is DR. SCOTT'S the best LINIMENT made for all kinds Nuiment of pain? no cheap. substi JECAUSE =. iw itive that no liniment amin, ergs Weerade, high-priced : 8 a combina St essential oils. bination of the n Excellent Hair Resiorer and Sealp Cleanser Large bottle, 25 cents. Notice to Contractors SEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED to the undersiy marked on the elope "Tender for Construction' wi ie "It not for ele at your i received at the otice of the ee MEE le at you at ST xist, . 4 ers of the lranscontinental Radway, at 5 alua roou ames B, MOttawa, until twelve o'clock feos of the Dr. Scott's White Liniment © 14th day of rebruary, 1807, ior ihe ey oh ite lilo hes 0.5 work required for the construction, in ac- rop S . N.B,, _ Chelmg: cordance with the plans, profilés and sybet tons of ile > atutissioners, for ! sections of 'I'ransecn- a Rn vicstions. of the Transccn: (1) District "A."--F . rom a poi Sige nited on the. plus roint desig Sear of the Commissions at or the Cityiof Moncton, in the Yrovigee of New Brunswick, 'westerly for a distance of about 50 miles (2) District "A."--From a point desig pated on the plans of the Commissioners at or near the town of Grand Falls, in the Province of New Brunswick, westerly to Soe bo Jumlary betwen the Provinces C an uebec, a di A BA en de (3) listrict ""B."'--From a point desig vated on the plans of the Commissioners at or near the Quebec Bridge, easterly for a distance of abolit 150 miles. (4) District "B."--¥rom 'ur Bargains w-- We Gentlemen's Racoon Coats ientlemen's Fur-Lined Coats & point desig- 3 ' t > 8 Ladies' Racoon Coats hogs ioe ana of the Ce pantiiuets i : giridge westerly. to a point known as Children s Fur C ts Jevinontachens, 5 distance of about 45 (5) Districts "C"" and "D."--From au point designated on the plans of the Commissioners: about eight miles west of the Abitibi River crossing easterly for a distance of about 150 miles. : Plans, profiles and specifications be seen in the office of the Chief wineer of 'the Commissioners at Utta also in the offices of the District gineers concerned, MAN. IN [OUR STORE. QUALITY THE BEST. W. F. GOURDIER nay En- we, En- Viz. :=Guy C. Dann, Pile Remedy | Given Away To All Pile Sufferers We Will Send Free a Trial Package of the Pyramid Pile Cure. In order to prove to you 'that our remedy is not to be classed with the wany concoctions advertised as cures for this dread disease, we mgke this libergl offer. We leave it to your own judgment to decide whether or not you can af- ford to do without this long tried re- medy.. We know of no case where the Pyramid Pile Cure has not brought relief, when it has been used gecord- ing to directions. It has saved thou- sands from the operating table . and endless torture. You owe it to vour- self to pive it a fair trial, especially since it costs you nothing. "I write to thank you and also prai$h vou for the good your medi- cine has done ute, Oh, I can't fini words to express my thanks to you all for such » wonderful and speedy cure. I felt relieved after using your sample, so 1 sent right on to a dru---~ist and bought a 50. box which I believe has cured me entirely. 1 feel more myself now than 1 have felt in over a vear, for I have been bothered about that long with the piles. 1 have told all my friends about this wonderful discovery and will recom- mend it whenever I ean. You can use mv name anywhere vou choose. Re- spectiull.. Mrs. Chas. L. Colemgn, Tullahoma, Tenn. There 4s surely no good reason whv EXCLU St. John, N.B.: A. E. Doucet, Quebee = SIve FURRIER ay PQ. and. S. K. Poulin, Noria Nay, § nt. Brook Phone 700 Persons tendering are notified that ten- ders Will not be considered unless made in duplicate, and on the printed forms " supplied by the Commissioners, ira . fii y A Bobarhte ender niust be submitted 1 or each section. on ¢ qa Sauerers shall Bot be'fy any way en- 0 y upon -the classification or 5 Rooms Frum 31.00 Pes Duy Up any other information given by any per- son on behalf of the Commissioners, and before submitting any tender, bidders should make a careful examination of the plans, profiles, drawings and specifica- tions, and read the forms to be executed, and fully inform themselves as to the quantity and quality of materials, and character of workmanship required : and are understood to accept and agree