Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Dec 1906, p. 1

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TION, ince the: beginning of entury, however, the necessary fund o repair and complete it according t, he original designs 'have been oy lied. by subscriptions from all parts [ Germany, The naves, nisles ng ransepts were opened in 1848; ragmificent south portal was leted in 1859, and in 1860 the entral fleche was added. The «in he crown of the edifice, were finishod n 1880, and on October 15th the com letion of the work was celebrated | (aiser 'William 1. the nineteent), ron re made with reed at ever en, woven ex- secured by a - alkalies being y some manu- cast after the quarter century Limited, ers, - however, succeeded in © nhming he excited crowd, and evervone Vos anded uninjured. Both the ma md the ferry hoat were severe lv dam wed. Torpedo, boat, No. 132 came into ollision with a boat from the Jules "Hyerés, Togny, and earrind away 1 tem. rail. . a Otr No. 1 Universal meat choi® } just the ®ige for house uso trachan's hardware. $ 3 . _ YEAR 73. NO. 282, sseeasaseRrRiaRIEL Ll Specials 4 ou $3.60 to $50 | Sideboards, $6.60 to $100 {Extension Tables, $5.50 to 0.00 FIVIPIVIIIIIIIIIIIIIY So > Cabinets, from ped 35.00 ROBT. J. REID; 6 Doors Above Opera House Dik bitte haath dd a: > SIPS Ow PV $e a Assortment of Manicure Sets is the finest shown Ebony, Plain or Bola Silver, Pearl Tiffany inlay. Be sure splendid display of Goods. A TIMELY HINT Our New Fruits are all in stock --Let us have your order now and avoid €b% Tush later. NEW VALENCIA RAISINS NEW SULTANA RAISINS NEW SEEDED RAISINS NEW TABLE RAISINS NEW CLEANED CURRANTS. NEW PEELS NEW SHELLED ALMONDS NEW CRYSTALIZED FRUITS James Redden & Co. The Home of Good Groceries in Kingston, Mounted, or Imitation and sce the Christmas Coco It you find it difficult being fitted with Shoes, come to us and it is changed to a pleasure, WEAR ALLENS MILITARY BOOTMAKERS 82 Brock Street Bign of Golden Boot Accounts Against the City ALL PERSONS HAVING AOCOUNTS a st the Citv for werk performed or materials supplied, them DAY, into the undersigmed before MON- December 10th instant. By order, WwW. W. SANDS. City Clerk. Kingston, «December Sed, 1906. tei reins ane TAXES +. TO THE TAX PAYERS OF Township of wollte Island, I will be at Mr. Elmer Woodman's Office WOLFE ISLAND, {from the 7th until the 18th of DECEMBER, to take in the remain- unpaid Waxes, for all Taxes not paid he aforesaid date will be placed in *r hands for collection. W. H. WOODMAN, Collector. COBALT SILVER MINE STOCKS Best Buys--EMPRESS, FOSTER, GREEN MEEHAN--Daily infor- mation direct from the MINES. Buy EMPRESS now. J. 0 Hutton, Agent, 18 Market Street! i B.C. AMAL. COAL CO. British Columbia Amalgtmated Coal Co., first stock issue entire- ly Thought un. BU ¥ NOW AT 50c. yu shortly advance to 5c. and Itemember Crows' Co., and act at once. Jos. F:- Swift, Fiscal Agent Nest Coal EE ------------ the It ik gratifvine To be able to please particular people. customers are. Swift's coal yards,-- are requested to smd nder THI In fact most of our | ter. party MEMORANDA, Again Wo y Fin urs at Campbell City Council, 8 p.m. Board of Health, 4.15 p.m. "A Message From Mars House, 8.13 p.m. The sun rises Tuesday at and sets at 4.28 p.m. Children's Aid Society Con- vocation Hall, 8 p.m. This day in history --Ma atirid captured, 1808 : Stevenson author died, 1894 ; Flight of King Jar 11, 1688. Bros.' Tussday ' Grand Opera 7.17 am Lecture, WHIG TELEPHONES. 243--Business Offices 229---Fditorial Rooms, 2V2--Johbing Department, ' Emhongsing and Engraving a sheclalty. China! China! We are at present showing the most complete assortment ever displayed. No: only in the city but anyw herein Canada. Come in and examine the pretty China. You dont need to buy, it will please you to see them. Robertson Bros. Getting time to think about Coat. The Season is slipping along and there is nothing to gain by waiting. a Fur The size and completeness of our Fur Coat stock this fall, can only be comprehended by such as have shopped around and made comparisons. We have the largest and finest stock qf Men's Fur Coats ready-to-wear, our own manu- facture in : NATURAL RACCOON, NATURAL BEAVER; RUSSIAN CALF, Cloth Coats Lined :-- RUSSIAN BLACK RAT, ONTARIO BLACK RAT, MINK LINED. AT WHOLESALE PRICES. p----t We use only the best material and guarantee all our ments. JOHN McKAY FUR HOUSE 129-153 BROCK STREET KINGSTON Free Veterinary Lectures the Auspices of the Hor ingston gar- se-Shoers Lectures will Massie, Busi: $8 A, course Public ps deliwred by Vet. Lt.