Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Nov 1906, p. 1

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Satarday 49c. 1 double breasted or. 1 al:Saturday 5. ir $7 and . 50. Special weeds, regular $2.50 and a : s Overcoats én slow--stock 100 large ear just in--New Gloves and ave money )7 Pe Princess Street y Pace.' 70 $6.00 nglish quarterligs, magazines, res ntific journals for which THE.LIV. vould cost more than $]75. of time in sifting out the import- g what was really worth your is art of skipping for and ne, light! and easy to hold, the best ry and all the most timely and im- of periodicals, reprinted without you, » pay for 3,300 pages of the best subjects of human interest, and em< ratare, art, international affairs h year twice as much material ag r monthly magazines. As it has literature to select from, it is jects," treated by a more brilliang ne, English or American. less momey ? Certainly. There are 7 count. which may be had for one razines. THE LIVING AGE terest in what is going on. To | successfully for' more than | it was never more nearly pre- sixty indis« eceive free the remaining numbers GE COMPANY eet, Boston he Easy to Wear ! IE FAMOUS House Shoes They're Light! They're Noiseless! 25°. SOME $1.50 COLORS S Shae Store ET .... Furniture and Carpets. ~ Everything YEAR %3. NO. 275. "Furniture de Specia lp |-Sme House, DRESSERS AND STANDS-- In Qak," Mahogany or White En- St. Andrew s Sermon, Chalmers' amel large stock, prices from \paurch, 7 pm., Sunday $6.50, $7.50 up; some beauties at Missionary Conference, Old Convoca- S14. IRON BEDS-- White Enamel and Brass, This any in Jhistory --Fort Duquesie strong and durable, : $375, $3, | surrendered to British, 1758; Jotm Knox $3.50, ete. died, ATR Canada boundary treaty SPRINGS AN ATTRESSES.-- SPRIN( AND M WHIG TELEFHONES. Hercules, the best made, $3.50 and | : : }43--Business OMce, $5. Some cheaper lines at $2.50. )29--Editorial Rooms, 392--J obhing De Embossing and Engrav specialty. Robert J. Reid Leading Undertaker 230 & 230% Princess Street 6 Doors above the Opera House Telephone 577 Ambulance Call 577 At Van Luven's New Goods Arriving Dally Canada Flakes, Jumbo pkgs., with hina Plate, 23e. Fag-0-See, 2 pkgs., 35¢. S. W. Biscuit, 2 pkgs., 25e. Graham Flour, parcels,' 10c. and 20c. Shredded Cocoanut, 1 1b., for 20c. Fruit Susar, 3§ lbs., 20c and 25: Preserved Peaches, ca 20c. Pitted Cherries, cans, 20c. and sets at 4.25 tion Hall, 3 Queen street Methodist churches row. DAILY MEMORANDA. Gel Ihe Frentest vaTues In fine Furs Waterworks at Campbell Dros Committee, 4 p.m... Mon Sm WINS SEND Beautifufil Zephra is near, Wednesday Aunt," 8.15 p.m. sun rises Grand Opera The Sunday at 7.08 a.m. p.m p.m. Sunday Anniversary Services in Cooke's and to-mor- China! China! We are at present showing the most complete assortment ever displayed. No only in the city but anywhere in Canada. Come in and examine the pretty China. You dont need to buy, it will please you to see them. Robertson Bros. Lombard Plums. cans, 10Ce. Imported Sardines, (very nice), 10¢. Chutney Sauce, bottles, 10c. Golden Haddies, cans, 10c Cooked Mesits--Ham, Jel Hock, Corn Starch, 8 Ib. pkes., 20c. Laundry Starch, 3 lbs., 20c. Soaps have advanced in we offer 6 bars Comfort, Naptha, for 25c. Butter im good supply. F. W. Van Luven, Phone 417 216 Princess Street SEND FOR "The Doctor' By Ralph Connor Just Out, At NeAULEY'S "et SALE We are still sticking Bible Sale. We expect to sell a raft of Bi bles mext week. Cloth Now 'of .books. English Church price, T. McAuley It you find it difficult being fitted with Shoes, come to us and it is changed to a pleasure. WEAR ALLENS MILITARY BOOTMAKERS tins, Brawn. price. Still Eclipse or Prices reason- a to our 10c. each. in a stock Books, at to lay Bound i¥ your chance Books, Prayer half 82 Brock Street Signo! Geiden 8 Boot Imported Cheese We have received This Week the following lines of Imported Cheese Camambert, per box... i 'Gorgonzola, per SS r Roquefort, per Ib......45c. James Redden & Co. The Home of Good Groceries TAKE NOTICE For a Hall Stove, Parlor Stove, Kitchen Range, or any other Stove come and see me as I have the larwest stock 1 have ever had ; also a lot of TURKS, SEEOI%.AAR, tons For Every REAL STATE AND INSURANCE SWIET'S 4308 0025 The right kind, the kind that burns up with litt waste. Swift's Seran- ton coal. Chamois veste, all sizes, at Gibson's drug store. Sealskins