)U PLEASE-- e equal in quality at the price of ibbon 'oi licious, refreshing and vivifying use. ; 5¢. to §1 a Ib.--All grocers % BY'S + Per Cent. Sale Starts | Jan. 14th Cent. Off | its Men's Ulsters Trousers Cent. Off 3 Boys' Overcoats Boys' Reefers Cent. Off 3 Men's Sweaters Sweaters Men's Suits and Overcoats, that ) ough good and serviceable , which | 2 half their original value. . Bibby Co. $ We | CAUGHT IN ICE FLOE. | Passengers on Steamer Belleville Have Exciting Experience. | Ogdensburg Advance. The water level cn the dam has raised - nearly three feet during the Nast week, due to the mild weather. i Urdingrily it is icebound at this time jof the yeur. Cn Monday the ice , | broke up below the dam_and lodged at the bridge and in 4 short time the {Water set back over the docks and [flooded the bog thouses. Huge cakes fof ice ten inches thick were shoved out by the force of the current in to {the docks. The weather was so mild | {that there was dunger of 'the ice {above the dam breakine up, in which event the bridge would be in extreme danger. Realizing this, Mayor Han- nan ordernd the stegmer Armstrong to break a channel through the field of ice from the St. Lawrence to the brid~e. As soon as this was done the ice floe went out with o rush and s | In a short time the water had sub- sided to its usugl level. The flood of sjice on its mad rush to the St. Law- rence aquwrht. the schooners and har- - 4708 in winter quarters at Hannyn's > dock and snapping their lines oar y {Tied them out into the channel. The o | Steamer Belleville, bring a num ber of passengers from Prescott to take the New York Central trains, r {ran into the floe, and was held fast . {for over an hour until released by Armstrong though within = hall her length of open water she was un- able to extricate herself." Some of the Passen~rs olimbed down'over the side of the Belleville and walking (roves the flor hailed some fellows on shore, who got a punt and ferried | them across to open water to the shore ice, and they were thus enabled ; to catoh the afternoon trains. The | other "wssengers had to take: the night train. A ---------- Look After The Wiring. Toronto, Jan. 12.-'Phe Canadiak Underwriters' Association have under consideration a plan to enforce bet- ter conditions respectine electrical wiring. The idea is being tried in Ottawa, whore the electrical wiring is ' [Said to be of the worst. A rigid in- | Spection of buildings has resulted in | the issuing of a schedule advancing the Tate of insurance on certain class 8 of risks. Thiz docs not mean that advanced rates will go into effect at ence, but will apply to renewed risks. EE -- Is Your Cold Better ? No, it's as bad. as evers Nothing Sens to help. Whe not use the up-to {date specific, "Catarrhozone," which {drives out cold in one day. Iphale | Catarrhozahe and youswill be relieved bh Gl har 6 PY Ld , is a common ailment in C i : PROMINENT = IN ATARRH of the rezpiratory organs] the long, severe winters experienced in this part of the cont! Therefore, when Porunas was dis the covered by Canadian people to he a r liable remedy for sy mg t in families, but in the great h¢ awhore it was uscd 8s a preventativ relief in hundreds of cases. § These institutions Go not hesitute to | Men give their endorsement of the remedy ! which has been so helpfolin the treat {1 ment of their poor and sick. i Among these imstitutipns is U the Sistors of Good Shepherd, who the following endorsement: The Peruana Company, Columbus, Ohio. i "Wearah Haviag used Peruna for the past fow | mouths, for our sick and poor, we ars happy to say that it has givea us great satis 3 : | much relle The Sisters of de Good Shepherd, for a number of years. August 20, 1963. Moatreal. ! PE-RU-NA; DOES RELIEVING" Al : Mceatreal, Nov. 7, 1903. anade for] Wo fowad Peruns a relief in several st Teast two-thirds of tho year. | casas. This condition {3 no doubt cavsed hy | Ween say it is a good tonic aad we | 8% very tiantial Sisters of the Good Shepherd. When ectaith once fastens itself upon 1, it becomes an obstinate dis- ¢ remedy --one that reaches ialernal