Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Nov 1906, p. 7

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| Number of articles ar orders for these oll u want it; send us your atisfied with yo ur pur- ible use Money Orders, 'ard ods fer, D and over, going fory vard Island, on ai g0 1 advantages of tis of , Chilly Weat Weather value. of our warm,.comfortable, ve only have to give the opportun- e've made this an extra chance just money for many customers out of ely be one. . Can only supply by mail v , 19th of month. Each garm: X104. Men's Importec Cardigan Jackets, mot cuffs to button, two poc heavy quality' in dark s and 'black shades. "An" well made and finfshed. C: suphly | y mail up to 19th « month, IN avy All X106. Mi n's He ¢ ribbe d cuffs These goods could not be tured to-day for the pri ir feking, but we want to hei stock, < 'ol : blue "ar 1d bl medium siz reduction, es only: each . Extra Specials for Our Mail Orders These two. items that we expect there especially as the for one week. Quality goods, are; so 'It be r bargains or Attractive and § Hose Supporters Pad, belt, ang buckle, 4 st elastic, fancy fHIl or pia and non-metallic loops, Woo! and felt-covered buttor adjusts nickel mountings; gus te d a Bact goods, warrar ed not to ear, or soil the mos fabric, Regularly § ut i Hives Combs Back or puff, shel color designs, highly polishe Smooth, firm and co shapes, Wd Sha Ef egularly 15¢ and 10 nglish Velveteen, red aist is velve- h box 1g the ats on Ider to , 'soft nes in zarnet, work- r own tterns. nd in- 8, and money 1 bust nches. 1.49 Type-talk never does half justice to high- The test of Seal in the cup. RAILWAY SYSTEM [GRAND TRUN Local Branch Time-Tab'e Trains will leave and arrivo at City pepot, 'Foot of Johnson street. GOING WES T Lve. City Arr. City No. 8 Mail .. .. 12485 am. L15am « 3 Express ... 226 am. 3.05am, " 11 Local 9.15 am. 947 am. 3 " 1 Intern di 12.16 noon 12.46 p.m. | * 7TMail .. .. 3.19pm. 351 pm " 15 Local . 03 pm. 7.38 pm. GOING EAST i Lve. City Arr. City No. BMail .. ..148am 222am. | « QFast Exp. 226 am. 3.05 Am " 16 Local .. .. 8.16 am. R347am " 6Mail .. .. 12.16 noon 12.49 p.m. | # ¢Fast Exp. 1.00pm. 1.29pm " 12 Local ... ,.. 03pm. 738pm Direct 'route to Toropto, Petirhoro, | Hamilton, Buffalo, Lomwdon, Detroit, Chicago, Bay City, Saginaw, Montragls Ottawa, Quebec, Portland, St. Joh 2 Halifax, Boston and New York. For Pullman Actommodation, Tigkets, and all other information, apply to J. P. HANLEY' Agent, Cottier Johnsom and Ontario streets. New York Central & Hudson River R.R. THE SIX-TRACK TRUNK LINE Shortest Route to the United | States Yia Kingston and Caps Vincent, N. Y. Lv. Kingston (Str.), *5 am, 3 p Arr. Cape Vincent (Str. 3? a.m., 4 o1 EB N.Y In. Cape Vincent, NY 36 a.m. 4.50 pun. rr. Watertown, 8.20 a.m., 5.50 p.m. Arr. Oswego, 11.56 a.m., B.57 p.m. Arr. Syracuse, 12.11 a.m., 9.33 p.m. Arr, 2.28 pm. 1.20 a.n. Arr, Roches '12.20 pm. 945 p.m. Arr. New ors 5.40 p.m., 5.15 a.m. * "Mondays only. Convenient traiw service im ovvosite directions PULLMAN, SLEEPING AND PARLOR CARS 2 Cents a Mile Books for 500 miles of jravel on Now leased lined York Central an within Stats of New i cost only" $10, ¥hile books for 1.000 miles over New York Central, paosten & Albany, Buflalo, Rochester & Pittsburg. Phladaloitia & Reading and Central R.R. of New Jersoy cost § Secure further information . S. Folger, Central Agent, Kingston, GC, F. DALY, "Passenger Trafic Manager, As H. Smith, General Manager, Gy OC. Gridley, General Agent: "n Connection With Canadian Pacific Railway TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTON : for Ottawa, Mon- 12.30 ' p.m.--Express, treal, Quebec, St. John, N.B., Halifax, Boston, Toronto, Chicago, Denver, lien: frew, Sault Ste. Marie, Duluth, St, Pau Winnipeg," Vancouver, Seattle, Portland, and San Francisco. p.m.--Local for Connecting with C.P.R. Sharbot Lake, east and West. 7:45 a.m.