f Ribbon Remnants } " Many Lengths Many Prices of, could show you as easily as these rade our ribbon section h J § several hundred Yebomt, : oye ade, width and price-mark we had in to-morrow at a reduction which should the store inside of one hour. from the" regular (and remarkab me early for best choice. --_-- llow Shams and nd|] Covers e Too Late for "Xmas, t a Big Discount . . case where you may profit by the relessness of others, The manufac. | these for 'Xmas trade, but not up- t the invoice, nor until this morn. ve. But he offered a mighty good re delay, so We won't mind selling dered Pillow Shams rs; - really beautiful sgularly at different 9c to 1.00 each. Your . 30 o'clock Thursday nly esigns and several Exactl y ly low) ale Of Good Linen h Toweling capital make and finish. It wears and rily that you'll really be sorry you were long ago. 500 yards, of a good width, norrow morning at 9.30 o'clock. Sale which is easily one-third less than this A oct alarly. Stoves -- ber sold by us from January Ist to want to make it 450 before the ond uld like to help yourself by helping us s low and the terms easy. -- 3 Taken in Exchange vey & Birch Brock Street, Kingston boo BEEtbtetettettstttantiter » VARSITY BOOTS ply confirm last season's impression ODD" Varsity Boots would continue y are more popular than cver. Every been properly fitted will continue to ly in every respect; not only are they ppearance, but they fit with a degree of comfort for every moment they are SALE ONLY AT : kett Shoe Store FIFIPVIIIS PIRI III a ------------------ ES : take charge of the chef doporunest_b box | A. Barr and family are Pe decided | Christmas at William Spicer ® calities | boro. The Lindsay family Shave Nright, annual meet at Robert Lindsay s i enham. Miss Minnie and Edith Hunter a Sy, will take Christmas dinter at Nill ith hes. | Ritchie's, Perth Road. John Datif y "pri is home from Sydenham to SI "Fokes | holidays. Miss Delia Barr man- theni. | Barr's, has returned home. has re- PR iklater | Hemry Cunningham, . tuner. POPPI PPIOPOGPPPPOIICCOPPPC O09 O0GGGO0 Sea joer', News after sever al weeks' visit at her brothers. A: from Chickering's, at McAuley's book store. Ee YEAR 73. NO. 302. - S------------------ . mn SHLL000PLLL0000800000 KINGSTON, ONTARIO, THU RSDAY, DECEMBER 2Y. 1906. % SPECIAL REDUCTIONS § IN HIGH GRADE Furniture = aa v FOR 'XMAS PRESENTS Sol aio oo » Buffets, China Cabinets, ? Music Cabinets, Easels, » Leather Couches, and » Easy Chairs, Rockers in } Oak or Rattan, at low ; figures. i ------------ ROBT. J. REID 6 Doors Above Opera House ¥ 230 Princess Street. { 'Phone 577 Ambulance DEVEVII OUT IVIVIC EEE Foz Your Life Assur- ance Call at The-- Canada Life Assurance Co. Office, 18 Market St., and get an ANNUAL GUARANTEED DIVIDEND POLICY. For your Accident and Sickness Insurance, For your Fire Insurance, For all Cobalt Stocks and full information thereto, For North-West and Cuba Lands, ~CALL AT- 18 Market St. Telephone 703. FO CPPIVIISI IIIT IRIE IR SIE IIIEY POPP PPO PP OPP PU PPO apr se * J. 0. HUTTON, Manager REMINDERS __For NEW YEAR'S Radnor Water White Rock Water Gurd's Ginger Ale Gurd's Soda Water Gurd"s Syphons of Soda Imported Dry Ginger Ale Imported Sweet Ginger Ale Lime Juice Lime Juice Cordial Home-Made Raspberry Vinegar And don't forget our JAVA AND MOCHA COFFEE. James Redden & Co. SHARBOT LAKE BRIDGE POS SEALED TENDERS WILL BE RY ceived at the Office of the County er Court House, Kingston, up to 120 noon, of THURSDAY, January ! filling in om the north side "of Lake, where the floating bridge now | stands The filling is to be for a distance of 120 feet from the north bank and to 3 feet deen. and 14 fect wide on the top, and according to plans and specifi cations in the County Clerk's Office THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THI shareholders of this Company wil held at the Office of the Secretary, 194 Ontario street, Kingston, on WEDNES DAY. the 2nd January, 1907, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon . . R. VASHON ROGERS Secretary. December 27th, =1906 NOTICE ALL UNION MEN AND ELECTION Workers in