g prices. A great gift Li SR 9900090004 -- Ld oh HSL Year was 16,898 tons, Q6ilV averams of 2,516 tons. O° , the Chamber of tion of 3 hon rl on of | 000,008 for the reiiw, in the Jeountey. He proposed to obtain ihe to reimburse the treasury, through a Joan ot 34 per comt., the rakiw redeom- fate Hl ie ond ] a twelve year-old hor had died from excessive smoking. ing his dying delivinm be continually asked for cigarettes and matches, and made movements as though striking matches and li ting cigarettes. | Another boy, th , is under medical treatment same cause. Fine Furs. ; Ours ave the kind that add charm, style and comfort to your costume. Spe our Persian lamb ties at $14 and $15. Mink scarfs and ties $15 up. Alas- ka sable scarfs 86 up at Campbell Bros., the store of quality. Knights Of The Grip. The Knights of the Grip have olect: od the ints o officers Tor th Po year: H.C.C., Alexander Jack; , A. J. Abernethy; treasurer, W (| 8. R. Murch; secretary, R. Hendry; || representative on council of board ol trade, P. H, C. Angus Orr. | Stidents | Students ! Students ! 1 "The Red Star" is the place to pur chase 'fancy box cliocolates. Freshness, : Sunlity and variety there. Edwards & enkin, 374 Princess strost. Plenty Of Money. When asked by a representative of the Whig, this afternoon, D. G. Laid- i} law, t of the Citizens' League, stated that the league had ¢nough money to carry on the pli fe and | more besides, I ------------------ " Our third lot of automobile ska has jast arrived. You had better order now if yo want to have them for Christmas. Strachan's Hardware. Christmas manicure sets, anorocias tod by any lady; the finest assort S ment, at Best's. Children's mitts, black, red, and aa, Seg v , Me. . New Yor! Dress Rel i orm. Special delivery of Christmas from Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store Christine morning. tawa, at a social gathering of and civie officials, J. ACE: lis. who has retired from the mayor alty to b of Bp % fun oner, was presented wit three: decked cabinet of salid silver. It was a magnificent gift, TERRIBLY DISTRESSING N Anan can cause more pain and more Heol ied de ye at ou wat Noa Ron a & tablet Sabon internally. ties om | rade Owing | ited, had 'entered info An property 3 [in Bucks townshin. Fernholme, after fee | brought shit to have it decaredthat candy | teed, at Chown's. The open fi sary, South, thé condition of the jail very owing to the way in which buildings had been construct- el. It was also o i SE he a, oti wag de agreament to purchase front Andrew G. Fern: holgie, a Swede, ten acres: of wands gave an option © to Duncan G. McBean. New Vork. who vnrchased the oroperty. The Drummond mipes 'the proverty belonged to them ani thet MoBean. wos s'mnly holdine it ns trustee. Judee Teotsel diewmiesed the | casa The plaintific anbealed and the ! divisional covrt dismissed thé avpeal on the growwd the Swede was not ac- quainted with the law. TERRORIST HANGED. -- Raider Sokoloff Died Crying "Vive la Revolution." St. Petersburg, Dee. 18-<The ice in the Neva prevents the tofiveyance of volitical priseners to the fortress: of St. Peter and St. Paul, and a similar state of affairs Jhavante thém from being taken ' to Cronstadt by water. So the scene of putting them to death has been tramsferred (0 Ses toretsk, a dozen miles outside of St. Petersburg. on the Gulf of Finland. The terrorist raider, Sokoloff, alias Nedvyed, was hanged to a tree and then his body was placed in a sack and buried in quidklime. He Ziad crying "Vive la Revolution." Indians Please Kaiser. Berlin, Dee. 18.--~The Moki Indians, wha are here with a circds, have sung their sobgs before the kaiser and found favor in his ears: They Rave had their photograph taken for him at his express request, to be added to his collection. The Mokis are reward- ed for their performance with purses, bearing the imperial initials, and each containing a brand new twenty-mark gold piece. What Farmers Ask. Ottawa, Dee. 13.