Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Jan 1907, p. 3

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--- "up fo the Mark"? Are Stomach, 'Liver and Bowels in the best possible cofidition for winter? Surely you know what will make those vital organs healthily active--and build 1g LY up the whole system. It 1.15 a.m They Are Saying. is the "Salt of Salts" -- CI wm 3.96 2am. 3.95 an, ocal Sam. 947 am. Echo Lake Episod " 1 Intern'l Ltd 12.16 no, 9 Laks JoPa5oqes. X noon 12,49 p.m, . . a : 9 " Mail .."..319pm. 351 Pm. Echo Lake, Dec. 31.--The heavy rain * 15 Loeal . 7.03pm. 7.38 p.m. of last night hus givem our snow a GomG EAST hard one and it is still pouring. We : regret to tell of the departure of our 8 p Lve. City Arr. City {school teacher, Miss M, Burns, whom No. 8Mail ... . 148am. 929%am {we expected would stay with us an- Efex * 8 Fast , 226 a.m. 8.08 am |other year. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Wa- " 14local £....816am. S47a. mg] gar and Mrs. William A. Wagar paid - $a "iby 12.16 noon 12.49 p.m. la visit to William Salisbury last ast, P. 1.00 p.m. 1.29 p.m | Friday. William A. Wagar and family Sa. 184° At Druggists. "13 03 p,m. 7.38 p.m |spent Christmas at his sister's, Mrs. Nos. 1,2. 8, a 5 znd 8 run daily. An |A. Wagar's. Florence McCulla spent nether trate Yatly exept Sunday. Christmas home, - Lucretia Wagar is rain s. 5 > RINT rg eck Te Siam 18 it oti lgt Sa man visiting at hee grandmother's in 1 Direct route to Toronto, Peterboro, |Barville. Mr. and Mrs. A. Mcleod, Blmittoa, Tillalo, g London, pletroit, arham, spent Sunday 'at A. Wagar's » Ray City, Saginaw, Montreal, | and 1. McLeod's. John Switzer and - Dita, rurbee SE St. Jona, wie, Pollrack, spent Sunday i This §J. P. HANLEY Kgent, ay setioneering 1s the order o Corner Johnsom and Ontario streets. ? ) . Harlewe, Alan. 3.--The concert 'held 3 3 3 MBROKE in the Methodist church was a decided success; over. $34 being made. Sleigh- / ing is fine and has been taken ad- vantage of*bv our voung people. Mas- Ff ° ters Ezra, Mack and Frank Thomp- 3 son. have returned home from jhe TRAINS KINGSTON , |mnorth. Frank Neal and Emma Delyea . wer? united in marriage on December 12.304 p.m. Bxnress--For Ottawa 'Mon- | 24th. And cn the 14th December, at : trea, Quetiee, St. John, N.B., Halifax, th: Anglican parsonage, Portsmouth. fusion, erento. Chicas, Beuet, Rew | by Rev. Mr. Crisp. there were united -- Te Winnipeg, Vancouver, Seattle, Portland |? marriage Miss 'dna Bishop, of this and San Francisco. place, and Frederick Riggs, Kingston. 5.00 p.m.--Local for Sharbot Luke, | Our teacher, Miss Taylor, has return- conuecting with C.P.R. Fast and West. |ed to take charge of her school for W F GOURDIER Cs Mire For Renfrew and in- | the comine year. Fdgar Bishop has . " Passengers leaving Kinxtton at 12.80 left for Peterboro. Mise May Bishop y p.m. arrive in Ottawa at & p.m. ; Peter- | has pone to Kingston to join her sis EXCLUSIVE FURRIER bore', 5.18 w.m.; Toronto, 7.80 pm. ;|tr. Mrs. Biers. We expect another 1.80 Brock St. Phone 700 Nontrenlé Eas pa. Boston, 7.80 a.m.; wedding roon. H. Vanness and Annie Full particulars at K. & P., and C.P,R. | Yanalsthe: scent Christmas holidays Ticket Office, Ontario street. "7 | with frirnds. John Loucks is visiting F. CONWAY, his sister, Mrs. David Hardick, of Gen. Pass.' Agent. Mountain Grove. . Verona Varieties. Bay of (Quinte Railway Verona, Jan. 3.--H. PP. Abrams, Bay e View, Foerteen Island re a was call- New short line for 'Tweed, Napanee, |iMz on friends in this vicinity yester- . Deseranto, and all local points. Trains {day. Miss Fdith Grant, Kingston, Pretorian alan. 18. Sat, Jun, 19. (eran Orangeman, James Walker, Sri, Tunisian . Jan. 25. 8 an. 26. | PiccadiFa, to-day. Abram Hamilton Jorn ri 0. 