White Flannelette Nightgowns Ve are now showing * some | values in Ladies" White {gowns at Sc. 99c., 1.25 and 1.49. ad with the six or eight weeks of cold weather ahead, these Nightgowns ought to be good buying now. ---- ---- Spring Sewing ein most homes, and we call your iwing : .LOTHS, 10c. and 123c. TONS, 8c., 10c,, 124c., 15c. ry fine cotton for underwear, 12 Yc, 15c., 124¢.. 20c. BRICS. 12 1-2¢., 15. mous English White Cottons. a ---- etings ) tuches, hes. 90 [ities in tons inches, 16 inches es wide. ly inter- particularly Flannel, EARING SALE large Stock, to Rebuild, * 8 and Faney Odd Parlor Chairs. at Sale Price. $ID, ™= TAKER. Packing and Freight Free. LLLLLLLLLL0LLLL00000000004 ~ S Oranges 10 cents per dozen. *s at 15 cents per 'dozen. s at 20 cents per dozen. 'S at 25 cents per dogen. ¢., 40c., 50c. and 60e. per dozen. Se---------- 166 Princess Street VIPIIINSIINISINININIIIIIY CELE LELAL00000 000000000008 and Damp | Proof CASINS vs and Men lice shape and without odor. 3. now $1.00. ; A 5, now $1.25. , 10, 11, now LEADING UNDER- YEAR 74, NO. 24. 20668 Jasuary & February Sale of Furniture Sods wea, going fast. Rare ow. Hg only a little | 3 and 1 Parlor Sett, Mahogan Trgmes, Silk Tover, $35. for on Beds, Springs 2 Sideboards, $35 for $25. 2 Sideboards, $25 at ws. and $20. saa tracks from $6.50 to 2 or 3 Extension Tables about $10 and $12, for $7 and $9. EE -------------------- ROBT. J. REID 230 Princess street. The Leading Undertaker 2 Phone 577 Ambulance 8 GINNNNNINININIIIIIIIE -- lye Lil. Notice to Architects. Designs for New Departmental and Justice Bulldings, Ottawa Extension of Time. THE TIME FOR RECEIVING COM- petitive designs for the proposed new De- partmental and Justice Buildings at Ottawa is. hereby extended from April 15 to July 1, 1907, By order, FRED. GELINAS, Secretary. Départinent of Public Works, Ottawa, January 24, 1907. Newspapers will not be paid for this advertisement if they insert it without authority from Department. Hockey Match SENIOR 0. H. A, Peterboro VS. 14th Batt. Hockey Club WEDNESDAY, JAN. 30th. 3 gal 8.15 om. ; , .28e¢. Reserved Seats, gallerys Nos. 1 and 2 25¢c. ; No. 1 and side gallery sedts, Suc. T4th P, W. 0. Band in attendance. 20 opens for sale of seats on Jan. 29th. 14 Off We have ¥ few boxes of ROWNTREE'S AND. CADBURY'S Chocolates Left over from Christmas, which we are going to sell at a dis- count o 250, This is a rare chgnce for lovers of fine Chocolates. James Redden & Co. NewVarkGhinese Restaurant 83 Princess Street Open from 10.30 a.m. to 3.00 am. The best placy to wet an all round Lunch in the citys Meals of all kinds os shortest notice; English and Chinese dishes a specialty, HOME AGAIN After spending two weeks holidays, and all my money, I want some more. > iret "the bargains im wood -Stoves; and Furniture. TURK'S Second-Hand Store, 398 Princess street. Sharbot Lake. and Bolton Creek Bridges. A COMMITTER APPOINTED BY the Frontenac County Council will meet at Sharbot Lake, on FEBRUARY 7th, at 2 o'clock p.m., to sell certain jobs of repairs to Sharbot Lake Floating Bridge and Bolton Creek Bridge, in the Town- Oso. A I an or persons Wishing to ten- der for the whole or any part of the work should inspect the (two bridges and meet the Committée at Sharbot Lake at the time stated above. J. W. EDWARDS. County Clerk W. J. FRANKLIN, Chairman and Dridges Committee Roads CATTLE"ATE DYNAMITE. Valuable Animals Killed in . Okanagan Valley. . J : i por, Jan. 29.--Several vali- oe have ben killed by eat- ing dvmamite in the. Okanagan Valley and there is an angry lot of settlers there. The chief sufferers have been the ranchers of Marble Lake, They say the dynamite was unused by the zov- ernment roadmakers, who worked last fall in the vicinity. So far the earcas- ws of half-a dolen animals have been found, and as many more are missing. At is feared that when the snow goes away a number more may be discavar od. The residents of the district strongly on the matter and intend to ask the government to have it investi- gated, "To Cure A Cold In One Day. ive Bromo Quinine Tab- Take rat on matey if it fails DAILY MEMORANDA. Board of Trade, 8 pan. Social, St. James' School n.m, Carnival at the nirht, good prizes. Zion, good ice, races to-night. Carnival Friday, 14th Band. This day in history :--King George 111. died, 1820; Victoria Cross instituted, 1856 ; Surrender of Paris, 1871, -- WHIG TELEPHONES. 243--Business Office. 229--Editoral Rooms. 