17 to Pronounce He, Larter sing Down his Tongue BEGGAR WORTH $47,500. Sum Found in His Pockets After , who died in hospital have in his re banka on and se curitics worth $47.5 : : well-known. figure even among beggars for the extremely ragged condition of his clothes, It has now been discovered that was a doctor of three faculties, » highest academic ». obtained at his univers- Colds Cannot Exhist. Wade's Cold Cure Table ts {Laxdtive) cure colds of every hours if used promptly. of such a remedy are the beginning of a host , cleansing properties also Sold only at Wade's Drug Store. Money back if not satisfactory. Most of u¥ discover we need bread e waogon has passed. A woman jurlges the value of a let- ter by the post; age it has to pay. who won't fight ays nareing at little girls. GIRLS OF TO-DAY ARE WEAKLINGS! oti Few Possess the Vitality and Girl- ish Beauty of the Olden Times. and vigor go highly esteemed and sought for as to-day. Nor man finds happiness in a woman who wishes T grow ing up strong drink § in greedily all the ple asures s that compelled to use the street car instead the delightful exercise of walking - does she after the ball arise and vigorous, or is she ex- hausted, indifierent, and perhaps irri- Whe, strength and vicor can be so easily maintained by Fereozone, chess and eliticity it is plainly a mother's ! duty to see that Ferrozone is on hand | to assist hey daughter back to health. Upon the 'wake of Ferrozone aquidkly follows a stream of blood which imparts that power and surplus energy so earnestly desired by those in ill-health. Stop and think what this means for your daughter--eertainly a great de al, and it can be accomplished by Ferro- rich, nourishing Envery growing girl { man derives enormous benefit' in many iwomen and is a gunrantes 7 health , and regularity as long as it is used. Ferrozone is free from alcohol and perfectly safe to use. form of a chocolate sold in 50c. boxes or six for $2.50, at Prepared in the coated tablet and EAR 74. ._No. 3. The Seal Of Popular Approval SALSA 2} J A So far as the ladies go, in winter time, is a Seal- skin Sacque. We guarantee perfection of style, fit and quality. The ladies are respect- fully "invited to visit our Show Rooms and note the magnificent. skins we have to offer this season. JOHN McKAY FUR HOUSE 159:463 BROCK STREET KINGSTON Hockey Match JUNIOR 0. H. A, J MONDAY, JAN. 7th. Game!" called at 8 p.m. Reserved Seats 25c¢. Admission, extra. Merchants of Kingston Our agent will call on vou short- ly," with our samples of CALENDAR FOR 1908 25¢. See them, before placing your order. they are prettier than ever before, and the prices are very HENRY SKINNER & CO, Wholesale Druggist. Cooking Figs We imported this year a very large quantity of choice Cooking Figs at the re. And are selling them markably low price of Sc. the Pound James Redden & Co. GARD OF THANKS I BEG LEAVE TO THANK MY many patrons for past favors. I am pleased to announce that with increased facilities, I shal te able to serve you better in the future. having removed to lareer premises, No. 111 Brock St. where I shall carry a full line of Wall Papers and Decorations. We Please Our Customers: That's Why We Are Growing. W. J. Savage, House Thcoratag.--}- SoS0000000000000000808 | Ton. 11 The ran, HO rte A search fac the hombthrower was a 3 hb aH yok iately *. At the moment it $ THE ARCALVADA M. & M. CO. 3 round California butte will fe repro- | wat cy nts'v Fades At the moment it @ Have Mines attached and sur. ® duced by a series of moving pictures. | {4 in taking out the body of Cashier @ rounding ay alley Gold M. Jefirics, the referce, is kept anite as | Near and looking for other dead, $ uh four Stina ook view bus as the battling pugilists. Also portions of a Body were found that 3 to ten cents just as soon as