-Col. R.C. H. A Frontenac College (un on i BVENINGS, during December and J anu- ary tlorsemen parti ry invited Fir lecture ISDAY EVENING Dec. 4th, at 8 o'clock JAMES CRAWFORD, Seeretary of Com of Committee. HOMING PIGEONS NOTICE 1S HERBY GIVEN: THAT The Dominion Messenger Pigeon Associa- tion owners of The Kingstone Challenge ifv any members or sub- se rs at hy intend altering the Ay of the cup and that further particulars be had hy applving to the President, JAMES WHE LLAN v St, Te robe. TURK'S HARD UP Now for money, but for second-hand Stoves, Furniture apd Carpets, let us kaow if you have any for sale, aod 1 attend to it at once. J TURK Second Hard eule r, 308 Princess St Execution Ys Georgia. Valdosta, Ga., Dec, 3. John GG. Rawlings, who was convicted jointly with his three sons and a negro of tha assassinption of the two Garter chil- in Lowndes county,was exeecu- _ this morning. He made a conles taking. all the blame on himself a declared the:abthers to be inno- cont. An effort will be made to save lives of the others. promptly looked af down town. Phone: orders , Sates coming {Swift's coal yards. Granting Equal Franchise To All Male Austrians. OVER _TWENTY-FOUR WHO ARE ABLE TO.READ AND Radical Germans Made Noisy ! Protests--Socialists and Anti- Semites Cheering: = Loudly-- Upper House Not Inclined to Accept Bill. & Vienna, Dec. 3.---The lower of 'parhament, on Saturday evening, passed the second and third readmg of the new universal tgnfirage bill, which grants an equal fancmse to every male Austrian over 'twenty-four years ot age, who 1s able to read ani write, and has been*'a. resident for at least a year in the place where .an election is held. This ends the long fight for univers al sairage initinted a year ago by the social democrats. : The radical Germans made noisy protests at" the passage of the bill, while the socialists and anti-Semites cheered loudly. The radical czechs left the chambers before tha divisi oy. The upper house is pot inclined to accept the bill, the peers demanding tyo votes for all married men over thirty-five years of age, hut the gov ernment hopes to overcome its resist ance to the house measure, Mutineers Tried And Sentenced. Kronstadt, Dec. 3. eighty-three sailor mutiny here, last summer, have | sentenced by court-martial to impris cnmernt or service in disciplinary hat talions, for verous periods. One thou- snd seen hundred and seventeen sailors were acquitted, Six hundred and SHIRAI HY H ¥ ALLOWED TO ENLIST. * * London, Dec. 3.--The Can« * adian| government's appli- cation that 150 men from the Royal Garrison Artill- ery be allowed to enlist in the Royal Canadian Artil- ery has been granted. It is understood a request that the 63rd Regiment of Can- adian militia be allied with the King's. Royal Rifle corps has reapghed the, ¥ king. o I ¥ ¥ FHIBIIOIIBIRISIISIIRCEY BROKE A MAN'S NECK. -- Threw a Lasso and Jerked Rabbi » From Rig. Breakingham, Sask., Dec. 3 ith rabbi was roped and farmer named Barnes, on Saturday, as a result of a rrel over a dog. The Jew was driving past Barnes' house when a dog ran out and snap ped at him. He lashed the dog with a whip and Barnes called to him to desist and 'tween the two and the dog was struck The farmer became infuriated jumping on a horse started after man who had whipped up his horse and fled, overtaking the man. using a like an expert, him. The man was caught around the head, jerked from the buggy and thrown to the ground, his neck being broken and death followed in a" féw minutes, Barnes was arrested and sent to Regina jail A Jew killed by a words passed b Barnes rope, lassoed THE 'CANADIANS FIRST. At International Live Show in Chicago. Chicago, I, Dec. 2 the Ontario Guelph ., in the i combined Stock Students of Agricultura! obtained the first prize r contest for all animals tha International live show her The trophy was given bv the Union Stock Yard com vany. The students' judgine am of the Ames Agricultural College, of Ames, Ta.. took second. Ohi anked third, Kansas fourth, Michioan fifth nd Texas sixth. In the contest of horse-judging for the Mela Irothers' vrize, lowa was first, second, Ohio third Michiran filth, and Kans, indi ial excellence, A, Ontario. ranked ° first, Kansas, ¢ Cntario, College, tock rhlin Texas Ontario fourth, ixth. For Humer, of . Olsen. of Nixon, of Diamonds In Kentucky. New York, Dee. 3.