EE ---- S Every Part of the Creature be Yige OF, --- maou Toont he Tagg in the Scotsman the Nor... ""Tibu rest 8 t Norwegi; fishing industry carried oq "Ae British island. He writes :, J. hat RF or "of the whale is made uso of ™ Yat 4) Je, is run down unto oil, The a w Foi y dried\ and ground ing, cat . od; the and offal gr, boile . 2 dried, and ground into guano, (y),, i the liquid t escapes during th, his oy ting up, and g little overflow from the uy pfial: boilers, runs into the seq il The sheep and eattle feed close to the stajions, .even blad ol a among the U1] the grass. to. dry: 1 a out oa i | HE ' 5 1 understand 4. | workmen reeularly cook and a Ye whale fish; In Denfnark . down PN Shy, it has 'he .. | canned for years. This vear on, 1" vt. Shetland stations salted evo.) bt pred barrels. Regarding {he nd "whale killed, there aro i a ob, | Ber MM to 80 feet lone. yield about 30 barrels: of oil, and is foung 30-4 120 miles at'sea; the coal fish while, to 45 feet long, about 13 barrel . #0 to 20 miles at wm. The he rely st | hog, which is found much closer ore, is mot taken. It only = x vieldg about one barrel of oil, and doe no the Fay to kill, does not at ---- The Pocket Issue. figs |. The principal of a high school ™ om Denver has ordered that all girl pu. Pils have pockets in their dresses is {Every day purses are found on the A, | floor, showing that girls have no place ito keep them. In nearly every school me | he says, one or more Pupils wonld be wd | strongly tempted to take these purses rer- |-and. would yield to the temptation when they would not think of taking purse from a desk or picking . pocket. Then, too, the pockets will save small articles from being lost ; Handkerchiefs have a faculty of Yosing A themselves, likewise penknives, slats th pencils and the other smallwar t s of the school girl: The hoy has m, ot. 1 0) as TY oe pockets, and the girl should have ne at least. : rank -------- an Improvements Completed. ok Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., Nov. 10 sot, | Improvements to the channel oni: ace 'on | at the Canadian canal, in progress two seasons, have been complit-d res- | materially aid navigation. The ing | nel has now a uniform depth of {wen ty-one feet, has all obstructions .tjremoved, and is widened by soventy- of | five feet, ; ap- . lest, To Cure A Cold In One Day. De.|' Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tal 7, | lets, Druggists refund 'money if it on | fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature isle | is on each -box. 2c. § Clean Teeth. To remove tartar and stains from Dr. | the teeth try a Dr. Horsey fibre tooth all: $hrush, a perfect cleanser and polish- st, ler, Call and examine them at Wade's of | drug store. ------ ace | Buy Bovril-at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Fresh there, Buy a posteard albumn, half price, at O'Gormmn's. ¢ Bibby's for boys' reefers, ~ Brock and yton Streets VBL R VLELVLLRLVVVVVN makes, 25ec., 3c., Bbe., T5e., d makes, 75c., $1, $1.25, . itting styles, 25c., 35¢c., 'B0c., 3c. 50c. * : th. and without heels, 35c., fe ee sai eich r x - th, makes, extra large sizes, 0, $1, $5. Jen Svar, full sizes and guaran- acks, special at 75. each laripe, 75c., $1, $1.25 can: i all-wool, full 'sizes and" THRs essessseeS. ng | footballs Punching Bags oxing Gloves --AT---- ANGROVE BROS. Bicycle Warerooms, 88-90 PRINCESS STREET Thomas Mills 9 Clarence St., Kingston, Ont. Private Banking Mortage Loans General Insurance | SA -------------- QUEE NORTHERN, 'LONDON AND LANCASHIRE LIFE, All Strong, Sound Companies. 1 sell FIRST CLASS MINING and other INDUSTRIAL STOCKS (TREASURY SIFARES EXCLUSIVE. LY). 1 do not sell or deal in Market shares of any kind. Will be pleased to have you call and examine orc samples and get full in- formation, whether you buy or not. N.B.