Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Nov 1906, p. 7

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t social func- oman started of agony and shysician told ring from an ought on ism sets every nerve in aches, torturing bearing 1 nervous and hysterical. ~dia E. Pinkham's Veg. ale trouble, headaches, nly taken the Vegetable I, strong and robust. I ° wl is without equal for e Workers, Walkerville, th that I feel it a duty 'egetable Compound has ith functional troubles, unount of medicine, diet id, however, reached the Ithy and well. I want Cines you know nothing R ddress is Lynn, Mass. Irs Where Others Fail )ne Sure *inKable derwear ruro Knitting Mills was kable Underwear. was, and is, this process eld's is known from Dominion to the other, as = "that does not shrink." ways depend on it. } ld's now--and after ly warm all winter--you easy--just as shapely--as it it. 3 vear that won't shrink-- ISIST on 1's -- the ii Sai Eh 4 New Dates _ . for 25¢. Sp -- ( RAILWAY [GRAND TRUNK S¥s7Em Local Branch Time-Table ins will leave and arrive at City ---- Foot of Johnson sifeet. GOING WES Lve. City Arr. City | No. 5 Mail .. .J245am. 115am .* 3 Express ...226am. 3.05 am, " 11 Loeal .. .. 9. 15am. 947 am. « 1 infern'l Ltd 12.16 noon 12.49 p.m. BAKING POWDER Costs Less to Use Gives Better Results Makes Food Healthful i FREE Beautiful Picture Postcards " 7Mail .. + 39pm. 351 pm "15 Local' .. .. 703 p.m. 738 p.m. GOING. EAST ; Lve. City Arr. City No. SMail .. ..148am. 229am. " Fast Exp. 226am. 3.05am 3 16 Local .. .. 8.16 am. B47 am "GMail inns 12.16 noon 12.49 p.m "4 Fait 1.00 pom. 1.29 p.m ~ 12 wep 703 pm. 7.38pm Direct route to Toronto, Peterboro, Hamilton, Hufialo, sondon, roit. es ier: Pres ined. Shontroul, Halifax, Boston and New York, For Pullman Accommodation, Tickets and all other information, apply to, J. P, HANLEY/ Agent, Corner Johnson and Ontario streets. ------------------ New York Central & Hudson River R.R. THE SIX-TRACK TRUNK LINE Shortest Route to the United States Via Kingston and Cape Vincent, N. Y. -- Lv. Kingston (Str.), *5 am, 2 p.m, Arr. Cape Vincent (Str.,) 7 a.m., 4 pai, N.Y.C: » Lv. Cape Vincemt, 7.25 a.m, 4.50 p.m. Arr. Watertown, 8.20 a.m., 5.50 p.ui, Arr. Oswego, 11.56 a.m., 8.57 p.m. Air. Syracuse, 12.11 a.m., 9.383 p.m. Arr. Rochester, 2.28 p.u., 1.20 a.n. Arry Utics, 12.20 p.m., 945 p.m. Arr. New York, 5.40 p.m., 5.15 a.m. *Mondays only. Convenient traim service fm opposite directions PULLMAN, SLEEPING AND PARLOR CARS °. 2 Cents a Mile Books for 500 miles pt travel om New York OCeatral and Stats of New cost . Secure information and purchase tickets from H. S. Folger, New York Oeatral Agent, Kingston. Ont 0. F. DALY, \ Passenger Traffic Manager, As H. Smith, General Manager, Gs ©. Gridley, General Agent. CEES CIT ALU EVAL: \ "n Connection With * Canadian Pacific Railway TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTON : 12.30 p.m.~Express, for Ottawa, Mon- treal, Quebec, St. John, N.B., Halifax, Boston, Toronto, Chicago, Denver, lien- frew, Sault Ste. Marie, Duluth, Ste Paul, Winnipeg, Vancouver, Seattle, Portland, amd San Francisco. 5 p.m.--Local for Sharbot Lake, conpecting with C.P.R. east and West. 7:45 a.m.--~Mixed, for Renfrew and in- termediate points. Passengers leaving Kingston at bm. arrive in Ottawa at Peterhoro, - p.m. ; Toronto, 7:30 am.; St. 11:55 a.m. Full particulars at K. & P. and OC. P. R. Ticket Office, Ontario street. F. CONWAY, Gen, Pass. Agent. 0 12:80 5:00 p.m. : 7:30 John, ---- Bay of Quinte Railway New short line for Tweed, Napanee, | Deseranto, and all local points. Trains leave City Hall Depot até p.m. F. CONWAY, Agent B. Q.Ry., Kingston. TIME TABLE STEAMER WOLFE ISLANDER | Beginning Sept. 4th, 30 260 2.90 | 3.00 PM, ICELAND, { ® from | Boat calls at Garden Island going to and | | | ROYAL MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL. Victorian «= Thurs., Nov. 8. Tontan Fri, Nov. 16. | HALIFAX TO LIVERPOOL. i Virginlan o..cccooseer-s mo +. Sat., Nov. 34. | RATES OF PASSAGE. | First-Class $55 and upwards, according | to Steamer. i $42.50 and upwards, | Third-Clnss. $37.50, and $38.75, ! Sallings from Montreal to | Glasgow, on | Dros and further particulars appl od P, Agent G.T.Ry., J. r, QILOENSLEEVE, Aeent O.P.R¥e Er ------------------ AUCTION SALES Book at once with the Auctioneer { Write us at once answering | the following questions and we | will gladly sen: salar free, | postage prepaid, a set of four {Ill of our latest edition of beaut: ful colored Picture Postcards, lithographed in brilliant colors: 1st--Name your Grocer. 