YEAR. mike Flour made by THE AW MILLING CO., for Table Cutlery, 1 T fe 3 {2 BRICK HOUSES AND ONE STONE BARN ON |Johuson Street, No. 220 and 1222 opposite St. Mary's { Cathedral. Apply to JOHN McKAY, '161 Brock Stree Coal! Coal! Scranton Coal | | If you want coal that's , ¥ight, at a price that's | _ right, come right to us. 8. ANGLIN & 00. Corner Bay and 'Wellington Streets $ ~ 7 a § 4 _EDW. J. B, PENSE, Managing Director. on Whig. Saved From Fuel Famines. The discussions in the commons of Canada and congress of the United States, on the coal gpestion, will do good. The way is not clear as to what cen dove. Mr. Roosevelt, who has far as any man can in the public interest, in the elucida- ticn of a great problem, has not any very definite ideas on the subject. He is quite decided, however, on ome point. namely, that the coal lands now in the public possession, a na- tional heritage, should be retained, anl developed at any time or under that the government be the controlling power. Fuel is the greatest need of Cenada in winter, and it should not be in the keeping of any corporgtion, which can close the mines and create a coal famine when it likes or when disputes occur between capital and labour. There is no guarentee, of course, that a strike cannot take place unler public ownership, but it is less likely since the rovernment will not invite the clash that sometimes is {seen when parties to a dispute be come too independent. The govern: ment that hes been so successful in settlin~ labour troubles would be equally successful in avoiding them were it in custody of the mines or had a dominating voice in their man: agement. Will They Speak Now? The excitement with regard to Nipissing mining stock continues, The market' is still depressed, 'and in New York - the stock is selling low. The Guggenheims," whose names heretofore have stood for all that is substantial in the mining business, have pre: sarved a very profound silence with re gard to their action. They had an op- tion, which they let ro, and sacrificed at the same time a : Millipn and a ball ; Bbir ound WINDYOR 5 JABLESAL Fiaputeacnl * --pure and dry. That is why it A NICE PAIR OF LADIES' SHOES! HOW WOULD THEY DO? Would they not wake a nice Christmas present ? Ladies" Viel Kid, Blucher or Plain Front, up-to- date, 82.50, $2.75, 83.00. Ladies' Patent Colt Blacher, every pair strictly up-to-date, $3.00 and $3.50. H. Jennings, King St. Olympia Restaurant LUNCH ROOM Open for Business Now at 53 Brock Street hy Near Market Tt beth ATRSL oHoes. aL Cheabest mor. a Every . "class. of dollars. There was rumors that they were not satisfied with the title, but 'they "| hare of late refused to discuss the question. The New York press relieves them of the responsibility for the aw- ful slaughter of innocents that has taken place, but while they are not held to aceount for the commotion in the market they are "blamed most soyorely for their silence." The great lesson of the case--"the crime of the Nipissing" as it is mow called-- "is that i tors in - withthe provisy-- the ining aking a0 oly only issue. Su Farmers' kful for tariff fa- vours. They will' press for a further a So says the The only adventare of un outside man os assistant chief in the fire de Partment is that he would bring some new ideas into. y and they are~ as Becossary as new | * HomiMon expects that the fedéral government will bear the expense of puttine down © the local riot by mili- tary force. That would be a nice Christmas present, to be sure. | ---- The Ottawa Citizen condemns the appointment. of partiagn retufning of- ficers. It calls this "a scandalous fea- ure" of the party system. Will the conservatives abandon it * We shall see, The new postal rate on magafines will have a tendency to keep out the American publications. It may add to the efficiency and usefulness of the Canadian article. H it does all's well. RS ---------- The Weekly Sun thinks the cold storage scheme may be something to gold brick the farmers and make them reconciled to the iron duties. Oh, no, friend. That 48 a foolish or absurd