public. Tafte SALT. bitter. W TELFER l : I Wok and reviewing the case, (for i* now open to 'the travelling|=rred two weeks), found fault with WINDSOR TABLE Does not "bite~is not I is' pue- salt and al sa. Will not cake. a -- case, reported from Belleville, to six months' imprisonment. The =.= ONTARIO Managing Director. Daily Whig. Strange Mixing Of Ideas. There is something about the Gar that is simply incomprehensible. Gar- rison was arrested for a public dis turbdnce at Actonlite, and sentenced telegram says that Judge Deroche, in : the alleged offender was released after he had ithe arrest, and said the penalty was 'too severe. "But," --and here is the point that is most astounding--' 'to protect the jus- tice and constable from an action for damages, he would confirm the con- viction and sentenced Garrison to one more day in jail." The press has been timid about criticising the judges, not because the gentlemen who occupy the bench are 2 { and we will give you fon as to, the ihest them dyed. at Best's. at Chown's See where, The Forth "ad hy a. Text i Christmas NISBET, 'Corner Book Stor. n You Buy COAL From ware of it, store. Handsome ou get genuine eranton as He drink, St. next door to Opera Candy every dav. | Cross drug store in as ant New Year's. 2 . b.. or 3 lus., for Soe. only anone's an lates: Come and you'll | 000 to the androme A to moking ly axiomatic, for the Children's « smadl percentage of J | navy, 15c., al a ngs. spe- | his ballot, the elector is guided hy at entire od cially strong, 20c. and 25c. New York |precisely the sgme considerations that oul, 'Bi | Dress Reform. y would influence him if he 'vere voting asics shotletes from Boston and in the election of directors of a Lusi Chicago for at Best's, nh ume for Gibson's Red * Cross Christmas morning. J 's pure wool slippers, the | .. a to : warmest and best made. For sale on. displeased his rich relatives because of iy by the Lockett shoe store. A package of candy delicate and exqu Some nice genuine alligator . bags at the Lockett shoe store, . Look Wver every page in the newspa- | Chanler. Of course he had the "'sugar" : ERV. AS, Co fect; per and count the stores oh nlectio Y he Makes oR sendy they Huyler's and he no doubt contributed of it freely in McConkey's are sold at Gibsons Rad | the interest of the cause which he es- sealed packages | poused, College, Toveka, TTT TT | that 8150,000 additional be raised. holly boxes of note paper | discuss what thers was in it for him, 25¢. up at Best's, Some English kit bag $28 at the Lockett shoe store. A new lot of military brushes ol ved at Dost's, 31.50 to $5 a puir til-mayor, controllers and alder al- advices ceived wt ¥ ashing. men regardless of any cousideration rm the stories [except their fitness for office. This of suffering, and want in that section, causes the Free Press to remark : . | An urgent appeal is made for aid for stricken who number many million. Foss, of Boston, and Gunther, Chicago, makers purest of chocolates, These goods are yesterd ton, regarding the Kianasu,. Chine, wf the post-office. wreeki LESS THE ASH THE Rjbes of the buikting, © ry cases fox THE COAL Christmas at Best's. The grdas Ul Site lat von depend, Jold in of streagth--No, AOEroes - L Fosin, cakes, Ty sw THE WHIG'S JUMBLE Tells About a Lot of Things in . Short Metre. Have a cup of tea at Best's. Seo Bibby's $2 fur-lined gloves, Never judge' yourself by the Taulis of '| your neighbors, Stewing oysters, 40c. Carnovsky's. Shaving sets and shaving mirrors at Chown's drug store. Fanoy knitted gloves, 50c. Bi y's. Perk ren's presents, . Fountain pens for Christmgs gifts, stor drug e. Bibby's 50c. sili handkerchiofs. See Nordheimer piano at Mirk- Tom Datei s art store ' Sep the special $3 fountain pen for at Chown's, , bridge can safely support | ; cholarly man, and h lawyer, and a weight of 84,000 tons, IS seo af yan, a y We have the finest showing of men's \ gloves in Kingston. Bibby's. for Day Schodts and RLS: Ree, to $5, 86 to = at to cond idea ad wa survied ue | the practice of his profession. He did cial delivery of high class candy from | not need money and so took up the drug store on | cause of the poor. He became their See Bibby's 3135 neck seats. perfume cases with | w 3 a 1isite otors nt Beato Whether or not it was according to New Grenoble walnuts, shelled and [i design it was the fact neverthe- unshelled, at Carnovsky's. You can lead some men to the bar, but vou can't make them refuse Andrew Carnegie