2nd--Name this Paper. INTERNATIONAL FOOD CO. TORONTO, CANADA. + Ellis | UnshrinKkable | . Underwear Spring Needle Ribbed never shrinks --yields quick- > ly to strain-- ~ springs back as' quickly. Warm, soft, perfect-fitting-- elastic till wer out. : Make it your Winter choice --for comfort's sake. Union and Two-Piece Suits--for Men and Women. See them at your dealer's. Free sample of fabric and ¢ Write : The Eilis Manufacturing Co., Limited, Hamilton, Ont. Sole matory in Canada of Spri 8 Needle Ribbed Underwear. { you must have a soap, pure + enough to clean the skin, and as delicate as the petals of a rose. Such a soap is "Royal Crown" Witch-Hazel Toilet Soap It is two soaps in one -- toilet and medicated. for the price of one. Only 10c. acake. 3 for 25c. INTERCOLONIAL SY NTR NY SPORTSMEN SATISFIED Reports from all the G anre-Sections of the Maritime Provinces indicate # most successful season. Write for | * Fishing and Hunting" "Trail of the Mic-Macs" ** Week in Canaan Woods "Moose of the Miramichi TO GENERAL PASSENGER : DEPARTMENT, Moncton, N B EE ---------------------------- Memorial To Talmage. New York, Nov. 16.~Plans were, to- day. completed for the erection of a $10,000 organ in 'the Janes M. 2 church, as a memorial to the late Rev. T. DeWitt Talmage, $5,000 of which was donated by Andrew Car- negie. A stained glass window _is-also being placed in the taberndcle' where Dr. Talmage labored so logge and well. Prevost, Brook street, 'has received all his fall and winter importations for order work in his tailoring de- t, consisting of Scotch tweed, Phee and black serges, t variety of black cheviot and Vicunas; ake a splendid: stock of overcoating. Any- trusting him with an order out Amt thty 'will be well pleased . § | to examine a job complained of E. [life without feelin; "A 3 mr Vag DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16. - - MN TT ------ tI ) SEVERAL WEDDINGS ---- | OCCURRED AT NAPANEE | li DURING THE WEEK. | A Former Napanee) Man Had a | Narrow Esca Death of | Ezra H. Dunbar--Personal Hl Items. ! Napanee, Nov. 16.--A quiet wedding {occurred at the home of the bride's lise Lalu, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, {Isaac Amey, bocame the bride . of | Bernard Leroy Leeman, The ceremony { was performed by-Rev, J. R. Real. | The young couple are well-known and | Brandon amd are guests oft Mrs. | Lockridge's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. IF. Hall! 'Br. Lockridge will resume his dental practice in Tamworth. Mr. and Mrs. H. CC. Campbell, who have been residents of our town for the past twelve months, will leave shortly for Indianapolis, Ind. They are both artists of exceptional ability and over 500 life-sized portraits are distributed over this section, which speak for work. Walter N. Gordanier, of Tacoma; | Wash:, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Gordanier, former residents of panee, met with quite a painful acei- dent in a evllision on Angust 12th, his hip was hroken. for several weoks, but is again to. resume his duties at Electron, Wash. The accident occurred near the power house, where he works. The light engine he was running. collided with a freight. Walter and his com Mr. and Mrs. W. CO. Smith, strect, are rejoicing over of a little daughter on Thursday, No- vember 15th. Miss. M. J. Ross, (M- tawa, is spending a week with 'rien is in town. Wilkie McCoy, Sulphur, Vu * East his parents after an absence of ' T. V. Anderson returned this week from Edmonton, AMherta, where the spent the past two