For Headache and Neural paihale DR. SQOTT'S LINIMENT ,, ad just under the bump freely. of rh tot tre For COLD IN THE HEAD, use in ke. 5 manner. ttle. 25 cnr. An Hair Restorer and Sealp Cleanser "If not Jor sur at your ary can always procured at gist, & 's. . Scott's White Sr C prope. St. Jobn, N.B., and Cheime' FURS Come here for 'Xmas Presents from in MINK ALASKA SABLE CHINCHILLA BEAR HALF SEASON ERMINE PERSIAN LAMB SABLE MARAMOT Fur Jackets of all kinds. from $45 to $60. Fur-Lined Coats Only. W. F. GOURDIER EXCLUSIVE FURRIER Umbrellas | Fine Umbrellas combine at once a useful and well chosen "KMAS GIFT We have many exclusive handles and all thor oughly high grade. Our Special Gent's Um- brella is a patented idea and rolls to as small a circumierency as a walk- ing stick. SMITH BROS. dowelers and Opticians 350 King Street Issuers of Marriag Licenses, To-Night And Every Night This Week We Will Be Open during the day time. inter ats ments, only a few left--bett buy to-night. Special 6 lars and Belts; also Waist I'at terns, to-night. Waist Pattern and Chiffon Collar See the beautiful Waist Pat night for 99c. Notice To Voters. Those whose names are not.on the proper qualifications, should confer a - A -------------- Drop in any see the large ageort ment of skajes at Strachan's har ware. | We have a large stock to choosy BLACK AND BLUE THIBET And several other nice lines, Men's Racoon Coats to order, We sell all kinds of Furs ang 78-80 Brock St. . Phone 700 For the benefit of those who are un able to do their Christmas shopping All our Winter Coats at 'ex actly half price. Nobby gar- 'i : \ Of Handkerchieis, Fancy (o tern in a pretty box, and the dainty Chiffon Collar, both to NEWMAN & SHAW municipal voters' lists and who Sesire to be placed there if they have the with the city clerk by Wedueadsy. au) make application to have their names dded. Don't wait until the last day to shop: Suitable Gifts Collars, Belts, Ties, Handker- chiefs, Kid | Gloves, Combs, in Sets, Chiffon Scarfs, Gent's Ties, Silk Waists Black and White Silk Waists, at $1.98, §2.50, $3, $3.50 up Mites. to $5. Clouds, Tams, Hoods, Gloves, Over-Hose, in Red and White, Bear Skin Coats, and Tams. THE Jas. Johnston Store 180 Wellington Street. TO THE ELECTORS OF KINGSTON : Your vote and cordially solicited for J. McDONALD MOWAT for Mayor for 1907. 7 MAYORALTY CAMPAIGN TO THE ELECTORS :-- Your vote and influence are re- spectfully solicited of Mayor, for 1907, by THE PEOPLE'S Ald. Frank J. Hoag Independent Labor Candidate for Mayor 1907 FELLOW ELECTORS :-- In accepting this nomination, I appeal to you to Bondage of Party and to support the principles : No Party Politics in municipal government. Equal Rights to all classes citizens, and A More Prosperous Kingston. Dr. A. W. Richardson Frontenac Ward TO THE ELECTORS -- I have been requested as an Aldermanic Candidate f toric ward, aiid have agrled to do so, | respectfully solict vour vote and inidusncé to eleet me as an independent ulan for 1907-8 and 9. ROBERT T. SPENCE. ONTARIO WARD. TO THE ELECTORS -- If my attitude towhrds the problems of the year clusion that my service as Would be of further 1 request a repewal of vour trust W. F. NICKLE, Kingston, 15th December, Holiday Books, Etc. Family Rihles, in oreat variety, 1.50 to $10 each new styles, ng. Pocket Bibles, with or without for the Student or Teacher. The British Poets. Burnt Leather designs, Calf and Morocco i Rindines. BOOKS FOR BOYS, BOOKS FOR GIRLS Reward Books, for Day Schools Sundav. Schools, at liberal discounts Reward Cards Text Cards. Cards, Calendars, etc. F-NISBET, The Corner Book Store. There is nothing more suitab le for a Chrigtmgs present skates from Strachan's "ha re. RHEUMATISM Price 25g, Mona "ow Rbeuma Joint In & fom hours Positively cares in a few days ht doss wot put the disse io vesp but drives 8 VOTE FOR MOWAT And buy vour Christmas Pr 1 save a barrel of money. Books at Half Price Cashmére Scx, Hotays BookStore Co is < SEED os ---- Gani Ton hotel Rooms From $1.00 Fe Day Up OPPOSITE GRAND CE. FIRAL STATION YORK Baggage Ts and From Station Free An exceller: yuide-book and mep of the City of New York ®t aa receipt of two cents in postage. WEN AND WOMER || $00000000400000442 eee oe J <P w»» on 2 oi Sets in Kingston are shown : : : 3 * + :. 