E t- de the An- pst er to ms nic ks, is- on nd le al nt in . nn EEE EE Ey {Apply Dr.- Scott's Liniment gan's, ©. For 'any gi that the same © sation cannot be Obtained from an ment. tory resulty Y other lini. A fair trial of this liniment wip convincing than Pages of expiags Hair Re:iorep Cleanser Large bottle, 25 cents. "If mot for sale at your drugyist, 1 {an {on alsaye: 'be procured Shey 2 Dr. Siok 's White Proprs.. § ot. John Np Filme Co., Chelmen FURS Large assortment of Rufis Mutts of all kinds W. F. GOURDIER Exclusive Furrier 78-80 BROCK ST. Phone 700. FOR CHRISTMAS Nothing ; we are -ounfi- dent, will be more apurea- ated this season than A Diamond Ring Set either single, double / or Kiiree stone styles. hought DIAMONDS prove cellent investment. Our prices for HIGH.CLASS GEMS You will find very reasony . able. SMITH BROS Jewelers and Opticians 350 King Street Issuers of Maniage Liccnses right, an ex- Buy Now No need to put off your 'Xmas shopping any longer. We are ready to show you the finest and most complete stock of presents ever gathered together under one roof, in Kingston Handkerchiefs Handkerchiefs by the thousands from 2¢. each'and up. White Embroidered Handker- chiefs, extra fine, 2 for 25¢ sensible with Ine Silk Handkerchiefs, itials, 25¢c., 50c. Big range of Handkerchiefs, in pretty boxes, 15¢. and up. Kid Gloves Kid Gloves, in all the pec shades, special at $1 and $1 °° Silk Waists Ladies' Cream Silk Waists, at $198 and up. NEWMAN & SHAW To Go To Bermuda Archdeacon Carey is confine td his home with . bronchitis, and has been ordered by his physician to go © i mudy for the next few months. He wil leave as soon as he can. Ladies' underwear at Cormgan s. Jenkins' silk | mufflers make atira® tive Christmas presents. The Christmas candy Red Cross drug store will week. It will 'be perfectly for Christmas delivery. ; The. best coats are going first at Jenkins * twenty per cent. sale of overcoats. See ies' new collars. for Gibson 8 arrive this fresh then discomnt © R= and SEE OUR RANGE OF Fancy: Collars, at 25c. $1.50. Fancy Belts, at 25¢. up to $1.50 Handkerchiefs, at 2c., 3c., 5:, 7c., 8c., 9¢., 10¢, up to $1.25. Back and: Side wombs at all prices. up to WOOL HOODS CLOUDS TOQUES TAMS +% MITTS OVERSTOCKINGS AND GLOVES, In a great range of prices. Ladies' Underwear Elastic 'Ribbed Vests Drawers, 35¢:, for 25¢c. Natural Wool Vests, Drawers, $1, for 69¢. Overstockings Ladies' Ribbed Over-Hose, 25c., and and render the For Yiir fo A hse A a N MADE] ance eo Gal at Canada 1 Life Assurance bo. This City Has a Great Many More Office, 18 Market St., | t an ANNUA J. ! DIV 1DEND POLICY. k SUARANTEED For your Accident and Sickness Insurance, For your Fire Insuranee, + For all Cobalt Stocks and fuff' information thereto, For North- West and Cuba Lands, 18 Market St. Te'ephone 703. J. 0. HUTTON. Manager... ixiven oe sis ant 'sumtin, | BETWEEN HOTELS, BRANT- FORD AND ND KINGSTON. in Proportion--The Arguments of Several Men on the Liquor License Question. Kingston, Dee. 8.---(To the Edit jor) : Mr: Laidlaw's letter in a late issue of your paper made a compari son between the number of licensed {hotels and liguor stores in London and Kingston, The figures he presents are very sueestive, and must have {made an impression, favorable to {license reduction, on cveryone who read them, except those who Teel that | amy * condition is good enough for Kingston, Ont. There are 20,000 people in {latter place, and only sixteen licensed | hotels and four liquor stores. King- ton has a population of about 19, 100, and has thirty-one hotels and {Seten liquor stores. Brantford has { ong licensed hotel for every 1,250 of {her population. Kingston has one for | every 612. The former city has one | lor store for every 5,000 people. | Kingston has one for every 2.714. No ity in the dominion affords a fairer wavison with Kingston than eantford docs. The population of ach is almost the same, but Brant: {ford being a manufacturing centre. of | greater commercial activity, needs more hotel accommodation than our yet we have in proportion to than twice as many {city, ye 3 i ear t f orld Talk population more ce as py hotels, and nearly youble the number Sing, Laugh, Cry, Shout, make wonderful speeches, greatest music, give vent to the keenest humor, and pour forth the | best of everythi duces through. of liquor stores. No deserving inter est of this oity can suffer by closing eleven bars amd three liquor stores, { while such a step is certain to lessen drunkenness, and add to our commer- ing the earth pro- |cial- prosperity. --OLIVER CHOWN. 