the back OLD IN ThE, min wy » re manner. E HBAD, use in i Large bottle, 25 cents. not for sal hays be pono draexist, 's. st James Bt Scott's 's., 5. 5 White Liniment Co J wha and Chg Re ina FURS -arge assortment of Ruifs Muffs of all kinds V. F. GOURDIER Exclusive Furrier 78-80 BROCK ST. hone 700. About Amethysts Some people object to the ry large Amethysts used to ~- y in modern brooches. For ose who feel this way, we are owing The English Idea nsisting of *Lacy Designs' SE Gold, in which b- methysts" appear, small. rk, amd exceptionally bril nt. ; We show a rich exanifle of the iglish Pin at $14 ir Amethysts are all import- stones, and first quality Smith Bros. Jewelers and Opticians 350 King Street suer of Marriage Licenses. | FREY sYeevesa S00 "hen You Buy COAL From P. WALSH u get genuine sranton as he andiles nothing 3© TRTVTLVTTVTLTTVSS bee VVVVVBVVTVEVVVSS p-- NCY GOODS IR XMAS a Combs showing some of the swells v Fancy Combs, ranging in m 25¢. to £2 each. New. York andkerchiefs lay has never been so large resent, ranging in price from 2.50 cach, with lots of pric See the line of White Em 1 Handkerchiefs at 2 'for 25c., 1 value, Kid Cloves popular shades at $1 and -button length in Dressed and Gloves, all sizes, special , 81.25, 81.75. ancy Gollars vell display at 5c: amd up new designs not to be had See the} values. "we ate offering in White Wool Blankets, at $3.50, $4 and $5 pes pair. THIS SPECIAL FOR TO-MORROW g5 Pairs Large Sige White Wool Blankets, made of "very fine thoroughly scoured and free from burs and specks, double size, 80x64, regular $4 value, for 98. OVERSTOCKINGS Ladies' Heavy Ribbed Overstock- ml i Bes, Bea rng sas goed | TO TH swept overboard into the raging The st le without the heel at THE ELECTORS :-- waters. His comrades could not reach y | Your vote and influence are re- him. He battled bravely for many 50c. and 60¢c. per pair. Children's -Over-Hose, in red, white and black, heavy ribbed, in all sizes, 25¢.; 35¢c. and 45c. pair. 5 ¢hildren's White Clouds, at 25c., 35¢., 30¢., 45¢. and 50c. Wool Hoods, in white and colors, 25c. and 50c. each. Wool Toques, in white, red and Book B Kk | vale blue, Ren 0c. and 50e. S ! 00 S The Closing Scenes on Saturday sash I Night { Our Shop is just full of Books | The last E a givetad | i e last periorman was g 2 GOLF JACKETS {and when you think that we are Ld I ray nicht by a larger audi- Ladies' Golfers, in white, red | selling them at HALF PRICE you | ence than the first night's, and it was navy and "black, at $1.25, ought to be satisfied. un good one. Not a few attended $1.50, $1.75 and '$2. : three or four times and still enjoyed Now is your opportunity to buy |it. The ranks of the sineers and Children's Bea Skis Coats, Caps, | your, 'Xmas, New Year Presents, |dancers were full and there was not Tams, an 0008. | at ' a "break" in the long series of per- | HEAULEY'S Rook Stare, fe The perfection of the pre Special Prices on Coats and Furs, for THIS WEEK. THE Jas. John>.on Store 180 Wellington treet. INSURANGE AND FINANCE. I Wehiye & Mcintyre BARRRPERS MONEY TO LOAN dino STREET. KINGSTON WEL Ge A. Bateman | | |'¢ From $5 up Shinn? safely to any 3 \ tar | point by express. Write for Price List. | The reply was a ribute to mo0ti- i CUSTOMS BROKER i We make a cially Yow rie s to get these | will ang talent of Kinostonians. He virds arts © Jana ver- 3 X il Correspondence in Montreal, New Pry In Dare = anada to adver- | oo 4, "wanderer, but if he settled York, Paris and other places. i Cottam Bird Seed down it would be with Kingston for All business receives prompt at- ly ' : 7 first choice. tention at 69 - Clarence "street, 