15.850 Pewr1g, |i starting to move his * machinery \ RATES OF PASSAGE. * and implements down to his farm Spectacles nnd Everlasses First Cabin, $65 and upwards, accord- |NCOr Collins Bay. . Oliver Lapointe, rroperly fitted. ine to steamer. Bol ngbrooke, has hired with Henry New and up-to-date Second Cabin, Tunisian and Ionian, |Divon. Joseph McMillen and Miss mountines, Eyes carefully examined. SMITH BROS. Jewelers and Opticians HANES A erie: Ny i 3: 3: I here has returned to Kingston. Mr. 350 St GIL PERSLBEVE, 'Grarence street. and Mrs. Archibald McNaughton and King reet -- z Miss Florence Harmer, Kingston, Issuers of Marriage ¢ Between Montreal and the At- | spent Christmas at Myers Simmons. Lieenses. low About Jnderwear ? Plenty of cold weather still come, Have you sufficient ock to pull you through un- | the warm weather comes ? 'not, comein and see us. We e offering special values in | kinds and sizes for men, omen and children. We ave a few pairs of White Wool Blankets inw given by Rev. Messrs. Farnsworth of Pe hat YOu an ha pe Boy er Yarker, Service of Hafrowsmith, and Lady's Single ..... = 3 3 the local pastor, Rev. J. Ferguson. at Gentleman's Single «|The by-law will get good support at are slightly soiled through Children's Single (andes ie the polls. At the annual meeting Hir- ndling. We will I a 8. lam Vannest was elected trustee, to vill make the 6. | fill the vacancy caused by the retire: ice very interesting if you 7. | ment of 'B.'F. Revell. Fred, Carr is 8. | slowh-. geeavering from a severe ill- int a pair or two. All our Family of 6 or 10 oly ©... 10. | ness _ B. Wheeler . is also bet P.8.--No one will be 0 the smiling face Tractise' * Hockey unt, ¥ have th ol acher, Miss ickets. ewel Sigsworth, who will™ake charge Child ' W. BE. BO H. W. RICHARDSON other school this year.) At pre- rens / o local school is without Coats 1st go. Bring in the girl and t her a Coat cheap, 842 [ED [RL rains 2.50. Moderate Rate Steamers Parisian Pretoria carry second saloon passengers at $40 and upward. Third«Class, yr $27.50 ol HER will lea 'Depot, ¥ Foot of J SYSTEM ve and ar1ive at © oiibson stree % Soinc WEST #* Lve. City Arr. City No, sua . 1348 om. leave City Hall Depot at4 p.m. CONWAY, Agent Bi Q. Ry. Kingston, ALLAN "#1" LINE TO LIVERPOOL. From St! John From Halifax. nr orian, i= rd lasgow and St. John lantic. INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY ns is the all ANADIAN ROUTE TO CANADIAN winter ports, St. John and Hali- fax. If intending to spend the early months of the new year in warm climate try the West Indies Full particulars sailings and of a Yachting cruise to the and leaving Hali- fax, January 20th, and 42 DAYS West Indies Mexico, March 15th. On application to MONTREAL' CITY OFFICE 141 Bt. James Street Covered Rink The rink office will he opened for the sale of Season Tickets and Lockers, Dec. 10th. TUES- DAY EVENING, Dec. 11th, with Band A Season Ticket First skatine, on is the best 'Xp _/GLEARING . SALE! Al} goods mist be sold by the ortddle of February. as I am leav- ing the city. ------------ EWMAN & SHAW SR 0x chocolates, wd] vards & Jenkin, he fed Star," EVERYTHING BELOW COST Prices from $14 Per Suit Up. Sold by the piece or made tol' order. Alex. Waggoner, Wellington Street. RAILWAY and $26.50: cher utormation apd Sailings, about regular NEWS OF NEIGHBOR S LOCAL NOTES Al AND THINGS LIN GENERAL. ; The Tidings From ¥ Narious. Points in Eastern Ontario -- What People Are Doing And What y Harlowe News. F. |spent her vacation at home. George Vandewater is erecting a house on his newly purchased property at South Verona. Willie and Benny, Watson, of Marlbank, are visiting at their grand- father's; William Craig, Craig-a-lLea. Some' of the Orange brethren from here attended the funeral of the vet. Ethel McMullen, spent a few dave, last month, at Westport on New Yoar's day. Charlés Yorke returned to'Arn- prior at moon, yesterday, where he is engaged for gp second year as principal of the school at that nlace. iss An- nie Wattam, after spin ing Christmas A Cheese Meeting. Melcombe, Jan. 3,--The house owned by I. Ralph is occupied by S. Smith and family. o. Sallivan, Toronto, is visiting relatives here after an absence of fifteen years. J. Flood has been Yre-engaged to teach our school for the coming year. The patrons of the Deer Lick cheese factory held their annual meeting on Monday evening and found everything satisfactory under the man- agement