to be bound by- the terms and conditions con tained Jin "the form of 'contract, specifica Hous, &e¢., annexed to the form of ten er. Each tender must be signed and sealed by all the nasties. to the tender, and witnessed, and be hccompanied hy 'on ac- cepted rcheque on a chartesed bank of the Dominion of Canada payable to the or- der ofthe Commissioners of the Trans- continental Railway, as follows :-- For Deksion No. 1, District "A." $75, Optical Work For Section No. 2, District, "A." $90,- Carefull Executed For Section No. '8, District "B.." $225. ). y For Section No. 4, District "BD." $75, For BB on ts Spectacles and Eveclasses ry Dei. oop, F suricts ns rroperly fitted. Any person whose tender is accepted New and mounting. Eyes carefully examined. up-to-date shall, 'within ten days after the accepts ance thercof, furnish sueh additional ap- proved security as may be required by the SSmmissiones ; Sirg the contract, specifications and other docugients requir ed to be sivned by the said joe ak Ragic Baking Powder. SMITH BR gh i and, ne any case of refusal or (Hlett's Perfumed Lye. ailute on part. of the party whose Impe Baking Powder. 0 S. tender, is accepted td complete and ex- perisl Baking Patdss. ecute a contract' with the said Commis- by Jewelers and Opticians sioners, and to furnish the additional | Roya! Yeast Cakes. 350 grooved seclirity within ten days ate { Gillett's Mammoth Blue. troef 0 acce| co y the sal \ Magic Baking Soda King Street choqug shall be-forfeilall to the Commisy Qillett's Washing Issuers of Marriage sioners as liouidated damages for such | Crystal. Li refusal or failure, and all contract rights icenses, acquired by the acceptance of the tender by parties whose tenders are aceeptod will he depibsited to the credit of the Receiver 'General of Canada' as part of the security for the due and faithful per- formance of the contract according te its torms. 'Cheques deposited by parties whose tenders are rejected will be re- turned within ten days after the signing of the contract, Attention is called to the following clauses in the form of contract :-- **All mechanics, labourers or othergir- sons who periorm labour for the pur- Roses of the com$truction of the works hereby contracted for shall be paid such Wages as are generally accepted as cur- rent for cowpetent workmen in the dis- trict in which the ' work is being por- formed, and if there is no current rats in such district, then a fair and reason- able rate ; and, in the event of a dispute arising as to what is the current or a fair and reasonable rate, it shall be de- termined bv thu Commissioners, whose decision shall be final." "This agreement is subject to the re gulations now in force, or which may at any time hereafter be im force during the construction of the works hereby contracted for, made under the authority of the Department of Labour, and which are or shall be applicable to such words." (The schedule of Minimum wages determined upon by said depart- ment will form part of the contract.) "The eontractor shall, in connection with the whole of the said work, as far as nracticable, "use only material, ma- chinery, plant, supplies and rolling stock manufactured or . produced in Canada provided the same can be obtained as cheaply and wpon as good terms in Can- ada as elsewhers, having regard to quality and price." Ww e The contractor shall conform fire regulations adopted by the Commis- to Sorte: and also to the laws and régu- latigns respecting fires in the different Provinces Wherein the work. is being per- formed. The right is reserved to reject any or all tenders. Ny order, . P. E. RYAN, i Secretary. The Commissioners of the Transcontinental Railway. Ottawa, Jan. Sth, 1907. Newspapers inserting this advertise- ment without authority from the King's Printer will not be paid for it. Still going on. All "Significant and Inter- esting to Prospective | Assurers." Sdn The Blue Book for (1905) Shows that "The Canada Life As: surance Compahy"' paid by way of Cash Profits tp its Policyholders i 1905, 81,194,689.45. While in the same year 21 Canadian Companies, 14 Bri- tish Companies, and 16 American, in I 51 other companies operating in anada. paid by wav of Cash Profits to their Policyholders, $1,022805 02, which shows that "The Canada Life Assurance Company" paid more to its Policyholders