Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Nov 1906, p. 3

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Ea thera Or Sore Throgt DR SCOTT'S LINIMENT frecly and hang, IDR it well nayc rge bottle, 25 cents. rcellent Hair Resi ad Scalp Cleanser for sale at your dru, ¥8 be procured at « White Lini ho, N.B.. and ¢ JRS ST QUALITY ST STOCK ST FIT AALL STORE| AALL PROFITS LECTED SKINS ingeton's Onl ixclusive Feesier. "R F. GOURDIER 8-80 BROCK ST. one 700 I -------------- ---------------------------- ABLISHED 1835 RFECTION a FECTION can only be ached by a the oft cloth, mist, | James Be cott's ' Co., Se. Jo Chelne: continuous Il effort to excell. With in view we want you to suggestions for mas Shoppers u_are particular it will ie us, about our because we are a inclined that way our mith Bros. relers and Opticians 50 King Street ( r of Marriage Litonses. re ssesssssesses BON ¢ : ' ¢ : ¢ ¢ ' ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ' ' ' ' ' en You Buy OAL From WALSH get genuine anton as he dies nothing 'rade es dec, deep ing that many n 25% to 50%. vs, navies, and tweeds, latest style, prices were to clear chaniinies SOS . ~ 18, Serges, Lustres' and all double told 23c.a yaul goods. = wide, mill ends, 2 to ular Ge. quality. fc. a yard VIS WNS, 54 and 56 inches or only... 43c. each fast black, extra value I5¢c. a pair and drawers, were 35¢c. Shaw a garment ade of and Saturday Bargains Ladies' Shirt Waists in cream Fancy Flannel, ounds, ith colored spot small figures, all «sizes; $1.50 value, SATURDAY, §1.10 each. Ladies' > Hosiery Plain and Ribbed Wool Hose, made (of fine soft yam, od color, Y - Jadies' Shirts micel, special SATUR- , 25c. pair. Underwear Elastic Knit Underwear, and Drawers, Vest, y trimmed, Buttoned Front, Drawers, in two styles, & » the best Vest in Kingston, for the money, TO-MORROW, 35¢c. the Garment. , Ladies' Flannelette \ Underwear h Drawers, Skirts and et Covers, in pink, white or p ale blue. We have them from 59¢. up to $2 each. Dress Goods Specials 59 for 45c. &@ inch, All Wool Poplins, " lCrispins, Serges, Prunellas and Tweeds, good range of colors; TO-MORROW, special at 45¢. yard. Remnants The balance of Our Remnants, HALF PRICE, TO-MORROW. Jas. Johnston Store 180 Wellington Street. Business Trai Frontenac Business College KINGSTON ONTARIO Day and Evening Classes Ts: N. STOCEPDALE, Principal. A Superior Institution Moderate Rates. "Phone, 680. * Kingston Business College Head All C Individual veniu ie. the bes (LIMITED) of Queen street, Canada, devoted to higher Com- Wercial and Shorthand education. Kingston, ommercial subjects taught. - instruction. Day and ig classes. Enter at anv Rates moderate. Attend it. H. F. METCALFE, Prin. 14th Band and Orchestra Music for on Milita Violin, Address OPERA HOUSE Spealal Not-Out' 'B Violin, Pupil of 1 Try Myers' HOME- MADE Sausages For. Mandolin, Bandmaster Watson H. Walker, all Oeocasions, Instruction ry Band Instruments ; also Guitar and Banjo. ORCHESTRA "THE BUSY ONE." Rates for Weddings, Teas wnd Parties. - H. MERRY, Leader Viola hJnstrustion. Ollenhauer, Boston. 55 Sydembem St. or Theatre. a Pound of Sunday's Breakfast. 60 'Brock Street. re te-------- INSURANCE AND FINANCE. _-- G. Who been Meclntyre & Mclatyre MONEY TO LOAN KING STREET. KINGSTON CUSTOMS BROKER ; 'ears has associated With Mr. Olver. em BARRISTERS the late C. G. - carried on in his 79 Clarence street. A. Bateman business of will be for the last five Wa No. 1 Universal meat chopper Shs the size "for * house use. achan's hardware. | Catarrh of the Stomach A Pleasant, Simple, But Safe and + Effectual Cure For It. | f-- COSTS NOTHING TO TRY. Catarrh of the stomach has long keen 'considered the next thing to in- curable. The usual symptgms are a full or bloating sensation after eating, accompanied sometimes with sour or watery risings, a formation of gases, causing pressure on the heart. and lungs and difficult breathing, head- aches, fickle appetite, nervousness and a general played out, languid feeling, There is often a foul taste in the mouth, coated tongue and if the in- terior of the stomach could be seen it would 'show a slimy, mflamed con: dition. The