act m Eo) ol fal 5) co = 4 | CANADA AN COMPANY. 707 FOR THE NAME o \NUFACTURING CC. AL, P. Q. LiMiTED, TON, OTTAWA, ST. JOHN, N. 8B. ED EVERYWHERE. *otch f the Scotch DWARD VII. COTCH or Kings, good for istilled on the estate Juke of Argyle by bs Prstlon Distillers, Argyleshire. TRENT The Remedy of the © mast wonderful Medicine ever dis. has reco Iusane A. ed Sa 'wel y of the male inmates are victims of 0st terrible form, In Ru Py ail SveramOnts and ea many Stops lasses fs frm a of urn, Drains cw Gr Teament: The skin nn Teaaches pei No. > me. he mind patency bright asd in and Blood. permznent no matter ust oh us today your name a onic the case,' ress Dinnly Jritten a treatment rine will be sen ia O not hesitate a moment We "cess and with honest confidence. DRAWER L 2341, MONTREAL. 1 , lost Viiiy the remedy now 1 Cure rative power over othes the diseased ody, Geta bottle. 20-1208 RERGORE, P.q. ER Oi, A healthy stomach does two things.' Ist--gives up i: enough gastric juice to digest food--and --and--churns food, by means of its muscular A Proven Cure For Indigestion they give you a healthy stomach. * Fruit-a-tives"" actually strengthen the muscles of the stomach--increase the power of the churning movement-- and also enable the stomach fo excrete sufficient gastric is either too weak to properly churn the food or it does not give up enough gastric juice to make digestion complete. Then you have Indigestion --Hearthurn -- Distress after Eating--Sour Stomach-- Headaches--and finally chronie Dyspepsia. "Fruit-a-tives" ' cure Indi- gestion and Dyspepsia because 109 --- action, until digestive juice to completely digest juice and - every food are meal. thdfbugh- Thousands have been cured of "Fruit. ly Bisel Indigestion and Dyspepsia by | a- tives » . " Fruit-a- »» also cure healthy tibes"' alone. the Con- stomach stipation and Biliousness with which so many Dyspeptics suffer. ""Fruita-tives"' are intensified fruit juices, combined with tonics and antiseptics--and are an infall- ible cure for all Stomach Troubles, Try them, soc. a box--6 for $2.50. At all dealers or from Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. A) (on FRUIT LIVER TABLETS.) INSURANCE AND FINANCE. --_------------ Mcintyre & Mcintyre ' BARRISTERS MONEY TO LOAN KING STREET, KINGSTON Ee G. A. Bateman CUSTOMS BROKER Correspondence in Montreal, New York, Paris and other places. All business receives prompt at- tention at 69 Clarence street, Kingston. | | Hockey and Skating Boots Hockey Boots, at $1,35, $1.65, $1.75 and $2.25. Women's Skating Boots, $1.75, $2. Men's Hockey Boots, $1.90, $2.50 and $2.75. H. Jennings, King. St. Ladies! We invite you to visit our establish- ment. You will be delighted with the Su ts, Skirts and Coats tailored by us. We combine the most careful workman- ship, the most exquisite designs, the most graceful models and the result is beautiful and attractive. We guarantee a perfect fit, art stic work, latest styles and complete satis- faction, Oustomers can supply their own goods, or secure them from the Company. Our prices nre moderate. Money return- ed, if not satisfactory. The American Ladies' Tailoring Co 231 Princess Street. Phone, 556. Boys $1.50, "Significant and Inter- esting to Prospective Assurers." The Blue Book for (1905) Shows that "The Canada Life As- surance Company" paid by way of Cash Profits to its Policyholders in 1905, £1,194,689.45. While in the same year 21 Canadian Companies, 14 Bri- tish Companies, and 16 American, in all 51, other companies Operating in Canada, paid by way of Cash Profits to their Policyholders, $1,022895,02, which shows that "The Canada Life Asswyrance Company" paid more to its ¥olievholders than the other 51 Companies put together, The Canada Life, for cach 5 vears of its 60 years experience, has added a Bonus Addition of $1,000 to every- $10,000 insurance in force. Full information how a Poliev would shape for you cheerfully given at the office, 18 Market street, Kings- ton. J. 0. HUTTON, Manager Telephone 703. J. R. URQUHART, 153 Alired St., Special Agent, THE FRONTENAC LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIETY. : ESTABLISAED - 1863. President--Sir Richard Cartwright Money | on Si and Farm Pro- «Mh pal = County _ Dehen- ures. M purchased. Deposits received and interest allowed. TO MS MAJESTY THE KiNG. SirJohn Power & Son rte ESTABLISHED AD. 1791. THREE SWALLOWS IRISH WHISKEY Famous for over a century for its delicacy of flaver, Of highest standard of Purity. It Is especially recommended oy the Medical Profession or account of its peculiar "DRYNESS" ERI Every woman cou/d be