decreasing' year. | examine our Skins and Mo- Are steadily advancing in in number each We have received from our Dresser in London, a magni- ficent lot of Fresh Skins, pur- chased before the advance. Every one a specimen XX X Skin. We are prepared to make to special measure any style of garment you require, Guaranteeing Fit, Style and Quality We «invite you to call and dels. Catalogues and esti- mates furnished onapplication JOHN McKAY "FUR HOUSE 149-153 BROCK STRERT KINGSTON By John H. Mills. AUCTION SALE of Fine Wil s & Son's "urnit of Wan. Mundell Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE. Or Office Furniture i St. Andrew's Society BY ARRUAL:.. SE PRMON J. Craig. Cin}, It 18 one of 'the most wonderful ai Toy Sunday eveningz, Nov. | tonics for deve sloping the figure, mak- §25 ath. All Secotsmen are Welcome. Mect | ing bright ewes, red lips and rosy 4 ¥ ol church, at G30 p.m. un Hall yom A.M, CHISHOLM, Secretary. {ROBERT J. REID » THE LEADING UNDERTAKER '8 'Pronss77. 227 Princess Bt. The band of RuRiian | r utionists, known as the "Group ¢ leaving Finland for fear ol arrest It is estimuited that every dentist i Britain pulls an avefage of forty-fiv teeth yearly. the only drug store Sunday. Gibson's Red store. a ha value for vour monev inggsift's oal. open Woman's Soctess Square 3d THURSHAY, that very distressful country in which his majesty takes the deepest inter ast It is now cially 'decided that GC Bend Er the prince d princess will visit Room Sct, viz Sideboard, | South Africa officially about twelve Extension Table, and Chairs, Gas and | yionths hence. Much, of course, will Kitchen Rauge, Refrigerator Hall. Rack depend on the political outlook. Tt is Cr tensils, and other goods. | an open secre{ that in politics the Piano at 12 noon. Sale at 10.30 a.m. | pri is in the Gladstonian Terms cash. "Phone 663 sense, and thet he would like to JOHN H, MILLS, atest freedom extended fo the A a Offic No. 657 Brock St, on AEAROAY, w. 27th, at 1030 am Viz .---Roll Ton and Flat Top Office Cabinets Linoleum Office and Other Other Goods. Terms cas JOHN H. THE eer Toil," are all dav. Cross drug in A Lottery Prize. WHEEL OF FORTUNE BRINGS LUCK TO TWO ENG- LISH FAMILIES. Black Cat a Mascot--Its Owner Gives it Credit For His Win- ning a $2,500 Motor Car. London, Nov. 24.--1he 'wheel of for- tune hag been kind to two English people, Mrs. Savage, a South-emd lady, has won a price of $200,000 in a Calcutta lottery, and kranx Wells man, a Newmarket painter and decor- ator, has won a $2,500 motor car in a Lockerbie bazaar raffle. On beng advised by a friend in In dia of the Calcutta lottery, Mrs. Savage purchased $40 worth of tick- ets, and a few days later was offered 22,500 for them. Her husband made ber a similar offer if she would give him $25,000 in the event of her win- ning a sabstantial prize. To this she agreed, and a formal contract was drawn up. Mrs. Savage and 'her husband were overjoyed some time afterward to learn that they were entitled to a prize of $200,000. Frank Wellsman attributes his luck in winning, a $2,500 Deasy at the Lockerbie Town opened last week by motor car Hall Bazaar, Princess Louise, to a black cat, which he rds as his mas-ot. it has frequently brought him luck. Some time ago he had house to let at Newmarket, and was vnatle to secure a tenant. The black cat was taken to the house, and there was ediately a shoal of apy - tions, and a good tenant was secure red. The tenant, hearing of the eat, ask ed for it to be loft. His request was granted, and the cat made a prac tice of sleeping at the foot of his bed. Almost immediately he had a re- markable run of luck at Newmarket races. - He gave up his tenancy and Mr. Wellsman took possession. He porch used two shilling tickets in the Lock- erbie ba'aar raffle and thought no more about them. On Friday after noon, as the black cat was verched on his master's shoulders. a telegram ar- rive rom the town: clerk of Locker notifying Mr. Wellsman that one of two tickets was the winning num- Ler, entitling him to a motor car of the value of $2,500; given hy Lady Buchanan Jardine. Mr. Wellsman that the black cat his run of luck. bie his convinced for ROYAL PAIR BUSY. Prince and Princess to See South Africa. London, Nov. 24.