cure for this common and ob- stinate trbuble 'is found in a treat- ment which causes the food to be readily, thoroughly digested before it has time to ferment and irritate. the delicate mucous' uridees of the sto- mach. To secure a profipt apd gy digestion is the one' necessuit do and when normal digestion is se- cured the catarrhal condition ill have disappeared.' Bi, According to' Dr. Harlanson, safest and best treatment is to use after cach meal a tablet, composed of diastase, aseptic pepsin, a little nux,' golden 'seal and fruit -acids. These tab- lets can now be found at all drug stores under the name of Stuart's Dys- pepsia Tablets and not being a patent medicine can be used with perfect safety and assurance that healthy ap- petite and thorough digestion will fol- low their regular use after meals. I 8. Workman, - Chicago, Ills, writes : "Catarrk is a local condition resulting from a neglected cold in the head, whereby the lining membrane of the nose becomes . inflamed and the poisonous discharge therefrom passing backward into the throat réaches the stomach, thus producing catarrh of the stomach. Medical authorities pré- sfribed for me for three years for catarrh of stomach without cure, but to-day 1 am the happiest of men after using only one hox of Stuart's Dys- pepsia Tablets. 1 cannot find appro- priate 'wordsi ta express my good feel- the ing. I have found flesh, appetite and sound rest from their use." Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets is the safest preparation as well as the sim- plest and most convenient remedy for any form of indigestion, catarrh of stomach, biliousness; sour stomach, heartburn and bloating after meals. Send your name and address to-day for a free trial package 'and for yourself. Address F. A. Stuart Co., 38 Stuart building, Marshall, Mich. @rand Union Hotel From$1.00 Pe Day Up OPPOSITE GRAND CENTRAL STATION NEW YORK Baggage To and From Station Free An excelle:: guide-book and map of the City of New York ®t receipt of two cents in postage. Cook's Cotton Root Compound. The great Uterine Tonic, and only safe effectual Menthly see Regulator on which women can =F depend. Sold in three Z8{ of strength--No. 1, ® 10 degrees ~! veneer, fc. specitl cases, Sold by all dr repaid on Totaipt pe "reo pamphlet. Address: Tar Inox Metoing 00. TORONTO. GT. (formerly Windsor 10% Discount to Students Razors, Razor Strops, Hones, Shaving Brushes and Knives a Specialty Strachan's Hardware MEN AND WOMER Use Big @ for unnatura! discharges, inflammations. irritations or ulcerations (=) sot To brieture. mucous membranes Low. T¥evena Comtacion. Painiaes, and not strip RTHEEVANSCHIMIBALDO, gent or poisonous. CIRCA SBE Sold by Druggieis, LN E | or sent in plain wrapper SM by expres, prepaid, for 81.00. or 3 bottleq $2.75, Circular wnt an request BRITISH - AMERICAN HOTEL KINGSTON -7-. ONTARIO Has undergone alterations and 18 now open fto the travelling public. W TELFER - Proprietor New England Chinese Restaurant 331 King Street Open from 10.30 a.m. to 3.00 a.m. The hest place to get an all round Lunch, in, the city. Meals of all Kinds on shortest notite. English and Chinese Dishes a specially. "Phone, 655. Wm. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Harness, etc, for sale. Sale of Horses Every Saturday Ladies' Tailoring Finest of Workmanship, Up-to- Date Styles, and Good Fit Guar- anteed. 236 University Ave. | NewYork Chinese Restaurant 83 Princess Street Open from 10.30 a.m. t0.3.00 am ® best placy to met an all round Linn iv the city; Meals of all kinds oi sho fiotice. English and, Chinese dishes a specialty. DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY; NOVEMBER 23. SEEK CO-OPERATION OF CANADIAN BOARDS OF TRADE AND COUNCILS In Pressing Upon Doininion Gov- ernment the Necessity of En- larging Welland Canal--King- ston Board of Trade Takes, Initiative. The following is the resolution ad- opted by the hingston Board of Trade regarding the Welland canal enlarge- ment : Resolved, that in the opinion of the board of trade of the City of King: ston, the enlargement . and improve ment in general of the Welland canal is' a matter of the most urgent importance