32 Bathurst St. London. Ontario: | ett Kingston. | | | --------, ee ee | Amethyst and Pearl Brooches have the finest and most from We select line in the city. $5 up to $35. Also a nice assortment of Gold- Filled Brooches, from 5c. up to $5. See Our BIAMOND RINGS, Kinnear & d'Esterre, 100 Princess Street. | | 14th Band and | t's made alone for piles--and it y THE HOUSE OF QUALITY works with certainty and satisfac Orchestra im tion. Itching, puinfel, protruding, or | blind piles disapy tke magic by Music for all = Occasions, Instruction | \ its use. Try it A sec! All drug- Vor Huy Band Instruments also Tl» 2 Address Bandmabter Sar 0 elke: Ladies Tailoring a ho Lethbridge coal strike was set- New England Chinese Restaurant 331 King Street Open from 10.30 a.m. to 3.00 a.m. The best Lunch in 3 on shortest notice. Difhes a he place to get an all round the city. Meals of all kinds ¥nglish and Chinese 'Phone, 655. THE FRONTENAC LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIETY. ESTABLISKED 1862. President--Sir Richard Cartwright Money loaned Ci d Farm P Portion Mmicipa a. od County Dba 0 rchased. Deposi Teceived and IRterost allowed. . S.C. McGill, Managing Director. Office, 87 Clarence street, Kingstom . 10% Discount to Students Razors; Razor Strops, Hones, _ Ehaving Brushes and Knives a Specialty Strachan's Hardware AUCTION SALES tBook at once with the Leading Auctioneer JOHN H, MILLS spectfully solicited for the office of Mayor, for 1907, by THE PEOPLE'S 20¢. BRITISH - AMERICAN KINGSTON - - public. W TELFER - Talking Parrots nate of Tilbury = East, dropped dead ran mn on 0 Ql while porrying to the Tailroad station Roots From $1.00 Pet Day Up i Fletcher. Seven oil derricks were OPPOSITE GRAND CENTRAL STATION al work at his Tilbury farm, and his NEW YORK income was generally estimated at Baggage To and From Station Free £100 per tay from this source. He re- An excelle= yuide-book and map of the City of New Yok | orntly cold 200 atves of land, part of 4 stemvuesiohol two comtsin puta his farm, for 12,000. He formerly EE -- CARRIED ASHORE | | OGDENSBURG S SAILOR HAS MIRACULOUS ESCAPE. Swept Overboard in Storm--With a Party of Volunteers Was En- deavoring to Get a Lifeline to beng wc RIA+ Si gamma Siaoh on without, } scarf, on the Beach- i - between Jun er a at he | ch--Entire Crew Res. Chafeless. neck-fit' in el Ocdensburg, « N.Y.. Dee. 3.--William Quarter Sizes Even a votion foreign sallar hus surface looks; but for wear's Pe has returned from Buffalo after an exciting experience on the big steamer Conemaugh, of the Anchor line, which drifted on a reef at Point Pelee and went to preces in the recent stornt. | His escape from drowning was of ithe miraculous order. Being unable to thake progress, the Conemaugh | dropped anchor, which refused to {hold, and she was driven on the | rocks, pounding so badly that she coon Wecan to leak. The waves swept her decks and it was evident that "in order to save the lives of the crew an effort must be made to reach shore. The gale was so fierce as to make it impossible for the life-saving crew to reach the stranded vessel. Casey, with others, volunteered to gb ashore in the vawl with a line. They had gohe but a few yards when Casey was MAYOR ALTY CAMPAIGN ! minutes, and carried on the crest of a huge wave was thrown bodily on the shore, not much the worse for his | experience. His fellow sailors also got shore safely and by means of the {line brought with them the crew of | twenty-two was saved from a watery grave. ------ SUCCESSFUL ZEPHRA. --ti CANDIDATE. Ald. Frank J. Hoag formances. | sentation after markable. The baldheads did front rows, but