--Have you ever thought ser: asly of proving what an assistance a HYNE SAVINGS BANK might be to vi as a GENUINE SAVER? Won': you TRY ITS USE? AUCTION SALE City Property PURSUANT TO THE INSTRUC- tions of The Inspector of Prisops and Public Charities, Statutory Committee of Emma Trenhaile, there will pe offered for salsa at Public Auction by John H. Mills, Auctioneer, at his auction rooms, 76 Brock street, Kingston, on TUES- DAY, November 20th, 1906, at Twelve o'clock noon, the followi lands and wremises, namely ~The Easterly part of Lot number i the City of Kingston being known as House No. 318 Brock street, having a frentaee of about twenty-seven feet six inches by a depth of about one hundred end thirty-two feet; subject to a right-of-way wight feet wide over a lane on the west side thereof. The property will be sold subject to the existing monthly tenancy and sub- ject to a reserved bid. Further particulars and conditions of sale will be made known at the time of sale. Dated at Toronto this First day of November, A.D., 1906. J. W. LANGMUIR, Managing Ilirector of The Toronto General Trusts Corpora- tion, Agents for The Inspector of Prisons and 'Public Charities. J. F. EDGAR, 59 Yonge strect, Toronto, Solicitor. BRITISH - AMERICAN HOTEL KINGSTON *- - ONTARIO Has undergone alterations and » now open to the travelling public, W TELFER - Proprietor A WARM SUBJECT There's nothing in the werld we're so + Much interested in as Coal at this time Of the year. It may sound queer te Speak of coal buying end selling as science, but that's what we've made it. Two important discoverios we have made are that complets satisfaction to Our customers payq best, and that the Way to win business a gro deserve it. Booth & Co. FOOT OF WEST ST. Phone 133, EMBOSSING d... An ENGRAVING Neatly done at the ___ Whig Office. THE FRONTENAC \ The Meditérranean is supposed to be tideless, vet there are 'sometimes four fost of tide in the Adriatic. The genuine Mother Seigle' is | making. people od at Gibson's Red Cross on a well. Tea or Tablets, 35c. Mabood's ¥ * Do you appreciate what a splendid tonie you have in Abbeys wom Salt You can depend on it to take away the bad effects of fatigue, brain fag, poor b.ood and build up a run- down system. 2c. and 60c. bottles. At Druggists, REX Hockey Sticks The latest production. Double grooved blades with serrations in blade and handle. The tough- est wood used--Yellow Birch. Natural 'grain of wood follows curvature of blade. Desitn and trademark fully covered at Ottawa. Imitators will be prosecuted. TLE CTARR MANUFACTURING CO, Li. DARTMOUTH, N.S. Canada. Brancu Orrice: Toronto, Om. Sele maastacturers of Starr Skates and Bic Mac Hockey Sticks, " SIGNIFICANT » THE CANADA LIFE - ASSURANCE CO. Paid POLICYHOLDERS or their REPRESENTATIVES in 1905, (in- | cluding $1,194,000 of CASH PROFITS), | $3,272,000, against similar payments of $4.954,000 by 21 other Canadian Com. panies. A "20th Cebtury feature has been ad- opted by this Company in issuing the "New Annual Guaranteed Dividend Policy." A call or correspondence solicited. Jd. O. Hutton, MANAGER. 18 Market Street Universal Food Chopper Works Well! Wears Well ! and anything put through it Eats Well! No getting out order; no knives to wear out; put wu with four Cutters, cutting from the coursest to thie "finest s you see fit, and sold on a positive | guarantee of satisfaction, or your money , refunded, sold only for $1.50, family size, Mitchell's Hardware 85 Princess St. Kingston, Ont A DOG STORY Phone 703 Or Turnabout is Perfectly Tair Play. Animal Life. "® . There was a{old lady who rented a furnished villa for the summer, and with the villa a large dog also went. In the sitting room of the villa there was a, very comfortable arm chair. The old lady liked this chair better than any other in the house. She al- ways Made for it the first thing. But, alas! she nearly always found the chair occupied by the large dog. Being afraid of the dog, she never! dared bid it harshly to ~et out of the chair, as she feared that it might bite her; but instead she would go to the window and call "Cats!" Then the dog would rush to the win- dow and bark: and the old ladvwould slip into the vacant chair auietly. Ong day the doo entered the room and found the old ladv in possession of/ the chair. He strolled over to the window, and, looking out, appeared very much excited, and set up a tre: mendous barkine, The old lady rose and hastened to the window to see what was the niat- ter, and the dog quietly climbed into the chair. at Must Cure Colds. Wada'se Cold Cure Tablets (laxative) is a'guaranteed remedy. It can be guaranteed because it has been thor- oughly tested and has cured practical- ly every time when faithfully used.: You should try it and learn its value. Cure colds, la grippe, headache and constipation. n boxes, 25c. Sold only at Wade's drug store. Money back if not satisfactory. ™~ The Moral. Philadelphia Record. It's