Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Jan 1907, p. 1

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> PQ. cuss \RING SALE e Stock, to Rebuild. d Fancy Odd Parlor Chairs. ale Price, THE LEADING UNDER. » TAKER, ' . Packing, and Freight Free, p-------------------- ee ------ KOHR'S RESTORINE :~ eutyey,--the most wander deal yond ever dis d. It is astounding bode] cured 'in one by i Paris. The Ra al Board has recommended this rl for use » Insane atte amt where, as is In t ermany. the: y ys 3 never 's Aim "The skin i on rat mare weak me. ir. Headaches disa) T. 0 the mind becomes. bright and active, | A Food ain and Bl A permzunent cure Be matut hronic the case. Just rand 'a 3 diye your ddress plainly boii =X and | a 'treatment torine will be sent whi ho packs Do not hesitate a LS will treat you uccess and with >. DRAWER L 2341, MONTREAL, S000 Presents seful for a "Xmas Present ving articles: "hoppers, all sizes. and Coffee Pots. ted Tea and Coffee Carpet Sweepers. rn 75¢. to $10.00. Knives, Forks; and 0 numerous to mention. T BROS, SS STREET. a ~~ )C. e placed on sale in our s, Girls' and Children's h regularly sold at 35¢/, ust think, only SC. Red, Brown and Black, without heels, regularly ce 98e. SHOE STORE hy's Frere 3 Sale of Porites = a ---------------------- : male RORT 1 brim: Goods dre going fast. Rar Bargain, g . Some goods only -a little while in use,' good as new, 50 per cent. reduction. Iron Beds, Mattresses. 1 Parlor = Sett, Maho an; Tames, Silk Cover, $35 n.d Springs ang 2 Sideboards, $35 2 Sideboards, ot 988. nd $25, at $18 Hatracky from al $6.50 to 3 or 3 Extension Tables et $10 and $12, for $7 ROBT. J. REID § 230 Princess street. The Leading Undertaker 2 "Phone 577 Ambulance i: Cr99999393999s3s9v00ed TEA and COFFEE That Has Cup Quality We have several new seasons TEAS, Green, Black and Mixed, which we offer at the low price of 30c. per 1b. We have other Teas, Some cheaper and some dearer, each line we carry is a favorite with some customers. We also carry the leading lines of package TEAS, Charm, Lipton's, Red Rose and Salada. The Cup That Cheers We have Coffee in the bean and ground. Our leading values are priced at 30c. and 40c. per 1b, Our high grade Java and Mocha is the best selection in the market, sure to please. F. W. Van Luven, Phone 417 - 246 Princess St. TTT TTT ---- i Hockey Match JUNIOR 0. H. A. Brockville Frontenacs FRIDAY, JAN. 25th. Game called at 8 p.m. Admission, 25c. 14 Off We have a few boxes of ROWNTREE"S AND CADBURY'S Chocolates Left over from Christmas, which we are goitig to sell at a dis- : 25% This is a rare chance for lovers of fine Chocolates. James Redden & Co. Tenders for 1obacco Stock THERE HAVING BREEN A MISUN- derstanding in regard to the former offer of sale, tenders for the stock-in-trade and fixtures of the estate of EB. J. Or well, Tobacconist, insolvent, will be re- ceived by us until MONDAY, Januar v 26th, at two p.m. For further particu lars, apply to Cunningham & Lyon, Solicitors, 79 Clarence street. DAILY MEMORANDA. Civic Fire Commitece, 4 p.m. + Friday, "At The World's Mercy," Grand vera House, 8.13 p.m Nugent & fraham's special 20 por cent. discount sale is now in full swin Big January Sale now on i Me- Kelveygk Birch' 8; low prices prevail. Thi® day in his story :--Frederick the great born, 1712; Charles James Fox born, 1749. 'The Social Fiv to-night, 8.30. Orchestra, ' dance, Whig Hail, Creshy and O° Conuor's WHIG TELEPHONES. 243--Business Office. 229--Kditoral Rooms. 202--Jahbin~ Department. Embossing and Engraving a spec] Josiah Wedgewood We have some old Blue DINNER SETS of this celebrated maker, very quaint shape, regular price $9.75. --NOW-- $7.25 Robertson Bros. Furs AEGIS TERED STOLES 100 INCHES LONG $7.00 uP John McKay 149-153 BROCK ST. KINGSTON LUROPE "NOTICE LONGSHOREMEN'S LOCAL 229 will hold a special meeting FRIDAY evening, at 8 o'clock to set wages for the year, amd other important busine All members are this meeting. By order of the TOURS From $195 to $545. For P ro gramme, wri Rev. or. Withrow, Presi Me mt A: O'NE!LL. ALCTION SALE BY NOTICE OF A LANDLORD'S warrant, on SATURDAY the 26th Junu ary, 1907 One cy One Spring Waggo Te Waggon: = One Horse; quantity of Wood. Sale at 11 o.clock, at 27 Brock St WM. MURRAY, Auctioneer HOME AGAIN After spending two weeks holidays, and all ey a 1 ant a OS: ome, ge barsains in good Ves, and Furniture. TURK'S 'Seeond-Hand Store, 898 Princoss street. FORTNIGHTLY CLUB. THE FORTNIGHTLY CLUB WILL hold. their next dance MONDAY evening, Jan. 28th, which will be thelr last dance until Easter Momday. A cordial welcome is Sxlended to ail members. Dancing, *8 to 12. I ------------ ARRESTED ELOPERS. But Parents of Girl Finally Gave Consent. Peterboro, Onmt., Jan. 24.