has donated 850, Borasy fund of an prople faithfully, and was willing to an., on . sold: at Best's. . qualifications for the office to which ; ! Yegemen at Honoye Falls. N.Y. on he secks to be elected. . Na Wednesday morning blew the safe in "Fhe average elector gives serious can | roche is" remarkable. The whole case s No, 2 | %eems to have been out of joint. The 3, | judge found that the officer who ar- {or wai rested Garrison, "them dyed. : tan oe coianr or Bf 2 Ci, SYM ore purchasing without the |and philanthropic Bame of the maker on it » like a bot- | stint. He le of medicine without a label, Be t t a Huyler's and McConkey's that he wanted i las nd Id i aled k high rg at Giend ot on one cannot do this and be the dude." to | Hearst was playing club | Yote and would have got it had he who tell you sell. Most of s from $10 up. inst | supported the best men for the comn- hn ot and dispnasiongtely weighed than used ng the strong consideration to the fitness of the mitts, black, red, and sizes. Stooki in bulk or boxes at o. fomnment. Every. time the bucineas of considered infallable, but because it is not desired to lower the dignity of the court, Yet this decision of Judge De- "made a mistake." He was the cause of the first breach of the peace. The prisoner suffered un- duly. Still, in ordér to save the blundering justice "and constable from a suit for damages the whole wrong doing had to be condoned, The reasoning seems to be absurd, Deben- | mon sense, and one is forced to the | least, guilty of "disgraceful conduct." gonclusion that there has been a con- fusion of facts, or a strange misunder- standing of them. He Is Not ofl Grafter. Attention is being concentrated on Lewis 8. Chanler, who was elected lieutenant-governor. last month of the state of New York, and will presently accept office as the ally of Mr. Hughes, w he was nominated as the run- ning mate of Mr. Hearst people said it was because he was hich, and Tammany Hall wanted to tap his barrel of money. That was not a cor rect statement of the case. There was another reason. . of the Astors. His mother was the granddaughter of the original Astor, the one who laid the foundation of the family's wealth and greatness. He it is reported that after a foreign tour, during which he studied in the colleges and law schools of England and married a London lady, he began constant and untiring advocate. He this, but he kept on doing charitable service without justifying it on the ground to get to the front and discovered, like Roosevelt, "'that Herein js the secrdt of the choice of this man for political preferment, less that his popularity with = the de- mocracy made. him a shining light. for the same been | as sane and reasonable as (as the vulgar politician puts it), and Chanler stood out prominently, how- ever, as the man who had served | the serve them still, without waiting to off Word To The Electors. In Winnipeg, recently, the people "The candidate of to-day finds that his qualifications are more carefully to be case with the candidate of lay ~-- more particularly his canlitfates, and he votes, in increas- ing numbers, for the one whom he be- lieves to be best fitted for the wark which he will have to do. In marking ness enterprise in which he had his in of the results of -of the functions of gov the the »eavle is addition remarkable verdict, "Not guilty, but * Chanler is rich. He is a descendant | don't do it again." many public men in England. Jt has WHIG, able manner and a member various lodges is not allowed to ag not 'al what he re- he ¢ and appeals sicht ol the fact that the marking of his bal- lot is a Matter requiring to be de- exded by him as a matter of busi- ness. ne This! is sound phi y, and the time 'to meditate wpon ' it, in King-- ston, is before an election and not af- ter it. The people's business calls for study, judgment, clear-headedness and courage. It cannot - be learned in go day. or a year. The principle which will be tried this year for the first time, of electing certain 'members for three years, certain |others for two years, and certain others for one year, surrests the exercise of the great- er care on the part of the electors so 'that the best man may have the longer term in which to serve the eity efficiently and well. He's Not Guilty, But--- The Crichton case has developed a remarkable experience. The court, to which he appealed his case, showed him great sympathy. All through the trial the judges indicated that they were