all over--even the shoutine. But the busi moral of the campaign should be permitted to soak into the mind of the business men who take part in it, If the victors had aban doned the field of publicity to their opvonents during the canvass the re sult would have been réversed. Let vour competitors do all the advertis- ing and they will also do all the sell- ing. You must tell your story to the public if you expect the public to take any interest in you, Any thin or undeveloped girl or'wo- man will be benefited by taking Hol- lister's Rocky Mountain Tea. It is one of the greatest known remedies for |. strong, healthy and ---- MAIL tisements--' 'fen Yards of Silk Their Games, But It Was Only Sewing Silk. The records of the postoffice depart- ment ave rich with examples of . the guliibility of citizens of the *h think of a new device for fooling the people he can alwdys find a ready maraet for his wares, says the Wash- m3ton lost. Old stories about the singed moth do not hold when the averase person hears t he can make an un- usually large amount of money hy in- visting a correspondingly small sum, Previous experiences have taught him nothing--he is willing to pay for an- other, "vesy Xpasive lesson, which wi ve, in robabifity, as little effect on him as ARE previous one. Puzzles and the reward which their solutions may bring have always ap- pealed very strongly to the American public. If a man can be made rich | solving a mere puzzle he is more will- ing to risk the amount of a subsecrip- tion to a paper that makes him such a magnificent offer. When the post-office department learns that a person is engaged in us- ing the mails for such fraudulent pur- poses an order is issued forbidding the delivery of mail to him or his agents. The matter of preventing the continu- | ation of the project so far as he is concerned is not so easy. postal authorities say that persons who have been patronizing a man af- fected by a fraud order resent the ac- icn' of the department in directing ered. They argue that if they care to invest momey in his proposed plan it An instance when the government received no complaint. from the per- sons defrauded and no thanks from thom for exposing the swindle was that of the 'Franco-German Electric Pad company." This alleged company advertised for agents to sell its goods, offering to before one could "qualify for such: a of the electric pads, the electricity of which consisted of a mustard plaster. These were to be sold and tesimonials recured celebrating their virtues. After presentative of the company was sup- posed to be on the road, t8 wealth. That was as far as he got. The next communication from his future em- ployer stated he would now be able to sell the pads for 84 each, and, as they would cost him only $2 he would make a clear profit of 100 per cent. on his investment. The salary and expense had vanished. Upon the discovery of this fraud its author was arrested, cave $1,000 bail and skipped. He had made en- ough out of his Utiopian scheme to allow him to indulge in this little ex- travagance. Not a word was heard from his victims. By American greed they hud been fooled; by American spunk they would stand for it. The fiddler always has to be paid sooner or later. Another undertaking that had for ita sole object the benefit of mankind was instituted by a magazine. "The Fireside Favorite," will he its desig- nation, for charity's sake. The men back of this oublication thoucht it would be ~uite a nice little thing for them to offer a puzzle to the public for solution. This thought ghort time the puzzle appeared with the advertisement, that the solver would receive a quarter of the money which it brought to the owners of the paver. And that the inevitable stipul- ation--a! subscripthon costing $1. The puzzle was solved. The fortunate one-quarter of what the advertisement brought from each reader. The resi due of the profits was spent by the proprietors in the law courts defend- ing themselves against the order is- sued hy the postoffice department. Ten yards of silk for ten céita was a bait that no feminine fish could re- spt. The originators of this project made a tremendous haul. What wo man could afford to miss such a chance ? Ten yards of Silk to flat on state occasions ! Alas and alack ! They received silk, and the promised ten vards--but it was sewing silk. It mirht have vassed' rouster