Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Jan 1907, p. 3

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Ln PER GENT. OFF All Manulactured W.E COURDIER EXCLUSIVE FURRIER 80 Brock St. Phone 700 ---- Optical Work: Carefully Executed Spectacles and Eveclasses wroperiv' fitted. New and mountines. Eyes carefully examined. up-to-date SMITH BROS. Jewelers and Opticians 330 King Street Issuers of Marriage Li m. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK 8T. w Carriages; Cutters. Harness, etc., for sale. of Horses Every Saturday .adies' Tailoring test. of Workmanship, Up-to- te Styles, and Good Fit Guar. teed. 236 University Ave. Travelling By Stage. he following left yesterday via Fol- i s stage, for Cape Vincent : A. 1. , J. Doctor and wile, Mrs. M. ke, Mrs. A, Hobbs, Mrs. MN. Burke, Black, tory ERE ARE FOUR ATURDAY : ies' Skirts le lot, all the latest 1 worth $3 50 and. $4 our Choice, $2.48. 1eavy English lette rns, the 1sc. quality, ent of ng Jackets ette patterns, and all ER CENT. OFF. Ends of otton 'Sic. A YARD. for Men , this month at 3 ices, Jewelery, Watch afd Clock repairing is our specialty. We cal for' your &lock, re d rt fa eliver it Ait and see Kinnear & d'Esterre, +100 Princess Street. When You COAL : From P. WALSH | Buy yo] Youget genuine i Sarunton as he handles nothing else My ean COAL! The sudden changes in weather ought to suggest the wisdom of putting in some good Coal. We sell good Coal. It's the kind that sends 'out the most heat, and makes the home comfortable ; it's the best money can buy, and there iS none better mined. We deliver it to you clean and without slate, at the very bottom prices, BOOTH & CO., Phone 133. Foot of West St SALES Ee, Er ---- I I SO ASRPOw If you wish to be successful -at- nd. The tel Kingston Business 0 ec Limited, head of: Queen ,Streot. Canada's H hest Grade business school. Book-keeping, shorthand, typewriting, tele- graphy, and all com- mercial subjects thoroughly taught by comptent, experienced teachers. Day and nicht classes. Enter at any time. Rates very moderate. 'Phone, 440. : H. F. METCALFE, NR President. CUNNINGHAM, Secretary. THE FR{ NTENAC, LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIETY. ESTABLISAED 1869. President--Sir Richard Cartwngat Money loaned on o and -- Pro- hp amis Deben- received and. interest allowed: Porches" pageaia 8. GC. McGill, Managing Director, Omice, 87 Clarence street. Kingstom. NewYorkChinese Restaurant 83 Princess Street Open from 10,30 a.m. to!3.00 a.m. The "best place to met an all round Lunch in the city; Meals of all kinas pn shortest notice. English and Chinese Wishes a specialty. REAL ESTATE OR INSURANCE If you want to huy, or sell City Property, see GEO. CLIFF, at 85 Clarence street, opposite OPERA equally and al the hie the and regulate tho bowels. Even if shey only . E would be almost pricoloasto thase seh ately thei: docs notend hereand ere 000 withaud thom. Bud after AD hash Manbof jo wang Hives 1 that here fa in 0f - Oarter's Little Liver Pills are véry small snd easy to take. One or {wo maken ded. are strictly vegotable and do not gripe af but by their gentlo action them. In rialnot25cents Svafardl Sun 8y druggists everywhere, or sent oy mail. OWMTER MEDICINE CO. New York, bE ile iin me ' \ {Beaver Flour actually suked ! ¢ "MORE tread to the barrel than any other, It is the richest in Glnten--and it is the gluten { that takes up the water. Beaver Flour und for und -- Mm RIL leaves Prd: oe cake--MORE pastry than' any otfier. © Your first baking will piove this. Tryit. AT YOUR GROCER'S. se Iicalers, write for prices on all kinds of Feeds, Coarse i Grainsand Cereals PURE AND WHOLESOME. ONE POUND CAN 250 EW GILLETT someany ae=nx ORCHESTRA |! THE BUSY ONE. Out-of-Town engagenients = accepted. A Russien * priest, for advocating Violin, Viola, Cello Instruction. Christian Science, has been sentenced EB: H. MERRY: to threo months! imprisonment in a Citys. ' monastery, 156 Sydenham St. TOLONTO.ONT. == Johnston's =~ The Store That Serves You Best. We are going to clear out all Winter Goods no matter what the vost may be. TO-MORROW and all next week, 'we are going to offer some extra specials. TO-MORROW'S LIST. Children's 25e., each...... ... Clouds Hosiery Wool, Hose, extra i oR wi Soe Se. ty SAT Overstockings Children's Red, White lack Ober. Underwear in nearly all from 88¢. to FLARNELETTE Clouds, He 8%e. and 40c;, SATURDAY Ss 3, Price Ladies" Black oashniere Se, Pp full fashioned