months, the jenest of her sister, Mrs. S. B. Me- | Knight. | J. F. Moore. for the past two vears. with Madill Bros., loft, yes terday, for Peterboro, where he will zo into business, a member of the Robert? Fair company. Mr. Moore who wish him success in his business venture, - Mrs. U. J. Flach and dauchter, Marjorie, returned this week from. a three weeks' wisit with friends in To- ronto and St. Thomas. Mrs. F. D Miller, Dundas street, was "At Homi to her many friends vesterday aftr noon. Miss May Bartlett was **At Home" to her voung friends on Wed nesday afternoon. | Township Of Kingston Council. November 5.--Members all present Un motion Aylesworth-MeAdoo, $10, on road division. On motion, Purdy- Aylesworth, the taxes of Thomas | Cousing remitted, except school tax, on account of straightened circum- stanocs and sickness, Councillor Purdy by | P. Hart with power to act. Councillor | Lawson to sell a job of repairs on | road, i hirg. On motion, Lawson: Aylesworth, Henry Mclver paid $3.32 for a sheep lilled by dogs beine twocthird of its value. On motion, Aylesworth-McAdoo, the city of Kingston to be billed $15, paid the and that a solicitor he employed to | take action against the city regarding | | said nuisance. Councillor ' Lawson to | | examine a bridge and road complain- ed of by Kennath Orser with power to act. Councillor Aylesworth to ex- amine a culvert complained of by { I. Melver with power to act. Dog | taxes charged against William Law- | son, Thomas Smith and Henry Evans were refunded; wrongfully assessed. Voted : Robert Reid, $2.50; bonus on Gin Pills .Cure Kidney Troubles. OR YOUR MONEY BACK. Read this letter from Mrs, Has it not the ring of truth? not describe your own ? does it not point the pant I lief ? * For three years than I can tell with terrible Foi in the small of iny back. When over, it seemed as though I would neves be able to straighten up, I tried Kidney Pills for a year and a half, but was gets time, until advised by ny neighbor is ty " Gin Pills," as she had been al similarly affected, and had been completely them, | [ took three boxes Gin Pills, and almost from the first dose I began to feel better. Now I am pleased to say I can , 10 as good a day's work as ever in my | out. Before getting Gin Pills I bad to havea girl | 10 do my housework, but now I can do | it all myself, including the washing, I will always Gin Pilly. for kidney trouble. ting worse all the Sold at all druggists cure. at ona 4 guarantee that they cure ot You your mouey back. Soc box--6 for $a. If you will write asking for it and us the paper in which you saw this we will send you a trial box of Gin Pills abso- free. The Bole Drug Co., Qavents, on Wednesday evening, when | i) { popular residents of Napanee. Thein blend of Manitoba ink Wheat in {numerous friends wish them happiness just the exact Bropart | and prosperity. W each to make the whitest, most {| On Monday morning, at St. Pat- | nutritious Rread--and the light- |rickls church, Anastasia Manion, | cst, most inviting, most tooth. { daughter of John Manion, was mar- | some Cake, Pies and Pastry, {ried to Edward McDongld, of. Erins- | 3 , to say the least, | ville, Rov. Father O'Connor officia- '| AT YQUR GROCER'S | tir. Dealers, write for prices on all Dr. Lockridge and Mrs. Loek- kinds of foci, corre? Grains and | ridge arrived here, last evening, from Cereals, T. H. mited, themeglves of their handi- | Na- | last near Tacoma, in which a bone in | He. was laid wp | able | : 2 " | panion jumped not a minute too soon | as not twenty feet from the spot the | the arrival | kon, arrived home last week to visit | ten | made many friends while in Napance, | opposite W. W. Kiell's, Elgin- | medical health officer, Dr. | { Edwards, for inspecting a nuisance on | | Concession street, created by the city, | | dary; Edward She Winnip 5 | roveheel at Moule Beaver Flour is the best for Pastry-justas it is best for Bread. Beaver Flour is both a "Spring Wheat" and a "Winter Wheat" Flour. Itisa Chatham, Out, ie. Fanten, Drowaltioes. Diets oiiey| | eating, Pain