Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Jan 1907, p. 1

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S! Oc, 65c. +» 93¢. 25, 1.35. you the good value we do purchased last March, and Ins ns ain w Morning yw Cases nd, and made from an excellent e regular values of this quality Che g¢ while - 17c. . 12%c., 15¢c. | | on up to 40¢ yard] S nd 23 yards wide. plan, ranging from 25.. $ lo. PIV I III III PIII IU 000600000060600068, ATERTIGHT BOOTS s and Gentlemen forathem, bers until the snow the Dorothy Dodd Shoes ut, heavy soles, $4.50. heavy soles, $3.75. b3 and $2.50. have Slater's at $s. hey are ready for the i 2 2 [4°] & YEAR 74. NO. 8. LL0000L0000000008080008 SPECIAL REDUCTIONS § : IN HIGH GRADE Furniture Buffets, China Cabinets, Music Cabinets, Easels, Leather Couches, and Easy Chairs, Rockers in Oak or Rattan, at low figures. ROBT. J. REID 6 Doors Above Opera House ; 230 Princess Street. . "Phone 577 Ambulance FEET IVE ERREY Cooking Figs We imported this year a very large quantity of choice Cooking Figs And are selling them atthe markably low price of 5c. the Pound James Redden & Co. i re- deliver it and that it runs to time. Kinnear & d'Esterre, 100 Princess Street. Winte Suits You can't equal mine for quality or price. A special at $10 is a rapid seller. Well made, good linings, latest style. Better see it. Also odd Trousers, and Boots, Shoes and Rubbers at lowest prices. ISAAC ZACKS 271 PRINCESS ST. CLLLL0000440004800008 You cannot buy finer Whisky than CHAMBERLAIN LIQUEUR SCOTCH S084666665666060000050664664 Amalgamated Distillers Co London Gladgow & Montreal Ahasbbes i FIFI IIIIIIINIIe Merchants of Kingston arent will call on you short ly, With our samples of -GALENDAR FOR 1908 Sve themi, before placing you HENRY SKINNER & CO.. Tye Wholesale Druggist. Bob Sleighs Gibson's Phone 230, i | Ii : a PIVFIII III II IPIPTIIIPIIVIIIIIITIISIIINNG are prettier than ever the prices are very 2 Sets* cheap, also a first-class 1 ture, Carpets and Stoves, at TURK's Second-Hand ore, ess street. DAILY MEMORANDA. Weoke of Prayer Meeting, Chalmers Clock," Grand Opera Limestone Lodge, No. 91, A.O0.U.W., meets Thursday evening, "at 8 o'clock. Zion, good skating to-night, Carnival to-morrow ight, band, lunch, $10 in vrizes for fancy and comic costumes. City Basketball League, St. Luke's Hall, to-night, at 8 o'clock. Se. James vs. Crumley's and St. Luke's vs. Wald- ron's. Admission, 10c¢. This day in history :--Governor-Geneor- al Bagot arrived at Kingston, 1842; Marshal Ney born, 1769 ; ¥eénny post in- Jroduced, 1840°%: Stamp act passed, 765. WHIG TELEPHONES. 243--Business Office. 226--EMtitorial Rooms. 292--J obhin- Department. Embossing and negraving a specialty. This is * the time you can get a REAL SNAP, 97 piece set, $4.90. Also a very pretty set, any color, with gold handle and knobs, $5.90. DON'T MISS IT It's like giving them away. Robertson Bros. FUR COATS FOR MEN. FUR COATS FOR WOMEN. \ 1 JOHN McKAY FUR HOUSE 149-153 BROCK STREET KINGSTON TO TRY FOR THRONE. The Shah's Third Son Cannot Succeed. London, Jan, 10.--A despatch to the Daily Mail, from Teheran, says that the shgh's third son, Ishrat, has raised a force of 10,000 men of Luris- tan, 'in the hope of. capturing the throne, but has no prospect of sue- cess, plthough the tribesmen are like- Iv to cause trouble in the south, if they do not even aavance on Teheran. The new shgh's reputation for soverity, which received proof in re- cent exedutions, the first in ten years, will not fail, however, to have its effect. WW e 3 w ¥ DIVORCING RELIGION. » WW Paris, Jan. 10.--Finange # Minister Caillaux has 3 directed the authorities of > the mint to substitute on all coins the words "Liber- ty, Equality and Frater- nity,' for the old device of "God protect France," in actordance with the amend- ment to the budget appro- priation, forming a coin which was adopted by the chamber of deputies. { | FORMER QUEEN DEAD. Princess Mary of Saxe-Altenburg Passes Away. Gmunden, Upper Austria, Jan. 10. The Princess Mary of Saxe-Altenburg, former Queen of Hanover, who had heen suffering for some time past from inzual hernia, necessitating an opera tion, which was performed on Janu- ary 6th, died Wednesday. She was the widow of King George V. of Hanover, who was #ethroned in 15896, when the kingd was annexed by Prussia be cause the Hanoverians took the Aus- trian side in the war with Russia. The government « of Natal proposes for the next