as- sumption. Nr. Hyman's health is so bad that he is not allowed to receive or send any letters. So Sir Willrid Laurier told the commons. Perhaps Mr. Bor den will give the subject u vest fu a few days. A -- There is a threshing machine famine in the west. What is the remedy? Government mmchines ? - The paternal- ism that provides so much for the people, at their expense, ought to be equal to this emergency. SPIRIT OF THE PRESS, Economic Rationalism. Baflalo News. anada is fortifying Her tariff, which -- a rational thing to do. An Ardent Wish, Toronto Telegram a ncient join with old supporters in the hope that the en- tries in the Ottawa ledger may re cord the long life, prosperity and greatness of Hon. G. W. Ross. Do You Think So ? ' Lowdon Advertiser. { a two-cent. mile passenger were imposed upon the railways, and they led all rates, the rate stocks should tuke nobody's word, but make a personal examination of any property in which they intend to put a large amount of capital. The Cobalt region is so neay at hand that any person can make a personal visit to it, and examine any property there for $100. This is very cheap insurance, val any large investor who neglects to insure hiffisell should not complain too bitterly." This advice is for the rich men and the syndicates, who have their ex- perts and do nothing without consul tation, but the small investors do th'ngs on the advice of friends and brokers, and they are usually going it blind. Congress, it is announced, will apgo'nt a conumnission and look into the facts, but what can congress do about it? They may force the Gugeephoims to speak, and it would be a satisfaction to know what they were figuring on or what they know. Perhaps that that would justify the commission and its appointment. » Issues Of The Hour. The lords have rejected the measure which the imperial commons passed and in favour of limiting the voting power of the individual. "One man, one vote" is considered the right thing in Canada, The property owner may vote on a money by-law, or by-law af- fecting taxation, in as many wards of the city as he be assessed, but-he has only one vote in the constituency on the man who is a 'candidate for par- liamont. That may not be the precise A WARM _ SUBJECT There's nothing in the world we're so Lburing and 'selling as a that's whut we've mads it. i ale have to | Bays best" Sud that the to win business is to deserve it. a Booth & Co. "FOOT OF WEST ST. Phome 13%, fn of Britain, but it is likely to be this, and its rejection is not based on rea- son and common sense. The lords gre not partial to the radical notions of the commons, and they are disposed td reject whatever is caleulated to disturb present condi- tions. The question is, Did this idea or proposal come before the people in the last election? Did the people pro- nounce upon it in the general elec tion ? 1f they did they will regard the action of the upper house as offensive, and it will have, sooner or later, to be atoned for. There will be a lull in the clash between the commoners "Next proposition which is before the people public would elamor for a return to the present conditions, : » What's In A Name ? Toronto Star. Henry Sansregret, a Montreal mo forman, has been sentenced to six months in jail for running over a man. One hopes that the punishment will infuse into him more regret than his name appears to indicate. So Say We All. St, John Telegraph. A deputation of woollen manufac- turers has interviewed the government regarding the duty on blankets. 