| of 'Quebec, away. Mr. and was with her father when he i Gunn wgs ott, nen: to the last moment, and ALEXANDER GUNN, EX-M.P. con- $ ; ited a personal and political Gunn's entrance NY NY yy ofall 3 5 atin: tance, and also a Cover § [ments . That brill unexpected mercia useful xl in the campaign of 'voles over HSE Into Robert Ma Mr. t entrance wpon Rul are was on liam. popular, being near the in per al o nie 5 sharing their sorrows on SS [funeral oocpsions with a : anywhere, of , and was, thought to be lant ies. Canada wrprised hy his olection by 144 ity. Sir John's preceding - ma- forties were seventeen and thirty-six, Rae's member be ui com: spoeches in Ouse was mn committees. Ho was re-elect~ 1882 On October 3rd. 1864, Mr. Gunn mar- (thews, regularity Sir Joh defeated the fine- unpretentious ln mime before he breathed his ; , he dicta letter' to an old friend. The end 3 as ceful as 5 summer ree phemcttul a 0 a Oalm oid even. # in His Political Career. politi e was tesman, thought so, at least, since he felt so secure in Kingston's affections that he Marouly Viited it in the four years t parliament preceding of 1878. Liberals saw itv, and the conservatives were lydormed Young Libe- Alexander Guom gn on! spar to. work and the districts where they worked gave him the elec: their op- wah of a ninety- who lost the of Oia tive b suport | 3 ws. But Mr. Ginn the diding dn 1987, . His first defeat as ¥ of Kings. Sr uthedral. bers 'of his 1 ng mem i$ fomn- ily are his dug, Ses. Haroon Smith, of Quebec; three _ sons, the Sunes, nt Egypt i ay Jar summer), and Norman Jind Garden, : He ig Royer LB two sisters, Mrs 8 : Sh + Moore, of this city. Mrs. Iva Martin is a , and J ajor Bruce Carru are | nephews, In religion; Mr, Gunn was a Presby- terinn, aor many rer was an elder of Cl urch. Mr, Gann led a quiet life. He had shrewd business capacity, and was a master of detail. In disposition he was most kindly and genial. The flags of the city buildings, cus. tom house and post are at half- mast, out of respect to the memory of the deceased. CURLING AT BROCKVILLE. The Kingston Curlers Lost and Won. Four Kingston rinks played a series of curling matches with raghille and ital yesterday. e sen- iors TOT Taio Hospital in the afternoon, one ri winning by a close margin, and A. Strachan going down before Dr. Moore. The scores were: Dr. Watson, skip, 11; J. M. Stewart, skip, Eastern Hospital, 10; A. Btraslion, skip, » Dr, Moore, skip, Eastern ital, 16, The Seg played at the Brockville rink at night and experienced little difficulty in trimming the Brockville teams, . Watson's rink defeated Chrysler's rink, by a score of 18 to 10, aml A. Strachad's rink trimmed Downey, skip, by the large score of 29 to 8. ; : In the afternoon the Kingston jun- iors played the Brockville juniors, los- ing both games. 7T. Slater, skip, was sated in a close game by Hutche- son, the score being 16 to 17. Prof. Gill was defeated by L. L. Cossitt, by the score of 9 to 16. : On the day's score the Kingston curlers won owt with a handy major- ity. iy Basketball .To-Night. Basketball games will be played to- night at St. Luke's hall, the first between ve. Waldron's; se- cond game, St. Luke's vs. St. James' Club. Teas fut teams Sompkiss the city basketball league, and are play- ing for a handsome silver trophy. -- Frontenac College Won. Frontenac Business College easily ger Eu ls {en of the the score stood : | Frontenac But, College, 8; Sa- polios. 2. Nelson Woodrow made 4 + lepPable referee. Elected Officers. The Frontenac Business College Hoc key Club met at thé rooms in the old ocollere gliter last night's game for the election of officers. The following were elected : Honorary presidents, yor Mowat, Con Millan; honorary vice presidents, ( Mackie, N. H son; president, N. T. Stockdale; vice president, George Hanson; secretary- treasurer, J. J, McDermott; manager, Bennett; captain, K. Martin. To-Night's Hockey Game. Queen's LIT and Cadets 11 play a scheduled game at the covered rink tonight. Each team has defeated K.C.I. and an interesting junior game is expected this evening. Crowd At Rink. There was a record breaking crowd at the covered rink last evening. The ice was in excellent condition and the