as material for a dress in the Pacific Islands, but hardly in this country. These readers of the future scem to insnire the oreatest faith in their fol- lowers, and no | amount of advice or onvtion ffom 'the authorities seems atle to Shake it] ime was when the macazines anid ravers were flooded with advertise ments which purported to renresent a getsriph-quick compa. The vershbns who answered this little notice were rossitle wav to get rich in a short time was to work like the devil and not spend a cent. "gang agley." er ---- Oysters can only live in water that contains at least thirty-seven parts of salt to every 1,000 parts of witer. stands at 11.3 inches. Your Cold Drug Store, roti DAILY BRITISH SCHEMES WORKED: BIG SWINDLES WORKED BY| , ..." Tricked By Grafvers' Adver- club was organized in Carleton Place For Ten Cents" is One of ; Demis mare, | ome of the brave and the land of the. free. | No matter how often some one may | | and the suit is called off. The rato | struck is twenty-five mills op the dol- * la , Summer ¢ | ae) from tuberculosis. * from his earthly labors on October | terest in the Fraser farm, near Odessa, | Fredericksburgh Station, a hundred 'Very often in cases of this kind the ' t that their letters shall not be deliv- | is the business of no one to interfere. { position he was expected to buy- two , this had been done the prospective re- i was parent tg the action, and in a ones received twenty-five cents, just ' informed bv return mail that the hast At five mils hich the barometer prcaers : Teoma of Useful Infomation Briel } Given. er ave having a re: vival in L . Henry Kerr has sold his business in Stirling and has, moved to Belleville. men's liberal conservative last week. ; has sold his trotting Maud Wilkes, to Thomas Ste- wart, Deseronto; price, $350. pias Janbal la Hashan!, Fish Take, as gocep! a posi in Sioux €ity, Iowa, at 'a salary of $600 per annum. Rev. J. A. Connell," Eldorado, has Ixen appdinted chairman of Madoo Methodist district, in the place of Rev. Dr. Mobisrmid, deceased. A venerable pioneer of Horton is the person of Francis Humphries, passed peacefully, away on Monday at the patri age of ninety-two years. Kemptville 'council has decided to give the school board its full budget r. After an illness * which began last Stead, seventcen-year- old son of W. C. Stead, Lanark town- ship, passed away last 'Monday. He An old time son of Lanark township, Andrew Campbell, was called away 31st. Since March he had been ailing. He was®sevinty-two years of age. Frank Denyes has sold his half in- to his brother, Horace, and has bought the George Clapper farm at acres, for which he paid $6,500. Andrew A. Foster, as painter, got $350 f r the public school and $65 for the kindergarten of Picton or a WHIG, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10. BAZAAR A SUCCESS HELD BY THE ROMAN CATH=- OLICS OF NAPANEE. Friends From a Distance to At- tend' a FuneralA Handsome Funnel. Napanee, Nov. 9.--The bazaar under the auspices of the Roman Catholic church, held in the town hall for the past three days is proving to be great success. On Wednesday the man- agement reported that $1,200 were the receipts thus far, and yesterday's at- tractions were also of a fruitful ng- ture. Lunch was served from twelve until two o'clock and = over 200 par took of 'the dainty and substantial Meal. 1t is not often that the man- agement of the Roman Catholic church puts anything of this kind bfore the public but they do they enter into the work with e and suc cess always crowns their efforts. Archi bald Caton, Centre street, secured the gold watch that H. B. Sherwood pre- senfed to. the management and by which' over was realized through the sale of tickets. Rev. J. V. Clancy, Portland, Maine, Rev. Frank Clancy, Dr. Marshall, G. Clancy, Mrs. Dr. Friend, Chicago, and Miss Zilpha Clancy, Albion, Mich., ar- rived: Wednpsday to attend the funeral of their sister, the late-Mrs. 2, A, Vanluven, Mrs, Harry Aylwin, nee Florence O'Neil, New Denver, B.C., is spending the winter with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James (Neil. W. H. Funnell rocvived this week, by express, a handsome moose head, shot last year by his son while in the total of $415 was accepted. Mr. Fos | North-West. The head is a beauty and ter is to furnish all brooms, pails, mops, soap, ete., for both schools. Patrick Shanoon, lumberman, hus