Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Jan 1907, p. 5

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{ STEADILY INCREASED eem, and is ACCEPTED TIRE CIVILIZED WORLD operties of an IDEAL and "ER. gestant, mildly stimulating the ach. . { be the habitual beverage of gout, rheumatism, or excessive PEE 000000000000000004000 il 1 BY'®*S «<< v OW a | you have seen our Handsome aking your selection. uy in a I'ry $8.50, $10, $12 and $15, PEER EEE the money. 3 tn, unless you have already PEELE LE EL ald ¢ best Tailor Shops in this are handsome, and if you look we'll get your Clothes money, Vda EU DE EEL EEL , you'll miss the best. ; tter to wait until you have | ELE 3 have arrived. Bibby Co. nware Is and Tubs ut of place. 'The E. B. Eddy UARANTEED against factory terest to sce that the name DY buy. sk for EDDY'S MATCHES. resents ful for a 'Xmas Present ng articles: \oppers, all sizes. 2d Tea and Coffee Carpet Sweepers. 75c¢. to $10.00. nives, Forks; and --- a numerous to mention. I BROS, S STREET. NT RECEIVED" Y AND PIC LEAD PRICES Toronto Phase Main, 1729 ough which ordinary remedies have not reached, will quickly yield to Tt cures those heavy, deep-seated cotghs-otak the soreness--heals the the throat--strengthens heii Hott rhe iets stactivs becsuset is Dletsant 10 take. one bottle see how quick! rid of that cough. At your druggists. 25c. en youget Do You Prize Tea for its body, its fragrance, flavor, purity and wholesomeness ? Blue Ribbon Tea is perfect in all these qualities. For morning, afternoon or evening--for every use--it's the best. Pure and invigorating. Black, green, mixed --26c. to $1 a Ib.--All grocers \ We have the largest and best assortment of HOCKEY BOOTS in the city. Men's Hockey Boots, $2.00, 2.60 and 3. 00. Boys' Hockey Boots, $1.50, 2.00 and 2. 28. Women's Skating Boots, fleece: lined, $2.00. Girl's Skating Boots, $1.50, 1.75 and 2.00. SHOE STORE Abernethy's BONDS AND STOCKS Bought and Sold on Commission Investment Securities Both Listed and Unlisted. Information upon Request change Long Distance Telephone Main 5200-01-02 Members Toronto Stock Ex v 4ot TORONTO RED LABELS! A glance at the Sutherland Shoe Store will convince you that the Red Label Sale is going to be a whopper. All over the stove Red Labels greet the eye, showing how carnest we are to clear out a big lot of shoes. Our plans for spring demand the cutting off of a great many makes of shoes. Thus your chance to save 20 to 25 per cent. A Few of Our Red Labels : 36 pair Ladies' Patent Leather and Vici Kid, bals' and bluchers, stamped price $3.75. Red Label Price ..... J ce nn, $3.00 60 pair Sutherland Special Viei and Patent, blucher and bals, $3.50 shoes. Red dabel Price . 27 33 pair Women's Vici Kid Oxfords, the $2 kind. Red Label PRIOR Lionnd sions nbsinsin. olibaied eosin isis Dries i hand # . $1.49 The Red Label Prices on Men's Packard shoes will interest you. The $1 stamped price shoes esi See diigune ismmes 53.00 2 -- The: 85 bamped price Shoes ......cun ciinis surirasinsemi $3.76 Just a few of $3.50 stamped price $2.80 28 pair Walker & Whitinan, Men's $b Sion in gm metal, calf, bluchers 'and Vivi kid bluchers. Red Label Sale Price ...... $3.75 36 pair "Bepublic" $ $3.50 Men's Vici kid blucher. Red Label Sale Price ......0 hte Adin 450 . 82.75 Labelled, at prices 20 to 25 per cent. off. Come in and ses. All over the store, Men's, Children's, Boys' aid Youths' Shoes are Red DAILY BR A MAJORITY OF 442! IN FAVOR OF RED REDUCING THE LIQUOR LICENSES. -- The Vote Against Reduction Was Much Larger Than Expected-- Citizen's League Disappointed. The plebiscite on the reduction of thy liquor licenses resulted : For re- duction 1,963; against reduction, 1,521; majority for reduction, 442. The result of the vote was disap- point' ng to the Citizens' League mem- bers. It was not contemplated thgt there would be 1,521 votes against re- duction. A vote of three to one in favor of reduction was looked | for, ond the small majority of 442 |sur- prised some of the reduction leaders, who realize that if a plebiscite had beer submitted to reduce the licenses by eleven, the people would have de- feated it. Majorities for reduction were given in Syde , Ontario, St. Lawrence, Rideau and Victoria wards, Rideau