and He S5- Buca 74 inches, SA Boy's Fleeced-Lined Drawers and Suis. 10 bieces All Wool Tweed Suitings, 44 ods aa Touques, 19¢ 39: ~19¢ 29%¢ 25¢ seamless. T ig Hoax White hud Dine wp to AX, per pair ... je Soe SX ORIR Fe Hg 54 inches wide, range of shades, regular value was 75c., $1 and 50c $1.25, SATURDAY, per yard Ladies' Flannelette Underwear, Some odd fines, in Gowns and Drawers, worth $1 UNDERWEAR _ and -$1.25, SATURDAYY all one price 19¢ ' % Sateen Lustre Flannel and Or Cloth, Waists Black, White and Colors. ioe $1.25, 89¢ $1.50 and $1.75, SATURDAY, each . Black Over-Hose, nd of Steak) LADIES Yara, cut heel ad hast amie. 39¢ OYERSTOCKINGS SATURDAY, por pate oW 27 inch ht jnd Dark Grey Flannel, AN Grey Flannel = fiche: sod vo "Tealts, 10g SATURDAY, § pos yard LL White Bear Doats 3: All Children's Cn ai a 3 price 42180 hice Bear Skin Coats, regular and 50, We. have Tams $1. 69 SATURDAY only mates, SES tan aie ae Furs st great | | o ube OCCURRENCES CES RECOUNTED IN BRIEF FORM. nits Matters That Interest Everybody --Notes From All Over--Little of - Everything = Easily Read and Remembered. The Free Masons, of Ottawa, have purchased a central site and are to build a Masonic temple, Th: new Winnipeg directory for 1907, estimates the city's "population at 136,953, and shows growth in all departments. Business firms i from 2.382 to 2,788. E. Rice, formerly of Toronto, and a woll-known physician of Syd- ney, was arrested on the charge of performing a criminal operation upon a girl named Cora McKinnon, a do- mestic. The Prince of Wales has consented to preside at the annual banquet of the Royal Canadian Institute, at which it is hoped to entertain the colonial delegates to the colonial con- ference. Capt. P. E. Thacker, of the Roy Canadian Mounted Rifles, and C H. Kemmis-Betty, of the Royal Cana: dian Regiment, hive been scconded Tor the purpose of allowing them to fol low a staff college codrse in England. A woman from England asks Mayor Scott, Ottawa, to find her a husband, a dxent fellow. She cannot earn a living wage at home, and asks the mayor to put ber letter in the hands of a prospective husband. Age is twen- ty-five, well educated, has pood man- ners and of Scotch extraction. The dominion government has issued a civculir tb the Doukhobors praising the few who have taken readily to the cultivation of their own land, but gently reminding the majority "who have not that if they do not adépt ersonal ownership the land will be taken from them. PULSONED BY STRYCHNINE Jury's Verdict in the Henry Perkins, Cayuga, Ont., Jan. 24.--Henry Per- kins, a well-to-do resident of the vil: lage of Canfield, came to his death, on Christmas day, by strychnine poison: ing. The coroner's jury reached this contlusion, yesterday, but were un- able to determine by whom the poison was administered. The deceased was forty-five years of Lage, and. highly respected. - On the [ Friday preceding Christmms he roturn- ed home from Welland, where business had called him, On Sunday, December 23rd, he visited his farm, near Can- field, and on his return first com- plained of feeling ill, death following two days later. After the funeral stories of foul play were so porsistently circulated that the crown oxhumed the body, and the stomach was sent to Toronto for analysis. The report showed the pres- ence of . sufficient strychnine to cause death. The deceased owned a farm in the township and somg property in the village. Mrs. Perkins is, about thirty- one years of age, and is living with her sister, Mrs. Romain Hislop, in Cayuga. The deceased left no will, Case of Blouse Of Taffeta. LN RE ET " Tha illustration shows a blouse of chiffon taffeta, the model be ing in cream white, with scarfs and inset 'pieces of light blue panne vel Lvet. The silk was laid in tucks on eath side from the shoulders back and front, the edges of the silk outlining the rounded yoke inthe back, and the tabbed fronts, being scalloped and embroidered in cream white silk. The vest and little buck yoke were of fine smart allover lace, the upper part of the vest being finely tucked by hand. The ends of the scarfs in front were finish- ed: by silk tassels to match. I' Pay water rate and save discount. ET WAR ha ag AVOID LUNG TROUBLE. p Take onedali ounce Virgin Oil ¢ ) of Pine (Pure), two ounces of Glycerine and eight ounces | of good whisky, Shake well and take in teaspoonful doses every S four hours, It is said to break up a cold in twenty-four ars, and cure any