3 : i: $ : make most acceptable gifts, HAIR BRUSH SILVERINE--A Comb and Brush, no trouble to show goods. Handsome Holi- v © 3 F be Fp EA $400000000000044000000440000444000404000004400000040000000000 At Best's; ret srr ts erobrrr td 90000004 THE BEST "XMAS RUSSIA TAKES ST STAND SINCE JAPAN'S TROUBLE With the United States--Prospects of Renewal of Hostilities.. Weighed By German Diplongte --War With U. S. a Probab' ity of the Future. Berlin, Dec. 17.~Thé relations be- tween the United States and Japan excite extraordinary interest both in She government and diplomatic circles NET Emperor William discussed the ques- tion with several persons recently and is thoroughly informed regarding President Roosevelt's personal views on the subject. It is believed that Russia's more resolute attitude against Japan's requests for trade and colonization rights on the Amur river and in Siberia and her fishery privi- leges on the adjacent Russian coasts is partly due to the discussion of the California' school question between the United States and Japan. The Russian foreign office has been siibjected to steady diplomatic pres: n the part of Japan in the lat: ter's efiorts to obtain these far-reach- ing rights and has been impressed as much by this as byoJapan's firmness. The result is that the idea has been created at the Russian foreign office that Japan might make her exhibi- tions the occasion for a renewal of the war with Russia. This idea pervaded the conversations which the forcign minister, M. lss- wolrsky, had with the government oi- ficials and others whom he met here on the occasion of his visit to Berlin six weeks ago. Among German military and naval officers the - possibility for a conflict between the United States and Japan has been quite freely discussnd and the professional views appear to agree that Japan weuld take the Philippine Islands and place upon the United States the necessity of conducting across the Pacific prolonged sea and land campaigns, which would call forth \ nense exertions against great na- { tural obstacles, It was known here in June that the Iritish admiralty had considered theoretically the possibility of war be tween Japan and the United States to occur within twenty-five nd some of the British naval ¢ reported to have expressed the that the 'contest would occur within five years In any it is certain that sev- ral European foreign officers are at present making enguiries regarding the emper of the wnese people and the pan. government of « May Clash In Honolulu. San Francisco, ee. 17.--The Exam- publishes this = despatch from Honolulu to=lay | The officers of the transport Thomas have announced that two regiments are to be rushed immediately to the island in antic tion of trouble waty the Japanese, It is understood the mikatdlo w extremely "anxious to se- Fure possession of the stand of Lanai, which is private property. This island is fifty 'miles from Hono blu, and eofild be used pk an oxo lint naval base against the United States hy any ign power. It has two splendid harbors of, su de th to accommodate a large fleet of li , Last "night Attorney G » D. Gear secured an injunction ¢ Gover nor Carter and Land Commissioner ratt to prevent their selling the is- lands to u syndicate, It is understood that the syndicate represents the Japa- government, or persons who ulti ly expect to dispose of the island to Japan Qualification Of Voters. The qualifications necessary for voters in the mamicipal elections are is follows Uwnne or oconpying property to the value of $400, or being assessed for income, exclusive of the exe mption to the extent of 8400 The right of voting is confined to males gnd unmarried women and widows over twenty-one years of age, under the conditions given above. The assessment roll is the