| S,umrren it. : ERS : : ce-President. e Company of Canada, Berlin, ging Director in Cuba. Fraser, Stratford. Noecker, Waterloo. in the Province of Santiago, of station, siding, large store and rsonally selected by three of the : three requisites for a successfu) lities, ! harbor which Sir William Van he important Seaport of Gibara, y York than Havana, »e provided at very reasonable s each 1,000 agres is sold. The Per Acre. oon be very materially advanted, iEQUEST. d, Windsor, Buffalo, Detroit' IMPSON, Qommissioner, h 133 Bay St. Toronto, the common east iron range. he room, and yet posseses s meats perfectly without and impure odors. lt has a solid steel unbreak- able. ly guaranteed by the makers. LDEN CO. Limited MONTREAL, VANCOUVER po Agent, 189 Princess St SKirt Counts thing in the wardrobe of the outdoor can depend on the. " ad Dress Skirt for grace of curve and SS. It is the greatest comfort to rt woman, s--tailor-made. At all high-grade » ERA" var. MITED, TomoNTO, ONT. oF A Friend 'in Need-- Al Incipient Cold, fake a Oascaret., ¢ Remember, all thess 2rs not merely Disootforts, butftrifieations of 2 serious caret, . Cascarats don't purge, nor punish the stomach like "Bllo-driving" 'Physi Muscjes that propel Food, and that squeeze the natural Digestive Juices of the body into Food, diseases: ways with You. EN you have Heartburn, Colie, Coated Tongue, Sus pobted Brath, Acid-rislag-in throat, Cas-belching, ar an & v Nip them {h-the bod--eat a Candy Cas They act like Exercise on the Bowel * * Ciscarels ward 84, or ciire, the following Bad Breath SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN -RGRTH-~WEST HOMESTEAD REGULATION 8, Auy sven Dumbsred Section Xr Domi In such cases'a tittle Cagcaret in time is on, HuIbAr . : Province, exceptitix 8 and 36, mot | VOT: fHYy 7 ollars worth of Treatment later oa, be omsstanded by any |.on, 10 say noting of the suffering, discom- og Pry of a Ls fathlly, or Juale | fort, 1cos of Businads Brergy, and loss of one-quarter section, of 160 acres, more | Social Sunshine it saves. pry E 1 - a v less. ' Application for homestead entry or in- wtion must be wade in person the plicant AL Vie oflice of the local it ; Sub-agen "An application for made nally at ub-agent rived 01 8 ollce i Wired to the. Agent by the the expense the ed for "is lication is t : rv rity d "a on 0 0! an u 0k Will be held 'the transaction wre persotiation' the sutry will i end applis riority of claim. Al 0 on must be aligible homestead entry, and only pte application for jnspection will be i irom an individual until that application has been disposed of: A homiesteader whose entry is in good | standing and not liable to cancellation, way, fbject to approval of Department, | relinquish it in favour of father, mother, | son, daughter, brother or sister, if | eligibla, but to no one else, on filing de- | claration - of } - | Whee. an entry is summarily cancelled or voluntarily abandon fnstitution 01° BamCeHa the applicant for isspection will be ean- | titled to prior right of entry. { Applicants for inspection must state in | what partic bomesteader is in | default, and if su uentry the state- ment is found £0 'be. incorrect. in mater fal particulars, on cult eo land in each | year during the term of 'three years. (2) It the father (or if the father "is e & homestea resides upon a farm in the vicinity of the | land entered for bv such homesteader the requirement as 16 ice may he | satisfied by euch person residing with the father or mother. | (3) M the. settler has his defice upon farming land owned b aim in the vicinity of his homestead, the requirement may be satisfied by residence upon such land. Before making application for patent | the Sqitler must give six 'months' motice | in writing t: fonmissia mer of Do miniog Landh™ dt 'Ottawa. of bis taiten: | on 0 80. » > | SYNOPSIS QF. CANADIAN NORTH. | WEST MINING REGULATIONS, | Coal.--Coal lands pe purchased a $10 per acre for sol anthracite. Not more than 820 can be acqui by one individual -or | company. Royalty at the rate of ten | cents per ton of 2,000 unds shall be | collected on the gross output. { Quaris.