TERS 0 LOAN KINGSTON) iteman BROKER Montreal, New ther places. ves prompt at- Jlarence , street, and Inter- ospective ers." k for (1905) Canada Li paid by way Policyholders in While in the same ompanies, 14 Bri- 16 American, in 's operating in oi Cash Profits s, 81,022,805,02, "The Canada Life " paid more to an the other 51 her. for each 5 years ence, has added a $1,000 to every- force. how a Policy 1 cheerfully given ketf street, Kings- N, Manager 3. 153 Alired St., \gent, eS isit our establish- elighted with the ats tailored by us. careful workman- lisite designs, the and the result is e, erfect fit, art stie d comblete satis n supply their own from the Company, te, Money return- es' Tailoring Co . 'Phone, 556. MERICAN EL = ONTARIO alterations and the travelling Proprietor ISLAND. a 'e--A Delightful me."' 14.--One of the ers passed away son of Mrs. John by an aged hus- ter, Mrs. James 'took place, yes- h of the Sacred 8. Sarah Abbott, nd, were interred hard Henderson pont Manor, re- ing seriously ill. is indisposed. Wy, had the mis- slippery walk on wed her leg. Lg alent on the 'is- the doctors are 5t. George Keys' nd injured in ng nicely. John John Kane gre in Rosiere, N.Y. council will « he heir septs er 2 are 'the coun- vhich they were nd, by acclamg- . Horne, George n held an "Ag y night. The vas assisted by land Mrs. Fg. wlor poured tea lary Moran cut vas prettily de. ons and candles room and din- ya full gttend- to be quite a week. There w as hall, on Mon- it er on_ Friday. raished excellent, es Marphy is ip the city with an William Laugh- ist. Mrs, Phair, sfortune of slip. » on Ty y, at ing her grand-daughters sseg Gibson, gre nthe' visit, Mise vall, was the Donald, the past anness gave wening for "her The Christmgs Spratt this year Ver 'received. Jy ed here on §,.° o Clark, Water. , Stella 0'Sheg, he village, had a train, He Tow, of Water- s here last hel Sheese on S,- al 5 £m DAILY BRITISH ye, WEDNESDAY, |! SYF.OPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH-WEST HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS, Any even numbered section of Domia- | ton Lands ia Maniioba or. the Jor | vince, excepting 8 an aot 1 { | be hoi by person head of a family, or ay { over 18 a of age, to the extent of oup-quainer section. of 160 agrees, more 0! v Application for homestead entry or in- spection must be made in person by the applicant at the office of the local Agent or. Sub-agent. An application for entry or Anspection monde personally at t's ofhce may be wired to 1 | local Agent by the Sub-agent, at the Pense of the ap Plicant, ond il the SP applied for is ons a Sealine the telegram --such ra iCalivia 1a Lu Vo pRiority and Ue hd wi Smpiete ustti Ane 10 as pa) transaction are received Db, y pen case of ersonation" the eutry will and the appli- cant will aC all priority of a An "» plicant for inspection must be or homesisad entry, and only one ao lication for iuspection will jhe from an individual until spplitation has been disposed ory homesteader whose entry is im good wiandiog and not habe to cancellation, ject approval of Lepartment, relish it in favour of father, mother, ughter, brother or sister oh: but to no one else, on ire de- claration of abandonment. here an entry is summarily cancelled or voluntarily abandoned, subsequent to institution of cancellation proceedings, the applicant for inspection will be en- tisled to prior right of entry. Applicants for juspection must state in t particulars the homesteader is in default, and if subsequentry the state- ment is found to be incorrect in mater- dal particulars, the apnlicant will lose any prior right of re-eaurv should the land become vacant, or il entry has been ranted it may be summarily canceled. Duties.--A settler is required to per- form the conditions mnder one of the following ng p 1) At east.G@ix. _moptiis' residence up- on and cultivation ofthe land in each year during the term of three years. ns) If the father (or mother, if the ther is deccased) of a bomesteader pickin 1 upon a farm in tne vicinity of the land entered for by such homesteader the requirement as to residence may be satisfied by such person residing with the father or mother. 