for Thursday them mean good news, then "tis i reday. This is the biggest Sal. | -ocks and better assortment than Nickel Plated Ware 0 PER CENT. DISCOUNT Including 'Tea and Coffee Pots, uspedores, Dish Covers, Hot ater Plates, Tea Trays, Clocks, bafing Dishes and Table Bells. a eee A small line| $ Towel Rods and ilsatclearout | ¢ sy & Birch « Street, Kingston : $6000000000000000000008 The Reason Why Some Good Things Are Overlooked is Because They Aren't Looked Over, Over 75 pairs of the Endicott Johnson $4 'Men's Shoes in three lasts and styles, American made. Red Label Sale Price, $3 One Big Table of Men's $3.50 and $3.75 American Shoes, Gun Metal and Pat. Colt Bluchers and Bals." Red Label Sale, $2.75. The Generous Reduction in the Men's Packard Shoes, the $4 Shoes. Red Labelled, $3. The $5 Stamped Price. Red Label Price, $3.75. Men's Fancy Tan and' Black House. Slippers, in Opera and Harvard cut, $1.25 and $1.50, fmerican made. Red Label Price, Come in and Took. Neerly all belled. = Shoes are Red La The House of Good BRO, Shoemaking, ey 6000000000000 00000000 ranges : rape Fruit ne C-- Pe ® * & } Princess Stree t LOOK LIKE 30c.' The Profits = Paid By Some "Companies. When Compared With The Royal Insurance Co'y OF ENGLAND. rors Business In F $100,000,000 Front" i= Ls 143%0:000 Expenses To ay 3220.00 We Invite Your Investigation. W. J. B. White, Agent, Kingston SLEARING _ SALE! ~All goods athe sold by the niddle of February. as I am leav= og the city. is VERYTHING - BELOW. GOST s / BOVRIL always ready and is so useful etall times. You can make a lunch ofit. You can make a soup with it: You can give it to the chil- ren at any time. You can ; strengthen the in- § valid with it. You can revive yourself en tired with it. You can "make a delicious dish _ of anything you have in the ouse with its help. Because it not only improv- es the taste but adds to the nour- ishing gualities of any dish in which it is used. "useadac Carter's Littles Liver Pills ave - ears curing and liche they would bealmost priceless to those whe por A Sia distiesaing complaint ut fort A FMS Ai; v8 tL no! dom es Dut after allsick head "28the bane of so many lives that here is where 'We make our great boast. Our pills cure it while Jihers do not. 'wery easy to take. One or two pills makes defi. 'Ehey are strictly vegetable and do not but by their gentloaction please all I vislant 25 conts's five for $1. 8 druggiats everywhere, or sent by mail, CARTER MED!CINE CO., New York; MAKES YOUR CAKES LIGHT. MAKES YOUR BISCUITS LIGHT. MAKES YOUR BUNS LIGHT. MAKES YOUR LABOR LIGHT. MAKES YOUR EXPENSES LIGHT. Order from your Grocer. E.W.GILLETT fares TORONTO, ONT. NEWS OF. NEIGHBORS WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND. "' ENTS TELL US The Tidings From Various Points In ;Bastewp Ontario --« What eGR Are Doing And What They Are Saying. 45 May Have A Recount. i Lyndhurst, Jan. 21.--We have a new doctor in our vi ¢ we hope he has come to stay. gE is nl smiles; it's a girl. R. R. Tait has gone to Brockville on # business trip. Martin Wiltse, has gone to Crow Lake to see his father, who is ill. There is talk of a recount of the lots for local option. It was defeated by four votes. ¥ Child Is Born. in. 22.--Service on .- McIntosh; quite solit. to hear the dis- oa. has left the - roads very icy 3 good work for the blackagihg Vi : : Vietor Neil, of New Yank} 4: Watson, T. Sous- ter, Mart + We. Knapp's. A lit- tle visitor, & little gir], has come to brighten fhe. 2 home of Joseph Bain. te Ventabifir Notes. Vennachar, Jan. 19.--Miss Melinda Bebee kins been re-engaged to teach the school,' here, at a salary of $300, Misses Edith Bebee, Ethel Behoe, Min- nie E. Ball, have gone to Kingston to take a course in the business col- lege. Some of the schelars froze their toes "and nveés" poing home from school on. the «6th inst. Rev. D.'L. Gunter has returned from. the. opening of the Free Methodist church, Kings- ton. Myr, and Mrs. John Jackson and granddaughter, Ella, . are visiting friends at. Robertstille. Rod Wensley, Wensley; is at the school here. Conducted Services. Lavant "Station," Jan. 22:--Miss Ma- bal Barr is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Thonias Les, Harley Thomas has. re- turned to North Bay. A sleigh load of young people spent Monday even- ing at the home of Jobn Watts. Miss Ida Prasky, Folger, has come to work at E. J. :McFarlane's. John Craw- ford called on friends here on Sun- day. Mz. Little, Kingston, conducted the services on Sunnay, but on ac count of the bad weather the attend- ance was* Glenvale Personals, Glenvale, Jan. 21.