than the other 51 Companies put together. The Canada Life, for each 5 years of its 60 years experience, has added a Bonus Addition of $1,000 to every- $10,000 insufance in force. . Full information how a Policy would for you. cheerfully given at the office, 18 Market street, Kings- J 0 'RUTTON, Manager Telephone 703. © J. R. URQUHART, 153 Alfred St., Special Agent. inter Goods Jeing sold at special prices. ol Blankets \nelette Blankets \nelette Underwear ol Underwear 3s Suitings Etc., etc. ! ------ WMAN & SHAW shall be forfeited. The cheques deposited | anv sufferer from piles should continua in goony. If you are tortured with | this disease, we will send to your ad- in a plain, sealed wrapper a sullicient quantity 'of the Pyramid i Pile Cure to show what relief it brings. | Menrs have heen practically cured by this amount of the remedy alone, The sample package which iwe will send vou contains the identical remedy sold | in all drug stores at 50c. per box. | Write to-day ana prove to vour own salisfuction that vou can be cured. Pyramid Drug Co.. 77 Pyramid Build- Marshall, Mich. | | IT 1S 70 THE ADVANTAGE OF EVERY HOUSEKEEPER IN CANADA TO USR THEN ! BU Te lel er Te . . WADE For oven BC veans. (xsTABLIGHED 082) EW. GILLETT yi 08 «db . TORONTO. ONT. A Superior Business Training Institution Frontenac Business College KINGSTON ONTARIO Day and Evening Classes Moderate Rates. Ts N. STOCKDALE, Principal. "Phone, 680. H. JERY. Howme-Nade od 220 Princess Street Nest Door to Opera House | Fresh Candies, Mixtures, ' 10e. 8 lbs. for 25¢. All Kinds Candies, 10e¢., 15¢., 20¢. lh. Choeplates, from 20¢. Ib. to 50¢c. a Ib. Ice Cream every day, best, in the city, cold and hot | Drinks. { NewYork Chinese Restaurant | 83 Princess Street Open from 10.80 a.m. ta§S.00 a my The best placd to @st an all round | Lunch in the cityy Meals of all kinds on shortest notice: Eaglish and Chinese dishes a anecialty. INSURANCE AND FINANCE. Il Mclntyre & Mcintyre - |3ARRISTERS MONEY TO LOAN KING STREET. KINGSTON] G. A, Bateman Correspondence in Montreal, New York, i$ and other places. AM 'busitiesy 'receives prompt ate ten at Clarence Kiugeton ™* ' & treet, Dr. Pugkin .spys there will he 800 Canadian grgdpates of Oxford in an- other generation. When a man weurs a pink shirt and red. tie it's a sigh his wile is away visiting her 'niother. © 3 This is thie month, to buy rubber goods. You can save money them 43 ' mother say that they had | kingston. | perseverance, TOLD BY A VENERABLE CO- BOURG LADY, The Children Well Trained--Came to Kingston With Grists and to Trade--Always Happy and Cheerful. Volume 'Seventh, 1906, oi the On- tario Historieal Society's memoirs contains the narrative of Mrs. White, 6f Northumberland county; of events between 1770 and 1820. It was pre- served in "The Coventry Papers," in the parliamentary library, Ottawa. Mrs. White was before marriage, Miss Catharine Crysler, of Sidney, Hast- ings, In the #farrative are these inter- esting recollections : "Mother used to help to chop down the trees, besides "attending to house: hold duties, and, as the children grew up, they were trained | in industrious habits, We were very useful to her, tended the cattle, churned the butter, making chéese, dressing the flax, spin- ning--in those days the spinning- wheel looked cheerful-made our own cloth and stockings. 1 have a gown now in my possession that 1 made of homespun sixty years ago. We had no neighbors but an old Englishman, who lived some distance off, and was an occasional wisitor. Before our crops came around, having brought seed with-us, supplied by government, we had rations from the military posts; also, when these were nearly exhausted, father collected our butter, cheese, and spinning, taking them ina batteaun to Kingston, which he traded off. for salt; tea and flour. We had no grist mill nearer than Kingston. The first mill at Napance was put up after wards. "The Bay of Quinte was covered with ducks and we could obtain any gquan- tity from the Indians, As to fish, they could be had by fishing with a scoop: 1 have often speared large salmon with a pitchfork. Now and then provisions were scant, but there being plenty of bull-frogs, we fared samptuously. This was the time of the famine. In 1789 we were obliged to dig up our pota- toes, after planting them, to eat. 