Te il g & i i iis i : I i5z ry fil i JY kt A i [Ess 2 5 ix : and ready ah to ve the pital. when be thols a relapse, from sf Fr Hi it iy | ti i al £7 : E85 gz. gif 5 Jly 2 1; between | An effort is made to. off all : fine condition Mor I" al; account $22. J » shir ag at An Early Date-- | magistrate had another holiday to- mitment Will Be Registered. I To Cure A Cold In One Day. Toronto, Jan. Se havin McGill, Toke Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- -~ ge ed" rari lets, is niad money JE 3b foils Bank, committed Ean 0 x . Grove's signa Magistra + Pha Woe cach box. 2c. The frst of the ity Hockey will be on » Jan, rink ma in a This is Saniferel the best way for hie Bakronbind lovers or eeion -- To Meet/ Queen's Juniors. The K.C.I * hockey team is in ith Queen's juni haf wig will w 's juniors, ys will be fitted out in new suits, and it is expected they will make the Queen's team hustlo Their line-up will be: Goal, Slater; point, Hazlette; cover, Hunter; forwards, Dyde, Haffner, Sparks and Mundell. DIVISION COURT. The Cases Heard To-Day By Judge J Madden held division court, anegr Mad and gave judgment in these cases Charles McKay va. Andrew Howard, account $76.15, Judgment non-suit. al Life Insurance company vs. C. nelly, ad $27.75. Judg- ntiff. Nesbitt vs. Gussippi Dono- frio, $60. Judgment for plaintiff forthwith. De. J. H. Bell vs. Mr. afd Mrs, John Lawrence, account $91.50, Ad- Joseph Abremsky vs. Eli Coon, et a 'account $8.. Judghent against S, Lowes vs. E. Randall et al; ac Saunt, $4. Judgment against primary vr, : William Harper vs, Charles Robinson . udgment against i mary debtor, ' Tri i, McDermott vs. John Tuttle: rot 83.50. Judgment for $1050 and ts, "loronto Tailoring Co. vs. William Palmer. ot al; account $21. Judgment for defendant. Whi, Publishing Co. vs. William Todd; account $21.50. Judgment for plaintiff, T.E R. Phillips vs. B. V, Stafford & Son; draft $20.25. Judgment for plain- C. H. Barnik vs. 8. Percy ot al; ac: Som, $14.43, Judgment against prim- tor. Albert Clay va. Charles Adair; wag $37, Judgment for defendant with. 2 £ GENERAL HOSPITAL. Superintendent of Nurses' Resigns. The regulut monthly meeting of the board governors of the Aiagston general hospital was held on Monday afternoon. The thanks of the was ext 4: th te Denison, Soul, Shin Juorsiog: on: the chatge of A gosers: Tes. ment in connection with funds, It is likely Thursday. prelimin. | The rain and sleet of froze as be concluded to-day, it i intimated, that another commitment |¢ spreading sand n' the main will be nae grand juey street this now session at assizes wi registers. Th jucy bow in session a Rev. Dr. Crummy Coming. astizes will hear the first charge, | Rev. Dr. Crummy, Toronto, will this week, if possible. Mr. McGill was iversary sermons in Brock allowed out on the same bail. troet Methodist Sunday, i valuable work of rand 1 eed to advertise for applicants for the | lange. | CoUet Jeave for Cape Vipcént at 1:30 p.m. Another Holiday. +The itv was peaceful and qaiet, last night, and as a result the police Local Option Carried. Local option by-law was carried in Portland township, The vota was} For, 433; against, 190. Great satis faction is felt over the passing of the by-law. Both sides worked very hard. A Long Time Closed. The saloons in the city were elosed or over sixty hours, this week, from seven o'clock Saturday night until Tuesday morning. Quite 5 spell for the thirsty ones, who did not lay in a ly. Car In Trouble. The trolley wheel of car No. 11 was broken at the corner of King and Princess street this afternoon. It was soon remedied as a man arrived quick- ly from the car barns to replace the wheel. ---------- Left For Cape Vincent. After a lapse of nearly three weeks the comnection with the Cape by water was again started this morn- ing. The Pierrepont left at mine o'clock for Cape Vincent with about twenty-five passengers and a large quantity of freight. - New Popular Music, are giving a special price in music this Our stock contains the great successes in vocal sheet music, waMzes, two ps. and con- cert numbers. Our price this week is 18¢. per ' copy, 3 iés for 50c.; 7 copies for $1. W¢ have still on hand a large supply' of standard and classic sheet music at 10c. per cow. McDermott Bros., 260 Princess street. We Mayors Chosen. Among mayors elécted are : ville, Sulinan; Hamilton, Stewart; Arnprior, Howe; Brantford, Bowlby; Cobourg, Munson; Guelph, Newstead; Goderich, Rev. J. Elliott; Lindsay, eo i ow, | Judd; Oshawa, ser; Prescott, Stephenson; ort Hope, Giddy; Petevboro, McWilliams; Pembroke, Martin; Renfrew, Mackay; St. Thomas, Lawrence: St. Catharines, Riddell; Smith's Falls, Lyle; Stratford, Gordon; Trenton, Jacques; Whithy, Jackson; Woodstock, Butler, Belle- Officers Chosen. At the last regular meeting of Boyn: Lodge, No. 16, the following fficers were installed by James Gow- \ D.D.G.M. :WM., Bro. Prescott: N., Rose Morrison; recording secre- ary, James Gowan; financial secre- , Henry Grahem: treasurer, C, : chaplein, Mrs. Hamilton; D. "WW. Phillips; Con., Mrs. Camp- bell; LT., Wiliam Morrison: O.T., S. Perey; D, of C., Joseph Phillips; com- mittee, Bros. E. Watts, A. Skeggs, Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Phillips; aundi- tors, D. Brown and W. Phillips. 