--Misses Rose Cra- mer and Ada Toplifie are attending business college in the city. Miss Ethel Gibson, nurse-in-training, at Clifton Springs, is spending her vaca- tion at ©. Miss Jessie Campbell is spending a few weeks at her sis- ter's in Brockville, H. C. Orser en- tertained the choir on Friday evening. Thomas Hawkey has recovered from a: soverd dttack soba 'grippe. Mr. and Mrs. J. ©. Gibson. spent a few days with friends in Bath last week. The Foresters" oyster supper held on January Sth was well attended. Dur- ing the storm on Sunday the roof on (i. Hamilton's barn was blown off, Lake Opinicon Locals. Lake Opinicon, Jan. 21.--Rev. T. Meredith, Seeley's Bay, occupied the Methodist pulpit Sunday morning. The gale on Saturday night demolish- ed the old steam mill. It was a land- mark well-known to all the Rideau tourists. Darius Warner is again un- der the doctor's care. A little daugh- ter now adarns the family circle at Levi Fluke's." A. A. Barr lost a valu- able horse last week. Miss Frances Sly, Elgin, recently ppent a few days at M.. Hughson's. Norman Kerr re newed acquaintances here last weck. Mrs. Charles Barr, Inverary, has re- turned home after spending several days 'at _her sister's, Mrs, A. A. Baws. " Sti Maberly Jottings. Maberly, Jan. 21.--Rev. C.. F. Clark is able to be out again. William Hughes; 8¢.*f 'on the sick list. The grippe is prevalent. Frank Curl was at Westport .on Friday. It is under stood that one of the general stores is to change hands soon. It was with re- gret that the people read of the death of Mrs. George Badour, so well-known in this Joeality. William Buchunnan is preparing to leave for the west in the spring. George Buchannan is con- valescent., Miss Annie Buchannan is spending a week with friends in Bath- urst. Mrs. Robert Milligan, Perth, vis- ited 'herd last week. Miss Anna Glenn, teacher, visited her parents in Perth, on Saturday .and Sunday. -..At Oso Pleasant Valley. Oso Pleasant Valley, Jan. 21.--Rev. W. H. Smith, "with four of the Sun- day schéol' 'teachers from Christ church, attended the Sunday school convention in Kingston on Tuesday last. S. H. Butler, visiting at George P. Butler's, has returned to Queen's University. All are sorry to hear of the serious illness of T. Butler. James ahd . John Grant have returned to New Ontario. Mrs. E. Townsend has gone to her: home 'at Harrowsmith, after visiting her parents here. E. J. Warren is" pending the wimer in Thomson .and Avery's camp at Moun- tain Grove. School has re-opened with Mies Fraser as teacher. R. W. Butler, Bd 8 taken charge of Par- ham gehool, §pefit Sunday at. home. fp hl B-- Tidings From Philipsville. Philipsville, Jan. 20.--The funeral of the late Alonzo Denny was held to the Methodist church, He was forty- eight years of age, and ill with ty- vhoid, pneumonia eighteen days. He leaves § Tile, 'Iwd sons and two daughters." He wag .a. good neigh . J. V. Philips is ill wit a bad cold and other complications. Joseph Lamming is improving. . Mrs. R. C. Haskins is very poorly. She has not had the best of health since she cam the hospital, where she un- derwent an operation. Word was recdived here that J Foster, for: odo, with his two boys, y out in the'North- last the news safe. d yu The grave of Benjamin Frankli ands of persons on the occasion of birth. - DAILY BRITISH "WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23. n, which is being visited by thous- the 200th ' anniversary of his logs, hay, grain and farming imple- ments, the past three weeks. Mrs. H. Brown and granddaughter, of Carle- ton Place, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arvin Brown. A. Denny and four sons, of Adams, N.Y., attended the fungral of the late Alonzo Denny. ---- Dufferin Orangemen's Supper: Dufferin, Jan. 19.