--Mixed, for Renfrew and in- termediate points. Passengers leaving Kingston at 12:80 : W., arrive in Ottawa at 5:00 p.m. Peterboro, 5:12 p.m. : Toronto, 7:30 pom. Boston, 7:30 am.. St. John, N B., 11:55 a.m. Full particulars at XK. & FP. and C. P. I. Ticket Office, Ontario street. F. CONWAY, Gen, 'Pass. Agent. Bay of Quinte Railway New short line for 'Tweed, Napanee, Deseranto, ond all local polats. Trains leave City Hall Depot at4 pm. F. CONWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry., Kingston. OYAL ALLAN "oXA" LINE MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL. Victorian .. .« Thurs., Nov. 8. lontan -.., a .. Nov. 16. HALIFAX ro LIVERPOOL. Virginian coer . Sat., Nov. 24. RATES OF PASSAGE. First-Class $55 and upwards, according 2 to Steawer. Second-Class, $42.50 and upwards. Third-Clads, $27.50 and $28.75. Weekly: Sailings from Montreal to Wwe rates and 18, ucts rR apply & HANLE t G. GTLDERALEEYE. fa 0 Ps: The bronme gates of Sdn Giovanni, Florence, are the finest work of thicir nonaigps grade goods. | Brand Coffee sity against McGill in Toronto on CHASE AND SANBORN November 24th, will only leave the championship a tie. Fine judgment and ' % alncst faultless play by the back div- 'NO WOMAN CAN BE STRONG AND HEALTHY UNLESS THE KIDNEYS ARE WELL 'When the kidneys are areill, the whole body is ill, for the poisons which the kidne ought to filter out of the blood are left in the system. Theh how important it must | be to see to it that this system of sewerage be not clogged up. Those who have never + been troubled with kidney trouble know not i the misery and suffering which those afflict. , ed undergo. Doan's Kidney Pills are a specific for all kidney troubles. They begin by healing the delicate membranes of ! the kidneys thus make their action re- gular and natural. They help the kidneys to flush off the acrid and poisonous impurities which have collected, thus clearing out the kidneys, bladder and all the urinary passages. Doan's Kidney] Pills are entirely vegetable, (Bare be, pately taken by young and old, t Doan's Kids ney Pills do for you what theyhave done for thousands of others, that is, oure you. Mrs. John Young, Harwood, Ont., writes: "I was troubl bled with my kidneys for some time and my back was so lame I could scarcely get around. After using two boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills, I am completly cured. I find there is nothing like them for the cure of all kidney troubles." Doan's Kidney Pills are 50 cents per box or 3 boxes for $1.25 at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of price by The Doan Kid- ney Pill Co., igs of pris The Human Barometer is the urine, Where there Is a constant desire to urinate--when the urine is hot and scalding-- it means Bladder Irritation, If the urine is cloudy, highly colored, or offensive--it indicates Kidney Trouble, Heed the danger signals, Take u THE GENTLE KIDNEY PILL "Buju" stimulates and strengthens the weakened, clogged, overworked Kidneys to healthy action--and heals and soothes the irritated bladder *"Bu-Ja" cures. We guarantee it and you can get your juve back if "Buju" gists have * Buu" or rd get oi Foo iy you. THE GLAFLIN CHEMICAL CO. LIITED WINDSOR, ONT. Use Big @ for unnatural | discharges, inflammations. irritations or ulcerations of mucous membranes Painless, and not astrin 00, gent or poisonous, Sold by Draggists, > sont in plain wrappes exprers, prepa ae or 8 bottles 82. Circular wnt on request TRAVELLING, INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY SPORTSMEN SATISFIED Reports from all the Game Sections of the Maritime Provinces vindicate a most successful season. Write for * Fishing a d Hunting" "Trail of the Mic-Macs" * Week in Canaan Woods " **Moose of the Miramichi TO GENERAL PASSENGER DEPARTMENT, Moncton, N.B. TIME TABLE STEAMER WOLFE ISLANDER Beginning Sept. 4th. Leave Wolte island 100 3.00 PAM, 100 3.00 1.00 3.00 100 2.30 1.00 3.00 1.00 8.00 12% 300 ve Kingston :-- Lg nh vines yr 11.30 AM 200 4.30 P.M. Tuesday... ... 