--~The Prince and Princess of Wales have been kept hustling in one way and another very much of late s a mother and future qreen, the princess has certain done Per duty, and has left the succession to the British. throne in no possible doubt. But besides her domes duties the has don welling ws to Australia and India were great successes, but both she and the prinee would much like a rest from these state visits to the eco'o- nies. The king however, who is be coming more and more far-sceing, is intenkely desirous (that his heir to the throne should visit South Afr in order to create a better feeli in col nies. Th Cure A. Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- lets, Druggists rely ind money if it fails to cure. E. is on cach box. 2%e. A thousand dollars reward has been offered in Nelson, B.C, for the arre pnd conviction of Cedio, who is char- ged with the. murder of Louis King, by dynamite. cheeks over offered, to the American girl. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea, Tea or Tablets, 33c. Mahood's drug store. Mackenzie King, the deputy minister of Tabor, ie in Lethbridge, tring to offcct 'p ssttlement of the conl famine which threatens the whole of Southern Saukatche wan The Emperor of Ching has edict érdering that the us in the commtry. and Wen th tion 'of the poppy must cease ton years. See the new. fancy Plans of its provosed rou n {the Yellowhead Pass have e I mitted by the Grand Tronk Pacific to the government. A walk down te Anclin's ta see their new office and bright Scranton con! will do. von good. £1.50 issued an vests up, i Chown's ' KINGSTON, "ONTARI ly Grove's signature yen sub- Ss ATU RDAY, BRILLIANT I INVESTIGATOR: A Woman Who Had Made a Name. London, Nov. Zi. Men, perience, selttom grudge legitimate atstincuion won. Mrs. Ayrton, who is the wile' of Prof. Ayrton, the principal of the Uen- wal Technical Coliege in South Ken sington, London, has long heen kndwn as a brilliant investigator of clectrical problems. She is the only the Institute of and she was nc in my ex woman any that she has woman member of Electiical Engineers, nated for fellowship of the Royal society in 1802, but on that occasion legal authorities held that the council had no power to elect a woman. She holds seven of the medals of the various scientific socie- ties, and she is the first lady to ob- tain the Hughes medal for experimen- tal [investigation Cpe of the many knotty points which have been long debated tists is the drop of potentiar mn an cleetric are when it begins to hiss, and the reasoh for the hissing of the are, which she showed to be solely due to the inrush of air into the crater that is formied in onc of the carbon pencils, She has also made tific experiments on the formation of sand ripples, which are likely to have a very imports ant bearing on the wind- ings of rivers, by Among scien some very scien- showing how the course of these n ight be diverted, and thus important discoveries. may re sult. ; Mrs. Ayrton a singularly bright and charming looking woman. She has been the gteatest help to hor hus band, Prof. Ayrton, and even duri ing his absence in America has undertaken his work. -------------- WAS TOO HASTY. In Speaking of Faults of Other Peoples. Liverpool, Nov. 2i.--Some excite ment was created in Berlin at a meet- mg of the American Women's Club, when Miss Mary Hay, the secretary of the New York Association of Women's Clubs, gave n address on German women. Her enthusiasm for her coun try women apparently overstepped pru dence, and she exhorted the American women to arouse the Germans from the "sink cf immorality" in which they live, A number / of German ladies were present, who much objected to the ch flarization, and © did «pot enter into 5 views as to the mis fon ol Ame rican women in their coun try It is always a steak upon and it difficult subject to » faults of other nation is usually a mistake not made by Americans in. fact, it is a mistake under any circumstances for one perscn or nation to start with the assumption that they have a special mission to another for the mote in 'their own eve is generally and prevents their really deal the beam in the eye of the is safer to generalize as to conditions which are best for the and women of anv people, and Jet the nation deduce its own lesson alles, one present ing wi other. It the men CONTINUAL INCREASE In Cobalt Floatations is Helping Toronto, Nov, 23.