to Canada, both as a means of reducing the cost of trans portation of grain and other export products from the interior to tide- water, and also as a meas of mak- ing the St. Lawrence route the high- way which it should .be, not only for export commerce of the dominion, but also for that of the central and north- ern-portion of the United States. That at present the route from the head of the lakes to the seaboard via Buffalo and New York enjoys a great advantage in the cheapness with which grain can be »arried from west- ern lake ports to Buffalo in large vessels of 10,000 tons and over: That that advantage will be further increas- ed by the enlargement of the Erie canal which has heen undertaken, whereby barges of one thousand tons will replace those of 250 tons now in uge on the second portion of this route : And that under existing con- ditions the Canadian route via the Welland canal cannot possibly com- pete with that via Buffalo and New York, even if Port Colborne harbor is Improved so as to provide the same facilities for storage and trans-ship- ment as are now available at Buffalo because additional difficulties and éx- pensés are entailed in providing for the navigation of the second part of the route which includes. with the Welland canal and the St. Lawrence, the broad waters of Lake Ontario, That on the other hand if the Wel- land canal is enlarged and improved f0° as to permit these large vessels of the upper lakes to extend their voy- ages to the full length of deep water at or below the foot of Lake Ontario; the longer haul of the large cargoes in unbroken bulk will place the advant- age decidedly with the Canadian route. That the comparative: facilities will then be : By the New York route, ga steamer of 10,000 tons for 900 miles to Buffalo, and a baree of 1,000 tons for 150 miles to New York. By the Cana- dian ronte a steamer of 10,000 tons for 1,100 miles to the east end of Lake Ontario, and a barge of 2,000 tons for 170 miles to Montreal. * That the comparative cost of {rans portation would then be : From the foot of Take Erie. Ruffalo to New York, including terminals, per bushel, 4.90¢. From the foot pi Lake Frie. addi- tional ' cost 'by Sano throngh i~- vroved Welland canal from Port Col horne to foot 'of Lake Ontario, 500. From there to Montreal by river barge including trans-shipment and all other terminals, 1.625¢. Additional insurance via St. rence c. Balance of cost in favor of the St. Lawrence route, 25. That the above comparisons ecstab- lish the complete supremacy of the provosed improved Canadian route, That the saving in cost of transpor tation means a corresponding saving to the producer of the grain of over exposed Law- two and one half cents on every bushel: and that on a crop of 75. 000,000 bushels 'the saving would be at least $1,875,080, That no other proposed route shows so effective a method of reducing the difference, between the 'price paid hy the consumer for our products and the price realized by the producer, That no other route offers_sthe same opportunity to retain Canadian trade and at the same time to invite trade from the Uhited States into Canadian channels : That no other route is so feasible, and no other is so easily within our means. That what is to be avoided is the frittering away of our national -re- sources on works which cannot, with in practicable cost, accommodate ves sele of the size necessary to accom plish natioral results in the conditions of existing and future business. Be it therefore further resolved, that in the opinion of this board the work of enlarging and improving the Wal- land canal should be undertaken by the dominion government without fur ther -delay. And be it further resolved, that the president and secretary of this board of trade do sign copies of this reselu- tion and forward 'the same to the Hon. the Prime Minister and to the honorable the minister of railways and canals, and that a copy be also sent to the local representative in the dominion parliament with the re- quest that the great importance of the matter to the dominion at large be uted upon the government. A letter signed by W. T. Minnes, president, and