'We never thougit of these privations, but were happy and cheerful; no unsettled minds, no political strife about church, government, or sguabbling municipal councils. Wa leit everything to owr faithful governor, Lord Simcoe. "1 have often heard my father and no cause for complaint and were always thank- ful to the government for kind as- sistance in hour of need. Of an -even- ing my father would make shoes of Jeerskins for the children, and mother would work on homespun deesses. We no doctors, no lawyers, no stated clergy; we had prayers at home, and put our trust in Providence. An old woman in the next clearing was, the chief physician to the surrounding country, as it gradually settled. A tyee fell one day and hurt mother's back badly. We sent for the old wom- an, who came, © steeped some wheat, DAILY BRITISH WHIG, RECOLLECTIONS] XY pd "TUESDAY, I NHUMANITY No MAN. Many and sharp the nua'rous ills. Inwoven with our frame! More pointed still we make ourselves Regret, remorse and shame! And man, whose heaven-erected face The smiles of love adorn-- Man's inhumanity to man Makes countless thousands mourn. Bee yonder poor o'erlabored wight, Bo abject, mean and vile. Who begs a brother of the earth To give him leave to toil; And see his lordly fellow-worm poor spurn, Unmindful th a weeping wife And helpless ring mourn. fe Tt I'm designed yon lordling's slave, By Nature's law NT Why was an independent wish E'er planted in my mind? If not, am I subject to His cruelty or scorn? Or why has man the will and power To make his fellow mourn? Yet, let not this too much, my son, | | JANUARY 135. wis EE ------ » CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion, lc. a word: Each cons secutive insertion 'therafter do: a word. Minimum charge for ome in sertion, 25e. 3 Advt. 4 lines or under a week, $1, Advt. 4 lines or under a month, $i ------ THE PEOPLE'S HELP WANTED-FEMALE. A DANING ROOM GIRL AND Apply at Hotel Con Kitchen girl. Kress. TWO COWS. APPLY TO H. BAB cock, 64 Charles street. . ./ 3 FOR SALE. A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT, FOR family of thiee. Apply in the even iug to 37 Upper Union street, T A COMPETENT AND THOROUGHLY w F Good wages 30 w v F. Kirkpatrick, Frontena re---------------------------------- { BILLIARD TAB CAROM, NEW : HELP WANTED--MALE, WANTED--GENERAL. Kvily throusn Wate oiioer on oun: SPRING SUITS TO MAKE. GENTLE-| To BUY GOOD SE, FOR $2,000 ¢ men, bring your own cloth and get a x AY Box oe Whi office. " AMERICAN i RNCYCLOPEDIA, NEW cheap up-to-date suit wade. Style, price and finish guaranteed. Pressing and repaividg done well. Galloway, The Tailor, 181 Brock street. that man awa, polisman, an' bring in ane that's guilty, an' I'll gie hh | saxty days. { The minister of a country parish | lately preached a charity sermon, and | the collection taken su uently | amounted to £28 7s 4 1-2d. In the ves- | try, after the sermon, the elders counted it out, and mentioned the re- | sult. "Well," said the reverend gen- | tleman, "the congregation must have | made lye, applied it very hot, in a flannel, and in a time the pats nt was as well as over, "Flax was cultivated cyon days. Ome ewt. We spun and linen and wearing apparel; it lasted «a long time. A handy fellow came along and made us ow chamber looms, so that we could work away and have no aceasion for imported finery, even if we had we could not have procured any. As the girls grew up and settlers onme, ¢ ww wionallyl took » was but one mini terian, named Robert in those hal year we grew 700 wove it inte table oc Qa McDowall, kind, warm-hearted man, who came on horseback through the woods from Where he saw smoke from a house he always made up to the resi dence, and he was always welcome. He had a powerful voice; when his became excited he could be heard a wile off All inclined to marry he spliced, with many a kind word to the young folks to became prosperous by industry and The girls could be ready in short order, since they had no gowns but 'the homespun, of which they never ran short, "We got along first-rate, and later when anv of the girls 'married they cach had a portion of one hundred acres, one colt, four cows, a voke of steers, twenty sheep, and linen which they had spun and wove, some furni- ture which they made, suited to their log house, Carpets were not known then, nor were they wanted, as the floors of a farm-house were always scoured by their own industry. My mother died in 1534, after being blind or - soveral years. She was in her 104th year. My father was killed by the raising of a barn." You'll Hurt Yourself. There is no one who does not meet with some injury at occasional inter- vals. Why not be prepared with the best pemedy in the world to -cure with. Smith's White Linimént - not only heals any injury to skin, muscle, or tendon, but cures aches and pains of all kinds. Relieves rheumatism and neuralgia like magic. 