giving a very large vote that way. In the workingmen's wards, Catara- qui and Frontenac, the vote was against the reduction, and particular- lyin Nos. 9 and 15. Th» rule followed yas to allow each voter to vote in as many wards as he exercised his franchise for mayor and aldermen. It is held by some legal authorities that this was wrong, as a plebiscite allowed only one vote for cach qualified elector. On the other hand it is held that the plebiscite af- fected the city finances, and that those interested should be eligible to vote in all wards where they had property qualifications. Had the rule been one man on» vote, the plebiscite majority would probably not have heen over |e The vote was as follows: | Subdivision. For. Against, {Syd nham No. 1 ..... .. 102 55 Syd nham No. 2 94 83 Ontario No. 8 .. .. .. 64 47 Cntario No. 4 ... ... ... 95 56 St. Lawrence No. 5, ... T 78 St. Lawrence No. 6 .. 80 60 Cataraqui No. 7 .. 7 a5 Cataragui No. 8 53 70 Cataraio No. § 54 107 Cataraqui No. 3 Frontenac No. 61 Frontinac No. 50 Frontenac No. 63 Frontenac No. Ki) Frontenac No. 110 Rideau No. 16 49 Rideau No. 45 Rideau No. o0 Rideau No. 64 Rideau No. 39 Rideau No. o 10 Victoria No. 92... ... ... 90 39 Vietoria No. 23 .... « 92 2% Victoria No. 4 _. ... ... 83 57 Vietoria No. 25 ... ... ... 48 a5 Total ... .... 19a 1.521 Majority 442, ENTERTAINED MEMBERS. Gathering at Home of Miss Mac- caulay. ITISR _wma, TUESDAY. PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Cul Culled From AR Over The World. Ni apanee passed by-laws to improve the 0) town's sewerage. _" Scott' s gondition shows con- siderable improvement. The power by-law carried in Brant ford by 1,462 majority. | Neepawa, Manitoba, has received an offer from Andrew Carnegie to erect a free library, [he body of the Baroness Burdett- $ts was interred, on Saturday, in Westminster Abbey. The" burglars The robbed David Ward's pawn shop, Toronto, were sen- tenced to penitentiary. The Allan steamer Siberian, from Philadelphia, for 'Glasgow, sailed, at 3 pam., on January 6th. rs. Susan Fennell, a Toronto wid- ow, was probebly fatally' buried by her clothes catching fire. Lieut.-Col. H. K. Stewart, C MG, a Sootch Canadian, late king's missen- ger, and a well-known soldier, is dead. Anglicans of Alberta are asking that stops be taken at once towards the establishment of a provincial univers- ity. v E. Gault, Montreal, St. Antoine division for will contest the Quebec legislature in the conservative. inter- ests, / James Carney, a Welland canal watchman, was held up by two mask. ed men, Sunday night, and robbed of his watch. Only six voted against the by-law submitted at Descronto, granting the Deseronto Furniture company a loan of $10,000. One hundred and sixty nxn of the Manchester Regiment have sailed for Canada to join the Roval' Canadian Regiment. . : Japan's foreign trade amounted to £84,000,000 in 1903; oxports showed an excess of £400,000 for the first time in ten years, In many townships local option car ried, but failed to become law, as the vote for was not three-fifths of the electorate, The first payment to the University of Toronto under the act of the last session has' bem made. It totals $126,629. Capt. Crawford is going to Christian Islands to identify the body found there, one of the crew of the ill-fated steamer Jones, C. C. Cleveland, ex-M.P., for Rich- mond and Wolfe, died, Saturday morn- ing. He had béen in poor health for nearly two years. Allan Mclean Howard, Jr., has been appointed clerk of the first division court, York county, suceceding his father, who has resigned, George B. Cortelyou has retired as chairman of the republican national committee. Harry New, vice-chairman, will become acting chairman. Owing to the anti-Japancse feeling in San Francisco, the proposed visit | of the Japancse training squadron is | likely to be indefinitely postpened, i James Lindsay. Ottawa, city trea- surer for about thirtyifive years, died, | this afternoon, after a brief illness, in | which he suffered frome heart weakness Radelifie, the official hangman, has written to Sheriff Inkster, Winnipeg. | froon Toronto, declining to hang S. | Very unique anl clever in its con ception, and most enjoyable in every detail of its carry out, plan