J. E. Cunningham, sec- retary, with a copy of the above re solution, is being sent to all hoards of trade and city and town commcile in Canada, nskine them to give immedi ate consideration to the matter and to appoint representatives to doin the hiv delegation to go to Ottawa. to interview the government early in the new year. -N Never Before. : At this season have we sold sq many. furs for Christmas presents andy never "before have we received 4d many compliments on nobby styles and superb, values in fine furs. You may select any article you wish and bv making a small pavment have it laid aside until wanted. See our hig values in scarfs and muffs. Compr bell Bros., the store that saves you money oft fine furs. our ndy, Huyler's and iibson's Red Cross Fresh high-class McConkey's, at drug store. The right kind, the kind that burns up with little - waste. Swift's Seran- ton coal. tion from the German, was the dainty, pathetic litte prose-lyric, | Mw hich opened the evening, and in which the audience had the pleasure of seeing Miss Dorothea Baird, the HENRY B. IRVING Roused His Audience to Enthu- siasm. HENRY BROADRIBB IRVING. Our city is not the same to-day as vesterday--the night came between and brought Henry Brodribb Irving. 1t is very decp thanks we give him for his coming. To speak of him as a finished | actor, to dwell on this or that per fection of his art, is not to adequate- | ly. 'express the peoples' mind regard ing this great son of a great father, who walked the boards of our theatre on Thursday night, and wrought those who watched and listened, up to pity, to horror, to sympathy, to fear, a% he was by turns Dubose, the murderer thief or Lesurjues, good son and father. Reade wrote "The Lyons ' therefore it is very human with its blending of the tragedy and the humor of real life. An Irving plays it, therefore is its portrayal sincere, and real and moving. The drama hinges on the similarity in voice and feature, between the erimin- al and the honest merchant, a like- ness so wonderful that it deceives! all, even Lesurques' old father. Two plots are laid, the one by Joseph Lesurques, the Parisian merchant, to help his father, whom he loves devotedly, out of financial difficulties, by secretly giving him 75,000 francs. The other by Dubosc and his gang of robbers, to waylay the Lyons Mails at the elder Lesureues'-inn at Lieursaint; and rifle the bag of 75,000 francs in notes and coin. - The son gots away after his good deed just before the robbery and murder, and the father comes up to see his supposed son going threugh the pockets of the dead man. Tragic scenes are they, (with the comic element which accentuates the tragedy) when suspicion falls on le surques, in his own house, before his newly-married daughter; when he takes leave of the daughter before go- ing out to exeemtion; when Dubose, maddened with brandy and ith the fear that he has. killed the woman he wronged, but loved in his way, shouts aloud from a balcony and attracts the attention of the crowd gatherai to witness Dubose's execution, and the Paris mob rushes in upon him; but Irving rose to his hight when his father, in a ten-minute interview, al- lowed before his son is taken to prison, entreats him to commit sui and spare his family the secaf shame. For an instant Lesur- que's will falters, then he throws the pistol down. "0 Thou unto Whom all hearts be open, and from whom no rets are hid' the drawn, ha=rard 2 is tyrned pleading upward --Cow ard, coward, coward: hisses the aged father, in his frenzy of grief and wrath, and to this seemingly conclu sive bit of evidence the magistrate is witness, Aft this scene Mr. Irving was thrice called before the curtain, and in a few words of sincere thanks for the reception given him and his com pany, regretted that their stay was fo short here. So well did Mr. Tyars as Jerome Lesurgpes, support his principal that the audience would wave been glad had he, too, appeared and received a meed of honor. All members of the, company were good, easy and natural in their acting Harcourt Williama: Charles Dads worth, TT. Reynolds, as Courriol the dandy wd Chioppard and Durochat, Dubose's ludicrously hideous