bagis of list. The city clerk pre list according to the last as ment' roll. This is published and revised by the eomnty judge. The list resulting from this revision is fin and no one whose name does not ap- pear on this list can vote under any circumstances Ald. Reeves To Speak. Ald. Daniel Reeves intends giving a rousing speech at the city council meeting this evening on the hackward- ness of Kingston and its citizens. He wants to put life. into the o'd town, wd the council would do well to pay serious attention to what he has to ay. Ald. R 5 has just returned rom a three months' trip over the continent, and has been studying the conditions of "live towns and cities. Pointers for Kingston," will be the topic of his oration. Piles Cured In 6 To 14 Days. Pazoe Ointment is guaranteed to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in six to fourteen days or money refunded 5c. dopeful. Washington Star I know the rose will bloom agai I know the Lutterfly Wiki flaunt cross the plain H Ik 1 spranetime's glow Ti doft But ons of snow We'd o Pure hydrogen gas gives out five times as 'much heat in burning a= an equal weight of best Welsh coal. Denmark and Sweden are the only European countries with a lower death rate than England. Snails and slugs have their teeth upon their tongues. The whelk also has teeth on its tongue. the 'res aColdinOneDay, 2 Deyn 1S STIFFENING. No | fifty cents per hox point. dangerous to both horses and pedlestripns tion under ite shade. Under "BUSINESS HOME? Are Your Nerves Constantly Strained With Groundless | © Worries ? The cause of this tense condition is in your stomach. Your food docs not | digest properly. Nine-tenths of all dys- | pepsia and the indigestion is of ner | vous type and the only certain cure is | to right the rause. Tonics, brain | foods, bitters, ete., are mere temporary stigyulants. Your stomach and amall | intestines have become deraviged by | improper selection of foods imperfect | | mastication and irregularity both as! to time and amount of eating. The mucous coating of the stomach | and intestines' has lost its power of secreting the gastric juice {an import ant factor in digestion) the muscles of the middle coating are eorresponding- ly lifeless in grinding up the food, and as a result, the food lies in your stomach fermenting, poisoning the blood, irritating the nerves and break- ing down the system, Something must be done to arouse | the digistive organs to action Stuart's gd ¥pepsia Tablets alone have | been found capable of digesting the | food. for the unhealthy stomach. They contain diastas:. pepsin and of her di- gestive agents which the stomach it- | sell possesses when in health. These agents digest the food for the stom. ach and give the stomach a chance to rest and rerain its normal powers Stuart's Dysbepeia Tablets are not a patent dion . the formula for their preparation having heen made nyhlic red known to 40.000 physicians in the United States and Great Britain. By | government tests, Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets have been shown not only to contain no harminl ingredients, hut to nessess divestives of hicher purity than found in any other preparation. | Stuart's Dyspersia Tablets are re commended hy physicians everywhere and ean be bought of anv drnogist or direct from the manufacturers at Ii nreiorred, a free trial packace will | | be sent you immediately upon receint of nome and address. F. A. Stoart Stuart Bldg., Marshall. Mich mT rr ------ DRASTIC EDICTS. Co... How China Will Stamp Out Opium Trade, Pekin, . Bee. ¥i--~1he ropulatitia] dening with the stamping out of the voum trade in this country which were drufted by Tang Shao Yi, and approved by the council of state, and were promulgated, to-day, and never in the history of this country have more drastic. changes heen attempted. In the proclamation there are eleven edicts which will bring the opium trafic to an end in ten years. Brie fly summarized the edicts are as follows (1) Not only must the cultivation of the poppy, buf