five years to throw open r| the crown lands to settlers, The Deai Made To Hear. Deafness because usually due to Ca- targh, is quite curable. Ina thousand cass this is proved absolutely true. Success invariable attends tha use of - { Catarrhozone, which has cured catar- fchal deafness of twenty-five years standing. Penetrating through the passages of the ear, the se thing var pon of Carrhozorie relieves the inflam- mation, destroye-the seeds of Catarrh and thereby allows nature to reas sist horsalf. Tre Catarthowne your: self. 235c. pnd $1 sizes. Hold by alt dealers. °° Wednesday. IN REGARD TO SIOPPING STRIKES AND LOCKOUTS The Bill Was Set Aside as the Government Will Bring Down Legislation--Few Changes the Tariff Are Expected. From Our Own Correspondent. Uttawa, Jan, sambled, in yesterday alternoom, members will not day. out the shadow of death falling over the house. "lhis time Charlemagne Laurier, the premier's half brother, nas passed to his rest. He was not very well known to many personally, for besides being of a retring disposation, he had dot been well lor years. At the beginning of this session his face was ashen, and his cheeks more sunk- en than their wont, and he looked near the end. Those who kuew him best found in him many of the guali- > back until Mon- beloved. There it guite a rush to hear what the western men think of the situa- tion in British Columbia. eral party come to power ? It is gen- erally conceded that it will, Mr. In- nes has gone from the Yukon, and it is practically certain that Ross, of Yale-Cariboo, will enter pros would seem a wise move on Mr. loss' part. He is much of a figure yet a whilein federal politics. still in his makes him look quite miduie-nged. Talking of Britigh Columbia, it seems assured that Ialph Smith, of Nanaimo, will get the governorship of the Yukon. 'though he sits as a lavor speaker's right. The chief event of the recess was the ~Apointment of the Right Hom.o ames Bryce to the British embassy at Washington. It is of supreme impor- tance to Canadians to know how (fanadian interests will be watched there. In Ottawa it is taken for granted that a Cgnadign will be at tached to the embassy, but how by whom appointed 1s not yet sug- gestodeee Some fears have been express od that Canadian concerns would have been better under a diplomat of the standard type, but now that the first complete surprise is over, criticism is more melined to be favorable than otherwise, . For two or three days the cabinet has had the tarifi under consideration and it will no doubt be proceed with in committee without delay. There are not likely to be any ma terial changes as a result of the nu merous delegations that visited the city, some asking for higher und others for lower duties. The house spent yesterday discuss- ing labor, Mr. Borden moving for a committee of enquiry into the recent strikes, but Mr. Lemieux rejected this, along "with the labor members, point or ing out that new labor legislation would shortly be introduced. Sir Wilirid Laurier introduced a bill* increasing the representation of Saskatchewan and Alberta. J. A. Phillips, of the press gallery, is dead. . He was buried this morn ing. Author, poet, correspondent and biographer, there few better known in Cangda. Poor old Capt. Phillips died in the press room of the were House of Commons, the scene of his labors. Heart disemse Killed him and he was only half an hour ill. He held out his hand to us around him, and said these last words: "Good: bye. It is all over." He was sixty- five years old and a chikdless widow- er. French Titles Taxed. Paris, Jan. 10.--The law fixing a series of taxes on the transmission of titles of nobility ig#the direct line, comes into force, today. Where the titles are those of the first empire, and have not been recogmized or con- firmed under subsaguent governments, the scale of taxmtion is very moderate case of a duke down to twenty franca in the case of a chevalier. 1 titles have been confirmed or renewed since 1814, the rates are much high- or, 'the ducal . tax being 3.000 francs (83600), and the others in proportion valier, modest finire already quoted. estimated that these new taxes It to £160,000 snnually. 21 Td Have Good Programme. binet* has decided to meet parliamen tract the support of all radicals. Th government intends to submit no only a tariff of high duties but a wid industries, particularly iron "smelting. The only congh syrup endorsed physicians. Syrup. Take no other. 