25c. at Wade's Drug Stove. Loughboro Council. Sydenham, Jan. 14-~--The members eloct made the declaration, reeve, J. M. Stoness; councillors, Charles Rut- tan, J. W. Trousdale, Edward Sills, William B. Nichols. On motign, Rut- tan-Trousdale, E. G. Ruttan and F. W. Barnett appointed auditors, at $5 each® on " motion, Trousdale-Sills, John Buck clected assessor, at $50; Wesley Sills appointed to the board of health. John Clow was instructed to place insurance on the town hall for 81.600. Voted : = Election expenses, $38; Albert Boyce, by-law book, $1.50; Albert Amey. work on road near his place, $6. The resignation of William Griffith, township treasurer, was laid over. Adjourned till March 4th. ------------------------ Let The Stomach Alone. You ean't cure catarrh by dosing the stomach. The disease is in the throat, nose and bronchial tubes. Inhale Ca- t prone to the spot where the « ease really is--it clears away foul se- cretions, = stops discharges at once, purifies and heals the passages, liter: annihilates every trace of catarrh. r is dirvct and certain Nothing slat is a, dicset and certain : and 81, at all appreciated my sermon yery much to | have given so liberally." ¥Nae doot they did, sir," replied one of the col- lectors, "but the laird himself" put in | a £20 note, an' ye ken he's deaf!' A good story is told of an inquisi- tive map. One day not long ago he saw a furniture removal van being loaded at the close opposite his house. His curiosity got the better of him, 8c he slipped across the street when no one was about and said: "I say, carter, are the people upstairs remov- ing?" The carter looked at him with amused amazement, and answered: "Naw, naw, we are jist takin' the fur niture oot for a drive." In certain parts of England the word "'putten' is erroneously used for | "put." A teacher, givi a grammar | lesson, explained the mistake. Soon afterwards he tested the children's knowledge by giving them three sent- ences in which they had to write the word "put" correctly. One boy, glanc- ing at another boy's exercise, found he had made a mistake, so he stood up and exclaimed, "Please, teacher, "Jones has putten 'putten' where he ought to have putten 'put! | A fashionably dressed young lady, who was visiting some friends in Scot- land recently, stalked proudly into one of the private pews of a little church. The beadle, an old fellow, whose caustic remarks semetimes got him into trouble, immediately bustled | vp to the visitor and said: "I am afraid miss, you'll hae to come oot o' that. This is a private pew, ye ken." "What do you mean, sir?" replied the | lady irritably. "Do you know who I | am? I beg to inform you, my good | man, that I am one of the Fyfes." "I | dinna care if ye are the big drum," | retorted the beadle; "ye'll hae tae | come oot o' that." Obvious. A reporter tells of one of the fun- | niest scenes that ever occurred in the House of Commons due to an inno- | cent remark meade by Robert Spencer, | who is now Lord Althorp. His Lord- ship was one of the greatest dandies of the House. He was noted for his fastidiousness in dress and had a very effeminate voice and manner. One evening he appeared in the House in an immaculate dress suit, with a white tie, a white waistcoat, and dangling a pair of white kid gloves in his hand. When his turn to speak came he arose with the utmost solemnity and began: "Mr. Speaker, I am not an agrieul- tural laborer." . ix From anyone else such. a remark would have attracted no attention, but from him, in the costume he was then wearing, it sounded so ludicrous that the House roared with and it was fully ten mi he could go on with his speech. Value of Advertising. Fair Visitor-- "80 you have really decided not to sell your house?' Fair Hostess-- "Yes. You see, we placed the matter in the hands of an estate agent. After reading his lovely advertisement of our property neither John nor myself could think of parting with such a wonderful and perfect home.""