accom plices; Jolioet (Arthur Curtis). th serving boy, irresistibly funny and realistic, even to his way of rinsing out the horse bucket: Archer, the postmaster; his nicee, Mellon and "Jeannette," Miss Maud Milton, all hve 'their principal ~enwjné support "King Rene's Daughter," 4 transla beautiful wife of ° ome years standing of Mr. Irving. They met in 1896 when both were in Ben company. At thirty-six Mr. Irving needs not to be known as son of a grent father he is great himself. Fdueated at Marlborough and New College, Ox- ford, he has been called to the bar, he has done literary work, which the critics have said is good, all this tend Greet's more warmly a second time. « Only Mitten Juice. ure in his red mittens, though they | soon got wyt through in handling the | ¢ first smow of the season, 3 « "Why. Roy." warmed his hands by the kitchen | stove, 'What ails your hands 11 Roy took a careful survey of his | stained bands, and replied in an off | handed manner | | | i i "That's just mitten juice." 2 ---------------- « Smart dressers, who want the | "swell thing" will he greatly interest ao ed in our $12 and £15 fall ve | "Bibby's | It makee no difference who has the ff of the eqmipment would be the first snltation Four-year-old Roy had great pleas | tee, his mother, as he | the the congh, Gibson's Red Cross cough jatare. syrup will cure it," %0e. and 50 Snow © apples at "The Red Star." | souvenir view CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion, lc. a word. Each 'con- secutive insertion therafter 4c. a word. Minimum charge for one in- sertion, 20e. Advt 4 lines or under a week, Advt. 4 lines or under a month, $1. $a. Everybody in Kingston Reads the WHIG EE Ey HELP WANTED--MALE, HELP WANTED FEMALE. DO-LET, ROOMS, MODERN CONVENIENCES, at 285 Alfred street City. ee ema DWELLINGS, AT $6, $8, $11.50, $18, $20 St A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT, - JAP. ply to 132 Bari street. APPRENTICES AT MISS , GALLI van's, 285 Alfred St. First-class $25, at McCann's, 51 Brock dress and mantle making done promptly, STORAGE SPACE _ FOR FURNI- AT ONCE, TWO EXPERIENCED Sure. diy . salesladies, and three fur finishers. meme -- ne Si Apply George Mills & Go Mamufactur- 1a 2 ing Furriers, 106-108 Princess St. Rous rove apes, Cop XiNg. water. Apply to Cann, 51 Broek treet. A WOMAN TO GO TU THE COUNTRY BARTENDER, GOOD SOBER YOUNG Apply British American Hotel man. office. INTELLIGENT BOY, 16 TO 18, TO learn shoemaking. Good chance ito learn trade. Apply A. E. Herod, 286 Princess street. ee ttn ee eee enttee. GENTLEMEN TO HAVE THEIR overcoats made to look like new, pressed and cleaned or turned. New Work guaranteed to please. Prices right. Galloway, the Tailor, 181 Brock. street. AT ONCE, CITY Kingston to sell High (lass Nursery Stock for Canada's Greatest Nurser- fen. permanent situation for right man. on liberal terms. Apply at onoe, Stone & Wellington, Toron- to, Ontario. MEN TO LEARN in eight weeks, to $18 weekly. BARBER TRADE, graduates earn $10 Branches throughout Canada and United States. Help secure positions. Catalogue free. Moler Barber College, Queen and Spadina, Toronto. WANTED-GENERAL. Ea" FUR FINISHERS. APPLY JOHN Mec- SALESMAN, FOR a I oman with = fortable home for right party. Ape |FIRSP CLASS SITUATED, AND ply Whi office, re I ty iy eu MONEY AND BUSINESS. detached. onbosite Street ay next month, may sell. J, White: OUR POLICIES COV MORE ON building and contents company 0 . ¥ Godwin's Insurance Emporium, Mark- ot . bread, 196 Union street West: LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE | ELECTRIC MOTOR, EIGHT BORSH Fire Insurance Company, Available jour, now running in Whig P. assets $£41.187,215. In tion to oom, which the Dolley hoidug have tat a durlimited Liability of all | 4 ANERAL PURPOSE = HORSE, COM. Be at Toweet iin ing six, sound, city broke, The Wm, Co., Ltd. ALL KINDS OF CITY PROPERTY, cheap, at McCann's Real Estate Office, 51 Brock street. rates. Before renewing old or giving Davies' new husiness got rates from Strange & Stranve, Avents. A ---- ARCHITECTS. sET---------------------------- BILLIARD TABLE, CAROM, NEW WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF. York make; 9x5 feet cushion space. Ses, segond door oven Masood "Dros Apply through Whig office. streets. Entrance on Bagot street. "Phone, 608. AMERICAN ENCYCLOPEDIA, NEW sixteen volumes, at a Jlscount,_ for POWER '& SON, ARCHITECT, MER. special reason. Apply through ® chant's Bank Building, corner Broek office. and Wellington streets. 