Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Dec 1906, p. 6

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f i "Yes, Virgie, there is a Santa Cloth. He exists as certainly' as love . ity and devotion exist, and i hd mow that they abound and give to yout Ife its highest beauty and . Alas ! how dreary would be the Hock il there were no Santa Claus! t-would be as dreary as if there were irginias. There would be no child- | ninth het, No poetry, no_romance io na wake tolera tolerable thi We 'enjoyment gatept in Thasld sight, ormen eternal light with which childhood, fills the w. would be extinguished. "Not believe in Santa Claus! You _ os well not hpliure _in fairies ! t to hire men to { wnteh Shimacys on Christ. mas ove to catch Santa Claus, but a Sota en cet om Claus ; io iv wn, what would t prove? 3 'Deserted Vil | Nobody sow Santa Claus, that : lage. spoke 2 chapel that there is no Santa 'those Thy nt to scoff, re- 3 nes most teal things in the oo Tb Ro a world are those that neither children "does: mot ior men 'can sce. Did you~ ever see Sn na and tater, when id does { fuitics dancing on the lawn ? Of course urns ine, and, is he oud te Ro Sl "LL i mosite al may ol rt the baby" Ss batle and see what Sart the npise inside, but hare § is a veil covering the unseen world which. not the strongest mon, nor even the united strength of all the strongest mén that ever lived, could tear apart: Ouly faith, fancy, postry, love, romance, can push aside that curtain' and view and picture the and glory wond, Is it all real ? Ah, Virginia, in all this world there is nothing else real and --? Senta Claus | Thank God, he and he lives forever! A thous- ory years from now, he will continue glad the heart of child v Soldamith, ho 'in life Sold by leading drupgists. 'Send in stamps for sample to The Her ide Co.c. Dotroit, Mich. GG. W. special agent. ie 8. Make rae GANANOQUE NEWS. 3 -- Applications to Be Added to the . Voters' List. Banoque, Dec. i aoe town cotn- a specia usiness meeting, Saturday morning, to prepare the fingncial stajoment for the past yéar. | Un account of the weather modera- N° ONTARIO Day and Evening Classes Moderate Rates. tity the rink on Garden street, which N. toc Was preparing to open on Friday last H pSlockDALE, could Sud nat do so. J. R. Scott, the Sipecta to be able to ae- -- te skaters some time during IG ili Hud, u ! Capt of Montreal, do- livered an address on "Love and Dut" illustrated with about "Phones, 680 Sixt : THEY MUTINIED. stersoptitgn ¥iews, "at the Salvation 3 rm racks, Pine street, Sat | And Hustled Thisgs Til a even w. A. H be ie rday Promise Came. 'ap oxeellont i "The Waste of Vienna, Dee. 17.--The report has "Time, before the Mmnhood Leaoue, reached hore that 500 sailors and: Sunday morning 8 muti at Constantivople, en There were pare of 130 appeals ! aturday. they were: in Helore Judge. Reynolds oe after ¢ time had - added 10 the . voters' list for 1907, ho mt some oflid# and court of revisicn being held at the ted Vice-Admieal 'Ashmed Pas- town hall, here, Friday evening. " th aul Rov. William Timberlake spent seve- ey i: ko to sul days during the Tet week in To. Ee fam po ois ite Joop Cs i is ne spending the holiday season here 'with i Sendin, Out Troops. a and Mrs. Jubb B. = wis, Dec. 17.-A despatch reevived tohe street. larry trom Algier. Algoria, says a colamn Moor a ekford. 0. petived hone, a su i Soneibting ani by of sharp. 0 bedi. of bin tbe. 4. cy has i rdered 10 ni "cd gfe thin: tn the. Wo ATTY. Wha In rian dl, Mics Hart opie -------- il at this time 0 al for Soden ws, Morocco, It 2 il of the model school here dur yer. It may sound queer to is veported here that Spaip is pre prepar- ing the pust term, has secured a "sand selling as mi send a similar expedition" to o made it, we're so itioh us benches at Secloy's Bay 0 and of re. o ~. ye cluny spent ys during the past week in Tore W po od - there or 0, ng rem uRmoned . Mute: of hx Y ew : § ew York, i . ing the hole poy here with and relatives. William Pratt, the Kin street, has ben under medical h Comin nee Coat several days, Past seri- Miss Beagie T Th dav for Brockville, where a gi "oorted a position 8 nurse th gonesal "hospital - in te --- pork packine factory. and abattoir will be established at 8. i i wie iin | will Sell For $50,000,000. Chicago, Dee. 17. The he traetion So- in the comcil tives or the Chicago ton Faction ani Chicaco City railway Compan, an a= he i Fi positive evidence. by expert authority. Every opinion expressed here ot. At a ar asia ton: enpital of two ~million Collars. This is 1 @viges 115 200.000 Rares of $10 foto Qf these. 