first showing the men in their training plainly indicatdd that the man had & 250,000 shares sold. Muy now garters at Venice, California's most: | jen blown to pieces, ° from al' beautiful resort; then at the ing. W. Z. Meclear, the deal cashior, was WIFT Finaneiat side, the preliminary introd of ¢ JOS. F.S Agent Toe] Liv, preliminary iniroduction of | ghout forty-five years old. He had 4 . local and natia 1S, every | heen with the institution about ten incident preceding aid daring the years, 'acting 'as assistant cashier, Six : heaviest hitting contest : in the his: months ago he was made cashier. He KIKG STOR BOARD OF TRADE from ot the juin ting. ivi) fn | was regarded: as one of the ables ; 2 0 an a ot i in the state. Jr movin, wey vps Nod thi in sip eT wil pe held in the Board, Rooins, at & |Startling distinction. Fatirs 6.25 terribly injured. Both his eves were o'cloek on TUESDAY, "January 8th, |fect of perfect films. A eonplée tren. blown: out; Rix scalp torn aif and his S907 v ing's performynte . shaw with Miles n J.B CUNNINGHAM, Secretary. Bob Sleighs lot of Furniture, 2 Sets cheap, also a Sxst-elass Carpets and Second-Hand mmm DAILY MEMORANDA. Division Court, 9 a.m.. Hockey, Picton vs. Marine Lecture, p.m. Week of Prayer Meeting, Bethel church, 8 p.m. O'Brien-Rurps Tuesday. Frontenacs, 8 p.m, Government Course, 8 Fight Pictures, Grand Opera House, 8.15 p.m. This day in history :--Rev. De Witt image, born, 18382; Cabul massacre, Calais taken hy French, 1558. 243--Business Offices / 33 --aitorial Rooms, obbing DINNER SETS This is the time you can get a REAL SNAP, 97 piece set, $4.90. Also a very pretty set, any color," with gold handle and knobs, $5.90. DON'T MISS IT It's like giving them away. Robertson Bros. CAR SHORTAGE. The Canners of Prince Edward Were Delayed. Picton, Jan. 5.--Prince Edward can- ning factory men add their complaints over car shortage. Much difficulty was experienced all fall in getting cars for the shipment of goods, and as a con- sequence, annoying delays resulted. F. Beringer, secretary-treasurer of the Bloomfield Packing company, told the Whig that the most of the shipments had now been consigned to the buy- ers, though a few lots were awaiting cars to go to their destination. "Dur- ing the early fall," he said, "it was almost impossible te get a car for shipment any other direction than the North-West." z 2 After a long illness, W. Herbert Kingsley, sone sk H. hin os "the i well-knar 3 "on Cor tre Street. The RO man was aged twenty-four vears. He leaves a voung widow and child, be- sides his father and mother, two sis- ters at home, and a brother, George, in Winnipeg. Mrs. R. H. Hubbs has gone to Cali fornia to spend the winter with her sister. > One of the county's -octogenarians, Mrs. Hilda Haight, passed away, on Wednesday, at the home of her daush- ter, Mrs. Foster, near Wellington. The deceased woman years of age. was eighty-three MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS. Madoc Village. Reeve--Dr, Harper. Councillors--W. Hill, T. T. Tucker, T. L. Nickle. Thompson, Township Of Admaston." Reeve--Jeremiah Lynch. Councillors--Daniel Campbell, Kelly, Edward Windle, Martin James Elliott, w.Jownship Of Hillier. Recve--A. E. Calnan. Councillors--Percy Wilson, L. Faul, W. L. Wood, Robert G. N. Me: Young. Township Of Athol. Councillors-- Hubert Bushell, Bentley, Stanley McKibbon and Mastin. John John i. Township Of S. Marysburgh. Councillors--Ed. Rose, William Hag- garty, Robert Brown, E. Wellbanks, Township Of Hallowell. Deputy reeve--W, B. Leavens. ; * DREADFUL FIRE. Banghok, Siam, Jan. 7.-- 'The Chinese trading quart- ers of Bangkok have been burned. Loss $3,000,000. 5 w=... 