'Phone, 312, | -- - -- -- ONE MARE AND COLT, ONE TWO- HENRY TP. SMITH, ARCHITEOT, year-old Colt, and one three-year etc. Anchor Building, Market Square; Hersey =' Huifer. D. J. Huy, - 133 Phone, 345. Clarence street, ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OF... p60 BLACK WALNUT COUNTFRS in first-class condition, being fice, Cor. Queen and Bagot streets, One K 5 Brock . forty feet lone, the others eirhteen I LOST. fort each. Apply to 805 Alfred St. . | SMALL BROOCH, SET WITH PRARLS ------ -------------------- YOUNG MAN WANTS INSTRUCTION, i omtradde, Cent Oiarn HoUto, or » . : : rn evenings, in Junior Physies and A iy Et A oan, BARBER sHOP Now = coNnuo Fh Mathematics. Address "1, L. B., Thursday _evenine. Reward for re y Fred Reid, 82 Mot 2k Whig offic "Whi office iy on promises, or to A. 15. Hard -- tin ian turn 10 Whine oflice ag, Cor. I'rincess and Montreal Sts. FOR MAY 1st, 1907, IN CENTRAL VETERINARY. mm----. ER 3 locality, ror cash, ffouse, about $3.- . . s 8 RE | THE PROPERTY, IN THE TOWN- 800, 2 Houses at $2,000 each, (single | PR. G. W. BELL, V.8., HAE a ship of Storrington, owned hy Wilton oubiey Ar 881. Whi moved to his hriek block, om Clarence : Fitlam Dull, consisting of "1.0t8 or double). Write Box 381, Whig orf he Post Office and William Duff, r « office. BO a a he Po 21 and 22, in the Third Concession, -------------------------------- Calls by te phone or ox containing about 875 Acres, The promptly attended to. farms will be sold separately or to- TO RENT. DIC gether Rouldes the ia farm vail: MASON & RISCH UPRIGHT GRAND ME. AL. ings on the Premises here is. a valu. Piano, nearly new and in good con- | pr; MeCARTHY, OFFICE LATELY able cheese factory, on Lat, 22. or iti ly "N.T.,: Wii J ; of Mon trms, ete, apply to Joseph By dition. Apply to Box "N.T. hig occupied by Dr. Ryan, corner LL i office. treal and Brock streets. Walkem, Solicitor, Kingston, sGazj Susoas=s ) awemimeawmce The Paragraph Pulpit In Favor of Domestic Science and { On An va 3 euon About Unitarian. o . Manual Training. i The management committee of the hoard of educgtion will again, at the special board meeting, to-night, pre- sent a report which sugpests that "for the proper 'sqmuipment and oreaniza- tion of the schools a household scichee department and a manual training department be established at as early a date as possible; the for- mer to include; the needlework and the atter the art work now heing done in the piblic schools." This will wipe out the present. work, 'as constituted, of Miss Shaw, but the committee sug- her appointment manual training instructor if she can ify, and it is thought the board will post pone the opening of this department until she has opportunity to arrange with the education department for certificates, In a letter to the board she said she could do the work The household science. department is to be for the girls of the senior IV classes of the public schools and of the first form of the collegiate. In tha public school grade' named there are eighty-nine girls, and in the first form of the collogiate, sixtv-one;,total, 150 This number would form six classes, to instruct which would require seven teen hours. per week, leaving from cight to ten hours for the supervision gests as of needlework in the public schools. The course to he for two vears--one in the public schools and one in the collegiate. The curriculim to be in noe with the requirements of the « awrtment. The accommendation required is two rooms. The estimated expenses for the first vear, after de- ducting the government grant, are SSO, The manual training instruction is to be for boys of the junior and senior IV grades of the public schools which number 188, Ten classes to ba formed, each class to he given one lesson of ene and one-hall hours per week. The course to he