actouit Tor "regard to the liberal | have nee = gsi § = 5 Efex if iz ei # worth repeatedly and fixed ve in the land. He did not sus: ) ly no one else process of time he of this com: his colleagues the Grand Trunk Po- . He left thé government account. He left the railway : | commission later hastily, and under secretary in in circumstances which caused a sensa- tion. This was on the eve of the last general election, and it was thought that he would say something which would affect the popularity, if not the futhre, of the governnient. Elthu Root, secretary of state in the Roosewilt govetnment, has returned to k's home in Washington, to the offici- al crles whith he adoms, and looks Apologize Too Much. Te ritain fae in the attempt to float into the respect of the United States -{ upon the slush and gush of unneces: sary and superfluous apologies, , United States i big enough and broad enough to sna cerity and s ang to expect Britain to act as the United States - would act if the conditions of the - | Jamaica incidcnt were reversed. the of the Manitoba government I 'That is what the fede- ral opposition undertook to prove, and failed. It was the funniest episode of gislature."" How this must make Bob Fleming laugh ? A Nontresl man, representative in businéss, and recognized for his sound Sense, gives an account of the Jamaica derided governor. The American ele- ment appears to require some damping or discouragement. -- +The' liberals 'of Toronto need no des pair becatise they are for the while in the minority, = Some years ago Vie toria, B.C., gave the liberals no quar- ter, mot even in the social clubs, and now the city is represented by liberals in both the local and dominion houses, Mr. Studbolme says he is generally in accord with the policy of the pro- vincial government, but is first and foremost a labour man. So that Mr. Milne's intimation that il defeated in il 4 , the grits, would Hamilion: his icin, he grits be a Ii Canada succeeds best with a legis- lature for each province why should England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales not succeed with a parliament each to conduct its local affnirs ? With Augustine Birrell, as chief sec retary for Ireland, it. is. taken for granted that the new) Irish bill, pro- viding for a local legislature will soon introduced! Tt is that the the demands of Kingston in behalf of ite college. His help should not have been ignored. The revelation is now made that the breakwater was not properly con- structed, and that some one's defect or default led to the wreckage which the. Lack with evident pleasure upon his | attendéd last Sunday's storm. It is Mr. Whitney, and visit to Ottawa. That visit was the onteome of { of a delightful meeting pre- viously with our governor-general who, of all those who have held his high office. since confederation, with the exception of perhaps Lord Duffer- in, has proven an active, aggressive, and useful representative of his sov- ereizn in Cemada. + > It is safe to say that not two men who have met, with short aequaint- ance, appreciate each other's qualities so fully as Earl Grey and Mr. Root. They are alike in some respects, calm, strange that the city cannot somehow get the best yesults in its public ser- vice. an SPIRIT OF THE PRESS hotkey players are. not paid by the they are paid by the a | placid, unraffied generally, but great | Toronto: Star. observers, great students of passing Jevents; They wre alike still more that in a casual centroversy, they do not give the evidenve of the intellee- tugl fire that bums within, and hence in their public addresses they sur- rire their audiences with their breadth of view. Jesus Surtoon shows Sie Wilkiid Laurier a cigar in his mouth. Sir Wiliid hasu't smoked in forty years, but he may have con- verted. 5 Exposing : ¢ The F t. fast woman in society in France Cotapromises herself because she falls It 'would bs many a that Shee uty to another country requi <them to their i by a i that is half whine and half crawl, and altogether contemptible, . Monotony In Advertising. = Philadelphia Record. newspaper announcement, daily, has the other forms of publicity. It never has a chance to grow stale. It constantly assists 'the consumer with nw , and he cannot choose but yi tha success of advertising. There is no excuse for monotony when the newspaper = is the medium used, The Point Of View. Philadelphia Ledger. * . Bervard . Green; the . consulting engineer of * Washington. Said the .other day, in a discussion on the new lvania capitol. whict he helped to build: "The trouble with every question is that self-setking en- ters into it. Were there no self-seekers the world would be a very Utopia. But asit is--'" He smiled. "Why, yes ," he said, "in a talk about filtration in a cafe, I heard a well man Say earnestly: "I main ta'n Jhat all the water used for drink' ii culinary purposes should he baled at least one hour." "You are a physician, I presume ?** said a thir man, respectfully. 