of W. J. Lappin as cheese maker. Miss Tessie Donevan is visit- ing friends in Elgin. J. Donevan has purchased the farm owned by F. Mec- Donald. The Lansdowne rural tele phone company has begun operations to erect the telephone in the residences of Mrs. B. Gavine, Michael Lappif aad John Lappin, Sr. A select party was held at the home of 8S. Donevan on Friday evening. A number of our sports attended the dance in Molntosh Mills on Dee. 25th. William Mclag- gart has been engaged to work for G. Lappin during the winter months. M. Kavanagh, Charleston, visited friends here a few weeks agor Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. P. Fowler, Kingston Mills,at I. Donevan's; Messts. E. Bolger, Me Intosh Mille, J. Salmon and H. Mor ticey, Smith's Falls, at Mrs. B. Ga- vine's. Bell Rock Budget. Bell Rock, Jan. 4.--The meeting in the church on Wednesday evening in favor of the local obtion movement, was dttended and excellent addresses on of the young people 2 Thomas t, Hartinoton. friends here, ently. H. Carroll, Yarker, spent Su . at D. Yorke's, Master Harry Clark is spendin~ a few days in Moscow. *: 2 called on of pany BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, JANUARY Tr HONEYMOON 1 IN ALPS. Italian Guide to to Take Bride 14,- . TTTT000 Feet. Geneva, Jan. 5.~The Italian guide, JRassa, a native of Campello, in the Val Sermenta, who® was married a few days ago, is making ations to spend his Fel oi, in 'the hut on the ® it of Monte Rosa, at a height of over} 14,000 feet. is wife, who is just twenty, and also an Alpinist, is delighted with the jdea. One of Rassa's clients presented her with a valuable fur-lined cloak, and several friends of the guide have promised to carry 3 a week's provi- sions and a supply of champagne. -------- $50,000,000 IN THE GUTTER. od Heavy Box of Gold Bursts Open in Wagon. Paris, Jan. 5--Fifty million dollars fell into the gutter on the Place de "Opera, here, yesterday afternoon. The waggon with $50,000 in gold and $49,500,000 in bonds and shares was on its way from the Gare St. Lesare to the Credit Lyonnais, when one of the horses fell down and an axle was broken. The valuables were thrown into the roadway, and one: heavy box of gold burst open. The crowd caught sight of the shining coins, bit were kept at a safe distance. 2 rn -- DEATH ENDS HONEYMOON. Husband of a Few Weeks Killed in Accident. Paris, Jan. 5.--Robert Hanna, who was So seriously injured in the acei- dint near here to the Bombay ex- press on Friday, died to-day-at the Avignon hospital, after forty-eight hours' acute suffering. His wife, who was a Miss Galloway, and who was also injured, was at her husband's bedside at the time of his death. Mr. and Mrs. Hanna had only been married a few weeks, and were returning from their honevmoon, They were on their way to Madras, where Mr. Hanna occupied an important post under the Indian railway service, Dumb On One Subject. London, Jan. 5.--A boy .of five, named Barwick, was called at an in- euest at Hackney on the body of his baby. sister, who was burned to death through putting a Jie of paper through the bars of the fire-guard, but he refused to answer when the fire was mentioned, though he would speak rdadily on any other subject. Coroner Westcott--If we can't get it out of him, we can't, that's all. The boy--No. Outspoken Minister. London, Jan. 5.~In bidding fare well to his congregation, yesterday, the Rev. E. H. Hobday. pastor of Gras Paptist chapel, sqid there were those who were ever ready to find 5 bhlct on a wuinister's escutcheon, an: he called on God to witness that if he had fifty sons he would not send one of them into the ministry. Nearly everyboay knows that char coal is THE VALUE oF CHARCOAL. Few People Know How Usetul it is in Preserving Health and Beauty. | p---- Costs Nothing To Try. is the safest and most efficient CONDENSED AQVERTISING RATES HELP WANTED--FEMALE, FOR SALE, the poison of catarrh. All druggists sell charcoal in one CHILDREN ARE VICTIMS OF BRUTAL MURDER. Series of Savage Crimes of Which Beriin, Jan. d.