--~A' free mi 's certificate 'is granted upon payment in advance of $5 = amnum for an individual, and from | 0 to $100 per annum for a company | according to cap H { A free miner, having discovered miner- | al in place, may locate a claim 1,500x 1,500 feet. The 'fee for recording a claim is $5. At least $100 must be expended on the | claim each year or paid to the mining recorder in lieu 'thereof. When $500 has | been expended .or paid, the locator may, | upon having a survey ma: and upon complying with other requifements, pur- | chase the land at. $1 per acre. { The patent provides for the payment of | aroyaity of 24 per cent om tho sales. | Placor mining claims generally are 100 | feet square entry. fee $5, renewable yearly, y { A free miner may obtain two leases to | dredge' for gold of five miles each for = | term of twenty years, renewable at the | discretion' of the Minister of the Interior. The lessee shall have a dredge in opel. ation within one season from the date of the lease for each five miles. Rental $10 per annum for each mile of river leased. Royalty at the rate of 24 per | cent collected on the output after it ex. | ceeds $10,000¢ | W. W. CORY, Dopu y lot the Minister of the Interior. N.D.--Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will not be paid for. permanent | Hear the World Talk Sing, Laugh, Cry, Shout, make wonderful speeches, render the greatest music, give vent to the | keenest humor, and pour forth the | best of everything the earth pro- duces through. The Columbia Graphophone at iiners of The Grand Highest Award, | he World's Fair, St. Louis, 1904. FOR. SALE. AT Angrove Bros. 88-90 Princess Street BRITISH - AMERICAN yen) KINGSTON - - ONTARIO Has undergone alterations and '* now open to the travelling public, © sila W TELFER Propristor 43 EE EE od ng ats dure o {50d "poisons; and should bo deali with no the necessary | rouble, and move on the Bowel load, if od, subsequent tion orocesdingd, | . Headache Diarrhea Flatulence aundice "Piles ~~ Headuohes, | Hrariburp, Gassbelching, Acidriainigs in'ths firoat, and Colicky feel- signs of Bowel trouble from One Casciaret will stop the coming taken at theirs signs. Don't fail to carry the Vest Pocket Box of Cascarets with you constantly. OR en All druggists s=ll them--over ten million i boxes a year, Be very careful to get the genuine, 4 made only by the Sterling Remedy Com- pany and 'never sold in bulk. Every tablet stamped "CCC." 246 Beauty and Old Age What a 'mistak= > zstciata old age-with ugliness! With pure, rich blood, the tissues will be always 're-building. Wilson's Invalids' Port strengthens and purifies the blood -- keeps the digestion sound. It gives youthful energy, a clear brats bright eyes--the flush of health-- the cheery con- tentment and beauty of a normal "physical a Doctors pre- scribe it every- = i Soap ¥ * That Dyes! Fn re Seniors "MarpoLs '|=that's the name of the 4 successful dyel man a mc Vile . dyes to folare are Tua & bd bri Ham te Ar - any shade No st'raks \ % oalle Give yourse!l 8 i + sas pole ILLS feat with Goaniy Magpole™ SN dtr ow Boning out ial eve vwhte * wwe alan ase for Diack, For Your Life Assur- ance Call at "he > . Ganada Life Assurance Co. ' Office, 18 Market St., and get 'an ANNUAL GUARANTEED DIVIDEND POLICY. . your Accident and Sickness Insurance, For your Fire Instirance, For all.Cobalt Stocks and full information thereto, Por North-West and Cuba Lands, | h =CALL 4T-- 18 Market St. vw Te'ephone 708. EY 0 s tican occupation engagements he found time for so J. 0. HOTTON, Manager TO THE MEMORY 'OF THE} LATE JOSEPH BAWDEN, {{" M. S. Burnette Speaks Feelingly of the Deceased Lawyer--He Was a, Scholar and a Public ist, i 5 Lanark, Nov. 26th --(To. the Editor): A copy of the Daily British Whig-of the 13th inst, contains an account of the accidental death by drowning of Joseph Bawden, the well-known Kingston barrister. I need not say that .this 'event has 'occasioned me much sorrow. 1 could not add any- thing ta what has been so well said by the Whig, concerning the charac ter of the deceased as a mam, a citi- zen, and a lawyer; neither could I write of him from the standpoint I intimate personal friendship, as I know him only passingly. But with your permission | should like to 'inditea few lines, as to his® standing as a scholar and a publicist. The first of my meeting him was in the old Baptist church, about the time of the beginning of the ministry of the Rev. Douglas laing, nearly a soore of years since. He was at that time_the leader of the men's Bible class, and at the close of the regular service I took my place among the memters, fo much impressed was I] with his remarkable familiarity with | the Scriptures. that I tarried to