devised by Miss Frances Macau- lay for the entertainment of the mem- bers of St. George's cathedral J WA. on Monday night. Miss Macaulay is alvays very kind in throwing open her big home, on King street to the Jun'ors, of which organization her niece evrything make it pleasant for them. Last (night a series of games all with a missionary note in them, were played, and the pretty prizes, which were souvenirs of the superin tendent's summer visit to the Indian country, to Miss Macaulay, the 'president of the diocesan W. A. was present of course, and so was Miss Annie Muckleston, | Dorcas scoretary. Dean Farthing -was also good enough to come, and he helped materially with the evening's pleasure. MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS. Township Of Ernesttown. Reeve--Galligher, Deputy Reeve--Ham. Councillors--Shea, Dawson, Walker. Township Of Portland. was the | is superintendent, and does ev- ' { Macri, on January 15th, owing 'to ill ; health. { A telephone messaoe from Barnett, | Ja., savs a wreck on the Centrql | Railway of Georgia, occurred this mormne, in which twenty-five persons | were killed. A Passenger train No. 3 from Augusta, Ga., for Atlanta, which ugusta . Monday night, ran into an open switch | at Barnett Only one man was in ured slightly. | Plans are afoot in Wall La to fol- | low the practice of Mrs, J. Alden Gay- ! lord, and have the business of the day | opened daily with public prayer in | front of the Stock Exchange. | up Manitoulin Island way, It is understood E. E. Guerin will | { were won by Miss Lulu Lee, Miss Let- | be appointed to fill the place on the tice Tandy, and Miss M. White. These i bench vacated by Judge Doherty, and | were gained by facility in fishing | (hut Mr. Bruneau, M.P., of Richel ie, | children into four of the Indian | will succeed the late Judge Madore. schools, spelling out the auxiliary' 5 | Senator Cax has resiened the pre pledges from a heap of letters, put- 'gidenoy of the Canadian' Bank of ting together dissected dioceses, and (ommerce, and H. JF. Walker sue- resurrecting buried bishops, and so on. geeds as president, Alexander Laird | succeeding Mr. Walker as general man | arer King Peter, to-day, authorized a spe- cific_denial of the rumor 15 the effect that it is his intention to abdicate or | permanently leave Servia with his fam- ily in consideration of financial com- | pensation. The death _ took place, to-day, of} Rev. Daniel Coussierat, professor | French, at McGill, and the rab | terian College. He had been suffering | from cancer for some time. He was | born in France in: 1841, The Temiskaming and Northern On- tario railway commission is calline for tenders for the eomstruction of | : For Seove 3. T. Truscott, 340; cxtonsion' to the jimetion with thy | | [Fv torms, dd u {Transcontinental railway, a distancd | 4 For Councillors--0. Henderson, 345; of abont forty 'miles. 7. Reynolds, 23; W. Shellington, 260; Rev. William MacWilliame, for forty- | 3: Bailes. 48; 8S. M, Irish, 246; 14... vears a minister of the Presby- I James Alker 8 » terian church ,in Canada, died, Sun- | 5 day night, at his home, 371 Huron | { Township Of Camden. street, Toronto. at the age of seventy | For Reevo--Exgar, 110; Rombough, | years. Deceased was for the past |, | 370, years the librarian of Knox College. Deputy Recve--McGill (acclame ation). The steamer Ponce is now eivht | Councillors--Cook, 356; Close . days overdue. A sister shin. the Gillett, 244; Reid, 481; Vannest, Maracas. whid h sailed from Trinidnd, is overdue and December Township Of Loughboro. For Reeve--Jabez Stoness, 178; « Blake, 159; Andrew McFadden, 108. For Councillors--William Nichols, 301; Wesley Trousdale, 224; Edward Sills, 223; Charles Ruttan, 213; Chester Davy, 131. Township Of Kingston. John * might be in come across the Ponce in a disabled condition ¢nd now havine the latter | Im tow. The czar, with the approval of the military anthorities and his erand ducal advisers. has annonnced himself | personal president of the council of | imnerial defence. This abolishes the | offices of minister of war and marine, Number of votes polled for each | and removes the entire military sys- candidate at last mumicipal election: | tem from the jurisdiction of the dou- For