--On Monday even- ing the members of L.O.L., 1269, had an oyster, supper, at which about fifty Orangemén and 43 many friends were present. A. Hutton presided. Among those wh, spoke were : 'George Pur- cell, Dufferin; John Balls, Sunbury; C. A. Kincaid, Barriefield; © George Franklin, Cushendall: J, Milton, W. Smith and M. Clarke, Dufferin. Songs were given by J. Burns, Cushendall; Mr. Kennedy. Barriefield: 8. Carey, Joyceville; Wiliam McAdoo gnd George Eaton, Dufferin. Recitations were given by William Finnegan, Erie, and C. Hutton, Joyceville; violin se- lections by E. Moore, Sunbury; Oliver Kirkwood and E. Hutton, Joveeville: mouth organ solo, Frank McLean, Erie. A vote of thynks was given the members of 1269 and the smecting was brought to a 'close by singing "God Charleston Lake Laconies. Charlestcn, Jan. 21.~Mrs. R. .Fos- ter: has returned from Buffalo and Syracuse. The Shamrock Concert com- pany is drawing a large crowd of people to the town hall, Athens. Miss M. Mulvena, gery ill, is convalescent. Mrs, T. Kel is recovering from her illness. M#&Y B. Killingheek is some better. The syndicate: horse has ar- rived at W. R. Green's, W. W. Eyre is ill with an attack of pneumonia. Mrs. E. Webster, quite ill, ery. Mrs. OC, Dack repeived a letter from her brother, a .few days ago, saying that the snow|was to the depth of six ffet at Boissevain, Man, and wood and coal were scarce. A rumor went the rounds last week that J. Foster, of Hanley, Sask., had heen lost in a blizzard, and his friends be- came very anxious. On Friday 'they received a letter saying that he would be home the first of February. is on the récov- All Is Satisfactory. Brewer's Mills, Jan. 21.---The sleigh- i almost disappeared and wheels in in use. F. Anglin held his annual cheese factory meeting on the' | | twice each year; th inst., and all business matters were arranged satisfactorily for com- ing seison. J. Dockrill's bee on' Mon- day was "well attended. The Sis- ters of Charity of House of 'Provi- dence, Kingston, are in our midst. J. MeKanna has F. Rochefort engaged drawifig coal from Scelevis Bay. The patrons of Anglin's cheese factory placed in gu large supply of ice for the coming season. M. Forrester took John Shappee to Hotel Dieu, King- ston, on Saturday, suffering with pneumonia. Miss Bridget Milne has returned home after visiting her cou- sin, Mrs. J. Rogers, Cedar Valley, James Dockrill and J. McKanna have returned from PBufiplo after.a success ful season's: sailing. Messrs. F. and J. Fodey, Lansdowne, spent Sunday at J. Smith's. Hinehinbrooke Calineil, Piccadilly, Jan. 14. -Couneil-étlect qualified : ~~ Reeve, R.A. Hamilton; councillors, TDW Dn: lie, . A. Wagar 'and James MoMahon, = Com: munications "feont OARS Municipal intion and Hospitals" for Sick Children, Toronto; no netion. Upon communication from General Hospital, Kingston, on motion, Leslie-MeMahon, $20 granted. On motion, Leslie-Mc- Mahon, Charles Campbell and John Hamilton appointed auditors. William Clark' appointed member of the board of health. Applications for the office ssessor were read, from D. C. Sni der, William II and A. Kennedy. On motion, ~McMahoh-Leslie, A. Ken- nedy appointed On motion, Wagar Dwyer; the clerk to notify Samuel Goodfellow and James Kennedy to take fences off road allowances be- tween lots 5 and 7, third concession. 1 On motion, McMuhon-Wagar, the road srveyor to survey road al'swance be tween lotg 10 and 11 in comcession 3 and third concession line across lot Il. On motion, Leslie-McMahog, the carctakes's salary to be 88, he to at» tend all meetings and see that the town hall is properly cleaned at least to charge $2 per night hall, except for church en- tertainment, then $1; caretaker to get hardwood 'and coal oil, and repair chargé same to the township. . The "clerk applied for in- crease in salary from $60 to 875. Moved, McMahon-Loslio, that the sal ary be 863; carried, but refused. Ad- for use of windowsi and 4 i two ounces of Glycerine and half 4 ] Maine, and whose wonderful cure chial tubes, and cure any case 0 ) far advanced, providing the pati 4 few minutes. mixtures. The Ingredients can be secur tion druggist at small cost and ho.e. i § ing druggists elicited the inform There are many rank imitations trated Oil of Pine, Pine Balsam, A local physician w, 4 ably produce nausea, and never by Dr. Leach in his ca p in the has the unqualified the country. : : The physician added, if this generally by the people, throat, The Pure Virgin Oil of Pine i morning will heal and regulate Mix one-half ounce of the Virgin '0il of Pine (Pure) with Shake well and use in teaspoonful doses every four hours. 