the town "'bhoys" did and thers were some. spicey interludes. . Rougypets innumerable were passed wp fto the popular amateurs, from the {very successful queen, Mrs. elgmann, down to the smallest soloist. H. J, Booth, the conductor, was remembre b by cigars axl other wood things. The "bhovs" were playful and_ treated the male contingent to some good things, some not so luscious, --cebbages al onions, to wit. The path of the {White Hussars was strewn with buns, buts they came from some of their own friends. it did not disturb their solidity of ranks or countenance, M Pense expressed wery orateful | ae Jknowledgment to the two hun red amateurs for their willinr and stu im preparation and really exce~ tional rerformipnces. Cn hohalf of the | White Peigggiee he resented HW. J. Pooth with a beautiln, meerschasm Pive ae an expression of their ~oml- for very gentle smanly leas lorship. the first night was re- Book of Views of the City, for as long as they last. I. . McAuley not oceupw the HOTEL ONTARID Has undergone alterations and s now open to the travelling Proprietor | Wealthy Farmer Drops Dead. Chatham, Ont. Dee. 3. --Howard Marshall, oil land owner and oil mag- kad heen an ian farmer until oil was struck on his place about a year FOOTWEAR TO ORDER|! ago. THAT WILL FIT. REPAIRS It don't matter where made or bought, A. E 286 PRINCESS ST. Birth Rate Decreasing. Paris, Dec. 3.--A report of the bu rean of statistics issued to-day on the Lirth rate is causing considerable alarm. as it shows a heavy falling ofl. ase amounts to no less than for the year. for first-class work, HEROD from Dr. Remember quick relief Ointment. " Piles get Shoop's Magic conference at Indianapolis Deputy Minis Mitchell, of tled at a | Finest of Workmanship, Up-to- |} (yon Premier | Date Styles, and Good Fit Guar- | tor King ¢ anteed. the Miners' the Miners" Federation. niversity Ave. 256 University A: Headache ? Then Try Ti This Care! cause ond by the accu- poisons in the blood, the brain and irritate Scott, President tion. Wm. 'Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. Headaches are New Carriages, Cutters, Harness, Y mulation of which congest the nerves, 'I hese poisons are absorbed into the blood from wastes that accumulate in the intestines. The cure is not difficult. ete. for sale. Sale of Horses Every Saturday REAL ESTATE First, cleans® the entire intestinal OR INSURANCE tract. : buy, or sell Sceond, stimulate the action of the If you 'want 10 kidneys and liver. City Rroperty, see GEO. CLIFF, 'fhird, keep the pores of the skin at 95 Clarence street, opposite open. Post Office. Lastly, regulate the bowels and avoid constipation as you would the oe -- plague. OPERA ORCHESTRA "Fhe remedy is Pr, Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut which cure HOVSE the dizziest headache over known. «THE BUSY. ONE." 1 Rates for Weddings, regu Parties. E H. MERRY, Leader Teas and In -fact, people who use Dr. Hamil- ton'& Pills never have headaches, hes cause they regulate the system go Yaoi Nisha ow, thoroughly that no chance is given for Fp 9 rE %F Theatre. pu sick condition to develop. Away with your headaches, be done with dizziness, languor and biliousuess --use Dr. Hamilton's Pills, and enjoy the health that they alone can bring. NewYork Chinese Restaurant Stomach Sufferers achs and ninety per cent of the money spent upe in an at® order to gain health tor their stomachs.and use catharties. | 3 3 Squander Miliions In Search ach Of Relief. : The world is full of disordered stom- | psicians and drugs goss | to cure the stomach. | People aie made to believe that in they must doc So the dxtos gets his fee for the ! stomach treatment. and the. gruggist | for the physic, until the savings ol a| He tme aw, exhausted and yet no | Ls be reasonable. - The sick stomach is in efory case the result of overeating hurried mas | t.cation and improper choice of foods. | The saicors lining all the way down | the food tract loss its sensitiveness,-| and when food is forced down the muscles fail to respond. 