Reva 1 2 34 5 6 ma, and serious times are looked for | Aflsswortn | 53 13 Hao Ba) when the douma again assembles. For Beputy -- Jawion 10 35 i 4 2 13~184 Over 400 bottles of Best's "Short | Ph 3 100 82 9 -- ale | Sproule » 93 18 81 7x 20--155 | Stop" have been sold already this For C ouncillors "ramer 30 i 3 = Lo 82-174 cure the cough. It coats but 15 cents. jordon 556 108 103 52 22 28-378 1 bbe *| Knight 39 105 16 20 17 '12--g09 Detier values in er) bok Water | McIver 25 75 20 18 22 19-177 bottles at Best's than elsewhere. Reid 3% 58 91 17 68 22-204 Parts of Roumania are being devas- j Spooner 59 59 59 35 03 12980 ) tated by welvest Several lives -have i da A ! bown lost. | James J. Wright, sixteen vears old,| Indigestion, constipation come ani | of Lindsay, Ont., was arrested, | falo, charged with forgery, for United States. I yon but try "Rest's Short Stop" ones you will never be without it. It ughs and costs but 5c. 'in Buf- the passing of worthless cheques on num- erous hotels both ir Canada and the season and not once po like rent and tax dav and other sorrows. if vou take Hollister's Rooks Mountain Tea. the gregtest remedy known to menkind. 38c., tea or tab- lets, , Mahood' s drug store. That's the house the doctor huoilt-- ' Do? Sutherland's Rod Tafel shoe | sale, Starts Wednesday, Jan. th. WEEK OF PRAYER FIRST OF SERIES SEN A said, was ruining the youne men of | Movements of The People--What be home soon. M. L. Dyer, New York city,' spent to-day in the city. W. J. Crossen, Montreal, is in the city on business. Charles Hancock, Hamilton, spent to-day, in the' city, T. J. Daniels, Lake Temiskaming, {was ift the city, to-day. Robert Bennett, of Odessa, has been | appointed a justice of the peace. | for Whithy, | Colborne strect, returned home to-day. | cd through the city on their wa | a of Norval Hodgson, outer depot. {city on business. this | ests of Mayor Mowat, "to the Maracas having | did it fail to ! vents thousands of Catarrh victims {from comtracting consumption, { er led by doctors, proved Is | time be unfailing. gar oone | just what you need. «| everywhere. ¥ JANUARY 8. EET- INGS LAST} Rev. J. B. Ricks Speaks on Humiliation and Thanksgiv- ing at Bethel Church--A Good Attendance, The first of the series of meetings for the week of yer, was held last night in Bethel , and there was a "oud Atnlunts. The _Puttor, Rev. differnt churches of the city was pre- sent. The church choir as in _atten- dance and rendered ance in the service. Rev. J. HB. Hicks, pastas of the Princess Street Methodist church, gave a short address, dealing with The subject of humiliation and thanksgiving. Mr. Hicks referred to the opium traffic as a great humiliation, and' also dwelt upon the liquor question, making the announcement that the by-law for the reduction of liquor licenses in Kingston had carried. He understood that the vote upon it had been rather small. Strong drink, he to-day, and he wondered how it was that Christians could stand at ease, and allow the evil to continue. There had bem much talk about the nu i ber who had sacrificed their lives in the fight in South Africa, but this was nothing when compared to the number who were being ruimed throhgh drink. "If a man steals a few cents or a child steals a loaf ol bread from a bakeshop, he is sent to Jjail--there is no option available," said the speak- er, "but yet we allow ma to rob us of our boys every dav." How many had given wine for friendship, on New Yoar's day, in their home ? The speaker had not been one of the number. A liquor or gan had Xecently given some advice to hotelmen. I¥ had been found the sale of liquor wos becoming less each year, and the hotelkvepers were told that it would Pay them to give liquor to the boys free of charge, in order to keep up the business. When a ng man got the appetite for ® drink, it was a very difficult tter for him to break away from it. nlesa Christian people stood for their principles, nothing could be done for the wiping out of this great evil. But there were many causes for thanksgiving. Thanksgiving should not be offered only on the one day in each year set apart especially for that purpose. There should be thanks giving each day for the blessings which came to us. We had reason to be