<An examination of a lew diamonds found in Kentucky shows them to be pure stones of rich lustre. They were found by a man nam! Pearson who has much ex perience of mond mining in the ohannesburg district of South Africa. A compuny is being formed here to exploit the region in made the find as he states 'the dia mond fields in Kentucky will probably develop into richer veins than even those of Kimberley: At présent in Elliott and Boyd counties in Kentucky where the stones Tani} which was hitherto almost valueless were found, considered is booming. -------- Guiggenheime have miasad to up their setond option on the Nipis sing property in Cobalt. The On: i tario cabinet will consider the ques | tion of the title, concerned in the J tecture in. the which Pearson » taka MONEY AND TRADE. Great Returns of N perity. . New York, Die. 3--Henry Clews re- ports that stook market Soni, ons taver moderate "fl earnings and favor have ben fully dicounted. There is litt'e 'buying of stocks at the high level and higher Krices are only ob- Jdained by fo.ced manipulation. The great leaders in th: strect hold heavy accumulations of stock, which they de- sire to sell, but which the market will not take in large quantities. This deadlock may last. While prosperity continues it is easy to hold the mar- ket mear its present level. The annual report of Seerothry Wil- son, of the department of agriculture, shows "how important an element the farmer is, For 1906 hi estimates the valve of farm productsiin the United States at $6,791,000000, which is $485,000.000 greater than a vear ago, in spite of a drop of $10,000,000 in cereal ¢rops. Ae the later showed a gain of 120.000,000 hushels in quantity the'r decline in valg® was due to lower prices. The general increase was moe due to.a r'se in the value of meat rroducts '#nd animals than the ga'n in suantity or numbers. But manufactures sr: now valudd at more than double the farmers' product, be s'des making vast'v wore rand pro vrees. This vear producing pig ren 26.000.000 tors or 'lmore than Faoland, Germany and France com bined: many of oar steel mills are sold trelve months pheed, | Our tox tile industries, which vank third. are also en'oyine a' normal activity: many mills have so'd the'r entire rroduct or 1007; sme have 1998, Such cond tons velons, 1 Pros- we ar} taken orders for wre truly mar v SEUMAS McMANUS, The foremost student and writer of irish ikl who has just begun a United States Got $6,000 Loot. Los Angeles, Cal., Dec 3 Spdiish-American shop-lifters were arrested by detectives and 86,000 worth of silks, furs and clothing stol local department Pedro Sanchez, his wife two. daughters, compose the Four en from stores recovered and their quartette, SAHARA IACI Farr R AARNE RFE ENN . FEARS STRUGGLE. $3.20 Chicago, Dee. 3.--Judge Faul W. Linebarger, just returned from the FPhilip- pine Islands, declares that, viewing the operations of the Japanese in the far east since the Russia-Jap- anese war, it is his opinion that a war. between the United States and the yellow people is inevitable, because of their desire to control the commerce of the countries beyond the Pacific. Already, he says, the legend, "Great Britain, but Greater Japan,' finds utterarice on the lips of every son of the Flowery Kingdom. FHA «CAPTAIN KOEPENICK" EXEEX EEX EXEKEX £XKE $ Years for "Hobo' Made Germans Grovel. Berlin, Dec. 3.~Wilhelm Voight, the funny old rendered famous throughout the German Empire and indeed throughout Europe generally as "Captain Von Kospenick,' owing to his hold robbery of * the treasury of Koepenick and the arrest of e buy gomasier, of that town, Oct 16th, i istanée of a nt ' of Four Who rogue, vho "had been impos , was found guilty to four years upon in court imprison ment gnd costs Court-Martial For Officer. Fng., Déc, 3-An ud order ots the (rial hy Lieut. Bernard St . to whos your knots" the recent m breaks is attributed, Tt transpired ¢ mutinous stokers i on one « mper order to a Portsmouth, miralty court mare's George ( order, alinous out nsive your knees. vou: dog." tenant subsequently wag apologize } The tien A Severe Earthquake. London, Dee; 3A ake ia repo severe carth- wierd to have oceorrad st wl wo. on the north coast of Sicily, storday. As 1et no eatunltics have i cen reporiec Cet Swift's Scranton coal at Swilt's. uations. os % » annual oh 3 "On | steamer oenaRion, and gave the stoker of obliged to KINGSTON, 02 ONTARIO, MONDAY, DE {CEMBER 3 BILL PASSED] POSED ASIAN And. Carried On Decelt For . Ten Years. HER SEX REVEALED AFTER AN ARREST WAS MADE FOR BURGLARY. Was Once a Horse Trainer--Amaz- ing Romance of a Woman in Adstralia--Once Acted as Bar- keeper. Brisbune, Dec. 3.