organ of the body--is an 3 just such a remedy. It the cause of the disease, #lronnihening the mucous hus giving Nature an rform her part of the ni of valve in treating ate cases of catarrh is the 1 follows "10 tell you that your us satisfaction. Three | Will be necessary to cures slight attack d it, one 63 years old, | of catarrh than would be required to ¢, alllicied with eatarrh, is | relieve the ailment after it had been al- ved, mora than he has been | lowed go become .chronie. HOSPITALS SAY. Sosa anesananesanasasal WONDERS) "Before the treatment I coula not experiencing mach fatigua. Now I can walk a mile easily, "Through these three cases we desire to make known to the public the ef- ficiency of your remedy." Hospital St. John, of St. Johns, Provifice of Quebec, A later letter received from the same institution reads as follows: "Three weeks ago 1 wrote fo dell Jou how satisfactory we found runa. We recommend it highly for colds, coughs, catarrh and pew "lL have used it myself as a tonio with the best results, taken as directed, hal? a teaspoonful every halt hoar." Peruna not only promptly relieves | coughs and colds in their first stages, but is equally prompt and efficient for catarrhal diseases in the chronic stage, Of course, it is only reasonable to suppose that a great deal less medicine Direetions for taking the remedy will 'A young girl, 15 years old, had an|P® 10UDd on each bottle, also in Dr, Alter a continued use of the remedy, | obstinate cough, which half a bottle of | Hartmaws book, called "The Ills of /this institution has found no reason is | Perucza ceased fo discppear. change its good opinion of the remedy | "As to mysell, two bottles have con- and expresses its satisfaction in the fol-| vinced me that Peruna is magnificent ~Jowing terms: 23 a tonle, | ife," which can be obtained from your druggist for the asking. For special instructions write to Dr. Hartman, President of the Hartmen "Sanitarium, Columbas, Ohio, "Ask your d ruggist for Free Peruma Almanac, for 1907." at P000000000000000000000000000 January Reductions in #¥l Liaes. January Millinery Sale All Winter Hats Great- 1y Reduce i in Frice. NEVER was a sale at- tended with greater suc- cess than our annual Janu- ary Sale Hundreds of women have alded a change totheir regu- lar supply of winter hats EVERY TRIM- MED HAT STORE is offered at quite radical reductions from our regular low prices. cost. Ve Untigimmed Hats and Rea- oad dy-to-Wears--Half Price. : : . Mil » SPENCE'S ™ Lanshin=y | 0 0000060000000000000000000000 - a . LIVED AS BEGGAR To Conceal His Wealth--Adopted | Induced By Flies--Discovery Life 'As Ruse. Budapest, Jan. 10.--The mystery sur- Berlin. Jan. rounding, the wealth: of the beggar | found Garlach, who died in a Budapest hos- | states came domestic chaplain to Baron Bal- | that 7, a wealthy Hungarian nobleman, | caused i She death of the baron, took | Those insects, which are found princi advantage of his position in the house | pally on the to appropriate s-curities and jewelry | stones, dried-- branches worth nearly £50,000. He told his "confessor (Rt in order "er fowls and to divert suspicion of the theft from | surface of the water. himself he determined to lead a beg After various experiments, gar's life for ten years, when any pro- | sor Koch degided seeution would be barred by the sta- | injections. of half tute 'of limitation, and he wonld be | tion, able to invest his ill-gotten gains and | a8d caused po harm. ter the subcutaneous By the end of the ten years, how- | been made the ; ever, the habits of the beggar and the | could not be found, while the "general mis'r had gained so firm a hold on | condition of the paticnt had improv him_ that he never took abvantage of | 4. Tn three weeks patients who were his wealth: to change his manner = of | eriously ill when the treatment life. He lived until his death as a | #30, and who, without atoxyl, would beggar without "even a dwelling of | certainly haves died, had improved in s have: his own, sleeping in railway waiting | the doctor's m'nd rooms 'and telegraph offices. the remedy. : By his