Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Dec 1906, p. 1

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BRINGS, AIT" Kinds and at 1ow Men's Pure Wool "J aeger' best. fey c3 DRESSERS "AND. isd * In Oak, or White En- amel, large prices from 36 54, $7.50 up; soto § sitine at JRON BEDS-- o 2 © White Enamel and Brees, strong and Jurpble, (B75 SPRINGS AND NATTRESSES Hercules, 'the best 'made, $3.50 and $5. Some sheaper lines at $2.50, Robert 1]. Re Reid rn & boi Shdotape Street 6 Doord.above the Opéra House Telephone 577 Ambulance Call 577 BEST'S Manicure Sets is the 'finest shown "in 'Kingston. Ebony; Plain or Mounted, Coco Bola Silver, Pearl or, Imitation Tiffany inlay. Be sure and' see the splendid display of Christims "Goods, To your own intercsts Awd "buy Furs at Campbell Bros.' Hospital Governors Pron into the New Olympia Resturant, strect azaar marily and Friday Sunday at 7.14 gam. nam, Hoe, to-morrow afternoon. Te Opera House, to-night, Manne, Po 15 to- d Ne Teniperance Situgtion' of Mie "ston. nis day in history :--Queenr Mexandra Sohn Brown hanged 1859 Cunddinns start for Gifts at our Bazaar afternoon and evening. Tne he Evening Concert, it. Embossing and Engraving a specialty. ET a China! China! We are at present showing the most complete assortment the city but anywhere Come in and examine the pretty China. You dont need to buy, it will please you to Robertson Bros. 20 per cent. Reduction FS Hoga I carry a select line of Sweaters, Socks, Caps, Boots and Rubbers, now going at very low 'prices. Call and see these bargains. ISAAG. ZACKS 271 PRINGESS BY. na SciNcE ; \eCrone FRANCIS J. FLUNG, RD, CSD Member of Christian Science Board of Lectureship of Christ, Scientiest in Boston, Muss. Our New Fruits are all in HINT --Let us have your order now and avoid the rush later. NEW VALENCIA RAISINS NEW SULTANA RAISINS NEW SEEDED RAISINS NEW TABLE RAISINS NEW CLEANED CURRANTS = SEemiin ALMONDS NEW CRYSTALIZED FRUITS James Redden & Co. The Home of Good Groceries It you find it difficult being fitted with: Shoes, come to us. and it if changed to a pleasure. wo RE ESR SR Made-to-order for Christmas ce| Ladies' Fur and 'Fur Lined Cloth |* Coats A Specialty Any Color of Cloth Desired 25 different varieties of Fur Lining to choose from. Fur Skins for Collars and {. Trimmings in every known Reliable Fur. Write or cail for Catalog B. JOHN McKAY FUR HOUSE 149-158 BROCK STREET First. Church of Free Veterinary Lectures . Under the Auspices of tho Horse-Shoers stan Cn and Janu Horsemen particulary invited, JAMES CRAWFORD, Secretary of Committee. NOTICE We Are Selling $2 Razors and Strops 'at 81.25. Also Safety and Com Razors very , ny Stoves for cash at NUGENT & GRAHAW'S ana STREET. . THE BASTHRE A AND MATES HAVE douse. All members are requested to' i ou the nurser. ---- | Was Offered By Opposi- tion In-House is N OW IN COMMITTEE so WORK WIL. $hocEEn FOR SOME TIME. If Members Spoke Less and Did More Work, Like Mr. Harty, Progress in Parliament Would Be Materially Hastened-- Estimates For Kingston Insti- tutions, From Our Own Correspondent. Ottawa, Dee, 1.--A dreary day and a drearier debuts characterized Ottawa yesterday. With all deference to Henry Horton Miller and W. F. Cockshutt, who spoke, the former for the govern- ment and the latter in opposition, there 'was nothing very startling to record. Mi. Miller rehearsed the Posi- tion of the ministér of finance, and Mr. Cockshutt deseanted upon the al- leged intricacies and impossibilities of the tatifi. The member for Brantford said an importing firm could not now tell J what its purchases ' would cost until these were in the warchouses. He dis- coursed upon the increased tax on sugar, declafing it 'cost the importer 8128 per owl to lay it down. He designated as an exaggeration the statement that there was a confliet Be- tween the farmer and - the manufaé- turer. v The house has gane into committee on the tarifi, which . meang that the opposition hus accepted ® the principle of the resolutions. The items will be fe wght out in succession. De spite Nr. Foster's criticism, the opposition did not challenge a vote, which has been ithe case for some years, 0 far: there has been none of that brilliant skinmishing which character- ized much of -last/ sessipn. The heavy cloud of dull dry statistics hangs over | the house, and solid work 'will be the [lot of members for some time to come. their tonstituencie: on re- tative det of the others: H ¢ ie hn Ph bm feseribed as one of the most faithful attenders in the commons. He does not speak of- ten, but when he docs, it is to eon: tribute something timely and of im- portance. If many of the others spoke lesa and did more, the progress of par- liament would be materially hastened. the préamier is wrtuous in this respect. The estimates for. the carrent nine mouths and the succeeding twelve months have been brought down. King- ston penitentiary wifk have $133,200 spent upon it up to March 3lst, 197, and 3189800 during the twelve months ending March 31st, 1908. 