0'Brien-Burns To-Night. Tonight at The Grand, the O'Brien all records at deny, New York ' Invited Back Again. arch, Toronto, has beew invited M "| day. Bros' profecting nigpwrgtus. that broke Madison Square Gar- : owe "C0: Johnston, of Wesley to pastorate of Queen Street Motho- dist church, in a Toromto, for June nest, of Queen THREW BOMB nA National Ba Bank In Phil- adelphia. WITHSAD EFFECT EXPLOSION CAUSED GREAT EXCITEMENT. . Outrage in Largest Financial In- stitution in the Quaker City Brings Instant Death to Two and Severe Injuries to Six, Some of Whom May Die. Philadelphia, Jan. 7.--lUemanding a loan 'of $5,000 and failing to get 1t, a man who has not yet been identified dropped a bomb in the Fourth Street National bank on Saturday, blowing himself to pieces, instantly killing Cashier W. Z, McLéar, and injuring six other persons, one or two of whom may die, The only clue to the identity of the bomb-thrower was a bunch of keys found in a portion of the clothing, to which was attached a plate inscribed "R. Steele, Garner, Iowa? The Fourth Street National bank is the largest financial institution in the city and occupies the greater portion of the first floor of the Bullitt Build- ing, Fourth street, between Chestnut and Walnut streets, in the at of the financial district. The explosion was terrific, and it caused tremendous ex- citement, The explosion occurred shortly before twelve o'clock, when the bank is usu ally filled with persons in a hurry transact business before the closes. No one saw the unknown man enter the bank except E. F. Hanbac her, the vice-president, who was on his way to luncheon. He noticed the man was poorly dressed, appeared to be n Rus san, and carvied a small parcel. Details as to what actually ed differ, as no one can be to bank happen- found who saw the man drop the bomb. The door to the office of the vashir is only. a few feet from that of Presi- on, and the man must lv ine etm The two rooms. Mclear was sitting at his desk at the time and his body was badly mangled. The bomb-thrower's body was torn to pieces, At the time the explosion all the vaults were open, books w piled on desks and papers of all sorts of value were lying on the desks, pre- paratory to being put away for the The explosion devastated the oeturre +f + + BROTHERS DROWN. 2 +- + bo Halifax, N.S., Jan. 7-- + 4 Two brothers, Isane and » 4 Thomas Burgoyne, aged + # twenty and twenty-four + ¥ respectively, of West Cove + 4 St. Margare"s Bay, were 4 ¥ drowned te Coleman's % + Cove, a t short distance + # from their home. They «4 ¥ set out early in the morn- 3 ing to attend to their + 4 lobster traps. Seven men + #+ have been drowned here 4 4 within three months by the % @ capsizing of their boats. + + * interior of the banking room. Glass and wooden partitions. were wrecked. Desks were ruined and iron bars twisted. Hardly an object was left ins tact in the room. Of all the persons in the room at least six, all of them clerks, were hurt, two of them probab- ly fatally. Three of the sent to an hospital, The explosion threw everyone banking room to the floor, moment they were dazed. Many of them, not knowing what . happened and fearing that the building was fall- ing, made a rush fog, the door, Mr. Rushton among them. The roar of the explosion brought "the tenants on all floors to their feet, and a general rush was made to the elevators and stair- ways. As the excited people eame out there was a rush from the. strost of would-be rescuers. In the meantime an alarm of fire was sent in and fire- men were quickly orf the ground. The firemen and policemen ordered every: body out, and a strong guard was thtown about the building. in the and for a where the physicians learned him that he saw the arm « to throw something. jumped "at him, but he The injured ave: private messen@or to the the bank, will die; Eoagene clork; Harry Beek, Dank cmploys thur McNichols, clerk; clerk; C. R. president the deliveries well-kfiown shivping firm, portant cqdonial Pav injured were 4 face so mpngled that he was ufrecog- nizdble. He was taken to an hospital, from man raise his Crump was too late. William Crump, | of Melthene, ~ KINGSTON, ONTARIO, MON NDAY, JANUARY hoy, and. Albert Smith, by flvihg glass while the street. A LITERARY GRITIC. His Lectures Are , Much Attention. H. York, W. 