not in harmony with the pro- ceedings of the medical council and its discipline« committee. Dr, Crichton ap- peared to have been a badly used man. He had a cure for la grippe, which he advertised, and the formulae of which he did not give away. He demeaned the profession, in the estimation of his fellows, but he did not commit "fraud," according to any evidence which was submitted, and he was not, in the eyes of the laymen at He will be restored to standing in the profession, but he will have to pay the costs of the appeal. Ini other words he has suffered the humiliation, wrong- fully, of having his name stricken from the rolls of the council, and, in de fence of his right to make o living in the business for which he was educated and experienced, he has had to fight at great expense. Thé council has been rebuked for its illegal proceeding, and Dr. Crichton has been punished for something which wis not orthodox, not according to medical etiquette. Never has there been so palpable an illustration of the ---- Editorral Notes. Gout, Irom which Mr. Chamberlain suflers, has caused the retirement of a special affinity for the ambitious politician. There is to be an inspection of Ing. ges trading on the great lak+s. This should guard against overloading and the use of boats which should go to the graveyard. ---- The Medical Council will survive the Crichton shook when it has not to ray for its mistakes. The decision that spares them the costs of the court; passes all comprehension. -- The government is looking for sym- pathy in its efforts to enforce the new education act, and the rural school trustees are up ih rebellion. The Whit. ney idea may be that the people must do as he commands, but will they ? Mr. Whitney hastens to hand out another statement. It is in effect that the salawies of cabinet ministers are not under disoussion, and that if any- thing in that line be proposed he will give due notice ef it. Well, by George, he had better do so. The mwnicipal government of Ham- ilton wants tracing up. Financially, the city is going to the bad. "The business of Hamilton," says the Spec-' tator, 'must be run on business prin- ciples." How can that be when the political machine runs everything ? ------ The Papal Encyclical. Dublin, Dee, 19.--Commenting on the papal encyclical, Cardinal Logue ad- vises' the Irish nation to be cautious and forbearing during their coming great 'struggle for freedom. He points out that the oyes of all-nations are on them and condemns the action of the so-called physical force party, de- claring them to he the true enemies of the country. When constitutional ac- tion fails, he says, it will then be time to think of what physical ac- tion can do. Hair brush and comb, mounted in pretty Hox, T5¢. at Best's, "Ii you purchase a Nordheimor Mano, satisfaction is assured. Agency at Kirkpatrick's art store, Princess street. You can shop early or late at Gib: son's Red Cross drug store, Special bargains in perfume there, Be reity | Japanese ash trays 25¢c. at t's, Sale of three-inch silk ribbon, colors white, pink, blue, brown i '| the same machinery. Case Of '"As You Were." Brantford Ex; ister of labor he i a bill in the house of commons providing for compulsory arbitration in. disputes ai- fecting railway corporations. He found that such a measure was too much in advance of the times, and he finally modified it 80 as to provide for com- pulsory investigation. Now his succes sor in the department of labor, Hon. R. Lemieux, is proposing to exténd i to strikes and lockouts affecting coal mines, Pending such an investigation, and until a ing has been made, the parties are to be restrained on pain of Penalty declaring a lockout or strike. We are inclined to think such a proposal not too drastic and that it might be safe ly applied to all labor disputes affect- ing public utilities. It is high time abor and capital were made to tand that as regard industries of this class the public has some claim to consideration. Partizan Commissioners. Toronto News. We do not like these investigations by partizan commissioners into the conduct of public oftcials. Is it 'neces sary that such inquiries in Ontario should always be conducted by con- Servative counsel ? It is best not to involve the judiciary in these proceed- ings, and yet it is ditheult, if not im- pessible, for = a liberal official to get Justice from a board appointed at the demand of conservative partizans and constituted of conservative