--The continu- al rerease in the Cobalt floatations is hating influence on the investment market. The weakness in several prin cipal stocks on ¥riday was thus ex- plained; the volume of mining sccuri tis has for the present congested the market. Announcements haw been made of floatations in the Erie Uo balt, which has takén over the Beav- er, the Lawson--which by the way is not the famous Lawson mine but one situated about a mile distant from this noted property--and the Coniagas cr J. B. 6, adjacent to the Trethewey g and originally part .of that claim, The latter property is not yet on the market, but Kas been under ten and incorporation applied for, tal wri cay £4.000,000, divided into S00, 000 shares. : The only real strong =toeck in to day's market was Green Meehan, which close t New York, bid £1.75 a share. Yestirday _ it was selling at and Silver Queen were easier inder avparent pro it taking Trethewey. which sold yesterday 8 hivh as #269 was a'so easier and £:1d back to about $2.40. THE DUKE MOROSE deseril ed by his friends as being very morose and irritable. Tt 'i= now known that tremendous ef forts were made by the duke and fri'nds to prevent publicity, and it Peris and London tev. 1. Strached, in Cooke's on Monday evening. Subj Bright and interesting. "Si vor collection." Choice perfumes, in Hainty packages, at Chown's drug store, Get Swift's . Scranton Swift's. coal at Red Cross Bibby" are beauties. Bat Sa "Try Bibby's special 82 derbies. oN Chamois vests, al sizes, drug wt . Bibby's 'Xmas mockwear. NOVEMBER Blenheim Palace 'is to Be |tntral express from the north, which Closed collided with a Pere Marquette switch cine ing crew in the Lansing yards He London, Nov. 234 <The Duke of Marl was caught between his. engine and a borough h = Jot been jnaide ay of freight car as he was attempting to his Lon lon clita Since dhe dy Mat jump, and his Basel 2 log ware per hb newspapers gave details 8 " mmnently injured. e claimed that. aration from the duchess A few days | the Pere Mamueite crew didn't warn ago he wis Staying at the Uaboure the passenger train of its danger by ot where he saw no visitors eo 18 wa# pointed out that the couple could easily live in separate houses, with ort the general public being any the wizer. it ix romorsd that the duchess wil divided her timé Sftally befween , 42ent rate. 24, 1906, SOLDIER SHOT He Was Killed At Own Command. LOADED MEN'S GUNS WITH BALL CARTRIDGE -- OR- DERED TO FIRE. His Military Record and Had Got Into Difficulty Over the Acci- dental Shooting of a Civilian. Berlin, Nov. 24. --Sergt.iMaj. Liz mann, of the 20th Infantry, stationed al Bremen, committed suicide, yestdr- day, by ordering fifteen of his men to take aim at his heart and fire. Lizmann called out the me for practice in execution drill and had, unknown to them, loaded their rifles with ball cartridges. He impersona ted a doomed man and stood at fif teen paogd from the firing party. He ordersd them to aim at his heart, and carefully tested the level of their wea- pons. He corrected one man whose rifle was pointed too low. Then rais ing his cap he gave the order to fire, crying at the same time, "Hoch der Kaiser." He fell dead, shot through the body in fifteen places. The sergeant-major was some time ago 'court-martialed for accidentally shooting a civilian in the course of a heated discussion. He ° had an excel: lent military record, bat-was senten- ced to a term of imprisonment. In a letter found at his quarters he wrote that after havin~ been a loyal and realous soldier he would never con sent to the degradation of undeserved imprisonment, WEALTH HAS ITS LIMITS. And Kylemore Castle Has to Be Given Up. London. Nov. 24.--The voung Duch- ess of Manchester (formerly Zimmer- man) is grief: stricken at being com- pelied to give up living at Kelemore Castle, one of the most romantically situnted places in Treland, but the Zimmermnn3yvealth, which has alrendy been spent lavishly on the castle, has ite limits. The heating and electric lighting, the furnishing and the sani tarv alterations cost a small fortune And the upkeeping expenses of such a large place are tremendous, No few- er than fifteen gardeners are required to keep the grounds in order, and a small army of servants is a necessity, I'he duke confidently expected. that the King or the Prince of Wales would buy Kvlemore as a permanent Irish seat for the royal family; but this hope is' never likely to be realized, as roval expenditure is already sufficient Iv large, and the Prince of Wales finds that he can put very little money sway for his children at the.end of each year MADE A PROTEST Against the Income Tax on Foreigner's. London, Nov. 24. The London. re presentative of an American business firm, Theodore Bussey, has just enter i protest ag: the income tax hich is levied on "domiciled" for eigmer They swooped down on him this vear, and, despite the plea that none of his money comes from Eng- lish =ources, payment was demanded. Mr. Bussey now threatens to move his office te Paris. "I sell nothing in Furope," he said. "Igonly buy here, and 1 can do mv business just as well in Paris. 