'No, sir." was the reply, 'I am a coal dealer." No Tase For Apology. Toronto_Star. The ish newspapers are unduly D r¥ous over the Davis-Swettenham incident, and are needlessly ying that it may not disturh the riendly tions between Great Britain and ng United States. Of course, it will nothing of the kind. Nobody * or this side of the Atlantic dreams o such a thing. But these old country newspapers from which we in Canada are told to take lessons in dignity and serenity. have gone into hysterics are making abject apologies to a nation that has given no sign that it offended is admiral, actuated by the. most humane mo tives, seems to have lost his head and 'acted as if Jamaica were Porto Rico or Panama, instead of a wel' governed British colony. The city wa: not in a condition of anarchy. Auth ority was not paralyzed. Law and or der were being observed as well ar they were observed in San Francisco and there was mo more occasion for the American admiral to step in and usurp the functions of governmen' than there would have been for a British . admiral to step in and ad minister the affairs of San Francisec after the earthquake. If a British ad miral had taken such go step, he would 'have heen rebuked and lecturec by the very. papers that are now lec turing Governor Swettenham: and i the governor of the state of Californie hnd ordered the British admiral away his conduct would have been justified by those same London papers. | UNITED OFFICERS. ------ Washington, Jan. 26.-- Theodore P. Shonts, has re- signed the chairmanship of the Isthmian Canal Com. mission. The oflies Sr chairman and chief en- gineer of the commission will be combined and John F. Stevens, present chief engineer, will be given the tanding being _ i stan maintain a residence on the Isthmus, HERE FE¥¥ P23 2322232823833 23 * | Sad Death At Lombardy. Lombardy, Jan. 24.--Herbert Tovell is in Guelph attending the Agricultur al College. Mrs. Fatrick O'Mara, Sr., is ill. Mrs. Francis Willis is suffering fiom a sprain:d ankle. The hockey match at Prankville on Saturday ev: ening between Lombardy and Frank: ville, resulted in a score or three 1, noth in favor of the home team. Miss Elsie Nicoll is visiting Mrs. Her bert Frayne. Edward Joynt, Rides. Ferry, is in the General Hospital, at Snitth's Falls, sufferipg from an. ar- tack of appendicitis, heh O xaufy ot Buy , died on Sunday night, after a gh il Er, pre . He was taken ill on - On Friday his condition had not imprdved, and Dr. Hanna, of Per summoned. An operation Was at once performed, Dr. Hanna be- ng assisted by Drs. Fowler and Mogh n of Perth. This was the only 0! saving the young man's life, but the disease had gained such head- way that it failed, and on Monday morning the patient succumbed. Mr. O'Grady was 'about thirty years of age, and was a son of Patrick 0'- Grady, who lives on the south shore of Bide u Lake, three miles above Ri au tion with his death is the fact that he was shortly to have been married Monotony is fatal to well kuown erry. A sad feature in conpec- | aN Ussen, Puaveai & Martens 5 MEMBERS. 7ORCNTO STOOK EXOHANGE x 0x: Commission We have inspicte! many of the best properties in the Cobalt district and are preparvd to furnish reports upon same to our TRADERS BANK SULDING, TORONTO Long Distance Tele,)nones Main 7450, 7480 clients. > BIlB: January Snaps | BY'S «ww 0000000000 000000000000 Don't miss seeing our elegant range of $10 " There are no Suits in town that can touch them $12.50 or $15. Suits under Come See These Suits A Snap In Neckwear Puffs, Bows, and 'Four-in-Hands, regular 25¢. and 35¢: lines Now 15¢, 2 for 25¢c English Ceylon Shirts Regular $1.25 and $1.50 lines Men's Sweaters Now 69c About 5 dozen. Men's Wool Sweaters, Plain Cqlors, White, | 2 Red and Navy, regular $1 and $1.25.goods i The H..D. GANANOQUE TIDINGS. Two Lodge Funerals Conducted Yesterday Afternoon. Ganano jue, Jan. 26.--The funeral of he late J. J. Moore took place yes- terday afternoon to Christ church, and hente to Willow Bank cemetery. Rev. W. Hatt Lipscomb officiated at the hurch, and at the vault the Masonic fraternity performed their funcral ser- ice. The funeral was a lange rome. Yesterda afternoon, Rev. William limberldke officiated in a short fun- ral sérvice, at the residence of James Boucher, Garden street, in memory of fe late Daniel Boucher. The 'femains were conveyed to Gananoque wault, where the Oddfellows went over the wurial rites of the order, Miss Walsh, New York, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Cole, Arthur street. The Misses Salter, corner Gar- dn and James street entertained a few of their friends at their home fast svening. Mr. Sparks of Kingston, is in, a-chort time with em in own. Ermest Fleming, Belleville, pent a few days in town this week with friends, James Boddy, of Tower City, North Dakota, an o'd resident of Gananoque is here to spend a month with rela- tives and friends. Miss Drummond, © of Perth, is spending a short time "in 'own, the guest of Mrs. William Bul loch, First street. C. A. Watt, Stone street, spent several days this w in Hamilton. Mrs. J. E. O'Neill and family, Stone street, are spending a month with friends at Cobourg. Now 69c Bibby Co. BORN. DIONNE.