'This wintry weather is no time to parley on such a matter. Let's have blankets duty or no duty and lots of them. Farmers Fare Well. Weekly Sun. Farmers at least fare better than other consumers in the revision. Con- sumers in cities and towns will Pay slightly more under the new tariff than they did under the old, while farmers--as a result of the cut in agricultural implements--will pay a trifle less. Colds Cured In A Night. Wade's Cold Cure Tablets are laxa- tive in their action. They stimulate the secretions, regulate dhe circulation and so reinforce vitality as to enable you to cure colds in twelve hours. The is too valuable for vou to overlook. In boxes, 25¢. Sold only at Wade's Drug Store. Money back if not sytisfactary. "atin % Andrews, idegtified for many vears in Ch and commercial enterprises, died suddenly, last night, of heart disease. He was for some years engaged in the coal trade on the Great Lakes. ' The Johnston 'Failoring Co., 107 Princess street, for up-to-date ladies' costumes, mad¥ to order on shortest notice. The Inf, King Monte, end wife of Prince Fer dinand, of son on Wednesday. ta Maria Teresa, sister ol. Bavaria, gave birth to a i Over The World. of the National Baseball League. At Wiznipe~ a deserted infant, six months old, was found sleeping in a in a north end, stable. for the new Grand Trunk Pasific hotel at the Central depot, Ot- tawa, have been presented to the gov- ernment. The sum of $75,000 has been: paid | into the: treasury of the province of Quebec by the estate of the late E. B, Edd as succession duty. The prime minister has given notice of a motion providing for an adjourn- ment of the house of commons from December. 20th, until January Sth. Feathersone, formerly of Paris, Cnt, later of "the North- West Mounted Pol- ies, was hanged at Victoria, B.C. on ednesday, for the murder of Mary Dalton at Nanaimo. Mr. Brodeur, in the commons, on Wednesday, S#nound@d the government hall largely increased the estimages for the purpose of life saving service on ocean and lake coasts. The marine and fisheries department the thorough lighting of the St. Law- rence. Chinese rebels are causing seri- ous disturbances in Hunan province The American consul in Egypt ap pears anxious to send back to their own country [certain Americans who a series-of attacks on Bord Crom but is informed from Washington t he cannot do it unless Lord Orofier lodges an official complaint. HARRY PRATT HUDSON, President of the University of Chicago whose picture by Lawton S. Parker, which is being talked about, is on exhi- bition in Thurlers Gallery, Oni Cago. Rockport Notes. Rockport, Dec. 12.--The funeral ser- preached yesterday afternoon by Rev. Mr. Philip; of Fscott, in the Method- ist church at Lansdowne. ed leaves a wife, two sons and daughter. Miss Brockville, Mrs. Thomas Jeray. Miss R. Dack has | been re-engaged as teacher for the coming year. Albert Ferguson has rented the store formerly occupied. hv Allen Burtch. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cornwall left on Monday last for their home at Gouverneur, N.Y. one Gladys McEwan, of Look In Your Mirror. If there appears on your face any canker, pimples, boiles, blotches or other skin disease, you know at once your blood is impure. Perfcetly pure | blood means an absolutely clear com- They are a great nerve strengzthe ner | and blood maker. In boxes, 25¢., at | Wade's Drug Store. Money back it not satisfactory. Very Cold Weather. Lavant Station, Dee. 10.- Ho Calabogie, visited William Thomas. for a couple of days. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lee, and Nor- dav. George Thomas arrived home from the west last week. There is go- ing to He a shooting match on ( "hrist- mas day and box social and Christ: Sleighing is fie now, had very cold weather: meter went down to below zero. but we have the thermo- Death Of Foolish Girl. Detroit, Mich, Dec. 3.--~May Elsie Fitzell, the young girl from near Kin- cardine, Ont., who drank corrosive sublimate, on the night of the 4th, after a quarrel with her lover, died at St. Mary's hospital last midnight. Her parents are expected here, today, to take charge of the | body. There is nothing more suitable for Christmas present than skr* ° from Strachan's hardware. At the Brockville parsonage Rev. Mr. Caroline Mitchell and ley, both of Yonge. At Dresden, Germany, a public bath- ing house for dogs has been opened. Yo. HAYE YOU PILES ? Leonhardt's Hem-Roid . i in- Satual Remedy that entirely Temoves the "so les, and cures to stay cured | ase nS matter how long standing. Heald SHE wis not James L. Fg: | have Piles, and Dr. nhardt's If you want a re, ak