--Another The Barrister's Fee. London, Jan. 5~--'lhe legal status of the barrister"s fee cpgme again be- fore the courts, vesterday. in a soit 'n which the geniral council of the bar contenlxl that a barrister nod {not affix revenue stamps to the vouch- {ers for his fees on the ground that they were not debts. The hearing of the case was adjourned. Father's Short/ Memory. Cape Town, Jan. 3. ~When asked how many of his twenty-six children were under the age of sixteen, a Boer at Parys. in the Orange River Colony, who was swnmoned under the educa- tion ordinance, informed the magis- trate that there were so many that he was unable to give the correct number. Deer In A Washhouse. Londowy Jan. 3.-~-A deer which hunted by the Surrey staghounds, was yes- terday. sourht refuge first in the of fice of the National Telephone com- pany at Redhill, and escyr~n- from this place was finally captured in the wash-house of a cottace. Vicar's Salary $50. London, Jan. 5.--~The Rev. Charles Whittaker has resigned the ost of vicar of Holy Trinity, Milloe, Cum- berland. The stipend is $1,223, out of which a curate expenses of the services at a chapel leaving only about $50. of caRe, Most Progressive Negroes. Cape Town, Jan. 3.--Twenty years ago, said Bishop Tucker, of Uganda, at the /Criterion ' restaurant, last night, Uganda was defiled by human sacrifices and the worst formvof sla- very. Now the inhabitynts show themselves to be the most progressive negro people of all Africa. Lived With \Bullets In His Brain Belfast, Jan. 5.--It was stated at a murder trial-at Belfast, vesterday, that two bullets were fited at the vie- tim on July 17th, and both lodged in his brand He did not die, however, until September. Royalty And Charity. London, Jan. 5.~The league of Mercy, of which the Prince of Wales is grand president, will be able to hand | over to the King's Hospital Fund | about $93,500 as a result of its year's operations. spent a very enjoyable evening last tint week at JJames Yocke's. Miss Goldie Long-Eared "Ghost." paabom apd Stell Yonvallesbre | ps, Jun. 5h "ghost" whic e o i 2 pi vl others epoca haa is a srvmd gene | "coos { Yines wd ioe emo on Adame, NY, Goons | materialized. 'It is a harmios' groy Wheeler, Kaladar, is visiting at L dunk i ou A at night ahow B. Wheeler's. Miss Sadie Reid, visiting : at James MNeek's. has returned home. Motor-Boat For Missions. London, Jan. 5.--A motorboat is to be utilized for mission service in the North Sea by the missions to Sea- men Society. It will be named the Frances Roget, and will be stationed at Harwich. Valuable Farthings. London, Jan. 5.--Some valuable farthings were sold at Sothebw's aue- tion rooms on Saturday. A Charles H pewter farthing sold for $50, and an Oliver Cromwell farthing in copper for has to be paid andMhe | | diabolical criminal cases which period- ically horrily Germany opened. to-day at Grefswawd, when a young carpen 'ter's apprentice, Ludwig 'i eesaow, Was put on trial for the second time for the murder of four children and the wttempted murder of a servant girl. | Apart from the inhuman and rev olt- ing nature of his crime 'l'essnow's case is remarkable from the fact that a few minutes before hé was to have been led to the scaflold and beheaded, on the morning of October 17th, 1903, he "was seized with an epileptic fit, from | which it was impossible to arouse him for several hours. The execution was postponed and a medical examination having revealed traces of insanity Tessnow for over three years has heen incarcerated in the lubatic department of the Baltic prison in order to give | the authorities an opportunity to de | termine his mental responsibility. The prisoner presented an emaciated appearance in the dock to-day and the court announced that owing to his reduced physical condition it would be necessary to cut short cach day's ses sion of the trial. During his impris onment the prisoner has survived a | dangerous operation in the interior of this ed ir, and a brilliant galaxy of me dical and scientific experts is assem bled at G riefswald to give testimony, inasmuéh "as it is believed that the prisoner committed his crimes in com- sequence of derpnged moral