-The Farmers' As- sociation of Ontario expressed its views on tariff revision to Mr. Field- ing, today. President James Me Ewen, Vice-President E. (C. Drury and Secretary W. L. Smith made up the delegation, which was backed by liberal menbers. They expressed a favorable view of the tarifi, but ask- bed for lower duties. They also en dorsed the new intermediste schedule and esvecially hoped that it way be made applicable to Germany and the United States. They also urged the abolition of iron and steel bounties. Give a pair of gold rimmed glasses for Christmas; eyes can be tested after Christmas, and' a perfect fit guaran- open fire ! It has a cosy, cher- ry pak, if you get Blue Grass lumps at Swift's, : Bonbons, fancy, 20¢. Crawford's. A fe variety of choice plants for "hri at Joh 's, florist, Oysters that taste like oysters, at "The Red Star." 274 Princess street. Sce Bibby's 82 fur-lined gloves. A sad death occurred, Monday af tearmoon, when Mrs, Stephen Sheshan passed awav on the Cannifton: Road. after an illness of a little over a week, from * typhoid fever. The de fcoased, whose maiden name was Mary Bovle, was born 'in Iroland fifty-two years ago. - i 's toanes., white, navy, ear. inal, r 35¢. for Me. New York Beautiful hand mirrors at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. heard | ing fon he hind oF & swell pass! a sm; body of every is amazing. Loss Settled. The marine underwriteis settled with Mr. Plunkett, Cobourg, for the loss of steambarge Strathmore on Lake Superior, The amount paid was $15, ef » 1000. Capt, Sullivan reported to Mr. Plunkett thet there wad not enough left on the Strathmore to minke a match box, und to abandon all hope salvage. 'A Fine Display. The windows on Princess street are being put into Christmas shape, many bei decorated with all sorts of lovely Baby Irikh and Design, ete., at $1.25 175 and up. tor 4:35 some daintily hemstitched, others with the embroidered edge, at 12}, 15, 20, 25, 30 and on up toe 75¢, wach o¥ «and even higher: k 1.50, 1.65, erchiefs, Ladies' Pure Linen Handkerchiefs, hemstitched and very daintily hand: initialed, at 12} and 15¢. Others, merely hemstitched, up to 25c. each. dies" 8 » Bbroidered Handkerchiefs, all New Beaded Purses From one of 44 luget makers in Ger- many, we have just rece: rect, an . exceptionally fine lot of Beadad Purses. They are of different shapes and sizes--showing al- most innumerable desifny one is a beauty though--as you'll admit--and would make a most pleasing "Xmas gift. Each ina . dainty gift box. of course. Priced all thé way from $1.49 't0 3.25. Store Open Thursday and Friday Evenings. rT Yom find o fair hint of whit oi lirge stocks will offer to Men's Silk Handkerchiols, hemstitched, We will offer for sale to-morrow morning at 930 o'clogk, 120 dozen, La.) different designs, extra-good | 15¢ value at the regular prices, most of which woul run up to 30e. each--for | * only 15. each: (Fancy box, be. extra.) J gift-boxes in the city with these collars, too. ~mor- of one of the Hh ny. early. a's (Initigled | kerchiefs, - line; tan or ini ial, 25¢. each. In boxes of three or six, Men's Lawn Handkerchiofs, very fine wi homstitohed, Te. each, or three for 20c. (Box for these. 5. extra.) : : Men's Pure Linen Handkerchieis, 1} stitched, all extra-good from 10 to 0c. each * . viflué, at up to 90c. each. Special Silk Initial Th. -- i nitial » bid Fancy 'Xmas Collars HAVENT you one or two friends or rely. 8 tives to whom a gift of a rarticularly dainty collar, would be more than acceptable ? Surely you have ; but in any case, you should see our specially chosen 'Xmas stocks. They are m just in--showing the very latest ideas of New York. Prices up to S175 each, mers tell us we are giving away the finest goods, ~ Big Market To-Day. The market this morning had more the appearance of a Saturday market. as it was so . . There was an bund of food, but the prices re- mained al the same as on Satur day last. eys ranged from $1.35 to S160, but it is stated that the price will take a drop on Saturday. There was a good supply of butchers' meat and butter and eggs. Off For Vacation. The students ave leaving the city: to-day, in groups, for their homes. to srend the Christmas vacation, After the conversamione. last Friday, num bors left, and today, a large number of science men left for their homes. The special car to toke the studeatis going west will leave to-morrow, es tonight the. medicals hold their ox: nual dinner. Kingston wills miss tie student body during the next few woeke. Ald. Carsom Retiring. The city is going to Jose the ser vices of Ald. Carson, who