4 p Dr. Leach, the famous throat and r established a camp for consumptivés in the Pine tention of the civilized world, declares that the above formula ! will strengthen weak lungs, relieve the cough, plenty of outdoor exercise, inhaling long deep breaths every It is said the mixture will break up an ordinary cold in ; twenty-four hours, and being free from opiates and drugs, is far preferable for use among children to the Inquiry at the prescription department of one of our lead. € (Pure) is put up only in half-ounce vials securely sealed in a round wooden case, with engraved. wrapper, name--' 'Virgin Oil of Pine ( Pure) '-plainly printed thereon. which are being put out under various names, such as concen- substitute for the Pure Virgin Oil of Pine, as they is familiar with thé treatment used doubtedly the most effective known to medical present time and save for the open air life in thg/forest would p prove just as effective if used in the home. He says the for- mula given above is the one used by Dr. | ¢ endorsement of the leading physicians of $ tions would rarefy reach an acute stage. hgent for uric acid. A few drops taken on sugar night and bin ease of rheumatism ii } TO BREAK UP A COLD 3 § IN 24 HOURS AND CURE ANY 4 "COUGH THAT IS CURABLE | a pint of good Whisky. $ lung ~ specialist, who Woods of s there 'have attracted the at- WAAAY heal the bron- ¢ f lung trouble that is not too § ent will assist by taking 3 irk ordinary cough ed from any good prescrip- $ easily prepared [in your own wh ation that Virgin Oil of Pine showing the of Virgin Oil of Pine (Pure), ete. Never accept these as a invari- 4 effect the desired results. < says it is un- < science at the » Pine Woods, Leach and that it formula was known and used lung, and bronchial affec- s also a perfect neutralizing the. kidneys and relieve the ed by mric acid in | oy = : journed, to 'meet at Parham, March 2nd. » § . Busy At The Mines. Veronn, Jan. 22.--<The recent rain storm took off most of our snow and the frost made the rounds very slip. pery. and hard, but last night's snow fall has placed them in excellent con. dition and the farmers are busy get- Jting up their wood and drawing spar from the mines at Desert Lake. Mr. Pennypacker, superintendent of the feldspar mines in this district, has re- turned from Philadelphia and is look- ing after this part of the work. Therg are several hundred, tons of beautiful clear spar to be hauled to the rail- way track while the ice on the lakes ig good, ahd a large gang of men are working at the Fourteen Island Lake mine, The Bauder mine will soon be opened again, giving work to a num- ber more. This is a great help to the men of this part of 4 country, when other work 1s scarce. Ou village has not escaped the prevailing epidemic of grippe. Mr, and Mrs. er are recovering from a lingering illness, Mrs. Sanderson is also on the mend. Eddie Grant is ill with typhoid fever, and Rev. John Perguson is also on the sick list. Rev. Mr. Fenton, Syden- ham, has started Anglican service in the Workman hall; there is talk of a new Anglican church. being built in visit to Dr. Claxton's. Miss Harmer, the near future. W. A, Claxton and Mr. Lazer, Kingston, paid a short Kingston, at Mr. Simmons'; Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery, at Mrs. Buchan- an's; Eddie Curl has purchased a new piano. James Paine and Eli Walroth are leaving for New Ontario. The Free Methodists hold their quarterly meet. ing this = week, commencing Saturday coening, Gown Of Silver Gray Crepe. ~-- 3 A graceful frock is shown in the ac- companying drawing, the model being practical for almost any soft, cling: ing material. Pale grey silk crepe was used for the original" gown, the trim- ming consibting of half-inch wide vol vet ribbon exactly" matching the shado of the gown. The skirt had thrge ate tached tucked flounces, each edged with a band of the ribbon, which also formed a lattice-work design above these flourices. The bodice had a round yoke of Chantilly lace, and was trim- méd by bande of