'these sams inc, + salaries and. all incidentals ingatos } {by a good deal the most bei i nitentingy in Canada, St. Vincent de Paul standing next. The cost of the Royal Military Col- lege is expected to be $69,000 and $92,000 for the periods mentioned. 'I hese, sums are to include all expenses except repairs. The barracks for the Royal Canadian Field Artillery will cost $20,000 up to March 31st, 1907, and $18,000 during the succecding twelve months: From the department of marine and fishories the grant to the Kingston observatory wiil be $376 up to March next,' and' 8500 next year, being the same as paid to the Montreal observ- atory. In the 'public works department $4,125 and 26,000 are the sums set aside for the graving dock at King- ston, The salaries of the employees of the Kingstcn post-office will amount to $62,718 during the current nine months and $84 413 during the next year. The inspectors' salaries for. the Kingston division will be $4,800. 4nd £7,700. The Lendon division © indpection ig) the most expensive with Toronto and Ot tawa next, Who is to be the new minister . of public works is the ouestion still ask- ed. Hon. Sidney Fisher is acting in that capacity meanwhile, but such an important portiolio cannot long re- main yarmnt, Opinion seems to favor Hon. 1 Rrodéur, but it is scarcely likely nt the premier himself has made yp his mind, * Making uuiay. Hamburg, Dec. The imperial au- thorities have Hew an enquiry into the conditions under which American cattle and wheat ean be admitted into Germany, so as to modify the scarcity of meat. There are seventeen metals more valuable 'than gold, but there ave no tea nore valuable than "Salada" tea. y teas that cost more money, hut e so valuable when you are looking . for purity and delicious: cup quality. "Salada" is packed in seiled lead packages and your grocer sells it, in different colored labels, at prices ranging from Se! to 60c. per pound, Sir Edward J. Reed, formerly chief constructor Py the British navy, is dead. He was born in 1830, F/G. McCready," Brockville, a well tnown Citizen anil customs official, diel on Tharsday. ; According to news from Adis-Ndeba, capital of Abyssinia, King Mewelik is serine ill. 8 Svitahle Chridmds pres' nts at Tdv: Came Near: Pong Shot By "Pacifiers." St. Patersburg, Tec. 1.-Theodore Smith, a naturabized American citiz- en, of Astoria, Ore, has arrived in St. Petersburg, having been released on bail from the prison of Pskoff, Esthonia, where he bad heen confmed for cleven months. Smith, who is a native of Fathonia, returned to Russia after the imperial manifesto. of October 30th, 1905, but was 'arrested for sedition at, the height of the revolutionary: agitation nl last and narrowly ese aps od being shot. Later Smith was placed on trial be- fore a court martial, but owing to the intercession of the American embassy the government decided to try him before a civil. imstead of a military court. rrp Must Go To Tribunal. St. Petersburg, 'Dec, 1. ~The ministry of justice has decided that political i) ACCUSE LEOPOLD. Rome, Dec. 1.--Catholic missionaries in the Congo independent state, especial- ly Jesuits; have sent to thie vatican grave reports concerhing the alleged atrocities and = misgovern- ment there. The mission- aries add it would be ad- visable 'to made prudént use Of these réports as enemiés of the state wish to employ them for politi- .cal purposes. i A URUGUAY EVENT To Establish a a Bureau of Animal Industry. mon, who for the past quarter of a century was connected with the Unit od States department of agriculture quay 'wheverhechas y ata a very large salary, to restore' the public oroign market in © countries from where its live dati has been shut out for some time. When the bureau of animal industry was established in the United States in connection with the department of agriculture in 15564, Dr. Salmon was placed at its head. He is<an hotorary associate of the Royal College of Vet urinary stiegeons of Great Britain, a fellow of the American Association for the advancement of science, has been chairman of the committee on animal diseases and animal foods of the public health association and presi dent of the United States Veterinary Medical Association, Dr, Salmon took with him seviral United States cattle experts and feels confident that he will succeed in the mission he has under- taken on a very short time, HABIBI AFTER SPITZBERGEN., St. Petersburg, Dec. You Norway and Sweden have applied to the foreign office here for recognition of their claim to the ownership of the Island of Spitsbergen, in the Arctic Ocean. The possession of these islands, to-day no man's land, ap- parently is keenly desired by both countries. It is understood the two nations have applied simul- taneously to other Europe- an powers for a settlement of their conflicting claims. HE AE RAFN * AERA *# L RESENTS BRUTALITY. And She Has Resigned Her : Position. London, Dec. 1.