in the &e. While thoir most wemarkable success hag shown in cusing SICK curing and pres complaint, while they alsp Shit Momachatimuiatethiy i engines came together. ured Ezra H. Dunbar, Fellows, died. Tuesday. after a short illness, aged | about sixty years. Decoased was a | 'wonld bealmost priceless tn brother of A, J. Dunbar, John street, ins om Lulsdistruing somniniul; bat b. ¢ Vi v viv { their oon ind hore and thos Napanee. A widow survives. but no | Data ne Tittle pill children. The funeral took place yes- | in so many ways that they will not bo terday. i i But @%he bane of #0 many lives that here in whose a Fant Our pillacureit while not, and do not gripe & y | tat by thelr tis action ploase all wha | ~yiy Ta rislnat B3cents s fivo for $l. Sey overyw! cracat by CWTER MEDICINE CO., New York, OJ Al Sod Des Small Pry am. Sing, Laugh, Cry, Shout, make wonderful speeches, render the | greatest music, give vent to the keenest humor, and pour forth the best of everything the earth pro- duces through. The Columbia Graphophone Winners of The Grand Highest Award, at The World's Fair, St. Louis, 1904. FOR SALE AT Angrove Bros. 88-90 Princess Street MEN LAND WOMEN Use Big @ for unoature' { wire fence; T. Anglin & Co., $11.30, for plank for Grass' bridge; Wilbert | Grass, $2.50, for drawing lumber for | bridge; Thomas Hawkey, $20, for the | support of James Fisher for cight months; Arthar Kemp, $13, for build ing a culvert; N. C. Graham, $10, for repairs to a culvert; Sherman Powley, $25, for building a culvert and grad- ing road near Loughboro Lake: J. Me. | Keever, £3.10, bonus on wire fence; W, {J. Smith, £10, for digging ditch; J, | Smith, Jr., $162, for excavating rock; George W. Smith, $40, for services as engineer in the Joseph Smith ditch; Waltor Smith, 216, for work on boun- pared, 2305 honus nirbanks, $1.50, Joseph Bulsh, Mack Lillis, $2.65, bonus Charles Hay, $25, for on wire fence; Is for repairs to bric $3, for ditch; on wire fence; | repairs on culvert and gravel; E. Ben- nington, 815.41 dor gravel: F. MeCor mack, f10; griint for road division; Elias Ely, 86, for work; Martin Lillis, 837.50, for job of ditching on the line of the Powlev ditch; J. Fi Leather { land, $71.40, for lumber and tiles; L. L. Gallagher, £36, for money spent on boundary line: John Berry, $21.25, for work; T. Anglin & Co., 836. Jor lumber for culverts and bridges; the clerk, $6, for selecting jurors and making jurors' books in duplicate; J, W. Martin, and H, J. Day, 82 each, for selecting jurors: Dr. Edwards, $13. for services respecting the fair grounds nuisance; Jolin Wehman, $60, for ernshing stone: 1, Fliott, 85, for {spreading gravel: John Rowe, £33. for breaking stone; Patrick Hart, $12, for i work: J. Duncan Thompson, 81.60 for | searches respecting the collector sure ties. Adjourned till 15th Dereniber at ten o'clock, piano ty 'Hear the World Talk granted F. McCormack to be expanded -- FASHION'S FORM. Shirt Waist of French Washable ' Flannel. { For cold weather wear, the blouses lof fl I, albatross or such material {will replace those of linen and thin cotton that are in vogue at present, the sketch showing one of the new models in a flannel waist. The design shows the front and rounded yoke seo- tion ¢ut in one, the centre box plait which hides the closing being trim- med by groups of small pearl buttons. Buttons were also used on the plaits below the yoke on cach side the front. The back of the waist was laid in three box plaits, The sléeve was fin- ished by a cuff, the upper part of which was curved, as explained by the figure, ' Newspapers Worth Counting. This is the title of G. P. Rowell's latest newspaper list, and it is the most practical guide to advertisers yet attained, Rowell's newspaper direc. tory has been a highly energetic and honest attempt for many years to give lists of publication and a guide te circulation. The man who pays for publicity can be easily robbed by quantity of service, and the direc tory publisher doing this man a ser vice incurs the emnity of fak rs in the journalistic