grace- ful, strong, happy-hearted -- with glowing colour, soft curves and sparkling eyes, Wilson's Invalids' Port --the rich, pure tonic--will brace the worn-out nerves --fill in the hollows -- give a buoyant step, rich, pure blood, and spirits overflowing with the joyof perfect health. The cinchona bark in thisnour- ishing tonic is particularly help- ful to the deli- cate feminine organism. Ask your Doctor. Hell advise three glasses daily. All Druggists 8 -e eases ny When You Buy COAL, From P. WALSH Youget genuine Scranton as he handles nothing else * -~ New England Chinese * Restaurant 33 King Strest Oren trom - B.C McGill, Managing Director. Office, 87 Clarence street, Kingstom an all is of all nd FACTS DISCLOSED THEY DECLARE IT ISINOT A COMBINE.+ The Aims of the Eastern Canadian Passenger Association Are Very Fully and Clearly Ex- plained, Montreal Herald. hecently a certain Toronto newspa- per has been publishing a series of ar- ticles regarding the railways and the board of railway commissioners lor Canada. In several of these articles the Eastern Canadian Passenger Asso- ciation is referred to as a "combina tion in restraint of trade," 'The fol lowing statement regarding the pur- poses and work of this association, furnished by a member of its _execn tive committee, will at the present time be of interest; The purposes of the association are set forth in article 3 of its constitu- tion as follows: "To promptly secure to each of the parties authentic information in rela- tion to tariffs, rate sheets and ticket regulations of the respective parties and changes therein, and the due filing and publication thereof; to aid in se- cuping compliance with the laws rela- ting to and regulating commerce; and to cngble the - parties hereto to mu- tually confer, advise and act in rela- tion to the subjects above stated, and the proper methods to secure the pur- poses aforesaid." Article 6 of its constitution provi de. S ach line party hereto shall fix and determine its own reduced fares. , .. Nothing in these articles of organiza- tion shall:be construed as giving au thority to the said secretary, the association, or any person or officer of the association to fix or determine hereto, but fix and de termine its own rates; and nothing herein shall be construed as prevent- ing any party hereto after it has fixed such rates from changing the same from time to time as it may elect." It will be observed that it is distinet- ly provided that each line member of the association "serves always to it- self the right to take. independent sc- rate for any party alone party any shall each tion. Therefore,| the actusation that lit is a '"'combination in restraint of | trade" is absurd onthe face of ites pecially when it is considered that the maximum fares of the railways in Canada are under the absolute con trol of the Canadian railway commis sion. As clearly set forth above the am. 10 3.00 am. round kinds transportation lines jin the association are organized for the purpose of deal- ing with applications for reduced rates \for excursions, conventions, 'exbiin tions, ete., with the great:st possible despatoh and. uniformity What woald happen if every one of such applica tions had tobe made to each separate E acting independently ani most prom- ptly would incur the pisk oi its com po titor subsequently naming better terms, and thus placing it at a serious disadvantage, probably costing it the loss of the ent traffic. , for illustration, Toronto's an- nual exhibition--the many lines try ing by telegrams and letters to reach their competitors to arrive at some knowledge of their ideas before acting independently and the immense delay and confusiof sure to result, and-com pare it with the simple machinery of the Eastern sociation, as indicated above, hy frequently as required, all such ap plications are jointly and careiully considered and the "conclusions reached promptly comununicated to all inter- ested through its secretary, each line fixing and determining its own reduced fares and reserving always to itself the night to take independent action. The fact is, that such joint considera. tion of applications for reduced fares is the greatest safeguard the pull have against hasty ill-advised reduc- tions likely to' produce diserimina- tions and unreasonable rates, the very things the railway commissim is +k signed to prevent. Remember the Eastern Canadian Passnger assouw tion has nothing to do with t} mum rates parliament has given to the railway commission absolute con- trol over such rates--therefore the as sociation's operations are confined to