--A wed- ding undsr somewhat unusual circum- stances, was celebrated here, when Edith Pritchard, a young Hamilton girl, was married to Ernest Arm- strong, Peterhoro, 'at the police sta- tion. The girl left her howe at Hamilton; and "her relatives objectod to har marriage with Armstrong, bid telegraphed the chief of Police | to vest her, and send hor back. The girl, quit: young, made her esc ape_by leap- ing from pn second storey window, but was arrested: in the evening, while the minister wag on his way to the house to marry her to Armstrong. She spent | the night in the ells, he Sousent of the gi 8 parents to the marriage ing obtained, ihe ng was sol emnived in the the police static station. The work of "oF Bonds in emaeiad hoe Faun Claire, + where an. awed h h found ROBERT J. REID ¢ THE LEADIN UNDERTAKER } 'Phone §77, 227 Princess S00000000000000000000' ---------------------------------------------------- LANCED IN WINDING SHEETS. New York Society Folk Rig Up as Spooks. New York, Jan. 24~Mr~and Mrs. Alived Brooks gave a spook party, a ghost dance, a revel of apparitions, m the Hotel St. James. Graveyards yawn. but never for. an instant did the Brooks' guests weary of the fun they had. The drawing rooms were filled with weird creatures clad in white, who might have been driven there in au- {olwarses fiom comfortable cemeter- ies. The favors in the German were skeletons. Death- sweet little, ~ tay heads, whose orbits were illuminated by green electric lights, added to the decorations. A Hindu palmigt. under a canopy of crosshones, foretold pleasing events beyond the Styx. "he climax cane at midnight. The lights wers ditimed. chains ¢lanked, jortan 4 souls, in cosy corners, shriek- oil: the t dance grew more fuori ous. then ¥ ar: | rs >a ie lbh requested to atte nd "IAT THE FG: Speech From T The Throne Delivered. BYLIEUT.GOV. CLARKE WAS ACCORDED ALL THE HONORS DUE. Indications of Future Prosperity --The Requests Made of the Dominion--Talking of the Co: balt District--Against Hasty Speculation--Some New Legis- lation. Toronto, Jan. 24.--The third. session of the eleventh parliament of Ontario was duly opened, by the lieuténant- govarnor, at three o'clock, this aiter- noon. lhe Royal Canadian Dragoons furnished the escort of his honor, who Was accompanied also by Major J, I, Macdonald, his setelsy, and Lieut. Young, his A. D. C, Ai the buildings "B" battery, RU ¥, A., fired a salute of fiften guns, and the band of the Queen's Cwn Riles, which regiment furnished the guard of honor, played the National Anthem. The speech from the throne, as read by Lieut.-Gow. Clarke is as follows: Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen Legislative Assembly It afiords me great pleasure to again meet you as representatives of thy people in parliament assembled. Unce more we realize that our thanks are due to Almighty God for a bounti- ful harvest. The j prosperity whith has been enjoyed by our farmers, for a number of years, has been continued for adother year, while the steadily increasing enterprise and commercial activity shown by our people afford good grotnd both for satisfaction and thankfulness and are indications of the of future prosperity, The interprovineial conference, in Ottawa, in October last, was attend- ed by the prime minister his ministers. The deliberations will, I believe, result in an amendment to the Beitich North America, Act, by which the amount of the annual pay- ment, by the dominion government to the province, will be increased by 8800000; A report of the proceedings of th: conference will he laid before you. On the invitation of the government of Canada, certain of my ministers attended at Ottawn with reference to the proposed extension of the aries of Manitoba. The claims of the province of Ontario to Hinterland were pressed upon