3. the settler has his permanent upon farming land owned b aim i the vicinfty of his homestea the requirement may satisfied by residence upon such land. Before making application for patent the settler must give six months' notice in writing to the Commissioner of Do- minion Lands at Ottawa, of his inten- tion to do so. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH- WEST MINING REGULATIONS, Coal.--Coal lands may be purchased at $10 per acre for soft coal and $20 for anthracite. Not more an 820 acres can be acquired by one individual company. Royalty at the rate of ten cents per ton of 2,000 pounds shall be collected on the gross output. Quartz.--A free miner's certificate 'is granted upcn payment in advance of $5 annum for an individual, and from to $100 per annum for a company mccording to capital. A free miner, having discoverel miner al im place, may locate a claim 1,500x 1,500 feet. 'The fee for recording a claim is $5. At least $100 must be expended on the claim each year or paid to the mining recorder in lieu thereof. When $500 has been expended or paid, the locator may, mpon having a survey made, and upon complying with other quisamEnts, pur- chase the land at $1 for a The patent provides the 1 he payment, of a royalty > 24 per cent on the sales. Placer mining claims generally are 100 feet square entry fee $5, remewable pearly. A free. miner may obtain two leases to {rode for gold rr 4 five miles each for a of twenty years, renewable at the Eo of the Mlinister of the Interior. 'The lessee shall have a dredge in oper alien within hal season from the of the lease for each five miles. $10 per annum for each mile of river Royalty at the rate of 24 per cent sgliceted on the output after it ex- WwW. W. CORY, Roputy of the Minister of the Interior. ~~Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will not be paid for. A Superior Business Training Institution Frontenac Business College KINGSTON ONTARIO Pay and Evening Classes Moderate Rates. Ts N. STOCKPALE, Priacipak "Phone, 680. ---------------------- CLEARING SALE! All goods must be sold by the middle of February. as I am leav- ing the city. EVERYTHING BELOW COST Prices from $14 Per Suit Up. Sold by the piece or made to order. Alex. Waggoner, Wellington Street. REAL ESTATE OR INSURANCE I! you want to Thuy, or sell City Property, see GEO. CLIFF, at 85 Clarence street, opposite t Office. NewYorkChinese Restaurant 831Princeoss Street Open from 10.20 a.m. t<§8.00 a.m. The best placy to met am all round Lunch in the citys Meals of all kinds on shortest notice. English and Chinese Wishes a specialty. A 5 BL0440060000008440000004 + 's Ce ebaated $ Pores tarigtion) BLE 1 $k ne 2 he BEST DR pit jf receipt of price-- AN ELECTRIC ROAD! mien msent pres eo + BABY TORTURED BY ITCHING RASH Face and Feet Covered--Rest Broken and Would Cry Until Tired Out--"'Cradle Cap" Added to Baby's Torus ais Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment, IMMEDIATE RELIEF AND SPEEDY CURE "My baby was about nine months old an ie she had rash on her face and Her feet seemed to irritate her ne most, Sepecially . nights. They would cause her to be broken of her rest, and sometimes she would cry until she wastiredout. I1had icura thet I eat ne would give them a al. The improve- . ment was noticeable in a few hours, and before I had used one box of the Cutieura Ointment her feet were well ad have Jiever troubled since. I also t to remove what is known as 'cradle cap" from her head, and it worked like a charm as it cleansed and healed the scalp at thesame time. Now I keep Cutitura Ointment on hand in case of any little rash or insect bites, as it takes out the inflam- mation at once, Perhaps this may be the means of helping other suffering bubies. Mrs. Hattie Currier, Thomas- ton, Me., June 9, 1900." fp mn, CUTICURA-THE SET, $1. Consisting of Cuticura Soap Ointment and Pills. A single set is often sufficient to cure the most torturing, disfiguring, itching, burning, and scal y humors, eczemas rashes, and irpitations, with loss of hair, from infanc lo: age, when all other remedies an even the the best ad cians fail. Guarani absolutely pure, Complete External and Internal Treatment Jor Every Humor of Infants, Children, and Adults sists of Cuticura Soap to Cleanse the Skin, Site Cura 'Otnitment 10 Heal the Bkin: and. (uticura Resolvent (or in the form of Chocolate Coated Pills, ingvials of Sixty) to Pur Purify the Blood. Sold throughs out the world. Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., Sole Props., Boston, Mass 8 Maiicd Free, Cuticurs Booklet on Skin. You are a Mighty Funny Man if you have Kidney or Bladder Tronble, and wont try Ba-Ju. Because Bu-Ju is the one remedy that is guaranteed to cure you. ; You can' get your money back if Bu-Ju does not live np to every claim made for it. It gives relief from the head- aches, pain in the back, aching, swollen hands and feet. It heals and strengthens the Kidneys as nothing else will. Itenables the Kidneys to filter impurities from the blood, allays irritation of the bladder, and gives grateful help in Rheumatism and Sciatica. THAMESVILLE, ONT. "I have taken three boxes of your Bu- Ju Pills, and feel greatly benefitted by their use. They have entirely removed the pains from my back, and the spots be- fore my eyes have entirely disappeared. My ankles were badly swollen, and now feel quite well." Wu, MCKENZIE. soc. a box. Atdruggists, or sent direct on receipt of price. THE CLAFLIN CHEMICAL CO., LIMITED WINDSOR, ONT. € EERIE Kingston Business College, (LIMITED) Head of Canads, mercial T v time. moderate Attend the best. H. F. METCALFE, Prin} ARR IR ILE CRT aa REPAIRING Jewele valeh and Clock + our srecialty. We ca. for your clock, re pair and deliver it and see that it runs to time. Kinnear & d'Esterre, 100 Princess Street. ORDERED FOOTWEAR If you have any Foot | Troubles, bfing them to A.E HEROD 286 PRINCESS ST. THE HOUSE OF QUALITY. rein. ring heat makers in the right proportions properly balanced. ilk taken every morning and even- ing in conjunction with Orange Meat which, according to Prof. Harcourt's determination, is 50% more valuable TON PROPOSED. - as a food than bread, supplies the ve Two Deaths Reported--Water | most perfect and evenly balanced food From the Town Pump is Bad | that human subject can secure. Build --Hockeyist Sprained His | UP children on Nature's food. ~ "Wrist. Picton, Jan. 14.--An electric road Cook's Cotton Root Compound. between Picton and Wellington, run- The seat Utetive Tonle. suk ning through Bloomfield, a distance of Aa con Whit Women oan about twelve to fifteen 'miles, is the PY dejvud. a fn three » latest startling project, advanced by ay Ene BY INE J. Stanley Richmond, consulting en- ; hacia, anos, $5 per box gineer of Toronto. The matter is re hi sr Hid aw ceiving very energetic discussion, par- FEE. Addres Ih ticularly throughout the township nox Memoves Oo. Tones which will be largely affected on the sisi sbi Rn intl outcome. WARNER KEPT WORD. Mr. Richmond has had charge of in- stalling the new power plant owned | Brandon MercBant Settling Up by W. P. Niles, which is so efficiently With Credit lighting the streets and homes of Wol- 4! ors. lington. Now he has directed his at- Hamilton, Jan. 16.--William Warn- tention to this larger question with} er, a Brandon merchant, is making a enthusiasm. He feels confident of suc- | tour of Ontario, settling up with his cess of such an undertaking, and while | creditors of thirteen years ago. When vet the matter is still. almost wholly | Warner was in the stationery business of the future, many Prince Edwarders| he was burned out and lost everything have expressed willingness to subscribe he had. & the Hue he Wrmised hat for stock. he would some day settle with all of Mr. Richmond laid his scheme be- | his creditors, He has prospered since fore the Wellington fathers, to obtain] and is now settling up. In addition their sanction and approval that he | to the amount of the claims against might show their support when he put | him he is paying five per cent. com- forth the idea before the government. | pound interest. The F. F. Dalley com- Wellington's council thoroughly ap- | pany, of this city, had a claim of proved, though, last evening, Bloom-| $43 against the Brandon man and he field councillors "turned down" the | insisted on them 'taking $71. From matter. However, Hallowell and Pic- | Hamilton he went to Toronto to set- | ton councils are to be heard from for | tle with a number of creditors there. | their approval. All the