'they de not churn, the food as they should. The! glands no longer give out gastrio juice to dissolve the food aod render it capable of assimilation. The man | his become a dyspeptic. There is one sure way and only one | to Lring positive relief. Put into that | stomach of yours the very e'ements | that it lacks to get 'that food into hHouid form. It takes pepsin' diastase, | golden seal and other ferments to ac | complish this. = The healthy stomach | contains thee elemonts. stoma lacke part or 'all of them. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet is wade up of just what the dvspeptic stomach lac' s--nature's digestives, Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are medicine, not a drug. They do not cure anytodv of nny thine but dvsters'a and indigesti®n, and. sich ailments as arise from pocr'y digested food. Whi'e they digest the food the stom- ach recuperates. The mucous mem: brane is comine out of ite stupor. the eastric juice j& coming to the sur'aee, the muscles are recain'nr their power. Fvérv organ of the hodv takes on new life, the sin gains co'or and the over are no longer tinged with yellow. Yor live, Why dogtor and whe not a Arn a daughter. PIED. HINCH.--At Campden, on 24th Nov. Sarah Victoria Hineh, aged fifty-six years MARRIGAN. ~At Kingston, Nov. 16th, Katharine Murvhyv, relict of the late James Marrioan Deseronto, aged thirty-five rs Frock For School Girl. sketvhed school The gown is a charming wrote] for a girl, the light weight serges or cloths being especially good for such wear, 'The original frock was of blue and 'green checked serge, the trimming consisting of soutacho' add tiny gilt buttons, Teg rows of thé braid were used about the yoke and down the middle of the back, the braid dividing, as shown by the sketeh, in five rows wach, which outlined the upper hall of little dia- monthshaped pieces of ecru cloth, set in on rach side the front, and in the back, The yoke was of tucked lawn and was worn "with a linen. turnover and four-in-hand tie of silk. Grippen's Corners Items. Grippen's Corners, Pec. }.--Mrs. Wil son Chase, who has been quite ill, is recovering, Most of the people ground here have been attending the meetings in the Baptist church at Phillipswilie for the last three weeks. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Charland, a daugh- ter. 'H. Russell, Croshy, has been visiting hie cousins, Herman "and Wil linm Warren, for the past week. McGregor visited atghis home in Mor- ton on Sundav last. James McEirov has returned home after spending a few "days at Oliver's Ferry. Joseoh Lamming has gone to Brockville, where he is going to take a place on the G.T.R. The young ppople spent a very 'ploasdnt evening at the home of J. Warren on Thursday last. Fdward Contain nothing but vegetable ex- tracts and juices, and are absolutély safe for children, women, or men. Get 83 Princess Street "Open from 10.30 a.m. $0'8.00 a m White, Elgin, has been visiting friends here. Mrs. William Fréompn spent Sumrlay with her mother and. brother, The best plac to - i ll round the genuine Dr. Hamilton's Pills in J. Atcheson. Mr. and Mrz, U, Mar- Lunch in the citys Meals Nd yellow boses, 25c. each, or five for tin. have moved from here to Single- on shortest notice. 