learn ! his name and occupation. At that time he world be about fifty vears of age, of wedivm stature, inclined to stoutness, with a hearded face, and a striking intellectual caste of counten- ance. His voice and manner betrayed a man of much dignity and culture. I complimented him upon his rare know- ledge of 'the sacred record, nbon which he replied, that, if his knowledoe was superficial, his faith wes most on- trenched. Of all the men whom 1 have ever met, [can recall none who ex ceeded him .in an intense belief in the divine authénticity of the holy scrip tures. The next assemblage where 1 was to associate with him, was some years after, before our old social science club ! in the Sabbath afternoon meetings in | tha Whig: Hall. He was on the pro! gramme ad the principal speaker, and | was to read a paper of his own choos: ine on the subject of economic réform. ! By this--tinie 1 had learned that the "Umiversity city of the Thousand Isles, ! was most conservative in 'mandy mo | tions, and especially on the subject of political economy. 1 was surprised, | therefore, to "see an educated and proniinént member of the Kingston | bar demolish with a free, if not icono- clastic hand, the fair economic idols of his native town. The positions which the speaker took were advanced, in all respects, so much so as to proclaim him, not dnly a reformer, but a socialist. His remarks upon the ownership of the land were especially interestmg. He was not only a single taxer. but he advocated the government ownership of Jandudtimptely as is now the casa in some of the civilization of the Tar east. His attitude .as to the munici- vn! ownership of public utilities, he | lived to seo realized in his own ani other Canailian cities. As to the Banking systems, he showed how easy it was to prevent defalcations, and conserpuent. loss to depositors, by simple -overnment ownership. 5 But while thus radical in his views, he was most conservative in his me- thods. He drew no roseate pictures of the future: He portrayed the slow evolution of society. Above all: he did not encourage the sodalist by any retrospect of the past, for well he knew that a close inspection of the past although much improved in the present at periods, would lead only to pessimism. He counselled patienes in matters of social reform, and advised The re- former ¥ live and labor, and with eves on the future to hope. i The Whig states in its notice of his demise that he was the owner of mining lands. I have never consulted with him as to the proper ownership of mining lands, but opme from ana- looy he favored state ownership there- in. In travelling about these north- 'ern Canadian towns, where the win- ters are so severe, I am the more convince! of the necessity of state ownership of mines. In fact the con- ditions are presentl- intolerable. J With fuel at present rwices it is im- rossible that the workingman, at cong wages, oan subsist and bring s family in anything like a « manner. The coal mimes must be owned bv the state. The next time that I was to notice the attitude of Mr. Bawden as to public questions was at the opening of the Boer war. At this time several had contributed to the Whig de- nouncine that it was on the part of Great Brita'n, as the most infamous crime in the annals of mankind sav- in~- only the greater erime, the Ame- of the Philirevines, The Canadizn hurch, and higher seats of learning were either silent in open 1. pdwocating the war on the mart of the imrerial overnment. When | thoverht that the few were almost done in attemptine to stem this ba- tiona! tide of carnave and injuatice. Mr. Bawden came out in the Whig with ome of the best articles a-ninst tha war that has been writtem to the Canadian press. That article is.on the files of the Whig and will bear many reperusals, Its argu- ments are overwhelming, nnd the style and scholarship of the composition is very noticeable, That contribution dé- monstriated, that back of the quict re- served unprotending exterior of Mr. Bawden," there was a lion when the day of battle came. The . "last conversation it was my privilege to hold with the departed, was in his office, when the subject of classical literature came up, and he discussed at some length on the Poet Horace. 