faver of 'the election of Dr W. Richardson, are requested to at tend a general \ ni Hall, Broek St., THURSDAY, Dec. 27th 1906, at 8 num. Important business le transacted. By order of executives. THOS, FLEMING, Chairman The Fortnightly Club WILL RESUME THEIR SBRIES Of little gatherings in the Whig Hall, Nev Year's Night, (TUESDAY), - Jan. 1st 1907. A cordial welcome is extended to all hoMing invitations. Refreshments 2 Dancing, 8 to Bob Sleighs 2 Sets. cheap; also a first-class lot of Furniture, Carpets and Stoves, at TURK'S Second-Hand Store, 398 Princess street. Quality = Workmanship Style Comfort Essentials to be had in our shoes. 3 WEAR ALLENS MILITARY BOOTMAKERS 82 Brock Street Sign of Golden Boot ET ------ © Hard or soft corns cured with three annlications Peck"s Corn Salve. Guaranteed. Money back if not sutis- factory. In boxes 15¢c., at Wade's Diug "glove, DAILY MEMORANDA. LANDMARK RESTORED An Hotel That Was Frequented in he sun riscs Friday a The work of re the oldest landmark in the city, is nearly com- sue all its TSR BOND " . 'The Best Likely To Unite Grand Opera House, 8.13 Tenders for floor for Schoo ragui received till Frida Gardner will no longer make the place lively with his spirit of legal lore gud wit, the aspect of the place has under- gone little change. The plans for the remodelling of the tavern were prepar ed by the Nong of the the work carried out by Bpotist Sunday School, 7.30 This day in history ~ THAT OF COMMERCE AN ADDRESS TO BY CHAMBERLAIN.' Revolution, and architect, a cost of 850.000 now become the headquarters of Revolution, and it re sembles ac closely as possible Fram the Only Foundation Great Empire is WHIG TELEPHONES, 243--Business Office. 229--Editorial Rooms, obbing Department. ces old hostelry Country and Colonies--Defeat comber dth, 1783 Not Due to Question of Unity. DINNER SETS a - REAL SNAP, piece set, $4.90. Also a very pretty set, color, with gold handle and vived the busy sections of old knew many changes . 4 ) of fortune and before 'its restoration Hermann. Qetgen, a young the Ay was in a very delapidatoed condition. Portion of the ald building is now de- voled to a museum rolics, and the Sons of the Revolution have provided themsslves with 2 ons a swt : ob able and atteactive house. and. at the | street, outside the oflice, They had same time have preserved a building to, stand while the re miblic shall! endure cities, DON'T MISS IT It's like giving them away. Grandson Was at Target Practice When Robertson Bros. Deceased Was An Old Veteran. Mountaun Grove, Dec. 24.--~Much re gret attends the accidental death i village. He was a vicum of a bullet from the target shooting at the home of the old gen PITH OF THE NEWS. mi-stle of to the people of Uyn passed through the head seventy-three years, was first settlers in the township of Olden, | raised in India for comppaign and edu cative purposes in fuver of home rule. al A man giving the name of John hard- ships, for the wamts of roads and trom ravages of wolves and bears on At Sydney, N.S., heavy svered | caused considergble damage to the and became one of the most successiul {roadbed of the Intercolomial railway to Premier Whitney says the govern- mourn a loving husband and father, a | ment has not reoeived any ofter of three daughters, | $10,000,000 for the mineralized por- to whom the earnest sympathy of the | tion of the Gillits limit. ] The | The retiring harbor board of Mon the | treal hus passed ao resolution censur convinced that ol on his lands in 1856, McKay Furs From Trapper to Wearer 1 feel assured, ultimgtely cl unin between Grogt the only foundatio 1 : t aly foundation tarmers of the township, leaving 100 Raccoon Coats wiie, four sons and 50 Ladies' Fur-lined the vard, showed the high esteem in which ing Senptor Mackay on the pew or- the deceased was held. Our Own Manufacture and JOHN McKAY |" FUR HOUSE [ov 149-153 BROCK STREET ~ RAFRFXEEFEREEREE RE A BIG FUND. discovery of great supplies : SHE KEPT THEM causing excitement Couldn't See Why Earrings Were | ;, Not For Keeps | the hands of the Standard trols the rest of & AGEAHSSSIGISIEIO