L PURGATIVE WaTep, Wineg lassful before Breakfass 'ater are maintained by op, ny aller for Slccessive days G APENTA § TA CARBONATED), IS ONLY. t Aperient for Morning Use, LINARIS CO., Ltd, London, t was lurking around the 1pon you at any time, .Season with everything will require, ts are beauties. Other lines C. : Bannerman: Other lines, $750 30 to $6.50. Three-piece suits, 0. shapes and styles; 25e. to 81.50. Fnglish Gloves, Neck So arfs, Mui 'rwear, ete, ERCOATS. EE -- Bibby Co. 30-82 | .PRINCESS STREET . lend of the hops. No sub- or barley id to diges- | AGENT 339-331 KING ST. WINTER STYLES (NCT AND INDIVIDUAL GE PATTERN BOOTS TY, EXCELLENCE AND STYLE EMBODIED yun Metal Ct Diucher $3.00 Velour, Box Calf, od Fon Blacher. $3.50 ) iGl i od a Blacticr. $4.00 or Utz and Dunn, J. & T. | and Geo.' A. Slater. ' Shoe Store * F sort of memorial in a Jewish se of worship. The memorial has 0 erected by the Jews in recognt } of" My" Hayy's "lmanitarian atti- ¢ towards-the Jews in the unlor ate Russian troubles and his broad ian sympathy and desire to qive 'y man regardless of race or creed juare deal. Or- Try o think our delivery the best "are sent out with dispatch. or your eoal, Swift's. TA | a VALUABLE NE Be DISCOVERIES : ON - | BEAVER PROPERTY LA -- LATELY ACQUIRED BY THE Erie Cobalt Silver MINING COMPANY, Limited Discovery last weele of a new vein in Beaver property connecting with the main vein cof the Temiskaming Company's, Makes Amalgamated Properties of Erie and Beaver Immensely Richer Such a stroke of fortune puts subscriptions to the 300,060 Shares of Erie Stock at the Par Value of $1 Each before the public as the best investment in Cobalt. The Erie Cobalt Silver Mining Co., Limited, which owns 60 acres in Coleman Township and 40 acres in Lorraine Towaship--all well de- veloped properties--has purchased 400,000 Shares of the Capital Stock (500,000 Shares) of THE BEAVER SILVER MINING CO, LIMITED. Rich Beaver Property Such well-known properties do not need any elaborate description. They include 20 acres in Coleman , Township, adjoining the Temis- kaming, and in the group of the Jacobs, Lawson, Foster, and other large shipping mines. Gitle Clear Pending amalgamation, and to comply with all legal reguirements, the Erie Company has effected a Formal Ioease of the Beaver Company's properties, thus giving to the Erie Company a full, active, controlling interest. Operations and Equipment A complete modern equipment is being installed immediately to begin active mining operations. Upon the Erie property a shaft has been sunk 50 feet, and over six thousand feet of trenching has been done, and seven well defined veins have been opened. One vein extends over one thousand feet, and carries good value in silver. No. 1 shaft on the Beaver property is now down 30 feet. No. 2 shaft is down 18 feet, and the ore taken out has been bagged and is awaiting shiptfiem, and a rich new vein has just been. discovered. STOCK FoR SAL Application for three hundred thousand shares of the Erie Cobalt Silver Mining Company's Stock at par value of $1.00 each will be re- ceived up to Twelve 0'Clock on Wednesday December 5th and the lists will be absolutely. closed at that time. All applications must be accompanied by post-office or express order, or marked check in full, payable to J. H. JEWELL & CO, and mailed or delivered to THE TRUSTS AND CUARANTEE COMPANY 14 KING STREET WEST, TORONTO, ONT. TRANSFER AGENTS OF THE COMPANY NOTE.--Stock is being allotted in full and delivered in the order in which applications and cheques are received. right is reserved' to 'reject any applications for shares, advance the price of the stock without notice. Amounts over -subscribed and paid for will be promptly' returned. . ILLUSTRATED BOOKLEV FREE The Best Chance in Canada forLarge Profits The Erle, Cobalt Silver Mining Co., Limited El ai { the | of the session | pews and shook hands with their new- Dr. Macgillivray then asconded to | of . coal, Soon - amounts up. Get | the pulpit amd<Beliverad a short ser- | Swift's. The economical fuel. mon upon * ifEhyterian church gov- | Major Shannon was. among those erament, the duties of clders and the | who attended the ball at the opening | reat honor it was to be called by the | of the new armouries at Stratford. congregation to attend to their | Mrs. (Col) Moserip, of Stratford, | spiritual wants, His text was 1 |is