1 enquired how it was" that in the multiplicity of his professional much reading; and he replied, that it was his custom, after the family had retired, to seek his room and occupy himself with his books far into the night. This practice not only evinced his cultivated tastes, but the strength of his constitution. agi There is between wen jointly en- gaged in any great public mission a which sometimes rises ghove the dat of man, | ialism, the only cause thai can shrink, -- your own dealer so Jusrantees it. nderwear thus trademarked is softer, warmer, more ' flexible, better wearing. claims of even a sont! acquaint ance, and it is this influence that bears in upon me as 1 trace these lines. : Against the anarchy breeding cry of these materialistic times that "fo thing suceseds like success" (meaning y an accumulation of gold). Mr, Bawden set his face as a flint. Al though a man of considerable means, it could in no sense be said that he gave his efforts to the mere making of money. With. the Roman philosopher and emperor of old, he knew that any individinal fife was 'but a mere poi in the great circle of time and ete and to sé live that character shoWd be the only touchstone, was the whol reclaim 'man from barbarism, (every other form of human society having Been tried ove and over again through the eenthries, * and failing miserably), socialism has lost a dis tinguished member from its ranks, temperance also, has suffered a loss in removal of sueh a man, who by the regularity of his daily life eon- firmed the importance of a control over the appetite. Education, in the higher and lower grades will miss the "depends direct]; | the ancient nations. 5 | that there can be 'no such thine as 'happy, cheerful, and contented home life of Mr. Bawden. If there is one lesson which the histo the hu: man race teaches fore directly' upon the charac the home-life of its people, Wo seo this illustrated over and over again, with every beautiful variety of language and intagery in the minor prophets, and in the profane chronicles of all too, especially in y and other civil 0 'oblifrve this, - These fruit tablets rest stomach-Dring out a' * ta copious flow of gastric juice at meal time--and make the © of 'south hand i ines digest everything you eat. ! it is not merely * something 'eit is weakness in' the dager sigiial thatspmethingris wrong." Indigestion is stomachs way-of telling you that Ica t or won't , NOW is the time to take PRUIT-A-TIVES, furope. In fact, it may be taken as at historic and philosophic verity prosperous statelife, that. is mot ed upon the corner-stane of a well gulated and pure domesticity. W the western nations, may well look to it, that. we are mot i observance of this first and' of the primal laws of our bene, the inhabitards of the Orient, Pagan though they be, | The press account of the accidemt states that it occurred off Macdonald Park, where decensed was vowing in a small boat, alone and unobserved. The city of Kingston, so famed for the natural scenery thereabout, has no spot where the scenic effect is more grander than this particular place. And so, if the desolation. of the home must be accomblished, and the patern- al tie dissolved, what move appropri- ate setting could be piven on nature's lovely scenes, as the great Byron would say respecting "the day, the hour, the mmshine and the shade" and thus sitting there, as often in by- gone years, musing upon the fate of time and thines, the past, the present, the living, and alas! the dead, T see in fancy's eye. on that pensive Nov ember afternoon, the angelic cavalcade as passing from ster to star, from sim to sun, and from system to sye. tenor. it sweovs adown the skim to rather from that hresst of waters the snirit of our friend. --M. 8. BUR- NETTE. Cuite Too Sweeping. guiding hand of a scholar as it ix only by a more general diffusion of learn ing that we 'shall be able to sub- stitute for the masses, good books i replace the theatre and the bal room, as agencies of pleasure and amusement. We hear very much in these days of | From his beautiful house, our boasted civilization, (every age being optimistic) and how far jn-ad- vance of all preceding times we ave; but when we consider what a man like Mr. Bawdest stood for and how far short of this the mass of us are, we may well revise. our judgments, This much at least is plain, our standards of life are false, and mis. chievous, and, for aught we know, there is an undertow beneath all this: splendid show of wealth and tinsel that is bearing us on the rocks of revolution' Of one thing T am entirely satisfied, and that is, that the people of the Mosaic dispensation were immensely our' superiors in learning and general intelligence; and possessed better laws, better government, ant a more just and symmetrical civilization. And when it comes to a knowledge of the laws -of health, oa flexible and safe monetary system, proper land regula- tions, and religious and moral codes, I/qm afraid that we will have to go to the Pentateuch to find them. And when we tum to litozature we find the same thing. Daniel Webster affirmed that the Book of Job was so far ahead of any other book 'in point of literary merit as to be beyond com- parison. 