Kingston & Bath Road Co. PREDICTED DEATH ANOTHER BRIDE. Giron Who Eloped With Crown The marriage took Andre | duke | { ward she refused t aberration of the then Crown +» with him to Geneva unfortugate episode, well as expaul meeting in the Union the imperial house of Haps wt de and the \ Rot deny it and he which she belonged by birth, time eloped with Anna Monica of Saxony on has wed Fran Ethel Bodlig Chfha's Starving Millions meeting of . at which Lord Rosse was announced that won subscribed to the Chinese had famine Mr Roe Tt was stated be Pearin, of the China Missionary Kv, . the Waldorf-Astoria DENY THE STATEMENT wife is in a serious condition million of starva tion in the provinces of Kuen Len and Policeman Got His Man. That Important Deeuments Were DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED by local applications, reach the diseased port There is only one Way that is by constitu Deafdess is caused by an Giit Of Hospital Site. a prominent citizen who is of James a rumbling sound or ded to tw nly seven ge wring. and when it closed. Deafness is the A Il be destroyed forever : { the mucous Surisces £30 to J2 o'clock Chiistmas One Hundred Dollars 2 two messengers with a horse | Robert MeNen . ; ] ; delivering I you don't want to think abost] life-producing properties are not eon- conl, just determine once and oF all [Yained in any ot known remedy. It pave to sell | to-have Swift's Scranton coal, and ollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. Tea to the papal nuntio from Gibaon's Red Cross Drug Stere the high class candy. ta, 756. : i Take Haii's Family Pills for comstipas Jo oo po honors BURG STORE. Revenge" She Said. motive of a desperate crime commit ted by a girl in the oflice of Herr in the Mereurstirasse, on 'I hursday night. seighbors had seen the girl, who was of unusual beauty, waiting for several - days in. succession in the seen, two, that the merchant avoided her as much as possible. It was soon known that she was a former clerk of Herr Oetgen, who had at one time de epee clared himself in love with her, VIC I'M OF MIS-SHOT She was noticed on Thursday night, 3 § | walking irresolutely to and fro in the street, Suddenly she turned and enter- JAMES CAMBOY WAS KILLED ed the office with a firm step. She op- AT MOUNTAIN GROVE. ened the office door of Oetgen's room, and in an assumed voice called him, He was dictating a letter to a oirl ty- pst, Using a Rifle He rose and went to the door, and the | instantly received two bullets from a Very Sad Accident Happened revolver, and fell dead. The murderess, crving, "This is my revenge!" fired a third shot at the typist, and missed. Raising "the pistol to her own head, she pulled the triewer, and fell lifeless across the body of her victim, The Very Latest Culled From All aged Over The World, the A patriotic campaign fund is being ing the government for pot appoint ganaticn #* | sent to Central prison for two years, # | less one day, for throwing a stone at #* | a strect car. has been relensed. + Between 85,000 and $9,000 stolen by ¥ |W. . Anderson, former assistaill pay # | ing teller of the First National Bank # | of Kansas City, arrested last week, # | hye been found at Austen, Kas. # It is reported Governor Melnnes, of * # | coming provincial elections in British cona. ¥ | Columbia and act as leutenant to # | Mr. Macdonald, the liberal leader. + In. the British Columisig elections of Nanaimo, as firebrand chief, a ready promises a desperate mix-up, Gir- | ductor Charles Holmes, of the C.P.R., was instantly killed about four miles wst of here Holmes was in charge of the auxiliary engaged in putting a ear of another train on the track, and to- | In some way was run over by the en ee -- a -- gine of his own train. Death was al- Want English Wives mast instantaneous, as his body was ap ng a cut completely in two. Deceased had London, Dee. 27. Pater Ball, Cana no. relatives in this country. Conduc- | dian ~overnment commeretigl agent at tor Holmes was one of the brightest | Birmingham, hax had so many letters it and most competent railway men E. | conscious, James PP. Gleason, a police Capt. Newcombe Vindicated. Hopd with a dast of Operatic . eri | man, chased Johs Walsh several Ottawa, Dee, 27.