[NEWS OF CHURCHES VARIOUS EVENTS IN! THE RELIGIOUS \ WORLD, 'Seholars--Pillars Made Out of People of India--Calls ang In. vitations. ; The Methodists of Meaford are build a church at a cost of $14 0" Rev. Thomas McLachlan has accept. oda call'to Locke street church, hire re are HOw in the world 67, socibtics of Ohtistian Endeavor wo) " a days il n rty % the conservative city of Baltimore raised $411,000 for .. YMCA. biilding. "2 Rev. Edward Stobo, Mount Forest, nti, has accepted call to. Logan ng V, rector of St s cathedral, Hamilton, hag hen created dean of the diocese of Hamil. ton. ~ 'The Ram's Hora says that Ham. "there iy no Sheap way of 'saving souls" and it 18 slow work fattening souls on solos." At the last communion Service, Savon cto metdbers were added to $ wa yterian church, making flty-five since last April. The new year book of the Young 'Men's Chitistian Association shows a total membership of 407,789. This is ah incregse of mote than 32,000 in a RMN & Rav. . Hill, curate of the satimal, Faitault Minn., has heen cabled to the rectbrship of All Saints' church, Minneapolis, and will assume ge this, month. v. 8. M. Vernon, D.D., hes been elec the chair of Christian ethics and theol in the theolp. 1 ment Temple College, Philadelphia, Pa, Br. ul h head has been re clécted se the Virginia Me thédist' conference ty-one times, and oldest ecclesiastical . ori popu. the world. bs of +: Mother Augustine, of the Ursuline | convent at Sheinaghol, IL, has been Pushkar selected a8 a member of the Ursulige most Ta nal Amder the. mother general of 4 nuns, Rome, wp. | Rev. Dr. John Schofield, Ph.D., El. Burn, u &, has accepted the unani- ocodiles, _& a : * mos call extended to him by the od great congregation of Broadview Avenue Congregational church, Toronto. The call from = the Wiarton Preshy- '10 Rev. J. M. Nicoll, illing of Wal was agreed to, and the against ' Wallaodbiurg church will be declared osed to vacant the first Sunday in January. ch there op. Louis 8. Walsh, of Portland, the sea i Maine, thinks that two generations of 3 secilar education are developing a bin the | godless civilization which indicates ored at | the "r, evaporation of a Chris [ pounds | tidnity that required centurics to war. It build up." kof re | 'Rev. H. J. Creighton, M.A., rural 'out by | dégn, ol Durligm and rector of Bob | local | ,- has appointed to the peration | PW of Lakefield, in succession ta vill cost Warren, B.A., recently ap- e itigsiongry secretary of the ; ese. of Toronto. Rev, James T. Gurmey, of Wessing- Silk. tan, 8.0, has the Lord's prayer cn otived wi a, diamond on a glass ) thiergscopic 'glide, the space occupied by: the' 227 'letters not being larger an the prick. of a pin point. At this "*atio the whole. Bible could be writ- ten Won a: square inch. Hishop Oldham, of the Methodist ehrireh, swept the entire circle of thy t non-Christian' nations--J apes, Ching, _Alfioa, India and the Philip Pind. He prophesied that the Island of Bordo a yot to be He cradle in w A iroat nation will be born" her hse F. Parshall, for near- Iy twelve years rector of St. John's Episcopal arch, St. Cloud, Mim, has heen: appointed by Bishop Morri- son to archdescon and superinten- dent of Indian missions in the district of Duliith, and will enter upon his new duis this month. The: testimony of one thousand con: verted Sunday sghool scholgrs in dif- ferent Hts of the United States, Great itain and Canada. gathersd duking the present. wear, hows thet 198 wore led decision between the &ed of 8 anid % 802 between 13 and ; 16,.392 etwesn 17 and 20, 115 be tween 21 and 24, and 40 between u anid 80 years of age. 3 op Thoburn, of the Me thodist "Bpissmpal, church went to hi rty: ybars ago a European pentleman podnted put to him a brick pillar, said ; "You might ns Wel try to 1 a Hatietion {a of that ! lint ag out sf one of these people. id a r + in India nearly 3- ! 