The most stubborn, hacking coughs Yield easily to the i et 0 canresistit. Spec. ily good for chil- The Sale of the Season Comes Only Once a Year 25 PER GENT. OFF | All Manufactured Furs. 7 + W. F. GOURDIER EXCLUSIVE FURRIER 78-80 Brock St. Phone 700 Optical Work Carefully Executed Spectacles and Fveckssca vropurly fitted. New and mountin~sa. Eyes carefully examined. SMITH BROS. Jowelers and Opticians 350 King Street: up-to-date Issuers of Marriage Lis FRIDAYONLY m-- 20 PER CENT. OFF Wool and Flannel- otte = Underwear OF ALL KINDS. We do this in order to fmake room for" Whitewearand Spring Goods "A chance to secure some bargains. EWNAN & SHAW EE ------ A Fine Sight On Afternoons. The harbor is in fine shape for skat- @ and present, tv Si th skaters aud eo honte, Tt 9oHed We have some dandy black and blue rge suits leit $22 id | roll & Co. Tor $1850 ews. wy. appre ws ging sy Best's ointment is a ure "Piles Risk, No Danger. A Free Trial Package to Convince Sent by Mail to All Who Write. Common sense is just as necessary (even mora 80) in medicine as in busi- foes or the affairs is avery day life. People are getting to know more than they used to. Not so long ago, it was the fashion to make all sorts of claims for a medicine, and wind up by asking the reader to go to a drug store and her a bottle. People won't kindof thing now, They want proof, tangible proof. Ty want to try the remedy first and if they find it to be what is claimed they will 'be glad enough to go and buy it. : A CONVINCING ARGUMENT. That is why we say to every per- son 'suffering from piles' or any form of rectal disease, send us your natfie and we will gladly. send you a * free trial 'package: 'For we know' what the result will be: After using the trial you will hurry to your nearest drug- gist get a B0c. box of Pyramid Pile Cure, 'now admitted by thousands to be one of the most wonderful re liefs and ¢pres for piles "Please excuse my delay in writing to you sooner in: regard to what your Pyramid Pile Cure. has done for me. 1 conside® it one of the finest medicines in the world 'for piles. I suffered un- told misery for four months when my wife begged me to send for a 50c. box. When it was half gone I khew I was better and it didn't take any begging to gét me to sénd for a second hox. | think' I 'am about well now, but if 1° feel any 'syvipdoms of a réturn 1 will order at once. I ovder it 'from the Pyramid Drag Co., to be sire of the cure, Tell all about this fine remedy for piles. 2 T : * if there is. anything. in this letter you want teo.use do so. I re ceiwid. your letter a few days Yoursfar.a remedy like Pyramid Filo Cuore: © "hod. McElwee, Honsy 'Grove, Tex., R. R., 9, Box 29. 'P. S.--I only used two boxes and don't think T need any more. Piles of 'sven months standing." To get a free trial package send to- day, to th» Pyramid Drug Co., 64 Pyramid Building, Marshall, Mich. It will come by return mail and the re- sults' will 'both delight and astonish you, The great Uterine Tonle, and only safe effectual Monthly Regulat con which women car dejuny. Sold in three degree: # strength--No. 1, 3s No. ¢ 1C negrecs tronger, $3; No * soonin, per bos ; 8. Or wer receipt otf pric. rosa: Th we merly COAL! The sudden changes in weather - ought to suggest the wisdom of putting in some good Coal. We sell good Coal. It's the kind that sends out the most heat, a makes. the home comfortable ; it's the best mbohey can buy, and there is none-hLetter mined. We deliver it to you clean and without skate, at the very bottom 'New Chinese Treaty Port. Washington, Jan. 24.--Nanking, on the West River, has been opened as a trealy port te-day. - The customs commissioner, at Wu-Chan, is making the necessary arrahgements. The port is one of the most important in China as it can be described as the key of the country. ae 1 at ------ Its wonderful power goes to the seat of 'your _ troun's, vitalizer, Strengthens every part of your body. That's what Hollister's Rocky" Mount Bins For Gbe Farmers BY UNCLE JOSH. an exceptionally although ths makers met with a deal of difficulty 'in the hot wea 1 doubt very much if we ever had such a successful year. ¥ "There was a marked decrease in the number of . reclaims, and the June, September -and October cheese exceed- ed all previous