--~Head Nurse Whit- tan, of the asylum. has resigned be- cause of the brutality practised by some of attendants towards insane patents. She says the superintendent will not take the word of the pati- ents in the rational moments agninst those of the attendants. She hersoli hus no jurisdiction over the offences, and she refuses to accept the respon sibility. There will probably be an in vestigation, i SOLDIERS. KILLED. The Hague, Dec. 1.--An official dispateh from Dutch New Guinea an- nounces an encounter be- tween a detachment of Dutch troops and a strong band of Alfours, ' who were travsling 'to Fakfak. Seven soldiers were killed and one officer and six men wounded. *¢ HEH TERRE AREA I Pardoned Ballot Box Stuffers. Speramento, Cal., Dee, 1-=At the re- quest of - Attorneys Heney, Governor Pardee hos pardoned Steffens and Wy- man, the ballot-hox stuffers, in order that they may testify Againét Abra. ; hich they were defeated, storm: sailed to-day for the ublie of Uru. on hy beh el th 4 'Belglum' Must § See To Bet- ter Goverment IN-THE CONGO STATE. OR ELSE TARITAIN AND FRANCE WILL DO IT. British South African Offers Salvation Army 1,000,- | ™ 000 = Acres in Rhodesia, Free, For Colonization Purposes. London, Dee. l.---According to the Throne, a, taciety journal, unless Bel- crimes must, in future] be submitted gium, Within two m , gives. sat-. to a regular civik tribunal and in- ac- iastory assurances to Great Britain cordance with the ordinary procedure, | yore government in the oonge In In. instead of under the arbitrary meth- ego nt state, Great Britain ods of the gendarmerie add secret pos ance, jointly, will summon sud lies. European conference to consider the matter. The paper quotes King Leo- pold as saying to a British merchant, in Brussels, that his erities had not examined both sides of the question, but had accepted unquestioningly the statements of iter persons, irresponsible The British South African company offered the Salvation Army a million acres of land in Rhodesia, free of charge, for colonization purposes, withy the stipulation, however, . that should | the colonizing scheme prove a, failure, the land should revert to the com- pany. Interviewed, Gen. Booth . ad- mitted there was a certain amount of truth in the report, but said the plan had been prematurely - disclosed. ¥ He declined to commit himself to any statement of details, © -------- A PRETTY TUMULT °* In the Austrian Lower House Yesterday. Vienna, Dec. 1.--In the lower house New York, Dee, 1-Dr. D. EB. Sal. | of: parliament," yesterday, during the Setiute, on the" electoral reform law, the Czech radicals, questioni the faitness of a vote on an aa quad cident Stibune, tore up. the: ch tt he a on the Hap. Bch , and Herr Albrecht, a iy Ta, came to blows, and the latter subsequently had & sec [8 counter with another Czech, Herr Klofac., The sitting of the house was suspended until the uml ceased, Professor. To Pay Pig Alimony. Bridgeport, Conn., Dee, 1.--In the case of Mrs. Samuel B. Sandford, who sued her husband, a son of a profes- sor of music in Yale, dor absolute di- vorce and alimony and in which cusé Judge Shunway, in the superior courts, directed respondent to pay be fore to-day $80,000, $3,000 a year each year of her life, and $1,000 year for the support of her infant son Samuel until he is five years when the amount is to be increased to 2,000. It was announced to-day that the amount had not been lodged, Further alimony is \the largest ever granted by a court in this state, Would Expropriate Land, London, Dec. declines to sell under the land act. ment The marquis is a great grand- son of Géorge mier in 1527. ---------------- Bargain Sale. The Rudd Harness Co's annual Christmas sale, commences on Satur- day, December 1st. and continues till the end of the year. The offerings cohsist of harness, blankets, hells, Bisup and Saskatchewan robes, whips, wool and seal rugs, trunks, bags, telescopes, suit cpdes, fitted suit cpves, real allicator and Walras 'baes, and stock in the city to choose. from, with prices in reach of all. The Rudd Harness Co., 143 Princess street. W. H. Norris, manager. Plotters Go To Prison. Bel grate; Dee. L--Capt. Maximo viteh, « daw of the murdered Gen, a military revolt on a large soale. SK. A. Pope, of the Great Western railway of Engdaned, is im the United Atlantic liners to land their mails at the line's new port df Fishbmard, on the Const of South Wales, A clover swindle in England hag awe v with considirable money. = have bien noted for dver thirty above the Opera Kin" Alona | writin tent of the. pecvel of ham Raf nil Mayor Selita, procoedingy are: pending. The sum in 1~Wilkiam Duffy, na- tionalist member of parlinment