coe LI REACHES ALL The Discoverer of a Plan Will Have Fame Thrust Upon Him ~The Two Xinds of Govern- ment--Reason For the Long | 7: Preamble By Broadbrim,.. Special Corrcapondence ' Letter No 1.548. Now York, - Jan. 25.--The man or woman who shall formulate plan by which labor shell receive a just re- ward for: what it invents and creates, and shall secure, to capital ample re- turn and protection for what it in- vests, shall deserve a nitds where ho No~--Casoarets strengihen and stimulate | manity has enshrined @its canon J n Fig ; saints since time bega# It is not a the Bowel Muscles, that lire the Food 1 end local affair, hemmed in by meets and and that tighten up when food nds, it concerns the world to-da; touches them, thus driving the food to its | nq the world's well being and happi- finish. : ons ate effected by no other ssetich + * A Cascaret acts cn your Bowel Muscles | With which man ~ has to grapple in {ao : ting the hard battle of life. It #510 you had just sawed a cord of wood, or | fighting ie reaches all alike. force. Croesus in his palace of gold and Lazarus in his cabin of sods. There is a penalty of hate attached to each condition "from which there is no escape, as far as human ken has yet uncovered the mystery. There have been duplicates of 'King~ Midas ever sinre creation's dawn, and the crop of ele imeem tire ate Rar » . 2: They don't Purge, Grips, nor "upset your Stomach," because they don't aot like *Physios,"" Naturally, y Box is made 1 fit your Vest pocket, or "My Lady's" Purse. Druggists--10 Cents a Box. with and take Clacaes whenever yo sues os ao SAMUEL GOMPERS, President of the American Federation of Labor, who is commencing a cam. palgn against child labor in the country. eee tae beguars, will no doubt, be abundant Ap gr nee ani the trumpet ¢ read archangel s summon the quick and dead, are ment that have ahythine of mors than : J @ passing 'interest for mankind.' Sg hfist in de ism, cruel, savage and forbidding; the other is democracy, which liberty's martyr on the blood \ bought field of Gettysburg described as "a government of the people, for the people and by the people." There is an intermediate system which those who are ruled by it consider the per- fection of human government, like the government of Great Britain, which is a limited monarchy; the only radical difference between a limited monarchy » and a republic being that in a limit : a or. ed monarchy the executive power is 24" 1901 1 | continuous and is confined to a sin- gle family, while in a republic it is executive for a stated period, and the laws of primogensture and entail, which secures the inheritance in a family, to the oldest male representa- tive and when the male line are not in force falls tothe oldest female. But no matter how you constitute a gov- ernment, hed it he the broadest o0racy or the most oppressive des- He there always has heen and ql ways will be hewers of wood and drawers of stone and those who profit by their labor. That is the vital pro- blem which confronts mankind ' to- day. No true convert was ever made to any doctrine orf any principle hy force. Aided by the thumb screws and the rack, men have heen compelled to recant, and "the world still moves," though the immortal name of Galileo was made to one of the most flagrant falsehoods recorded in the history of the world. long preamble was caused by a meeting that took place in Chicago ast ey where, according © to Leigh Hunt, pig iron touched elbows with tenpenny nails, swallow tails and but- ton-hole bouquets; representing oapi- tal and democracy was August Bel- Samuel Gomvers was democ- | '| racy's spokesman for hard-fisted labor, always telling labor what to do and Mont oun Hi erm oe let : i as would point" | moral or adorn a tale; republicanism | had evidence in | the ---------- . ' & = giles, Bglnd® * 00 * Wholesale Agents-THE LYMAN , BROS. & 00 Limited, Toronte, aad LYMAN, SONS & CO., Hon: GESTED TO WEAR. Little Misses and Lads Are Concern of the Designers f Jothes--A Talk About at Will Appear Nice. New York, Jan. 25.--More and more are the little folks' garments, espeei- ally their outside wrappings, being planned along the same general lines as those of the grown-ups. This sim- ilarity is not confined to the outlines of the * little coats and wraps alone, but extends to materials and trim. mings. as well. Simple and unpretens tious as they may appear, they are yet rich and costly enough in reality for princesses, Costly laces, buttons and expensive furs figure to a notice able degree, while chiffon, velvet and novelty yelours are favored materials. I | There are the cutest little coats made of fur with the collar and cuffs trim- med with the heavy galloon so much ih vogue. Sometimes a contrasting fur is used for trimming purposes and again heavy laces and furs are com. bined in children's garments as they are in 'the fashionable coats