BLL Tel | B RAILWAY TE en AIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY, ------ . New Year's Holidays Round . rip ticket will be issued as follows © © is NGLE FIRST-CLASS FARE Goin Decor. Sa ek AE Re. turn limit, December 26th, 1906. a Also fois Decomber aw, 1008, an st, en init? - --~ el 07. Return 1 any FIRST-CLASS FARE. AND ONE THIRD, Full particulars at K. & P. and C.P.R, et Office, Ontiirio street? fig Fi CONWAY, AH Gon. Pass. Agent, : ee -- 1 'Bay of Quinte Railway New short line for Tweed, Nananes, Aesit 8.G. B, dean Shy Hall Depot até pm, PF. AY, Kingston, Sa 3 TIME TABLE STEAMER WOLFE ISLANDFR AM. = M: dren," he feeds: the body, clothes the naked nor saves the souls of the deserving poor. I propose to give away much of my wealth before § can take with ie, and only a foolT would horde wealth while half the I'S GRATITUDE. A Mountain Woman oo Taaise of Newbre's ve. Butte, Mont. ads [His MILLIONS wiLL ver to the poor and has built urches and schoolhouses, "To erect monuments, establish li- braries and endow great universities is to but help rich and their chil} thinks, "but it neither die, for none of it 1 world starves." -------- Presented With Pistols. Waco, Texas, Dee. 13.--The peace of- ficers of this county' have presented tg Mrs. Fannie Ray, a case containing a spedially mounted pair of revolvers. Mrs. Ray, with her husband, was at a hotel in Moody, Texas, near here, when two men forced their way into the room to rob the couple. Ray jumped from the window and started | for officers. The two men faced Mrs. Ray, who was alone. She seized her husband's rovolver and fired at them, hitting each of the intruders. Ome. is not expected to live. The other is still in bed, but will recover. J. E. Sullins and A. W. Mahaney, the latter being the proprictor of the hotel, are under arrest for the burglary and have heen indicted, Hard or soft coms cured with three anolications of Peck's Corn Salve. Guaranteed. Money back if not satis lostary, In boxes 15¢., at Wade's Drug Business - College Day and Evening Classes Moderate Rates. T. N3TOCKDALB, When You Buy C oO A i. higibile, yor no one else, claration of abandonment, x P. WALSH You get genuine Scranton as he handles nothing wi TO LIVERPOOL. anne S Toe id, 34h, Both, From St. John From Halifax. Hit 8rd, 1907. vile 1907. Hat January A Bet. % 15. RATES OF PASSAGE. First-Class $55 and upwards, according to Steamer. . $42.50 and upwards. information and Sai i London 'Deseranto, and all local volnts. Trains | HANL QUEBEC S. S. COMPANY BERMUDA in 48 hours from Row York Screw Steau ship "Bere mudian,"' 5,500 tons. Sailings T INDIA CRUISES : From New York oo S, PRETORIA" 3.800 toi, tailing SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NGRTH-WEST JHOMESTRAD REGULATIONS, even numbervd section of Domine ton Lands" in Manitoba or the North- West Province, excepting 8 and 26, not be es! by any person the head of a family, or wale over 18 years of age, to the extent of one-quarter of 160 acres, more 4 cation for homestead entry or in- must be wade in by the : t i oflice ot local Phi "An application fut entry or tion ude y at any Subsagent's othce way be red: to he locul Aunt by the Sub-agen a expense al plicant, and if the land ed for te vacant on receipt of the ram puch application is to have priority and the 3 m i" In case of "personation' the eatry will the appli- | be summarily and cant will forfult ali priority of eclaini. An applicant for ii eligible for howestead Wheres an entry is or voluntarily abandoned, subsequent to institution of = cancebation nes, the applicant for inspection will be en- titled to prior ht of eatry. Applicants for on must state in what particulars the homesteader is in default, dif subsequentry .the state- meat is found to be n in mater- land granted it may be summarily eanceled. Duties.--A settler is required to per- Jos 1 conditions under one of the wing Te 1) At fians six 4 up on and cultivatiod of the land in, cach during toro: of three years. father is deceased) of a homesteader resides upon a farm in toe vicinity of the land centered for by such honiesteader Toq t as to residence may Le satisfied by such persoa residing with the tale or mother. (8) If the settler bas his permanent residénce upon farming land owned by aim in the vicinity of his ho A the requirement may be satisfied bY residence upon such land. WEST Coal.