the use of opium cease in ten years. (2) Eve v one who uses opium must be rogistered together with the amount consumed. (3) Those abave sixty e lem'ently trated, those under sixty must decrease their MSe twenty per cent. per annum. (4) All 'places where opium is sold will be closed gradually and all pipes and lamps w ithin a year. (5) Provides for the smoker's ticket of registration. (6) No | prescription San contain, ovium morphia, or opis "ae (7) Anti opium societies Bt official en couragment and support. (8) Officials must abandon the Bablt as soon as pcssible or he deprived 'of rank, and all teachers, sailors, © and scholars are only allowed three months in which to entirely Abandon the habit (10) Strict regulating to be enforce to prevent thy | seliggline of ovium (11) Orders to « the viceroys on the subject, 4 ' mt GIVEN THREE MONTHS. John Dunlop Stole a Coat and Was Captured. John Duilop, a sailor, about thirty five ye of age, was this morning sentenced by Magistrate Farrell to thre months im jail on a charge of theft. The arrest was made by Con ftabl: Jam Bateson, About 4:45 o'cleck Saturday after noon a telephone message was re ceived at the police station, stating that Charles Wilson, liveryman, Ular ence street, had been rdbbed of his overcoat, while at the Iroquois hotel Constable Bateson immediately set to work on the case. Wilson, it appears had missed his coat after he had boon in conversation with a friend at the hotel, but a short time, The officer got a description of the coat and caught Dunlop in the act of trying to ais poss of the cont at Lieberman's second hand store. Dunlop also had in his officer was after, for when he saw him he ran away. Canstable Bateson kept onhis track and arrested him shortly afterwards © at the Revere house, The corner of Montreal and Ordnance strects ix in a bad condition, eqused by the, thav of Friday and Raturgay A sheet of ice has formed at this The ash i= very injurious to 'vegety t hardly any plapt will grow. ? x «ever | (x Soe BATT 5 2 &« [les in London every § or. More than 2 persors die of meas which have received imperial sanction, | Teoveals. has been most prolific in possession a pair of gloves and a fered to pay the expe nse of an special scarf, the property of Charles Wilson. | officer of the crown to bring the sche Dunlop evidently suspected what the dules to Toronto under senl, -plaoe In Bad Shape. down, ond inconvenience involved, but held that Ca picion, and therefore, that no copy of before hi« announcement had been ¢ made in the house, . y YW arze 811 hashet of MeConkey's high class candy at Gibsbn's Red Cross for delivery Christmas morning. Te = 'CONDENSED ADVERTISING - RATES First insertion, lc. a word. Each cone secutive insertion theraft i a word. Minimum charge for ome in sertion, 20e. Advt. 4 lines or under a week, $1. Advi. 4 lines or under § month, $A Sern n Kineton Ros th WH ---------------------------- A GENERAL SERVANT. ND WASH- lug or ironing. Apply 55 George St. HOUSEMAIDS, FOR GENERAL Jos pital. References required. Appii- cants call between 7 and 9 pam, at Hospi TO-LET. ROOMS, MODERN CONVENIENCES, at 285 Alfred street City. ° HELP WANTED--MALE. BREAD BAKER. APPLY TO JAS. J. Luckie, 137 Clergy street. {GENTLEMEN TO HAVE THEIR overcoats made, to look 'like new, pressed and cleaned, or turned. Now Work guaranteed to please. Prices right. Galloway, the Tailor, 131 Brock strect. | ME NTO LEARN BARBER TRADE, in tight weeks, graduates earn $10 to $15 weekly. Branchws throughout Canada und © United States. Help secure positions. Catalogue free. Moler Hw Collegv, Queen and Spadina uronto. WANTED-GENERAL. EE EI IIR i FUR 'FINISHERS, APPLY JOHN Me Kay, 151 Brock street. TO BUY GOOD HOUSE, on $2,000 Address Box 98, Whig office. ---------------------------------------------- STENOGRAPHER. MUST BE AC- curate and cuick and have previgus business experience. Apply N. CO, Polson & Ce. QUALIFIED TEACHER, FOR PUBLIC School Section, Neo. 4. Village of Marysville, Wolfe Island. Duties to commence January 8rd, 