1 have thought that the su. perb style of writing of our fallen brother, So strong, elegant and per. Spicuouy, was the result largely his Bab learning. BF of As a lawyer, the Whig has spoken of him as learned, safe and compre- hensive. Under present political sys tems, the logal fraternity mould our legislation, and exert a eontrolling force in society professions and vocations they are but qualified to perform this service: but that they are far from perfect hare is most evident, Cafled to move and act "in the higher circles of life, they insensibly lend their influence omy, the side of the strong; and the tenden oy 8 their ad ministration, judicial anf legislative, is to make the weak 'wesker, and the EE ERR Always Uniform Always Relsable Everywhere: Oblainable BAKER'S CHOCOLATE ey Be sure that you get the genuine with the trade-mark on thepackage. * Directions for ing more than one hundred dainty in our Choice Recipe , sent free on request. Walter Baker & Co. Ltd. Established 1780 Dorchester, Mass. % 46 Highest Awards in : Europe America tie of sympathy and brotherhood, Perhaps of all the Nixon Waterman, in Good Housekoeping. There ance was a woman so woefully neat | * haz she sswebnt her 'whole family into i the street, | Sho lectured oh tidiness, day after day. jm ber children ran off to the neighbors to onlay. ! And, sometimes, the "lord of the manor" would roam which was never a home : "Twas . splendid *and art, But it wid not ndewess homié's one red auisite--heart. expression of beauty But this woman worked on with her brush and her Hroom, With her servants she battled through room after room : She Waxed and she polished ber beautiful oors THI her friends hardly ventured inside of her doors. . Her carpets, so'velvety, one would refuse + To walk on, until hw had dusted his shoes: 3 Her chairs all so tidied, within, That to sit on «them seeped litle less than = sin. without and Her children had toys which they never could smrea O'er immaduiate flopres nar could cgokicn or bread He eaten where gruthbs might be soatter ed ahout, For her house was like "wax-work" with- in and without, Of dust just the least little innocent bit Would bring on something akin to a fit, Ard a tidy or nicturé a trifle awry Could never escape her inost diligent eye. Her childrén grew un and they hurried away, As soon as they could, scarcely caring to stav Where brooms a-whisking ; sighed for a nest Still neat, but inviting a spirit of rest, And the day when the last of her little ones left And the home of their smiles was forever bereft, She said, while for dust she still search- od un and down, » "Thev know. T'm the finest hohsekoepor in town: were they Captured By Electricity. Birmingham, Dec. 1.--~A traveller named Emanuel Heilbren was fined at | Birmingham for? cutting leather seats at Messrs, Mitchell & Butler's hostel lyics in Birmingham. Many seats hav- ing been damaged, the firms' engineer adopted an ingenious method to de- tect the culprit, Wire latticing ~ with "an electric bell attached was put im- mediately undetneath the leather. The accused, on ripping the material with a knife, rang the bell and was caught red-handed. Crimean Veteran's Pension. n Crimean veteran, who lives at Cro- mer, bas just received £50 10s. from the American ~overnment as. arrears of vension for his services in a Maine reviment daring the American Civil war, and has been informed that he will receive 10s. a week for life. He served in the Guards durine the Cri- mean war, but has no pension for this service. Anything That Hurts. Puin is nature's signal that some nerve is in distress. Nerves ory out when peidoned, when under pressure, dr when direetly injured, The remedy thant 'aclieves the pain, no matter what the cause, is Smith's White | Liniment. Cured sprains, swelling®, bruises, lutbago, uveuralgia, rheumatism. The handiest 'vémedy you can have in the hoose. Only 23¢. at Wade's drug store, Historic Beacon Destroyed. The beacon on the tower of Hadley chureh, near Barnet, which lighted the © forees of Edward IV. to the battle of Barnet, 1471, and warned inlanders of the approach of the Spanish Armada, 1588, has + been blasted by lightning, and' replaced by a new bronze lantern, London, Dec. 1. Newsboy Hero. 2 Piiblin, Dec. 1.