for two years. I'he cirrionlum to be in accordance { with the requirements - of the depart | ment. The teacher to give manual training instruction in the mornings, and supervise the teaching of drawing wind art indthe public schools In the afternoon The acedtimodation re quired is one room Regarding the estimated expense of this department, outside of accommo dation, it cannot be reliably given as there is a difference of opinion as to the should be. The cont £500, and what salary ing to the making of the finer, fuller | © Supplies 8200, making £700, exelu- man. His personality is great, his | "1V¢ of salary, The grants would be strong, intellectual face and his clagr | Fixed annual, 2350; twenty per cent. voice most attractive, dhite apart |of the equipment each year until ita from his art. Among the larme awmdi- | Cost. 18 covered, 8100, making £450 ox ence, last night, were many Queen's clusive of what would be received on men, who honored Bim with their | Salary. viz, twenty per cent. of all Gaelic slogan. Is it too much to ask | Over $600. The salary of the present Mr. Irvine to remember us when manual training teacher would be acain - he comes through Can. | avd, so that to establish this new ada ? We 'should welcome him even | dePartment the cost to the board for year would probably not be wer 8200 or 2300. » ° The management committee in con- with the property commit- learned that accommodation can w provided forfthe household science lepartment in the top storev of the aldrinte buildin for £250, and for manual training department in basement. of "the Central school wmilding for 850. Say, on a chilly afternoon or even- if the house .is comfortable, v grate fire Is cheer. Get Blue irnse Lumps at Swift's, Perry Davis' Pain-Killer is 'sold at sibkon's Red Cross drug store, "Phone suits, | 230, ® Calvert's carbolic tooth powder and waste at Gibson's Rid Cross drug Kingston and Thousand Islands books at O'Gorman's. Mrs. Sarah Britten, -of Des Moines, REV . C. W CASSON, OTTAWA. who at her death bequeathed her house to her dogs, was noted for her hu- mor, : At, a banquet given by a woman's club in Des Moines, Mrs, Britten made a telling attack on man. "Man," she said, "claims to be a quick, brisk dresser, and he accuses woman of dressing in a dawdling manner, so that «he is always an hour Unitarian Belief In God. It is urged against Unitarians that thay do not believe in God, It is not an argument; it is a foolish error, As o Methodist minister 1 believed in God, but as a Unitarign /uinister day 1 find that the only change in my faith is that it has grown more r so late, : : "i his assertion has come to he | ample and mere sure, The" conception pretty generally believed, It is not has changed, but the conviction grows more clear with each new day of Uni- tarian progress, This statemelt is not mere speculation, but is the voicing of actual experience. If you have heen taught to beliove that Unitarianiem is simply unbelitf, you may correct the a true gssertion, though, Listen. | "My gousin.and his wife were going | to the theatre the other evening, My | cousin, after dinner, sat down and smoked a cigar. Mary, his wife, hur- ried upstairs to curl her hair. "About filteen minutes before thea- mistake, tre 4imé, just as Mary was nearing nv the end of her toilet, my cousin rush- | CURIOSITY. od in upon her wildly, flinging off his | imati : : io and cont ns he came, | Leads to Investiga on "Jingo! |] must hurry," he said | Truth. 'Lay my things out on the hed for What shall we do to be saved ? wns me, will yon, Mary ¥ Where is that | the title of one of Robert Ingersoll's new shirt of mine ? "In the closet ? | lectures, People .of faith and people of Well, while Pm washing would you | no faith flocked to hear it. Thousands mind getting it and putting the but- | are asking, "What shall 1 do to get rid of dandruff ?" The answer is, "Kill cuff | the germ that causes dandruff, falling tong in for me ? And don't forget the pearls for the front, and the links--they're in the shirt T just took | hair and finally baldness: and the only off. How about my shoes? Oh, all | thine that will do it is Newbro's Her right, Is