1907, Apnly to W. L. Allinson, Secy Treas, Wolfe Island, DWELLINGS, OFFICES, STORES, etc, at McCann's, 61 Broek street. STORAGE = SPACE FOR FURNL. i wre, get. W. G. Frost, 209 Queen 3 ree . ---------------------------------- STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, oe in the Stearns Builds 240 St, clean and dry. Cann, ol Brock street. . WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF. fice, second flooF over Mahood's Drug store, corner Princess and Bagot streots. Entrance on Bagot street Phone, 608. POWER & SON, ARCHITECT, yea. chant's Bank Building, corner and Wellington streets. SP 5 HENRY FP, SMITH, ROHITROT, ete. Anchor Building, ubrhet Ba Square; Phone, 846. ARTHUR BELLIS, ARCHITECT, OF Uor, .Quern and Bagol streets. MONEY AND BUSINESS. 100 CARS NO, 1 and NO. 2 TIMOTHY Hay, shipment, December and Janu ary. Quote lowest price on cams your station for each quality. W. H, Dwyer Co., Limited, Trust Building, Ottawa, Ont. ro BUY. NEW AND OLD USED Feather Beds. No matter how long used. Highest cash prico paid Peathors Cleaned also. Kingston Feather Co 77 Princess St, or at Windsor Hotel. OUR POLICINS COVER MORE ON building and Sentents than any other company otflers am at Sodwine 1 Insurance kmporium, Mark: LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Company, , Available assets 841 187,215, In addition te which the policy holders have for mocurity the imiiuited | liability of all the Mtockholders. Ly pros perty inured _ owent possible Tuto, Before rencwine old or P ving GHT | HUNDRED follars itt } will uy, & house fy Foie iF Ens THE PROPERTY, Ea there Pianos Pi This Week in slightly used and new Onlinet © different makes * A liberal reduction in this week, euny terms. City Plano Warerooms, 165 P AGENTS~810 A DAY CAN HII BARN- ed by any man or women selling our new styles exouisitely smbroidered shirt-waist patterns. Sell' on sight, good proposition. Write UJ. 8. Fan hroider Works, 42 Yonge St., Ar cade, Toronto, Ont, MAKES ENORMOUS PROFIT. In Forty-Two Yeary Realizes $40,- 000,000 on #2.000. Technical World, An annual income of 810,000,000 on an original investment of $2,000, js the surprising record of the United | States departing nt of ghoutture, To the riddle, "Why P i the depart- mont of agriculture A "OMe seoffers have ben wont 1d "Just 'cause.' They used\ the avriculturyl work of government hecavse thewrmakd re, were ho tangible results. But "the Hepartment, in its year book for 1905 comes 15 the front with a "just caume *> for its existence. What business mud in the United States, whether he athers 0 trust or rims a corner drug storesent point to a profit like this: wr | in vestment of 32.000 in 1864 now pro- duces an annual income of $40,000,000 vet this is one of the records of the much-maligned agricultural depart ment. The department introdaced from Chimp and France in 1864 4 comparatively small amount of sorg hum, at a cost of 22,000. Now a con siderable part of the molasses con sumed in the United States comes fram this outlay of $2,000, and the annual veolue of the sorghum crop is at least $40,000,000. But the ue tonighin~ work of the agricultural de nartment does not stop with sore- hum. The branch of the department's work which endeavors to find new thines for the farmer to grow, amd to make the United States independent of forem commtries for all of its tanaible results. and ite success in transtlanting alien graing is pheno monal and is freently a paving proposition WOULD NOT YIELD. There Was Only One Copy For Parliament, Ottawa Free Press . Some idea of the care which is ex ereised to maintain secrecy in con nection with a new tarifi may be as certained from an episode which took place in the office of one of the local newspapers last week when Mr. Field ing brought down his budget at Otta wa. It was learned in conlidence some days in advance that changes of detail would be so general as to require the printing of every line of the new ache dules. As these amounted to forty thousand words, it was easily replized that an