partizans. Moreover, its action is bound to 'be challenged even when substantial jus- tice is done. Surely it cannot be dis- puted that what we need is an inde- pendent non-partizan civil service board, before which any official can get a fair hearing, and whose judg- ment will be accepted by the general community, Justice Is Expensive, Ottawa Journal. An heretical preacher can set up his own pulpit anywhere. An expelled un- ion wan can try to find non-union work at his own trade. or set up in business for himself if he can. But in Ontario the lawyer or doctor who of- fends his fellows can by warrant of the legislature be kicked out of the business by them. It does not sem to be a sufficient offset that he can go to the courts at his own expense to ask justice. Doctor's Not Angelic. Toronta Globe. Men distinguished in the medical profession are the best judges as to the propriety and honesty of the con- duet of ' brother practitioners. But whether they are the best qualified to sit in judgment, fo exercise authori- ty, or to pronounce a sentence of ex- pulsion, is an open question. They are human in spite of their free gift. of discoveries to the world, and when they attempt to sit in judgment on a brother the complicated influences of their various human interests may create the meed of a disinterested tri- bunal. Power is always a dangerous thine. and unless the power of the medical council is exercised with ex- treme care and discretion iy will, of necessity, be curtailed. Go It Seems. Hamilton Times. i hotel license in Toronto changed hands the other day at a price between $23.400 and $25,000. There's unearned incrément in that deal. A Christmas Tip. Chicago News. Mail addressed to Santa Claus will go to the dead letter office. Anxious correspondents would do well to send their letters in care of some wealthy uncle. It Certainly Will Not. Ottawa Citizen. The silver is in the mines and will remain there till taken owt by the managements. If some of the water in the stock is pressed out in the process the country will be none the poorer for the fact. Bound To Be Cranky. Toronto Mail. In France people who never went to church before will now go twice every Sunday, that is, if there are enough Places of worship kept open in viola- tion of the law to accommodate all to whom a prohibition is an impulse. Cigar jaws, with moistener and handsome gold top at Best's. THE ORANGE MEAT CO. are offering a prize of Ten Dollars in.Cash to the person who sends in the i it number of coupons during the month 'of December J at are taken from their 15¢ packages of Orange Meat. These coupons will have tobe mailed or delivered between the first and last days of December, 1906. Ten days will be allowed to give time for coupons mailed from any part of Canada to reach the office of the Orange Meat Co., Kingston. | On the oth of January 1907, the prize will be awarded. n tes {USE ONLY THE BEST tie STANDARD arilels READY FOR USE SPIRIT OF THE PRESS itor. 7 » Sir Witham Mulock Aas min- ® 000 00000000000 000000006000040000 0 trisaa TYVVVVVVVVVVITIITT07000000000000009009%0 LH OOLL v GO 00000000ll a | Christmas Gifts Useful Suggestions What to Buy IN ANY QUANTITY. For maling soap, softening water, removing old pa disinfect sinks, closets, drains and f many other purposes. A can equals 30 pounds SAL SODA. SOLD EVERYWHERE. ¥ - Christmas Specials JAD MISS SCAWALU'S LETTER Canada Lydia E. Pinkbam's por ound Has Effected Siler : { female ill 0 1 cures of fem ills Cp to light which brought about by Lydia E. 8 Jee Vegetable Compound, and SEE OUR Christmas Neckwear Beauties, 50c. VIVPIITIOTIOIP09I00000 2 OUR Handsome 'New' Shirts, excellent patterns, ! OUR Nobhy Furined Gloves, English make, , SEE OUR Swell Serge Suits, Blues and Blacks. Special £12.50 and $15. I OUR Aristocratic Overcoats. A Beauty for $12 or $15, iptptis SEE OUR Elegant Fur-lined Overcoats, Fine Be Top, Muskrat lining and Otter Collar. value. Special $47.50. ' SEE OUR Speeial $5 Boys' Suits. SEE OUR Special $2.50 Fancy Vests, SEE OUR Christmas Umbrellas, $1, $1.50, $1.75, $2. A Beauty for $2. eR » the advice of Mrs. Pinkham, 2 Mass, which is given to sick Lym, olutely free of charge. I. present Mrs. Pinkham has for Te rc vears made. a study of the "of her sex; €he has consulted with advised thousands of suffering sen, who to-day owe not only their : alth but even life to her helpful advice Annie E. Schwalm, of 326 Spa 4 Ave., Toronto, Ont., writes : Pi an a ; | Si. Bink dia E. Pinkham"s Vege. Je Compound & Sjecific for fenitle Noah with which I have been troubled fo I also had irregular and painfu k jods which affected my general health Potil last spring. 