--Capt. Newcombe, and o splendid New York production city to fanas drunk ar hting on the streets: | lupitios in donnection with the pur non-sectarian -------- ------ chase of supplies, has been reinstated, | at A pretty wedding took place at | An investigation was held, and his you'll always be albead. HER REVENGE Murder OF Merchant By Bord | Girl Clerk. A LOVE TRAGEDY ITS CULMINATION IN A HAM- Shoots Him Dead in His Office, "where Washington Fires at Another Girl, Then and Kills Herself-- 'This is My the Continentgl army, Ie Like so many other Hamburg, Dec. 27.--MKevenge was the West, passed a forged check for $500 on the 1. Maton company, Winnipeg. floods have Ihe governor of Cuba is investige- . § ting a Scare story that Japanese FARAHAS Sa RANNANANANNNAK omisEarios are instigating insurrection | gninst American rule in the Philip * pines, Hawaii and Cuba. * Thomas Garrett, who, during the # | Hamilton street railway strike, was the Yukon, will be a candidate in the] A Dreadful Accident at Strath. the independents are ded by "Fighting Joe" Martin, foriier premier, gnd the socialists, with on Hawthornwgite, & all going to win this election, which al A despatoh from Vienny says Arch. copold Salvator, who renounce cived most | ed his family rights four years ago, aga, land mgrried Wilbelming Adamovie by taking advantage of the temporary | the daughter of a post office em Xi plover, with whom he has since lived to | near Genem, is now seeking a di The ous | vore: The various | YOO McGaw, wile of William: Me the | Gaw, formerly. of Winnipeg, Man., and | be seen for many miles. All attempts the | sister of Rev. J. A. Magedonald, wlitor J : i of the Toronto Globe, died at Berke: it must burs "until the entire section ley, California, on December 19th. Hen of forest has been destroyed. that he is thinking ofl opening a | Chink jie' Opera Sues id matrimonial agency. Mr. Ball save | Lulu Glaser oroduction. E oh New York, Dec, 27. After a desper- | he has many orders, but cammot de Doll Varden ate fight in which he was pounded | liver the goods. y 3 hs over the head until he was all but un ------ "The greatest composition si ? blocks and brought him down with a | of the government steamer Kewhel, om: Matinee~25¢.. 88c., 80c., 78e. in the |Nullét just as the fugitive wax about | Gloved on the Pacific coast, who was res | to enter the Hotel St. Regis. Walsh | soapendod on account of alleged irvegu Lunsiowns, on December 19th, at the | conduct vindicated. home of Samuel Consaul, when his only daughter, Lillian, was married to It goes to the root of disease, in- HAVE WRECKER"S SYMPATHY Is Thankful He is Not in Syndi- cate to Save Vessel, Ottaway Dec. 27.--~Thomas M. Ar mitt, superintendent of the Egat Coast Salvage company, of Leith, Scot land, writes to a friend in Ottawa : "1 have to Shank, you for the inter esting newspnper clippings tthe floating of the Bavarian. The salvors have mw entire sympathy. I am very thankful "that I am not a member of their svndicate. When they get the vessel into a graving dook powill arrecigte my reasons for asking the underwriters to guarantee $105,000 Hoe fore we wonld contrget to float that vebsel," - DEATHS IN STORM. A The Blissard Very Disastrous in Britain. London, Dee, 27-The blizsard which commenced on Christmas night continues throughout Great Britain. The country districts, in most of the northern parts of the country, are are snowbound. A number of deaths have been reported of pedestrians who were overtaken by snowstorms in the Scottish hills. Steamer traffic across the channel and Irish Sea is greatly imped. ; HE TOOK HIS LIFE A DETECTIVE CONFESSES TO MURDER OF WOMAN. Black ih its enough tor everybo were in stock at this ee i Sufficient for a so silk Sensation, Hack SaaS it's in t air, Everyb ben ith ¥ He se owns are everywhere seen 5 of black | silk. When we learned that fashion was demanding black silks, we opened the doors wide, but only for the finest and best. We mention only a few, Black Taffeta Silk Imported from Italy. A rich lustrous silk; chiffon finish, 65¢c. quality at 50e. Man Assigned to Unravel Mys. tery Showed Superiors How Crime Was Committed--Then Killed Himself. Rome, Dec. 27.