the dominion gov ernment; my. ministers urging that th boundaries of Manitoba be extended northward to Hudson Pay by produc ing the eastern boundary of . that pro vince northward until it strikes the Churchill river, and then follow! ng the middlé of the charnel of the said riv er until the latter debauchos into Hudson Bay, and that for geographi- cal and other reasons the remainder of "The territory of Keewatin, lying ast of the suggested eastern bound and two of bound ary of Manitoba, contiguous to On tario, and bounded on the north and cast by Hudson Bay and James Bay. be allotted. to the tario. province of On A decision is shortly expected Better' accommodation has b en pro vided in this city for the number of immigrants and my minis ters intend to make additional efforts so induce farmers and farm laborers to seitle among us. You will be pleased to know the loan of thr authorized by the for the infreasing that millions of dollars act of last completion of the and Northern Ontario ession, Temiskaming wlway was successfully floated in Canada, at par, and without any more expense than that of- advertising. After the closing of the of the legislature, in accordance with precedent; 1 appointed a commission, consisting of certain' members of the judiciary, the members of the exeeu- tive council and others, for the con solidation of the statutes of the pro- vince and, subsequently, a supplement- ary commission was granted extend. ing the powers of the commissioners, Substantial progress has been; made by them, but owing to the great vol- ume of work and the thoroughness with which it is being done the revi- sion cannot Be completed earlier than next year. Certain changes recom- mended, will, however, be submitted to vou at as early a day as possible during the present session. Owing to the steady increase of ypulation in Northgrn Ontario it Pre become necessary, in the proper administration of justice, to create an additional judicial distrief, In nocordamce with the legislation of last gession, the railway and muni- cipal board has been constructed. Al- though it has been in existence only a few months, the board has already considered nnd disposed of many ques- tions coming. within its jurisdiction. It hag also proven an efficient agency fort enforcing the electric railway rates specified "by this legislature, and for adjusting disputes between la- bor and eapital in respect of street railway operation. A report of the work of the board, since its forma- tian, will be laid before vou I am glad to be able that, 'under the provisions of the act of last session, very satisfactory pro- gress has been made in the direction of proen cheap electrie power for ccnmimpers. Tentlers have hoen called for" 3h extension of the Temiskam- last session to inform you Northen Railway > a pont of ih "the G acifie com. Ti passenger and right willie show a large in- crease over the ling year. The great iit of the 'mineral de- posits in the t district is becom- ing more and more evident, and the future is full of promise both to the investor in properties and to the people of Ly province, The rights of the province in these deposits have bon kept steadily in view by the ministers and, accordingly, 5 measuve providing for taxation of mining roperties will | be submitted to you or consideration, 1 think it well to draw your attestion that , tendency to hasty and rockdoss investment Hi) speculation is" gbroad, and, it is to be hoped, will . be kept in check by the geod smse of our people. The amendments, of last session to the public schoal act hove given gen- eral satisfaction, The experience of the past year with veference to the work- ing of the act has wn certain am- endmeats to. ba desirable; a measure embodying them all will be laid be- fore you. The education department is now d: aling with the question of the price of text-books and expects, dur ing the present session, to. make a satisfactory arrangement with refer tnoe to this very important matter. My ministers have, for some pust been: eongidering the quebtion of prison labety with a view to avoid- ing all possibility of its being put into competition with free labor. It is a subject: of the utmost importance and cannot be dealt with m haste Some facts with relation to it will be