i i i i of i 5 ef i iii; : j ef i £ i 7 You self, to hix loved ones, to his neighbor ~ For Sale? % It will pay you to list it with us, for the following reasons :-- We advertize free of charge We have a number of enquir- ies, for homes amd invest- ments in real estate. We have funds for invest: a loan on favorable terms. We have "eighteen years of _ square dealing with the you wish spond. a cent and and to his God, All this was raguived good citizenship. Write Your Own Card. Citizens" league had been criticized, and it was said it could not be sign od. "Well," he said, "if it is not as write a card to your desires. We want to your position in the matter in case; if the evening he preached a strong tem- sermon and urged that Chris. perance Jtians should endeavor by all means to the li traffic and save mon um as' a omit of ite Ee SB cr: the morning service . Sparling, a A_his ;thankiuiness and oruti, to y tion for oye manner in which hey had replied to the appeal for a cash contribution of . Nore the oss very sweetly Bird With the Broken Pinion," the apartette was choice, with "The Lord Is My Shepherd." he. Summpmion service hy Rev. Prof, . Dr. Macgillivray stated that been in favor of retaining the : wine, but oup he now was strongly in the change, as i t and reverent as the old way, is also done more rapidly. The of communicants was very Sin Before And Behind. "Jn St. Andrew's vy, for CG ion. The Y.1.C, Communi |B.A., Hibernians and C.M.B.A. were out in force, Mass was celebrated' by Rov. Father O'Rielly, and the com- dments were read by Rev. Fath- er Hanley. - OFFICERS WERE ELECTED. Five! New Members Added to i Court Frontenac. At a meeting of Companion Court Frontenac, No. 437, 1L.O.F,, held on riday evening, five candidates were for membership, and the fol- lowing officers were appointed for the ensuing year : C.D, Georgiana Potter; C.P.,, Dr, Ross; J.P.R., Catharine Murray; C.R., Helen Grant; V.C.R., Emma Potter; Weigh Helen Coyne FS, & rai shel ight; anist, Maggie Wright; ora Lissie Dempster; S.B., Louise Gould; J.B, Mary Harrison; S.W. MeGillie; J.W., Allic Pottery F¥. C., Isabella Wright, Catharine Mur- ray; trustees, Edith McGrath, George: iana Potter. : The Value Of The Toronto Telegram figure out that Queen's honorary degyee of LL.D, to Andrew Carnegie, is| worth $100,000. Very good. The Queen's Col: lege authorities should congratulate themselves on the institution's high standing. Ca ie got an LL.D. from Toronto also. e arithmetical pro- works out this way : Quaen's LL.D.--§100,000, Toronto LL.D.<Not a cent. A Toronto View. The Toronto Telegram says: "Good Old Queen's can use the $100,000 to nd- vantage, and Carnegie, LL.D. is as worthy of honor as a lot of brevet scholars who = are adorned with the output of other degree factories." Died In London. Col. A. A. Farley, a well-known Canadian officer, died at London, Fng- land. waa formerly associated with "B" Battery in this city in the eighties, and came from Belleville, "David ache than" City hall, « Luke' ladies' ual - Denhor 11th, in' their hall. Chickering's, at book store. 8, : 3 The Misses have sold . | skates from Strachan's hardware. anoearance, "hut at the same tiie they really glors in secret sins, which they went on day after day committing -- Marche? To Church. _The difierent Roan Catholic sorie- ties marched to church in a by, om | : the last word. 1 0.0.F., 2c. December 13th, their stone rbsidence to Miss Smith, mento on King street seo the large assort- at Strachan's hard: December meeting of Kingston Proshy tary is to be in, Chi 3 chi , at ten o'clock to-morrow morning. 3 The Navajo did not rip to Amherst Island for hay. The bay was so full of ice that she was J to return to Kingston. There is nothing more suitable for a Christmas present than a pair of 'A Peterhoro alderman declines nom- ination for the mayoralty on the ground that his wife threatens pro- ceedings for divorce unless he spends more of his time at home, Hockey practices are expected to start on Wednesday at the covered rink. Queen's have their first practice at noon and Frontenacs expect to arvange . for a practice Wednesday evening. In the magazine that keeps a steady flow of entertaining pages, the West. minster, Robert Haddow continues his sketches of "The Romance and Beau- ty 'of the St. Lawrence." The old ttme history of Kingston is given with views of present features. Piles