--Tit-Bits, Comynereial and railtdad telegraphy tanght at the Kingston Business (ol lege, head of Queen street, by an ex- pert experienced GT. R. operator. Ratos moderate, Enter amy time. Tolenhone 440. HW: T. Megealfe, Priv | proposed is two per cent; ahove $25,- { should think ae Cutholics, not as Con-revationalists. He dil not use the term in its narrowed gense, and { lie "use" HOROUGHBRED HOMER PIGEONS, ° for squat raising. Address P. O. Box 52, Kingston. * DESK AND INE OAK ROLL TOP hall as new. Apply settee, as rood Box 30, Whig office. QUALIFIED TEACHER, FOR SEPAR- ate Sehool No. 1, Howe Island. Ap- ply James Leavis, Treasurer. » special reason. Apply throash . office. A RECOMMENDATIONS OF NEW YORK'S COMMISSION. Incomes Below $500 to Be Ex- empt-~Thereaiter Rate to In- crease With Increesing Income Until it Reaches 20 Per Cent. Above $200,000, Amsterdam, N.Y., Jan. 15. ~The New York state special tax commission will meet in New York to complete its report, William H. Sutherland, Ro- chester, counsel 10 the commission, will present a bill, calling for the levy- ing of a tax on all incomes above 8500 annually, An income up to £500 a year is to be 'exempt from taxation, but on annual incomes up to the first ten thousand dollars above the am- ount of exemption it is proposed to levy a tax at the rate of one per cent. On all incomes above $10,000, up to end including $20,000, the rate as 000, up to and including $50,000, the rate is five per eent.; over $50,000 apd up to and including $100,000, the ral is ten per cent.; all over $100,000, up to and including ¥200,000, is to le taxed fiftern per cent., and all over $200,000 is to he subject to a tax of twenty per oem. GIVES $200,000. Jan. 15. M.P. for * w * Montreal, ¥ Rudolphe Forget, # Charlevoix, has contribut- % ed $200,000 to the build- #% ing fund of the Notre Dame # hospital. w ARCHANA OH DEAN FARTHING. Had Things to Say in St. George's. Dean Farthing, in preaching in St. George's cathedral on Sunday, said it was needful that Anglican churchmen deprecated its abuse by certain per- sons who avolied it to vigrious usages within the church. The truest Cgtho- is that which brings the worship of the church most closely in touch with the needs of humanity. He used the word in its rightful sense of universal. The incarnation shows the universplity of our fgith; Christ took the humanity. not of Jew or Gentile, but of the whole race. Faery ered and nation is united to Him, and this union 'of life means unity of mind and will, Tt imposes on us the duty of spepkine the language, and doing the work of umiversal love, as He did on earth. The spirit of individualism has brought decay to congregations, to dioteses even. "The spirit of universyl "brothgilfoed calls us to send the mes- of the incarnation to those who know it not. To the caviller who cries: "1 would give to missions if enly they were awcoessful as in apostolic times it can be said: "Some apostolic missions were failures; some modern missions are gigantic sue costes." Ht is ours to make knowh { the life of the Tnearnate Son of God. . At evensong the choir sang the gn- therm. "Brightest And Best of The Sons of The Morning, the solo being taken by C. B. 8S. Harvey, who was in exceptionally good voice. Sn | died at her Disturb outhful breast; MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE, 1E + TWO SECOND-HAND \M SEPAR. This. partial view of homing | "in Sith wonie svaduates sure 31d | QUALIFIED TEACHER, FOR 8. 8. ion a. Ay umber Is surely not the last! { to $18 weekly. Branches throughout stating salary, to J. BE. Irish, Sees. 182 Clarence street. Ra t urely not the la Canada and = United States. Help Treas., Vennachar, P. O., Ont v The poor oppressed honest man { secure positions. Oatalogue free. no SHRAGHAY, Fo Uh . a Had never, sure, been born. | Moler Barber College, Queen and | 0 ro "LT Toe Te mimoTHY | KITCHEN RANGE, WITH HOT Had there not been some recompense Spadina__Toronto. Hay, shipment, December and Janu- Hon Whe on Soa To comfort those that mourn! | ary. Quote lowest price on _cars Carson 820 Princess Re ue. --Robert Burns. | TO-LET, Be station for sath auality. W. H, v . k yer Co., Lim Trust at - ---- Dttawa, Ont. MEDICAL PRAOTICH, WORTH DWELLINGS, OFFICES, STORES, SCOTTISH HUMOR. etc., at McCann's. 51 Brock street. MONEY AND BUSINESS. 