in the oity, attending the funeral of Chronicles ix, 27: "And they lodged |! the late James Hamilton, her nephew. about the house of God, because the Ladifs' hand bags; newest English charge was upon them." land American styles, at Best's. See Next Sunday morning the indivi- | the displ : | decided' in favor . DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, RE ------------ (FROM THE PUPS, mmo mor oer. Neway Basagrapht Picked Up By | on Rounds. ORDINATION OF OF ELDERS: IN| Are you doing your Christmas shop. CHALMERS, ~~ = |pug? * \ | W. R. Turner, Toronto, spént the | ws day in the city. Individual Communion Cup to Be | a SN. McUonkey, Brookville, is in the | Used, , There For the First | city on busincss. i Time--Services in 'Various | William Birmingham, Ottawa, spent | : ; | Sunday in city. Other. Churches. | Hot Bovril is disponsod free at Gib: In Chalmers church, at the Sunday son's Red Cross drug store. morning service, took place the or- | KE. Burke, Hamilton, retwned home dination of newly-elected elders, 'sme | to-day after visiting relatives in the ly, Rev. Alexander Laird, lL. RE. |ecity. : Si aples, and Prof. John Matheson. | "Thomas Swedtman and son, left, this ke v. br. Mmegilliveay officiated. The | morning, for Cobourg on their annual Kirk 'session gnd the new elders ocew | hunt, ied the two front news. Rev. Dr. | Sheriff Dawson went to Oso Station Ross, assisted in the service, delivering | to-day on business. He will return to ordination prayer. Following the | the city to-morrow. ordination service, the older members The en avpeared in their filed around the front | winter caps for the first time to day, Another sign of winter, A little waste, say in the screening ly-ordained byethren. ay. The monthly grade meetings for pul: | lio school teachers start {noon at the Board | rooms. | For cough and colds, Gibson's Red { Cross cowrh syrup has no equal, 20c. and 50c. Miss 'Josephine Huntington, Water for in Chalmers church, the by a large vote. having of its introduction. dual communion cup will be used the first time : this after congrogntion, of Education The Solver Of Problems. At Convocation hall on Sunday af- Rev. Prof. ternoon, Bowles chose as gh hay . {his text St. John xv. 5: 'For with.: | 10%n: N.Y, visiting Mrs, J. A. Gar out Me ve can'do nothing." The re- | diner, University aviénue, left for her : Christi to day. lation of * human need. and Christian | home refigio n is the theme su vested. This The power committee of the board of trade is to meet this "evening to dis- revelation which we need and is per- . , tinent to our necessities must be real cuss the question of getting che ap and true. Man's blindness is met by | power for Kingston. A special train for men engaged in ballasting on the K. & P_ arrived in the city, Sparday night, and left the faith of Jesus, un assur: truth which has met his the divine vision. It is svery missionary of ance that the deepest need will help, others. And | again Sunday afternoon, while this faith is partly subjective, | It pays to buy fancy perfumes at | vet it has been demonstrated as much | Gibson's Red Cross drug store. mare. It appeals to man everywhere. Tomlinson, of this city, has It hus power over minds dark until | secured the contract Tor putting elec: its cominz. The ss of missionary | tric lighting into the Northumberland | that it meets the highest ideals of man | in his { constant, p enterprise has demonstrated the and Durham house of refuge, adaptation to the needs of the low- "1 must have that right away, not est, The most' wonderful revelation | a shavelinl left in the, bin." A famil- of the text is not found in that the [iar remark. The coal goes promptly Swift's coal vards. The only cand sold in Kingston good enough to send anvone at Christmas is. Hayler's or MeConkev's, from Gibson's Red Cross drug store. A. W. Marshall, this city, has been appointed organist and choir-director in the First Baptist church, and en- tors upon his duties immediately. Best's assortment of Christmas lowest needs of rospel of the man are met by the [up. Son of God, ut rather | most perfect intellectual de- velopment. The - Lord Christ ond His gospel stands related to all | the hivher needs which come to man. | The f; Jia which Jesus has brought in- to th # world has hence become the rmanent, and abiding re- Jesus {ligion on this earth. The religion | poods is complete and is something | which failed to satisfy would not be |wvood to look at. | such. And as the meanest man de- A movement iz on foot in Ridéan | velops, he finds he needs the Christ | ward to seoure Capt. Scott, of Farl more and more. Christ is the same | street, to come ouf- for aldermanic i vesterdav. today and forever. Yet in | honors: THe eantain has not stated | More and move the church understands {her Lord and reali a sense there is a Christ of yesterday, {de finitely as to whether or not he will pan 3 book ine the shor will be sold at a disgount, some of them at « the true and est Generally speaking, a sential Christ. { better intellectual wnderstandine of [half price and ' some at less, at Me | Christ is now attained. We cannot | Auley's book store. | develop and be true to ourselves with- | James C. Tennett, late of the Ot- 'out awakening bigger ideas. Develop |tawa Journal, has arrived in the | the mind and vou increase a mind | city to take charge of the linotvpe {the mind. Whe untrained mind and some | machines'in the Whig job office. Mr, minds may not even sce a | Pennett served his apprenticeship with vroblem in the world for our solu | the Whie, being connected with the tion, but others feel the problem and | paver. about ten years ago. 'now it. can be solved A problem Catarth of the nose and throat must have a solution. ese it occupies | should lead vou. to at least nsk us no place in the world. There is an |for a free trial box of Dr. Shoon's nswer for these deeper problems of | Catarrh Care. Nothing so surely And this mind hunger will | proves merit as a real, actual test | not grow less in man. No om denies | and Dr. Shoov to prave, this, epr- the satisfaction man derives in the | nestly desires that we let vou make discoveries of new facts and laws by | that test. This creamy, sndw white cience. Who having onee thought of | healing balm, soothes the throat and God ean ever forget Him. Afraid of i and quickly purified a foul seicnoe 2 Why there's nothing we rish breath. Call and investi- | should be more afraid of than mental | gite: All drosists. stagnation The darkest pessimist ; ------------------ must admit the growth of love and | IT'HE POWER QUESTION. charity over davs gone by. Itis in our homes, our laws and its penalties, That Have Some of the Things an!' our verv institutions upon which to Be Considered. sonia - Joumdeds Jot Be rov There are some leading citizens who a0 hil : ; i s (ingst is in faith. In whatever way. vou - contems do mot think hat King on a. rlatd vour erowth it brings the same | 50% tion. at [Presegt 3d go The . Anand The human need 'of Inithis Trent river power question. r ev say i a oli) Art we Jan th ; for but the that the hydro-electric commission jh | Creas ! * f { pi in O wel wower; the friend of religion. MH faith depart the'| Pot going to develap the Dov municipalities interested will have to | Tivht will he gone. Hf faith be absent, tn that themselves. It #8 estimated ino i , erent in this world, i % jh 1 it on be Hifery N r re et that Kingston would have to ray font 18 hoot a a ii 1,000 at the very least! ~ot the or ta | love cotnothine of - its soul, Knowledge, and beauty, all three, wait th, No one nexls the gosrel of the power here. The wire line oa alone cost £180,000 One citizen said © on "Ia Kineston pre dof dwn, Siok than those whe rarcd to invest that amount of money think they will succeed in life with f th Trent river ipower ? The oul at 23.50 rate for a horse power, . of course, includes the interest on the Forgiveness Of Sins. investment. That amount is what the Rev. R. P. Bowles, late of Sher- | power could be delivered for at a bourne street Methodist church, Toron- | central station in Kiintegton. The only to, occupied the pulpit at | way that "wou'd reduce the invest. the Sydenham street Methodist church | ment would be the opening of the Sunday night, and preached a most | Trent ,eanal, by the dominion govern: eloquent sermon on the forgiveness of | ment, 'which would, necessarily. have gins. He made reference to the difficul- | to build "the dams. Otherwise, a ties in men's minds regarding the pos- {company would have to do that at a DECEMBER 3. OUR QUEEN'S NOTES | ELECTIONS THE THE BEST CON: DUCTED IN YEARS. Science 'and Medicine Win the | | { | Vote is Felt, |" Ths Aesculapian Society sent | wreath to te placed