for Dr. mherdt's Be munant | rantecd AU ¢ droesists. $1.00, |= Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont. A Bonus of $750.00 {ee $10,000 ASSURED) was added life and endowment policies dor five years ending 81st December 1904, and it is noteworthy that this zate of Bogus Jos, been maintained roken for o VERRS' : ne period of 40 or Phititulare oS a Life I Policy, apnly to une ROYAL INSURANGE Goy pe eu a was" elected president are conducting i in the Alexandria press | The deceas- | is the guest of her g'ster, | plexion. You can have ve h blood by | usiig Wade's Iron Tonic Pills. This | remedy cleanses and entiches the | blood. Miss Katie | her uncle, | val, called on friends at Poland, Sun- | mas tree in the schoolhouse at night. | a pair of Sellery united in marriage Miss Ada | §ure vou, get your has under consideration a scheme for | vice of Henry Hunt, of Holland, whose | death occurred on Saturday last was | | i | i thirty degrees | | eS er th pad dd ousan ollar Guara with every Lottle of Hem-Roid sald." or The Wilson. | 'We guarantee our milk to ¥| Kingston Mitk: Depot We want correct dressers to se our Bannerman Overcoats. S, full of graceful elegance and. quiet dignity that you must actually get into one of Thess great coats to appreciate all its good poifts et by experts trimmed with the best materials, the stately "Banner man" coat challenges the:best efforts of exclusive merchant tailors, who would charge more than double. Made of choicest domestic imported fabrics. Kersey, Oxfords and * Black £10, 212, $12.50, £11.50, to 0. We're after the best. and Vieuna and Meltons, man who wants th SEE OUR HANDSOME FUR-LINED OVERC OATS, Muskrat: Hinge ~saoea poi rol So $47.50, The H. D. Bibby Co. THE OVERCOAT STORE _76- 80-82 is, STREET 000000000600 0600 0000000000000 0000000000000000000000009000609000000000000 Make Your Stomach Happy by Eating TRISCUIT the shredded whole wheat Toast, MADE IN CANADA of the choicest Ontario wheat --takes the place of white flour bread and crackers and ten times more nourishing--a natural remedy for oonstipation and ail stomach and bowel troubles. Try it toasted with butter. Send for the "Vital Question Cook Book," postpaid, CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT CO., Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont. Toronto 'Office, 32 Church St. SL0L00000000000000006000000088800000000000 Useful Presents What wculd be more useful for a Xmas Present than one of the following articles: Meat and Food Choppers, all sizes. Fancy Agate Tea and Cofice Pots. Fancy Nickle-plated Tea and Coffee Pots. Carpet Sweepers. Carving Sets from 75c. to $10.00. Rogers' Silver Knives, Forks and Spoons - And other articles too numerous to mention. ELLIOTT BROS, 77 PRINCESS STREET. FIVIFIVIIVIIIIIIII II PIINNINN INI "An |PLUN RIVER LEAD MINE Honest Treasury Shares 1 still offer fully = paid-up Treas Guarantee Sho St Sh rch dot for twenty-five ce ~The 1 ceived from the io of Shares" gpeg straight into the pany's Rrensury to devalop the Mine oe be ABSOLUTELY pure; | ent. bein a Bde spe put up in sterilized bottles |S 2 tte nines soy © reaches any Co » PPV VIII PPV IVP VIP IP IP PIO Po CEI OIIIIIYY itis the best. Try it. Thuy WESTERN OIL AND L Consolidated Preference shares will "PLUM. RIVER LEAD" and vou have two ~ood investments. All particulars od apolication. THOMAS MILLS, $100,000 at Sacri SATURL All Ang Hal This means every have in stock, incl Tweed: Bro Coverts ETC . will Be Sold At Sale of On Sa Two special lots p at remarkably low and 4 00, for Pl $4 00, 4.50, 500, 5 See has an Steel" is mor radiates heat more that reason most oven bottoms. In my new ra: --I have gone fa OVEN---top, botto That is the reason quick, even baker-- I have perfecte too. All the vapor off--and a constant the oven. I also put a Then the exact temperature of t and insures perfect cookin; These are a few | GRAND PENINSULA CLARE BROS. & CO, KINGSTON FOOTWEAR TO ORI THAT WILL FIT. «REPAIRS It don't mattet where ma bought, for trst-class worl A.E HERO 286 PRINCESS ST. THE HOUSE OF QUALI Fite dansed