would-be pro- moter wants is to be able to say that the councils are anxious to have the "trolley" system. He is not asking for any bonuses, as yet. The matter is not yet so far advanced as to pro- duce figures of the cost, but it would| An aching, breaking back, sharp he well up in the thousands. stabs of pain--that is kidney trouble. Ihe power would be obtained from | The kidneys are really & spongy filter the new plant in Wellington and from | --a human filter to take poison from Picton's plant, together with a small | the blood. But sick, weak kidneys now leueie plant to be installed at | cannot filter the Blood properly. The loomfielc delleate human ters get clogged The death occurred, 'on Sunday, with impurities, and the os is Annie Leah Walters, the fourteen-y left in the system to cause backaches, gid, daugleter, of a and Mrs, hetulathes, rheumation, Urapey and alters, of Hallowell. atal inflammation. Pr. Williams" Pink Mrs. Elizabeth A. Bedell died, very | Pills are the one sure cure for Pk suddenly, Monday morning, at. her | kidneys: They make new, rich blood, home, on the Wellington road, at an| which flushes them clean and gives advanced age. H. W. Bedell, the pro- | them stre ngth for their work. Dr. Wil- minent Hallowell = farmer, was a son|liams' Pink Pills set the kidneys of deceased. The late Mrs. Bedell was | vight, and make lame, aching backs a sister of J. C. Wilson, of Glenora. streng and well. George Johnson, of A slight scare passed over townsfolk | (po village of Ohio, N.S., says: "My when thé news became known that son, now eighteen years old, suffered Mr. Fielding, teller of the United Em- |g. 0 pogo o5iouble and severe pains pire bank, had become ill, and the in the back, which ¢aused him many case pronounced by the medical at-} sleeplese night. "We tried several ant a well developed one of ty- medicines, but they did not help him. pho id fever. I'he young man boards and he grew so woak that he could at a local hotel, and some little inves: not de the work that falls to the Jot tigation was made to determine the of a young boy on a farm. We were Cause of the dover, It 15 understood advised to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills the ater obtained trom. the, (on | 10" vad th fr. icin hat Teg reached the cause of the trouble. He . ) While playing hockey at the Arena, taok the pill for. a couple of months, ya 3 : when every symptom. of the: trouble Hugh C. Williamson mét with a pain- Y 4 was gone, and he was as healthy as ul ac dent. He fell ngainst the k 8 ed sides re vi eny boy of his age. I am satisfied Dr. bonrding of the sides of the rink and | $0 DOV OF . r 3 ; ne is ; Williams' Pink Pills will cure kidney bacly sprained his wrist. le 33 A "eo H.'K, MeNuught, St. Mary's, is the | trouble in, its most. severe forms." new ledger-keeper in the Bank of Mon be, Williams Fink, Pills actually treal. Mr. and Mrs. B. R, Hepburn [make now rich blood. In that way loft. this morning, for a visit in Mon- thev strike at the root of avaemia, treal. Miss Kathleen Johnson, of | indigestion, kiduey trouble, liver com- Belleville, is the guest of Miss Gena | Plaint, erysivelas. skin diseases, neur- Hepburn, at "Rickerton Castle." Mr. algia, St. Vitus dance, and the speci- wd Mrs, Arthur Wilcoeks, who have al ailments of growing girls and wo- been spending the past three weeks | men whose health depends upon the with Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Wilcocks, re- | richness and regularity of' their blood. turncd, to-day, to their home in Rich-| The genuine pills have the full name. mond, Que. W. R. Wright, manager | "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale of the Little Chief canning factory, | People." on the wrapper around each who has been in New York for treat- | box. and may be had from all dealers. ment to his eyes, returned, Saturday. | or bv mail at 50c. a box or six hoxes He will go down to Kingston, to-mor- | for $2.50 by writing the Dr. Williams' row, for further treatment. Medicine Co.. Brockville, Ont. FROM PICTON TC ON TO WELLING SICK KIDNEYS Mean Aching Backs and Sharp Stabbing Pains. If you are constipated, dullior bili Eagle Hill Echoes. ous, or have a sallow, lifeless com- Eagle Hill, Jan. H.R. Ferguson