~The detective in stinot trivmphed over a man's love of life, and incidentally the Italian pol- ice force lost one of its most promis ing young detectives, A few months -ago the body of a young peasant girl, Domenica Vincetti, was found terribly mutilated near the cottage in Which she lived with her parents, in, the village of Viggiano. The case was given to Biovanni Can: tiri, a young detective who had al ready distinguished himself by un ravelling several intricate crimes, and be devoted himself to it. Yesterday he entered the police office at Viggiano p and informed his superiors that he had bright Anish; remarkable fof bits great qualities, | 80¢. quality, at 6c. y Black Louisienne Fine black, brilliant lustre, soft finish, & good lines, very special make, at 60c. k Black Peau-de-Soie The celebrated "C. J. Bon- nets' make, stamped on sdge, "warranted to wear." This q uality is sold ioe where at $1.25. OUR PRI $1. Together with many others t will interest you it you call, STEACY'S § CHEERS R EERE PoP 40000000000000004 { ROBERT J. REID THE LEADING > p erime, and exolaingd how the murder er had met the =r! behind a hut in the field and demanded that she mar ry him. The girl refused and ran away and the man pursued her and struc her on the head with a stick. Cantiri then described bow the man buried the blood-stained stick and how he had found it. He alsa produc ed a blood-stained coat, which he said the murderer had worn. He pointed out finger marks on the stick, and then pressing his fingers on some wax pointed out that the prints were iden tical with those on the instrument with which the girl was killed. He put on the cout, which fitted him per- | fectly, and then declared: "1 killed Domenica Vincetti hocause she refused to marry me." Then, before his astonished superiors could ipterfore, he drew his revolver and shot himself, LACERATED AND TORN, SAA UNDERTAKER ) 'Phone 577, 227 Princess St. Strathcona, Ont, Dec. 26.--James Kehoe, Jr, had hic hand lacerated and torn frightfully by a dynamite cartridge. The middle finger of the left hand was taken off, the third finger and thumb were broken, The doctor dressed the hand a TQ-NIGHT Melodramatic Scenic Sensation The Way of the Transgressor "SEE THE y Wonderful Acting Dogs 5 Special Vaudeville Features. special 16-26.36.80 gitine Seats now on Sale. FRIDAY, DEO. 28th ---------- Mountain Afire Six Days. Rome, = Dee, 27.-A vast extent of forest on the momntgine above Lake Magwiors has been déstrayed by a great fire, which has already been burning for six days, *~ The spectacle at night is magnifi cent, the entire site of the lake being lighted. The blaging mountain can to extinguish the fire have failed, and degth war cyused by paralysis, which ---- - Ernest Shipman submits the Famous resulted from. the great earthquake Gold At Minnehaha. English Players tutor | hock » Bafinlo, N.Y., Dee. 27.0. J. Morn: | Latra Burtand Henry esti ingstar states that he has retived, a | Late of Sir Hens vines Londen & y C.P.R. Conductor Killed. report from Wabigoon, Ontario, that pany in a 0, Produet riving %irl who is mow | Smith's Fulls, Ont., Dec. 97.--Con- | % find of a rich gold ore body at the | "Dorothy Vernon Minnchaha mine has been made. This mine is on Minnehaha lake, near the Blum mine, and it is squid to be equal in richness to the Laurentian wine, which is estimgted to ran over £300,000 per ton, oY Haddon Hall " A Romantic Play in Four Acts: Suverh Costumes. Magnificent Seaery By special arrangements for ingston the prices will be 28¢,, 88ec., 50¢., T8c. £1 . : Sr Seats now Sule, i Frogh Sat Dec. 20ih-- DOLLY VARDEN. itbin---- Eh SATURDAY, DEC. from Canada, the writers: of which Matinee at 2.80. Evening wish Ro get married to Ehelish girls, nw panei OLROTY 25¢. to an) t. Evening ae. 5... 5¢. and Ala Seats now on vigorates, strengthens, exhilerates. Ita or Tablets, 35¢, Mahood's drug store. i