'MABIE. New dan. 7. ~ Hamilton Li and is wellknown as a literary critie. ww ¥ STARVING TO DEATH. :¥ or] ¥* W London, Jan. 7.--Late ¥ ¥ fiews from Russia states ¥ ¥ that from 20,000,000 to ¥ ¥ 30,000,000 persons are -§¥ ¥ slowly starving to death. ¥ # There is a fearful epidemic ¥ #¥ of typhus. = » * if i SWINDLERS' VICTIMS. More Than $50,000 Secured By Two Men By Cleverly Con- cocted Scheme, 'London, Jan. 1. BT 4 ed ser- ies of frawds has been perpetrated in city, bv which move than $50,000 has been obtained by two men. The frauds were in comnection with of antimeny ove-- an ex tremely scarce and precious metal, the supoly of which is controlled by a handful of people. in the year two men of good av ance, afoarently foreigners, made their * appearance in London. Thev took two suites of offices--one in the Wool Exchanee and the other n 5 large block of offices off Bishops gate. On the door of vainted the one office they had name as that of a and on the of a Spanish fame other office the. title shivping and insurgnee concern On the strength of their knowledee of the antimonv business they ob- tained an introduction to several im firms, including a firm of merchants. So plausible was their. mgmner and excellent were the references relating to themselves which they exchanoed between thei: two offices that confidence was soon sO established They stated that a vessel laden with antimony ore was lying in a Spanish nort, and they were prepared to part with 400 tons of this cargo at "bar gain orices."' It is the custom in this business to cash on production of bills of Indine. ond these they oroduced. verv detail on the bills of lading nl shin's papers was complete, and there were no fewer than fourteen signatures ito'attest their authentic- itv. By last week-end comvlete, and one the fraud and cash on giving wo the bills of ladine. while other smaller coups were brourht off. everythine of the was Na riner: rs in instantly taken by one man to a firm of bankers, who were instructed to cable a eredit for that amount toa Paris benk. where # was drawn oot bv .the other man, had left for France the day hefore. The ship they spoke of at Lloyd's, ond- is believed to only swindlers. 3 : bo TO SUPPORT CLERGY. Paris, Jap. 7.--The pope, no longer accepts Peter's Pence from France. All donations from French Catholics hereafter will be devoted to the support of the clergy of the country. 3 SRR Be de od Sa poods sale. 3 Nine buildings ' were wrecked much mining machinery destroved Lowell, Arizona, by the accidental plosion of dynamite in a wine bonse. No fives were lost, to Bell's Island. Did you name the winners ? who was hurt walking along Attracting Mabie's lectures on the ife Of An Artist" are attracting much attention. He is an associate editor of Outlook a 1 EVERYTHING WASO.K. LONDON MERCHANTS WERE | the comolexion appreciably. was paid £36,000 in notes On beine vad this sum. R18,000 was quickly who is unknown pxist in the fertile imagination of the ARERR ARR = "Hew can vou do it." sell a bulb syringe for 2c. 7 said a customer in brihson's Red Cross Drug Store, the other day. When vou buy from the manufacturer vou save the middle man's profit. The customer gots the benefit during the January rubber 1907. Politics. CATHOLIC INFLUENCE. Movement in Germany to Organ- ize Protestant Church--Ac- tivity Not to Be Lasting, But is to Affect the Approaching Reichstag Elections. Berlin, Jan. 7.