--~Coal lands at $10 per acre for oper be oat anthracite, Not more than 830 acres can be acquired by one individual or company. Royalty at the rate of ten cents per ton of 2,000 pounds shall be collected on the gross output. g i The fee for claim is " " AL least $100 mat be. Srbrnden Bo" the claim each or paid to the mining recorder in_ lieu thereof. When $500 has been expended or paid, the locator may. o ply ith other requifements, pur com ; Si 128 ann, of JE I Er Suygt o pa a royaity of 30 per cent on the. Sales. Placer mining claims ally are 100 feet square entry fee 5. renewable A free miner may obtain two Jeasss to dredge for gold five miles each for a term of twenty yan, renowable at the discretion of t Minister of the Intesior. The lessees shall have a rays in oper. ation within ane stason from the B10 por nei Tor" ane "abe of Ties ann vor RL = 4 pl 'where , is led. for the athicte, enly most nutri food is served, and in cases: wl cre is no training table lete is advised to eal most If the aver man«the law k lemonstrated what scientists have joolared to hat oe {hat the ¥arious 'ood elem ood elements with which the blood and muscle, (oy hihi and cells, the bone and brain of the human body must bs a I ana perfect strength 0 be sustain, nutritive clement of the white wheat grown is found in Vita, and it is fast becoming as popu- + people as it Se has {rd thet a Ss. Bait, Vi 1a so good ws c "All grocers, 10 eat! S-- Ready for Use in Any Quantity, For making SOAP. softening water, femtovs A can equals 20 ,. SOLD EVERYWHERE. EW.GILLETT 08S TORONTO.ONT. EXPERTLY MADE Perfectly finished to the small- est details Even the buttons are sewed on--not tacked | "Tiger Brand" Underwear FOR BOYS Made in Canada for 40 years. 710 Finest skate steel. Lizhtest and strongest. Used Ly leading hockey teams, Ail Up-to-date Dealers Sell Them. Rex and Mic Mac Hockey Sticks nd Trade Marks copy- > to win the game. or 1907 Skate Book. It is free. THE STARR MANUFACTURING CO, L18 D2RTMCUTH, N.S;, CANADA. A BRascH Orrice : Toronre, Onr. Ls Wm. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Harness etc., for sale. Sale of Horses Every Saturday New England. Chinese Restaurant 331 Ring Street Open from 10.30 a.m. to 3.00 a.m. The best place to get an all round Lunch in the city. cals of fll Kinds on shortest notice. Euglish and Chinese Dishes a specially. 'Phone, 653. "i= | AUCTION SALES Book at once with the Leading Auctioneer JOHN H. MILLS 14th Band and Orchestra for all Occasions, Jgasuction on Military Band Instruments al Violin, Mandolin, Guitar and 'Banjo. Address Bandmaster Watson H. Walker, REAL ESTATE OR INSURANCE If you want to buy, or sell City Property, see GEO. CLIFF, 3, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13. 48 recognized They Have 0! ents found in wheat are the HOLY GHOST COLONY: Congregation Said to Be Hypno- . tized. ' - Augusta," Mé., Dec. 13.~<Governor Cobb and the council are, to-day, in- Yestigating the complaints made re fording the conditions existing in the oly Ghost aud Us colony at Shiloh. '| Tha hearing is being held in) response to written a Is from various eitiz- ens, who $y that suffering exists at Shiloh to an alarming degree anit asked that action be taken to allevi- "Yate it, N. H. Harriman, of Beston, who until 1903 was a follower of the Rev. Frank L. Sandiord, the leader of the society, who is supposed to be in 4 Palestine, is giving testimony. He statés that in his opinion Sandford is insane and has a strong hypnotic in fluence over his people. Two daughters of Mrs. Alive Phelps, of Kansas City, got under Sandiord's influenee and joined the Holy Ghost and Us'®order. now an inmate of the Maine Lunatic Asylum. Mrs. Phelps states that one day while she was at Shiloh trying to induce her daughters to leave, she ex- ford was a rethcarnation of the Prophet Elijah. She was told" that for this skepticism she would be struck down by the hand of God, as Shiloh was holy ground. County Attorney Crockett has branded" Sandford and his institution as a "menace 10 the people of the state." JUST A FEW. Some Qualifications-of a School Teacher. The Canadian Teacher, in its last issue. has an item which will no doubt prove interesting reading for many teachers in Omtario, who are sup- posed to possess all the qualifications enumerated. It is a letter an reads as follows : Havine leisure on vacation days { have formulated from school regula- tions and other teachers' instructions, a 'Teacher's Motto." The teacher is to be: Religious, pious, moral, loyal, peaceiul, active, servile, humble, hene- volent, pleasant, tolerant, polite, mo- dest, assiduous, obedient, steady, con- scientious, richteous, sober, always satisfied, cheerful, practical, success- ful, influential, reasonable, ingenious, economical, clever, duteous, virtuous, earnest, sincere, affectionate, provi: dent. precise, energetic, decisive, -elo- auent, educated, veracious, deliberg- tive, honest, merciful, diligent, subor- dinate, immaculate, musical, able to sing. healthy and wholly devoted to school work. For all this he'll get a munificent salary of B75 a year.-- O'rest Zherclsho, Sifton, Manitoba. A MILLION BUSHELS LESS. Western Grain Reports Show De- crease in Deliveries. Winnirer, Dee. 13.