will he endeavored to atone |. Nine hundred patients are now for his crime, by leaving all the mon- | 'M¥ treated, and about three » ev to charitable purposes. The heirs| Dr. Koch thinks that the cure willbe | ihe home of lev of 'Baron: Baldscsy intend, however, to | *d°d, hut he adds that the patients fy, Tuckett, "Jr., live on the interest. dispute the. will and claim the estate. | 5? | -------- Persia playing -eards of "ivory used and Indian cards are mw wade of thinly beaten gold | ! pearl. Red Bload" ~« SLEEPING SICKNESS Koch, who has | 370 in his report to th pital worth $47,500, has been cleared | of the interior that the atoxyl which fica. up. J he injects into the victims is a pre Thirty vears ago, after a most byil- paration of arsenic. liant university career, Garlach - be British investigations bites to employ atoxy! » in solu efficacious Eight hours af had germs of the diseas be of be tempt period, lest velapsés occur. A big bottle ofggcough syrup, com posed of wild chorgy ere "for eo |e Wade's sure BAD TIME ALL ROUND. Predicts Feck of Disasters. aris, Jan cer, has is vhidh promises her forecast for 19 th peage-making rts of King ard The strug between of and masses in Englund, she . will become serious, to have a vea her, and a checkerec generally. Germany oughly bad time, with finan and all sorts of scams The proph foresee orf th Un may expect tat ted oftturrenoes, The Russian Terror. n its official is low'n the murde governors of town, 67; prefects romms ers and manufacturers persons, peasants, workmen, and banks of lakes among | forth, killed or wounded by the ter-| and plants feed on the blood of crocodiles fishes frequenting Should Be Rewarded. Profes Bath, Jan. 11.-Two weeks have J elapsed sipce that sad drain and | tracks on yet the Lody of one poor fellow, Ern- | : " est Instant, lies at the bottom of the | A palatial hotel will also be con- LBay, the weather having stopped the | structed. work of the willing ones who have | been trying to find it. Surely the | Cory Won't Marry--Just Now. bravery of these three plucky men, A. | Pgris, Jan. 12.--William E. Cory, Davy, J. Beliour and ©C. laird, who | vresident of the saved Robert MeFam on that event | Corporation, authorizes the Associated ful night, should not he allowed fo | Press to state that he will not marry me sign being shown. | durin~ Ris present European trip. This is a denial of the rumor that go by witkou for help, but did not make an and Mrs, similar spent the holidays in Bath, W, Hath on his way to Watertown. hall at Whitehall. iibson's Red Cross drug stove. a | 15, not 28e., Rose tooth paste, at walk for a quarter of an hows without' te 10.--Mme, de Thebes, the | h Many of the princely houses will be in stria-Hungary there will bd | ter . cyclones in the valley of the Panube, | Prince Edward Island), under the new and the old emperor will not leave his erown to his expected successor. Th te a bad time | Servative, rising to give assent, he the attention of the se to > he hou oS | also voted on and was lost by one of { n majority. There is talk of a re and Belgium | called 3 {the fact that owing to a serious : { we political 'and social | , " ' { break in the submatine cable, tele- | St. Petersburg, Jan. 11.--The Temps | and. e published the fol palling statistics respecting | ous operation of the ter | lie works, wists from February last vear to De- cember 31st. During this period the | police and other officers of the force, policeman, 347: officers of the . gendarmerie, 47; officers of the army {| Because Raffeleo Luirter of the Imperial Guard, 124; soldiers, | al institutions, 68; 'landown same period the number of ordinary Union Depot For Ottawa. Ottawa, Jan. 19.