35¢. and. 50c. i : Very Strong Argument. Children's Overstockings, in The Golumbia Graphophone Kingston, bg ey 3.--({To the white and red, at 25c., 35c. and Winners of The Grand Highest A d, Editor) : A very strong argument in 50:. pair. at The World's Fair, St. Louis, 1908. favor of license reduction, in this Come and see the vglues we FOR SALE AT aty, is the character of many of the are offering in Coats and Furs this week, v Jas. Johnston Store 180 Wellington Street. as . 1904 unbroken YEARS ' Policy, TO THE ELECTORS OF KINGSTON : Your vote and influence are cordially solicited for J. MeDONALD MOWAT for Mayor for 1907. MAYORALTY CAMPAIGN T0 THE ELECTORS :-- Your vote and influence are re- spectfully solicited for the office of Mayor, for 1907, by THE PEOPLE'S CANDIDATE. _ Ald. Frank J. Hoag REAL ESTATE OR INSURANCE sible prices. § Angrove Bros. 88-90 Princess Street A Bonus of $750.00 (per £10,000 ASSL RE D) was added to life and years ending d1st' December, and it is noteworthy that this been maintained tor the long period of 40 rate of Bonus For partic ulars of a Life Insurance Myly to the ROYAL INSURANCE CO'Y (of Liverpool, W. J. B. White, Agent, Kingston ENGLAND.) Olympia Restaurant = LUNCH ECCHL Open for Business Now iui at 53 Brock Street Near Market We have ¢uick and correct service, offers at cheapest pos- Every thine first-class. PATERSON & COLLINS, Props. BRITISH - AMERICAN the best market KINGSTON Has undergone alterations and to the travelling is stabling liotels doing business here. The only patronage they have that amounts to anything, is their bar trade. They cer- | tainly do not pretend to give any- | thing like adequate accommodation to i the travelling public, There are eleven of them, with a to- tal number of bedrooms of only one hundred, or an average of about nine. The largest number in any one of these is ten, They are no larger than gol sized boarding houses; the only differ- ence being that they are open to the public, and have a bar attached. They are in reality saloons; mere drinking places, a class of houses that the law does not allow. The total actual of these eleven hotels, as reported to the | government at the beginning of the hcense year, was K.600, or an aver- age of 82, It is a very ordinary | dwelling that can be purchased for | this sum, but the hotel premises that | can be had for such money must be very inferior property, and unfit to he used as a hotel in a city like Kings The highest actual value put up- on any one "of 'these eleven hotels is £6,000, while one of them is appraised as low as $1,000. It cannot be argued that the closing of these would militate agaifiet the interests of the city, by de policies for priving a large number of employees of regular work. The fact is there are only twenty-nine persons, including bar-tenders, recorded as employees in these cleven hotels, or an average of 2.63] for each one. Two of them have no hired help. There is great demand for cooks and housemaids at the pres- ent time, and any one who are em- ployed in these hotels could easily find work, elsewhere at good wages. Much of the money spent in the bar- roams of these hotels, would, ii they were closed, go to buy necessaries for ONTARIO many families, and thus increase the profits of our business men. Hotels are 'supposed to have accommodation for horses, with stable but there J M at these ele It you want to buy, or sell |'S POW Opel only thirty horses, and six af ho City Property, see GEO. CLIFF, public. have no stable room whatever. There & 95 Garner steset, Gpousite To are a number of other hotels, in this Post Office, W TELFER Proprietor | cits, almost on a par in every ronpect with the eleven referred to, but since Sine este m---- it is not proposed to cancel more than eleven licenses I omit any description - of them. . a) What could be more suitable, acceptable or mor friend ¥ "There is really nothing more acceptable 25c¢. to $2.00 Also Rubber Boots and Moccasins for everybodi VYes--even Shoes for the baby. Corri* > Abernethy"s SUITA BLE + than a pair of Shoes, Slippers, or Skating