000, 'native Cheistions, and fall ibbon therm are .doctors, lawyers, judges a . on | editors] teachers and businessmen a --_-- Sign Of Failing Kidneys tn -- L dull head: char with dl he "not | ar 2, > - Kidney Bie y tesial Sores, 2. For sale onl able Dry Stove. Money back if 80 manig ory, <0 . iio | ir Jb GET ri filled critics, ihe §y Tipe - = A Happy Suggestion Buy. yourself a new Fur Coat to-day and guard against future colds. Many ladies suffer from throat and lung troubles; be- cause they are not Properly protected from the chilly wintry 'blasts. This is not Decessary as our low prices for high grade furs economy a poor excuse not buying. Our Special $150.00 Persian Lamb Jacket made to order, for style, quality, and value cannot be make for equaled, We invite you to to come and inspect our Fur Rooms, Send us your name Catalogue. JOHN McKAY FUR HOUSE 139-153 BROCK STREET KINGSTON Fer Your Life Assur- ance Gall at The--- Canada Life Assurance Co. Office, 18 Market St., and get an ANNUAL GUARANTEED DIVIDEND POLICY. For your Accident and Sickness Insurance, For your Fire Insurance, For all Cobalt Stocks and full information thereto, For Nowth-West and Cuba Lands, > R =~CALL AT 18 Market St. Te'ephone 708. J. 0. RUTTON, Manager CataraquiBridgeCompany Tenders For Tolls SEALED. TENDERS ADDRESSED to the undersiened and marked "Tender for Tolls," will be received at this office until 8 o'clock p.m., of WEDNESDAY, the 19th instant, for the Tolls of the Cataraqui Bridge Year from the first day of January, A.D 1907. Those Tendering to name sureties. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. for Fur THOMAS MILLS, - Secy.-Treas 79 Clarence street Kingston, Dec. 8th, 1906, Quality Workmanship Style Comfort Essentials to be had in our shoes, WEAR ALLENS MILITARY BOOTMAKERS 82 Brock Street' ign of Golden Boot 0000000000000 00000000 THE ARCALVADA M. & M, CO Have Mines attached and sur- rounding Death Valley Gold M and M. Co's. claims. Stock now selling at four cents will advance to ten cents just as soon as first 250,000 shares sold. Buy now To Financial JOS. F. SWIFT Sian 3 TURKS HARD UP Not for money, but for second-hand Stoves, Furniture and = Carpets, let us know it you have . any for sale, and i will attond to it at once. J. TURK, Second-Hand Dealor, 398 Princess St. Marine Notes. The steambarge Navajo is at the G. T.R. dock to-day, unloading hay brought from Howe Island, for ship- ment on the care. The M. T. Co's steamship Fairmount which released from the shoal off Snake Toland, recently, will receive a thoroush overhauling at the govern ment dry-dock, where it is expected she will stay for the winter, 3 The trip of the steamer Edmonton to Richardsons with grain has been cancelled, The owners have decided that she shall unload all her cargo at Port Huron, which port the vessel has now reached, The Edmonton will lug up fot the winter at Hamilton. Fresh on 'Saturday. Huyl ons high class candy for delivery. Gibson's Red] (ross Store. "Phone 230. & Shaw's to-Jight. 'a delici- Christma DAILY MEMORANDA. City Council, 8 p.m Meeting of Mastery and mates, 8 p.m. Science Banquet ie Grant Hall, 6.30. pn Adjourn : 3 ; aout ed City Tax Sale, at noon, to- Tea:Room at Best a SU's, unde \Q ces of the Y. W, C, A RT 2 ausbices The sun rises Tuesday at 7.29 go and sets at 4.24 poy it 7.29 dm, Free Veterniary 1. 3 cture, Tuesday even- ng, at Frontenac he x Business College. This day in history K 3 story : ruger made Bodr president, 1880 : 1, rd Roberts ap- Jointed to command in South Africa 1899 : Beethoven "born, 1770 : Opening 9 of Lower Canada firs legislature, 178 WHIG TELEFHONES. 248--Business Omce 229---Rditorial Rooms, 292--Jobbing Department. "mhossing and Engraving a DINNER SETS et ------------, This is the time you can get a REAL SNAP, 97 piece set, $4.90. Also a very pretty set, any color, with gold handle and knobs, $5.90. DON'T MISS IT It's like giving them away. Robertson Bros. Tom Smith's Christmas Stockings Give more pleasure to the little ones Christmas morning than any- thing else double their value. It is the fun of pulling out the num- erous toys. We have STOCKINGS, at 10 cents. STOCKINGS, at 20 cents. STOCKINGS, at 40 cents. STOCKINGS, -at 75 cents. STOCKINGS, at $1. James Redden & Co. P.S.