gloves ANGROVE ) Foothalls Punching Bags a A Pore BROS. hundred and eighty stven seats were by 7.30. The "gods" vere crowded and ble'kinds. combined. = Tuewduy afternoon, d has so Mids Gertie Nesbitt; secretary; gaged as organist ert Cox's place, as cler sion carlead of cutters tute this week, Hidden Greatness, Cleveland person by his Some of the world's greatest Johnnie Green : "Teacher 1" The teacher : 'Yes, Johnnie." look at him." | business, Johnnie #"* Johnnie Green: "He's a clothes p'locceman." | candy for sale only at Cross drug store. at $2 and $2.25, Shoes For The Family hour creations. awarded the prize. o PoE 2 : > races a a ee -- eee Its "Double Strength stands for Do not fi forget the EE by using the Cocoa with the Yellow Wrapper, Jend 10 cents for trial can. Stephen L. Bartlett Co., Importers, BOSTON. Montreal, was in town this week. E, . Benjamin and Master John Old- ham, Yarker, were in the village on Frank Burdette his two housea now occupied by F. D. Moore and Mrs. Files. John Farley is ou an extended visit to re- latives and friends in Picton and Tor- onto. The literary society in the high school was organized this week. The following officers were elected : Presi dent, Bornard MeCaul; vice-president, Olive Galbraith; pianists, Miss Helen Finkle and Miss Aleta Scriver. Wo un- derstand Miss Limbert has boem en- in the Methodist church, to succeed Miss Youne, ¢ signed. G. A. Aylesworth is in Centre: ville to-day, (Thursday), takine Rob- of the divi. court, 0. H. Finklo shipped a to Renfrew this wook. Harry Beenan resumed his stu dies at the Napanee Collegiate Insti oy re. ow Pladn-Dealer. The tac Ror children, we can tell very little about the ability of a extéior appearance, would pass unnoticed in a crowd." Johnnie Green : '1 bet you wouldn't know my father was a great men to The teacher : "What's your father's plain -------------- McConkey's and Huyler's high-olass Gibson's Red Try Pibbv's new, flat set derby hat Summer is ended and the cool weatheris, It's now time to change one's shoes. from the fibre of the meat, and will soon save the cost PRICE, 50 CENTS g McKELVEY & BIRCH 69 & 71 BROCK STREET 12 COCOA : » Servia's laborer is at heart a sime ple, prosaic fellow, His attire is coarse almost to the point of ungainl; rough brown trousers of hg coat a shade or two darker black fleece; a with a strip of woolen cap and a cane, and the picture. He is a small scale, and his he hogs, which he turns in or fields to fatten on mast. life in SBervia is primitive. At folks rise, take raki, or moal is brought to them at again in the evening, for sf i :f filss -- = Fi "Buy. Gin Pilly' at Gibson's Red C drug store, Frosh there. "Phone 'Try Pibby's 81.50 Mocha glove. Our store is the place where the best, the newsst the latest shoes are to be found, and at the least prices The freshest designs, the up to the-day and the Heavy and light Walking Shoes for men and women, shoes for the bo ys and girls, shoes for the en- tire family. * Rainy day boots, storm shoes-and all other desira- Beauty, service, comfort, and small cost Fo For whatever purpose you may require Boots and Shoes we have them and at the lowest prices. : 4 J. H. Sutherland" & Bro. The fuse of God Summ-- -- ---------- -------- Beef Tea Press The great power of | .. this press (ten times " that of a lemon squeeze) is essential to express all the nutritious element £