get quick relief from Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment. Remember it's made alone for piles--and it works with certainty and satisfac tion. Itching, painful, protruding, or blind piles disappear like magic by its use, Try it and see! All drug- wists. "The Boycott of Consumptives;'" from the Independent Review, depre- cates the feeling whieh is rapidly clos: ing "health resorts' against sufferers from tuberculosis, and insists that tha panic which has fallen on tourists and hotel-keeners is as unreazonable as it is heartless. The Living Age of De- comber Sth reprints it. Prevost, at the New York clothing store, Brock street, has made a great reduction in price, in the order and read---made clothing department; also the gents' furnishing. erything will be offered at a great reduction in price. The stock is well assorted, with new goods in every department. If license reduction carries at the polls and the city council orders re- duction, whom will the partizan tory license coumnissioners cut off 7 The grit licensees, of course. They have a sample of their party work by lop ping off two grits this year, and that, too, in face of the fact that worse houses than they kept were granted licenses, Deserter Surrenders. Word has = been received here that John RE. Cook, who deserted from the Royal Horse Artillery here about a Year ago, gave himsell up to the pol- ice at Winds. We will be handed over to the military authorities. He says that since he deserted he has spent most of his time in the south- ern states, A Small Blage. ° : The firemen received a call, on Sun- day morning, to the residence of Samuel Randall, Victoria street. Both stations responded and in quick time the fire was extinguished. The blaze was caused by a defective chimney set- ting fire to the shingles. About $75 damage was done. The house was not insured. : : Expressed Sorrow. Col. Gordon, when told, this wors: ing, of the death of Col. Pingult, ex- pressed great regret. condition, but was surprised, death came 80 soon. "His removal by death," said the colonel, "will be a very great loss to the militia depart- ment." He knew of his ---------- Piles Cured In 6 To 14 Days. Pare Ointment is guaranteed to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in six to fourteen days or money refunded. 50c. Horses Should Be Tied. Within two block lengths this morn- ing were noticed more than a dozen horses untied and unattended. The street railway sweeper was in opera- tion, too. Is it 'any wonder there are £0 many runaways here ? Now Be Good. There are still unreturned by Zephra performers six costumes, three chorus! books, a libretto and pair of custa- | nets: Will the holder kindly at once return them to H. J. Booth, through the Whig office. "Three Swallows." Sir John Power & Son's "Three Swallows' Irish Whiskey, Famous for over a century, Of highest standard of purity, Distillers to His Majesty the King. ----s-- Crossed To Garden Island. James Davis, Wolfe Island, made the first crossing to. Garden Island on v morning with a cutter. He found the ice strong enough to carry several passengers. Jenkins sells the best 50c. ties in Canada. and will give away 1,200 beautiful boxes with these, 5 "As You Like It,"- Opera House, Wednesday evening, December 12th. Reserved seats 35¢. and 50c. to any part of the house. "The Big 2" McConkey's and Huy- ler's high class candy will arrive at Gibson's Red Cross drag store, this We are still agents for the famous Clauss scissors. Strachan's hardware, Some men are so mean that they Leven refuse to let their wives have Skates. pucks and hodkey sticks, of all kinds at Strachan's hardware. The Wolfe Islander had a hard time making the city, this morning. owing to the denseness of the snow fall. the ladies' new collars at Corri- T number ANNUAL EVENT. -- The "At Home' on Friday Night | in Toronto Very Enjoyable-- Kingston a Cradle For Great Canadians. * oronto Tel viin Ningston Old Boys and Girls, to the of about two hundred wepe thered at their second' annual at in the Metropolitan Assembly rooms, College street, on Friday night. After a happy collaboration of mirth, melody, menu ond minuet, the joyous ensemble dispensed, jubilant in the foresight that had prompted them to chagss the old Limestone City for u birthplace. : The evening enjoyment began with a musical frogramme. On the olio were the names of