--We have an exceptionally fine line cf Christmas Cossacks this year. H. JERVAS, Conlectionery door to Opera Princess S next mada resh Candy every day r Christinas 1 hoxes Chocolates, 1 \tistied Board of Trade He REGULAR WEEKLY MEET of the Board of Trade will be held on WEDNESDAY s k instead of day As Mr will be t t is hoped the member attend J. E. CUNNINGHAM Secretary. RIDEAU WARD. ELECTORS HE Your votes avd influ re r il + requested for Robert J, | for for 1907 \ Dec. 17th, 190 ------ rene WILD MAN LIKE APE. American Found in Mexico Eating Roots. San Luis Potosi, Mex., Dec. 17.----An unknown American who had become crazed through exposure, was found runing wild in the mountains, a few days ago. He was captured by a fore of ranchmen ad evidently been wild for sey vear His bod was covered with a long growth of hair and ho 1 sembles a gorilla He subsisted on roots, herbs and raw meats, and lived caves He has been n to the town of Xilitia, where he spoke a few words of English to an American who visited him Belonged To Howe Island. The late Quinn, sucked death in an avalanche of wheat at Hammond, Indiana nged to Howe island, where his r ne were brought | he Journal Morris for burial Gananoque savs deceased was twenty-one years of age and leaves a mother and dane sister to mourn his loss. Some vears ago he resided in Gananoque, being employed in the Skinner company's factory. After leaving he put in a few months sailing on the upper lakbs and then Segnred a situation with the above firm, by whom he had heen em ploved for a couple of years. He was well known by in town, who desply regret his untimely end. James Quinn of Gananoque, is a brother o the deceased --y-- ---- To have beautiful, perfect, pink, velvpt-like lips, apply at bedtime a licht coating of Dr. Shoop's Greén Salve. Drv. cracved, or colorlesgdlivs mean foverishness, and are as well ill- Dr. Shoop's Green Salve creamy, healing ointment correct anysskin Get a free trial many appearing, isa that golt, will quickly blemish or ailment. : Lox at our store and be convinced. Larve, olass jars. 25c. All drueeists, It makes no difference to some, It alot of diffefence to others are one of the latter, get : Scranton coal. You would pay 50c. at other stores, Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store There is nothing more suitable for a (Christmas. present than a pair of ska! © Som Strachan's hardware, KINGSTON, ALWAS AIM Sunday In France Undet New Order, . EPISODE AT BREST WHERE A POLICEMAN DREW HIS REVOLVER. A New Order of Things Was Found By Worshippers--A Demonstration Was Arranged in Rome Against France, But the Military Authorities Quickly Suppressed Any Movements, = Paris, Dec. 17. France's day, since the state legally soparated, passed much gs oth- <q Sundays. Perhaps a few more peo- Ple went to church. All the usual ser- ¥ices were held at the usual hours with 'the customary peace and good order. Nowhere in Paris was there aught unseemly or anything annoying nor have the "reports so far received from the provinces brought word of any incident of serious import, with the single exception of Brest. Here a policeman was prevented, by a fana tical crowd, from obtaining the name of a pricst who had said mass, and was obliged to draw his revolver to defend himself from a woman who raised a knife to stab him. The worshipuers found some chanves connected with the services. Im the first place most of the Paris churches opened for entrance only their small or side doors, but ther first Sun- and church were great. doors were opened for the exit of the econ- gregation. Inside no recevuse stood ready to collect payment for places, all seats beine free under the stats In some churches the sls boves re mained as usual. In others they were wide oven, ps a rominder to the faith- ful that such contributions were longer the properiy of the church . In most of the churches the cereronies conducted with the nomp, including choral indicating that any of the heretofore raid assistants were serving free. or that a new means had been found to remunerete them, but® some churches were without altar: decorations. aml 1 be ( nly oth noticeable change within the choreh was the presence of three or no were AOCERIOPIPS, had no mvsie whatever er four pol ioe, who however, found nothing t» do. Prevented Demonstration. Rome, Dec. 17.