Boots for vour , sister or Boys' Hockey Boots $1.50, $1.75, $2.00 and$ 2.50 Girls' Skating Boots $1.50, $1.75, $2.00 and $2.50 Slippers for Every Member of the Family STORE I am strongly of the opinion that a full knowledge of the faots arouse the voters of th city, and re sult in the proposed reduction of Ii cepses,--R. A. MELUELLAND. would The Spirit In Kingston. Kingston, Dec. 8. (To the Editor) The letter published in a late issue of the Whig, and signed Ratepayer, re fleets a spirit which prevails to a large degree in Kingston The writer says, "The Citizens' Le cague is far too radionl, and fails to see would influence the commissioners in making the reduction. Grits only would bs cut off." He claims to be in avour of riducing the licenses by two or three, but not by thirteen, his reason for not approving of the lare- er number being, as he leaves "us to infer, lest hotel-keepers of his volitical stripe thould lose their licenses. This is a Very 'weak argument to advance in opposition to the movement initi- ated by the Citizens' League. Jt is in: trolucing polities into an isswe that, properly, has no political connection. The Citizens' 1 eague is declared to be a non-political organization, whose sole purpose is the promotion of the moral welfare of Kingston. What it aims at now is a modification of the evils of intemnerance by closing elev- en bars and three liquor stores. It is no part of its business to say whose license shall be cut off. This is a mat- ter that the Veense commissioners shall have to decide. If Ratepayer can show that whiskey sold hv a tory hotel-keeper is of Poorer auality. and more destructive in its results that A -------- A -------------- Many Children Sick. - Get thwir fect wet. catch cold or eran" ani give mothers an anxious time. With the first shiver or sneeze rub the little one's chest with Nervi- line, parelé the throat and give ten dro*s jn hot waeer at bid-time. Next monitng all is well. No cold, no time lost at school isn't in vour home once. Dealers sell * i bottles. that polities oot it there at it in large © 25e. ency is a jewel Not From What You Eat, From What You Digest. Most people eat most foods without discrimination--it matters little what, Few stop to think what that food does for them. This is the first turn on the I Ann, Reckless di of the proper choice. of foods, rapid oi god and h Smploper mastication, are tioned causes of all stomach she. uncgues from the slight ache to the malignant cancer, There is nothing move revolting than a dyspeptic stomach, a very vat for putrefaction, sending forth its poison out the entire system, depress ing gi befouling the breath, souring the taste, deadening the mus- cles, incapacitating the liver and kid- neys for their work, delibitating the heart, choking the lungs and clog- gin the bo an of these disagreeable and dang- eros conditions are due to the im- proper digestion of food and the con sequent. assimilation of poison. What can be expected ? If the food lies in the stomach, if the system is consti pated, fermentation is the natural outcome. It shows itself in sour wa tery risings, belehings, heartburn and painful breathing. There is only one way to relieve this condision. If the stomach refuses to digest your. food pute something into it that will. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab lets are nothing but digestives, They are not a medicine. They work when the stomach will not. 'Each tablet contains enough pepsin, diastase, golden seal and other . «i gestive elements to reduce 3,000 grains of ordinary food to the proper con sistency for | assimilation into the blood. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are abeo- lutely pure. There is nothing harm- ful in them as shown in their endorse ment by 40,000. physicians in the Unit ed States and Canada. Ask your family physician his opin- ion of Stuart's Dyspeps sia Tahlets and if he is honest . toward vou he will state' positively that they will cure your stomach trouble whatever it may be, unless vou have waited too long and have allowed your disorder to de velop into cancer. Act to-day and begin J end vour spffering. A free trial package will be seat to your address upon request. The 50c. size Packages are for sale at Souk druggist's, F, A, Stuart Co., tuart Building, Marshall, Mich. EE ---- i -- what