corresponding periods, for in ae of quality. ; i "There was a surprisingly sma number of acidy cheesk and in this The unfavorable weather was the cause of a very poor market on Tues DAILY BRITISH report that the "quality has been off 5 hy 3 ever known. | day. There is, as a rule, a fair sup- ply of produce offered on the Tuesday market, but this week there was not half a dozen rigs on the square, and at the island market, only a few baskets of eggs and butter were offer- ed for sale. Sleighing is reported bad again in the country, and the farmers are in hopes 'that there will be another snow fall before Saturday, so there will be good sleighing for the Saturday mar- ket. There is nothing better than sleighing to make things lively around the market. "With good roads and good sleighing, every farmer is anxious to come. to town. Who would blame the farmer for not driving in on a cold day, say in a severe snow storm ? The weather has been bad for seve- ral Saturdays of late, and this is to be regretted. Every farmer looks for- ward to going into town once a week, and Saturday is always the choice. and the good housekeepers in the city are Just as eager to see their country cousins in the city. ¥ Here's to the weather man, may he manage to squeeze in a few good Sa- turdays for the markets. The rain on Saturday last, put a sort of damper on the usually brisk market. It was a day that all the farmers would have advocated having a shelter credited for the rigs. I'wo citizens were 'engaged in con- versation on the market the other day p> . ¢ : ) Pll tell you there is a practice go- ing on at this market which I think should be stopped," said one, "What is that?" said the friend, with an anxious face, (Well, It might look like a small matter," was the reply, "but it is one that should certainly be stopped. What 1 complain of is that of women going the rounds for butter, and put- ting their finger in it in order to taste it. This is done by many people, and should be avoided." The: speaker's friend was of the same opinion, and it is something which has beea complained of many times. It would be to the benefit of all concern- ed, that the practice be done with. The price of beef has taken a jump. Last week it eould be bought on the market for $4 to $6 per ewt. Now it is selling at $56 and $6. The beef is of first-class quality, however, Last year: | there creameries in operation preceding year. closed, in London, Ont.,'C. © the farmers of this province." The re- turns to the land where dairy are kept, always ensure a rich yield, well attended, and being shown. The results obtained in 1906, from of agriculture. The average yield of three varieties tawa, was eleven tons, per acre. At:Nappon, N.S, was over twenty toms, don over eighteen and Head, over eighteen. at Indian The farm products States; according to Secretary Wil- farm fac- naticnal requirements that the still - overshadows the mill, the nation's mead the farmer has loaded thy fleets of Oceans. These products were exported to the value of $976,- 000,000 during the fiscal year ending June 30th, 1906-- enough to build a high-class railroad 'half way around the earth. This is the largest amount ever reached 'by agricultural ~ exports for this or any other country, and exceeded by $24,000,000 thé extraordin- ary value of 1901. which had previous: ly bern' the record year. At the dairy convention just closed "n Ottawa. Superintendent Publow chief dairy instructor for Eastern On- tario. The report is a very lengthy one, anfl owing to pressure of space we will only be able, this week, to ive Some extracts as follows: "Per- 8 the most important branch of our work and the one upon 'which our success most depends, is the quality of the cheese resulting from the im- provements - . "In this cohnoction I am pleased to ain. Tea does. 35 ocafts, Tea or Tablets. Mghos's drug store. : All A few Children's Coats to see the values at Goods must go befora the end of the month. No MANY LINES OF GOODS AT "50 PER CENT. OFF $4.76 and $6, your choice of apy Coat, $1.75. FURS--Ladies' Fur Collars and Stoles, at Half Price. : A liberal reduction all over the store, It will pay you to He fer clear. Prices were ' $3.50, respect alone the improvement is very wo thy of mu ntion. : "It