~The authorities em ployed the whole force and had the entire military garrison under arms to prevent a demoastration, arranged for yesterday afternoon, for the pur pose of acclaithing the republic out- side the French embassy. The! vatican was surrounded by cavalry. The streets and bridges leading thereto, were occupied by troops and were stationed in the Piazza Farnese, where the French embassy is situated. Large CTOWC composed mostly of students, loafers and the dregs of the city, ga- thored and tried to reach the vytican, but found everywhere a line of bay- onets opposing them. Several rushes ured but the soldiers stood their ground firmly, and none of the crowd passed them. Some of the more demon- strative among the crowd were ar- rested. Then the mob tried to reach the embassy, but were again unsuc- cessiul, although several chgfees were made. The trouble was/practically over Ty nightfall, hut afined soldiers still pre wet the vatiedn, parliament buildings and the embassies, as well as hold the streets and squares RESTING EASY. Thinks the Steamer Can Be Released. Detroit, Mich., Dec. 17.--It is the op- inion of Captain Sinelair, underwrit- ers' representative, who hus just re turned from the wreck. that the stranded steamer Golspie, on the beach of Brule Bay, Lake Superior, can be recovered, Captain Sinclair the steamer is on g sand and gravel beach and_is resting easy. She is listed to- ward the Jake. but the stack and the houses are still in position and he sees no reason why the boat cannot he save saved. The boat probably will be sold or a contract let for her release. Re ports from the Soo siate that no trouble will be met in obtaining bids Madame Melba's Son Married. London, Dec. 17.--Miss Ruby Fway was married to Horace, son of Mme. Melba, to-day. After the wed- ding the diva announced that she will sail' in a few days for New York to begin her engagement at Oascar Ham merstein's opera house, Melba, who is having tremendous & at Covent Garden, i= enormously rich and has settled a large sum of money on her son. He and his bride will live in her house in Great Cumberland Place un til she returns from Melba hat announced that she is in excellent America voioe To Be Moved. Toronto. Dee, 17.0 that the Ontario gow plates removing the Central nrison from Toromto. I is understood that no definite site hes vet heen secnred, "was learned nment con tem- for perfumés vou .can buy for 25e. at lgot far from Toronte. but, it will he located on a lire farm Pring vour fancy bdttle and have it filled with good perfume nt Gibson's ree ONTARIO, MO WIDOW SUES A RICH MAN. Mrs. Lee Alleges Ward Paid Court to Her. Boston, Dec. 17.~Humphrey 0'Sul- ivan, a millionaire manufacturer, is being sued by Mabelle Lee, of this city, for. $100,000 damages for breach of promise. Mrs, Lee is the divorce l wife of George T. Lee, She alleges. according to her son. Wilbur Lee, that O'Sullivan masquer- aded under the name of "Harry Jow- ell." when he paid court to her. He says, also, that a large package of lover letters purporting to have been written to his mother by O'Sullivan, will be read at the trigl, if it comes to a trial. "I know all about the cass for my mother has told me all | its details," says young: lee "My mother was divorced from Cearce T. Lee in 1900. Shortly afterward: she met O'Sullivan who was introduced to her as Harry dowell. He (ook me trip two years ago fond of me. It wae only a short time before mother brought the suit that she found ont he was Humphrey 0. Sullivan, of Lowell. In his lettre to her he makes promises upon which the snit is based." O'Sullivan refers questioners attorney, Samuel Elder, talk. Granville S. MacFarland snd John Scott are th» woman's attornevs. All they will say is that the papers will ke on file Monday. out on a western and seemed very to hie and he won't PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. The Allan steamer Tunisian -arrived at Liverpool on the 16th. The Allan steamer Ionian from Liverpool arrived at Halifax on the 15th. Fhe thirty-third destroyer, built by Japan since the war, was launched on Saturday The battleship boon docked