8.30 11.30 1% 3 Wednesda; 11% 7 830 11% *2.00 7.00 1130 200 4% 11.30 200 4% 11.90 1.15 3.30 *Thursday special : Breakey's Bay, Howe Is Bailiday's Dock snd Bro- and (FAR Dock Brea SA Bay 6%. a.m. opi, inguton 3 pas Time to change <ihiat notice.' BRICELAND, THE SPORT RESULT OF THI THE OUTSIDE RUGBY MATCHES. "Varsity Beat McGill in Montreal --Wins For Rough Riders, Montreals and Argonauts -- Other News of Sport. Toronto Varsity practicglly cinched the Intercollegiate championship Sate urday, by defeating McGill in Mont. real, by six points to two. Even if McGill defeats Ottawa College in Ot- tawa next Saturday, a win for Var ision gave Toronto game Saturday. They" outpunted and outplayed the McGill backs from start to finish, and though more frequently in trouble than McGill's quintette, they showed splen- did reserve and worked out of all sorts of tight places. The first hali resulted in a one to nothing lead for MeGill, Other Rugby Results. Montreal, 20; Westmount, 6, Rough Riders, 43; St. Patricks, 2. Argonauts, 12; Peterboro. 4. Dundas, 26; Londen; 6. Hamilton Y.M.C.A., 8; Yale, 5; Brown, 0. Harvard, 5; Carlisle, 0. Princeton, 8: West Point, 0. Galt, 6. Meeting In Montreal. A meeting of the executive of the C. LLH.U. was held in the Windsor Hotel, Montreal, on Saturday moming, the following members being present: G. F. Stephens, McGill, president; C. V. Jamieson, Varsi vice-president; R. M. Mills, Queen's, secretary-treasurer; Ex-Cadet Hale, RM.C; J. McEwen, McMaster. The schedule for the com- ing winter was drawn up as follows : A---- Senior Series. January 11--McGill at Toronto. January 18--Toronto at Queen's. January 25--Queen's at McGill. February 1--Toronte at MeGill. February 8--Queen's at Toronto. February 15--McGill at Queen's. Intermediate Series. 26--Toronto II. at Mec- February 2--McMaster at Tor- A--January Master, onto II B--January 25---Queen's 11, C. I. February Queen's 11, February 8--B. at A; February I5--A, at B. The junior district schedules will. be arranged between the districts decid- ed by the executive later. at R. M. 1-RM.C. 1. at Sporting Notes. : It is said that the Canadian Ama tour Skating Association is- contem- plating seceding from the Canadian Amateur Athletic Union as the M.A A.A. has already done. At the recent autumn competition of the Royal Perth Golling Society in Scotland, E. C. Grant, of the Ottawa Golf Club, won the "Athole Cress," a handicap prize medal play. The match was a"twenty-four -hole one, and Mr, Grant won with four handicap from scratch. Toronto Mail and Empire: With the addition of "Chaucer" Elliott, the Argonaut rugby coach, who wil con- nest with the programme through the medium of a song, the Harmony quartette, and the somewhat mysteri- ous 'dark secret" novelty stunt the St. George's list of attractions for their monster smoker next Saturday night is beginning to assume gigan- tic proportions. Toronto Globe : The Canadian Ama- teur Athletic Union will lose the Eastern Hockey League, with its half dozen gate money teams, and will gain - the thousands of active plavers of the Ontario Hockey Asso- ciation. Which side, think vou, more negrly represents the desirable idea in sport ? "And to "which gide could a share in the government and 'en couragement of amateur sport be more safely entrusted ? The fighting days of old Bob Fitz- simmons are over. It scems irony of fate that the greatest fighting ma- chine that ever lived should be re- tired from the game in a stage bout. That blow Fitz put over on the hard head of Kid Wellman, the Detroit pie in a match, at Terre Haute, broke his arm, and it is now re- ported that it will never again be strong enough for him to engage in real hard hitting. Fitz is old and the bones will not knit together aguin very well. The first international match of the South African footballers' tour in Improve Your Complexion Give Up Cosmetics and Seek The Cause of Your Bad Color. When it's so easy to