laid before you. Bills will be Jaid before you relating to colonization roads, prov iding for the taxation of mining properties, consolidating and amending the com- panies acts, amending the act creating the railway and municipal board; the mines' act, the public school acts, the aet respecting the Temiskaming and Northern Ontario railway, and = the volunteer Jand grant acts It affords me great | ire to in- form you that the revenues of the pro- vince are largaly in excess of the eos. timates and Suffickent to meet the provincial expenditures of the year. The public ageounts will Le laid = be. fore vou for your consideration at the earliest moment, and the estimates for the coming year will also be sub- mitted for your approval at an early date. time HON. RICHARD HARCOURT. To Be Chosen Leader of Ontario . Opposition. uw : HOX, RICHARD HARCOURT, 24.--Hon. Richard will be selected as Untario opposition at a meting of the hiberal to be held in the Queen City, on Friday morning. A deputation of the members waited og Mr. Harcourt, at Toronte, on Monday last, and un- smmously offered him the leadership, promising their support and eo-opera tion. Mr. Harcourt would accept the it was not his desire eral party in Ontario, Ottawa, Jan, Harcourt, M.P.P., leader of the Toronto, at caucus, sadd it was likely he cadership, but that to lead the lib- FAAHATAASIHACIIAAAAIAS OK CHANGE IN OFFICES. London, Jan. 24.-It is announced that Augustine Birrell will become chief secretary for Ireland being succeeded as president of the board of education by Reginald McKenna, M.P. Mr. McKenna has been financial secretary of the treasury since 1905. AARON EERE EER EINK Bema H Ax 3 IN A MAN'S CLOTHES. Hindoo Woman Took Ill--Birth of of a Child. New Westminster, B.C,, Jan. H.-A mild sensation occurred in one of the local saw mills when a Hindoo, ap parently a man, who had been work- ing in the lumber yards, was suddent ly taken ill, and, on being removed to a Hindoo hotel, in the neichbor- hood, gave birth to a child. For seve ral months this Hindoo woman has heen laboring in the mill yard with her hushand, but. in malo attire. It it said by mill officials that there are a_number of women working this wav among the mills in this city, and, in facet, all over the province, some Burned To Death Kt John, N.B.. Jan 24. Roy Nobles, aged twenty-two, un checker for the C.P.R., wus burned to death, last night, in a fire at Sand Point, which consumed n sinall building used for storage and as an oil shed. He had gone alone inte the shed a fete minutes hefe the fire broke out, and it is thought that he was smoking abd Gell peleep and his pipe wot five to he vil-sonked boards. Admiral Davis. | Invited The Saub. LANDED TROOPS WITHOUT THE INITIATIVE OF | THE GOVERNOR. That British Officer: Had No Other Alternative Than What He Did--The Comment in Many Quarters--The Govern- or's Letter Was Not as Digni- fied as it Should Have Been. London, Jan. 23.--The opinioy. is now being pretty well cxpressed that Admiral Davis invited, by his indis- creet conduct, the insult he received from Governor Swettenham, . In last night's Pall Mall Gazette, for in stance, there "hich. a longinter- view with a placed British official," who held oly. Xomient Davis had landed his marines on his own initiative and 'not on invitation from the governor, and that Governor Swettenham had no alternative to bidding him take the men away, for by acqaiescing in Admiral Davis' Soourse he would have set up a profoundly dangerous precedent. The Pall Mall Gazette says the attitude of the co- lonial officy agrees perfectly with this view and holds that Governor Swet- tenham's sole error was in the man: ner and phraseology of his note. The Globe, editorially, expresses the opinion that Governor Swettenham's course was perfectly eorfect, and ap- plands the firmness with which he as- serted the rights of his soversj and flag in a position of peculiar dif- ficulty The Times publishes a letter to' the editor in which Admiral Davis is ac cused of "behaving in an altoguthu: officigus and presaming manner of "well meant but utterly tactless in: terfercnce," and of "landing marines without leave, as il Kingston was in China or Morocco." The same sort of comment appears in several other ed tinental tions from con news- -- show that in France and. in in Germany, as well as here, there those who think Admiral Davis' nation indiscreet and it was Governor Swet- tenham's duty to send him away. ARE ON TRIAL, British Officers India. Calcutta, Jan, 24.