music furnished By Mth band was up to the mark, T! management is more than satisfied with the crowds this season. THREW AWAY HIS PIPE. Convict Cram Remembered the Rules. YG yd guess 1 will have to Part with you now. As Convict Ceam, of Chatham, who was brought to the oi "The Present 8: of Canadian _ | Taxation," 'Prol. Shortt of Queen's The Old Basis of Taxation Will oe, Ea of trade ooh last peng I verb TE Hg University. approaching the sub- ject, . Shortt said that we need first to consider the question of tax- ation from the : point of view, because if we di right. into the taxation of Ontario as it at present exists, we would find it beset with difficulties and inconsistencies. But by looking at the question from the pro- per viewpoint, we will see that it is not so great an evil as it looks. : The people pay- taxes for the general good of the commumity, not in" ex- change for services. Taxes have to be raised in the best way the state can find, In the history of raisitk taxes on this continent, we will find that where the system started out on a fair basis, it may have become very unequal and vajust. The old sys- i, of olor, based on owner- ship of property is utterly impracti- cable to-day, and we must get other standards and bases of property. The standards must be adjusted to suit the present conditions of property and service, Indirect taxation, it is found, suits the changing conditions of the times, for national and provincial purposes, better than diréct taxation. It is now impossible to go back to direct taxation. The system of taxation in Canada is found to be the hest possible to get. It consists of : three forme: 1, Import taxes for national meeds: 2. public lands and mineral revenues, taxation of corporations and certain Dominion subsidies, for provineial needs: 3, direct taxation for municipal needs. The United States has «the first and third forms. The proposition which Ontario is up against is to maintain itself in ite present taxation conditions--i.e., ing for provincial revenue only that form 6f property extended over the whale: province. Reference was made to 'the difficulty of taxing the income of an individual. It is easy enough to at the in- come of a corporation' ich has to keep books. It is easy = to determine the physical ownings of an individual, but most difficult to determine the physical ownings of a corporation such as a railway pampany. A railway is worth according to" What it earns, while' an individual's house is, worth not what it will cemrn; byt "hat it yi sell for, * different ses However, it was impos: sible to go back to the old" idea of getting at the income and property of proved upon: cornorations. We with cover all cases fairly well. A vote of thanks to Prof. Shortt for his admirable address was moved by H. W. Richardson and seconded bv Edw. J. B. Pense. The are forced to put up the new system which aims to pointed by the Ontario government to JANUARY 16. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. Have you the grippe? What of the ice crop for 1907? Some choice patterns left at Living: ston's suit sale. _ William Swain, piano tuner. Orders received at McAuley's. A large number from Howe Island were in the city, last night, for the A. 0. H. dance, Batger's West Indign toffee is sold at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. At nine o'clock, this morning, A; the thermometer at Richardsons' elevator registered five degrees below zero. fe can name the Buster Brown of the council, and also Foxy Grandpa. Both are typical. Figure it out. It has 5 rattle to it and is bright. The signs of good coal. Get Swift's Scranton coal. We have a tory council, with lots of counsel, hence advice or criticism is considered by them as needless, even irritating. The liberals in council found the conservatives as "liberal" as usual. The tories got the goods and the lib- erals the wrappings. But possibly the tories may get back rappings. Eucalyptus cough syrup is sold at Gibson's Red Cross drug store, 50c. bottle for 40c. Capt. Melvin Moon is now engaged in building another ice boat, which gives every promise of making faster time than the other one. Capt. Moon will again challenge his friend, "Capt. James Norris. Perhaps you heat as well as cook with your cooking stove. All right ! Our No. 4 size gives great satisfac- tion. Get it at Swift's coal yards. The water trough on the market, for horses, was frozen up with several inches of ice this morning, and had to be thawed out. This is the second time that it has been frozen up this winter, Commercial and pailroad telegraphy taught at the Kingston Business Col- lege, head of Queen street, by an ex- rt experienced G. T. R. operator. hn moderate. Enter any time. Telephone 440. H. F. Metcalfe, Prin- cipal. 