--The amasing 6 mance of a woman who successfully masueraded as a man for ten years, has been revealed by the arrest here of "Willian" Edwards on a charge of burglary. The prisoner's real name is Marion Edwards, but since 1596 she has play- od the part of a horse traimer, rough | rider, painter and decorator, laborer ant barman without anwone having the slightest suspicion that she was a woman Edwards is wanted in Melbourne for a burclary committed in Mav of last veur. She was at one time in partner ship with a horse trainer named Pol- lock, who nover suspected her sex. She rode, drank and talked like a 'man. About six years ago she made love to a Melbourne' widow, and eventual: Iv "married" her in St. Francis' church in that city. She. had a num- ber of other lave affairs, and on one occasion two Brisbane girls had a furious quarrel regarding her affee- tions. * At the Brishane exhibition last vear Fdwards acted as a barman. After ward she worked as a lahorer, ve movine lumber from the exhibition groumls, amd her extraordinary strenath excited the comment of the gthier workmen, For some time also Edwards was in business as house painter and decorator. -- -- * HER 1018ST BIRTHDAY * Sr 03 ¥ Cornwall, Dec. 3. Mrs. ¥ Alexander Ross, on Satur # day celebrated the 101st # anniversary of her birth, at the residence of her daugh- ter, Mrs. Thomas Murphy. She is perhaps the oldest living native-born Canad- ian having been born in Lochniél, Clengarry County and is still hale and hearty. W FASISIIIGIIIGIIRICIRIC IONE + ATROCIOUS CHARGES Brought By Bebel Against Colonial Officials. Berlin, Dec. 3.--In the reichstag, on Saturday, Herr Bebel, the social 6 mo ratic leader, made a tremendous onslaught administration, bringing against colonial officials, He also accused Yon Arnim, Ardt end Kardorff, prominent members of the right, with intriguine to de fend certain culpable administrators, the result being & tremendous uproar. Insulting epithets were exchanged, and for a long time the president was un- able to quell the tumult, Among other things Herr Behel declared a German lieutenant led an expedition to a vil Inge of the Cohos, a tribe in South West Afrca. the natives refusing to submit, and that every inhabitant, except fifty-two children was killed The children were put in baskets and thrown in the rapide of a river. on colonial charges SHOT HIMSELF When He Surmised He Arrested. Kaus, Dec. 3.--Realizing that be captured in.an unsuccessful attempt to rob the state bank ut-Bendena, Kans. J. W. Har rie, a farmer, shot himself to death, Harrie entered the bank and com manded A. W, Gillen, the cashier, and Theodore Sells, a clerk, to throw up their hands, He then ordered them to pull down the window blinds and lock { Sells went behind the counwr, osiensibly to pull down a window curtain, and escaped through 2 back door. As he ran out of the Harrie fired one shot at him, but without effect, Fearing capture Harris calmly Stared at Gillen a vfoment, and then killed himsel, ~ Would Be Treyo, he was about to the doors, door PICKED UP STEAMER And Had Much Trouble in Doing Work. Windsor, Ont., Dee. 3 seven fest With about of water in her hold the Veoumnseh arrived here last night in tow of the tug Home Rule, She will upload her conl eargo here. The Tecuriseh sirand d near Scott's Point, in the sonth passage of Lake Erie, ssveral days ago, on a rocky formation, and her Lottom was con sidkcrab'ly damaced. The tug Home IMu'e. of Amhersthurg. went to her as- ! fire (0 ning vip the Lake Erie, the rv fdrovned out the fires under the hr in tow. OF Middle the tow line oarted and the "tag had considerable difficulty . plokine up the isabled eral:, An areument is the preface to a vareel. Fout's hoiler and the tug had to take | Sister Island. ! Montreal, Dec. 3.