bring back the bloom of youth, to remove the blem- ithes and fill the hollows, isn't it fool- ish to plaster on cosmetics ? Sallowed skin and fallen in cheeks are produced by disorders (of the ali- mentary canal. Remove the cause -- correct the con- dition that keeps you from looking as you ought. Use Dr. Hamilton's Iills and very soon you'll have a complexion to be prous of. Just imagine how much happier you will fel when' those primples and murky Jook have gone. Dainty looks came to Miss Vrooman, a wellknown resident of Belfast, from using Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Read what she says: "My friends all admit that I have a very delightful complexion. This | owe positively to Dr. Hamilton's Tills, I used to look so yellow I thought it might be jaundice. There was simply no color in my cheeks at all. To-day my skin is clear and never gets that murky, dull appearancé it had before: Dr. Hamilton's Pills have also gjven me a good appetite and improved my general health also." Not only the complexion, but every organ of the body is strengthened, cleansed and . made healthy by Dri THamilton's Pills. Buoyaney. ssn and a feeling of vigor invariably follow their use. Sold in vellow boxes by all -dealers; 25¢. per box or five boxes for-81;-or-by mail frome N. (". Polson' a ,- - i wil ais k: Soothnd, Brityin the weakest of 'he four teams to be met. Jt will be played at G Ww. On 17th, Ircland will be red on the following Sa- turday at B and on the lst of the most difficult fixture" the tour for the "Ss game with Wales at hg "The hy South Afiiea match is set for December Sth at the . Crystal P 1» London. George xon, the former champion fontherweight > is training at Peterboro, amd is anxious for a match with any or all of the 1I8- pound boys in the country. The for- res he is in first mer class condition, and confident of giv- ing any of the omngrer crop of box- ers a hard a go was born in Halifax, N.S. Joly 2 20th, 1870, mak- ing him Ro over thirty-six years old. He is five feet three and one-half inches tall and § uighs normal, about 122 pounds. has been boxing tince 1886. THE FOREST WOOL! SPUN FROM FIBRE OF THE PINE LEAVES. Resembles Uoarse Wool and iis Woven Into Serviceable Fabric ~~Many Uses to Which the Pine Tree is Put--Its Medicinal Value Known Throughout the World. In Germany and Sweden the great pine forests furnish not only timber and medicine, but clothing as well. The pine leaves age tregted with ay solution of soda and the fiber applied! to textile purposes under the name of "Wald Wolle," or forest wool, It has some resemblance to coarse wool and is spun and woven into blankets and garments that are said to be warm ond durable, The vine medicates the cloth so perfectly that eruptions and skin diseases are unknowr to the Wearer., The medicinal properties of the pines are known throughout the world. An eminent authority on diseases of the throat and lungs, established a4 camp for consumptives in the vine woods of Maihe and made so many remarkable cures there that his treatment attract- ed great attention from the medical world. His methods were indorsed by the highest aunthoritics. The treatment was very simple, consisting of open air exercise, deen breathing and nour ishing food. Every four hours the patient was given one teaspoonful of a mixture of the Pure Virgin Oil from the white pine trees combine! with whiskey and glycerine, in the follow- ine proportion : y Virrin Oil of Pine (Pure) ... 