--The agreement be- rorists reached the enormous total of | tween the Grand Trunk railway and wat | 39 706. the it is a fins example for some other | men, who heard the poor fellows eall | he was to wed with Mabelle Gilman, at- | the getress. to save; why we don't know. | months | A little son has come to brighten | Engine Charged Roundhouse, Wil- TING BAD ICE. -------- Typhoid. which regulate this line of business. lee 18 being sold everywhere for vari ous uses gnd Chairman Melntyre and Dr. Evans, of the board of health, | morning and demanded that the driv- ér exhibit his ice permit, but he had none. The ice is cut bulow the hridge, in the vicinity of nasty and dangerous sewers, and if allowed to go on will give the city another big crop of tyohoid next summer. Dr. Bvans says he will make an- other fight this ver to have the ice- cutting limits placed so that clenn ice will be possible even if ho sonds the cutters out into the lake after it. Muombers of the board of health will also insist that the man who exposed the rottem meat for sale on the mper- ket, today, shall be prosecuted to the limit of the law. The health act de- clares that action "shall" be taken in such a fas and the police have no choice in enforcing the statutes, The board of heglth will meet Tues- day and there will be a vigorous time a8 some of the fighting members say { thoy will find out what the city is {Paving a health officer 5 big salary or. ---- STUDHOLME'S ISOLATION. Allied With Either Party. Toronto World. { eal assembly for East Hamilton, in the house. ties, and will probably be necommo- depleted ranks of the opposition from tha to-spare majority of the govern- the speaker. Mr. Studholme spent a busy week campaigning for the labor candidate in the Kingston mayoralty contest. an independent to have a chance. FOR POWER PURPOSES. Government Has Leased Beauhar- nois Waterway. Ottawa. Jan. 12.--The government has leasid the Beaubgmois canal to Messrs. Robert and Molntyre, of Mon- | treal, for power development. The | canal has beem 4 bill of expense ubhon Will Mark New Year--French Seer | the dominion. The lessees assume the cost of main nee, $20,000 a year, and mpst o an immediate expenditure of 2 bad time aX Toi nd. | 260,000, and other outlays from time She foretells a pitched battle Phe tween the British House of Lords and } the Commons, which will be ended by to time. They will have to Pay the { eovernment a rental of $12,000 , vear, to Montreal, Vglleyfield, and other TROUBLE BREWING! _ {FOR THOSE WHO ARE CLT- Chaimman McIntyre and Dr. Health Active--Danger of dol A ember of the bogrd of health ford, Cc states that so far this season not focal icemen for the cutting of ice for storage or consumption purposes, and | | A. yet ice is being cut daily for sale and storage. "this member of the board stated further that one ice Bouse was alrogly filled and others were being filled comtrary to the health laws, held up a waggon on the street,this Labor Member of Hamilton Not | ¥ Frontenac county council will have to Allan Studholme, labor member lo- . . was {in the city, vesterday, and called | upon Hon. J. W. 8. John, the speak to discuss his coming appearance Mr. Studholme does not want to sit in the ranks of either of the par- dated with a desk in the neutral ter- ritory which at present separates the ment, which is located to the left of But the city is too hot politically for and will have to supply power | JANUARY 12. - ZION CARNIVAL. Event. Last night ival at Zion' rink night's carnival 3 & Was a success in e Very genwme' large sheet of ice was in excellent con- |, dition, and the skaters were out in force. The rink was decorated with Evans "of the Board of colored lights and the costumes were Lvery pretty. The prize winners were : First prize, Miss Violet Walker, silver lar; second price, Miss 0. Strat- fo otnelin Kinks; oihird i Jejae, B. x s eid, colored. coon. ) wore a single permit has been issued to ! My, Watts, Mrs. Linton, Frederick { Davies, and A. Sherman. The R.C. band was in attendance and ren- dored excellent musid, After the Rize winnrs were amnounted, refreshments were served hy the ladies of the { church. The carnival was so successful} that it will he repeated. MADE FINE TRIP. e -- Steamer Pierrepont Carried Many to the Cape. The steamer Pierrepont made a fine trip to Cape Vincent, N.Y, yesterday, and! carried many passengers both ways. There was a high sea, but the vessel encountered very little ice. Capt. Carnegie was well pleased