plexion, try Laxiets just once to see {has gone to work in 8. Lane's comp, what they will do for you. Lax-ets White Lgke. Miss Annie Armstrong are little toothsome candy tablets-- | visited friends in this vicinity last nice to eat, nice in effect. No griping, | week, before caving for Eldorado. po pain. Just a gentle laxative effect | Charles Pettfer has taken tho con that is pleasingly desirable. Handy for | tract of drawimg the school wood. the vest pocket or purse. Lax-ets | Thomas Irvine, who has heen serious- mect every desire. Sold by all deal- ly ill, is able to be around again. ers. Several from here attended the oyster The Austrian -carries less weight in [supper at Cloyne. Roads are in fine full kit than any other Continental | condition and farmers are busy dryw- soldier. He carries fifty-seven pounds, ing wood and hay "to: town. William as against about sixty-two by the [John is lumbering again this winter British, and sixty-eight by the Rus- for Gillies Bros. Edward Villneff has Siall. > y £niched the new bridge at Elm Flats Cats dislike water because there is r. Villnefl spent Sunday at A. Arm nothing oily about their fur. Conse- Sirone s; Williwm Youmans at R. Fer- quently, it ix easily wetted and does guschn 8. not dry quickly. Twelve persons own one-quarter of During the past three centuries more Scotland ,one-fourth of the acreage of than two hundred different sys England and Wales is in the hands of shorthand have been devised. i 710 individuals. man's was first published in 1840, TRE Have One Doctor No sense in running from one doctor to another. Select the best one, then stand by him. Do not delay, but consult him in time when you are sick. Ask his opinion of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral REVISED FORMULA o for coughs and colds. Then use it or not, just as he says. The new kind contains no alcohol We have no secrets to hide! We pub- lish the formulas of all our medicines. J. C. AYER CO., Manufacturing Chemists, Lowell, Mass. JANUARY 16. THE SPORT REVIEW, The Latest News From All Quarters. 5% The regatta of the American Rowing Rowing Association will be held May 25th on the Schuylkill river at Phila: delphia. Scotland is again to be well repre- sented gat the curling bonspiel at Kanderste~ in'. Switzerland. Play commences on' January 28th, It is likely that two Brockville rinks will take part in the big bonspiel to be held at Montreal next week. Pres. cott is sending a couple of rinks. Rev. R. N. Burns, of Brampton, president of the Ontario Curline As: sociation, will skip a Brampton rink at the Winnipeg honspicl next month. Jobn Dunn, of last vear's Provi- dence Baseball Club, has been chosen manager of the Baltimore Eqstern Leaoue Club, in place of Hugh Jen- nings, who becomes manager of the Detroit American Leagne team. It is announced that two new players have boon secured for Baltimore, Burrell, third basemgn of the Rochester nine, and Rapp, formerly a Toronto first baseman. London Express © * Disereditable scenes were witnessed during and af- ter the match botween Lignelly and the South Africans at Llanelly on Sa- turday, when South Africa won by 16 to 3, the referee being lowly hooted and pelted with snowballs, The longupge of 'some of the svecta- tors nopr septs of a party of South Africans becguse so bad that Mr. Carden, the mgnager, had to call for the assistance of the police. At the ened of the game there wpe a disorder: ly scone, but an gttack on the referee was frustrated. At New York Charles M. Daniels Americgn champion short-distance swimmer, of the N.Y.A.C., made three new Americgn records in gp 200-vand handican race in the natytorinm of his home club, Saturday night. Daniels won the first heat of the preliminaries but finishad no better than third 'in the foal. He styrted from scratch, and at 120 yurds his time in the trial heat was 1.14, just 6 4-5 seconds better then the record held by Le- mone, of the Boston Athletic Asso- ciation. At 150 vards Daniels eclip- sed his odd record of 1.43 by six se conds, and finished the 200 vards in 2.15 2-5. exmectly 4 4-5 seconds better then he made in the same tank 4 vear ago. Hockey Notes. At Montreal the tagnards de: featod Morrisburg in the second match of the Federal