on the Rit | containing the body of a late member, Dr. Charlee Lawlor. The students tharslves attended the funeral in a | { body. The Alma Mater Society clections are now a thing of the past, and without a doubt they were the best | conducted in years. This is especially the case when viewed from the stands point of scence and medicine. The members of these two faculties united cn a common slate against the breth- ren in arts and by the most thorough crgenizaticd. undertaken for gome time, carried the day by large major- | ities. This alliance reslted from the recognized fact that neither faculty could unaided elect its nominees, pars | tienlarly when the antagonistic ladies' vote wa: taken into consideration. | Work at ths polls concluded at six | o'clock, after en afternoon of hurry- ine and ecorrying about the city for votars who needed a little persiasion. Then fo'lowed a brief interval for ats tendine to the wants of the inner man after which the students repaired to Convocation ha'l, nacking it to the { dosrs From the wallery overhead. lan- tern slides were thrown upon a canvas | Here mune cartoons of student | wall-bnown students and | | | ® reen. | life. and | members of the faculty eed while Misa | her shor: of { rogults from were nresent- the aovlarse. Soon the the several polls bheean to arrive, pnd they in tom ware {thrown unan the canvas. The fiver | weg that of the ladies, and resulta | as follows : President, | Viee-pr: sident, 129. Secretary, i well, 72. Critic, 100. Treasurer, Macdonnell, phy, 27. Ass'stant 31: McKinnon, 95. Matheson, 101; Curtin, McCammon, 60; Stid Woolsey, 26; Bryden, Cooke, » commit. secretary, Executi mitt-e, Hale, 66; McGillivray, 77; Gor- den, 41; Aiken, 7% Bow, 53; Men- | zies, KB. | Needless to "may these results were herd hits against the soience men, the only candidate mak: ing onvthing like a fair showing be- ing Cameron for the presidency, and | Ha'e awl Aiken for commitdeemen, where the ontion of four votes was allowahle. count~d on to show a little antago- nistic feeling towerd the "outsiders," but. she reed not have been so em- vhatie, 'It caused the hove considera- ma'orities Placed avainet their men, and Fest them in the wish of the electorate, or rather the electorste who are most interested in Alma Mater Society matters. and who exercise franchise. should ps | hHpen d in the pact. Fe defeated hy | the vote: of the lady | hecore int rested in A. M. 8, | birt ones a ver. viz.. ahout the of the Teévana tea. mattors Victory Over Arts--A Little | Hard Feeling Over the Ladies' | Tevrma eame in for | | 102; Mur | i | The Latest Up-to-Date 1907 Style medicals and | | | Of course, Mise Tevena was | | | ble worry in pulling down the heav¥ | stidents who | IMPORTANT ANNOUNCE Camepdn, 4% Ramsay, 82. | { constant fear lest | | { | i hag | | { dat & When »'l but one | | ro'l had Yeen hesrd from the results | wore posted pe final, givine cvmbinad att-e% a slicht nervous vrostestion, re it showed some of def ated by 'very slight majorities When the mistake was anne wineed, and it "ecame known that still another {roll was to» he heard from, a-michty | che r arose. frr with the maior frop". ®the ladies' po'l pulled down it mopt viet: ry for the ecienos men, In fact thew ro'l by weord maiorities, ginele eveent'on of that at their friends, the ladies voted ) race for the presid nev, Cameron's ol- eton was never in doubt. The final ' ' hs follows er president, Hon. Senator Sullivan, (med.); president, (arts), 320; PD. R. Cameron, (med.), 144; vice-pre- sident, T. V. Curtin, (science), 390; Matheson, (arts), 369; secretary, J. Vv McCammon, (arts), 286; Stidwell, (science), 469; critic, W. J. Woolsey (sci-nee), 389; Brydon, (arts), 263; treasurer, H. McDonnell, (arts), 411: Murphy, (med.), 342; assistant-secre- tary, KE. Cooke, (science), 392; H. N. McKinnon, (arts)y 3562; executive, Ww Hale, (med), 506; .L. Aiken, (science), Bow. (arts), #02; Menzies, (arts), MeGilliveay, (arts), 319; Gordon, 8), 179 + only 'man on the combined slate to meet defeat was Murphy, He can thunk the ladies for the result there's no doubt on that point when the vote is 'looked up. However, he is to be complimented on the magnificent race which he ran against a student so well known and popular both among the undergraduates and city voters, Pork Going Up. | sibility of forgive , and after refer- | biy cost ; Sharpton, Dec. 3.