voluntary reduced fares granted by its members to the public and evn 'then always subject to the approval of the railway commission to the reasonable- ness of the rates. It is a pity such FS maxi- ill-will between the public and transportation lines, The interests of both are identical. Consultations be tween the transportation lines, which the association encourage and provide for, mean more intelligent understand- ing of the. public requirements, greater uniformity of methods and better ser ice generally. Instead of being"com- bipations in restraint of trade" are designed to and do ite in every respect. The interstate commerce commission Before you get Pen- Angle gaments all the shrink transportation line? 't is mani'est gach line would hesitate *o name re- duced fares without knowin what its competitors intended to do, not cals as to reduced fares but alo nz to! dates of sale of tickers their jimits and all other privileges, The Ime Canadian Passenger as-! which through personal conferences as | unfair efforts are being made to create they facilidate trade and are beneficial to the Bliblic in the United States, which is espoci- THE DAILY WHIG, SATURDAY, JAN. i. nN eo "Ma == 300,000 tins of "Madame Such are the figures for the sale of that unrivalled coffe] possessing a rich and delicious flavor, which blends strength o finesse. Our groceries shall give you equal satisfaction: pure products are the most economical! Sent free on reception of $2.80. : ally charged with the duty of prevent ing "combinations in restraint of trade," ireely recognizes and coafers with the territorial, passeng rv freigr: and other railway associations in the United States, mo doubt thiroushiy appreciating the fact that withoat the» aid of such . associations in bringing | about uniformity df, methods, ete, their work would be greatly hindered if not made impossible. | The public need more light and ac- curate infornmtion instead of mislead- ing information on a great many rail- { way questions, and I believe when pro- ! perly informed they are always rea ! sonable enough to appreciate what is ! clearly or their own benefit, such as the railway associations refetred to. CALVE PAYS FOR ANGER. { Abused Court Official in Dresden-- Theatre Closed. MISS EMMA CALVE. Paris, Jan. 12.--Mme. Emma Calve, the famous prima donna, has -- been ordered by the courts to pay $2,400 compensation to her impresgrio, M. Schurmgnn, owing to a fit of hasty temper from which she sufigred in Dresden recently. Mme. Calve was playing Carmen at the Court theatre, and the tenor who anoeared a8 Don Jose displeased her. The singer was so inowsed that, with- out waiting for the full "of the cur- tain, she called the tenor various op- probrious names and used exceedingly strong language against him. Next day she receivid 3 message say- | ing that the doors of the theatre { would in fdture be closed against her, | owing to the insults she had address- od to a court officiyl. The tenor is a court ~ official, by reason of his per- forming at the Court theatre, | Mme. Calve's tour thus came to 5 | sudden end, and the 'excitement of the ' incident mygede her so ill that she had to take to her hed. The £2,400 she is now ondered to pay represents the | Paris court's view of her mangeer's losses Watch Rheumatism Go. i The action of Dr. Hall's Fheumatic | Cure is direct and positive, and ! sults are similar in nearly all ca First, a lessening of the symptoms are { noted, there is less pain and soreness | and more freedom of the muscles. Uhen comes a gain in general health, The sufferer knows he is getting better and feels he will be cured. Time re quired to cure varies according to the duration of the disease and general | condition of the patient. But those the remedy faithfully will re { who use have constant improvement to cheer { them and will goon know 'they are be ing made sound and well. Price 50c. Ten days' treatment at Wade's Store. Drug Lackey Soldiers Forbidden. Paris, Jan. 12.~The deposition of General de Pechalves for using the soldiers under him as waiters, ball attendants and general lackeys, has been followed by a stringent circular issued by the war minister to com- manding officers, Piequart declares that General a soldier cannot be made to act as a gamekeeper, gardener, footman and male nurse. And an officer's servant must not be placed at the disposal of the officer's wife or children, Killed By His Own Gun. Cardiff, <Jan. 12.