is quite evident the makers are adopting more uniform methods for, where formerly the cheese from whole sections was inferior, there are now only a few in each district who have any serious trouble. "By the skilful use of such appli- ances as the acidimetre, and pure cul tures, gided by the greater attention that is being given to the cooking of the curd; there is no reason why the defects in the manufatture should not be largely overcome. "The finish and general appearance of tha cheese, too, has been given more attention by the makers, but they have still much to do in this important part of their work." FASHION'S FORM. Dancing School or Party Frock For Small Girl. The new idea of using sheer tucked bands of light-colored mull or organ- die between rows of lacs. insertion as away | wore seventy-four in Western Ontario, an increase of three over 'the cows The farmers' instit' {0 mect n ® be- ing held throughout the pro. ince, are much interest is the trial plots of grain, fodder, corn, field roots and potatoes, is given in a pamphlet issued by the department the twenty- of Indian corn tested at the central experimehtal farm, Ot- 1,420 pounds £6: the yield and at Bran- of the United £02, continue to be =o far beyond the tory, and the workshop ig proyiding exports. With 'his surplus beyond the presented his fourth annual report as trimming for a white frock is shown in the little girl's dress here sketch- ed. The model frock was of white square Dutch neck, below which was a wide cape collar of the wash daiffon Valenciennes, inch- two inch ruffle of fine above which were two rows of wide insertion to matdh. | the skirt and around the neck inserted tucked strips with frock was ticd about the waist ¢ J . | a pale blue ribben sash, and the Lot- At the convention of dairymen, iustd fon of the skirt was finiched by 3 2 ny dames! g ruffle of the twoinch edzing lace. said : "It is dairying that has saved ---- { Wolfe Island Council. The newlvelectsd council, , reeve; John Flynn, 11 ¢ Keys and John councillors, took declaraticns of, quali fication and office. Resolved, that H. Dav collector for 1908, be paid his Spoor, salary (860), he having paid in full t unt of roll. Accounts ordéred paid : Mrk. John McCaul, charity to Norris, $6: M ity to 8. Fe s. M. A. Rawling, char- es, 86: Robt. Grimshaw, deputy returning officer, No. 1, $6; J. 8S. Cosgrove, deputy returning offi- cer, No. 2, $5; Wm. Buliis, deputy re turning officer, No: 3, 86: Robt. Ran- eous, deputy returning officer, No. 4, discount . on $9.7 debentures sold, $368. Steamboat accounts or dered paid: C, Cummings, captain, £50: R. Berry, twenty-six days, mate, R34.68; D. J. Leslie, one menth, engi- neer, $66.66; Ceo. Sudder; thirty-one days, fireman, $36.16; Miss Freeman, thirty-one davs, , $25: H. Mar low, twenty-six days, deck hand, $21.67: John Crawford, twenty-six days. deck hand, $21.67; G. Keezan, twenty-six davs, purser, ; low, extra allowance, $3.33: G. Kee gan, 690 meals, 882.80; Jackson Press, printing, $9: Capt. Cammings, tele- phone messages, 60e.: P. J. making fenders, 83. John McReady appointed member of the board of health. Moved, Kewvs-Flynn, and re solved, that Charles Cummings be engaged as captain for one vear at C00! Ryan, $600; D. J. Leslie, $300; Gregory Keegan, * purser, at 81 per day: Gregory Keegan be given don: tract to board men at twelve cents | per meal, he to engage cook, for { which the township is to allow $20 per month. Council adjourned to first Monday in Pebrusry at 10 a.m. A Household Doctor. Once tested, you will realize that Wade's Cold Cure Tublius (Laxative) is 'a remedy which sioald be kept con! stantly on hand. It is a positive cure for Colds, La Grippe, Feverish Coun- ditions, Headache nd Constipation. A Scientific yemedy that vou can de- pend upon. In boxes, 24% conte, Sold only at Wade's drug store. Money back if not satisfactory. The Saskatchewan not be convened until Premier Scott has sufficiently recovered to discuss business, ¥ legislature will wash chiffon, and was made with a and late, Yha cape was edged with a Between these two rows of insertion about the edge of th: collar, on the bottom of were of pale blue wash chiffon, finely tucked. The little > Each biscuit as light as if made by fairy hands Baked