--A feature of the pre sent political 'situgtion is the move- ment to organize the Protestant church into a political party, so as to comterbalance the centre or clerical party, As the Protestants form two-thirds of the population, the German Evangelical League, which is now placarding the country, argues that the Catholics bv a union at the polls could be excluded from any in- wnte in the reichstag. While oppos- ed to permanent political activity, the Protestant League advocates political union in order to eliminate Catholic influence from German affairs. Oddly enough members of the em- peror's entourage are talking of 4 plan to partially separate the Prus- sign government from the Lutheran state church, as part of the move ment. The "emperor, as bishop of the Prus- sign church, now rules through the minster of public worship, and the provincial consistovies. The .ideg is that the church be allowed to man- age itself, receiving, in the same man- ner as the Catholic church, a pro- portionate share of the taxes assessed for the support of religion. It is believed that the forthcomine rarliamentary elections will not affect of the new reichetag MAKING "GEMS." [ One of the Greatest Frauds of the TDs BC, Philadelphia, : Jan 1 Flower, alias C. G. "Dalney, a fugitive from New York since 1903, where he is wanted to answer charges of grand larceny and swindling credulous inves- tors out of about $1,000000 on al leged bogus mining operations, was arrested here, by Detective Sergeant McConville, New York, and several lo- cal officers Flower, who the detectives say is the greatest mine swindler of the times, was captured in a room in one of the big office buildings in the. con- tre of the, city, where it developed he has been located for some time. Un der the nameiof Prof. Oxford, the de- tectives declare, he was seeking to se cure money from investors by repre- senting that he had a 'Wonderful chem- ical process whereby he couldumake diamonds and other precious stones and a patent brick. ------ FHAACIISISIISINSIIIIISII » himself or ministers of the aity. G. F. Johnston, Montreal, sop for Canada for the New Yor Insurance company, has resigned take the real estate west, Will Scott, character, was eriminal assault at Midway, Citizens hanged him to riddled his body with bullets, a negro BRIN RG Into The Arena wena OF German AN ATTEMPT MADE TO ELIMINATE THE PRESENT eirht opens for business every day with prayer by upervi- Life to business in the of . notorious lynched for attempted Ala. a tres and At Trenjomn, N.J., seten years' im- prisopment and a fine of 2d 000, and costs was the sentence d on oro THE THE LILY. s. Lafigtry is Tis Wow Lady de a LILY L ANGTRY. London, Jan. 7.-General Sir Henry Percival de Bathe, K.C.H., is dead. His son and heir, Hugo de Bathe, is the husband of rs, Y, who now becomes Lady de Bathe. RAISULI GOT AWAY, His Stronghold Was Burned--Fled to Mountains. Tangier, Jan. 7.--Zaniat, Raisuli's stronghold, was practically destroyed by fire and fell into the hands of the troops of the sultan, véstorday, alter a short and a'most "bloodless fight. Raisuli and his 700 followers succeod- ed in eluding capture and reached the mountains, despite the elaborate plans of War Minister Gabbas to prevent their escape. 10 CUT OFF SEVEN REDUCTION IN TH IN THE BRITISH SQUADRONS. / The Purpose of the Admiralty Touching the Reduction in the Navy--The Various Fleets and pa na ot a tion of Britesh navy after th ary mgnocuvevs. The channel fleot will be reduced from seventeen battle ships to fourteen with three small cruisers, 'The Atlantic fleet will be re duced from cighteen battleships to six, with three smgll cruisers. The Mediterrpnogn fleet will be reduced to battleships with four small cruisers, The first and second grmoted cruiser syuatdrons will be reduced from six to four vessels. Thus the mgin srpuadrons of the British fleet in gotive commission will be reduced = from thirty-three to twenty-six battleships and from sixteen armored cruisers to twelve. MUST SETTLE UP, is the Demand of President. New York, N.Y., Jam This the 7.