--~Odessa cheese fac | ving to the laws of nature, as surely As far as oan be ascertained, y tory closed on Saturday, two weeks | bringing their consequences, when vio- horse pow hy son oapp ; "earlier than urual. A great deal of hay | lated, the preacher stated that that | ° ne rated in Sinton or ens an has been shipped at $7 and $5 a ton. | doctrine of fo seness modified this {Ort jollars for hi or 8 Uny 30 It is said that the price of pork has | dark and fatalistic view of life. Inti { trouble here ix that seproely any Manv {an upward tendency. 'The school is i mations of ¢ m of grace are found facturing conern Tn Tes to use he progressing favorably under the able | int healing forees in nature, even hetter | €F more than ten Acre th YI ae, management of Miss Carpenter. The | intimations are found in the forgive | Most of places use it om¥ Jor a couh new law respecting the hire of teachers Where a $23.50 rate would that amount would have of hours. | ness of which the human heart is cap- be granted. { able. The divine forgiveness banished to be paid whether the power was used | all estrungement and separations be Lor twenty-four hows a day or only | tween man and God. Tt created love, hon | it brought good out of evil, and was, sm Ou | therefore, love's masterpiece, Man's When von try to kiss a girl in the dark and find out that it was her | mother. the only wav wi can s unre therefore, and his redemption, This world is the | history, | are God's romance, wonderland of the universe. I Tearacliin ta 'pretend that was - the | vory thing vou meant. to do. Foreign and dbmaitic perfumes 'in oH EUMATISM | hemdsome boxes. at Rest's. A women wonld like to bea wan if have now her hair lone clothes she the could wenr the samo kind of S Price 25c. Ma. { re a®. and think it/was exciting to go 1 seldom riding with one, { fails to There is. nothing thet arouses a relieve man's ridicule 20 much for the fellow { puimis that wrote them as the old love Jot- | begs, ters they are his own i oma, Fenev rerfpanvs for Christmas, It fave to huw Red them at Gibson's wife |(p * neg droge slore. (Niels are ford of attention: mar- ried women pre fomd of contention. He is indeed a bey man who can ~MENYOB: |, vor find time to find fault. ins few hours Positively cures in 8 few days minty | 1 does net put the disrese to deep, bur drives B | | i Yom the syne causes much comment. As we ap- proach nomination people are getting warmed up over election matters. The | average elector seems to be undér the impression that our business in the township and county councils is not ably managed. S: Somerville plastered D. Karin's kitchen. The attendance at Sharpton school is larger than usual. Miss Mary Jane Smith is visiting her sister, Mra. 8. Somerville. Bert. Bab- cock is preparing to move from the neighborhood. 8. Somerville and * G, McEwen laid the Smith's drive shed. I. Parks and brid Chave returned, after visiting friend® in drockville, B. Parks was visiting friendi at Erinsville. -------- The Troy laundry at Edmonton, was gutted hy fire, of a tank, and two employees, ¥ud Lily Holmes, were badly the latter that her Candied fruits, able at i istore, iz doubtful, cheréy, recovery Tage, pine. | he'r candidates ! wedieals and | carried avery | with the | which | Tn the | ed this neighborhood and taken there. Monday last. Mis. ('. McGregor and | from William Bennie, who passed | ¥™ Cen, sunt the past week at away on °© Monday, November 12th, Centreville, the guests ol he from an affection of the kidneys. De: ter, Mrs. Joseoh Perry, lice has | that any | pated, spect d by all his friends and neigh- days last week. Mrs. BF. 8. Nodlus: { bors. He leaves a widow, one son and ish, ia the guest of Mrs. G. C Mi three daughters: Mrs. 8, Scott, Ar- oll, Takeview, On dit thet a couple of { den; Mra John A, Mitchell, Frwood, | Weddings will take place in" this Sask., and Alice and Henry, on the nei shborhood shortly. homestond, Deceased was a Methodist cement floor in J. } following the explosion | Fanny | burned, | being #0 seriously injured Gibson's Red Cross drug. | James Reid The Leading Undertaker Have a hobby! Letitbeyour. coffee. It should be Chase & Sanborn's. | Busy, Storing Presents For Our Christmas Delivery Early buyers get the choice, What nicer than a Sectional Book Case. . As your library iucreases adds section. See the