--Major Drury, of Lynghordy Hall, Llandovery, was the victim of a fatal accident yesterday. He was climbing over his garden hedge, on his way to shoot rabbits, when his gun went off. The charge en. tered his body, but he made his way ack to the house, where he died be- fore a medical man arrived. British Rush To Paris. is, Jan. 12.--~The rush of British visitors to Paris this season likely to beat all récords. For two or three days past the rail- way services have been almost unable to keep up with the heavy traffic, and the trains from Calais and Boulogne, Dieppe and Havre are arriving very late and much overcrowded. Two Guineas For A Farthing. London, Jan. 12.---A Williaf and Martin farthmg, by George Bowers, 1690, was sold for two guineas at sale of rare medals and coins, yester- dav, at Messrs, Sotheby's. A similar sum was paid for a Charles 11 tin farthing of 1684. seems Cost Of Pensions. Lowten; dan. 12<-A parlinmentary { return issued yesterday states that during the year ended March last, 1 FLIGHT AGAINST WIND. Trip Made By a French War Balloon. Paris, Jan. 12.--The military air ship La Patric, made a remarkable trial flight of thirty-three miles from Moisson to Meudon, near St. Cloud, yesterday. It. accomplished the jour- ney at a speed of twenty-five milgs an hour, traveling practically dead against a wind blowing gi~thirty miles an hour, The airship had four mn aboard, and Captain Voyer steered (by a fairly direct route, hut made mahy ascents and descents. and rapid tums to test the navigahbility of the airship. The great machine; responded admirably, and the result of the trial has given great satisfaction to the military au- thorities, CHINESE INVADE ENGLAND. Mongolian Colony in Liverpool is Overcrowded. Liverpool, Jan. 12>-The invasion of England by 1Chinese collies proceeds steadily. A batch of thirty who were found to have employment arranged for them at Liverpool as laundrymen and groe ers' assistants, were admitted by the immigration board a few weeks ago. A second batch of thirty arrived on the Ocean Steamship company's stoamer Dardanus, at the Royal Al- bert docks, late last evening. Provid- ing they pass the immigration board, they will join their fellow-countrymen and the already crowded colony of | Chinamen at Liverpool. Treason By Phonograph. Berlin, Jan. 12.--Another brilliant stroke against the Poles is reported. ! In several Prussian towns the police have confiscated large quantities of rhonograph waltzes, composed from two well-known Polish airs, namely, "God, Save Poland," and 'Poland is Not Yet Lokt." The principal import- er, of these dangerous articles has been arrested, and will be proceeded against at law. First Kaffir Nurse. Cape Town, Jan. 12.--Cecilia Maki- wane, a Kafir woman, has been ap- | pointed nurse at Butterworth Hospi- tal, Cape Colony, afteg a three years' . course of training at the Lovedale | Native Institute. She is the first col- ored woman in South Africa to hold such an appointment, Frightened Into Matrimony. Cape Town, Jan. 12.--A rumor that the Maritzburg (Natal) corporation intended to dispense with the services of unmarried employees so frightened the single members of the staff that within a week they all obtained from the chief magistrate special licenses to marry. Parrot Frightens Burglars. Jan. 12.--=The stationmas- ter's parrot at Walmer, has frustrat- «da burglary. Some men broke into the station office and had begun to ransack it when the bird began call ing "Harry, Harry," and uttering un- earthly yells, The men left they had packed to take away and fled. London, the goods -- Colony Against Empire. London, Jan. 12.~The of a vifle match at the end of November between picked teams of India and Amstralia has been announced by mail. Fach team fired simultaneously at home and exhanged scores. The Australians made 771 points, and In- dia totalled 735. result Upset By A Cat. °* London, Jan. 12.--Alfred Everett of West Mersea, while cycling at Fing- ringhoe, was thrown into a hedge in consequence of a cat running against hix machine. He found the cat firmly wedged between the mudguard and the fork of the cycle. Inquest Three Years After. London, Jan. 12.--An inquest was held, yesterday, at the Westminster coroner's gourt on Sidney Smith An- near, formerly a seaman in the royal navy, who was injured in an accident on January 2nd, 1904, and who hus lived since them with a broken back. Death was directly due to the injur- 108. Rub Away Pain. Instead of enduring Rheumatism, Neuralgia or any other form of pain, rub Smith's White Liniment over the achinb spot a few minutes and the pain will be gone. This remedy reach- es and removes the cause also. The best Liniment for all injuries, for any inflammation or congestion, Large bottles, 25c., at Wade's Drug Store. Seized The Sheriff's Office. Belfast, "Jan. 12.