such artistes as Mrs. Whitney, Mise Craig, Miss Fisher, Rechab Tandy, Cdl. Galloway, and C. LeRoy Kenney." The rendition of "Annie Laurie" by Mrs. Whitney and Miss Fisher was very much appreciated and applauded. The vice-president of the K. 0. B,, George B. Sweetnam. occupied, the chair in the absence of President J. W. Gaden, who was ill. Mr. Sweetnam paid tribute to the e'ty by Cataraqui. It had civen nota- ble men to pan-Canada. The associa- tion numbered on its rolls about 500 of 'the 800 Kingstonians in Toronto. The K. 0. B. had heen founded about five years ago by the late J. B, Me- Kay. Tt is now incorporated and meets monthly in quarters at the corner of Brunswick' avenue and College street. #Mmong those who had shed lustre on Finoston, Mr. Sweeinawit mentioned the names of Sip John A. Macdonald, Sir Oliver Mowat. Sir Georoe Kirk- patrick. Sir Alexander Campbell, Prin- cipal Ceant, Sir Henrv Pellatt. Alex- sandr Muir. author of the "Mavle Toa * ation Pritten, W. RB. Tessie, whe raised the steamer Bavarian. J. J, Sawver. the painter. and Prof. Rechah Tondv. ween! instructor in the conservatore of 'music. W. W. Van Winckel, a septoagen- rian old boy, was one of the grand old. figures = at the "At Home." Mr. Van Winckel has been in Toronto for many vears, having carried on the business of boat building here. He was accompanied by two sons and a grandson. Mr. Van Winckel harked back to the old dave in Kingston in reminiscences, His father took out his deed there in 1811, and in 1837 the senior Van Winckel teamed sapplies from Kingston to' Toronto, a dis tance then of about 168 miles, by sleichs. At that time there was no contention over third-class coaches or a two-cont-per mile rate. The official = personnel of the K. 0, B. comprises President G. W. Gaden; vice-nresident , George B. Sweatman; second vice-president, W. Hiscock; sec- 'retary, R. Marshall; honorary presi- dents, Sir Henry DPellatt. and Justice Britton. ' "Kingston S Famous . Fur Store HO! FOR 'XMAS Are you all ready for the great day? Did you plain early in the season about your Christmas gifts or are you icaving your "Xmas shopping until the big rush comes? This is pre- eminently a 'Xmas store' for here you can see scores of suit- able gifts that will appeal to men and women of good taste. What could be more suitable than furs ? Furs and "Xmas are linked together for it's just at that season that furs are most appreciated. Then our Indian goods including banners, birch bark novelties, sweet grass baskets, etc., are very appropriate. Another in- teresting department is our glove department, fairly packed with - fur-lined gloves and mitts for men and women. These are put up in suitable, fancy hoxes and n:ake a most acceptable '"Xmas box.' An.' other goad giit would be a nice umbrella. We have just received a fresh shipment of these for "Xmas trade and in- vite you to come in and see them for they are certainly swell. We initial them free of charge. pd And so on and so.on if we had space enough we could name over a whole lot more "ddeal gifts, but take this for something and see for yourself. Don't have the im- pression that you are not wel- come if only to see. This, store welcomes you whether or not you are prepared to buy. KINGSTON PEOPLE]: HAVE A FINE TIME AT THE ee a _-- e-- last evening's: event : 3 , Swétinam, Claxton) Campbell, Pigeon and Edmonds. Among the guests presint were: Col. and Mrs. Galloway, Dr. and Mrs. W. 8. Grimshaw, Mr. and Mrs. Apple ton, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Vance, Mr. | Committee for FOR SERVICE ON THE ROUTE TO MONTREAL ---- and Mrs. W. E. Dobson, Mr. and Mrs. S : "The City of Toronto' is the New John T. Anglin, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Evans, Mr. and Mrs James Davis and | The Anchor Line steamer India of Buffalo, has been sold to Canadian | parties, and she will next season ply | between Toledo, Cleveland and Mont- ! real, carrying freight and passengers | on the Merchants' Montreal line. The steamer China, it will be remembered | was purchased from the, Anchor line, | and is now in the Montrealigervice, under the name of the ity of Mont- ili rsons, Mr. | real. She is wintering in. Kingston. ee iam Pars, Nr. | FO ia maitalOod Le Tals WIN In Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Dobson, Thomas | named the City of, Toronto. Palmer, A. B. C Il, Misses Mae, | The