my hat in the hat box ? | piside. That is the very latest diseov- Well, get it out and rub it up with | ery of the laboratory, and it is the that velvet brush, will you ? Oh, here's | only preparation that claims to, or a button off my waistcoat. Would you | that will kill the pestiferons dandruff mind putting it on now? It won't | germ. It nleo is a delightful hair take you a minute, Sav Marv, button | dressing, free from oil or grease or this collar for me---that's a good girl. | sticky substances. Try it and be con- H's stiff and tight, and 1 can do no- | vinead of its actual merit. Sold hy thing with it. Wonld you mind tying | leading druggists, Send 10e, in stamps this tie, dear ? Mary, just take the | for sample to The Herpicide Co., De- brush and bring this loek around so | troit, Mich. G. W. Mahood, special that it hides my bald spot, will vou | agent. please ? Thanks, dear, Now, I'm ready. | ----- How about you ? By Jinjo ! you're not | dressed vet !' And you started long be- | fore me! What have vou been doing | An Interesting Official Statement 0 | LABOR M. P.'s COST. with yourself, any way? Of all the | Made. dawdlers, women are the worst 1 | Spectator * 3 have half a mind to go without you, An interesting official statement is just to teach you a less ro . made with regard to thiufinances of the labor party in Thursdad's papers, | Pack of the twenty-nink!M.P's quali- fied to receive benefits fram the parlia- {mentary fund i= paid £200 a Sear, IT IS COMING. A Great Comet is Due to Sight in | and this, with other jeessary ox- 1910. | penses--percentage of réturning offi- The most famous of all comets, cers' foes, salary of a'dek to the whips, ete, and percentage to general fund---Hring the total expenditure. | to £6,299 per annum. Last vear's in- | come * heing only £4,000, the execu- tive announce that they will propose at the next annual conference that payments to the parliamentary fund of the labor representation committee should be raised from a penny. to two- pence per member per annum. With an {income of £8,000 a margin of £1 would be left to meet the further thought not the largest and most brilliant, will again be visible in 1910, This is Halley's comet, so culled for its identification by the great astron- omer who was the friend of Sir Isaac Newton. Halley's investigations of as- tronomical records led him to assert that the comet which he had observed in 1652 had appeared in 1531 and 1607, and to presdiet its reappearance in 1759, The folfilmpnt of his prophecy excited the most intense scientifie in terest and established beyond doubt charges of maintenance and returning the periodicity of comets and their | officers fers anticipated from the in- movements in orbits determined by | ereased representation of labor in the law of gravitation' Its last ap- parliament, pearance was fin 1835, "its period varying betweep seventy-five and sev- enty six 'years on account of the per- turbing attractions of Jupiter and: Saturn in certain parts of its orbit. It was by that time possible to cal culate its movements with so much greater accuracy tham before that it made ite perihelion passhge within four" dass of: the predicted date, It Schoolboys' Nerve Test. A eurions, test of discipline is re- ported ' at an ERfield elementary school, save the Daily Telegraph. The boys were told to ston work snd fix their eves on a blackboard. A foot- hall was then thrown inside throngh an open window, and the 'seholars were not expected to turn romnd or wag not then a very grand object to | smile under vain of beinmsbrovght ont. the naked eve, 'hut the light of ite | Then the ball was dribbled up and nucleus surpassed that of second | down the room, the schoolmaster keeps © magnitude stars and was comparable | ing a sharp look-out with that of some reddish. stars of the | first magnitude, such as Aldebaran | - and Antares. Tte tail, while the comet | Chamois vests, all sizes, at Gibson's was approaching: the sun, .aktained to | Red Cross drug store, for all eyes straying from the blackboard, a length of twenty degrees, Ribhy's for men's flannel shirts. >

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