cough that curable. } An eminent anthority on lung ) trouble cays if this simple and effective formula was Inown ani § nerally used, throat, lung and ronchial affections would seldom reach an acute stage. Care should. be used in selecting pure in- ¢ gredicnts; and to avoid Satie 4 tion it is best that they be chnsed separately and mix & vour own home. The Virgin Oil of Pine (Pure) should be purchased im the ori- ginal balf-ounce vials put up ex- pressly for druggists to dispenve. add round ®ooden case, with engrav- 4 ed wrapper, with the name--"Vir gn Oil of Pine (Pure)'--plainly printed thereon. Only the cheap er oils 'are sold in bulk, but these nausea, and never effect 1 lta NEWS OF THE WORLD| p Each vial is securely sea'ed ina ; p p h 1 Gatarrh of the Stomach A Pleasant, Sipe, But Safe and Effectual Cure For It. COSTS NOTHING TO TRY. . Catarth of the stomach has long beén considered the next thing to incurable, The usual symptoms are a full or bloating sensation after eat: ing, accompanied sometimes with sour or watery risings, a formation of gas- es, causing pressure on the heart and lungs and difficult breathing, head- mouth, coated , and if the in terior. of the st could be seen it would show a slimy, inflamed condi- tion. The cure for this common ang ohisti- nate trouble is found in a treatment which gauses the" Jud to be readily, thoroughly diges ore it has time to ferment and irritate the delicate mucous surfates of the stomach. Tg secure a prompt and healthy digestion is the ome neeessary thing to do, and when normal digestion is secured the catarrhal condition will have disup- According to Dr. Harlanson, the saf- est and best treatment is to use after cach meal a tablet, composed of Dias- tase, Aseptic Pepsin, a litt Mux, Golden Seal and fruit acids. These tab- lets can now be had at all drug stores under the name of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets and not being a patent medi- ¢ine can be used with re: safety and assurance that health® appetite dnd thorough digestion will 1otiow their regular use after meals. R. 8. Workman, Chicago, 111. writes: "Catarrh is a local condition result ing from a neglected cold in the head, wheroby the lining membrane of the nose becomes! inflamed and the' poison- ous discharge therefrom passing back- ward into the throat reaches the stomach, thus producing catarrh of the stomach. Medical authorities pre- scribed for me for three years for ca- tarrh of stomach without cure, but to-day I am the happiest of men, after using only one box of Stuart's Dys- pepsia Tabléts. I cannot find appro- priate words to express my good feel- ing. I have found flesh, appetite and sound rest from their use." Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets is the safest preparation as well as the sim plest and most convenient remedy for any form of indigesticn, Catarrh ol stomach, biliousness, sour stdhach, heartburn and bloating after meals. Send your name and address to-day for a free trial package and see for vourself. Address. F. A. Stuart Co., 58% Stuart Building, Marshal}, Mich. To BE DYSPEPTIC IS TO BE MISERABLE Hopeless, Confused and Depressed in Mind. Forgettul, Irvesolute, Drowsy, Languild and Useless, This disease assumes so many forms that there is scarcely a complaint which it may not resemble in one way or another. Among the most prominent symptoms are consti. pation, sour stomach, variable appetite, heartburn, water-brash, gas in the stomach and bowels, distress after eating, ete. BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS is a positive cure for dyspepsia, and all diseases of the stomach, liver, bowels or blood. It stimulates secretion of the saliva and gastric juices to facilitate digestion, re- moves acidity, purifies the blood and tones the entire system to full health and vigor. Mrs. M. A. MaNeil, Brock ile, £8, writes: "1 dyspepsia, loss of oa started to use Burdock 'B Blood Hitt. Fon the fe day Lil tho god I oan the medicine. I can eat anything now without any ill | after effects hr pri Iofhs-qc again." Price $1.00 por bot fr bales for $8.00 CIRCULATION OF BIBLE. The Distribution By Bible Society Last Year. . Rev. W. E. Hussard, field secretary of the Upper Canada Bible Society, of Toronto, who- was in the city, a few days ago, in the interests of the society, gave out some valuable | in- formation while here, regarding the circulation of the Bible. 