of their elders, Plaids were never more in favor than this season, and they are much in evidence for serviceable school coats and come in the most practicable of materials, and no - amount of had be i the service of the delegates and there tha was held. Little progress was made which looked towards a fin- al settlement of the difficult question before flaem, hut it was a step in the right dire~tion. It proved that there was a h and | howest debatable ground wh. labor and capital con safely meet without pelting each oth- er with unsavory adjestives, or being in danger of breaking the sixth cum- hearing, and when meeting closed Thon had oh he active part in the confgrence separated wilh a higher opinion -and a clearer concep- ticn of each other's rights: than they ever had before and © this fact gives promise of oa hopeful future. It is with a heavy heart that write this week's letter. The terrible calamity at Jamaica overshadows everything else. To measure the ex- tent of the ruin by what you read in the pewspapers is bad enough, but fo realize the horror in its fullness one must have seen the place as | have. 1 visited Jamaica when a boy and at that #ime the slaves had not been emancipated and Jamaica gave one a clearer conception' of paradise than any other spot on the face of the earth. The planters were immensely rich and they lived in the broadest ae. weather can damage them. Made and most prodigal hospitality: the |; severe military style and oma- slaves were the happiest lot of human mented with braid and frogs, they beings that I ever met: they had are' most attractive and immensely useful. Plaid silks are much in vogue for linings of coats of dark red plain colors and often the hood of such a garment is lined to correspond, mak- ing a bright spot of color when the back view is seen. Plain galloon is also one of the favorites in the wa. of ornamentation, and there is no more attractive way to brighten up a somewhat sombre little garment than by the addition of some of these bril liant colored braids. This season's modes employ a great- er variety of colors than has been the case for a long time. In spite of the many new shades of mulberry and their dances every night, they seemed. happy and contented; the rich earth fed by modern fertilizers produced abundant crops of sugar cane, to- bacco, coffee and all the fruits of tor- rid and te zones which made life in that summer land like a con- tinuous and happy dream. I visited Jamaica some years later. The steamer put in there Tor coal. The coaling was done by women, not a man was allowed to touch a bag. Two stout, muscular wenches stood on the coal barge and -seised 'the bags which had been filled by the shovellers, and with a swing they tossed them on the shoulders of the carriers who trot- i burgandy there is an inclination for ted off with them up the steep plank, hi} rn A in bronze, serpent, jade, though the weight must have been | 4ng pinach. Fruits reds are much fa- fully a hundred pounds, I looked in voréd and many red frocks are to be the police court; a negro, black as scen on the streets. One smart frock the ace of , occupied an eleva. was in red tweed. It had a short plain skirt, and seams being cavered with narrow braid in red and dark dd seat in the temple 'of justice, while two meek ing white asso- ciates occupied lower positions on the 0 green, with just a dash of gold em floor. I took a short Tun in. the broidery." The bodice-coatec has a country: the old plantation houses basque trimmed with red, green and were in ruins, the rice fields were gold braid, and a collar of red vel- vet, which falls well down over the shoulders. With this coatee is worn a blouse of creamy lace, made up over chiffon gauze. A black beaver-felt hat neg| » one of the staple. products being Jamaica rum. For Years after emancipation the negroes would not, work and the condition of the white population was not a pn one. Lt A '. , accompanies this costume, and' is This terrible event occuring so soon trimmed with grey feathers, tipped after the dreadful destruction of San- with red. ¢ 'rancisco and Valparaiso makes me Shot cloth figures in the present sick at heart. Tt is a happipess to A winter materials, and makes dress, know that we are able to ive Ja- : : 3 afternoon gowns when trimmed with maica a helping hand in this sad velvet and faney braids, embroideries, hour of her dire need and assure her or galloons, that , ve have not forgotten the Perhaps no style of "coat is more worig 8 response When San Francisco tdapted to children than the empire, wa Hestroved. -- BROADBRIM. Coats fashioned along these lines are sure to be graceful and becoming, whether intended for plain or dress wear, and all sorts of materials lend themselves Childhood Ailiménts, As a remedy for all the ills of child. on to this style. © The coat hood arising from dera ents of | may be cut originally