4 R. L BORDEN BILL V--#'arhament re-as- after the Christmas recess; but many of the Rarely does a recess pass with. ties that have made Sir Wilitid so well Will the lib- Duncan hardly cut out to make He 1s a youngster, however, thirties, though a beard member, he is to all intents and pur- i 0 , re . | The express messenger, fearing rob- eh a an Raha we dl bers, "refused him asdmission Bh Sem S68 than any other on Noon, Inor 00 v ho Enally opened door ranging from 200 francs (forty) in the the with the exeeption of that of the che- which remgins constant at the is will bring into the treasury from $120,000 Melbourne; Jan. 10.--The federal ca- with a good programme, likely to at scheme of bounties to encourage civic] by Gibson's Red Cross Cough KINGSTON, ONTARIO, THI ks DAY, JANUARY 10, PARLIAMENT Resumed Its Sessions On FOR CANCER RESEARCH. = Jew. A Wedding Gift From a London GAS FORMED AT PITTSBURG PA CAP OF THE FURNACE WAS ' BLOWN OFF. Fiery Shower 'of White Cinders and Molten Metal Was Thrown Over the Workmen in the Yard Below--Frenzied Crowd Tried to Batter in the Gates, Pittsburg, Pa., Jan. 10.--Fhree men H. L. B 3CHOFFSHEINM, London, Jas. 10H. L. Rischofi- sheim, a wéalthy London Jew, has marked the oteasion of his golden wed- ding by a gift of £1.000,000 to chari- ties, The greater part of this sam goes to the Imperial Cancer Research Association. He will America next month, visit FROM DESTRUCTION. Driven From Cab By Steam and Boiling Water--Climbed Over Tender to Express Pulled Rope of Air Brake. vincial polities also, while there is| Boome, Jowa, Jan. 10.-- After run- some talk oi R. G. Macpherson, of {Mor wild for several miles at high Vancouver, doing the smoc thing. It spew With an engine out of control, by t ve blowing out of 5 "stud" in its boiler, the Chicago and North-western fast jimgil train number 10, was bare- y saved from destruction negr here last night by the heroism of Engineer Louis Shull. Shull Yas driven from his cab by the scalding vapors and boiling waters. i he could not reach the throttle, he climbod over the tender to the ox- press cgr and hammered on the door. Reglizing that he aimed two revolvers at Shull's head. The engineer, bleeding and ex- hausted, dragged himself into the car, and with his rempining strength pull- ed the rope connecting the air brake, stopping the train. 5 MUST OBEY LAWS. Ottawa, Jan. 10.--Terrible charges are being laid against several captains of the American Arctic whal- ing fleet which winters at Herschel Island. Some time ago the dominion authori- ties spent $75,000 in pun- ishing a Yukon murderer, and if the crimes are proved to have been com- mitted in Canadian terri- tory they are willing to spend this again, and as much more as may be necessary, to show foreign- ers that when they are in Canada they must obey Canadian laws. * EAEERXEEHE FERRELL Ng | : $ TO BE A TEST CASE. Want Sketches Exempted From Duty. Washington, Jan. 10. much- interest to hundreds of Ameri- can griists residing abroad, particu- larly in Paris, is now before the board of United States Generyl Appraisers For several years many American stu- dents living in Paris have helped to support themselves by making pen and ink sketches of the latest fashions for various illustrated periodicals in this country. From the sketches plates gre mude which are used in de- picting the modes. Recently the treg- sury department decided to assess the drawings under the provision in the Dingley tarifi lnyw for "pen and ink drawines," with duty at the rate of fifteen per cent. In order that the question should be judicially settled, the Curtis Publishing Co., of Philadel- A test epse of contention of the publishers that the abroad are not taxable. Rich Ore Discoveries In Irela:d to-day to work the industries. A gov ernment geologist recently estimatod that in the Ballvegstle district of An t t loxeellont amplity were easy of greess Analvst tests show that found in world, beine suwiwrior . to the best of the famed Sivanivh ores. Prof. tntre that in Antrim there are 0600. (00 tense of ron ore. be produced without boring. eo 15. HEROIC ENGINEER SAVED A RUNAWAY TRAIN Car and FRA AF EEF ERR RFE EE ERE FR sketches gre entitled to free entry un- American artists residing temporgrily | capital of $2,500,000, was formed here trim alone 55.000,000 tons of coal of the iran ore Antrim is the richest in the Cole which could are known to be dead, twelve are per- haps fatally injured, incloding assist ant Fire Chief Peter Snyder, of Pitts burg, and there is a property loss of $100,000 as a result of an explosion at the Elizg furnace of the Jones & Laughlin Steel company last night. The explosion resulted from a"hang' or accumulation of gas in the furnace, a few minutes after tho . night shift went to work. 