League series,~by a score of 10 to 7. "Chaucer" Elliott has been agread upon as referee for the Peterboro- Marlboro senior O.H.A. match at Mutual street rink, this oven ng. In the match with Calumet, "Dick" Wilson, for the Soo, did the star work of the evening, going on in place of Newsy" Lalonde, who was hurt in a mix-up with Scott. Wilson went on in the latter part of the first hylf, and in the second half shot five of the Ceonadians' goals. Belloville Or siioncer: An Ottawa man named MeStravick was to play hockey on the Peterboro team this seqson, but the Peterhoro papers say he was let go because he was not mood enough. He has gone back to Ottawa. Oh! yes, Peterboro has gn "amgteur" team, Soo, Ont., Star: John Marks, a crack player from the New Glasgow team, is expected here on Saturday. His transportation and contrget have been sent him, and he will probably take part in the next games on home ice. He is reported to be an excoption allv fast nlaver, and will be an ac quisition to. the local line up. His team mate, Williams, mav come also, Pittsburg Gazette : "If this is th be my last game as referee, then take four more mmutes on the bench for vours, You gre not captain, and have no right ty talk to me at all," is alleged to be Referee Roy Schooley's retort to "Pud" Hamilton during a game at the Duvgiesne Gur: den, Hyursday night, as related by one who heard the controversy. Hamilton had remonstrated with Schooley for not renalizing Lorne Campbell more beavily on an offence, and. had said that it whe the last game in which Schooloy would officiate. Hamilton alleged that the foo seven would not lav with Schooley as refores, and in fact did his best to take his team mates ont of "the game with him on Thursday when he was penglized. Black Crepe De Chine Frock. An eficctive and useful gown of black erepe de chine is shown in the accom paying cut. The skirt of the model wae with three deep tucks. The bodice had a deep narrow yoke of cream lace lin- od with a single layer of mousseline. The yoke was outlined by bands of the.crepe, and there was a design in hand embroidery on each side of the front across the shoulders. The lower plaited and pressed flat about the | hips, the lower part being trimmed | EE ---- Ussher, Puivram & * 0 Commission We have personally insp.cte.! many of the best properties in the Cobalt district and are: orepart tu furnish reports upon same to our. clients. TRADERS BANR SULDING, TORONTO Long Distance Tele,)nones Main 7450, 7481 MADE IN CANADA BY A CANADIAN COI COMPANY. REPUTATION FOUNDED ON. MERIT AS . WELL AS AGE. ALWAYS LOOK FOR THE NAME Thre DleiWilliamb.. THE WILLIAMS MANUFACTURING CO. LIMITED, oomeany orrices: MONTREAL, P. Q. TORONTO, LONDON, HAMILTON, OTTAWA, BT. JOHN, N. 8: % AGENTS WANTED EVERYWMERE. KEK K&HK K&K K&K Ki&K K Weak, Nervous, Discased Men. 'Thousands of 2% d Middle Ari Maarten uall Piumature gion [3 through early ind disc tetions and lat "Sait A YL Aupl 5 re Diseases have ruined and wrecked the iim ot many y a A Dioutlsing Hired A in you any of the following symptoms: Ner qn No Ambition; Memory Poor; Eas: ¥ Fatigneds oes bunden and Teritable Dreams and Tray at Lone Fann Pimples on tue aise! ) Dlotches; Soro Throat; tal aud : GIN ean: Vint rust A iba pr you ge ur New Gime -: and sexually. Cures G SE { 28 YRARS tN Sema ai A NE "1 tive on a 2 At ie "weakened me Sas a Me ito) dts Di & cu Mouito) rs, Ken: hands. I Sot aad ty o Ta vitality. I took the New Method ed the pA gured red of Consumption. 1 have sent the heir New Method Treatment supplies me Consultation Free, Books Free. Write for Question Blesk for liome Treatment, s. Kennedy & Kergan, Er ( When shopping you will find that - costs ou No erior silk. | TheEgiests Silk | trongest For choice of SWELL WINTER SHOES, Patent Colt, Velour Calf and Box Calf. FIVE DOLLAR VALUES 'McDERMOTT'S part of the corsage was tucked. The sleeves ware "trimmed with pointe at Ince standing up from'a band m little black stripes ower ahd mads girdle was of draped P messin. ith three gilt buckles in the back tle straps on the sleeves and Te side of the front yoke were alsa messaline, There was a band ch of gilt cord abont of the collar. LARGE SHIPMENT RECEIVED : 00KSON'S ANTIMONY AND PIG oan GET OUR PRICES