--At Deseronto, on Jan. 15th to Mr. and Mrs, Michael Dionne Baughler STANHOPE.--At Deserosito, on Jan. 23rd, to Mr. and Mrs. William Stu hope, a da ROGERS .--At 'onto, on Jan. 13ti to Mr. and Mrs. James Rogers son. HOWARD.--At Deseronto, om Jan. 12th to Mr. and Mrs, Dantel Howard, som. GRAHAM.--At Napamee, on 18th Jun to Mr. and Mrs. Mark P, Graha a Son. DAVY.--At Napanee, on Jan. 20th, t Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Davy, a daughter. DIED. BOUCHER. --At Gananoque, on Jan. 23rd, Daniel Boucher, aged sixty-seven years and seven months. OC "At Gananogue, on Jan. 28rd, ». Moore, aged fifty-seven years pine months. UNYOU.--At Huntingdon, Jan. 1 Amanda Babcock, beloved wife n unyou, aged ei y-one yee BLAKELY .--In North fe ricksbargh 18th Jan., James Albert Blakely, aged sixtyfour years. McLAUGHLIN. --In Richmond, 19th Jan errance McLaughlin, aged ninety three vears. VANHORN.--In Richmond, on 19th Jan., Hannah Vanhorn, aged seventy- nine years and five months. WILSON.--At Napanee, on 20th Jan Miss Sarsh Wilson, aged fifty-six rors. ROSS. --At Nananee. on 28rd Jan. Mrs Helen Ross, mother of James Gor don, aged minety years and ten months. ET ------ Will be found an excellent remedy for ick headache. Carter's Little Liver ills. Thousands of letters from poo le who have used' them prove this t. Try them. EE Neglect Catarrh and You Contract Consumption "he Only Remedy Known to Care Permanently is CATARRHOZONE Though catarrn affects every organ of your Lbdy-- Though you gar. cough and 'suffe with sore nose amd on ? . Though your doctor has failed, still you will find cure in Catarrhosone Not a stomach medicine, but an air Ireatment that carries little drops of health balsam to the remotest parts of th: lungs and bronchial tubes. Right to the diseased spot rushes Catarrh zcne--straight to the inflam. Mation goes its antiseptic vapor, and cure is bound to follow. t s Just think for 4 moment. Tsn't it. more natural fo send the con? od p J of "Catarch- ph tarihozeny has sich endorsement from doctors and hospitals. 2 Where other' remedies utterly fail- whn they don't evem - relieve--that's when to use Catarrhozone. . It invariably cures, just as it did or Mrs. N. J. Callahan, of 84 Creigh- ton street, Halifax, who says: "No one ever worse eatarrh than I. My head was so filled with the dis tae that 1 was sick Ed assed il night. My ears rang ar uzzed. I had frontal headache, pi the ® Every trace of: disease is driven away, snd I am completely cured. Catarrhosons is simply iavaluable in Catarrh, Bronchial, Asthma, Lung and Throat trouble. It does cure. « Sta is quick, results are pormen : o $1, ant re 20c. nt CAUGH La Crippe Is Epidem LA GRIPPE spares no tionality. The culty ignorant, the aristocrat an the masses and the classe: Jeet to 1a grippe. None are liable, La grippe is well-namea. term, 1a grippe, is Frenc) been shortened by the bu to ono word "grip." Without any intention « new word has been coin seribes the disease exactly The ailment clings to tl tenaciously as if some terri clutched him in a fatal cla Men, women and chil towns and cities are caugh ful grip of this terrible mo: Have you the grip? © the grip caught you? If following letters. These testimonials will s quickest and best meansof self of this tenacious di after-cflects. Suffered Twelve Years Effects of La Mr. Victor Patneaude, 8t,, Topeka, Kas., a well-k ter and member of Knigh of Security, writes: "Twelve years ago I ha tack of la grippe and I ne covered my health and grew weaker every year, unable to work. "Two years ago I began and it built up my strengt couple of months I was i work again, "This winter I had anot la grippe, but Peruana soor of my system. "My wife and I consid household remedv." Pneumonia Followed L Pe-ru-na, the Reme Brought Reile Mr. T. Barnecott, West tario, Can., writes: "Last winter I was ill wi after having la grippe. I for two months, when I well, and I can say that a: cured by it in a reasonabl little expense. "Every time I take a col¢ Peruna, which males me "I also advised it for my ¢ 'was so ill with prostration not follow her trade of dr "A bottle of Peruna un change in her that she h follow her trade ever since "I also induced a young I: all rundown and confined to take Peruna, and after for three months sheis al her trade of tailoring. Best Valu Childre RIBBED 50e. WARM 2Bec., 35¢., VE! WOM 26¢., 40c., RIBBED 1 and 50cf CHILDREN'S AND GI "BED VESTS, 10c, | 17¢., 20¢. Wonde Coat Women's and Girls' Winter Women's He: 3.50 to 6. SPENCI Cobalt Options in 100 Sh 000 Cobalt Lake Mini TERMS : 10c. SH CAN ARRANG All Cobalt Stocks C. H. CLU Money advanced o ACCIDENT ON WOLFE Watertown Merchant Way to Hockey M An accident of a painful curred on Wolfe Island on ternoon as W. Gourdier a accompanied by Richard § the firm of Stumpf Bros., N.Y., were driving - to th Stumpf had never seen a he and W. Gourdier drove to cent to his friends and them to the city. All wen ing the American channel roads on Wolfe Island w condition' and Mr. Gourdia to drive on the snow in the roadside. When about from Marysville the rig up bd