with the trip. Owing to the snow storm to-day, the steamer was unable to make the trip, but if the weather is favorable on Monday, the steamer will go to the Cape. Friday the steamer left at 9 am, and arrived back at Folger's wharf at 6.45 p.m. PERTH TOLL ROAD THE AWARD HAS BECOME EFFECTIVE. Road Company May Carry the Matter to Court--Claimed That the Award Was Made Too Late. The first important business that the deal with is the question of purchasing the Perth toll road. This matter was left over by last year's council on ac- count of the fact that thirty days must elapse before the arbitrators' award woukl become effective. This time has now expired, but it is un- derstood that the road company will contest the validity of the award, which they claim was not made within the statutary time specified, after the arbitrators' first Wetting. A legal case would thus result. be done wmtil it is scen whether or not Nothing will the county council will decide to pur- how the new council will view the mat- ter. Councillor Stomess, the represen- tative of Loughboro, who was respon: sible for the arbitration, is again in the council, and will endeavor to ear- ry through his scheme of abolishing tolls on all thé county roads. DISAPPOINTMENT AT COAST. British Columbia Prepared to Wel- come Japanese Squadron, Ottawa, Jan. 12. -Consul-Genoral Nosse has received a cable messgee from Viscount Havashi, minister of foreign affairs for Japan, announcing the visit, of the Japanese traming squadron, which was to have visited the Pacific ports of Canada and the United States in a few weeks' time, is indefinitely postponed. The announcement of the postpone- ment of the trip will be received with manicinglities at rates subject to the disgnpointment in British Columbia, control of the government. In this way the municipalitics will get choap power. BREAK IN P.E.I. CABLE. Urges Government to Establish Marconi Stations. { Ottawa, Jan. 12.--In the house, yes terday, Mr. Martin (conservative, rule, gave notice of a motion to ad- | Journ, and twenty members, all con. | graph congnupication was interrupt - | ed, perhaps indefinitely, between | Prince Fdward Island and the main- | } f tablish Marconi stations. | He promised earliest consideration. following persons were either killed or i USED KENIFE AS ARGUMENT. | retuned to dangerously injured by dagger, revolv- | of Jor or bomb: Governor general and | Italian Near "Soo" Plun ot | | | Weapon Into Compatriot. Sault Ste. Marie, Ont, Jan. 12. ers and manufacturers, 72. During the Algoma Steel company. i chwrges, i | vowels in their order, He urged the government to es- Mr. 'Fisher, acting minister of pubr has just henrd the news. said he was a better man than Luigi Allesandro. civic funetionari of various | the latter drove a knife deep into his un ranks, 215; clergymen, A5; members of | 2bdomen. The victim may die. Luigi spent last week the guest of her sis- . | was taken to jail. Both reside in | ter, Mrs. T. 17; and bank- | "Tittle Italy," near the plant of the | tor Slack, Brockville, made a few hur- : - ried ealls on friends here on Monday. payment of reasonable ; choose United States Steel Guelph, Jan. 12.--An engine on the Simmons. and sister Ruby | C.P.R. ran into the roundhouse, last night, driving full into the end of the » Young of Picton called on friends in | building. As a result, the end of the J. Murphy. The ho | roundhouse was knocked out and con- ee .| siderable damage done. Luckily no Rube ne was paid £4,000 for his work | one was hurt" é , , q , only 20c,, §-n the eilibe of the great ban enn | "AbManions™ and "Tacetions™ are : { the only words in English having the gnery is when you haven't anything where an elaborate programme for the (ntertainnent of the wisiting ships | was being prepared. News From Long Point. Lond Point, Jan. 10.