Hoosier Kitchen Cabinet, the only useful cabinet made in opetation, 'Phone 147 for White Ambulance, To the Ladies of Kingston Who Wish : to be Dressed in John R. Johnston, Kingston, progressive tailor, beg to 'an the ladies of Kingston amd surrounding districts, that he has added ta. , vd present business, » An Up-to-Date Ladies' Tailoring Department This new dition For the manufacture of Ladies' Coats and Cost to Mr. Johnston's establishment will be in charge of F. W. Cole, of New York City : Mr. Cole has had a great number of years' experience as ater and dee ts signer for some of the largest houses in Now York, 'and 'can 'toe to give every satisfaction to design, fit, and workmanship, . Johns- ton intends to give the Ladies' Tailoring Tapartsiant a worthy of \ the patronage of every lady 'in the Ty Only the very : and linings will be used, and the prices will be in reuch j It will not be necossary pay fancy prices or ments, as Mr, Johnston will be satisfied with a very profit in ortler to introduce UP-TO-DATE LADIES' motto of this new industry will be Satisfaction or Money Refunded A ca'l solicited, We are always pleased to quoty prices. ' Johnston, 8 Company, Next door to Sutherland's Shoe Store, A MYER'S CAVE NEWS. is the guest of hor wistur, Mrs; C. Me- Gregor. Miss Bele MoGregor, non, is visiting the parental home at Myer's Cave. Mr, amd Minis 3 ¢, Mit che] were the guests of 'thir deught: er, Mrs. D, Gray, on Sunday last. J, Critchley made- a business to Tweed this weak,' Mra, KR. 8S. "Y- ish and Miss Belle MeGregor were the guests of Mrs. Lou Turner, Star of the East Mine, on Sunday lust. E, Perry, Centreville, 1.ft for his home on Death of Willian Bennie, spected Resident. Myer's Cave, Dec. 1.--Foxes are very pumerous in this ncighborhood, sbver- al farmers having lost quite a num- Ler of their poultry. Those parties who hunted in and around this locality have returned to their various homes, and report a great scarcity of deer. The angel of death has again visit- a Re- coused, who wes in his sixtv-seventh bis sh ngle mill in overation. B, Van. year, had been in poor health for alstine has left for, Webhwood 5 rk nearly a year, but it was not until | the lumber woods. ennie Van. alstine loft for Marlbenk on Thursday last, for an - extended visit with friends. William 1loyd of Marlbank, wasthe quest of A, [oncks for afew about a month previous to his death, resulta Were antici Decoabed was 'a quiet man, a kind husband and father and was re serious in religion and a conservative in| Now is the best time {o-buy weather polities. The funeral service on Wed: [strips. Come and see our assortment, nesday, 11th inst, was condorted at | Strackan's hardwara, the hose, by Rev. A. C. Huffman, Messrs. Countryman and Cowain (lovyne. decided to rrovide the Peale of Tweed Mrs. R. 8. MacTavish of Balderson, = with a skating rink. Common Sense Is The Keynote Of The" Campaign Against Consumption fresh air and rest; keep your windows open winter and "Good food, summer." are. told by The great scientists, who are certainly doing wane ders in reducing the degth-rate from Tuberculosis. They also warn not to neglect a cold or cough, and it is most important that this advice be followed. While the cough or cold may not bring consumption, it is I better to be on the safe side and take no chances. So we Here is a simple remedy that will break up a cold' in hours and cure any congh that is curable : Glyeerine, two ounces; Virsin Oil of Pine (Pure), one-half ounce; good Whiskey, o half pint. Shake well and use in teaspoonful doses every four hanrs, The ingredients car he seeured from any good prescription druggist ot small cost, but must be pure to effect the desired results. For thigreason it is always best to pur- chase the ingredients separately am! prepare the mixture at howe. twentv-fiig ¥ Virgin Oil of Pine (Pure) should be purchased only in the orixinel gy half-ounce vials put up for drugoists to dispense. Fach vial is ancl 3 in a round wooden case, with engriv od wrapper. with the name---"Yir#'s Oil of Pine (Pure)"--plainly wrinthi thereon, There ate many tations of Virgin Oil of Pine (Pure). which are put out under namics, stich as Concentrated Oil of Pine, Pine Balsam, eto. Never acoept these as a substitute for the Pure Virgin Oil of Pine, as they will Yar 1 ably prodice nausea and never effect . the desired fesull,. F