00 Foronte. Mae 'sheusy a if == : -- ---- Z Byterian. _M. Maclatosh, 81 Mewiiian ' STORAGE SPACE FOR _ FURNIL y Its Somewhat ey a Rely tare, 'ect. W. G. Frost, 209 Queea |OUR POLICIES COVER ORB ON hited oe. ere ght. street, uiMing and contents than other > { offers. Examine them at | THE PROPERTY, Customer: Penny stamp, please. AT COMMODIOUS "FAIRLAWN." 196 Godwin's Insurance Emporium, Mark- ship of Storriniton Postal Clerk: Next window; can't | Johnson St., suite of ropms pn first ot Square we William you read? floor, 8 rooms on second floor, 8 21 and 23, in the " single rooms on third floor. LIVERPOOL. LONDON AND GLOBE contain! pi utomer meekly bows and affixes IERPOOL Sompaty Available farms be is stamp, and, Faltirning to tha fill | rs tui ---------------------------------- assets 841.187.9185. addition to , the window, says. Will this letter be de- | HOUSE, 8¢ DARRIE ST. FROM FED. | RTH "Ge "policy holders for on the premises there ts g livered in on to-morrow mornin, x ay Pilon security the unlimited liability of all , on g Bg or period. Ono of the most complete the stockholders. Farm and oity pro terms, to il I post it to-night? i and up-to-date residences in the city; perty insured at lowest ble Walkem, eater Clerk: Of course it will. | location unsurpassed. Bnquire at v0 rates. Before renewing old or. giving , Customer: You're wrong; it won't; Batvie attest. now business, ret rates from 'ARO ot | y - CHITECTS. hy SS Ba yield. ering { FIRST t weird brick SoaATED, ro Sy -- » constru 10! me, J Re Sarbur's hobs Jad down twopence | ERS tourer pug, Suh -- | array Ml Ange, ar and asl or 'a haircut. Whether it o 8 oo . her was that the boy had an extra large | Dear Baptist church ~Lossission | pi™ MeCARTHY, OFFICE LATELY | ett growth of hair on this occasion, or | bréad, 196 Union street Wests gocupied hy Tr Sun, eoruer sluns HENRY Shor Buon Re, MARCHES, at the price of a crop had increased, | == - - is not known. At any rate, the barber | BOARD AND ROOMS. . - - -------- coolly remarked that the price was | ROOMS AND BOARD. DOUBLE AND PRL 00D, DR. J. Te. SPARKS, POWER & SON, ~ ARCHITECT, Yredpense. So shila, undaunted, A | single, 98 Barrie street. Wellington and William streets. Shante 1 ry * "Phone. 3 i nce worth off the | met noo, an' I'll get t'otlier pennyworth | VETERINARY. LOST, WM. NEWLANDS.. ARCHITECT. OF. ain.» | DR: GW. BELL, VS. BAS Rf... LOST. . WM, NEWLANDS.. ARG 1 Th a : moved to his briek block, on Clarence | A WHITE LINEN EYRLET EMBROID- fice, second over e munici election was over, | street, just bove the Post Office. ered centre piece, last Friday, on Al- store, sorase and the m terial vacancies had | Calls by tele hone or telegra fred St. towards Fair Ground. Re- streets. irants on Dagot been filled up. The Monday following promptly atten to. ward {I returned to this Office. "Phone, 608. Eo Jus ne of § 2 Row ballies' firft day, em A TB SS! NE on the bench. en the first prisoner was brought before him, h : | THE PICTON JAIL. h i it encanta voters JAXING THE RICH Lon |The Paragraph Pulpit guilty," replied the man, promptly. | Had Two Prisoners and the | ui , "Then what are ye daein' here? Take Suit People Are Quite Proud. Picton, Jan. 18.--George Shannon, a laborer, was sentenced last week by Justice of the Peace Currie, to t months in the county jail for theft of $560 from Patrick Tierney. Bath the prisoner and the complainant are en- gaged around a local hotel, It seems Shannon know that Tierney had the money in a coat pocket which hung in the stable, and while tho owner was absent, he purloined the cash, Shan non, who hitherto hus borne a fairly good character, is =aid to have been under the influence of liquor at, the time . and this is horne out hy the fact that after the theft he entered the hotel singing 'Everybody Works but Father," and thereupon began the distribution * of the money to those around and generally treating the crowd. This lead to suspicion as it was known Shannon had little or no money of his own, Thirty-seven dol- lors of the stolin money was recover- ed. For the first in some time Picton jail now has two prisoners: Shannon and James McNamara, the latter serving four months for selling