0. McConnell, a farmer residing at Sunbury, had the misfortune, early last evening, to fall against a pane of glass which was being put in the door at Charles Kenney's barber shop. The ges was smasked in many pieces, but r, McConnell escaped injury. Piles get quick relief from Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment. Remember it's made alone for piles--and it works with certainty and satisfaction. Itoh- ing, painful, protruding, or blind piles disappear like magic by its use. Try it and see ! Sold by all dealers. GRAND OPERA HOUSE, :The Production of "The Village Parson" Last Evening. "The Village, Parson" was the bill nted Manager Branigan for of The Grand, last - A goad-sized audience greeted support from the other members of his 'company. "The Village Parson" is a quiet drama, which finds popular favor whenever shown and at night's performance the frequent and vigorous. last applause was A. 0. H. DANCE. latter said m-- that no man in Ontario was so fit as | Annual Event in City Hall Last Prof. Shortt to give a distinct ae- Night. count of Canadian taxation. He had The Ancient Orde ibornians hes 0 meni aaatton. He = hr neient, Order of Hibernians gave their annual ball at the City Pense stated that this vear the rail: ways would be taxed $179,000 by the Ontario government, as compared to $30.000 under the old mileage sys: tem. The farmers' idea was to get a million dollars out of the railway cor porations. but tps Id scarcely he realized. The votd of thanks was un- animously adopted, Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy-- when used faithfully will reach chronic and difficult cases heretofore regarded as incurable by physicians and is the most reliable prescription known to clean Sut wid completely remove every vestige rheumatic poison from the blood, Sold by all dealers. Ae Nickle is the coin of the coun- oul. EE ---- "Kingston's Pameus Fur Store' REAL FUR WEATHER You can scarcely afford to a far these cold days and if you decide on a tur jacket, a set of furs or --come to us. We are headquarters for all kinds of de- sirable furs Quality for quali- undersold any. w in Canada. This is *'¢ big store with little prices." Foi INSTANCE | a oe . if ne glossy even 5 Alaska Sable St rt Shien' he) full furred skins, extra large and long, fe = h iden, trimmed wi a tails - Jaaka Sah Large imperial ahupe mui pn natch: a $18.30, hall, last night. The floor was in ex- report upon the railways, and that | cellent condition for dancing and the commission's report was the most large crowd in attendance had an en- comprehensive ever prepared. Mr. jovable time. Crosby & O'Connor's | orchestra were in attendance and fur- Inished excellent music. The supper | was served in Ontario hall hy Cater- er Peter Devlin, and it was up to his usual high standard. The d:neing Commenced about nine o'clock and was continued umtil an early hour this morning. : ---- Laid To Rest. The funeral of Mrs. James MeWat- ers, whose maiden name was Mary A. Bearance, took place to Cataragui cemetery on Tuesday at 2.30 p.m. The pall-bearers were her three brothers, Thomas and John Bearance, of Elgin- burg, and Alexander, of this city and three nephews, George. Frederick and Wilson Bearance of this city. Service was conducted in the home by the Rev. J. B. Grimshaw. who made re- ference to ' the fact that on Sunday, January 13th, 1897, Mis. McWators became a charter member of the Un- ion Street Baptist church. and on Sunday, January 13th, 1907, just ten years later she passed on into the Presence of her Saviour, whom she laved. Deceased leaves a husband and { four daughters, Fdna, Hida, Annie i and Marguerita. "The