8 During. the year just passed, the so éiety, which Rev, Mr. Hassard ix con nected with, 'distributed 5,977,453 complete or portions of the Bible. In four hundred different languages, the society has produced and set forth the word of God to mankind, and seven out of every ten human beings, may ' I now have it in their own tongue. Scores of translators, revisors and native assistants are working upon fresh versions, and eleven Hew names of languages were added tothe so ciety's list of translations during the past year. Hi Additional Wardens Elected. tario--John Bright, Whithy. bl Perth--John A. Hacking, Listowel. Victo ia~Taylor Parkin, Fetelon Falls, Kent--Capt. Sheppard Somers, Wal- laceburg. Dyffe rinfJames Armstrong, Orange aches, fickle ité, nervousness and a played out, languid feeling. 1 is often a foul taste in 'the | and repairing done The Tailor, 181 Brock street. MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE, tes earn $10 to TR week! Beatatueg io 38 ha a. Nolar Barber Collage, Queen Spadina. Toronto. TO-LET. DWELLINGS, OFFICES, STORES, etc., at McCann's. 51 Brock street. 238 BROCK ST, 00. Henry Wade. P si Enquire of John Me 74 Wellington street. 1] HOBSE, NO. cupied hr ist of May. Mahon, CONDENSED ADVERTISING WANTED--GENERAL. RATES . | To Buy aoon HOUSE, FOR $2,000 F Jusertion. 1¢, a word. Pog dress x 98, Whie wy * | EXPERIENCED WORKERS oN En aan | Jamies Goats, Aupts, ut ho HELP WANTED-MALE, Ram Sts. wilding," Syd SPRING SUITS TO MAKE. GENTLE y SE, RING ns 2 oan! KE GENTL om MARC H ist, A HOUSE, WITH coms, central locality, mod ern improvements, twelve to fiftee dollars a month, e, see or 'phone Steacy & Steacy, for particulars, QUALIFIED TEACHER, FOR BS. 8 a: Deshi tod apa Trish, Apuiy. Treas., Vomachar. HE 0.. Ont. 100 CARS Nu, 1 apd NO, 8 TIMOTHY Hay, i December Dries on. w yer on Limi Pn Ont. ARCHITECTS. ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, ON fice, Cor. Quesn and Bagot street EDISION TRIUMPH PHONOGRAPH : largest in city. . 200 selections. Terms moderate. Pestal will bring them. Thos. MeGinnes, .281 Division street. THE RESIDENCE Now OCCUPIED by Behan, Ewa., 191 Brack St., Yi with hot modern conveniences, possossion in Mav, Awnte OC, Avigquton, Broek street. HOUSE, 86 BARRIE 8ST. FROM FEB. 1st, to May 1st, with option of long Harrie street. VETERINARY. oR, G. W. BELL, V8, HAS RE moved to his brick Cla THE FAMOUS ( GIN LAW. How It Was Received and Evaded By the English Public--First Blow At Traffic. The famous "gin law," passed in 1738, is interesting as the earliest se- vere blow at liquor dealing amon civilised nations. Tt levied a tax 20 shillings a gallon on spirits and a license of £50 for any one selling or dealing in them. And, being in advance of public opinion, it failed, much as other more stringent prohi bition laws have failed in our own day, for the cry was at once raised that it taxed the poor man's gin and let the rich man's wine go free. Every wit, every caricaturist, had his fling at it. Ballads were hawked around telling of the approaching death of Mother Gin. The Nquor shops were hung with black and celebra uprparious! Mims. Senevas lying in state, her her wake, and so on, The night ol the law went into effect, so the Sontempordry jut Journals say, thare was a unive over the country. Every one a his fill and carried home as much gin besides as he could pay for. To evade the law apothecaries sold it in vials and small packages, some- times colored and disguised, gener- ally under false labels, such as "Colic Water," "Makeshift," "Ladies De- light." There were printed directions on some of these packages--e. §g., "Take two or three spoonfuls three or four times a day or as often as the fit takes you." Informers were very prominent and exceedingly offensive, inventing snares to catch lawbreak- ers for the sake of the heavy rewards and spying and sneaking aroynd in a way particularly distasteful to the English mind. In consequence they suffered in their turn. The mere cry, "Liquor spy!" was enough to raise a mob in the London streets, and the informer was lucky if he escaped with 'a sound thrashing and a duck- ing in the Thames or the nearest horse pond. Indeed such an outery was made about the matter that the ministry became very unpopular, and the law was not enforced after two or three years and was largely modi- fied in 1743. --London Telegraph. Mr. Stead and Woman Suffrage. While the cause of woman suffrage in England has received a setback because of the boisterous character of the demonstrations in the