~At the annual school meeting, C. J. 0'Conor was : elected trustee. Joseph Warren got the contract for supplying the school with wood for the year. The muni- cipal elections took place, on Monday, and the following were elected : Reeve, George Bracken; councillors, John H. Slack, Albert Leadbeater, Zebra Jack- son and A. Love. Loval option was count being called for. Dr. F. J. O'Connor retuned to | Kingston, January 2nd, to resume his duties in the Hotel Dieu Hospital. {Miss Elien O'Connor is visiting !friends in Delta. Sergt. B. Plunkett and Corporal D. Slack have gone to Toronto to take a course in the mili- tary school. Miss Caroline LaRose ; Athens, on Sunday last, | to resume her studies at the high school. Mr. and Mrs, 8. N. Chip: man and little son, Vietor, spent Christmas with Mrs, Chipman's par- ents and: brothers here. Mr. and Mrs. 8S. J. Storms and son, Marcus, visit- ed at C. J. O'Connor's, on Sunday, December 30th. Miss Addie Burns | a Chaffey's Locks Drowning. Chafley's Lock, Jan. 11.--~The people | of this place were thrown into great | the government for the construction excitement by the drowning of Mrs. | of a Grand Central railway depot at Sawtell Dargavel, on Sunday last. | Ottawa has been ratified. All railways | School has re-opened with Miss M | entering the city can use the GT.R. gie Fleming as teacher. E. Rowswell's factory is nearing completion. E. Edgers has the contract for moving the derrick and machitery from | the castle. We don't Davis' lock to one of the locks below Smith's Falls. George Randall is on the sick list, Mr. and Mrs, Fleming have returned from Montreal, where they spent the Jou week with their | and said: daughter, Miss ONT SELL TWINE| w $ i possible output. Bryan, Lansdowne. Wal: He Questions the Advisability of Continuing the Factoryp--Soine Interesting Penitentiary Stai- istics According to Warden Platt, of the local penitentiary, . aati rer sults have not followed the of binder twine gt the factory, "We started in last year with t 350 tons," states the warden. "We sold about 200 tons--less than half our Our twine: 0 wood a8. aly on the "markt x price was two cents'below : A of the same grade. But our terms shut us out, and our terms will al- wavs shut us out. Farmers will not send cash for any article they cannot see, and many of them cannot send cash because they have not got it. To get up clubs costs momey and in- cregses the price of the twine. Com: petitors take advantage of our terms and misrepresent the quality of our twine. Altogether the outlook is dis- couraging. We should be able to run the mill all the yoar. Give us the retail dealers--give us the market on equal terms with our competitors and we will sell gil the twine we can | make if wo run our factory night and dav every month of the yegr. If we cannot have the market, why ran the* factory ? All this I say after five vears' experience with the present system." Penitentiary Statistics. On June 30th the convicts in the venitentiuries of Canada nunfbered 1,- 439, of whom 197 were total abstain- ers, 697 temperate and 545 intemper- ate. The religious denominations were represented among the convict nova- lation as follows: Roman Catholic, 702; Church of England, 295; dist, 143; Presbyterian, 136; Baptist, 72; an, 43; other Christign de- nominations, 10; Jewish, Mormon, 2; Buddhist, 16; no 'oreed, 13. Of the total number S98 were Cangdians,217 from Great Britain and Ireland, 16 from other British countries, one hun- dred and thirty-seven from the Uni: ted States and the balance from other foreign countries. Those under twenty years of gge constitute one-eighth of the prison population. The ? capita: cost of maintenafice wes : At Kinostop, 856.96; St, Vincent de Paul, £5217; Dorchester, $50.36; Manitobw, £49.99; British Columbia, $45.15. The last two items are lower than for the previous yer. During the year 181 Paroles were granted to comviets, an crease of 54, The total from all the chase the road for the amount of the [institutions was 28. award, viz: $7,000. It is not known - GAY SOCIAL LIFE. English Writer Criticises the Fash-' ionable American Woman. "The round of gayety in which the richest and most fas! ble es h a lle Be gayest is remarks The Throne, a new English paper devoted to the doings of society. "However fond the latter may be of sure and iet--int great country houses, in Seotch shooting