Shoo-Fly Regiment.' In presenting the latest negro musi- cal comedy, "The Shoo Fly Regi- ment," at the Grand or Saturday January 19th, matinee and night, a real picture of negro life will he shown. A number of the characters have been drawn from real life and will furnish a study for those who are familiar with the funny negro charac- ters made famous in the writings of Joel Chandler Harris, Lime Kiln Club and by Mark Twain in his inimitable ------ - Played At Rockwood. teen's Glee Singers and Sym ; orchestra gave a concert to nphony and anbreciative audience at Rock- wood. last night. Hans Sitt says of Mise Mumiecn, violinist, who will as: | Sis e cloh January 2nd © py gifted. she has indeed brought pe to » high stondord and will abrilliant: artis," oY become A Board Of Education. The old members met last night tentatively arranged the fora he chairmen slated ares: Management Prof. Martin; property, W. H. God: win; finance. W. J. Renton. The chair manship: will go either to Prof tin or James Laturney. ------------ fois Moar for biliousness aro sold ,t | return of the - Mar- [above symptoms, don't delay, bu dealer and Hamilton's Buttern ONTARIO HOUSE. The Investigation He Made Re- garding the Binder Twin: Fraudulently Sold to Farmers. Montreal Herald. hen the department of trade and commerce was established under a conservative administration it was much and justly criticized on account of its uselessness, and amongst those who attacked it most severely on that ground was Sir Richard Cartwright, who has now been at the head of it for ten years. When Sir Richard as- sumed its direction it underwent a transformation. With a strong mind and steady purpose, he set to work, and to-day what was regarded as one of the most useless departments at Ottawa, has become one of the most useful. The work that has 'been done in connection with' the organization of inspection systems, particularly as regards grain, binder twine and hides, and the establishment of vance guards of commerce in_ the form of commercial representatives where they are most required has been attended by the best results. One might take as an illustration of the utility of -the department the care of binder twine. At the time of the enactment of the law for the inspec- tion of binder twine grave doubts were entertained as to whether such an act was necessary. There were still furth- er doubts as to whether it would be possible to adopt a system of inspec- tion that would be practicable. Even the government, when it responded to the representations . of the farmers and some of the leading binder twine manufacturers, aiid was prevailed up- on to pass the law and to give -effect to its provisions, did so feeling that it was pn experiment, and some of its members were dubious as to its prac- ticability. After the enactment of the law, J. L. Haycock, whose activity, as the farmers' champion in the Ontario house in days when a farmers' cham- pion was needed more than now. pointed him out as a desirable 'person to take up the work, was avpointed inspector. The investigation that was made with regard to the twine that was being sold showed that frauds of a serious character were being perpe- trated on the farming community. Bundles of made-up twine that were represented as being 600 feet in mea- surement when actually measured were found to contain: little more than 400. The conviction of unscrupulous firms and the imposition and collection of penalties to the amount of thous- ands of dollars withont an appeal end without successful resistance on the part of interested parties have proved the need for the act and the practicability of its working. The interview with Mr. Haycock concerning this work, which appears in another column, tells its own Story. When it is considered that the hinder twine last year in Canada re- presented an agoregate of £4.000,000: when it is considered thet the result of the twine has given the farmers at the lowest estimate five per cent. more value for their money. representing a total benefit of £200000 a year, and when it is considered « that this 'an- nual benefit is hovnd to increase with the development of the North-West. jt is possible to begin to realize the w i dom of