a grit offers for sale, he should demand ot the comnussioners that no grit should tose his license unt every tory has been put out of bus'mess. 1 am not, myseh, in possessicn of any Proof that a hotel- "keeper politics de- termines the quality of the liquor he sells, or modifies in any degree the oyil consequences of the traffic as car ried of by Ram. However, legitimate the io busi ness may be there 1s. no legalized trade in Canada regarded with such disfavor, Hf Ratepayer was as interest ed as he should be in the members of his party, he would be pleased 16 see Wem forced out of such g discredited bus n $s, even by partizan commis sioners. It .s doubtful if under any circumstances he would encourage his own son to engage in it, and if he had one.in this business, he would proba bly co-operate, enthusiastically, with the Citizens' League in the hope that by the success of the movement it has initiated, his hoy would be compelled to clos: his bar, and. his living in some better way hy selling whiskey. . If engaging in the liquor traffic is bad for ome's son it cannot be good for the members of a poiiti cal party, and heat) do not| see why Ratepayer should: deplére the fact if more members of Ris party than the other should lose their licenses. '1 her is no conclusive proof that this would be the case. If the edmmissioners are fair-minded wen they will not alow politics to influehce: their judgment, as to what licenses should be cut of Ratepayer's letter ig practically an admission that polities is with Lim a citizens whose eyes politics has 1-ind ed It is admitted on every hand ht morally, socially, and commercially politics is the of Kingston. It stands in the way of every movement for the bettermeng of this beautiful city, and it will continue to do so wn tl all classes regard the city's weilare as" more imwortant than partizan polities ELMER DAVIS. curse Attack All Classes. Kingston, Dec. 8.--(To the Editor) Reading a paragraph in last night's Whig, headed '"The Woman's =turi- Point," I consider that the campaign which some are waging could be better directed against some other pircles, in Kingston, than that of classes. Speaking about' homes I could point to some high- class environments where habitual drinking is indulged in, while in "the the workingman's home it is a rare occurrence in this city. may consider that all drunkenness is due to hotels of the second class, which are certainly,necessary for the | accommodation and comfort of people who, in_ travelling, prefer them to high-class places, where their presence would not he welcome, The writer found, recently, a very | strong temperance lady advocate, whose living is derived from the rental of one of those second class hotels in | Kingston, devoting her time to ch | taining pledges of total abstinence from people who ware using good judg- ment in their habits. Truly consist- A WORKINGMAN. drunkards' Minister Perishes From Exposure. | Somers t, Pa., Deo. 10.-Urias D. ! Brougher. swentv-two wears old. a | German Baptist minister here, died to- | day a® a result of exposure. On Mon day while driving from here to King wood he suffered nn attack of apoplexy and fell oft of the bugey. When dis- covered some hours later his body was buried in the snow. rp Mrs. Pora Attwood, thrashed Eu: H Polson's Nerviline | Broadway, £5,000 of her money wi tare, and gene Sanger, a New York lawyer, on beeanse he had od, glaande LL Ogee Saneer admitted hei failure would not Rr TATE ea the working | | ties fram the | permt tto be A few fanatics | CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion, lo. a word. Bach cous secutive insertion therafter jo; a Sond. Minimum: charge for one jm sertion, 85e. Adve. 4 Joes or under a week, $13 Advi. 4 lines or under a month, $8 - rr ---------------------- HELP VANTED--MALE, TENS APrLy JOHN Me roan 151 Brock WORK OF ANY KIND, hi TWO ENG. lishwen. Apply No. 1 Ridesu St. topes pi Sere it QUALIFIED TEACHER, FOR S. S. Barriefield. Baiely to Mi Noreads hi Sarthe. TO -- AcHED ot OE, IN aA Ro. Nite par as "Mae," ze office. Solin eben Nie ofitel Qu ALIRIED, TEACHER ROT: or School el ef y, stating sak to Ta 5 one 3 Tou me PARLOR ORGAN, NE GOOD: tion will be sold for cash. ply 230 otinson stront, street. Addington County. MAID TO DO GENERAL WORK, IN A small family. No washing. Apply at 180 