dented plates The kaiser maintains that upon the cooks largely depends the general cons tentment of anv people Brandon's Dreadnavight- has to repair the badly-in fuel famine ix erowing more aoute. Promger Roblin has been sroegled to urce the CN.R. to res lieve the situation. The body of Robert Livey was found on the radial railway, near Hamilton, ond there are' grave suspicions that the man was murdered. Manitoba's compulsory school flag Jaw will not come into effect till May 24th. owing to the difficulty ex perienced in securing flag poles SELLS (OAL STOCK. Anthracite Railroad Forms New Corporation. New York, Dée, 17.--~Formal an nouncement is made by the Buffalo, lc ster & Pittsburg railway of the sale of all its coal company stock to Mahoning Iavestment new corporation. company, a Importance was attached to the an. nounement as the first of what is likely to be a series of similar opera tions by the coal roads looking to the separation of their coal lands from the railroads proper in deference to the recent amendment to the inter state commerce got which provides that after May lét, 1908, railroade engarvl in no other business than that of transportation The Mahoning Investment company is capitalized at %4,200,000. GREAT COLLEGE PLANNED Packers Back of Move to Provide Inspectors. Chicago, December 17.--The most complete veterinary college in the world will be founded here under the auspice f the University of Illinois, snc financed by packing interests. Its purpose will be to provide competont inspectors for don stockvards and other gr abattoirs in this country and Europe The packers offered President Ed mud J anes, of the Universiby of Hlinois, $250,000 for the first buildings of the éollege with dquipment, to be chosen by the faculty of the institu tion, and a ninety-nine year lease of end which will be of sufficient area to provide for the growth of the new school for at least 100 vears AGED THREE ry Has Smoked During Half His Life, New York, Dee. 17.--~A despatch from. Lowell, Mass, says officers of the Lowell Humane Society found a three year-old child who is a eonfirmed smoker, and has. used daily a corn eH" pipe: since © he was eighteen months old. The child is Andre, the son of Albert Beaulieu. Mrs. Beaulieu, who is eighteen years old, suid she did not know that tobacco would hurt the child. She promised to try to cure him Mrs. Peaulien says Andre stokis nearly two packages of to bacco each week. KISSED BY KAISER. King and Queen Receive Cordial Vo Welcome. Berlin Dee. 17.--King Haakon, Quen Maid and Crown Prince Olaf of Norwa? arrived at Potsdam, Satur day. from England, and werns received the stytion Emperor William, the empress. the erown prine amd crown princess, the other scene of the emraror; Princess Nietoria, and thany officials, smperor warmly welcomed King on, kissing him on both cheska The smuveror then kissed the hand of Caen Mawr, and both the emperor at by Red Cross Drug Store, and empress kissed Prince Olaf, NDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1906. FAIL TO KIL Though Bullets And Bombs Were Used. BUSY TERRORISTS SEEKING TO ASSASSINATE EX-GOVERNOR OF MOSCOW, One Would-Be Assassin Fired Several Shots and Hurled Ex. plosive Without Effect, and Admiral © Dubasof Himself Clinched With Second Man. Se Petersburg, Dec. 17.~Another gt- tempt on the life of Admiral Dubasoff oxgovernor. of Moseow, was made Saturday, but. he escaped with slight injuries. Dubasoff was driving at 1 Pan. in Sergiyewskaya street, on his way to the Tauride palace, when two men hurled a bomb at his carriage. It exploded with great foree, but only slightly wounded the admiral. The would be assassins were arrested. Du- basofi had a remarkable escape. The toerorista made a determined at: tack on him. One man approached the admiral and fired = several shots at him with a revolver, but missed. The terrorists then threw a bomb at Du- basofi, which exploded and wounded the admiral in the leg. A bystander seized the admiral's assailant, where- pon a second terrorist appearelt and went through' exactly the same per- formance. The second homb thrown, however, did hot explode, and Dubasoff, al though injured. closed with the ter rorist and held him until he was ar rested. Admiral Dubasoff wae governor-genéral of Moscow 'in De- cember, 1905. Several attempts have been made upon his life. His health broke down and he resigned his Post. When the admiral became governor general of Moscow the revolutionists entered into a conspiracy vo abduot hin. The plot -faited. Tn Tanuare Das appointed wi nerve x SALE OF OIL OUTPUT On. Lands dn Tilbury, Ont! Dec. ¥1.