20.000 Are preference shares, the rest witgaey shares. our HOLDINGS We. own and. control 35.240 acres of cos) and ofl ands in "Alberta and Eritish Columbla, on which $140,000 cash "has actually "if. 'heen spent In development work. Every dollar we get from the sale of: stock is going 'straight into development work on the start. liability. his § is no tale of vast fortune to be made dna' few weeks, and with the investment of a few dollars. It is a sane, reasonable business pro- position, which offers 'the man with a few hundreds, or a few thousands, 'just as much certainty and proiit as any man ought to expect. The proposition is *not addressed to gamblers nor sp2cuiators, but to men who want surety with litle risk, and want something tangibl » and immediate for their investment. 4 . Our Preference Shares carry - | a'gnaranteed dividend of six per cent. annually, from the Absolutely no parsonal There arc actual assets of $367 500 back of the proposition which is made you now byl gh = #1 OUR PERSONNE The setive: manageme Combany is in the NADAS Fh ihe BesE men of known 'sian Our President is A BE 3 Man, Difector of the V, ¥. HK hy And the Victor] a Our Treasurer js 3 Seymour, President of the N American Trusts and Los of Vancouver. J. B. Fer the mining man, 1& our Ma ng Director and Secretar, Other Directors jc Hendry, General Ma President B.C. Min und Trading Co, and Y. Railway, teria and Sydney sident Stave Lake Vancouver. A. St ley, President and Vancouver Ferry ¥ mes def. ney Ry Co. of Vi 1 a N. Lake, Director of Am- erican Life Insurance Co > ronto. hE. Milter, or of Inland Revenue 14 We have personally ins Cobalt district and are preps clients. TRADERS BA! tong Distance T to' have names | Skates, Hacks. and hockey sticks, of Fall kinds at Strachun's hardware, » Bousol one s aed 0 J nan we What Oil Weils Wil tara North-West. for sale at Ten Dollars a Share, with six psr cent. Anal, D. vi: ideads GUAR- ANTEED from the start by those $367,500 worth of asse With every ten sharss of this Peference Stock we offer a Bonus of ten shares of Ordinary stock, wh ¢h will participate equally in the pro- fits after the Guaranteed Dividends have been pd These Ordinary Shares a e held, to the amouit of §30 o° more shares each, by every dr ctor ard officer o this Company. They nus make moaey. far You befor: they car make anv {-r them eves. Ths sound, secured inves meat is oae of th: safaut busi 'ess propos.t ous in Canada for any inv sion. One of our properties a'ona--the Chip- ira Creek Mine is estimated by J. E. Woods, C.E. re have Twelve Mihoa Tons of high-grad= coe ng aad Jomrstic coal. hat Be u't 0 coal alon= will pay at least Two : J Per Cant. div dead; on the par value ot ou" wio'e capi alization. We can gat our caalto ma-k xt, and get it ther: cheaply, and the market is waiting and will pay good prices. You may have been offered coal mining. pro- positions which cannot develop for years be- dade they are far away from railways. Don't class this with them, for every one of oar 'prop- erties is easily tapped by trunk line railroads. «Besides our sure-paying coal lands, we own oil fields that in all probability will be producing 530 barrels of oil a day within a year. We own two wells that experts say will deliver 100 bar- rels of oil a day. A contract has b22n let for drilling five oil wells to be sunk on the Company's oil laads, which are in the heart of the grea' crude oil balt of the For every barrel of oil the, Com- pany produces the Governfient pays 52% cents * 'bounty, and the Company stili owns the oil. If Our lands in Alberta are the wells produce only 120 barrels a day a!l told the Company will earn $15,750 a year in boun- ties'in addition to the valu: of the ¢l. That valde at wholesale will be not les; than seven dollars a barrel, and th: whole cost of produc- "fon and refining deducted, th: net proits per SA bn Wl exceed six dollars a barrel. Rrra ie Bear in mind that w2 awa ar lads; we have prospected them; we Know th: coal and oil are there --lots of it, and wih a ma ket waiting forit We own the only known oi! lads in B:itish Columbia that are on a railway. We own two wells that experts tell us will produce a hundred barrels of oil a We.have let