senses. Among the charges pending against him is one of slaughtering a drove of sheep and mutilating their carcasses in fe i ithe same fashion that he deald with the bodies of the four children he killed. Tessnow is further suspected of murdering a man in Schleswig-Hol stein in 1897, for which crime another man has meantime been executed. The prisoner's first known crime was the murder of two little seyen-year-old schoolgirls on their way home through the woods, near Osnabruck, in Septem- htt, 1808. After offering oranges to the children 'lessmow dragged them far into the forest apd murdered them in the most hogrifying manger, after | wards dissecting the bodies. His "second efime occurred in July, 1901, upon the island of Rugen, where he attacked two little boys who were | bowling hoops through the woods just !after having left ei parents. Tess. 'now mutilated the bodirs of the boys, who were aged eight and six, just as he had done those of the two girls three years before. "The murderer var i ried away the heart of one of his vic tims. The scientific precision with | which the. bodies had = been dissected 'indicated that the murderer had used a razor and was skilful in using it. The prisoner's opening statement was confined to telling the story of his life. His parents separated early in their married life on account of the father's drunkenness. After religions | confirmation and a carpenter's appren- ticeship Tessnow wandered about the country working at many trades in 'various places, including Berlin, While in Dresden he claimed to have hit up- on an invention for a steamless engine hat Tater he desfroved the model, Shortly after leaving Dresden he was sentenced to a year's imprisonment for a vpettv theft, and on the expirn- tich of his term "went to Osmahruck, He was arrested because the evidence was found not to be conclusive vntil the subsequent murder at Rugen three vesrs later. Meantime he had assaulted and at- | onions and other odorous vegetables. }yy MAN THOROUGHLY: COMPET- Charcoal effectually clears and ih. ont on Stock a custom laumrdry tion as supe . APs proves the complexion, it whiténs the work, pust teeth and further acts as a natural vly lox of, Whig oBice. aud eminently safe cathartic, I'LEMEN TO HAVE THEIR it absorbs the injurious gases hich overcouts made to tu Nike new collect in the stomach and bowels; it pressed ai h ot urned. New Prices disiniects the mouth and throat from Habe, Kuafuntesq the hv 181 Brock streot, ------------------------------------------------ disinfectant and purifier in nature, but POSITION AAs YORKIXG HOUSE- | DIAMOND VALE STOGK. ADI £88 few realize its value when take | ute Fire insertion, 1c. a work, Each cons keeper. Aureus.' Skerws : Fowler, , to Box 161 i i ont the human sys or the same Wora. Minium charge lor ome ins BD) COWS. APPLY 0 5 ing purpose. sertion, de. A YOUNG GIRL, FOR GENERAL 64 Charles street. Charcoal is a remedy that the more a K. Must "sleep at howe: cack, you take of it the better;'it is not a WANTED. Apply 76 Gore street, drug at all, but simply absorbs the | work By YouNG MAN, (USED TO|A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT. AP. make 8 wet an gases and impurities always present Orses, Willing to do work of any ply Mrs. Jas, Reid, 254 Princess St. in the stomach and intestines and car: kind. Apply to Chas. Meale, 136 i them out 'of the system. +" Ridewu street, GENERAL SERVANT, -- SMALL |. Charcoal sweetens' the breath alter LF wath - rp KF 45% King as SRL . Kirk- smoking, drinking or after eating Hk Salemi Ad WANTED-GENERAL. TO BUY GOOD HOUSE, FOR $2,000 Address Box 98, Whig office, BXPERIBN CED SECC IND GIRL, FOR amily of twa in sma town in} TWO 8 ND-HAND Northern Ontario. Must know how 0 She a wood shape, to iron and wait on table. Refer cutters. D, i Te ences required. Jrilway fare paid, 189 Clarence street. Good wages and good home. Apply Box No. 19, Whig office. CONTENTS OF NEWLY YF URE ™ n TROLERTY . DWELLING Toronto. housey central leaving city will , ll ew tor. House can he purties if wished, for » er Apply Box * IN THE owned by forma, J aikem, Soieit auton TO-LET. OFFICES Cann's. 51 Niro ti ete, at at Mecklenborg, but he was not scouted because the girl could not Not until after the sailant. R Young Man Was Once Con- |the man who had attacked her. : : i The trial is expected to last many victed-Oy Trial Agni. those |days. 