lodges, in their own homes, where they rest and garden and see their children and gossip with intimate friends. "Americans, as soon as their and exhausting season, which lasts from [ r to April, is over, start Jor 1a don hod Rome or Paris, Whete they begin all over again, or go off to Newport or Lenox or where a round of balls and dinners and house parties and gorgeous dressing carries - them through the summer. Another peculiarity of American so- ciety noted by the critic is that i thas no centre' like the society of European countries. "There is a smart set in every town whose members are at home in Europe, whi have sisters and cousins who are Roman princesses or English duchesses." This makes the social circle in any town very small compared with London. Mvery one is doing the same thing. There is one splendid ball a night instead of half a dozen good ones. All society s at- tends the same great function. very- body knows everybody else, and meets over and over again, much more cer- tainly than they would in London" The "young man who looks in at a ball to get Sis supper and does not dance" is said to be unknown in Amer- ica, "where there is still a lingering idea that the hostess confers a favor by inviting rather than the guest by ac- cepting," and it is further asserted thm the wallflower 8 non-existent in this favored land. With the American hostess it is a point of honor that "no gil should be undanced with." For Principal To The Hilt. T. P's Weekly. An English excursionist who was up near Balmoral on \3 certain occasion went into a cottage to get a drink of water, a pi x ho i "So the Qfeen Vis a i r oO yours?" he/suid to the Fah. while she Bia [serving him, es "And she is quite neighborly, isn't she, and comes to visit you in your cottage?" "She's weel encuch" : "Look here, ma'am, you don't seem satisfied with Her Majesty, May I ask you why?" "Weel, I'll tell ye if ye wish. The 's on at fact is we don't leik the fek the way they keep or don't.keep the Sawbath-- oir) out in boats on the..Sawbath ie excursionist tried to a se her "Oh, well, after all, ma'am, illian, and sister, | you know there is a precedent for that. Mrs. J. E. O'Brien. A. W. Dwyre is | You remember our Lord, too, went out hauling lumber to erect a new kitch- i on the Sabbath" She interrupted en and drive shed in the spring. John Regan, Sr., is very ill; as he is | him. | "Ooh, aye; I ken it weel eneuch. You very aged man, there is little hope | canna tell me aught aboot Hem that I of recovery. Miss C. Burke, Newboro, | dinna ken a'read spent the holidays with Mrs, J. W, Ww mn 'S$ Mr. and Mrs. N. H. How- | for it either. ard spent Sunday at Elgin. Miss Jor- | dan. Philipsyille, is the guest of Mrs. | people y. An' I can tell ye this: We don't think any moor o' Hem street, will give a hi moder Prevost, Brock # of this locali- | choice of #18 and $30 suiting, ty are harvesting their summer's ice. | to.order for 815. Good fit and 'good Master Vincent Regan is recovering | itimmina, a genuine from & serious illness. The only time you dan afford to get | Ever else to do. jae it only [atickng 3] she imines that her same ; and R lips ~~ Pitt-Campbell, form going ony they almost always have | Nova A times of lei ; 'In University mien rder, Canada Cornell university, was' é ard Island, Spare at Bar: Harbor! { housie, Nova co ate of Toronto" Uni Musitan, is a the head o secured its share of H. Sykes, who t rs left Deen 'ebinent fessor Sykes is perhaps. lar lecturer . in A kins university is Harr: Ramon: aie GAT Berion'S ton; while G. A on is fessor of biblical At the head of Michigan uni- versity is James A. Craig, and he is supported in the anat a fellow-Canadian, Lillie, professor o! Neil Stewart, head of the f i and S. H. Clark, 8 speaking. H. A, the eminent entomologist, dian, as also is Henry R. Slough, Latin professor of Leland Stan 0 : ; Five thousand Canadian doctors the * Sticcessor "of Fowler, who organized in ankin and Pekin universiti founded the first Methodist ho St. Petersburg, is also a native | the gathering of a I aL was | 1,000,000 to be devoted 0: arch