81, at all dealers, ton's Corners. ' dishes = specialty. | CONDENSED ADVERTISING The dvsiwptic | not a cachartic, | o vorrself 2 ftoart's Byes 8a Taklits will tale eave of your blood while nature curs von, Trev » box pt your driceisie Ke. O-. if vou nrefar » fro triat -vackace hfore braving, 'send voor nawe and | clings tndfay TA Queapt (Co, CR | Stuart Ridg.. Marshall. Mich, BORN. l MOAT.--At Deseranto, on Nov. 24th, to | Mr. and Mrs. Mant, on daugh- in born. BU © STANAN A Doseronto, om Nov 28th, ta Mr, and Mrs. Jumes Buch- ANY a son. FRASER. --~In Duseronto, on ¢Nov. 11th, } to ¥r. andl Mrs. Swumuel Fraser, a | daughtcr. FITZMARVIN.--At New ureh Nav 17th, to Mr. awd Mrs. SP. Fite martin. a { PRIG a4 Denercnti Nov. 18th, to ~A4 Mrs Richard Price, Cal Ne "Alta » aon. BULLOCH. «At « we, on_ Nov 28th, to Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Bul ch, a dansvhter. sC GEN Gumino-ne on Nev, 20th t "wd Mrs. J. W, Scott, a wry KILPATRICK .--In Wes'n- wt Nov. 24th to Mr. "ad Mrs. Willlam Kilpatrick RATES FUR, FINISHERS. APPLY JOHN Me | NEW MILCH. COW. APELY TO A; a i ay, Brock street. - Hora, Front Rodd, Pittsburg, } -- mt jntetios. 26. 8 Word. a To BUY DET ER IN | sLmoTRIO MOTOR, EIGHT oes 4 word, Minimum Shares for / ome in~ Sionlare Mec. 5 Whig office or Jar 3 sertion, S3e. Advi. 4 lines or a. a week, $1, Advi. 4 lines or under a mostE, S$ | Everybody in Kineston Beads the WAIG | TTT HELP WANTED--MALE. muses GENTLEMEN TG HAVE THEIR Svercanta made to look like mew, cleaned or turned. New work sarantecd to please. right. Uslloway, the Tailor, 181 Brock street. ee ee eet ete MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE, , Er duates Saran $10 to $e weekly. Hrunches ou Canada rr --------------TT----I---- A COOK, REFERENCES REQUIRED. -- Apply' 252 King street. tp -------- FOR MAY ist. 1907 IN CENTRAL |ALL ory ERT Booth ok enh fits. Shout 8h = Y PROPERTY, on n or or double "Witte Box 81, . Brak tw BILLIARD AROM, NEw POSITION IN A STORE OR OFFICE, | Apply RR re : han had main experke pw ns sone @ nee kewpang. Aiirens We Les Whin a J EOS olumes, special reason. abs" row 100 CARS NO. 1 anti NO. 2 TIMOTHY ment. aseemibot Hay, ship Jguu- | ONE MARE © Hay, Ships ies a AND our, NE vour station or tne ality. W. H. Rg . 3 Ay Dwyer Co. , Trust Building, Clarence street, Ottawa, gn LIME LIGRT, Tr as New, with on 2 % vie r yl, hie TO-LET, Box "T. G.." ROOMS, MODERN CONVENIENCES, at 285 Allred street City. MEDICARE PRACTICE, WORTH rivi village, 35 8 lien Fine N. Macintosh, 51 Mulia 0, 2: g from Toramto byterian. DWELLINGS, AT $6, $8, $11.50 $18 $20 oS Brock $ street, $35, at McCann's, MAID TO DO GENERAL WORK. IN A | STORAGE SPACE _ FOR __FURNL | ©IGHT. = HRUSDRED _AND _FIFEXS small family. No washing. Apply at ture, eto, W. G. Frost, 2399 Ques fullare will uy a house rly . 189 University Avenue. wtreet. For sold wher is leaving ee ------------------------ ee aity! or farther gerticutars. apply | THREE GIRLS, TWO WAITRESSES, | ROOMS OVER anes, COR Se CEA ry se Roar | water. "Apply to MeCaon, 51" Broek SmYBRAL Lanan SKIFFS, SLIGRT- » . nd foot Dinghy Shell, for small _powek, second h and A COMPETENT GENERAL SERVANT Small family. Good wages. Apniy FIRST CLASS SITUATED, ANE launch. hull, aust fa Rachie eelent Mrs. Huwh McPherson, 398 Jolmson Sonstrusted ted ucted brick hous, il rooms, and Lady BY Very low fiuf street. h RA Apply to Dr. Black, % : oon GR 3 or Sr Paptiat church. = Poassusion | iors |S civ oer orm Seavid| ER ade SO Vis | TE RR IN THEN in the evening, to on nr « Laws brea 90 oa oh of 8 owned by W Juw, 187 Johnson street, 74 91 and 93, In eo me ------ , in th A