Sir Richard Cartwright and the department of trade in their man- ner of dealing with this problem jn spite of very consitleraple opposition. Why Chest Colds Are Dangerous. They lead to pleurisy and pneu- iithias Follow the advice of W. H Powles, of Powles' Corners, Ont., who says: "l used to be subject to at- tacks 'and . although 1 used most 'ev. ervthing, nothing relieved quickly till I discovered Nerviline. for plourisy and sore chest and found it just the proper thing. For Lum- bago or Newralgia it's quick as light. ning. I cheerfully recommend Nervi- line." - Strongest, cleanest, destroying I have used it most pain Imiment on earth is' Po)- son's Nerviline, 25c. bottles, sold ev- ervwhere, i Ccunty Wardenship. Reeve John Foley, of Howe Island, is in the race, on the strength of long and honorable service, and with the added claim that it must be the ls- land's turn, since it has not had a warden in fifty odd years of municipal institutions. - He shaves with Messrs. Calvin and Fisher the honor of being the only reeves loft in service of those who had the farews h Jl supper of the old council system, ten years since. My. Foley has served as a reeve or coun- cillor for twenty years, and his friends think promotion is his due. Provost, Brock street, will give choice of $18 and $20 suiting, made- to-order for $15. Good fit and good trimmings, a genuine bargain, Lyst night was a very col for the policemen y bluecoats were to keep warm. --_-- Do You Suffer With- Dragging Bachache 9 Painful back trouble indicates eased Kidneys, Don't neglect the When you can't st out suffering pain- When you notice urinary disorders dizzy spells and constant headaches When your back aches, morning noon and : night, whey langour ang restlessness oppress you- Then will the telling merit Hamilton's Pills make in one day. Dr. Hamilton's P d night on the beat. The forced to run at times, -- dis- first symptoms, oop or bend with- of Dp. you feel bette ills exert - ful influence on the discased ® nen the kidnevs. They heal and soothe give vitality and tone, put new life into the kidneys, and thus prevent a urs - Nraulde. A tiney sufferer, healt wai ' and happy cure is right at hoa ey Hamilton's Pills. Note carefull the il they fit vour case, t go at barn! to vour procure t ili . Pills of | Mandrake "and tlemut, sold in yellow boxes, 230, The Sale of the Season Comes Only Once a Year 95 PER GENT. OFF All Manufactured Furs. W. F. GOURDIER EXCLUSIVE FURRIER 78-80 Brock St. Phone 700 Carefully Executed Spectacles and Eveglasses vroperly fitted. New and mountines, up-to-date Eyes carefully examined. SMITH BROS. Jewelers and Opticians 350 King Street Issuers of Marriage Licenses. HEA 153 1,000 YARDS OF Grey Cotton Mill Ends In lengths from 2 to 8 34 inches wide, and 7c. quality, THURSDAY ONLY ! 3l5¢. a Yard ---- NEWMAN & SHAW yards, regular 6c, BL ct sg Cd eA Si | SEVERE C/ Colds and By . Mayor of Scotst mends Pe-ru-n and Cat; READ HIS L HE first effect of a ening of the muco the nose and throat. 'This gives tise to a least s stuffiness of the 'Sometimes fever acco . attack, dlso a feeling nes: and aching of the 'If no attention is mucous congestion is dowtiinto the larynx; ness and into the bror ducing a cough. Even when this occu pay no attention to it. Under such cirecums gestion is lable to bec ducing a condition of 1 branes known as catar CURE COLDS-- PREVENT CATARRH. RF tion and does not les thing is done to reliev What should be donq catches cold is to tak Peruna. Taken at the onset break up the cold and train' of symptoms follow, ™ But, oven in cases wl been neglected and cough has developed, lied upon to give | manent relict, The frequency of cot Canada makes Perun ody in this country. A number of the bes ada have given tesur value of Peruna in suc Followed DOr. Hart Restored to Mrs. Bamueélle Vi Berd, Isle dé La Ma writes: "1 write to tell you t! welll I took only thre Peruna according to the directionsin your stored my health." "Ask your dx Every day 'b the lines cannc "Just now we : Japanned War . We have Plu y 'Baths and Bat }' you ever saw . rude enough t y name tis the : baby, you ever All g Jan Some other { Boxes, Flour ters, Cuspidore b Tea Trays. Mcl 6g 2 i' Kee Wa