1 A National Help. Canada, the illustrated Anglo-Cang- dian Journal, circulating in the okl land and the new, is not only a great seadity extimicalty and in a news senso, but a helper as well. It is an educator by ite views, Tsplacing ideas that ice-bound fotttrs surrdund--"Our Lady Of Snows," and keeping uw a steady flow of town and coyntry il- lustrations that tell of one of the fairest lands on earth. It is inter esting in its reading as well, and loyal and fair, which cannot be said of the Canadian Gazétte, into which the dominion government put good monev and lose it. Canada is doing late in the mining and engineering direction, and in fostering trade in industrial machin- with the mother To Accept Younger Boys. The junior department has become ' Weodute wmnatural conditions which 80 popular with the city boys that [destroy one's egos nd pest. Ono A Bride Drops Dead there have heen frequent appheations Sire from hallucinations, nightnyre, Pittsburg, Jan. 8.---Mrs. Dora Bon: from parents Whose sons wish to join |! dreams, in which horrible gob. ham, a of wix weeks, died last | the Y.M.C.A. Unfortunately many | 11" ty to tear you to pieces, and all pight, she was about to embrace | of these boys. were under twelve years ---- Seen destroving visions. By ek wok, ahr, returning how fromm old, the minimum age at which a boy vi dy of impurities Hwtoh oseymaon. "Oh, it's so good to loan join, so they have been _ move af en mgtters from be home mn, mother," the Joung pointed. The directors at their meet- gin of and : relieve the woman said, and dropped dead 108. last night decided to lower the age [3 eae dis - Huteh failure was the cause. oa sa dit more bye to th benly ant. bly ch the orem. of A Bhs Boas. They rmlved hat Bota now ah any ed. Hutoh is a doctor for ten cents. wventor, ages fen and ts voli ond hana Join the junior department THE REAL TEST 5 is Ww have 'use £ymuasi his patent a fen he. £7 ut "A | Of Herpicide is in Giving It ta oh lass will a lotmed ot Suse and par- This 3 Tiasugh Trial. * t ia ig only i tion office, Ty eoria Lidge of the aliemacy" of hich to ] ; 2 f WHIG, 0 TUESDA the [power and bro's Herpicide stands y JANUARY 8. hsm. Cost Will Be $47,000,000--Will v Cover 451 Miles--Calls For Floating Loan of' $23,000,000 at Outset. London, Jan.' 8.--A gigantic new scheme in municipal trading, in which the county council is preparing to embark, has been announced this week. The council will ask parliament when it re-assembles to sanction a vast electrie 3 serve an area of 451 miles, of which London is the centre. The council men to ag generating station at a cost "- 000,000, to spend $13,000,000 on a distribution system, and to acquire existing local municipal undertakings representing an outlay of $27,000,000. The comcil urges that within a few years it will be able to supply electric light at greatly reduced rates, and that London will gain enormous benefits industrially and cammiercially. The scheme includes such details as the purchase of motors and other s~~aratus for renting to consumers. In fact, it is the most ambitions un- dertaking ever put forward by the advocates of the icipalimation of industries. I calls ting pn spe- cial loan of about $23,000,000 4t the outset, and the council's finance com- ELECTRIC SUPPLY] LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL |, PROPOSES SCHEME. -- supply undertaking to | J mittee admits some uneasiness at the | difficulties which must be encountered | in the carly years of the undertaking. -------------- INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. Always use Burtch's pure fresh grated horseradish, only 10c. a bottle. | Ask your grocer for it. Cynl Knight went to Cobalt yester- day and will be away threo weeks. He may play hockey when he returns. Aman Black amd blue serge suits, reduced from $22 to $15.50., cash only. | Wm. Carroll & Co. Best's "Short Stop" cures the grippe | cough and all other coughs andcosts | but 15 cents. | Freeman: Many of our prominent i young men took the pledge to abstain | liquor during the coming year. | A 50c. bulb syringe for 25c., at the | genuine rubber goods sale at Gibson's | Cross Drug Store. De sure you! go there. Prevost, Brock street, will give a! choice of $18 and $20 suiting, made- | trimmings, a genuine bargain. Last night Capt. Thomas Donnelly lectured to the marine school on "The | Rules of the Road." There