'The cap of the furnace was blown off and a fiery shower of white cinders and molten metal was thrown over the workmen in the yard below. Many of the vietims, with hands burned off, and faces charred to a crisp, ran wildly about shrieking with agony. The explosion attracted hundreds of foreigners whose relatives or friends were employed at the furnace. No one was admitted to the mill yard and the frengied crowd outside tried to batter in the gates, . The reserves from two stations were called and drove back the crowd, Cr -------- PITH QF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. King Menelik, of Abyssinia, has pro: claimed his grandson his heir. Adolphus Dean, of Smith township, Petenboro county, tried to commit suicide by hanging. The Canadian railways killed 361 persons last year and the electric roads killed forty-seven, The rumors - of trouble in Servi have been declared an Austrian phen to frighten British capital from the = = rh Col. John E. Thaayer, Lancaster, Mass., sold Baron Wilkes (2.18), the great trotting stallion, to E. Knell, Carthage, Mo. Morocco is almost straits owing to bery prevailing and collecting the revenue. The dominion convention of the Young Women's Christian Association will be ald in Montreal. from Janu: ary 24th to January 28th. Toronto and Montreal men have se- cured Kerr Lake from the government for a bonus of $178,600 and a rovalty of tem per cent. on all ores mined. It has been found {hat the pay- ment of a bonus of 85 a head for the killing of wolves in the North-West is not sufficient. The amount has, there fore, been increased to £10, in financial the wholesale rob- the difficulty of This Man Had Nerve. Hamilton, O., Jan. 10.--A fright- ful accident befell George Hertel, a baker, at John Amhurst's bakeshop, on Washifigton street, which will re- sult fatally. Hertel was oiling the dough mixer, a machine about six feet high, and while trying to reach some cogs, Her tel fell into the machine, which sud- denly started at full speed. making sixty revolutions a minute. The steel blades in the machine cut off both his legs at the hip, his right arm was mangled into a pulp and his shoulder broken, With remarkable nerve, Hertel, who retained consciousness, . directed the movements of the police 2nd bystand- ers. who were attracted by his cries, end told them how to take him out of the machine. Burned A Mission Chapel. Pekin, Jan. 10.--~A bandit leader in the province of Sze Chugn deceived the inhabitants of Chentu by report- 'ng. on January 6th, that a large badly of bandits were aporoaching. The people went out to meet the cnomy. and while they were absent from the city, the bandit leader burn- od un mission chapel. Shot And Killed. phia, proprietors of the Ladies' Home Lodz, Russian Poland, Jan. 10. Jownal, filed a protest with the Col. Pathe Andriefi, ohief of the Board of Appraisers of New York, |gendarmes of the Lodz district, was which will have the efifet of bringing {shot and killed, this morning.' A the matter into the courts. It is the |Passing infantry patrol fired a volley + Jat the ssyssin, but only wounded several innocent onlookers. The as- der the eoxempticn schedule of the |sassin escaped. tariff law as the law provides that "works of art." the production of Was Swept By Fire. Bufiglo, N.Y., Jan. 10.---The former Time of John G. Milburn, where Pre- sident, McKinley died, was swept by . | fire n fow minutes pfter eight o'clock, Dublin, Jan, 10dmmense sopms of | this morning. The loss will amount coal and iron ore have been discover- | into the thousends! The room in odin Antrim. and a comfumny, with 4 | Which President MoKinley dial was completely gutted. i Died Very Suddenly. . Quebec, Jun. 10.--Amdrew Thomson, resident of the Union Bank, who has bern confined to his home for some time, with an attack of grippe, died, rather subldenly, this morn'ng. f . A S50. botte of Syrup White Pine and Tar Cough Syrup for 400, at Gib gon's Red Cross Drog Store. Bargain Made By Mother in Eung- zz lish Village. London, Jun. 10.