fickd. But-the - honest, sue. cessful publisher deeply appreciates Rowell's efforts and is pleased that he has prospered. Every general adver: iser will get a beoefit from *"Newspa- per Worth Counting." -- A perfect bowel laxative for consti- pation, sallow complexion, headache, dizziness, sour stomach, coated tongue, biliouspess. Lax-ots act promptly, without Juin or griping. pleasant - to take--Lax-ets--only Bo, Sold by all dealers. Ly ------ SYNOSSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH-WEST HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS, Any even numbervd section of Domin- ton nds in Manitoba or he North- West Province, excepting 8 and 26, not be homesteaded any reserved, ma person the sole head of a family, Sr Inale over 18 years of , bo the exten Sue quarter section, of 160 acres, more or less. Application for. homestead entry or in- spection must be wade in person he 4 the applicant at the office of the local Agent or Sub-agent. An application for entry or inspection omde personally at any Sub-agent's office way be wired to the local ARint by the Vense ap- applied for is vacant on receipt of the telegram such application is to have, pribhity and the land will be held un the necessary Papers to complete the transaction are received by mail. In case of "'personation' the satry will be summarily cancelled snd the appli cant will forfeit all priurity of claim. | An applicant for inspection must be | eligible for homestead entry, and only | vue Abbliontion for Inspection will be! rece from an individual until that application has been disposed of¢ | A homesteador whose entry is in good ! standing and not liable to cancellation, | may, subject to approval of Department, relinquish it in favour .of father, mother son, daughter, brother or sister, if eligible, but to no one els, on fling do claration of abandonment. here an entry is summarily cancelled | or voluntarily abandoned, subsequent to | institution of cancellation proceedings, the licant for insp mn will be en | titled to prior right of entry, Applicants for inspection must state in | what particulars the homesteader is in | default, and if subsequentiry the state- | meat is found to be, incorrect in mater | ial particulars, the apniicant will lose any prior right of re-entry should the | land becowe vacant, or if entry has been | granted it may be summarily cancelled. Dutiea.--A settler is required to per- | form the conditions under one of the following pions fn | (1) At least six months' residence on and cultivation of the land year during the term of three years. (2) If the father (or father is Secensed) of a homesteader resides upon a farm/in the vicinity of the land entered for by such homesteador | the roquiremient as to residence ma satisfied by such person residing wi father or mother. i (3) It the settler has hig permanent | residence upon farming land owned hl nim in the vicinity of bis homesten , | the requirement may be satisfied by | residence upon such land. . i ofore making application for Patent | thegpettier must give six months' notice | in Writing to Commissioner of Do- minion Lands at Ottawa. of his inten- tion to do so. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH- WEST MINING REGULATIONS, Coal: --Coal lands may be pu at $10 per acre for soft coal and $30 for anthracite. Not more 820 acres can be acquired by one individual or Company. Royalty at the rate of ten cents per ton of 32, pounds shall be collected on the gross output. Quaris.