Anchor line has sold the Katg and Elizabeth Daly, Miss K. | wooden steamer Wissenhickon to Can- Stewart. Miss A. M. Howe, Miss | adian parties. The Wissahickoniis. one Mary Chalmers, Miss Emma Hatton, | of the old arch boats, of which few are Miss A. Galley, Miss Hazel Lee, Miss | left on the lakes: The Anchor line. re- Payne, P. G. Thompson, G. F. Smith, Dr. C. P. Sherman, James Pigeon, Charles Stewart, F. GG. Dunlop. Harry Ames, Mr. Fleischeur, Mr. Able, R. Pillar. E. Wood, 'W. D. McRae, John R. Lyon, Mr. Whitney, Russell Pillar, C. Wilkinson, John C. Ross, Mr. Wvndberg, Mr. Wyndham, James H. Spence, president of Bruce Old Boys: Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Avpleton, Mrs. A. ; FH i Steamer Bought Mr. and Mrs. George Thongpeon, I'. Name For the : E. Van Winckel, W. W. Van Winckel, | By Canadians--General Marine B. Van Winckel, F. 0. Van Winckel, Intelligence. R. W. Hall, W. Oulster, Cameron | | M. Palmer. | served the rights to the name Wissa- Sc ree ent hickon, which may be given te the new POLICE COURT STORY. | steel steamer now under donstruction. Two Cases Before the Magis'rate A Very Rough Trip. When the steamer' Simla arrived at Magistrate Farrell presided at a | Richardsons' Saturday afternoon she session of the police court this morn- | appeared as if she might have been ing. Two cases were registered on the | with Peary, the explorer, on his trip blotters, to the north pole. The vessel was cov- Sunday was a very cold day. No [ered with ice, and presented a_ very person will deny this. John Bell did | pretty picture. The vessel came from not care to face the cold without a | Chicago, and carried a cargo of 54,- "'bracer"' and before leaving his home | 000 bushels of cofi: he loaded up on strong stuff. The | Capt. Malone reports a very walking was very slippery, and he fell | trip, and members of the crew into the hands of the + Do-Day. rough say police and | that they do not want to take a sim- was charged with drunkenness, {ilar passage again. It will be remem- "l was on my way to meet my | bered that last year the Simla made little girl who went to church," ex- a late trip and was coated over with plained Bell to the court. "lI-have ice when she reached here. never been in court before." | nn, The chief corroborated the last | Not Released Yet. sentence of Bell, and the magistrate | ave him his liberty. Bell is an | Englishman and has only been out in | this country a short time. Loaded with grain, and om her way to Kingston, the Montreal Transport- ation company's steamer, Fairmount, {ran aground av Seven Acre shoal, near A man was placed under arrest Sat- | Snake Island, Saturday afternoon, urday night, on a charge of stealing and up until this morning had * not an overcoat, the property of Archibuld | Léén released. The northweast wind of Simpson, proprietor of the Lake View | to-day was considered to be inuch in house. It appears that the man is not | her favor, and it is believed that she the right party, and he was discharged | will be released soon. The- Fairmount by the magistrate. The man. ccused is | is one of the finest vessels owned by French, and could speak very little | the M. T. company. It appears that English, the Fairmount, which left: Fort Wil- liam several days ago/ was running close to the steamer Simla on her way from Chicago, with corn for Rich- ardsons, when coming through the canal, and continued in this way until near Four Mile Point was reached, when the Simla took the lead. Some time. after this the ¢rew on board the Simla beard the Fairmount blow the distress whistle, and it was at once surmised that the vessel had run aground. ---------- Married At Winnipeg. The Winnipeg Free Press says the | residence of Capt. and Mrs. Knight, 365 William avenue, of that city, was the scene of a quiet home wedding, Monday afternoon, when their niece, Sara, daughter of Mr. and Mys. Knight, Flginburg, was united in marriage to Noble J. Rutledge, Re- gina. Rev. Dr. Gordon, of Central Congregational - church, performad the ceremony in the presence of a few Iminediately when the Simla arriv- invited guests. Miss Annie Knight ed, Captain Malone reported the case, played the wodding march. Miss | ®0d the tug Emerson and a lighterer Shearn performed the duties of hrides- maid while I, J, Mumford, Moose Jaw, ably supported the groom. Mr. wera sent out to the scene, They work- ed