7 oz. Glycerine .. axsins «2 oz, Whiskey ... .. . Roz This treatment shagngthened the Inngs and healed the bronchial tubes. It is claimed that this treatment will break a eold in twenty-four hours and cure any cough that is curable. The ingredients can be secured from any good prescrivtion'| & uggist at small cost and can be v mixed in your own home. a Inquiry at the ription depart ment of one of leading drucwists elicited: the information that Virgin Oil of Pine (Pure), 48 put yp only in half-ounce vials for: disnensing. Fach vial is securely sealed in a round wooden case, with engraved wravver with the name--'"Virgin Oil of , Pine ( Pure)" --plaindy printed thereon. There are manv rank. _ imitations of Virein Oil of Pine (Pure), which are being put out under various names, such as Concentrated Oil of Pine, Pine Balsam, ete. Never acoept these as a substitute for the Pore Virein Oil of Pine, as they will invariably produce nausea and never effect the desired results ------ Another Death At Plevna. Plevna, Nov. 10.--~A. W. Wood, one of the leading men in this district, has passed away. Only a week ago, he was acting as pall-bearer, at the buri- al of the late LL, Kring, when he caught a severe cold, which developed into pneumonia, and after three days severe «illness caused his death. He leaves a widow and a large family. The funeral took place on Friday, Novemker 2nd, in the presence of a large concourse of people. The service in the church and graveside was tak en by thé rector, Rev. Mr. Cox, an intimate friend of the deceased. Mr, Wood will be sordy missed. He was always an active man, and took the greatest "interest in the work of the settlement. He showed the same in- terest in his| religious life as in his ordinary vocation as a merchant. He was a h~arty. "supporter of all good work, and his place at the services of his beloved, church, was seldom va- cant, Harrowsmith Happenings. Harrowsmith, Nov, 10.--J. Truscott has bought two houses in Newburgh. Go A. Redmond, js improving his pro- perty hy putting & new fence around it: A, Ward has sold his farm to Ern- est Townsend. CC. Purdy is' moving to Hartineton. The sale of Mra. Horatio Way's farm was largely attended and everything went at a high price. © H. Hagermui~, and family have gone to Bancroft to'spend the winter. Miss Grace Graves is in Kingston learning the art of dressmaking. Mes. Lillie, of Petworth, at J. Deline's. Mrs. Brown of Murvale, - at William Redmbagd's Mrs. D. Wallacd "has returned: home from Westport. Mrs. J. Se Gallagher hos returned " home after spending a few weeks at Portland, Mrs. W. Buck is spending a few days with friends at Wilton. Leprosy In South Ameriéa. Leprosy is increasing in both North and South America. Columbia, where there were only 100 lepers forty vears ago, is said to have 40,000 now, and many find their wav into the United States. Such a medical authority . as Dr. Ashmead, who was formerly chief medical adviser to the government of Janan. says the incrense is alarming When lenrosv ie brought into n new commiry it takes fifty = years for the sede to take root, and it becomes epidemic after some 200 vears, It has heen shown. that mosanitoes are kind in the world. Boat calls at Garden Island going to and from Ki gston. 5 & Co Hartford, Conn., RE S.A, and Kingston, Ont, ) : ac tive in transferring the bacilli of lep TWO BEARS APPEAR And Frighten =the People Myer's Cave. Myer's Cave, Mov. 10.--uite a num- bor trom this nuighborhood bave gone further: north to hunt, as 'deer ave be~ coming very - scarce, in this section. Bears scem to. be very pumerous, W, McAusland, who resides near Marble Lake school, in this township, shot one just gut-side the schoolyard, Lhe animal was first seen by the scholars, in an adjacent field, where it climbed a tree presumably jor safety, but a well directed shot from = Mr. Medus- land's rifle, soon brought the animal to the ground. A few days afterwards Master Harold McGregor, on going to bring the calves home for the might, espicd a large bear, among the calves, apparently grazing with them, A team attached to a waggon coming along at the time, frightencd the animal, when it took to the woods. Mr. Mc Gregor followed at once with his rifle, but the animal was no where to be seen. One by one our residents, who went to the harvest fields of the great North-West in august last are retarn- ing, the latest arrivals being Duncan and W. McGregor, George and Willie