on the regula- the stomach or bowels aby's Own | tion empire lines, or the empire effect Tablets have no equal. You do not have to coax or threaten your little ones to take them---children like them. The case with which they can be give en as compared with liquid medicines will appeal to every mother. None is spilled or wasted--you know just how big a dose has reached the little stomach, And above all mothers have may be simulated by cley erly arrang ed trimmings; such as folds, stitched bands, fancy braids and the like. Little pony coats afe liked for dress affairs, and for the older girls as the years increase are added other styles fashioned after those of the older wo men. An empire coat of bronze satin an absolute guarantee that the tab- cloth, with touches of beaver, was lots contain no opiate or poisonous | used for the development of go charm #oothing stuff. They always do good, | ing little coat for a girl of seven they cannot possibly do harm. Mrs, vears. The usual scams shape the Edward movan, St. Agatha, Que.,| short body and a shawl collar out- fays: "I am delighted with Baby's | lines the slightly open neck, The Own Tablets, I ey of no medi: | skirt of the coat is laid in plaits, cine that can equal them in curing the | which are not stitched, but are al ls of youny children." You dan get | lowed to fall in graceful lines, The the tablets from any druggist, or by Lfronts lap broadly apd are fastoned] mail at 25 cents 5 box by writing | with buttons and cord loops, which The Dr. Williams' Medicine ('o., | should harmeniz~ with th color of Brockville, Ont. . the material. ' Waist-hands complete the sleeves, and itis opuonal w nether the reversed cuffs are added or not. Velvet with venise covered collar and cuffs is pretty, but not as crviceable as such materials as ¢ lady's cloth, poplin or twee Nt of thich is the best materia school wear. - Another little coat matle straight from the shoulder, but given an empire effect by the additon of straps from the neck down to yok ---------- Sunday Theatre Orusadc. New York, Jan. 26.--To-morrow will be a day of prayer in all the Protes- tant churches of Greater New York for the release of actors and others who have to work in Sunday thea. tres, and for the suppression of illegal Sunday theatrical performances, and on Monday there will he a mass meet- ing of the clergymen of all denomina- Dr. 3; J. Burrell, Rev, Dr. Theodore Cuvler. Rev. Dr. MoArthur, and oth- ers. For the Episcopal chureh, Bishop Potter has authorized the use of a ver in all the churchés : "To pro- Reet the day from those wi frend ould eg ie in ~ x : : 5 rae of Loe Inland, hae ow ered orm yor petitioning thet ny doer calling, have injuneti inet the Sabbath be led to vee the error of their ways. = { A Household Doctor. tested, } | og Made of soft, } silky, plain and ; 3 { match. Smart in : : looks, easy. in & i feel, perfect in fit. J See ata good shop institution Crow Hill, } vacated to-morrow. It was in 1342 and has had within its of the most noted crimin- has lately " though no was ever known to have is ceaped from it. : : ------ A séa anemone has been known to live or Gifty yours, i CLOTHES THAT ARE SUG- for ("4% | vest style are in the best taste. | suit cut with tions to decide what next shall be | 9*nth and a collar bad a broad vlas- done to enforce the. Sunday laws. | tron piece down the front; a line of Speakers at the mass mveting will in. | buttons were placed at the lower edge clude Co-adjutor Bishop Greer, Rov. - § witha tarrn-ove ; ings from diagonal lines in each front dust and dampness. , ? and crisp, even before The blue and purple box--Ilined with airtight, moisture proof paper--protecting Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas against When you open the box--the fragrance of the ovens tells yo that the biscuits are fresh The only firm in Canada operating Private Freight Cars. you eat one. 8 Your Money Will Buy More Shoes Now Than Later Why not look over th AT A SAVIN advantage of it, of each. strap, and the plastron, this marking the empire line across' the bust. Red lady's cloth, black velvet, and pearl buttons were used in its construction. A second coat was a long box-plait- Md design made without collar, cuffs or belt. Shoulder pieces give the Lroadening effect that is popular, and the box-plaits are stitched down some distance from the top. As this coat was intended for dressy wear, blue vel al- [vet was used for its development and rich green, red and. silver galloon con- tributed to its decoration. It is not the girl's alone that are considered in children's clothes, in any of the shops dedicated to their sup- plies and pleasure is to be found n those costumes that make the boy a fi to look upon. Of course the toy who is old enough prefers a Tux jedo or Eton for his dress suit while { for school wear the Noriolk or the short trousers and ordinary coat