'there will be more than 100 two emergency juries. Tessnow's four victims They wept bitterly are when he en provoke a violent against the sullen prisoner, a siecial dock had consisting of was locked. been constru a chair, A STRONG REBUKE. To the Conduct of _ the Whi Government. Brockville Recorder, Brookville, Jun. er: | noticed today an announce During the past weck the weather ment that DD. B. Jones, clerk of the | having been very mild, quite a numn- division court in Brookville, was dis- | ber of changes have been made among missed on account of his being an | the boat houses in the bay, following offensive partizan. This ism weak and the new order of things instigated by ost contemptible apology for the | the council of 1906. A decided incl hitney government tuming down provement is already noticeable, honest, faithful, public officials. Mer. }2 iss Kate O'Neill, ho for my Jones requires no certificate from any- § yours has acted as organist of So one regarding his faithfulness in dis. | John's church, was the recipient, on charging the duties of clerk of the | New Year's day, of an elegant mother division court. He was appointed by | of pearl rosary, gold strung, as a a conservative county judge and has | slight token of respect, estoém amd carn] the respeet of ll by his miki | appreciation of her seryiees by the courteons manners. I have taken an | choir, active part for fifty vegrs and never camo tact with Mr, in Of highest standard of purity, the love of a man than get it, REPAIRING Watch and Cloe repairing is our specialty. We pair and deliver it that it runs tp time Jewelery, call for wour clock, 100 Princess Street. tempted to murder' a domestic servant ply an acourate description of her as- murder did she recognize Tessnow as witnesses and the court has sworn in The parents of present. court and their anguish threatensd to demonstration for whom into which he 3.--FEditor Rec in politics in 'this section Jones as a worker in the Distillers to His Maiestv the King. re form or another, but probably the | MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE. best charcon! and the most for the to SE only * ihe QUALIFIED TEACLIER, FOR 8S. 8, money is in Stuart's Charcoal Lozen- Canada and United States. Help RS Hulls ns A hs and xl. Abply, ; they are composed -of the finest secure positions. Catalogue free. an Rn lary SS. P. 0. Ont Y powdered Willow charcoal; and other | Moler Barber College, Queen and : 4 ! harmless antiseptics in tablet form -. = | TEACHER, FOR 8S. 8. NO: 11,PORT- or: rahe in the form of large, pie wIssING. - A een 2011, A Whe sant lusting Jasengee, the charcoal be- | wip, Tun BOY, WHO TOOK THF: rock, Unt. ing mixed with honey. Mitts out of News Press Roow, on nr The ily use hes ill Saturday night, please return them | 100 CARS NU. 1 and NO. 2 MOTHY she Say Re and. save further trouble. Hay, ipuient, December o 3 Janus : ol uo lowes cé on _ cars tion of the general health, better com- ARCHITECTS. ar station for each anty, Ww. M. plexion, sweeter breath and purer Dwyer Co., Limited, Trust Bullding blood, and the beauty of it is, that | APEUR BELLIS, ARCHITECT, oF. ttawe, Ont. no possible harm can result from their fics, Cor. Quenn and Bagot streets. continued use, but, on the contrary, Pr EEOT Ba MONEY AND BUSINESS. Ce aici n, in speaking of Shans Bunk Baiting. Ph TR OUR LC a ahh on ei) an, L " } "charcoal is: '1 ad- and Wellington o Th offers. Examine them at the benefits ol charcoal, says: ad Soma § n . vise Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges to all | BENRY DP. SMITH, yABCHITECT. wine 1 nsurance Kmportum, . patients suffering from gas in stomach Ss. Antal Building, Mark rt and 'bowels, and to clear the complex- : LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE jon and purify the breath, mouth and | wd: NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF. Fire Insurance 316° 1a edition 13 throat; I also believe the liver is fice, second floor oyer Mahood's Dru a Sn sohey, holders. tor greatly benefited by the daily use of store, hs ov prvigy Pe "a security the imited lity ot ai ot all them; they cost but twenty-five cents "Phone, 608. {he woeholders. at 8 end a box at drug stores, and although . - - By. I wing oi or rina in some sense a patent preparation, VETERINARY. sew business rates from yet T believe 1 get more and. better | DR. a. \o BELL, os HAS RE & Stras~s. Arants. charcoal in Stuart's Charcoal Lozen- moved to his brick bl on Ul i ; Office. . ges than in any of the ordinary char- irr BS one the Fore vies HESICAL oon) tabieta name and address to-d ml = DR, MeCARTIY, ya LATELY Sol y: . ( IC day Cg veew Tr. Ryan, corner Mon- for a free trial package and sce for LOST. treal and Brock stréets. yourself. F. A. Stuart Co, 56 Stuart | A PINK CORAL NECKLACE, DOUBLE | © building, Marshall, Xich, pebds, on Saturday. Roward it re | PR. Pi Jon, a Sirssoia. Corner 3 LL turned to 76 Gore street, Wellington and 'William 4 RUBBER TIRE OFF PHAETON, BE- tween St. Mary's Cathedral and the BOARD AND ROOMS. AFF Guunetery. Reward for it return (0 | ROGME_AND BOARD, DOUBLE ANU, R. J. Reid, Princess street. single, 98 Barrie street. pro- sup- ugen tered oted, tney ord- con A woman never is more grateful for when she thinks some other woman is about to k GANANOQUE NEWS. A Night School is Needed For the Young People. Gananoque, Jan, 7.-Considerable favorable comment has been indulged in by many residents of the town, during the past few days, converning the advisability of organizing evening classes for the benefit of young men amd women whe desire to gain more oduoation. A town the size of should, 'in the opition of most be able to mainthin uch an fete tion, and provide opportunities for the young who have been compelled to" leave school, and do for themselves, a means of increasing their wage earn- ing powers, the 'town couneil -- ficld a special meeting, oh Friday evening, to ap- point, according to by-law, the poll clerks and deputy returning officers, to take charge of the six polling places for the municipal elections to-day. Adial Parmenter; who spent a couple of weeks in Kingston general hospital, where he underwent a surgical opera- liberal ranks in anv capaci! He | tion for the removal of a splinter from has studiously refrained from hurting | his eye, has returned, considerably im- the feelings of anvone in polities or | proved. Miss Mary Hale, daughter of anything else. Why should Mr. Jones | Mr. and Mrs. William Hale, Pine be dismissed for offensive partizanship | street, was taken to Brookville gen- without a trial or anv proof of his |eral hospital for a sargical operation. wrong doing ? Does this treatment | She was operated on the same day, commend itself to the legal mind of | and is improving nicely. Miss Minnie Mavor Stewart, or to the suave | Ivey, of Kingston, who has, been polished gentleman who carried the spending a week in town with her Whitney ban at the last election ? | friends, returned home on Friday. Miss cannot believe it. Contrast the | Stella O'Brien, Stone street, is spend- partizan actions of D. B. Jones with }ing a short time with friends and re- the present heads of the custom house, |latives in Brockville. inlynd revenue and weights and mea- Mr. and Mrs. R. DD. Kecle, Princess sures. Everyone knows them to be | street, who have been sponding a sympathetic conservatives and sup- | short jime with relatives in Toronto, porters of the conservative ticket, | have returned home. Mr. and Mrs. A. but they still hold office. This is | M. Campbell, of Amherst, N.S., spent liberal treatment, What 4 fall when |some time, during the past week, with the conservative party of Ontario relatives in town, Miss Maogie Car- adopted the Yankee system "to the | ruthers, of Marlbank, is the guest of vistors belong the spoils" and turned | her aunt, Mrs, William Hazel, Syden- out faithful public servants solely to | ham street. Miss Rose McGlade, of satisfy their hungry henchmen who | Kingston, who has been "spending a have failed at evervthing exeent tory | week here, with friends; returmed to wire-pulling.