sold the Copeland House, Pembroke, ' to Thomas Sammon, who has, lwen the efficient and obliging manager for some months past. The price paid was $40,000, exclusive of the liquors, tte, in the bar. It is rumored that Councillor Meng will be a candidate for the mayoralty of Napanee in January. He has had four vears' experience in the town council, four years in the jcoutity | council, and was also reeve of North Fredericksburgh.. Miss Sarah MoKillop, Napanee, pass- pay a large salary and expenses, but ©d away, Saturday, aged sixty-five vears. Deceasod was housekeeper for the late Robert Denison for a number of years, and when he dil he left her his entire property. She only sur- vived him about five weeks, A sad death occurred near Lanark on Wednesday morning. George Scoul- ar, a young man of about twenty-seven ! years of age, the threshing partner of Wiliam Headrick and William Stewart took suddenly ill with inflammation of the bowels and in three days had succumbed to the disease. | W. Jamies~n has been received Lanark relatives. The sad event oc | curred at her home in Devil's Lake, N. D., on October 19th, Mrs. Jautieson's maiden name was Jane Wright, see | cnd daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Wright. She was born in Lanark {fty-three years ago. | ---------------- | Hutch Induces Sleep. ! When the body contains a lot ul i rities these impurities are ab- | ------ by the blood. The blood in i turn' carries them to the brain and they produce unnatural conditions which destroy one's 'peace and rest, One suffers from hallucinations, night- mare, wild dreamssin which horrible goblins try to tear you to pieces and all sorts of sleep destroying visions. By cleansing the body of impurities Hutch will remove all foreign matters from the blood and consequently re lieve the brain of all these disturb- ances. Hutch induces sleep in which the organs of the body are built up i and strengthened, Hutch is a dottor for ten cents. mr Death At Holleford. Holleford, Nov, 9.--John D. Walker passed to his long rest after an illness of several weeks of typhoid fever. He was a man of quiet life, thoughtful and 'careful, He is survived by a wi dow and five sons and three daughters, all of whom are married and settled in Frontenac county except. the eldest son, who resides near Wallaceburg. The latter visited his father a few days before his death, but as he ap- peared to be gaining in health, had returnibds home. Deceas®® was seventy five years of age. He was a/member of the Methodist church, ant esteemed by all who knew him, His remains were interred in Verona cemetery, Rev, Mr. Service officiating. His © son Samuel, on the homestead, was un- able to 'attend the funeral, he being confined to his room with the same disease. Elmer Smith is seriously ill , with typhoid fever. i -- Solace. The Washinton Star The ducks are wottin' scarcer, an' the terrapin,' they say. Are rrowin' "do discouraged that they're fadid' clean away ; But we're sinvin' sanw as #ver, an' we ain't a feelin' glum, "Cause we've wat corned twel an' cabbage, | and I rechon they'll help some. | de Good advice this was, too, and il The game has been so pestered that it's we followed" it the schemes of charla- tans wold be much more apt to diss Oeared, .a'most, We'll wake un somv fine day an' thore won't be no quail on toast I 0 that don't start us pinin' fur to get FP earthly scenes, ' They's a heap o' solid comfort in a pan ©o' pork an' beans. Revision Expedient. Indianapol s News. : 3 Of a rolitical transaction that had cicious look, Senator Beveridge said : "Though in the thing there is nothing on which we can lay our hand, it certainly appears fishy. It reminds me of a Washington waiter. A gentleman after eating a good din- ner, said to the waiter © -1 am sorry I can't vive you a tip, but I.find I have only just money enough to pav your bill." The waiter seized the kill . hurriedlv. 