<A Chicago MR | despatch says President: Roosevelt de- ¥ * A GREAT GIFT. HK | spatehed E. E. Clarke, former grand # # | master of the conductors, and Inter- 4 Washington, Jan. 7~--It ¥ | state Commerce Commissioner Abst, ¥ is announced that Andrew ¥ | with 5 message to the warting fire ¥ Carnegie has given $750, 3 |men und ongineprs that they must ¥ 000 for the construction of 3 |settle their differences and that the ¥ a building to be used by 3 |government would not stand anything % the Bureau of American Re- ¥ |caleulated to throttle property. Chief 3¥ publics. Provision for the 3k |Stons, of tho engineers, and Chief # site already has been made 3 | Morrissey, of the firemen, said they #8 by the United States and | were doing all they could for peace # the South American re- 3 |and with the assistance of the pre- % publics. # | sident they hoped serious trouble »* * would "be averted. FARRER EN MADE EXCHANGE PITH OF NEWS. And Tahiti Becomes a British The Very Latest Culled From AN Possession. Over The World. Methourne, Jan, 7--The Age, on the At Kalama#oo, Mich., John A. Ross, | authorities of 'wmissionncies, states Managing editor of the Gazette, that Francs has ceded Tahiti to Great Britain in consideration of ter- ritorial concessions in Burmah. Mr. Deakin, prime minister of the Com- monwealth of © Australia, has, he says, no gotification on the subject. Bulgaria is Ready. * Sofia, Jan. 7--Bulgaria is secretly preparing for the mobilisation of her army, chiefly with the object of fore- wider Bulgaria's intention clini" off an independent a casus belli. dou David Brandt, United States to settle the estate their brother, a railroad The estate $1,000,000. wreck in is roughly estimated spine, arm. the ing at Friend Thomas Friend, head Lackawanna Steel plant, the Moses was and ox whan James Norris has taken his icd boat one of the the floor, still alive, but horribly burned, convicted of attempting to burn his store on July 2nd, 1905. Lord Charles Beresford: and Lord Marcus Beresford will come to the of' Lord Delaval, killed in North Dakota. at ENCIRCLED BY MOLTEN IRON. Awful Injuries Received By Buffalo Workman. Buffalo, N.Y., Jan. 7.--With the flesh burnxl off his back, expositig the and scarcely a shred left on hig roller at lies dy- Taylor hospital. standing in position at mills where the molten metal was being transformed into rails shen 'a Targe piece of it shot out of the machine and wound around him ike coils of a huge serpent. When a creme lifted the masse of metal from Friend slid from the centre MARINE ~ LECTURES oe BY Capt. Thos. Donnelly 1oke Old. Collegiate ung. All interested are 'urged to attend. Grand Opera House & ---- THURSDAY, Jan. 16th A Riot of Legitimate Laughter. PRETTY . GIRLS ERETLY .GOWNS; PRETTY SOA AROUND THE "CLOCK Miisical Comedy io Thie Acts By 'S. B. Funny, Tanelol Pan Prices, 280 its on. Sale ge 11th, a aS tomime. quality, at 25¢, : 11- Over Rvs X Dainty, 7 ate, to a oh 0 Mr. and rig 1 Phietus i " on. MARRIED. SOLMES-SHITH At 1 ut eldest das ater. of of Jona Smith, ALR Sn late John' Alder, Kingston, ica LTON.~--At % ur, Joa. th, 107, ¥ a red Funeral hid tke place from ber fat Vednesday to ragui' Comstery; Fricnds 'and hcounintancesh tiully invited to attend. HAGH MAN In rg Frede Slaw Bey oO Netaon Outwater, he =. nie ey SMITH A rE Brnesttown, on 2nd Lydia Ann Smith, aged about stalling . Turkey, should the sultan{ of So om orks ¥rancisco Lh Bu s- O'Br taken: i In M CA sian Thauksiving Day at iE, Direct from Madison Square Prices, 15c.. 25¢.,35¢., 80¢,