--Yours, ete.,, JOHNNY | her home on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. CANUUK, W. Fairman, of Montreal, are visiting with friends in town for a few days. "Three Swallows." Mrs, Robert Donevan and daucrhter, Sir John Power & Son's Nellie, of Ded, were the guests of "Three Swallows" Trish Whiskey,~ Miss 8. A. Cross, King strect, for a Famous for over a century, few days this week, Mr. and 'Mrs. E. B. Ross, of Toronto, spent the holi- he here with the latter's parents, rn and Mrs. Wiliam Toner, Tanner &téoet. Miss Myrtle Ryan, Princes street, is spending some time with friends in Montreal. Mrs. Spencer, of Webbwood, is spending some time in Jonen, the guest. of fr and Mrs liane Cole, King street. Melvin Car- ruthers, alter spending the holidays at his home in Marlbank, has returned to town. 2 If A Dyspeptic, Use Hutch. "Not a foul smelling, nasty tasting dose," but a palatable, appetizing cor- and see Kinnear & d'Esterre, rector of acidity, heartburn and wa- . ter-brash. It 'washes away fermenting matters, and the tough nmcus that coats the urs tic's Stomach, leaving STORAGE ' SPACE Ww. 6 a ect, v ture, street. =r ; HOUSE, 86 BARRIE ST, ist, to M 1st, with option - 'of Barrie street. STORAGH FOR Vara Baling Ho in " hy Te earns Brock street. 85 ATED, FIRST CLASSE als Fry as Ee fs oul ae th Es ow. ost treasure, of blessed. No man 8 lights, insteg live who has not learned to dye, Religion counts for less than mot if it docs not fla th the it to add to tho gain and % follow men. By this nh good of Yous come in altruistic action are all a pons aed religionists to be wise Ju Address Mr. Casson for free liters: ture. NOT HEREDITARY. CL 3 Baldness Dus to a Living Minute Germ. } ow. Many peopl, even unto the present way of grace, consider baldness die to aby influence, Nothing is further from the truth--" 'Baldness in ecdused hy the onslaught § of a minute organimn which orien © itself beneath the scalp and attacks the roots of the hair--causing it to ® lose its life and fall out. 4 This organism cannot be got rid, of & i except by the free. and persevering use § of Newbro's Herpicide, No matter how badly the scalp sel * fected the Dandruff surel: and hair health is restored Uioe _ i picide is appMed. "Destroy the cause you remove tho } effect." Sold by leading druggists. Send § = 10c. in stamps for sample to The Her- * picide Rod Detroit, Mich. Two sizes, © De. and 81, G..W. Mahoot, specint 3 agent, 3 VERONA IS ACTIVE. An Improvement Society Doing Good Work. Verona, Jan. 5 5.--At present excite ment runs high over the local option question. A very enthusiastic mass 'meeting was held in C Methodist church, the evening of January 3rd. The speakers represented box parties, Rev. John Ferguson » in his usual eloquent and foreis ble style, which earried conviction of right 'with every sentence, Ress Cui Gunter, Dr. Claxton, E. ¥Y Howard Reynolds, and -- woke! in favor oF ocal option, The z tion wan, + reprelinted by Dr. oo Be and others. ) : The box social in the Orange hall on New Year's night, was a very en- joyable social evening. Alter the hox es had been sold and the choice daig~ Mics disposed of a very spicy oro- gramme was given, singing, ota i tions, tableaux, ete. 8 wera, sade he Joseph McMullen, pattie Hes 3 telly Charles Reve a two solos im his avonjtahle, ot style. i W. Revnolds occupied the chats. The entertainment was under the direction Jof 'the Verona Improvement Society. that is do'no a lot toward improving the vil'ave. This society was started ladt September as a little social ety and to make money for lamps, which they di, and the | are fine on a A Ea 78 haa Vi ¥ ¥ members ha o nerve & %, with it clear, reshed and ready al gest proper SiFou It's a doctor fo cents. If you can spare $1 you buy 200. By mail Chemical Co., Bridgeburg, Ont. can | ynder the able management of from Woodward | Wellington public business. School Vanbdt Wells. and Mrs.

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