all day Sunday, but were unsue- cessful ir an 'attempt to release the and Mrs. Rutledge left for Chicago | Vessel. : and other eastern points for a six The Fairmount is in a rather dan- weeks' honeymoon, after which they | 2°Tous position should a strong west wind settin. The vessel swas on her last triv of the season, and was to lav up here for the season. ec tie Emerson took will take up residence in Regina. ------ "Tis An Arctic Grosbeak, i ¢ provisions A local authority on birds says that - 1 out to the stranded steamer. the Sanife species of bird which at | i . Present inhabits the tree at the corner ps ne > i of Wellington and Clarence pir Uncle Tom's Cabin. the Arctic Groskeak. Kingston « tle ALL. W. Martins mammoth new most southern point that this (ros-- Stenic and electrical spectacular re- beak comes to. It will remain intil all | vival of that great and celebrated the berries on the tree opposite the | Masterpiece of Harriet Beecher Stowe, post office have disappeared: then 1 | entitled "Uncle Tom's Cabin," will be will alse disappear and return to its | Given at the Grand on Saturday, De- Arctic home, two thousand miles | ember 15th. It is one of the grandest north. One bird must ted the other | most interesting and. heart-rending about the Kingston tree, for a differ {Plays ever placed upen any stage and ent one-is noticed here this winter, | tt will live forever in the memory of The gentleman, who gives this infor- | the theatre-going public. i mation, photooraphed one of the Are | tie Grosbeaks in the above tree last | Sickness At The Barracks. winter and has studied it. | There 3 3 i i | 1s at present an epidemic of influenza at Tete de Pont barracks, eighteen €asecs of the kind being regis- tered. ------------------ Waterworks Notes. Superintendent Hewitt of the water | works has returned from Hamilton, | mt where he spent part of the week test- | Reports say that the local 'option ing the pipe for the Russell street |bY-law will be carried in Portland main. The pipe will be here in a few [township by a large majority. days, but on account of the severe | . weather that has prevailed, there is | 0 ere | Gen e waterworks committee meeting | : : | Wit » advance nual financial statement may he com- h the advan . not Such likelihood of the main be tle Laxative Needed Ing completed before next soring, Fi or the Aged and called for this afternoon has heen post Aged Feeble poned until Friday. s» that the an ; be | ol years the vital pleted. The denartment is getting in { Tanctions of the body slow down. outstanding accounts. | The organs of secretion grow weak | the paristaltic action of the bowels is To Meet In Club Rooms. | perceptibly lessened The Masters and Mates" Association | "OPStipation develops. held a meeting at their rooms, Prin- What is the result? Poisonous sufly- cess street, on Saturday night. As | stances over-run the system the pr printed in a previous issue the assoei- | culation is engorged with wastes th ation want Capt. Donnelly's lectures | brain is filled with blood, the Bande given in their rooms instead of the | and feet grow numb with cold the old Collegiate Building, which would | whole body twitches and {remht 5 necessitate the expenditure of an extra | : i : * 8100 for rent. If an agreement can- | A drastio cathartic is dangerous, not be reached the masters and 'mates | Nothing will cure but a gentle lax- mean to appeal to the department of | ative like Dr. Hamilton's Pills: their marine and fisheries, Ottawa, for satis- | action not only extends to the stom- faction. | ach, liver and kidneys, but is directed {to the secretory glands, and increases | their fluidity and volume. 8 and dangerous, Candidate Has Resigned. Wilka Kelly, - oho Ahouliced his Ly Dr. Hamilton's Pills are differant 'andidacy as an independent labourite | from other pills. The ivity i eis for mayor, has had I Toy Ju mo to quit, owing to | ing the secretory the fact that he cannot qualify the { any court of revision has closed its work, and he cannot gét on the list. Mr. Kelly writes a letter of explanation, and promises that there will be an in: dependent labor candidate for may- or, '"'a gentleman, whose cualifications, mental, moral, physical or financial no | set of intriguers will he able to suc-! censfully question." > apparatus is pro- found, but their action is so mild, so free [from gripe that it seems