immense strain both on the telegraph wires and> setting capacity of the newspapers was involved, The Globe and the Mail and Empire were particularly anxious to get the copy without having it wired, and to get it early' vo that composition would not be delayed. But the finance minister could not consent. The newspapers of them in a safety deposit vault, and unlock it whenever directed from Ot tawa, But Mr. Fidlding's reply to this was y "Phere is but one egpy of the tariff; it will not be released until 1 sit Mr. Ficlding regretted the expense sar's wife must he above sus- the text could go ont of his own hands 4 Will the gentleman who bousht the Drug Store, kindly leave the address IN Haselhurst, Miss, Dec. 17. et Jats from & ta Avents, - EE a a ---------------- MEDICAL. DR. McCARTHY, OFFICE LATELY occuplod--he Dr. Ryan, corner Mons treal and Brock streets, STEALING. BRASS. Sentenced Within An Hour of Arrest. Peterboro, Dec. 17.< Robert * Baker wae sentenced to Six months in the Central prison, just threequarters of an four giter he was arrested by a) det re of the Thiels ageney in Tor onto, Yen a charhe of stealing brass from the Cgnadion General Eleotrie company's works a this eity. Baker was armeeied Vy post office and gave the ee a hard fight, Near the police station he managed to vot awiy, but the detective 'jumped into a cutter and succonthll in ing his prisonee, after a chase of several blockd, Baker had been nding the bass VorFranklin Bros, Toronto, and thik; feet was learned hy the Hetootives thers, prisoner pleaded not guilty ate irst then afterwards chnged his plei™io guilty; and then rechived the above sentence. A Murderess Senten a. Ag- vie Bindsone' was denied a new trial by Judge Miller and was sentenced to five voars in the penitentiary. Notieo wap eikim of apywal to the Minsissippi supreme court, when commsd for Mrs. Birdson~ also mad apnlic ation for bail. This was granted in the sum of £10,000. Mrs, Birdsong shot and kill: od Dr. Thomas Butler, at Monticell®, in £4905. -------- he stage' is now rumning between Dedergnto and Picton Prescribed by Physicians-- Used in Hospitals--Pleasant and Safe--Makes Perman- ent Cures. The name of the wonderful cure about which doctors are talking RO much ix Catarrhozone, : Its vapor is more soothing the the air of the pine woods, Its healing qualities are without limit > When Catarrhézons éomes into cone tact with a bad case of catarrh it gives relief almost at ones, Its balsamic essences allay the irri- tating cough, eure hacking and tight ness in the throat [The Paragraph Pu a. The Religion Of The Open. The sunshine and the 'open the reatnt vot, to unrenlity and the from his Sandie cloister and candle light, and the sunshine strike » cloar equ hi Dy dark, but i, in the wunligg know truth as it is, get out i Let the sonlight sift I the pebblos of your received r 0 opinions and you will be able to the glint which are the diam Address Mr. Casson, for free lites i: t Forced To Close Its, Daors, #4 "of Washington, ele sed doors on account the city is suffering. and wany oh persons are said tol in danger in cold rooms. Given An Increase. posted "ob all 'the cotton nin Where the nose is anadol bo! with offensive matter, relief is xt) ones given by Catarrhozone, All the disagrosable symptonis Wis ; removed and a thorough cure effected, In Catarrhozone the chronie #& finds new hope a cure that dest and Froventy its return. Nothing to lohel "down : the stomach' and wpoil digestion. You simply inhale the healing vapdi of Catarrhozone and cure is absohit certain to result, * Throw" out the remedy that's * ul, done rR or N. ¢. Useful Christmas Presenfs -*.. Here's A Store "_ "Fullof Them Our stock is now at its best, and now, right now, is thes best time to buy your Christmas Shoes, to avoid the! rsh of the later days, and you have the choice of our large assortment while the stocks are complete. Presents for all members of the family. Presents full of use as well as beauty. Presents to fit all pocket books. McDermott's Shoe Store