--A large just been "eonipleted. Tilbury ol pd hi i rights on M. Campbe acre farm, south" huli of lot four, vighth concession, sold by the Campbell Oi 0., and C, Melvin Vancuren, Bolivar, Y., for 357,080 cash. This is only for the rights as M. Campbell still retains title to the Property and he also Je every ol barrel as his share of ining: The oil field is keoping up production and enlarging in size and a great increase in business is expect: ed next spring. HCN. C. 8. HYMAN, His Malady Has Reached a Pre- carious Stage. Ottgwa, Dee. 17.5-News Nas veiehod Ottgwa that the condition of Mr. Hyman, minister of public works, is very alarming. After having spent soveral days in Bt. Louis, Mo., he wat taken to a sanitarium. The hest skill that medical aid can supply is being rendered him, but it is under stood thit those fully aeuainted with his condition fear a fatal ter mination to his malady. He is not permitted to recoive any conmnumicg- tions whatever, public or private. A ---------- PILOTS AT FAULT, ---- They 'Were Ordered to Be More Careful. Montreal, Dec. 17.<Wreck Commis: sioner Spain handed down this decision torday, in connection with the Mon: mouth-Aginar accident in September, when the latter 'steamer was foreed aground by the Monmouth passing her in the St. Lawrence ship channel at Cap St. Charles, it wus claimed, at a too high rate of speed considering the narrowness of the channel. Both the pilots were found to be at fault, and they were warned to be more careful in the future. A CABINET SHUFFLE, First Change in British Ministry rested and charged with being an ae cessory to the conspiracy. THE RICHEST YET. Body of High Grade Ore For the People. Toronto, Dec, 17.-E. J, Corkhill, of the Bureau of Mines, in charge of the government mining operations on the Gillies Limit, wires that on drifting in from the trial 'shaft at the seventy- foot level an enormous body of very high-grade silver cobalt ore was en countered This, according to opin- ionx expressed the department, means that this mine is the richest both in quantity and value of ore, yet discovered in the Cobalt district. As same of the mines at present in operg- tion are valued as high as $10,000,000 this means that the province of On- tario has become enriched to even more than that amount at prosent pr Another ernment party is work. ing on a. different vein about one mile twenty-five fect it has hown such large promises that a con- tract will probably be let at once for the sinking of a development shaft. It is reported that the values in this vein are also high, distant, and at WOMAN SWALLOWS ACID. Attempts' to End Life Husband Leaves, ec, 17.--~Because of domestic Mrs. Cottrell, who lives on Dickson street, opposite Market square, took a quantity of carbolic acid, with After Galt, troubles, the purpose of ending" her life, Her husband had but a lew minutes be- fore left for hiv work. A physician When he arrived the woman was unconscious, and her chil dren standing around wringing their was summoned hands, By the immediate use of the stomach pump and emetics, the wo man was revived, hut she is hy no means out of danger, Her mouth is terribly burned by the acid. The Cot trel's only moved into town a few weeks ago TO SAVE A LIFE. Man Gets Nourishment Through Tube. Cal,' Dec. 17-L. B Hicks, the miner buried under sixty feet of debris, who has been taking his - food through a pipe, is to-day near collapse under the strain of the long confinement and his cramped position. It now seems that Hicks can not possibly be dug out for several dave, as the rescuers still have forty fet to go. The man ix lying on his side stretched out beside a car, and almodt under its wheats, He is um able to move Bakersfiold, To Build New Steamer. Sarnia, Unt, Dec. 17.