University Avenue. A WOMAN T0 GO TU THE COUNTRY his lls Tol city. Woman with fonable. Com- bo Fcgia he Some" ie op Fah 'Fight party, Ap THE ELIZABETH GENERAL HOS. pital Training School for nurses, twelve wiles from Now York, has a few vacandies for young women, thrée years course. In addition 10 mais tenance. nurses receive $8 per month, nrat ocear, $9 per month second year and $10 per month third. year. After being graduated employment may rewdily be secured at the rate of $25 por wouk. Dinlomas from this MHos- pital are recoguised in the State of New York. For information, apwiv Bliaabuth_ General Hospital, FEliza- beth, N.. ---- Oo. 100 CARS NO. 1 and NO. 2 TIMOTHY strane. "For Hay, shipment, December and Janu, ary. Quote " lowest vour station for each ality: Ww hi FIGHT $o Toronto Dwyer Co., Limited, Trust B Optawa, Ont. | iii, Mut oe Hox "PF. TO BUY NEW AND OLD USED GENTLEMEN TO HAVE THEIR | ORGANIST AND OHOIR DIRECTOR, overcoats made to Jock Hie Congregational 'church. Ads pressed und Geaned oF Mia ath. | wm amuremtipnal church. Ad AMERICAN | Sree work w a ete, 206 Bagot, St, Qity. sixteen vol rigat. ata a ------------------ special reason. Brock -streat. POSITION IN A STORE OR OFFICE, office. MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE, Bon had a ey - X= boc . I ats, ar as) Apion "AironaW. ree dn, Teo [ONE MARE AND coLT, ONE TWO. to $18 weekly. roughout office. ' Hay, 133 da ond a ae |= ersey ro Db. . ro ph i h UALIFIED TEACHE ee -- en, te Next. | Nuasq' and Ro « Thniuhs Olde, "er 3 or: MEDICAL PRACTICE, are , v wa . Foster, Seey.-Treas, We - P. o. thi ox ; Macintosh, 51 Mi HUNDRED AND FIFTY Feather Beds. No matter how long ha ---- to on rte pe THE PROPERTY, IN ¥ ap. on. Feathers Cleaned also. Kingston uF ohn NY ¥ 8 of Lots Feather Co... 277 Princess St., or at 2% and ia he Windsor Hotel. containing. Acres The LOST. A GENTLEMAN'S GOLD WATCH chain, on Division 8St., between Princess and Queen's College. Re ward for its return to this Office. A SMALL BEADER PURSE, CQON- taining a number of small bills on Sydenham. Queen, Bagot or Princess Sts. Reward by leaving at this Office A LADY'S GOLD WATCH, WITH monogram and fob chain, on Satur- day. Rth instant, betwemn University, Johnson, Division, Broek awd Kifer Sts. Finder will be suitably reward- ed by leavinw at this Office. fats will 8 sold the usual Ha Sie TOJET, ¥ on the Dreihises ti Shere § Tu- ¥ able Shem factory ata For eT el ROOMS. MODERN CONVENIENCES, Waikem, Soilettor, K at 385 Alfred street City, ARCHITECTS. PRELLINGS, AT 36, $8, fii 50, 0, 43, 25, at McCann's, 81 Brock . WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, dap bd ; STORAGE, SPACE FOR FURNIL y ture, t w. a. Frost, 290 Queen Phone, 0 on 2 street, - Sm ------ POWER & SON, ARCHITECT, MERs ROOMS OVER WADE'S, Cor KING t's Bank Building, corner and Brock streets, ted by hot ha Well; 'Phons, 31%, water. Apply to McCann, 51 Brock ---------- o . HENRY P. ITH, AR! ste. A ildine, Square, STORAGR FOR FURNITURE, BTC, in the Stearns Building, 360, Kin ne St., clean and dry, McCann, 8 Broek street. SITUATED, AND FIRST CLASS oomstructed house, 11 room. by telephone or telegraph promptly attemded to. The Paragraph Pulpit Unitarian REV. C. W. CAS3SON, OTTAWA The Ritual Of Real Religion. The ritual of real religion is service. Its form of service is simply service. Its worship is work. It serves God by serving His children, It finds its most sacred act in the act most helpful, It believes in bending 'the knee, when it brings one's hand nearer one's pros trate fellow. MI believes in prayer, tut believes equally in tryling to ankwer it by divine ewloavor. It believes in sacred song, and so tries to make harmonious every spoken svilable of life. It makes the fact more than the { form, the purpose more than the pos determining factor in the stand he has | tore: the meanmg more than the decided to take in the matter of li { method cense reduction. He is one of many ! Address Mr. | ture, Casson for [ree litera- | = | HAPPY RESULTS OBTAINED. 1 | By the Use of the New | Antiseptic. | It wouldn't take long to number { the hairs in the heads of some people, [the reason being they haven't many {to number. In most instances, how- Lover the fault is their own. A germ { at the root soon plays havoe with tha Lwmost luxuriant growth, and causes it jto lade and fall out. A renwsly i | Scalp r-------- { this has recently bon discovered, call {ed Newbro's Herpicide, that acts hy | destroying the germ that does the damage, besides removing all impuri- scalp. In addition it s mew life and vigor to enter the scalv. and happy results are sure obtained from its use. Try it. Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c. n stamps for sample to The Herpicida Co., Detroit, Mich. G. W, Mahood, special agent . A Su; pr Institution Frontenac Business . College KINGSTON ONTARIO Bay and Evening Classes Moderate Rates. Ts NP RAGCKDALB, "Phone, 680. Died In Ottawa ToDay. Ottawa, Dec. 10.-Colonel Pinault, deputy minister of militia, died this | morning. He was a victim of euhoer. bo Baptls month, ay . ¥ FOUND. Dread, 1068 Union street Wests A SMALL SUM OF NaN BY, ON WED. osday, Dec. 5th. Owner can have 3 a hy pavine for advertiscinent MISCELLANECUS. and amilving to D. Fgan's Cigar | BROWANT. AMBRIGAN, NO - CHELDs Store, 126 Princess street. ren. wealih but Touesome, wishes a i wife to brighten his hows. Box 425, St. Joseph. Michigan VETERINARY. DR. G. W. BELL, V.S., HAS RE MEDICAL. wed to his brick block n Clarence street. Just above' the J DR. MeCARTHY, OFFICE fon ary cscumied ed, by_DE DF. Rye ley malt, and a blend of the choicest growth of hops. No sub- stitutes for hops or barley sare used. An aid to diges tion and a cause of \ ..mlort alter FULL OF THE VIRTU ee Ales, Wines, Liquors and Cigars, - JAMES McPARLAND - - = AGENT 339-341 KING ST. Western Oil and Coal CONSOLIDATED 18 Days Left to Obtain 100 per Cent. Bonus G.T.R. Seeks to Abolish Service agraph in the shadows un effort by the G.T.R. to re peal that clause of its charter provid ing for a third-class cents a mile, Grand Canada will apply to of Canada, at the thereof, for an act repealing act com- pelling the provisions of section 3 of 16 Victoria, H. Biggar, solicitor for the applicants. Dated at Montreal, Becsmrber, AD. ways on Sunday, sub-section chapter 30 as or pleasure ae view of the said sub-section 4 shall be ! ! or's wife, used for games, cursions or ments on Sunday." Herkimer, N.Y, wired his mother that he has written no "i oy elieve what the yewspnpors say about b ; i the After December 28th if any took Ni ft (andathat seems unlikely now), in half. INTENDING INVESTORS are relorred to Bonus will be cut the vertisoment in the Mail and Empire on | Saturday last. For apply to Company's ad- all particulars THOMAS MILLS, Clarence Street THIRD CLASS FARES. | DISMISSED AMBASSADOR. Defends Clauge. Ottawa, Dee. 10.-The following par \ buy in Canada Gazette fore HS > ic service, at President in Canada hereby given that the Railway | gary. the parliament Mr. present session two Notice in Trunk { fairs of the chapter 37. (Signed) W. | 130 | that presideat. Mrs, this sixth Jdi¢ of 1906, anti-re publican A proclamation has been issued fof these and 1 of spction 197 of said | provides that no park grounds within the par tion of prenics, concerts, © other public entertain | To have Has Not Confessed. mean New York, Dec. 10.--A special from | says Gillette, has |; appearing. isa soft, that that he is ipnocent and box at. our i Wife's Conduct ar d Accuses President, Chicago, Dec. 10.--~The Chicago Tri- its Washi says that an extra | been addressed by hington despatches, wary letter has Bellamy Storer to Roosevelt and the members {of his cabinet in missal from the regard to his dis- post of ambassador of the United States to Austria-Hun- Storer was dismissed because of his wife's supposed interference in af- Roman Catholic church charges 'so much of | | and on the other hand declards that the president's interest Archbishop Ireland as a car: { dinal wos not due to. Storer or Stor: but to the president along. It | and her alleged misuse of letters from was, also charged Storer had' meddied with Feenck politics by' taking part in an intrigue to the marriage of Victor Bonaparte with bringing into effect the Ontario sta- | a member of the Orleans fEmily. tutes respecting Lhe operation of rail promote Hath Mr. Stores denies, beautiful, velvet-like lips, apply at bedtime a | light coating of Dr, Shoop's Green | Salve. Drv, eracved, or colorless foverishness, and Ar as well | creamy; healing olntment; will quickly eaereot blemish or ailment. bint a Fo trial in the selec perfect, pink, - w vo