-The ing place here, wo-day, including: three charged Attacked in trial is tak- of sixteen na- women, who are with a murderous attack on Liouts Ramsay and White, of the Fast Lancashire Regiment and Con- naugit Rangers respectively, at Bond, The incident closely resembles the Den- shawai afiair in Egypt. The officers hunting hick when some native women crossed the line of fire. They called on the women to go back, bat they only called on villages close by and said thay wpre being in- sulted. The whole village then at tacked the two officers, who did their best to defend themselves; though they were careful not to use their guns. Both men sere very badly injured and for a long time their lives were in danger. Siace the occugrence the wom- on have stated théy did not tell the villagers they were insulted, but mere: Iv told them théy were prevented by the officers from crossing the jungle path. Such an occurrence as an at- tack on English officers in India is very rare, as both English and natives are living in harmony for a number of years tives, were some MAY GROW GRAIN YET. Districts Have Powers of Production. Ottawa, Jan. 24.--Prof. coun, naturalist of the Canadinn ge- ological survey, in an address before the agricultural committee of parlia- ment, reiterated his declaration in re- gard to the possibilities of wheat-' growing in the more northern lati tutles of the Canadian North-West. Altitude, he maintained, was the de. terring feature in the agricultural pos sibilities of that country, and after one got three miles back from Hudson Bay it was noticed that the affect of that body of water on vegetation dis- appeared. » A noteworthy thing about wheat-growing was that the grain seemed to mocomodate itself in a re markable degree to the climate in which it was grown, Northern John Ma- Unique Ceremony In London. London, dan. 24. The Bishop of London, yesterday, unveiled the fam: ous window in the Lady Chapel of the Church of St. Bartholomew the Great, the city's one Norman church. The church was founded in 837 and the window was concepled from view for 450 wears bv a home that was built into the church and encroached on the consecrated ground. When the restor- ation of the famous building was en- teres] om, the deplorable contlition of the oditice may be judged from & the fact that a stuble occupied the lady chapel, apd a factory another part of the building. Uader the devoted eare of Sir Aston Webb, M.A. the church be _ seen again in all ite pristine aut," ohn more worthy of the be- founder, Rahs Te. who built the adjoining hodgital. St. Bartholo- mews | ix one of the oldest Norman structures in the British Isles. nevolent Hi 10 PERT a CANADA'S STATUS. Not Been Hitherto Conceded By |. United States. London, Jan. 24.-Several of the London Morning papers comment, editorially, on the visit of Elihu Root, United States secretary of state to Ottawa, The Times says the facet of Mr. Root's visit and his discussion with leading Canadian statesmen, coupled with the belief that the visit js only the prelude to some comprehen: five attempt to settle all outstanding diplomatic differences, constitutes a recogmition of Canada's status which American statesmen have not hither to conceded. Such recognition, ads the Times, is most satisfactory, but it is far more important that rece nition should come even more wu from our side. It is good business for Mr. Root to get into touch with Can- adian sentiment; to do se is Low Ripon's and. Sir Edward Grey's jm: perative uty. Mississippi Cotton Seed. Injured. Jackscn, Miss., Jan. - M.