lobby of the House of Commons, it is by no means dead or even sleeping. The friends of the cause held a meeting on the afternoon on which the eleven were sent to jail for threatening lan: guage and inciting, and one of the speakers was the ubiquitous W. T. Stead. Mr. Stead said he stood there in jubilant mood. The names of the eleven brave women would be em- blazoned in the annals of glory. He congratulated them -on entering an institution where, at any rate, men and women were equal. He felt pro- toundly ashamed that the women should have had so little help from men. He thought they were certain ob» victoryy/ but when that victory would be wofi was not so certain, One thing that appealed to them was the scandalous injustice of the proceed- ings at the Police Court. He was rather glad that when the magistrates were going to do a bad thing they should bungle it admirably. The more miserable the Home Becretary and the Government felt the better. The women must make themselves a nuisance. / of murder at Hopewell, N.B., and sen- tenced to be hanged on April 25th. EE ---------------------- THE ORANGE MEAT CO, are offering a prize of Thirty Dollars in Cash to the person who r* sends ville. The Frinch government has accepted the constitution of the new national French Catholic church, organired un- kM der the leadershin of Henri des Hou John Fyle and 4 wero run down hv an express train near Dufferin and killed. Avoid "grippe" by faking Chosn's Emulsion of fod Liver - Hiram rH give i in the largest number of coupons dur- | ing the months of January, February and March that are taken from their i5c. packages of Orange Meat. | ed firs, where the long days of a brief Thi bill to abolish capital punish- ment in Indiana was killed in the] 4 legislature, at its Second reads Thomas F. Collins was found' guilty sr ------------------------------ A GENERAL SERVANT. Mrs. A. Strachan, 98 Tg GOOD PLAIN COOK. APPLY TO MRS. ; POWER & SON, chant's Bank Building, and Wellington strests. 'Phona, 318. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF. , second floor over Mahood's Drug store, comer TinCens Bagot , Entrance on Bagot street streets "Phone, 608. I MEDICAL. DR. McCARTHY, OFFICE LATELY occupied bv Dr. Ryan, corner Mons treal and B ¥ VISITORS FROM THE NORTH. Pine Grosbeaks Honor Lower Lake Country This Year. From the inclement land of stunt. summer are in haste to vanish into the still repose of a season of snow, the pine grosbeaks have made a south: ern pilgrimage. It is not évery year that they honor the lower lake coun try with o visit, writes 8. T. Woods _in The Globe, as their northern home is usually well stocked with the seeds and buds that are their favorite diet. When they do come south they are so innocént of the savage ways of man that they fall ready victims of unwar ranted confidence. - Perching in the trees within easy reach of the pave- ments, they show no trace of the alert vigilance that saves the sparrows from city dangers. They are but mildly cur ious when app! , and are often struck down by human assassins when the least precaution would have saved their lives, On the they walk after the manner snowbi and shore larks, but they prefer to assem- ble in the lower branches of the trees, There 'they sit stolid and indifferent or move about with easy deliberation. These birds are smaller and more ro- tund than the robins, and their long residence in the lone and remote north has given them a more serious and thoughtful aspect, with an innocence of the world's ways that leads to their destruction. When feeding in the rowan trees or among the thorn-apples they climb about with the slow certainty of par rots. They seem uncleanly eaters, for their food 4s the seeds, not the flesh, of the lingering fruit. The frozen pulp is digearded in the search for seeds, and is scattered over the snow in un- tidy profusion. Bometimes it clings to the bills of the feasting birds, giv- ing them an aspect of uncleanly greed. It is not because they gorge them- selves in unseemly haste that the pulp of the thorn-apples and rowan berries clings to their bills, but because they reject everything but the seeds. The slaty grey plumage of the male is washed over delicately with rose red, strongest on the head, back, and breast, and the female is more lightly touched with olive yellow. Thé stout, round beak is formed for crushing seeds, and adds to the general appear ance of stolid strength, The pine grosbeaks are am: ung the