WOMAN TO GO TO THE CO NTRY ARCHITECTS. containing ve sold three miles frov city. om tha chil wot Objectionable. Com: | WM. NEWLANDS. ARCHITECT, OF: ther Hem oases there a . uti | fortable home for right party. Ap- oor over Mahood's Drug ee ie Promises tory ye in 4 3 Bagot nctory. f viv Whig office. h store, oorer "Frio an terna, ote. Mo Joseph: Th Streets: -Etranes. an | Waikom, Soligitor KInatOR. COMPETENT GIRL, FOR GENERAL » 808. housework.: smal family ; Ouse mode impro ents : no Washing POWER & SON ARCHITEOT, BUSINESS. ere Mew, "e "R. Camites 188 Main chants Henk Bullding, eommer EAD MONEY AND | FEMALE PROTESTANT. THACHER, | BRNRY, L § HT, AR Sony "otiore: Ahan any | or Section 9 Kennebec, holding IPhone, 845 . Gogwin's a Insurances second or third. class certificate ¥ d . Duties to comnupence January dnd, 1907. Apply. stating _ salary {| ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, © oF. | heniieations. to 3. A. Newton, Secs | fies, Cor. Quesn and Baro LIVERPOOL. LONDON AND GLOBE | Treas., bead Creek P.O. Ontario. Ree 2 ragtc as ni hyn i. | A o , at » LOST. VETERINARY. HES nolicy uve Sa | --es | DR. C. ». BELL, ys. HAS RE he x x iy ® HOSPITAL PIN, 1905, OVAL-SHAPED, moved to his brick bi on |""on priany. in Ciaran, Seligmton glrect, ust above 'the Fort, © rates, Retore Tenewing old or giving P ss streets. Finder kindly re- " am bye Whig office od recive re- promptly attended to. & + strane. Avents | ward, RED COCR a Rigs prio WILL BE He REAR RETURN t CK juward for return ILL R ™ )] ine to mame | Kink. 28 Cahiugnocd Bt of Dismond Wing and Pearl, Pendut DR. McCARTHY, OFFICE 'LATELY Anyone harhorime after this notice lost. days oo. Apply at gosubled har Dr, > Mony will be prosecuted. DISTRICT DA DASHES. | Items of Useful a1 Tnformation Brief- ly Given. The indeitedness of the city of Wat artown, N.Y. is $1,038,805. Parliament is to be asked to vote | 820,000 for the Belleville armouries. Carleton Place has = got Engineer Chipman's waterworks survey of the town. - Anderson has resigned Rev. ©. the pastcrate of the Baptist church of Pembroke. The Wampole works, at Perth, are running overtime at present, owing to a rush of orders. Alexander MeFee, of the inland rev enue depurtment, Belleville, has been transferred to Owen Sound. Tweed gouncil has decided to stand by last year s reduction of the liquor licenses from nine to seven. John Atkinson, Renfrew, il for ten days from pneumonin, is dead, aged geventy-four, leaving two sons. J. P. Butler, Admaston, has sold bis 144-acre farm to Robert Henderson for $8,000. Mr. Butler is going west, In the Lanark county house of in d.stry there are at present sixty in mates, thirty-three men and twenty- seven women Joseph B. Cleak, Bancroft, has been appointed clerk of the twelfth divi sion court of Hastings county. He succeeds T. F, Kavenarh, J. A. Roach, night operator at Kaladar Station. has been transferred to Tweed to fill the vacancy caved by. the ¥ jon of Mr. Christie, D. M. WHEE." dairy instructor in the Kémptyille svndicate, has accept- ed the position of dairy instructor jn nd state of Kansas agricultural eol time made ol Allore, at 'one Tweed merchant, a pros- nerous insane by lionor. has been committed to Belleville jail, as he has been violent of late W. Christie and family have left | Tweed. for Craighurst, where he has been appointed . C.P.R, agent. Mr Christie has heen on night duty for seversl years. Mr. and Mrs. D. FE. Rosa, helpful workers in Tamworth Methodist church cheir, have resigned and were given an atdrecs and gifts appreciative of their willmg service. South Hastihgs Sunday School As- sociation held ite ammual