--A froe' miner's certificates 'is granted upon payment in advence of $5 be annum for an individual, and from 50 to $100 per Anum for a company be | the | to capital. A free miner, having discovered miner al in place, may locate a claim 1,500x 1,500 feet. The fee for recording a claim is $5. Josater may, An upon other irements, pur- chase the land at $1 per acre. : patent provides for the payment of a royalty of 24 per cent on the sales. Placer mining claims generaily 'are 100 Tengw thereof. expended of bad, the upon havitg a Survey complying wi square entry fee $5, yearly. x A free miner nay obtain two leases to dredge for gold five miles each for a term of twenty frenow t the agate. able a discretion of the Minister of the Interi The lessee shall Ye poten in abbr alion within one season the for each five $10 per annum for each ory the pats or cent co on ou coeds $10,000 8 requires only | AFEW FI | The cocoa with the Yellow Wrapper the quantity .. of others, It's the most economical. _ It's of the highest quality.) A ° Its purity is beyond question. Send 10 conts for trial can. SORTING NOTES. Interesting Items om Various Sporting Matters. \ St. Thomas bas applied for admis sion into the Intermediate O. H, A. The Hamilton Tigers should defeat Montreal rugby team in Hamilton to- morrow, . Woite a number from Kingston will witness the Hamilton-Montreal chasid: pionship rughy match to-morrow, The Ottawa Journal editorially de- clures that the day. of amateur la- crosse, hockey and football has pass el, and will not return. There scoms to be a desire on the part of many athletic organizations in Canada to side stop the CAA. ine vestigution by saying "Me too" to the somi-professional scheme, Craig, the star of the Montreal back division, has been unable to practice on account of an injured knee. He has the log in splints, but is expected to ke in shape for Saturday. Toronto Telegram ;: Assault an um- pire in football and an apology fixes things all right. Do the same thing in lacrosse and froquemnt interviows with Col. Denison will follow, London National Sporting Clab will offer a purse for a match between 0% Brien and Moir for the world's cham pionship, The match is ue as sured. 'The club wishes the fight to take place early next year, *"Chaucer'" that the Canadian rueby rules will be any hardship to the Tigers. He opines that they will ho able to get away with all their tricks and that the Quebec champions will have the busi est timo of their career. Ottawa Citizen: A thrilling rescue by "Chaucer" Elliott is reported from Hamilton. On the return trip from Montreal, "Chaucer" asked Ballard, the brains of the Tigers for a cigar otte, "Brains" produced a bundle of his favorite Sure Death brand and Chaucer" at one confiscated the whole layout. Hamilton approves 50 boxes only, Neck Frills, 5 to a box, assorted colors, regular 40c. SATURDAY price only 25¢. per box. Hose Supporters Langtry Hose Supporters, the "Chaucet's"" action but from looks like a case of pure hog liott's part. 3 1y Ww. W. Hudgins has made a good lind of iron pyritss on his furm south of the village of Madoc. 3 W. Lorne Steacy, Athens, has acospt- ed a positicn as Fan he Miss Pertha Lester, Setirmmt; a gold locket , on George VanSchaiek. for fourteen actos of land Dutch Point, Cape' .: ot John Ronan has Hous, A Elliott does not think | a sister. Sale of children's "mitts, 15¢. and 200.: children's 38c. toques in white, cardinal and 'navy, 250. New York Dress Reform. Clouds have been observed to rise to a height of 43,800 feet. A ------------ Crumley Brothers SATURDAY SPECIALS | Neck Frilling 90c Silk for 49¢ Manchester has the largest free Ii- brary in the kingdom, Ladies Sweaters Made from nice soft yarn, in white, cardinal, navy and black, at $1.25 each. 475 yards Louisine Silk just the thing for Dress or Separate Waist, best in the trade, 4 clasps, with | nice bright even h, will not band, in colors and black, at cut, regular 90c. SATURDAY %5c. per pair, only, 49¢c. per yard. . Sample Undershirts Wool Sweaters 75 Men's Undershirts, all | For Men and Boys', all sizes, in | samples, extra fine goods, to be sold at } less than regular price. Wool Clouds and Boas, from 25¢ up. Wool Toques in White and Colors. Wool Shawls, ( Cash Coupons at Crumley Brothers Easy to Buy! ° EVER WEAR THE FAMOUS 2" Dolgefelt " House Shoes They're Warm ! ~ They're Pretty ! SOME $1.00 ~ SOME $1.25 ASSORTED navy, cardinal, 50¢. up. and black, from from s0c up to $1.50 cach pis Tr -- Easy to Wear! They're Light! They're N oiscless! © SOME $1.50 COLORS. v

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