1 shall close my offic and senel mv clerks and typist to swell the vour 88 Nr Bussev's threatened action ranke of unemployed, course of is likely to cause a considerable sen sation here. Many Americans will agree with and support his protest. $10,000 FOR FIREMAN. Injured in Wreck, Jury Awards Hin Jan. ages. Lansing, Mich, Nov. 2M. --Floyd , of Jackson, a Mithigan Cen- was given of judgment 85 in the Inghasn circuit the Pere Marquette was fireman on a Michigan displaying the proper signals. Building Sfeamers. Nov, 24.--The Glasgow Her one Italian company is so thoroughly convinced of the future development of trade and emigration traffic with Canada - that it already has three steamers building in this country for the Canadian trade. London, ald says The dake has definitely decid, to Get Increased Wages. i dese Blenheim Palace 'and will reside all River, Muss, Nov. 28. Fhe Fall at Wordsworth House, a small pro River cotton mill employces have won perty near Blenbeinr., | they battle for an'increase in wages | -- 3 Kd on Monday next, 30,000 opora He ovetcont Store Ptivea will come under a scale giving them tem per cent. more than the pre- Frosh high-class candy, -Bavler's and MeConkey's, at Gibson's Rnd Cross drag store, Careful honsckeepers Seranion coal. get Swift's Bibby', the overcoat store. warm time in Rome. The people ac. }{ 1 aida 4 laim him, A New "Form of Suicide in Ger- |' He - Ross, the Quebec Rhodes « many--He Had An Excellent scholar, has been made honorary ore near Port Arthur is ammounced, It et PITH oF THE NEWS. The Very Latest est Called' Feo Al Over The World. The Pritish gunboat Robin is ashore on the Chinese coast. Chinese in Manchuria are preparing to boycott Japanese French deputies have increased their | indemnity to $3,000 a session. At Belleville, Henry Taylor's grocery store was broken into and $13 stolen, Anarchists are said to be seeki the life of the dowager empress - Russia. Edward Clint, Brockville, Ont., died, suddenly, on Friday night, of acute in- digeption. Ring George of Greece is having a scholar at Balliol College. No trace has been found of the six bodies lost when the stecambarge Re- solute, sank on Thursda The discovery of high grade iron is said to contain 200,000,000 tons. An inquiry is to-be made into the wreck of the Resolute and the loss of six of the vessel's crew at Toronto. The Dritish war office is giving at- | J tention to emigration as a possible opening for reservists and ex-soldiers, Five boy scholars at St. Paul's Col- lege, Varness, Que., on the St. Law- rence, were drowned' while skating on Friday. Miss Margaret Ryan, Ottawa, is sus ing William Sears, of the township of Cumberland, for $2,000 for breach of promise. Ab Chatham, Ont, early Saturday morning, George White, aged about fifty, was burned to death at a fire in his 'home. A form of typhus fever, known as "hunger typhus" resulting érom star- vation, has become epidemic in Ka- zan; Russia, to-day, via Canada, for the first time, The time occupied will be a fortnight less than via Suez, Hon. A. B. Aylesworth was the guest of honot at a joint dinner of the To- ronto Bar Association and the bar of the county of York. Mike Eiovano was sentenced at Port Arthur, to be hanged, on Jaouary 18th, for the murder of a fellow coun. tryman named Angello, Donald Ferguson, a widdleaged man, was grrested in Toronto, charg: ed with bigamy and with having stol- en $400 from Mise Medley. The French government is planning a two-track railway tunnel under the Seine between Havre and Douem, to cost ten million dollars. The Central Methodist church, Strat. ford, thas extended a call to Rev. G, F. Salton, Ph.D, of the Dominion Square Methodist ' church, Ottawa, Next Wodnesday, Yankee wrestlers have a go at Windsor, Ont., for $250 and receipts. Chief of Police Willswill watch and stop roughness. Orville Duke, carried