was a | large attendance. | Hot water: bottles that wear and give satisfaction at little over cost Price at Best's. Dr. Knight's official report gives the highest and lowest temperature for Kingston in December as 45 > abovaund 17 degrees below zero res- spectively. The Red Labels will catch your eye on 'entering the Sutherland Shoe Store. The Red Labels denote a dis- count of 20 to 25 per cent. We have just received from publish- ers one thousand novels by the best modern writers. This week 100. per cony, 3 copies, 25c. McDermott Bros. . How mueh of vour life is spent try- my to get well. It pqpuires but a month or less to put the averameanan or woman on their fect with Hollis- ter's Rocky Mountain Tea. 33c., tea or tablets. Mahood's drug store. Carroll & Co, leading tailors; are selling Scoteh gawk English tweed and serge saifs for $15.50, regular rice, $22. Sale will continue up to the 25th, of this month. . There was a very small tum out of islanders on the market on Tuesday and Sever Sartor from he} Surround. ing district. A quan of Is, eggs and butter found: a pr A sale at high prices. The unsettled weather and | poor roads Suduiifed ly are account able for the small furn out at the lasi few markets, Over 300 pairs of men's Packard shoos have been Red Labelled for the big sale at Sutherland's. The £3.50 stamped price, Red Label price, £2.80, The 84 stamped price Packard shoes, Red Label sale price, 83: and the 85 tamed orice Packard men's shoes at Red Label sale, $3.75. All Endicott shoes, Red Label Sutherland's. The death of Mrs. curred at Belleville, from heart disease. Johnson's men's 84 sale price $3, at Albert Pitman oc on Sunday night, Hutch Ihduces Sleep. ¥ Kin the bade contains 4 Jot Impurities these imnaritios gre - od by the blood. The blood in tue carries them to the brain ane they | of : ny article and that is by its' ability to ; which it is intended he A oD hat Letters from prominent v are daily proving that to-order for $15. Good fit and good | Special Bargair O-MOrrow The following special purchase has just been . received, and will be ready for To-morrow morn- ing at g.30 o'clock. 800 YARDS GOOD QUALITY English Kimona Cloths A make yard, lasts Yours while Bargain In fancy stripes, imported t Kimonas and Dressin, Sacques, but arriving too late fo, the fall trade, The importer turn. ed them over to us at an actu) loss and to-morrow you receive the benefit, The regular values are 2oc. the lot 10c. yard. TO-MORROW ALL OUR Children's Winter Coats At-3.50, 4.00, 4.50, 5.90, 5.50. Your choice $2.00 Each. These we must sell at once to make room, and the above price is simply making a present. weather, / OFFER FOR SALE ANY OR ALL OF THE FOLLOWING NEVADA STOCKS. 2, 1 000 Bullirog Consolidated at 05c, 00 Precious Metals Recovery sa ies " 90e, 500 Goldfield Big Bonanza ... * Ofc. 500 Goldfield Reliance ... 2,500 Goldfield Victor 2,500 North ment .... 2,500 United Mines S American 500 Panamint Greenwater -- Discard comes, For Taghies we have the Dorothv Dodd Shoes French Calf, low cut, heavy soles, Box' Calf, Cheaper a saan For Both Ladies and Gentlemen This is the weather for them. : your rubbers until the snow v Tes y low cut, heavy soles, $3.75. per makes at $3 and $2.50. For géntlemen we have They stand alone. They are ready for ithe J. E. Cunningham *° fo Street. $rottececsetcncatetetectttsttttetetestetsss HEAY CAF WATERTIGHT 8007s Se $4.50. Slater's at $s. ANE Cr ARABI Bae. Wn, oe Store VIII IRI IIS ITIP III 000000668888086, <@ q em YEAR 74. ---------------- FUR C( FOR M] FUR C( FOR WO! JOHN WN FUR HO 149-183 BROOCH KINGST REPAIR Jewelery. Watch Tepuising is our sy We edll for your pair and deliver that it runs to ti Kinnear & d' 100 Princess Merchants of Qur agent will ¢ ly, with our sam CALENDAR } See them, bel order. they are before, and the reasonable. HENRY SKINN Wholesale I Cook: Figs We imported ' th large quantity of c Cooking And are selling the markably low price Sc. the] James Redd 000000000004 THE ARCALVADA Have = Mines attac rounding Death V: and M. Co's. claim selling at four cent to ten cents just a 250,000 shares a from JOS. F. SWIF] Ladi We invite you to ment. You will be de Su ts, Skirts and Coa We combine the most « ship, the most exqui most graceful models beautiful and attractive We guarabtee a pe work, latest styles anc faction. Oustomers car goods, or secure them f d, or (io ore fen The American Ladi 231 Princess Street fiveessesesesceen Dr. Brock's ale Periodica Be Ly icine only in Ki at STORE. i ncess § receipt of price-- $1. H Guar We guarantee be ABSOLUT put-up in steril it 18 the best. KINGSTON I! Cor. Bagot ant Phone 567. Bob Sk 2 Sets cheap, a lot of Fumiture, Stoves, at TURKS Store, 398 Princes: Capt. Agthime Ro tain of the Richeli Navigation company died in Notre ed real, last night, al painful illness, at th