scarcely | possible you have taken medicine at fall. Yet they do the work efficiemtly ail | this is why they are so widely pre- scribed for old folks whe need a Inxs tive and system tonic. Cured by Dr. Ham'itoa's Headache. Constipation. To Arr e Schedule. { inzsiness. Sallow ness, ang ; | illousness Colick R. JJ. Abernethy, Princess street, has | Yertigo. Dyspepnie Slow Liver been appointed convenor of the King- | Bi 1 a tireams. ston district © of the Junior O.HA., | AG Poor Appetite. which comprises the following teams : | udrantee in Each Frontenacs, Kingston; Brockville, Pie- n Cise ton and Belleville. A meeting will be | For your own sake called for either Wednesday or Thurs- | ton's Pills within re dav night, to arrance for a schedule and appoint a board of referees. Bad Breath. Keep Dr. Hamil- reach. Take then whenever you feel unwell: they clean $m the sutire system, keep it Pure, 5 { and in working order. Purel regeta- We want a carload of new and old | ble in 'composition, safe for or used feathers nt once. Hichest onsh | old, no system tonic comp "ith rice naid. Kingston Feather Co, | Dr, Hamilton's Pills, 25¢. bo: 7 street, ; five hoses for $1, at ali Rr a ° BOUGHT A 5 STEAMER [Aeply Dr. Scott's Liniment For 'any external purpose: that the same satistactonrs rh fxamo tained from any Other ling. A fair trial of this lnimeny : Hl py Tugre convincing gd Pages of exp, Rae Excellent Hair Restorer "and Scalp Cleanser Large bottle, 25 cents. : "If not hie at your. drugyist, w, h it FANT so Dr. Scott's. White Linimen , Propr's., St. Q t Co, Prop : St Jobn, N.B., and Chelmer FURS Large assortment of Rufis and Mutts of all kinds W. F. GOURDIER Exclusive Furrier 78-80 BROCK ST. Phone 700. o-------------------- FOR CHRISTMAS ------------------ Nothing ; we are -onfi- dent, will be more apurec- ated this season than A Diamond Ring Set either single, double or three stone styles. 'When hought DIAMONDS prove cellent investment. Our prices for HIGH-CLASS GEMS You will find very reason! . able. SMITH BROS Jewelers and Opticians 350 King Street Issuers of Maniage Liccnses right, an ex- Buy Now No need to put off your 'Xmas shopping any longer. We are ready to show you the finest and most complete stock of presents ever gathered together under one roof, in Kingston Handkerchiefs Handkerchiefs by the thousands from 2¢. each'and up. White Embroidered Handker- chiefs, extra fine, 2 for 25¢ sensible Silk Handkerchiefs, with In- itials, 25¢., 50c. Big range of Handkerchiefs, in pretty boxes, 15¢. and up. Kid Gloves Kid Gloves, in all the pop shades, special at $1 and § Silk Waists Ladies' Cream Silk Waists, at $198 and up. NEWMAN & SHAW ular To Go To Bermuda Archdeacon Carey is confine, td his home with . bronchitis, and has heen ordered by his physician to go © Bet muda for the next few months. Hew! leave as soon as he can. Ladies' underwear at Corn Jenkins' silk | mufflers make tive Christmas presents. The Christmas candy Red Cross drug store will week. It will 'be perfectly for Christmas delivery. ; The best coats are going first al : Jenkins' twenty per. cent. disco sale of overconts. See the ladies' new collars. Ban's, atirac for Gibson 8 arrive this fresh then Corri* SEE OUR RANGE ( Fancy Collars, at 25c. $1.50. Fancy Belts, at 25¢. up to Handkerchiefs, at 2c., 3c 7c., 8¢., 9¢., 10¢, up to $1.2: Back and: Side wombs a prices. x WOOL HOODS TOQUES TAMS ++ MITTS OVERSTOCKINGS AND GLOVES, In a grewt range of prices. Ladies" Underwe: Elastic "Ribbed Vests Drawers, 35¢:, for 25¢. Natural Wool Vests, Drawers, $1, for 69c. Overstockings Ladies" Ribbed Over-Hose, 35¢. and: 50c. Children's * Owerstockings white and red, at 25c., 35c. 50c. pair. Come and seé the are offering in Coats r this week, ¥ Jas. Johnston Si 180 Wellington Street vglues and TO THE ELECTORS KINGSTON : Your vote and influenc cordially solicited for J. McDONALD MOW; for Mayor for 1907. MAYORALTY CAMPAN TO THE ELECTORS :-- Your vote and influence a spectfully solicited for the of Mayor, for 1907, by THE PEOPLE'S CANDID Ald. Frank J. Ho EAL ESTA OR INSURANCE If you want to buy, o City Property, see GEO. CI at 95 Clarence street, opj Post Qffice. What could be more suitable, Pair of Shoes, Slippers, or 8 friend ¥ "There is really nothi | Boys' He $1.60, $1.75 Girls' Si $160, $1.75 Slippers for Every 25¢ Also Rubber Boots and Moce Yes--even Shoes for the baby! Aberne