to a tempting, that just opening the box is teasing the appetite, And you find a new delight in every one you eat. Yon get perfection when you get Mooney's Perfection Cream ~-- THE LOVING LETTERS WERE:WRITTEN BY THE LATE MRS. BRIDANT. To Her Husband and Also , to Charles Driscoll--These Were Read in the Murder Trial at Toronto. Toronto, Jah, 23. At the Bridant murder trial, Chief Justice Meredith consented to the reading of the lettors which passed between the husband and wife afte their marriage and separa- tion. They told a tale of domestic tribulation brought on by jealousy and impetuous action. Both husband and wife wrote. intelligent letters, couched in good 'English, nnd brimful of loving cadences or bitter exeera- tions, in tum. . Other letters written by Mrs. Bridant to Charles Driscoll proved her ficklenoss and. duplicity. "The cruelty of your letters is kill: ing me," she wrote to her husband on one occasion. "Every word is stab bing me to the heart." "It's hard to see the baby stiffer," she said, YL will not baby, ii I' have to soul for her" Then she described the growth of the baby, how. she was learning: to walk. the anpearance of the child's teeth, sacrifice the sacrifice: my. very 'pealed to the mother's hoart as highl important. Pe Mrs. Bridunt evidently "had a pe chant for poetry. All her letters, cith er to her husband or Driscoll; = con cluded with poetry . Bridant's letters to his wile, when she 'was in Kingston -and he in To ronto, were also loving and kindup tc a certain point This 'was 'When he found Charles Driscoll, the convicted criminal, had stepped in between him and his wife's afioctions. Then he addressed his wife as "Madam," accused her of duplicity with Driscoll, and called her a con summate liar, "The same day vou wrote to me you wrote to Driscoll," he said. "Now, | see it.all. It maddens md ta have peo ple mention Driscoll's name and hint things about you." Enclosed in the same letter Bridant sent a ticket to bring his wife back tc Toronto. Mrs, Bridant back the ticket with an angry letter, ending thus : "Farewell, false husband. ¢ farewell forever; try to think kindly of your loving wife--Agnes." This letter melted Bridant's heart, and he wrote a letter of forgiveness which was accepted by the wife. The next few epistles both ways were full of expressions of love and crosses, In theses lettors" she denied all: bat friendship for Driscoll, She wlescribed him az simply an old friend--a friend of the family. Other letters, written by Mrs. Bri dant to Charles: Driscoll; and read by Mr. Nicol. the clerk; put another as pect on the wile's conduct. She ad- dressed hind as Beary Phdline Char lie," described him as the only man she ever loved, and told of clandestine meetings, and "wished to be with him always." : When Driscoll was arreétéd and held for trial, "Mis! Bridant sent shor "best respects" mately: Later she again be came "lov! in ber comnptunications The point of Mr. Neville's porsistent sent enauiries about Priscoll; who is now in the Ceiteal 'grigon, serving his fifth terny, Woe vevedad by the read- ing of another i. letters. This fr contained notes Tram re. Bridant to Driscoll, couched in most extravagant terms of endearment. From subs rib- ing hersell 'your own darlhg, A. B." ands "Your own deserted love, A. B.." she . signed herself "yours respoctful- ly," on hearing that he Wis in jail. Appointments were made Yin the let- ters. In ome she wrote: .. "If 1 pat my hands on vou vou push them off. | sometimes think vou would be happier than anyone else. Tell me if you love me, or'if you are jesting."' "There's verses at the end of that letter," ut gn Mr. Neville, when the glerk neglected to rend same. stanzas. "Oh ! Don't let's have that non- sense," said the chief justice. No more verses were read. When Bridant arranged to move his wild. and child buck to the Bristol appartments, Toronto, Mrs, Bridam seernéd. to be overjoyed at the pros pect of rejoining her husband, Mrs. John Doe, wife of the proprio tor of the Bristol apartments, where the Bridants, lived, d where Mrs. Bridant «lied, was. and she preyed' to withess, didn't intend to haxe. any. more. fam- | Eat : ol -- md a} t " anil sundry other little things that ap. CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES HELP WANTED--MALE. SPRING SUITS TO HALE GENTLE. men, bring yaue own and £5. price and finish guaranteed. Pressing and repairing done well. Galloway, The Tailor, 181 Brock street. un TO BARN BARBER ThANE, weeks, gradua! to HE) weekly, Hina Thro out Canada and United 3 el a -- 5 " a TO BUY GOOD ROUSE. FOR 83.000 Samana rioan oie oe SE "a - EXPERIENCED WORK Bits IN Ladies' © at ule as outs. Miss Ogg, V.W.C.A. Bullding, Syden ban street. y OUSE, WI FOR MARCH 1st, A H TH four bedrooms, central locality, mod ern improvements, twelve to fifteen dollars a month, , $e¢ or "phone Steacy & Steacy, for particulars, oh TEA DOUBLE AME GH-OA UALIFIED HER, , 8. ROU Si Sor &; Denbieine A; asd A. Apply, | House, hase RE statink galary: to NB rien, Hey: | To, be' remored from tot on or tk Treas., Vennachar, PF: O., Oat. | > Newland's, Arebitect. ae College, wnd Toronto. Spading MONEY AND BUSINESS. LIVERPOOL, NA GLOBE Ti, Dobbs s Compe, Auten which the policy h have A oui lh Splopient: wadetatand 0 omplo, iL, an care of horses and will make hiniself generally useful. A at Whig office, 100 CARS Ru. 1 and NO. 2 TIMOTHY Hay, shipment, December and Janu es O0R hoLICIES COVER MORE ON building = Contents than any other fers. Examine them at vour station for sach saliy, wl PPL . tor ! Bitiding. [A GHNERAL SERVANT. APPLY TO security the unlimited abil of all Duver Co., Limited, Trust " Mrs, A. Strachan, 98 Bagot hy the. stockholders: Form nd hy, pros s Ont. > ti _ perty insured at lowest possible pnt GOOD PLAIN COOK. APPLY TO MRS, aon buses, ogg gL : TO-LET. Nickle, 180 Farl St. in the evening: 4 Suranes. Asenta DWELLINGS, OFFICES, STORES, otc., at McCann's. 51 Brock street. EDISION TRIUMPH PHONOGRAPH : and Wellington stroets. I NI Mrs. Bridgeon, a sister of decensed, testified that on her deathbed Mrs. Bridant told her, "He forced me to take them because he didn't want any more. little ohes around to make his home unhappy." Bridunt was acquitted on the charge of murder of his wife at Toronto, Driscoll Known Here. referred to in the known j city, and during his § ingston figured in police circles. For a time be went by the name of Babcock, and on ont otcasion was sentenced to the Central prison for a year and three nonths on a charge of theft. This was in June, 1903, BUSINESS SYSTEMS, LIMITED. Now Spending $50,000 in Building --This Concern, Starting Less Than Two .Years Ago. Erect. ing a Large Plant in Torento. The people of Toronto, and in fast all "the country, have been interested in watching the progress of Business Systems, Limited, from the ineeption of the business up to the present time and it has certainly been a period of reat progress, Starting in rented premises at 93 Spadina avenue, they gefdually out- grew their first quarters, and in June last expanded further] by tdking in a second factory, at 52 Spadina, turning the old McMahon iMo a factory. Even this has proved inade quate and the McMahon property has now been purchased and plans are completed for the erection of a five storey factory building, 660x130, to be completed by August Ist, 1907, Business Systems paid during 1906 over #0000 to the wage earners of [Toronto and deserve all commendation for retaining in Toronto many skilled workmen who would have taken sit- uations elsewhere, and now by fur- ther showing confitlence in the city by erecting a plant at a cost of $50 - 300 and permanently establishing themselves in the heart of our best and steadily growing factory district-- Spadina avenue and King street, This company attributes the steady increase in its business not only to the energy which--has been put into the business, but the stemdy growth of Canada, and the natural incline tion for up-to-date business methods has created a demand which Ras' been taken advantage @f and this company i# now building up a business which, during 1907, will expend #75000 in wages alone. residence Sudden Death At Arden. Arden" Jan, 22. Nathaniel Wood- cock, about twenty-one years of age, an son of Manson Woodcock, was found dead in bed, yesterday morning. He eame home the previous night, af- tor attending to a sick chill in the neighborhood, in whis usual health, His death appears * to have resulted from heart disease, he having been subject to weakness of the heart for some time. His grandfather, Oswald Woodcock died about two weeks ago. The family live in the west end of the township of Kennebec. Frank L. Wormwith and H. Mall have been appointed auditors; David Monds recappomied assessor. Edward Clark, an old pioneer of Kennebes, died on Friday at the ripe old age of vighty sever' years. The funeral took place Sunday. Mr. Heath and family have left Arden, and gone to London, Ont., for a fow weeks. Don't encourage gossips: they talk better Tor a little hold-offishness, any- why. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, {us County. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F, J Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid. and that sald firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED NOLLARS for each | and every cose of Catarrh that cannot he Som 9 largest in city. 200 selections. Terms Godwin's Insurance Emporium, Mark: ie Postal aro as phone st Square: Thon McGinnes, 381 Division stress: promptly at 0 ARCHITECTS. THE RESIDENCE NOW OCCUPIED MEDICAL. = i fod © with Thi Tao . 3 St. - w water. ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OF ode A 1st | PR. McCARTHY, OFFICE LATELY fice, Cor. Quean' and Bagot streets. A rook ck | , corner Mon - street. and Bro HENRY PF. SMITH, ARCHITECT, Tp ste. Anchor Building, Market Square uoyse, se BARRIE ST. Frou FED. LOST. { . MN opti or eee ee es. POWER . SON, ARCHITECT, MER or period te 2 - the As oy Ta Samos » » an a res 1 hy on chant's Bank Building, spine Brock Heaton unsurpassed. Enquire at 00 Wellington re one, Barrie street. TOSAVETAW Cupid May Accomplish The Work. ~ SO SAYS MOLINEUX WHO KNOWS HORRORS OF DEATH CELLS. The Reputation of the Man Thaw Slew--Thaw Comes From a Family of Wealth and Re- spected Ancestry--Notable Ex- amples of White's Capacity. | New York, Jun. M.-Rolland B, Molineux, in giving his views an the Thaw case, saya: "Throughout the world human interest is focused on New York city, and the thoughts of everyone here are centred in the criminal court building, for the. great: est eriminal trial is about to begin in earnest. "There ia reason for this overwhelm: ing interest. It is said that all the world loves a lover. That is true, but deeper #till in the human heart is the natural nerve of combat. Everyone possesses it, be he rich or poor, great or small, and in the gentle heart of woman it is stronger than in man. "When thiz combat takes place in the supreme court and in a capital ease, nothing ean equal the excite: ment and interest it produces. The struggle is waged for the highest pos- sible 'stake, a man's life. For the better part of a yeur the brains of the distriet attorney's office, the pow- er of the police department and the detective bureau have heen furnishing and selecting arrows of facta to pierce the camp of defence. On the other hind, money and cleverness and devo- tion have been forging armor which is to turn aside and make as naught the weapons of the prosecution. In the last oxtromitv the little god of love may save Thaw. The Vietim's Reputation. Stanford White, who was the vietim of the bullet from Thaw's revolver, was a 'man of unimpeachable nrofes- sional' reputation, an architect of world-wide fame, a man who mixed froely in the best of New York's so ciety, who belonged to the most ex- clusive clubs. The chief factor who faces trial is a man of wealth, of re- spected ancestry, who married against the wishes of his family. Stanford White was fifty-three years old at the time of his death. He was the son of the late Richard Grant White and a descendant of a well known family. He was oducated at the University of New York, and stu- died architecture under famous mas. ters at home and abroad. Mr. White was always considered the artistic member of the firm. His designs are said to be some of the finest examples of the early Italian Renaissance in existence. There is hardly an Ameri- renn city that does not possess some notable example. The finn wos an au. thority, respected and admired where ever architecture has risen above mere building. « , Harry Kendall Thaw, now about thirty-six years old, is the won of the Inte Willism Thaw, of Pittsburg, a shrewd, hard-headed old financier, who loft. his family about $25,000,000 his