--JThe C.P.R. grain marketing reports #6r yesterday show that the daily deliveries of grain by farmers. at elevators, continue lower than last year at a corresponding time, while the total amount of wheat marketed since the beginnine. of the month of September is more than 1,.- 000,000 less than it was last year at the corresponding date. The figures, vesterday, were: Wheat, 139,000 bushels: other grains, 33,000 bushels. Total ' to date: Wheat, 39.299.000 bushels. and of other grains, 3,374,000. Last year the daily ficures were 203.- 000 bushels for wheat, and 19,000 bushels of other rains. Total de- liveries in the vear 1905 were : Wheat, 40,517,000 bushels; other grains, 2,- 130.060 bushels. Kakabeka Fails Power Developed. Fort William, Ont, Dec. 13. ~The Kakabeka Falls water power plant was started on Monday night by the Kaministionia Power and Light com- pany. Connecticn has also been made with the Ogilvie company's new mill, one of the largest and wost' modern in. the country. 'The successful de velopment of the Kakabeka Falls power by the enterprise of Charles R. Hosmer and his associates, means much for the twin towns. Se -------------- ""I'revost, at the New York clothing store, Brock street, has made a great reduction in price, in the order. and ready-made clothing department: also the gents' furnishing. Everything will be offered at a. great®reduction in price. The stock is well assorted, with new goods in every department. E-- - -- ---- INSURANCE AND FINANCE. --- RE p BARRISTERS | KING STREET, KINGSTON | ae G. A. Bateman | CUSTOMS BROKER | | | Correspondence in Montreal, New York, Paris and other places. i All business receives prompt at- ji tention at 69 Clarence street, i Kingston, BRITISH = AMERICAN HOTEL KINGSTON - - ONTARIO Has undergone alterations and now open to the travelling public. W TELFER . Proprietor at 95 C ce street, opposite Post Office x Ladies' Tailoring Finest of Workmanship, Up-to- Date Styles, and Good Fit Guar- os { RN 36 Universily Ave. 3 yr a 10% Discount to Students Razors, Razor Strops, Hones, Shaving Brushes and Knives a Specialty be Chase & Sanbom"s. They were school teachers and one is} The nioTing cup of coffee ; often shapes the day. Itshould . $e. ALL GROCERS presse doubt in the claim that Sand-. sts i is the most perfect and economical made. Its grate is of th: celebrated Duplex Pattern. Its ash pit is deep and roomy. Its guarantee it to last a lifetime: pointers on how to instal your heating system. "Heat and Fresh Air" The health of your family is as dependent upon good air us upon good food and the best results in heating your house are obtained by Warm Air Heating which carries the fresh air of outdoors, pure and} to every room. Buck's "Leader" Furnace | radiator is of; steel throughout. making the most effective and rapid heater known. Its joints are ab- solutely air and gas-tight, and its whole construction "is substantial and massive. That's why we can Ask us for our Furnace 'Cata- Duplex Grate in Leader Furnace . : logue. It contains many valuable Local Agents i : 881 Brock St. Wooedenware To Users of Pails and Tubs A word of caplion;: wt be out of place. The E. B. Es Company's WOreRHaRe EE GUARANTEED against factory defects, so it Wilt be 10 VOR interest to see that the nan EDDY is stamped on every package you buy. Always, everywhere in Canada, ask for EDDY'S MATCHES Hockey Boots There is nothing which would make a more suitable Christmas Gift as a pairof Hockey or Skating Boot Men's Hockey Boots --spring heel or heels | MONEY TO LOAN || $2, 2.50, 2.75 and 3. Women's Skating Boots, (fleete lined) $2.00 Boy's Hockey Boots spring heel and heel --$1.50, 1.75, 2, 2.25 and 2.50. Women's Hockey Boots-- $2.00 | Abernethy's SHS: * Its Millions of Sonsumers S Their iNicreasing re-orde: iBlue F | Te is not only the best Tea | TEA. Delicate, delicious, _ Black, green, niixed --2 Subscription list will open "The Bank The Royal Trust C are aut Offer for on behalf of i Par and accrued In One Million ( Six per.cent Canadian Conso Bonds are redeemable at at the option of the Con And are domiciled at the R payable half yearly at Ba Coupons, 1st April and O Capits Common Stock - | Preferred Stock - Bonds - =~ - - Solicitors : McGumson, Cascral Trustee for Bondbol Tue Royal Trus Registrar : Tue Natign: Prospectus and forms ¢ of the Bank of Tovon J. S. HENDERSON Commission Orders B Executed on all Exchanges "Bratlie le Long Distance Telephone Main § a yy b ; 4 b b ; 4 i ¢ < 1 b 1 o ; 4 4 4 If You Give a C Why not give a useful, one. Nine tenths of y 3 the useful the more. 1 from ; 4 1 STEW KETTLE. s TEA TRAY. 4 CLOTHES WRINGER. 4 PLATED SPOONS. E JACK KNIVES. CARVING SETS. HOT WATER DISHES. CRUMB TRAYS. : BIRD CAGES, > BREAD. BOARDS. McKeélve 88.571 Broc