1 was only & wreck 3 . er self. In my affliction I was dy ay fore use your Compound, and am sc that I did so. 1 found that in a fey wort months there w Be Ho rate pf fernal pg Ln Hoy ¥ considere riectly well Roma. - i ia PY , and be sure yc ae my good bee het to vo for discover i a wonderful remedy for sufferin ------------ paver Splendid woman." : Lt : . timonials which we are con _- IE from grateful wome establish bevond a doubt the Wer 0 Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com sand to conquer female diseases. Women suffering from any form o female weakness are invited to romptl ommunicate with Mrs. Pinkham, a Lynn, Mass. She asks nothing in retar for her advice. It is abeolutely free, an to thousands of women has proved to b ® 00000006000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000600000000¢ ' The H. D. Bibby Co. THE OVERCOAT STORE--78-80-82 PRINCESS STREET Acceptable Gifts more precious than gold. CAME FROM LONDON. Edward McKenna to Serve Fiv Years. Deputy Sheriff Benjamin Watte worth and Constable Shaver, of Lo don, a.rived in the city early thi morning with Edward McKenna, be ter known as "Red," who was ser enced by Magistrate Love, of Lor don, 10 five years in the Kingsto penitentiary. for burglary. = McKenn eryed two years in the penitentiar here some ten years ago, on a charg of theit. Why not give gifts which you know would be most acceptable--such as--Warm House Slippors, House Boots, Overshoes, Hockey Skating Boots--These gifts are inexpensive by every member of the family. We have many different styles of Men's House Slippers, from 50c. to Men's Brown Alligator Slippers, 75¢, and $1. Men's Felt Slippers, 50c., 75¢., 81. Men's Brown.and Black Opera Slippers, $1.50, $1.75, $2.50, Mehenna has been living in the Ui ited States for some time, but h home was in London, and when he a rived in that city quite recently, | was amrested 'on suspicion. It was a terwards discovered that he had bur larized a residence, securin~ quite mmber of articles of jewelry and ot er valuables. McKenna commenced his erimin ereer with the gang known as '7! Forty Thieves," in the north-east ea of London, many years ago, and | following it up he has spent years | and and always appreciated Patent Golt Opera As: Illustrated, $2.50 hind the hars of different prisons Canada and the United States. He w; sent for five vears to St. Vincent | Paul penitentiary. from Montreal, a charge of burglary. Later he w, sent to 'Rinoston from London f burglary and since his release he w imprisoned in' Michigan. In passing sentence; the magistra mid that to show mercy to such erimingl would be out of reason. MN Kenna is well on to middle life, a on account of his apparent poor hes Joy Hay, Men's Pullman Slippers, $1.50, $2. Women's Felt Slippers, in Brown, Black, Green and Red, 75¢., $1, Children's Slippers, in colored felt, 25¢., lord* Hockey Boots--For. Men, $2; $250, $2.75 and $3, fade. For Boys, $1.50, $1.75, $2 and $2.25. > Women's Skating Boots, $2, $2.50. it is said that he may not survi five vears in prison. Chocolates And Fancy Cream Finest chocolates, 25c.; bon-hon 2 Turkish Delight, 20c. Cra 35¢., 50c., to The. Pras © Button neck sweaters af Bibhe's © + WE DIO VIO VP VIO CHO CIO OHO GIO OS ge LOTS OF FUN Crackers or Cosaquis'--new designs, containing Hats, Caps 'and Toys, from : to $2.00 per dozen. i A. J. REES, 166 Princess Street § Te re Sie ore Ladies' Fine Evening Slippers--8195; '$1.50, $2, $2.50 and $3. Warm Felt Slippers--30c., 75c., SK and $1.25. Gentlemen's Slippers--75c., $1, $1.95; $1.75 or $2. Overshoes--$1.75, $2, 82.95 and $3, Patent Colt Boot--$3.50, $4 and $5. Hockey Boots--$1.50, 82, 52,50 and $3, Boys' Hockey Boots--$1.25, $1.50, $1.75. Rubbers, Moccasins. Our third Jot of automobile ska! Men's Overshoes, $1.75, n 8 Just arrived You bad Beiter o. ; , or if you want to have them Women's Overshoes, $2, $2 5, Christan < Strachan's Hardware. Haml mirrors, all shaves, in chor J 7 . . and rosewo. t Chown's di Store Open Every Evening Until Christmas. pardican jackets, special. $1.7 him MeKav's fur house open to-night a every 'night till Christmas SHOE Abernethy's STORE A neckw monivak at ii ok Tom Smith's Christmas Stockings From 10c. to $2.00 each ee Absol A Cream of free from - pha Low Overshoes--=$1.50. I 4 er Shoe x