'Just let me add it wp agein, sir," he muttered." a Universal meat choppers from $1.25 to $1.75: all guaranteed. Strachan's Hardware. The last time that a British jury was fined for rendering a verdict con- trary to the will of 'the court was in is nicely mounted. The noble-looking animal, or rather head, was pdmired by Napanee nimrods, and some went to far as to make the express man a cash offer if the owner refused to ae cept the goods, Mrs. Adelaide Rogers, Whithy, is spending a few days in Napanee, hav- » ing come down to attend the funeral of her niece, Mrs. L. Fowler. The First Seven Presidents. A number of peculiar coineidences seem to have surrounded the first seven' presidents of the United States. All but one of these were sixty-six years old - on leaving office, and the remaining one would have been that age had he been elected to a second term of office. [Three of the seven died on the Fourth of July, and two of them on the same day and year. These twer last were on the sub-com- | mittee of three which drafted the declaration of independence. They both | died on the anniversary of the declara: | tion. The. initials of ' the names of two of the seven are the same, the initials of two others are the same; and the at initials of still two others are also News of the death of Mrs. George . the same. Of the first five nono had | a son, and the two who had sons were not elected to second terms. Eating Fat. Darwin relates that the Gauchos of the American pampas live for months the fat' meat of the oxen they watch over. The _ Eskimos can get | along very well by eating from five | pounds to six pounds a day of rein- | deer or seals flesh, so long as it is not too lean, but contains a due pro- portion of fat. Bays the author of "Diet and Dietics:"" "Some" men oblig- ed to live a very fatiguing life, the trappers and hunters of the pampas of America and Siberian steppes, the inhab,tants of very cold climates, the fishermen living on the banks of the } frozen sea, can eat alinost exclusively without suffering from it enormous quantities of meat or fish, but on two conditions--that the meat be accom ; panied by its fat and thal the indi vidual subjected to this diet lead a very active life in the open air." Chicago News. "There goes a woman with a his i tory," remarkéd the clerk in a book store, as a lady passed out of the front door. { "How do you know?' queried the | proprietor. | "Because," explained the clerk," | , just sold it to her." ---------- Even left-handed women stick up for their rights. * Always Yniform Always Reliable Everywhere Obtainable BAKER'S CHOCOLATE & COCOA have stood the tests of time and service for over 125 years Be sure that you get the genuine with thetrade-mark on thepackage. Directions for ing more than one hundred dainty dishes in our Choice Recipe Book, seat free on request. ; Walter Baker & Co. Ltd. Suablished 1780 Dorchester; Mass. 46 Highest Awards in Europe and America There IS something alter all in a NAME When it's a worl ld-wide symbol of quality Tea is a houschold name everywhere for the most fragrant, delicate, delicious and wh Black, green, mixed --26c. to $1 a Ib.--All grocers Moose Head Seat to W, H. | To Loyal Canadians : Did you know that the ol eansst, purest and food i pd IS MADE IN CANADA OF CHOICEST CA- NADIAN WHEAT? SHREDDED WHEAT is a Canadian produet. It contains all the bodybuilding elements in the whole wheat, made digestible - by Steam: cooking, shredding and baking. Delicious as a. "bredk- fast food" with milk or crenm or for any meal in com: bination with fruits; creamed oysters or vegetables. TRISCUIT is the shredded wheat wafer used as a Toast for luncheon, or for any meal as a substitute for white flour bread. . A Breakfast of Shredded Wheat with hot milk or cream supplics the energy for a whole day's work. Try it. CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT CO., Limited, Niagara Falls Ont. Toronto Office, 32 Church St. PAGE SEVEN, 2 £ e Tea in the world. & best > cereal RR JAS. McPARLAND, AGENT, Ales, Wines, Liquors and Cigars, - 330-344 KING ST. * Stoves and Ranges We carry the largest assortment = ot Stoves in the cily, our prices . are reasonable, Examine ouf "stock before purchasing. hye The "Art Garland"' Hall Heater Is acknowledged the best Heater made ELLIOTT BROS. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Special Offer for November Railway fare paid from any point in Ontario to Toronto. POSITIONS GUARANTEED. Canadian School of Telegraphy Queen and Yonge Sts, Toronto. Oldest Telegraph School in Canada. WRITE FOR PRES FROUSPEUTUS © Is made from tested, natural spring water, selected bar« i ley malt, and a blend of the of choicest growth ol hops. No sub | stitutes for hops or barley are used. An aid 0 digess tion and a cause of comfort alter meals. ~ A y » | S OF BARLEY AND HOPS | | s A : By op