liquor without a license in a local option district, The funeral took place this morning from St. Gregory's Roman Catholic church, to Mount Olivet cemetery, of the late Mise Catherine Sullivan, who home, Bridge street, on Saturday morning, after a two weeks' illness of pnenmonia. The deceased woman had been g resident of the town since moving in Som the homestead farm in Greenbush, two years ago. She is mirvived by a maiden sister, Miss Mary, with whom she lived. George Pettot, ledger keeper of the local branch of the Bank of Wont- real, and a =on of W. V. Pettet, ex- M.P., and postimmster, has heen trans forred to the Bank of Montreal at St. Mary's. Miss Spier of Lindsay. is the guest of Mr. and Mrs, W. G. Me- Clelland, of the Metropolitan Bank. Miss Olive Morrison gave a very plea- sunt little tea on Saturday afternoon. assim An Anchor To Windward, Exchange, A "cannot speak of Daniel O'Day without emotion," said one of his as~ sociates. "There never was a braver, truer man to work with. He was master of his business, master of re- sources, and one always felt that at the call of duty or the behest of friendship he would cross the' con- tinent at an hour's notice. This quality always lade him a picturesque hgure. He was a cavalier of the old fields." Of his many benevolences, tales with- out number are told, evidencing his mother wit as well as the universality of his giving. One recalled by a friends seems worth telling: Mr. O'Day was a Catholic and the friend was a Protestant. The latter, finding Daniel O'Day's name down for a thumping subscription to a Baptist charity, asked him how he could square himself with the pope. O'Day, assum- ing his quizzical expression, said: "Well, the next world, maybe, is not accurately charted, but between you and me that Baptist subscription was a little anchor thrown to windward in the waters of Heaven." Science Mistaken. Once again, says the Dundee Adver- tiser, have the scientists proved to be wrong. Until recently it was thought that a child could only live eight or i , bu roloted. the avenue by ds cerned and tev = od us both religious and rational, it was not that the influence of the one might nullify the other, religion, ture. That Causes Itching Scalp, Dand- and the dandrafi that annoys are the work of a parasite hidden in the sealp. cide. "Destroy the cause, you remove oi Newhro's Herpicide completely eure REV.'C. W. CASSON, OTTAWA Religion And Reason. - Religion and reason are not alien but that the reason might disclose pel he realities of . eee Address Mr. Casson for free litera sgh 4 IT IS A PARASITE. ae er reff, and Finally, Falling Hair The itching sealp, the falling hae < : That parasite must be killed to cure landruff;i and the only preparation that will do that is Newbro's Herpi- the effect," C. H. Reed, of Vietor, Idaho, says : "Myseli and wile had dandruff and falling hair several years. Two bottles ed us, after several othe preparations had failed to do good." Makes hair grow glossy and soft as silk. Hun- dreds of other testimonials just as strong. Sold by leading druggists, f Send 10c, in stamps for sample to The Herpivide Co., Detroit, Mich. Two . sizes, 50c. and $1.. G. W. Mahood, % special agent, WE DOUBT IF YOU CAN And that's just what's the mat- ter with our prices. Just now we are selling our Men's Box Cali Blucher Cut Goodyear Welt--something pretty swell, worth $3.50 for $2.75 = Wo have another line Men's Boots that are splendid value : $2.50 for $1.90 Sec 'them in the window, H. Jennings, King St. ' in ten years with what is known as "a tricle to perform the double purpose of Mary Dark circles dicgte a shiggish circulation or torpid liver and kidneys. Exercise daily take Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. "Twill do vou good, 35 cents, Tea or Tablets, Mahood's Drug Store. Can Wd die young--especinlly good under the eyes in- propelling the re blood throughout ? the system al pending the impure { blood to the lungs for purification. In the normal being these twa operations are performed separate ventricles. In the course of the post-mortem ex+ amination of a man about js ears old whi "rd suffered from heart in se Mauchester it vas one wie hospitals, frog's heart"--a heart with' single ven-, v found that he had liv span with a heart that of a frog, except duper, i ard hae in the annals of