--The governor general was a guest at the luncheon of the Canadian club, to-day, while the subject of supply of pure milk to cities, in which he is intensely inter ested, ss discussed from the stent point of an e Walter W. La of Brier Uff Ay New York. os Law has long taken a keen interest in the subjeet and hax a farm of 5,000 acres and 1,000 cows from which he supplies a large quantity of milk to New York. The milk now furnished by him is r.cognized as being as near perfect as milk can be under commer cial management. After Mr. Law's ad- dress, his excellency.sxprossed the keen interest he took inthe matter, and congratulated the speaker on what he had been able to accomplish. LEADS TO WEDDING. Girl Marries the Man Who Saved Her. New York, Dec. 3.<As go sacguel to a romance which began when Thomas Scatry, a contractor,"of 301 First avenue, rescued Miss Mary Brogan from drowning at the Thousand ls lands last summer, they were married Wednesday night, by Rev. Father Phel- an, in the Roman Catholic Church of the Epiphany. Last sunumer Scarry and Miss Brogan wet while on vacation trips. While a party of young folk wire rowing, the boat upset, and Searcy made the rescue which led to "the nuptials. HE EMBRACED HER- ---- And Needle in Girl's Waist Stabs Lover, Scranton, Pa., Dee. 3.--The coroner's jury which investigated the death of Thomas Dougherty, of Dunmore, who died two weeks aro as the result of a stab wound-in the heart, allegid to have been inflicted hy Miss Kate Burke, his sweetheart, returned a verdict exonerating the girl. Wiss Burke claimed that a nesdle in her waist pierced Dougherty's heart while he was embracing her. Lowther May Succeed Durand. London, Dec. 3.--The Sunday Ob server save it has excollent ground for luting that the new British ambnssa to the United States will he An trom the diplomatic service i and not chodmn from the outside. Ger ard A, Alan Lowther, minister at Tangier; Johnstone, minister to Den: marv; Cecil Spring-Rice, minister to Persia. and Sir Maurice de Bunsen. ambassador to Spain, the paper says are in the running, but declares there is reason to believe that Mr. Lowther will probably be chosen. He Is Improving. London, Deo. 3.~In view of the re cont snsational rumors regarding the condition of the health of Hon. Jos eph Chamberlain, the ex-colonial sec retaryh a bulletin was sued from his residence at Birmingham, this ing, stating Mr. Chamberlain main tans 'a steady improvement, that he i# able to take daily walks and drives and that his eyes have so much im- proved that he is now allowed to read. : ---------- Farmer's Wife Suicides, Watford, Ont., Det. 3.--Mrs. Robert Camghbell, the wife of one of War wicks best known and wealthiest farmers, took her own life, Saturday morning by cutting her throat with a knife. Mrs. Campbell, who was in her fiftv-third vear, had been suffering with melancholia, having recently lost a daughter and another member of the family being ill with typhoid. Canada's Advance, London, Dee. 3.--~The Scotsman says Canada's rush towards the front in the race for commerce and mational well-being is one of the outstanding features in the history of the British empire and the world, and points out the danger of Britain refusing to re ciprocate the preferential advances. es ---------- Woman Drank Laundanum. Brookville, Ont., Des. Mrs. Frank Camero, Pyrites, N.Y... committed suicide by drinking laudanum. A'doe- tor was summoned); but although he worked over her all night, she died. Her husband and a family of five children survive Ebony rushes and hand, mircors Duy them at Gibson's Red Cross drug store " Grand Opera House. Thursday, Dec. 6th LINCOLN J. CARTER'S Latest Scenic Marvel "THE EYE WITNESS" Hevlete Startling Sittistions and Mechanical Eflects The most Sensatiomal etodramn of the . Ni SrRCA" 16-26-85-50 oie Seats on Sale Tuesday. Dec. 15th ~" "UNCLE TOM'S CABIN." ------ Monday, December 10th VICTOR'S VENETIAN. BAND morn- | Ay Ont., mor § SR ATO JL a FERNS STYLE BOOK FREE GLOVER.~In Kingrion on Dec. 3nd, 1906, to Mr. I Mrs. A Glover, » son. ¥ DIED. TOSSELL. At Jghnson Si St. x Elisabeth Peares, relict of the Richard Tossell, in the ninety year of her ; 'ehr ol vate Oh 3 Funeral at 2.30 o'clock, + ROBERT J. REID THE LEADING ' UNDERTAKER

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