out into Lake J in a small boat is safe at Am- Rerstburg, Ont.. He drifted out fifty miles and 'was picked up by a steam- er. Royal R. Soper, publisher of the El mira, N.Y., Gazettr, and wecretary- treasurer of the New York Staté As- sociated Press, dropped dead, Friday night. Schneider, New York, mate Shanghai mails will arrive at Berlin, | } pure lien and lace, also the } pretty embroidered ) tern, and you'll Special prices while they last § At Special Prices : TO-MORROW Ladies' Fancy Handkerchiefs We had the good fortune to pecure a complete set - sample Handkerchiefs from a manufacturer at a price much less than their actual value, and they are beauties ¥ every ome of them. Some § are with silk centres and the daintiest of laces, handsome ly embroidered, others are of kinds. is only one of each pat- £ like every $ one of them. 'The 4 price were from 20¢. to 12l45¢c. to $1.35 Ladies' "made of pure Irish Linen, with hand em- broidered initials and hem- ! stitched edges, 20¢., regular price. Special ~ 12je. CHRISTMAS ITEMS, bargain prices. Steacy's The Popular Store at b Miss Oftilo who suddenly . went mad, fired five shots at Dr. F. Bierhoff, and hit threes persons besides. No one was badly hurt Peasants in the tricts of Southern famine-#tricken dis- Russin are report. ed to be in such straits that they are selling their daughters inte Moham- medan slavery One woman was kil'ed other persons were injured, when an elect freight car erashed into a suburban electric car, eighteen miles from Detroit, Mich. Toronto and London troops are in Hamilton .in connection with the street railway strike. So far all is gniet. - The dynamite explosion at a car 'barn was not serious, Prossia's treatment of Poland, es pecially on the school question, is tronelv denowmced in an open letter to the kaiser by Henry Sionkiewion) the well-known Polish novelist, 4 The clergymen of Almonte,. are ope titioning against the, release ofp 0, E. 'Henderson, of that town recently con: victed of indecent cofduct, and sent- enced to a year in the Cehtral prison There i= only, 1, 000 tons of coal in fiftwiour towns in Saskatchewan to go into winter with: 100,000 tons is neded, The Lethbridge mines ° are anxiotis to have terms matle with op- erators, An insurance expert surance. commission that of life insurance the rate was any- ®where from seven and one-hali to if ten per cent lower in Canada than in England, European palice, who have traced a certain Ttalian woman anarchist from Italy across Europe, have lost sight of her on 'the Danish frontier, and it is feared she has designe on the life of the Dowager Czarina. Josel Haffman, the inventor of a fling wmchine. built on the Principles of a stork. with legs nnd wines, will compete for the prizes of $50,000 offer. ed by a London paver for a flight from London to Manchester. The postal convention between the Canadian and United States govern- ments, ne to second class matter, will be abrogated on May 7th, when new | regulations are arranged by Cansda fnew negotiations will be opened. | The special train over the Intercol- oninl railway carrying the English mails; of the CPR. steamship Em- wees of Treland, made the rin to ontreal from Halifax, N.S., in nine- teen hours and fifféén Minutes Which is a new record. and sixteen {old the in- wn any class Try Bibby's all wool sweaters, BORN, REID. --In Kinewton, on Nov. 18th, I Captain and Mrs. H. G. Reid, '& daughter, MARRIED. CUSHING--BULLEN.--At the Bishop's Palace, Rov. 22nd, 1508, Re Rev, 'ather nsley Moun allen, Johm Cushing, both « TT TO-NIGHT. | Special Annpuhcement Return Engdroment of ETIEBNNE GIRARDOT In the "Greatest of Comedy Succensess CHARLEY'S AUNT With An Unexcelled Suppertioe , # Engiinh Players. rection Commins: orth. Prices--Evyening, .266.. 80¢... 78¢.. Beats now on Sale. . He ---------- . TWO NIGHTS ONLY" * wynist NOV, 26 and lay Latest London 'Suttéss "The Scarlet Mysteries" "Ten route to Australie) Absolutely the greatest musital comedy treat ever witnessed in this city. i Zntire change of costumes and pro nightly Prices--26c., 38c., 50¢., 75¢. Seats now on Sale: Nov. 28.29.30 2 SATURDAY" MATINEE. Sofia P pin the Cost and 200 Poorer easel Merry Dues Dance. Spark Wilderness of Dazzling Oalcimn Etlocta. Benehit Kirkpatrick Fow Seats on sale, at the Box Office, doy, Now. , At 9 amy New collars, 2 for %o, B bys

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