contracts for drilling five more wells that will almost certain- ly be productive We believe honestly that within five years we shall have fullv one hund- red producing wells on 'pur oil lands. Under our charter we have the vyrv valuable right to build pip2 lines anywheré, and tae railway runs so close to the lands we/ have already success- fully prospected for oifthat a gravity pipe-line will deliver the prodytt without any expansive pumping relays. IL.W. Warren, of the Winni- peg Oil Co, says in an official report that he never found anywhere a crude oil equal to our Alberia product, and he adds tha: © it seems im- possible to doubt that the Alberta wells will in the future- be able to supply the Canadian market." Think Jars a moment what our offer really means to you. For every hundred dollars you invest you Ten Shares of Preference Stock, on which you receive six per cent. on the par value. You also. recive, free of all. cost, ten ordinary shares, which share equally in the Company's profits after the preference shares are paid their dv' "ads, So th2* your divi- denis fromt # 2ry start will pay ycu six per cent. ear on your -invest- ment, with a strong probability that they will be much larger in a very sho:t time. Savings banks will pay you not more than four per cent. and you do not share in:their prodits at all Now if the Company earns a net profit of only $250,000 per annum. and at that time 19,000 shares of each class have been so'd, just 120,000 shares of stock would share in the dividends, which would figure over Twanty Per Cent. on the Par value of each share, That is to say, your hundred-dollar investment would carn you Forty Dollars every year. If you wished to sell at any, time, shares earning 20 per cent. would readily bring four times their par value, or $40 eachT Tnen the siock, which had cost you a huadrew dollars, would be worth Eight Hundred Dollars --a net profit to you of $709, besides your dividends. Our Hundred Per Cent. Bonus Offer will bs WITHDRAWN Columbia of 'Vancouver 0il and Coal Consoli (No Personal Liability) Tha remainder of Ten Thousand Shares of our Preference Sto-% is now offered Prospect 'of Great Profits Certainty ©! Good Interest A recent newspaper des- in the very district where . patch states that the Great the J. J. Hilt fqjarests December 3ist--or EARLIER. You risk loss by waiting Socieia Ry. is Buiiding ¢ i 3 fot risk N aa . directly through our mos Rave Tardy ees ing too long. You risk NOTHING by senaing to-day for the valuable property. That rst choice. Proofs of all we assert here. means QUICK develop- ment-- and sure. \ Send now -- to-day -- for ADDRESS prospectus which tells JOHN N. L 4 K RESIDENT - NAME RESTORED. ---- Dr Crichton's Name Again on ter. or THOMAS MILLS, Sole Agent City of Kingston and County Of Frontenac "Clarence Street quiry, there may not be proper groun | found for erasing his name. The Case was argued before Chancellor Boyd Toronto, Dre Ui. Judgment in the and Justices Magee and Mabee, al Crichton, Castleton, ine tn og the medical council, Prevost, at the New York clothing his name from the rolls for store, Brock street, has made a great "disgraceful and infamous conduct," | reduction in jie. in the order an Tn 8 Ba aus onduet, readv-made cl tment; ud vertised a la cure, was given | the She. gouty' fu roan verything will out by the divi court on Satur a great reduction in day. ob The Er is well assorted, S aa court allows the gs iy: out costs, and declares his na with new goods ih every t. The militia * department has tel should be restored to the ns hey I a provisional school of but without a to the question [tion at Hamilton ool of instruc- i as fo whether, an a subsevuent Canada Metal Co Western Oil and Coal! Consolidated tr : 114 KING STREET.WEST, TORONTO LARGE SHIPMENT RECEIVED GET OUR PRICES William St. GOOKSON'S ANTIMONY AND PIC LEAD | » Toronto Phone Main 1729 The Woma In The Home! She knows f She knows t If The Hedley SI FL She has tried the | produce, There an SILVER MOO! PERFECTI SELKIRK_AF Br be: These flours are n workmen, and by We offer you at mc flour that money ca These at Hon always quality. If you are dissatis once. Then your didn't try it before. The Hedley 8 OPERATING ' FOOT GOR ------------------ "The House Is well stocked Hockey Boots, 1 Slippers, Overs! Slippers, Street St C When on your sl you, GQ Jd. H. Sut

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