<4The Royal Humane Sotisty has gwarded its honomary vellum certificate to a Braintree news- paper boy, named $ertie Parsley, twelve years old, for resewing a com- pahion frons drowning in the River Blackwater. Branch House, 8631. Pi 1» Montrgal, Can. of London; Dec. 1.--~Thomas Chudwick, You know that Pruit-a-tives are doing you good --hecause there is no more pain-~no more sour stomach--uo belching, gas. Fruit-a-tives keep the stomach clean and healthy--and ready to digest any sensible | eal yoit vat while the constipation is entirely cured by their use. k "Priita-tives are most valuable fa the home. We Wave Sted two hoxes and are todlay getting a t which tells onr opinion their merits. 1 find them es for the children, t 10 take and very Seansing FLT: action." * Ti = Mrs PF, M. NORRISH, Calgary, Alhenta, 7» Fruit-a-tives are pure fruit juices in tablet form. They act gently on all the organs of digestion--strengthen; favigorate, ahd cure, I Uicre is anything wrong with stowhach or bowels, cure yourself with é > 5 In addition to our exclusive creations in Gray Mixtures and Black Melton, we are showing an exceptional Jine of Overcoats for blizzard weather. a : P These are the famous Fit-Reform IN ' oy a Double Breasted Ulsters--in Irish ; Preizes and Scotch Tweeds-- exclusive cloths that have no duplicates in Canada. the help of a doctor, Men cannot en's sufferings What we woe 4 we know botler than any mie a it my treatment fsa Whitish by Twant to send you a entirel 0 to prove to you that you can cure ft at ho easily, * quickly "ands 13 Remember, that it will Cont you. togive ht treatment a complete trial; and if you should wish to continue, it will you oily ahout 12 week, or less than two cenis a day, It will not Interfere with Jour oroccupation, and e how you suffer, if you wish, and I wiil send you the 1 will also send free {lust rations shos= returis mail, ** with explanate tr a Lut br atm OF your ease, enlire ree, gla wrapper, feostamy book--s WOMAN'S OWN Mi L ADVISE of cost, my book--* Al ing why women suffer, and how they cas easily cure themselves at home. KNvery woman shou'd have it, and jearn to think for herself. Then when the doctor soys~"You must have an ope tion," you can decide for yourscil, Thou 18 of women have cured themselves with my hore remedy, It cures al Daughters, | will esplain a simple home treatment which sy efectually cures Leucorriea, Green Sickness and Painful or Irregular Menstruation 19 Young Ladied, Plompucss and health always result from its use Wherever you li eI can refer you to Indies of your own locality who know and will gladly " ten any sufferer tha, this Home t renlly Cures all woman's diseases and makes women well, strong, plump and robust Jost send me your address. 1.1 the free ton days' treatment is MAs alsa the book, Write to-day, ef you say pot sce Las offer & ress ¢ . " - - RS. M, SUMMERS, Box 1. 11 . - WINDSOR, Ont. Ra - TT TET TT Tr a a OT ZU La If you sver contracted any blood disease you are hever & n or §, 2 Deon eradicated Jrom ine system, Have yous ari iy arma \ ms, ro throat, nicers on the tongue or lu the oi Dr falling ont, aching paling, itchiness of the skin, sores or blotches on the body eyes red red smart, dys K peotic stomachy, sexual weaknoss~indications of the secondary Don't rain youe system with the old fogy trestment--mercary and potash--which Presses the symptoms for a time 0aly to bresk out again wheat happy tot a Je. Don't let quacks exp" mont on you. Our Mew rf over 20 years, No names Mr, E. A.C. writes: "Your remedies have done me m than Hot Springs and afl the doctors and medicines 1° viously tried. Faave not felt any cers or blotches for over seven years and theoutward gym: of tho toath have entire! fisppuacad, My Bair a nti fod ~ esome disease has grown ia {ally agai and Iam marr Drs. Hennedy @ Kergan,[ S315" 148 SHELBY STREET. DETROIT, MICH. TEE LARGE SHIPMENT RECEIVED COOKSON'S ANTIMONY AND PIG LEAD GET OUR PRICES JE Canada Metal Co. Foi" puoeis