--In the vil of Rainford, about four milgs lage of Holens, a ohikl was recently t by a collier named , work- ing at the local colliery, Po $1. The reumstonces were us follows ; Au Thompson was in a public house in the village, when a women with child, accompanied by n. In the course of woman rémarked to He proceeded to his home, or when he asked 'his wife to sign a paper, agreving to take over the child, she refused, and the woman was thevoup- on given her child and told to depart. She did so, but when Thompson saw the child disappear he darted out of the/baok door and gave the woman an- other twenty-five cents, and she part- ed with the child finally to Thomp- son. The men and woman then left the neighborhood, and nothing has heen heard of them since, Thompson still has the child, which is a little girl, with curly golden hair, and about two vears of age, and sho is being better looked after by Thompson's wife and mother than bv the ocallons womgn who sold her. Efforts gre now being made to get the child in a howe, as Thompson's mother states that they are unable to keep it. MAY GET NEW HALL OTTAWA IS AFTER A NEW ARMOURY, Sir Frederick Borden Was Quite Favorable--~Some Conditions That Should Not Exist Funeral of An Old Journalist. Ottawa, Jan. 19.---A deputation of OttdWins waited on Sir Fred- tons. It w Stewart, MND, tions, leaking ters of the phasized, Sir was no excuse for some of tions, he would Ho rather favored. stead of. i were said the funergl ; ohn A. Phillips, the I de journglist, whe died suddenly Tues night, took blgee this morning. The funeral was largely attended by former con- freves, mombers, of St. George's So. ciety and others. As was fitt « for one wh had so pronounced a love for the British flag, the casket was wrap: ped in the emblem. Rev. A. W. Mao: kay, of All Saints' church, conducted the service, -------- DEPRAVITY MAKES HEADWAY Terrible Picture of Moral Disease Drawn at Congress. Mupich, Jan. 10.--The German Soci- ety for the Suppression of Immorality is now in session in Munich. - The winks are united in giving a terris ble account of the increasing depravity of the nation. Judge Rosen, one of the highest judicial authorities in the country, stated that it is an undoubted fact that Germany is in the midst of a great . He went into particulars which it is impossible to reproduce to prove this. The streets are becoming more impure, young peo- ple are more depraved than ever, even in schools where only the, children of respectable and well-to-do parents are accepted, The country is being flooded with impure literature, largely writ ten by women, who openly preach free love. Society in Germany is,. the judge declared, on the brink of poral de- struction. A HORRID MIXTURE. Said to Be Typhoid in Montreal Cocktails. Montreal Jan. 10.-During the past two weeks the inspectors attached to the civic food inspection department have been hunting through the vari ous 'saloons amd hotels in the city for specimens of 5 bottled drink known to the initiated as "oyster codktails." This drink "consists, in many in- stances, of a mixture of oysters in o wtate of more or less putrefaction, tor mato ogtsup which has fermented, and veelgble matter which has gone bud and is unfit for h ¢ ' tion. 3 Alregdy over one hundred samples have been siized and confiscated. and the department has entered half 4 dosen cpses for prosecution in the re- corder's court, the charge of exposing for sple food unfit for hu- man consumption. Tt is 'believed this has had much to do with the present typhoid epidemic in the city. : -------------------- He Cut His Throat. Montréal, Jan. 19. Matthias Wile cox, an Englishman, employed at the C. P. Angus shops, committed suicide by cutting his throat with a razor while preparine to go to his work this morning. He was sixty:two years of age, sober and industrious, but had been acting strangely for a few PRETTY G P Musical Comedy. ju Headed by RTS Funny, Tuneful Seats now THE C Seats on Sak THERE WI, lation of the No. 39, and. LO. 0. F, en, geod attendance is F, J. KIRKPATRI days. The deed was committed at the Angus hotel, near the works, where he boarded. delivery of drug store wants. 'Phone 230, Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. A Riot of Legitimate AROUND THE Ter eid MONDAY, JANUARY 4th fo OMEDY SUCCESS, The Arrival of Kit ALL FUN AND MUSIC Excellent. a Som Ta 26-36-80 Friday 3 Tuesday, Jan, iio yo vi : LONDON PAR hy) , BE A dO of 4

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