-Cotton seed, in 'stor in the Mississippi Val.ey, is suffering considerably owing to the prevalence of remarkably , mild weather, and old mill managers re port that seed shipments . ave of in- ferior quality owing to the heating and rotting which is becoming gener- al. Although deterioration 'in quality is shown waggon seed is still holding stoady at $12 per ton, though many offerings are rejected on account of th: quality. The bulk of the seed crop has beqn = marketed ane Panagers state that there has boon a very de- cided decrease in the volume of offer ings since January lst. Growers are now making inquiries for seed for venting, and standard varieties mre in Aig demand at good prices but very hard to obtain. i x INVEST IN STOCKS. % Albany, N.Y. Jan. 24. ¥ A bill was introduced in # the legislature, yesterday, ¥ permitting insurance com- % panies to invest in stocks % and bonds outside of Unit. ¥.ed States. The bill is ¥ supposed to enable the companies to invest in ¥ Canadian securities, * Belleville, Ont, Jan, 24.-The fishermen of this district and memis of the local branch of the Fish an Game Protective Association met in this city and drafted an agreement which they both signed and agreed to submit to Hon. Dr. Reaume of the Ontario government, The agreement provides that seines shall be prohibit- ed in the Bay of Quinte, and that any net fislwF who break . the Jaw shall jose their licensed. A fast boat is 'recommended to be provided for patrol purposes, To Make" Supreme Effort. Tangier, Jan. 24.-War Minister Gabbns is conomtrmmting men, muni tions and friendly tribes, at Zinat, and announcing that he intends to make a supreme effort to capture Raisuli hefore the departure of the French and Spanish = warships from Moroccan waters. An Alleged Scandal. Vancouver, B.C., Jan. 21.--An allog- od conservative scandal has come to light. A prominent member of the party 1s said to have received $30,000 in shares from a syndicate for favors from the department of land and: works. It is smid that the McBride cabunet knew of this six months ago. Flour For Kingston. Montreal, Jan, 26.--~The Lake of the Woods Milling = company have wired the government that they will give a car with 200 barrels of flour, or, if preferred, its equivalent in cash, to the Kingston sufferers, Premier Roblin's Illness. Winnipeg, Jan: 24.-That Premier Roblin, in the south on account of ill health, hos been attacked by diabetes, is the startling rumor circulated. ---------- If sick headache is misery, what are Carter's Little Liver Pills if they will positively cure it'? People who have used them speak frankly of their worth, They are small and easy to take. "What' s the matter with that stove anyway "Likely dirty coal, Get Bwift's, It has quality, Grand Opera House MONDAY, JAN. 28th. A Genuine Laugh Producing Show. An . Eoglish Military Husiont Play in Thies The War Correspondent By HoUGH and ADAMS, Authors of "hetud of Nod," "The Em- pire," "The Time The Place, and the Girl' WITH Mabel McCane Boome L Cox, Ethel Dovey. Leo Ken- gnli Kent, abel Addington, Harry Aitiin: Justin. Cooper, and 50--OTHERS--50 Comedians, S64 o to the ho) ey gl severe cold which we think ph hb: many of our Friends from Attending this In every section of the store, in nearly every case, ends of materials ihe. past. fall season, a Remnant Sale MCKENZIE. ~ Tn Di Jan. a3, AE A griner! Batinntyne, Pitted ReaD. Interment tok place in the family plot at Mount Royal Cemetery, Mc nbd on the 14th inst. WAKLER ~~ Coline "ron hay Brd, 1907, James niler, al Seventy-seven years. iy Puneral, to-morrow, at 1 pm., to Cale araqui Cemetery. Friends and nex . : Bat ancen respectfully invited to it tend, LISTON, ~In Glewburnie, on Jan. T4th, 1907, Putriek Liston, aged cpventye ix ye Funeral' Took. phice on Wednesday, To 16th 8 MURRAY-~WHELAN .--~On Jan. 28 1907, in the Chapel of Our Mother o FLAN ERL House of Providence, Rev, Father Alice, lurey, daughter of Patrick Whelan, this 3.4 to John C. Murra; oy farmerty of Bre jullaio, SPENCER and j AT THE HY MERCY a Greet Se im hy Br a ELD Spl 26.36.80 "gine Seats now on Sale. E584 Scotch N Night FRIDAY EVENING, JAN, 2th, 1730-nRovaet. ure j, ar ; Sweely, ae el 3 "the Ausplomes of THE SO ; Jessie. Queen Hi ir Leb jad Soot ompany. " lor Ce ro Prices, 25¢., 35¢., 50¢c., 78e., . Seats now om Sale. " SATURDAY, JAN. 26th. Hargain Matinee, at 2.30. Evening, 8. THE OUIME 8 Ni Moving ¥ hein i alt ow Helly. vor ihm. #1 Storm ter. "* tne "Phe mi Bl Fatryla; he Steikers Sliding others, all 1, Beauty Chorus of Soomery, rr Conia Flacificl Bfiects the utmost Lirandeur, dia £8c., Soe. 7be.y; '$1. al Ton Y The Latest. hie hon x Matinee, or ade ts now an 'Buy Liquors drugstore. rors. Ive

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