for South Galway, has introduced a bill in the house of commons providing for the expropriation of 57,000 acres from the Marquise of (lanricarde's Ir- ish estates. The marquis absolutely There is no chance of the bill passing daring the present session of parlia- anning, the English stutesman and orator, who was pre: solid leather trunks. The largest Zankovi has heen sentenced by af court-martial to ten years' imprison ment, and theee other officers and twenty-six non-commissioned officers have been condemned to terms vary. ing from five to twenty vears' im- prisonment, on thé charge of plotting States just now, tryine to get the heen posing © variously as a Spanish naval offer, and nx a neohew of FH ornelive . Vandewbilt. and bas got Yours for the good quality of furniture we carry. Rs Beid, sixth door the BPasish cabi- eh p-- ii-- The Vers Latest Called FHo All !| Over The World. R. P. Stookdule has been made a customs officer ut Sarnia, Unt. ~ Willinm J. Lie Roy, a Grand Trunk alentmatty confessed to robbing the JC "Kinghorn, Victoria, B.C., has been avvointed inspector of hulls and steamboat equipment. 4 John W, Stewart has been anoint: od general manager of the Monarch | by seven to nothing. rors S hon, Toronto, Jos | i Appoin assistant general aman of the Canadian Northorn rail "The General Metal Foundry and Mas: chinery company has ted with a ubital stock, S108 000, Montreal. head office, The SN. Swrmatan, from London and Havre arrived at Halifax; this morning. P rs, 2 irs cabin and 114 second onl : The head office 'of the Comnaiin, De- tective Bureau, limited, is being mov- od from Yukon to J urubo, according, to a notice I th the Canada, G aetlh, The 88. Tunisian, te ool arrived at Halles, NS, ao morn. ing. Passer Seventeen first, filty- cight secon cabin and 455 steerage, John Atkinson, Nindsor, (in Ont., hot ty-six yewrs of u moulder em) ed by "the Malleable Tron works, hus hu missing from his home for a week, Heney Johnron, of Hastings, nate a gift of $1,500 toward erecting thie House of Refuge for Northumberland and Durham, hich is nearly com. pleted. Pithe fuel situation in Saskatchewan is practically unchanged. The govern- ment is exerting every effo to ri mize the suffering. Cou) is heing rush. ed in from Fort William, Ont. R, B. Rogers, of Peterboro, late superintenden t of the Rent tut Valley canal, the Northumber- land {uber mills at Campbelford which been idle for a ) The inquest into the ease sailor, Little, Walkerville, Ont, found dead last Monday resulted in a verdict of frat Tom. rasan a8 th We ngs : rived all day At ol Jo in oiquines of the retention of bounties on the manu- facture of iron and steel, in the new- ly revised taviff, the impression pre. vails, stronger than ever, that the United States Steel Uarporation will establish a plant there, The striking street car men of Ham: ilton, Ont., reported for Luts, this morning, and were old positions, The strike eta left town last night. The - public. are be ginning to patronize 'the cars again. Four pessons are known to have been killed, and it is fesred that oth- ers Tost thelr lives, while a number were seriously injured in a rack on the Rutland railway near Vergennes. Vi, to-day. A gravel train plunged into the rear end of a passenger train, Two passenger cars were wrecked and caught fire, DAMAGES FOR POISON Said Druggist Gave Liniment For Whiske Toronto, Dee. l.--~Justice' Britton, this morning, dismissed an action brought by Marie Antoinette, Oneida, against T. H. Dumeombe, a druggist, of St. Thomas, for damages for the death of her husband, Job. Nicholas, and her son. The woman claimed the druggist sold the family peaison which was not xo labelled, and thét as a re sult her husband and son and also a third man, named Cornelis, died, The family, it seems, were in the habit of going to Dumcombe for whiskey, and in November, 19056, got a bottle con- taining what they thought was whis- key, but which turned out to be lini ment. They all drank from it, and hence the deaths and the suit, His lordship finds the liniment was a pre paration which did not need to be Ia helled, poison, to comply with the act, The only store in Kingston, that' sells 'choice of royalty candy. Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Huyler's and McConkey's ave sold there. Remember Chalmers church sale of Christmins noveltis. Home made table. December 11th, 1006, 2 Purple top sweéede turnips, finést rown in the west. Crawford. WEDNESDAY, DEC. ith James M. ensue and A. RR. Warner Behind. the Mask A play of the volden west by Edmund A Day. Maovnificont Soenyie I'reduction. Large Comlen: of Capable Players, A Flin American Comedy © Sewts on Sale Monday. Special * Prices--26¢., 35¢c., 50¢:, 75¢. 3 Thursday, Dec. oth -- "THE , EYE oss ton, \ ; Funeral will loave his father's nl Hh Re Mie i

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