~The Northern Navigation compuny, which owned the steamer Monarch, réeently lost on Isle Royale, will build a duplicate of their steamer Huron i relief * from Dr. Ointment. Remember alone' for pilos--and it certainty and satisfpe: painful, protruding, or by drug- Piles get quick &hoop's Magic it's made works with tion. Tiching blind piles disappear like magic ite ase. Try it and gee! All hasoff was advised that an attempt Announced, would be made at the ceremony of | Lomdon, Dec. 17.<The first of the blessing of the waters to inate | § wling changes in the cub to him, and Prince Kosloveka was ar # the resigmation of J, be gnnownced | E. Ellie inmentary 'vedfetary ; the India toy He leaves betguse oa il-health, and will recuperate abroad. | It is understood Walter Runciman, parliamentary . secretary to the lool government board, will succeed him. Where Is The Vessel ? Port * Arthur, Ont., Dee. 17.-The Whacondah, which left here on Friday afternoon, took shelter behind Wels come Island, on accoumt of the heavy sens. On Saturday afternoon Noevgwah passed her bound out. The Wahcondah left hor shelter and fol: lowed for several hows. The Nedpw- wah was lost sicht of in the dark. ness andl the Wahoondah put back to thiz port. No word has since boen res ceived from the Noepawah, but it believed she j= in shelter at some point. ---------- Cut Bell Rate In Two. Winnipeg, Dec. 17.--In an inverview Premivr - Roblin announces that the government had docipted the vote in Winnipeg on municipal telephones as n mandate from the Jropte, aad at ones will call for tenders for building a thousand miles in the province next year, He declares they will cut the Bell rate in two. : -- A Railway Accident. Canton, Ohio, Dex. 17.-Owing, it ix said, to the failure to signals the Pennyxivania limited, eget bound. last night, ran into as Dake Erie freight train in the yards here, Both engines and several ears ware derailed and Engineer John Ryan and Fireman George Nichols of the freight, wera vrobably fatally injured. No pas sengers were hurt, ---------- Death Of Rev. Joseph Hogg. Winnipeg, Dec. 17.<Rev. Joseph Hogg, one of the leading Presbyterian ministers in Western Canada and for many years pastor of St, Andrew's church, . succumbed Sunday morning, to the effects of an operation for can: cer of the stomach Looking For Peace. Paris, Dec. 17.~~Hopes are now en: tertained for peace and a speedy so- lution of the church situation prob. lem is near. The' government has some new proposal to make before the Chambwr of Deputies and fresh conces- sions are hoped for. Mrs. Drinkwater Dead. Montreal, Dec. 17.-~Mis. Drinkwat- er, wife of Charles Drinkwater, secre tary of the Canadian Pacific ilway company, died on Saturday. Two sons ond two daughters are left, one being Mrs. H. P. Timmerman. i > Upset And Drowned. Porismouth, Eng., Dee. 17.-Nine sail ore belonging to the erew of the battleship Hindustan, were drowned, to-day, owing to the upsetting of a cutter in which they were rowing to the warship. Vessel Not Known. hy Charlevoix, Mich., Dee. 17,--A large steel steamer is stranded on a reef north of Garden Island, but owing to the gals. the. name could not be as cortained, On Christmas morning all orders for Christman o will be delivered from gisty. fields. ~The oil | W's ape hundred | Tilbury east, were : the | observe block | 50c. to 9Be. Plaid Silk Girdles, 25c. $2. "3: 2 Studded Elastic Belts, 50c: to $1.25, Buster Brown Belts, 25c. pb White Xid Girdles, at 50c. p Every article for Gift Gi TWEDDELL.~Ia Kingston, on Dé: { 1906, to Mr, and Mrs, Jas. Twedd oon, RAS MARRIED, ne COOK~DOWN.~At Bloomfield, ol 18th, Darius Cook, Hallow Ruby Dows, Mtr, HENDERSON---OLIV ~On Annie Loretta, widow of the James Henderhon, township mond, to Henry Wilmot township of Tyendinaga. DIED, ; Kingston, on # . Hinm No Hos 2.80 p.m. OFFORD. Toronto, George Offord, eldest ovorge Offord. Interment took place at Ci © Cometery this afternoon. ROBLIN.--At Adolvhustowst, off' ker Hh, pak ey - Bb. Roblin, Adel Vous, eithiy-twlo Seats now on Sale. Xmas Day THE Gibsons Red ross Drug Store,