birds we know only by occasional win- ter visits. They nest in the inaccessi- ble north, when the temperature is tar 'der, helpless nestlings are saved from the destructive frosts is one of nature's mysteries. Parental'affection in some way triumphs over the éruel persist ence of the frost king, and the young broods are pursed through winter's hardships into the brief and inviti summer. Winter is generally well Yaneed before the more ventarésome them take a southern tor into the angerous haunts 'of man. But they are irregular and purposeless mi- grants, and sometimes come down while the weather is still warm and comfortable. Few of thém survive BERRY PF. SMITH, ARCHITECT, Nickle, 130 Earl St. in the evening Anchor Building, Market S Phone, 845, A GOOD HEN RRA SERVANT, ABR. ply to Mrs. W. T. Connell, 11 Arch TE OUR ROLICIES 2 OVER Jong 3 IL WOOD DR Er ARE DR WOOD, DR, a F. SPARKS, comvany © TR and Surgeons, Corner Godw| Insurance in a Matt i Wellington and William streets. ow i R > below sero. How their eggs and ten} street. MONEY AND pUSTXESS. The Paragraph Pulpit 45 nitArian REV. C. w CABSON, OTTAWA _ The Sin Against Self. The greatest sin is the Mandal of the divinity of one's own nature and the authority of one's 'own thought. Yot, strange as it may seem, the church. insists upon the utter sinful: ness of human nature and the irre- spen dtility of hutian thought as the fundamental facts in its philosophy of 'religion, T sav without hestitation that intofar as the church leads men to avcspt and aft upon these two principles. it is a he to the, com: munity and a bar to human It is high time that we "or. patriots, as well as Christinns, the evil of 'such teaching on human life. hire Ye. Coon, or fre Wire In life what wouldst thou wih fo ber said they Who fathered round me at. the close "Listen, my friends," I answered; "I would be A faithful lighthopse by the human sea-- Firm, resolute, immovable, I'd shine, Baptized by breakers, sainted by the nes A tora, flame of loving thought, a Dating dangers, triumphing o'er A kind, pérsaient spark, that would O'er rock bound seacoast for a help less friend to show The safety of the waters. Friend and foe ra shatter and inspire; nor would I Nor faltur in the tumult of the gale. Ay, this the joy my soaring soul wo Lil Tc shed its constant blessing o'er mankind Wo A sigiely word immortal, I would gleam Above the depth and darkness of the stream. High, hopetat, ever married to my rd be a lighthouse on the human... coast, A snqul mother, pausing not for A Ah tower ever smiling o'er the deep. sere "Three Swallows. w. Sir John Power & Son "Three Swallows' Trish Wass, Famous for bee century, oN of purity Oiotite to His Majesty the King It is said that Sir Alexander La- coste has resigned as chief justice of the province of Quebec, and that Jus- these southern excursions. . Entirely innocent regarding the cruel. destruc- 'veness of man, enter his crowd- fidence of the silent I They t ts. bring the intelligence as well as the innocence of the forest, and after a few have been killed with canes and whips the others grow more cautious. Yet they ure MALS ay easy visti of of floberts and 0 have reached uns city ely y survivals, for they have Bi i of caution. Perhaps their a 'enemies will let them énjoy a Christmas vacation in the city and ng to the safety of the northern wilds, Added to the Archives. Mr. Alex. Fraser, Provincial Avchs ivist, has received from Mr. Justice Riddell a diary kept by the latter's Iathes from 1833 up to the close Aftx's. The diary, in full bf-events the ogra c interest in connection wi These coupons will have to be mail- ed or delivered before 30th of March, 1907. Ten days will be allowed to time for coupons mailed "from any part of Canada to reach the office of The Orange Meat Co., Kingston, On the oth of April the prize will be awarded. the Town 1 of Cobourg and the Count; Ei a year ac companied the oe, Baty SEAL tice Hall will soon retire, Croup can positively be stopped in twenty minutes. No vomiting--not to sicken or distress your A dwoet, pleasant, and safe syrup, called 8 Croup Cure, does the work and does it quickly. Dr. Shoop's Croup Cure is for croup alone, remem- ber. It does not elaim to cure a doe en ailments. It's for crodp, that's all. Sold by aft dealers A | wevere earthquake war felt on Thursday at = Alicante, Spaip. No damage was done, v a most importan health. Hutch is a and od

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