Salmond, and all spoak in glowing terms of the country, D. Gray and E. Morgan also arrived home some time ago. Messrs. John Curtis and E. of Dellyea, have gone to work for the winter, in the lumber woods around North Bay. Mrs. T. Dellyeca and daughter, Mrs. A. Dellyea on Tuesday last. B. F. Detlor, of Arden, was a recent vis itor at the Cave. William Benny, who has been seriously ill, is no better. Mrs. W. Benny, who has been quite ill for some time, is slowly convales- cing. 8. Cuddy, } home on the 24th ult. Clark and Andrew Millar, and E. Perry, of Vi . of Centreville, are vis itors at the Cave, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. McGregor. George | the little son of Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Perry, who has been very ill, for a few ly is getting better. 1). Sedgewick, T. Perry and sons, James: and oh: have gone for a hunt on the Marina lake. Mrs. I. Gray, spent Tiesday last, the guest of her mother, Mrs. J. C. Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs, E. Wood, Harlowe, spent Sunday last at the Cave, the guest of the latter's par: ents, Mr, and Mrs, T. D. Perry. Mast: er Harold Neale, who has been on the sick list, is some better, J. Critchley made a business .trip to Montreal this week, : PRETTY COSTUME. Design For Broadcloth Velvet. or Tho plate shows. a most becoming model for an afternoon' frock, the model being in hyacinth Elue cloth, braided with silk soutaché to match. The yoke and coll were of Irish crochet lace, the rues on the lower part of the bodice and on the slooves being of chiffon, matching the cloth in shade. The little volvet straps at the base of the collar were of velvet, in a slightly darks shade of blye. The skirt was made with a sweep and had a pluited panel set in on each side, below the hip voke, which was cent in one with the front and side back box jlaits. Y.W.C. A. a y classes for girls, from 8 to 16 years. Fee--80c, for course, Classes held, ' Monday, Wednesday, Friday, at 4:15 p.m., and Saturday at ., other classes begin this Cooke waitress' Advanced 'courses, EMBOSSING ENGRAVING Housekee pers, tions. demonstra- Whig Office. x sens fu yn Emma, were the guests of |- who was so seriously | hurt some time ago, - is able to be | about, Mrs. F. H. Jack, of Point St, Charles, Montreal, returned to her Messrs. Walter | Neatly done at the : FREE Mon A [TERA LL R RETURN WASE MONEY A Savane FiNDING CAUSE FOR COMPLAINT. Y t Soap is better |$5,00 Mone Sunligh P ip, x Refunded | than other soaps, but is Freres py best when used in the Te avd'! Sunlight way. Autseration, Ac. Buy it and follow directions. 5c. Lever Brothers Limited, Toronte } McKELVEY&BIRCH Local Agents, 60-71 Brock Street. TRY Sammer is ended and the cool weathers " It's now time to change one's shoes. Our store is the place where the best, the newest the latest shoes are to be found, and at the least prices The freshest designs, the up-to-thc-day and the hour creations. Heavy and light Walking Shoes for men and womer, shoes for the boys and girls, shoes for the en- tire family. Rainy ay boots, storm shoes aud all other desira- ble kinds. eauty, service, comfort, and small cost combined. For whatever purpose you may require 'Boots and Shoes we have them and at the lowest prices. d. «HH. 1. Suthortand & Bro. Shoe Making . - Tm Pre mee D+ OO GIO DIS GIO VIO Florida Grape Fruit Florida Ripe Pine Apples | California Seedless Lemons at : We have just received a new shipment of Leather Goods, in the latest and most up- to-date designs. Hand Bags from .8$3.50 to $11. Pocket Books . from: $2 to $5. Gent's Bill Folds,' $2.25 to $5. KINNEAR & d'ESTERRE and Purses, from Leather Goods $ A. J. REES, Princess Street 1 BIO CHD GO VIO GLP OHO CLD, VIO GIO Bie + WE MAKE--- BRASS, BRONZE OR ALUMINUM |. CASTINGS----QUICK SEND YOUR PATTERNS - TOBY, 100 Princess St. Phone 363 Canada Metal Co. Tis hn Main 2s The House of Good ~~

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