and The suit is well liked for the boys and the flannel or serge knickerbocker trousers and sailor. blouse are old favorites, Nothing is more serviceable than serge and worsteds for little boys suits that must soe hard wear, One made this * material was cut with a | box- plaited front, full sleeves, with milie tary cuff and collar, the helt above the lower portion of the coat giving a samblance to the Norfolk style. An- « ther little suit has a kilted skirt por- Yon around the side, and 4 flat panel in shirt-front style both back and front, while the opening was made with, shirt-front opening half wav down the front. "The suit was finished : r linen collar and black silk bow. With all such suits after the boy comes out of dresses pre worn lit- tle knickerhockers. The blouse dable on acen conductive tn Russian younger suit for boys is commen. unt of its many qualities Sailor The knickerbockers are provided with a flv closing as well as one at the side, and are adjusted ahout the the knees with legands Blue sree, which was used with a 0 smbréidered blouse, opening turned over collpy. may be finished in many neck, the military and coat styles.' or an elastic, is alwavs practical, whiteshiold, showing device inside of the in front with js These blouse suits many ways to give such ns the sailor collar, 'the Eton The round collar ig A charming style for the small hoy and 18 to be made up of heavy linen or paint. ' For outside wear the doublehreast. od, long coat, is manly and. upto. date, with its wide collar and dovhle. breasted front. snd back in straight, plain effect. The Inrge pocket opon- J. §. SUTHERLAND & BRo, rm in | e Red Label offerings ? All the bargain tables are brim full of new, up-to-the-minute Shoes G OF 20 TO 25 PER GENT This Sale will'only last {6f another week. Take The House of Good Shoemaking. and there are enough small pockets to please the most fastidious bov. This £oat was of heavy man's broadcloth, finished with black silk braid and Astrakan collar. The shorter length of coat made on this style is called the navy refer and is usually made with a wide collar of fur to be turn- ed up for extra Protection about the | face, and held in place with a strap. The mode of dressing the hair for girls at present makes the wearing of in hair bow necessary. So cheap and so varied are the ribbons at present | that It Seems that one need not ever subject, the child to wearing a stringy | soiled ribbon. Taffeta ribbon is the | Dest choice, in the material of rib- hon as it keeps its shape and stiffness longer, The rosette and butterfly how | 18 most worn and may be placed at the side, at the back, at the top of the {head. A fillet of twisted ribbon is | Sometimes used and joined with two {#mall bows worn over the ears. { the older girl, who wears a pompa- dour two bows are worn, one just { behind the pompadour and one lower {down on the hanging braid or just at the head of the neck wear the curls are joined together if she be so op. tunate as to own curls, CATHARINE MA NN-PAYZANT. -- » For When Rheumatism Comes. Rheumatism, Sciatica, Neuralgia, ete, usually results from a long con- tinued sluggish condition of the kidneys, liver and stomach. The disease is the climax of a con- dition which involves ation of health. A right remedy must restore the - foundation by cleansing and vitalizing the entire system. Dr. Hall's Rheumatic Cure is designed to do this, and scores of people in this locality know that it does it. It dures any 'and all kinds of rheumatic troubles and its action is as thorough a8 1t.i8 sure. Price ; 95c. Ten days treatment at Wade's Drug Store. ---- The 'first "London Directory" is said en printed in 077, 'The oO ce Direltory," . odin 1800," © CY: frst appear In the roe of 5 single codfish 8,000,- 000 egos have been found, Ea 'Beecham's Pills When lack of appetite is car overeating, Dpetite is caused b A take Beecham's Pills to relieve the feeling of heaviness. h takes away food. use Beccham's variably tone the di- the very fouad- Pills, They in gestion and Greate Good Appetit Sold Tverywhero, Ia boxes £3 cents, is ecomomical bec; concentrated," we Beef Juice has be properties of beef Axmour's becaus TAKES as 'other brands In buying Fluid other ingredients In buying Armor salt yourself, and more ecomomical " CULINARY Waid ARMOUR'S S8oLID ExTR4 CANADIAN FACTORY-- 77 Fader Sracer Eas % a Continues j other speci: to be comp: People tell the judge. the most in paper noti see what bu the last fou will have or cannot be d 3 D I Wast With Copper B : | $I Slight] Stew Kett Jugs, Tea K McK sa FISH AND OYSTE] + Scarcity in Fresh Wa Oysters. © The Dominion Fish co 'that there is a great kinds of fresh water fis In. past _peasons the © frozen fish, as trout a while never great, has to the demands GT marks "in the history of t! supply come 4 'of whitefis J from Geot Selkirk, is vive sma thin last. and the sup