has de clined to enter the municipal arena again. He has tived of civic life, and has refused to be a candidate again in St. Lawrence ward, where he can be elected as often as he desires to run. Ald. Carson is one of the most valu: able men in the council, on account of his large experience in street matters. He has given a large portion of his time to the city. He should be pressed to continue as an alderman. Has Not Yet Reported. Hon. William Harty has received word from the minister of marine that the department has not vet received a report from Engineer Sing; wha, sev- eral months ago, visited Kingston harbor to examine the large shoal which; it is desivable, should. be ro- moved: The minister has asked Mr. Sing to report at omce. It is under- stood that soundings will be taken in the harbor during the winter. The minister of marine promises that the matter shall receive every attention. @elebrated Birthday. Mrs. A. BE. Harding, Rideau street, entertained a number of friends, last avenine at a progressive euchre party from the hour of 8 pum. wntil 10 pom. on the ' ocoasien of Mr. Harding's birthday. The fortunate winners of prizes were Mrs. A. J. McAdoo: Mr. Cowles and Mr! Fleming plaved off for pentlempn's prize, Mr. Cowles be- ng the lucky man. ments were served and dancimy followed. All wished Mr. Harding many happy re. turns of 'the dav and also voted him a jolly good fellow. Trouble Jn Weigh House. A rumpus occurred in the weigh stale housé on the market at noon. A voung township butcher became angry because his meat had een pushed! off the scales, on which. a citizen was having turkeys weighed, He had thrown the meat on top of themy and demanded that he be given threatened to "clean out" the crowd, and took off his overcoat. Alderman Carson grap pled with him, and after listening to much foul 'language from the butcher, called in a constable and had the younz man arrested. ------------------ Finest chocolates, 2. Crawford's. Sd pre a) wvear's subserip- tion to pel nls and newspapers, at MeDermott Bros'. Not always at once! But as soon as is practicable. Your coal up! Swift's, Narcissus, Romtan hyacinth and poinsettais at Johnson's, floris Ou Buy her some roses: sure to please if got at Johnson's, florist. Now burnt wood pieces at Best's. t. We hove the finest showing of 'men's gloves in Kineston, - Bibby's v's n i Son bore and chocolates, 20c. and | Henry Cunnineham. tuner. from bh. Crawford's, ise to suggest possible gifts for the busy Christmas buyers, Never | a= . men before were the windows of the city -- shape Mressal with such care and RAN AWAY FROM HOME. : showing suc of day tt : 4 an amount of holiday Cit Complain to Police About His Boy. "Wy boy has left. home, and I want you to try anc locate him." The speaker, an elderly man, who recently moved into the city trom the country, made the above statement to ooe of the officers at the police sta- tion this morning. The man stated that he lived on 1 street, and that he had been sending the boy to school, but thet the land had become tired of his studies, and he was of the opinion that he had gone away because he did not care to attend school. He had learned that the boy was staying at a house on King street west, and working at a local factory. An effort will be made to locate the boy. The runaway boy is believed to be the lad who called at the police sta- tion about two weeks ago, and asked for protection for the night, stating that he did not care to stay at his home. Ome of the officers pointed out to him that it was wrong for him to } run away, and succeeded in persuad- in Mim to return to his home. The lad did return home, but the fever for running away again set in, and on taking his 'departure the last time he What Is a question that It may be used~by out the year, sire to "call" you. Special arrangement It vou would have with the New Year, switchmen on the Canadian division of the Michigan Central will receive a ~eneral increase + Ore +e Why Not Give a Telephone ? It will be a benefit to your relatives, "friends and acquaintances who de Call or write Contract: Department. The Bell Telephone Company ot Canada, Limited To Give For Christmas | is uppermost in the mids of Everyone just now. the whole family and will give them pleasure thre ugh ts bave