death, and this has now swelled R£15,000,900 more by the normal in. crease of Pitsburg fortunes. There were five children and a widow to in- herit the wealth, three sons and two ta. Finder please at Why office. § ra The Paragraph Pulpit Unitasian = REV OC. W. CASSON, OTTAWA Promissory Notes. Refuse to have religious as" sets in the form of promissory notes, payable in eternity, See to it ; you have them in character. If in Tegmises future reward paradise postponed, rouse to that thre better and re he Te rE a religion based - on present y whose notes arg not deawn on the ture, but whose wealth is realizal in the present. This religion is mission of Unitar Ao int to the world, Sunste Je, the carly hours of yom me y Daniel Boucher, an ray Moning: resident of the town passed away. at thy residince of his son William Boueh- er, King street, in the sixty-sighth year of his age. had a para- lytic stroke a - few years , and ¥ since has been very feeble, Ho mir ried a Miss Elliggt, of Pittsburg, who died go few years ago. He leaves three scons, James, Thomas and William, all marvied snd settled in town, one daughter, Octavia, unmarried. ceased was a life long Methodist. The funeral will take place on Friday. Early yesterday afternoon, a second death occurred in town, of an old and respected resident, Joseph J. Moore, Sutter oa harles and North streets, rceased had been in poor health for the past year. Mr, Moore was a blacksmith, amd had the esteem of alt who knew him. Twenty-seven years ago he married Miss Martha Bryant, and ledves besides the widow, "four sons, Henry, of Rockiord, 111; George, \ Etaaley and ioald at home, and ona tor, enn i to Wil- I'am Lewis, of Montreal. ased Was} in his filty-cighth ar. The funeral will take place on Friday afternoon, * to Christ h, thenee to Willow Bank cemetery, and will be conducted with Ma'onic honors. hp The Tigers defeated = the St. Laws rence hockey team hy four to two. The first "half was atl St. Lawrence, the score at hall time being two to nothing, in their favor. In the second bali the Tigers evened the score, it stand'ng two all. Ten minutes more play was allowed, the Tigers: gaining two more gomds; and "winning out, sansnoque High School and Star Bodnelors nlay on Friday evening, Two "bus lopds went to freleys Bay last evening, to take in i den mesting there. Miss Edith Kogers, the Misses Estie and Berta De PA. Morrice Do Lohg, 'the Misses Bortwa and Eulalie Salter, and Miss Mabel Lyons, were among the crowd to lend their assistance cn the programme, * issn isting. Pay water rate and save discount. - ¥ 1 THE CHARM OF BEAUTY: Nothing of More Value to : Women. : The glory and satisfaction of beau- tifal' womanhood can be known only: to those possessing -the unlimited ad. ~ vantages of health, No weak woman can be hap or enjoy half the pleasures of life. Pal lid cheeks, sunken oyes, exhausted nerves, all tell of a terrible struggle daughters, one of whom is the Coun- | cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure, ERAN ae CHENEY . Sworn to before me and substi n © ! | my wresence, this 6th day of ber, | AD. 1886. | (SEAL) A. W. GLBASON { Bhe' swore that Mrs. Bridant | B00 CC told her an one omeasion that. "she | fettimonfais free nation, i Notary Public. Wall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly om the nd surfaces of FJ CHENEY. & CO. Toledo, 0. Sold hy all drugeists, rake Hall's Family ~~ the system. Send for | barn { wile kicking Save voursdl Pills for consti Swift : tess of Yarmouth. A Harry. Thaw, from his earliest school days, wos wild, spoiled and solf-willed. His father, recognizing these traits, Jeft- him his share of about #2500 a year. Through ar rangement. howevet, this was increas: al to ahout $80,000 after his twenty: fifth vear. Furnace out 'again ! house cold as a [the spirits, Wat To look well, to feel well, to enjoy "unlimited 'advantages of rd ! children orving ! this "worry | Get [by oll to keep wp. What the weak woman needs ig Ferrosone; it - renews, vestores and vitalizes instantly--it's a "woman's remedy' --that's why. x Ferrosone mnkes women J. plump and healthful beenuse it cons tains lots of nutriment; the kind that forma, muselt, new, bone and iin Vitalising courses throug making delightful color, happy troe use. a