thankful for our purity in social life, and for the strict observance of the Sabbath day. In Canada, the Lord's day was, without doubt, ob- served better then in any other Place in the world. PERSOJAL MENTION. They Are Saying And Doing. W. Dunkin is in Toronto, and will Miss Mamie Fields and May Walker, left today for Ottawa, and will re turn coon. Capt. A. Sharp is spending a day or #0 with his friend, Arthur P, Smith, in Gananoque. Miss Hattie G. Samwell left to-day, where she is attending Ontario Ladies' College. Miss Ethel Lumb, of Oshawa, the guest of Mrs. John Geoghegan, 13 Mr. and Mrs. John W. Hunter pass to | Belleville, unn weddi Misa to attend the Bowen. Birdie Luke, Cobourg, is the W. C. McDonald, Toronto, is in the Rev. Fathor James Keely, revently ordained in St. Mary's eat edral, {gone to London, Ont', where he - remain for some months. "Dick" Wilson, of the Canadian Soo, hookey team, has reosived an offer from Calgary and is "dpnsidering | whether to take a position so far west. The friends of J. A. Gould are pleas- ed to hear his condition is slightly improved, but are sorry to hear it | will be quite a long time before he is able to return to business, Rov. D. McCallum, of Kingston, is | visit'ng in Belleville, On a: in I'ridge Street Mothodist church he baptised an infant son of Ald. L. W, Hardy. He was the child's great grand: | uncle . R. F. Ellibtt has the satisfac tion of knowing Ahat his election in |St. Lawrence ward was a free fight. He canvassed votes. He was busy in Rilean ward, advancing the inter- Rev. Father McCarthy, parish pridst {at Read, has left on a six monthe' trip to the Holy Land, and will also {visit other points of interestin Bu- {rope before returning. During his ab- {sence Rev. Father O'Rielly, of this city, will attend to the parish duties {at Read. | A oreat opmortunity, We have {started our annual clearine sile of | suits, reduced from = to 815.50, cash only. Wm, Carroll & Co. { °A..1. Small will commence work on | the erection of a new theatre in Lon- don. The play house will cost $100, - ------ i ------------ Where Does Consumption Begin ? That first [little tickle cough, the cough grows severe, { glected and travels down to | lunbs. | gets severe, Catarrhozone heals, al- i Inys inflammation; cures throat. "and bronchial trouble quickly. A 'marvel wotker is Oatarrhozone, which pre- becomes a is ne- the Treat throat trouble before it | Ei Sis atv held singles days. ¢ b scores i vr wi to the tore. All, witho store "0 out pe ption, Auto aa Shue, vaste Ter ads Spon The Dope re eye, it is just as extensive and nounced the sale. ) We append a list of five (reat to all who appreciate t 'N1okEL PLATED COPPER TEA xErTIES: Regular, $1.85, "Determination" price cv ovo s1.00. } DOUBLE BOILERS: { Regular, $1.00, 91.95, $1.50. "Determination" respectively = «<< ve =< + «=u o's 80, $1.00, } FOOD CHOPPERS: Regular, $1.25, $1.50, Sood ¥ SELF BASTING ROAST PANS: ; Regulaz, 900 , $1.00. "Determination" priest suapeckives dy helt we acl lL Te, Be Everything else in the store, including eur large stock of first-class heating stoves, will be subject to the same big cut in prices. No matter what you need : utensils, drop in, and we can safely say that be disappointed either as to the selection we quality of the goods, or the price. Sale lasts but the beat choice is asvured tothe ret ESE fa Cont received our regular season's stocks hed largely disposed of. They are be made in the very: latest effects and wil be quite as fashionable for early | we fo immedity wa, but ving January Sele] A 3-Quart Enameled Dinner Pail for 44c. This is a first grade pail. Cover and | cup retinned. It may He of some information dor you fb Mow thas this is the only store in this section of the country buyilg Enameled Kitoken Ware in large enough qualities to get the extreme rebates, and ab this, our discount sele, this month, you profit 'aecordingly. A Good Alarm Clock ......,.. Nice Chopping Knife ......... Butcher Knile, first quality wre Ba 4 Jenounced Card Playing. Des Moines, Iowa, Jan. 8.--Before a ims, a society woman, and holder the hiociety onship, arose in rch of Chirim, and and #1, old aga Sas the fi first iE mia Hi

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