the ribbon and nar- row pinch tucks, as shown by a study of the drawing. Three little bows of the velvet slipped through cut-steel bucklés weve used in the middle of the front, just below tne yoke, on each sleeve and down the girdle in the baek, -------- Fea Soup And Electric Baths. Louisville Courier-Journal. Two savants have just annoumeed the discovery of a means "of prolong: ing life indefinitely. A Frenchman says a certain sort of electric bath solves the. problem, and a Massachu- setts man declares that pea soup is the elixir so long searched for, The French physician is a comparatively young man, who employs the bright vocabulary of youth in which, it is said, there is no such word as "@an't." The New / Englander is ninety-threo years old, and has been growing voung, 80 he asserts, since he discov- ered the rejuvenating qualities of pea soup and eschewed all other meat and drink with a view to turning back the hands of the clock. Olive Oil For Appendicitis. New York Press. "General," said Hill, "you are in fine blood. You neither drink nor smoke, nor chew; vou have never dis- sipated. Don't go 1o an hospital and be sliced upon for a little thing like appendicitis. Have you any olive oil, something genuine, something made of olives? Yes? Well, take threes or four tablespoonfuls of it right now, and repeat the dose every six hours." Fred. took the strong man's advice, and was perféetly well in a few days; and has been well ever since. The Lapse Of Time. Everybody's Magazine. Mrs. Hooligan was suffering from the common complaint of having more to do than there was time to do it in. She looked up at the clock and then slapped the iron she had lifted from the stove hack on the lid with a clat- ter. "Talk about toime and toide waitin' for no man," she muttered as the hurried into the pantry, "there's toimes they waite, an' toimes they doint. Yistherday at this blessed minit, "twas but tin o'clock, an' to day it's a quarther to twelve." Art Of The Orator. Washington Star. "What did you. think of our friend's speech ?" asked the veteran states man. "It was a remarkable literary study," answered Senator Sorghum. "I never hefore realized how complete ly the meaning of words could be ef- faced by a judicious manner of ar- ranging them in sentences." Ussner, Puavear: On Commission We have personally insgficte! many of the best properties in the § Cobalt district and are prepared tu furnish reports upon same to w clients. ' TRADERS BANK SUILDING, TORONTO 100 WOMEN WANTED Not Lynched Often. Philadel hin Public Ledger. "We don't lynch a man often, any- how," remarked the visitor from lowa. "Neither do we," volunteered the man with the southern accent; "never, in fact, hut once." Every satecpan that has been used od finished with should be filled with Id water, on Tomp of soda put into Long Distance Tele»nones Main 7450, 7481 iB MADE IN CANADA n : BY A CANADIAN COMPANY. 3 Tesla Q'JP NAME has been closely allied with the development of Sewing Machines In Canada for more = thin One Third of a Century, because we have a Machine which boars Investigation and aed stands any test. SL ALWAYS LOOK FOR THE nape: " ' 2 NEL E--% Gf NEY J HP RY RY . THE WILLIAMS MANUFACTURING 00. Gomrany Orrnces: MONTREAL, P."Q. Yo TORONTO, LONDON, HAMILTON, OTTAWA, ST. JOHN, NV. 8, n AGENTS WANTED EVERYWNERE : So ----r Wp oii rad 17198 | ™ [ Artistic Ee RESTORED 2 MANHOOD The New Method Treatment of Drs. K..& K, bas restored rant ot diseased men to robust mauhdod. matter how many doctors have cure you) give our treatment & fair trial and you will never regret it. We guar antce all cases we accept for treatment. Nat a dollar need be paid tricture, Blood Diseases, able to call, write for Blank Home Treatment. Cansultation Free, NOT A DOLLAR NEED BE PAID UNLESS CURED, > Talore Sirs NadeFor §1 We want at Ipast 100 women to leave their orders for Walking Skirts, made by a man tailor, for $1 each, from any material purchased from our large stock. Perfect fit guaranteed. Samples of work may be seen at any time at our store, and the cost of making is only 81 each. This offer is for the week beginning January 2lst, 1907, only. So be on hand early in the week. ' Double Cash Coupons with every article purchased in our store during this sale.