convention at Deseronto, on November 20th. H. K. Denyes was re-elected president and William Moore, secretary. The vacancy in the postmastership at Peaichburg hes been filled by the appointment of Miss Surtees as post mistress in succession to her father, the 1+te George: Surtees. M. H. Dent, Renfrew, has decided to try a course at the Gravenhurst sani tarium. Mrs. and Miss Dent left at the same time for Toronto, where they will tumaty for some time. P. J. McCuan, the purchaser of the Fourth Chute water power and saw mill, is preparing fo build a concrete dam at n cost of several thousand dollars. The material in being placed { on the ground. R. J. Hendersen, Westport, is a patient at the General Hosrital. Bibby's © Clothine Store. y GOT THE VALUABLES | The Paragraph Pulpit REV CO. W. y OXSSON, OTTAW Substituted One Valise For An- other on Train. Tilbury, Ont, Dee, 3 smooth crooks away, A pair of Trot on Satur- The Ministry Of Love. i8e containing $1,600 duy, Bid Valin subtuining 81.600, J prociaim the ministry of love. Its They attracted the attention of the the mot effertive, What learning not ish, love can effect. The lover is greater thon the thinker. Al fection is more potent than argument. Kindness of heart is more forceful than keencas of intellect. Love is ome clerk, who was carrying it by train to Fle cher, ten: miles from here, and substituted a valise exactly similar in appearance. The men, one of whom is mown to be a Detroit thief, were last heard of at Buxton, where they nipotent, and not to he registed or ro were heading * across the fields, fused. If you would save the world, good deseription of the men is in the silenve your arguments, shelve our hands of the police, particular theories, drop your whli- ble scheme, and go out and love! a ---------- Emperor William, Thanksriving day. large photograph Love will find its own way of fulfill- ing itaell, and so fulfilling the kindly purpose of the God of love. in recognition of has presented a of himself to the | American church at Berlin. a : oh I'revost, at the New York clothing 14 Address Mr. Casson for free litera | ture. store, Brock street, has made a great | 4 reduction ' in price, in the order and te : Cg read--made clothing department; also R. C, Feever, Cobden, has a hen's the gents' furnishing. Everything will | *€€, the proportigns of which are cer- be offered at great reduction in tainly not reached every day. In eir- = price. The stock is well assorted, cumference the ego measvred 81 inch- es one way round and 7 inches anoth- § | er ways It-weighed 8} ounces, with new goods in every department. Dekeronto has a new skating rink. Ce EI 7 | Christmas enn is For the Christmas season, which is now fast ap- proaching, we offer our trade the most practical and the most @nsibl of all Christmas Gifts, Footwear What could make n more acceptable Christmas remembrance for the Older Members of the Family than un pair of our Fine Shoes, a pair of Choice Slippers, a pair of good Winter Rubbers or Ares ties ? We've a splendid showing of every good style, suitable for every purpose. Menibers (of the be What would: please the Younger Family more than Shoes, Slippers, Rubber Boots ? too, with a pair of ong'# Booters or Moccasing. Remember Baby hittle Slippers, Christmas Footwear, Galore! You can't, if you try, make more bl or more acceptable Christmas 'Gifts than Footwear. We've see our splendid Holiday Display. § . | Come, Reockville, While slitting wood a _ days aro a ® Inter flow up and steel him in one of the eves, nearly bind nr him. An overation was ne {evr re t+ vomove the splinter from the eve ball, ~y « Abernethy's store