--Two Ulster farm- ors» ngmed Devlin, successful litigants in the petion against the high sheriff of Tyrone for illegal seiaure, seized all the furniture, books and papers in the We Pay the Freight ia aban Tea x Ten or 2 Iba. of either, Tea at your choice { * AB. FREE... 3 in the Provinces of ib. Absolutely Pure * Condor * Mustard, with all its Oil Soc. crue Smad vat hock dey oan, . Good € Quetiac and Ontario. 11b. Assorted Spices 158 1b. ting, the highest 80c. 9 Baking Seu THE E. D. MARCEAU CO., LIMITED, Wholesale Teas, Coffees, Spices, Vinegars, 281.285 ST. PAUL ST., MONTREAL, Canada. OT) Huot's Coffee" A NY Woodenware Company's wares are FULLY defects, so it will be to your interest to see that the name is stamped on every package you buy. Favourite Spool To Users of Pails and Tubs word of caution may not be out of place. The E. B. Eddy GUARANTEED against factory EDDY treatment tion," y well an Always, everywhere in Canada, ask for EDDY'S MATCHES, FREE TO YOU--MY SISTER cents u week, or less than two cents a day, Just send me your name and Sddress, tell me how you sulle, if you wi treatment for your case, entirely free, in plain wrapper, f costymy MEDICAL ADV! remedy, It cure treatment which Trregnlar Menstruation 13 'Joung Ladies, + Wherever you li eI can refer you to ladies of yur own locality who know and will gladly sufferer thy, this well, strong, plump aud robust J onrs, also the book, MRS. M. SUMMERS, Box 1, 11 LJ] rae you AND EVERY DISTER SUFFER- . ina FROM WOMEN'S AILMENTS. 1 am a woman, i juow woniaste sufferings, ve fou the cure. } will mail, free of any charge, my home treats ment with full fastructions to any sufferer from Womens ailments, 1 Want to tell GSA SDouL this cure -- you, my reader, for yourself, you daughter, r mother, or ir slater, I want to tell yon how to cure Yourselves at home will a complete trial; and if you should wish to continue, it will cost you It will not Interfere with r work and I will return mail, I will also send book=*WOMAN'S OWN ** with explanatcry fliust »meh suffer, and how they can easily cure themselves at homie, XK d learn to think for herself. Then when the doctor says--"* You mu can decide for yourself, Thousands of women have cured themselves with my home il, old or young. To Mo of Daugh y 1 will explain a fimple ily sad effectually cures Leucorriicea, Green Sickness a Painful Plumpuess and health always result from its use Home T! nt really dures all woman's diseases and makes women it send me your address, 4. the free ten days' treatment is Write to-day, as vou juay not see this offer a ddress - sherifi's office at Omagh. She Was Wild With Pain. From Willow Creck, Ont., Miss E. Diegel writes : "A few years ago I was drenched with rain and got lumbago; it was like a steel rod piercing bed on. Nerviline _ for. the lumbago. That rubbing relieved and in a few hours I was well. No other liniment could do this.' It's the penetrating 24.244 persons, in England and Wales in receipt of pensions or super: annvation. allowances, - The © total amount expended was $6,761,010. were power of Nerviline that makes it sup- erior to all other liniments. Nothing beats it, 25c. at all dealers. my back. I also had earache and was just wild with pain. I applied batting soak- ed with Nerviline to niy ear and rub- values | Colt | Buttoned Ee wearing shoes. See what a little money will buy, For Women For Men About 46 pairs Women's $2 Viei- €0 pairs Men's Winter Calf Bals, Cotton and Wool Lined | Bluchers, good shape and style, Red Label Sale, $1.49. the $3 kind. Red Label Sala : Price, $2.25. Six different lines of Ladies' : . : : Evening Slippers, the newest One Table of Men's High Cut American' styles. Sold all season . d Label Sale Price, at - Re - ae x ers, ' walue at $3.50. All Red : | Labelled at $2.50. : About 36 pairs Women's one, 34 pairs Men's Velour Call two and thre: Strap Kid Slippers, | giychers. The fad last, $4 Shoes, Sale $1. One Big Table of Women's Pat. Bluchers ang Gun Metal and a Blucher, | $1 kind. Red Label pe Th the $3.75 kind. Red Label Sale | The 75. kind, Red Label ice, aa Price, $2.98. 'Sutherland's 10c. Oil Dressing, sale 'price, 5c. Don't Think You can stay away from our Red Label Skoe Sale if you expect to continue 'Bluchers, value at $4, mixed with an odd line of Velour Calf Bluch- up to $1.75. Red Label mixed with a fine line of Pat. Colt Bals and Bluchers. Red Label Sale Price, $3. All our Felt Men's Slippers, the 50c. = H. Sutherland & Bro., THE HOUSE OF GOOD SHOEMAKING. : : iv