been made for these Christmas Gift Telohones one installed as YOUR Christmas Gift BBE BLO BEBE BO BIE BOB Be LOTS OF FUN Tom Smith's Christmas Stockings From 10c¢. to $2.00 each aaa: and| § Crackers or Cosaquis' new designs, was adopted by a guardian. some time containing Hats, Caps and Toys, from Go gn 15c. to $2.00 per dozen. omen .C . Windsor, Ont., Dec. 18. Beginning A. J. REES, 166 Princess Street "rar ere' in wages of three cents an hour for day work and four cents for night work. The present scale runs from twenty to twenty-six cents an hour. The new scale was decided on at a conference between the officials and ropresntatives of the men, held in Detroit. The men asked slightly move than the increase granted, but are satisfied with the settlement reached. Ment. Fur Scarfs And Muffs. You not only get the finest quality, but save money by buying at Camp- bell Bros., the manulacturing furriers. -------------- For Holiday Patrons. K.& P. and £. P. R. will have through first-class coach on noon train, Thursday. to Perth, Smith's Falls. Carleton Place. tttawa, ete, for students and others come home for their holidays. If T were Santa Claus I would know did little shoes to exactly what' to give every boy and girl. I would ve them Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. It's' the greatest medicine .in' the world: a never-ceasing wonder... 35 cents. Mahood's Drug Store. Antoine Carrier, seventy-seven yedrs, father of L. . Carrier, MP», died at his residence! in Tevis, Que., Sizes 2} to 5, Lad Also some very nice from heart disease. Razors, razor strops, shaving brush- es, knives, carvers in sets, skates hoe key sticks, all redoced pres at Strachan's Hardware. Lowney's choice boxes of chocolates Sizes Yl to 2, Girls' sizes Si%es 8 to 104, Children's sizes . Sizes 5 to 7}, Infants' sizes Nenity trum wie 3 mot ios] 1 N@ Lockett Shoe Store PS--A splendid stock of €lub Ba 'gs aid Suit Cases just received: et ---- MINING & Ai | CHRISTMAS PARLOR Evening Slippers for "Xmas Gifts We Have a Fine Stock of the Latest Styles For Ladies, Girls and Children In Patent Kid Pumps, or Strap Slippers, from $1.50 to £3.50 Our Children's Patent Boston Tie Slippers make a fine present Splen- wear and very dressy. ies sizes, for big Girls ..... .... 2.5 $2.00 Pr CoPARARO, $1.15 LW Shoes in a cheaper grade. at "The Red Star," Edwards & Jen- Lo Kin. 274 Princess street. Furnished By J. E. Cunningham, CABINETS For one week only, view hooks of 40 Clarence St. Kingston for 25c., at 0'Gorman's | Toronto, Dec. 18th, 1 pm. : Ning street. . ; i Buffalo Asked Rid 1 new sack Dent's fur-lined gloves, $1.75 to $5, | post, $425 $4.00 ! redid at Ribby's Grom Mes uP « 2.33 2.50 handsomely SHEE John Buchanan, doing business aga McRinley oe . 3 ia and Susp SC merchant at Levis, the name Nipissing Cais MLB0 are beauties 14 Na J. Buchanan &' Son., has consented to | Sitver Hey © wes 519% 19% any. Pres assign on demand of C. EB. Brodie, | Silver Queen oa P+ w to $0 . Trethewey -50 » ad: ocate, a Diuniond' Vale 2.05 2.00 Fine eels _ Beautiful Chwistmos. packages of de- | white' Bear | we ool8 -25 Music SEE Fears chocolates, finest made at ---- 2 $3.50, $430 t's, Handsome ther hand bags $45 a ore narchasing vour phate, = Juurers, bill oath and wallets ot Partor REE "Nordheimer," on view at 'Kirk: t's. 5 ' NS. pono Drapes, 6 Patrick's art rooms. Princess street. Rozors, razor str shavisa bros) y Piano ; Ng ov Shifluniere, $8.50 to 85, oak Jes, knives, carvers -- skates, hoe- a > 1 magheny. R. J. Reid id a riduced prices at ARISON 00 Chie kering 's, at MeAuley's book store, ¢ See Bibiby's $1 a hn glove Shon 99 % F. HA ie sme YEAR " Christn The accepta a L: Beauti HUDSON B. REAL CHD ROYAL ER EASTERN COPPER IS PERSIAN 1 SOUTH SE, ALASKA S Genuine Furs facture, excej and quality, overlooked i We have a 1 choose from, absolute Sati JOHN FUR 189-153 BI KI} The Fine Sets in Kin at BEST'S and at make most from 10c. t HAIR BR Sets, from SILVERL stitute for makes a b Comb and cure. We have everybody play before no. trofible See the day Packs Chocolates. Sessesees OPERA nousy U THF Out-of-Town Violin, Viola, ¢ 153 Sydenha Quality Style Essentia oO! WEAF MILITARY 82 Brock St ------------ Knigt Grip THE ANNU A Knights of the American Hotel ING, 20th inst All Travellers