292--Johbin~ Department. bossine and Engraving a specialty. J-- House, 8 Royal Rink Friday Josiah Wedgewood We have some old Blue DINNER SETS of this celebrated maker, very quaint shape, regular price $9.75, --NOW-- $7.25 Robertson Bros. "FOR MEN Our Own Make and Guaranteed. Raccoon, Beaver and Fur-Lined COATS Pit any man in size and PURSE. McKAY FUR HOUSE 149-153 BROCK ST. KINGSTON NOTICE MEETING OF THE Mates Association, W Jan. 30th, All mem} reques attend. Very important business V. W. MURRAY I reas. JAP PRINCE TO VISIT BRITAIN The Mikado to Return Courtesy Extended. Tokio, Jan, 29+ Prince Fushimi, a member of the imperial house of Ja- pan, has been selected by the emperor as his representative to return. (he visit made. by Prince Arthur of + Con naught last winter in charge of the Garter mission. Ie has expressed a 'desire to travel to England, under the British flag, and will. sail ffom Yokohama, next month, on the P. and 0. liner De vanha. z : The prince, whe is now forty-eight vears of age, graduated in the Mili tary School of Japan in his boyhood, andsxduring the recent war served as a gendral officer of the imperial army His worlt 'was especially valuable in connection with the organization -of | the transport and the commissariat services: . Economical Relief. You get a large bottle of Smith's White Liniment for 25¢. It lasts "a long t and does a lot of curing. It relieves any pain, cures any bruise or strain, expels rheumatism or neu- ralgia and subdues any inflammation or congestion. It should be in every home all the time. At Wade's Drug Store. EE ------------ YOUR CHANCE READ today's Want Advts. Ggod positions are open to you. Every y there are new s -- new doors that open to suc. a. 4 Watch your oppor= tunity; don't let it Bo by. | READ PAGE 3. *W. Grove's signature is on Eg Reng di READ FN WHAT IS STRENGTH 2 THIS WILL BE MANIFEST IN NEXT ELECTION, Thought There Will Be a Liberal Victory in British Columbia-- Prince Edward Island Repre- sentation--Bureau Has Been Made Solicitor-General, From Our Own Correspondent. Ottawa, Jan. 29.--The talk of the day is the ruling out of the liberal party of Armand Lavergne, M.P., for Montmagny, by the premier. It is ful- ly anticipated that the same will hap- pen to Mr. Bourassa, on the first op- portunity, and when the general elec- tion comes along we shall sce what real strength there is in the new Na- tional party in Quebec, as Bourassa, Robitaille, and lLavergne style them- selves, The ruling out of Mr. Lavergne was interesting. A deputation of Mont- magny voters had come to the capital, desirous of having a station at St. Thomas and a harbor at S¢. Btienne. They were introduced to Sir Wiltrid Laurier and Mr. Emmerson, by Mr. Lavergne. When they had stated their purpose, the premier said he would be glad to consider the matter, bat meanwhile he eould pay no attention to anything the member for Mont- magny suggested, as he was not a supporter of the government, Mr. Lavergne's reply to thin wag that he had always considered that the underlying principle of liberalism wes liberty. Considerable interest is being mani- fested in the British Columbia elec tions, which take place next Saturday, the additional excitement being sup- plied by the fact that ex-Governor M. Innes, of the Yukon, is in the field, and that Duncan Ross, of Yale-Cari- hoo, is in the fight with him. Reports veaching Ottawa are to the effect that a liberal victory is assured. The house, yesterday, discussed the annmal guestion. of .tho representative of Prince Fdward Island, and the re- présentatives of the maritime provinces generally were on their feet in an an- mated debate to save their dwindling representation, Something might be done at an early date to amend the Britith North American act, regarding the rearrangement of electoral dis tricts, but meanwhile these annual de- bates have partaken more of the na- ture ofs expression of opinion, It was brought out during the ques tions that George Boston, a brother in-law of the Hon. G. W. Ross, had Leen appointed an immigration official for Ontario. He will deal with the de oe of . undesirables. The appointment pf Jacques Bureau of Three Rivers, as solicitor-gencral, which has been made absolute, has smoothed the ruffled feelings of many of the Quebec members, Mr. Bureau is one of the very best of the Quebec re- presentatives; who consider the ap pointment their own, The goverpmment, yesterday, a cable from Governor Swettenham, of Jamaica, thanking th parliament for its contribution of 850,000 to aid the earthquake suffer ers, The cable says no further assist ance will be required, except for re building. In view of this statement, the government has replied that it is willing to forward the other $50,000 provided, either in cash or lumber. E. D. Arnaud writes from St John's, Nfid., to the depurteient of trade and commerce to note the prae tice of American manufacturing "von- cerns having Canadian agents through whom -- Newfoundlanders have --to--or- der, rather to their disgust Mr Amand suggests that Canadian manus facturers avail themselves of this re sentiment to employ local agents, The Canadian commercial agent at St. Kitts, West Indies, reports that comeiderable apprehension is felt among sugar producers at the pro- posed increase of the duty on raw sugars under the new Canadian tariff, as it is foared that the increase of seven and one-third cents per ewt, will entirely neutralize the advantage of the share in the British preferential rate which they have hitherto en- joyed. received Canadian J. P. Downey Resigns. Goielph, Ont., Jan. 29.-- The Herald announces the resignation of J, P. Downey from the editorial chair of the paper. Mr. Downey is the mem, ber in the Ontario legislature from South Wellington, and his name has frequently been net ino] in connec- tion with possible cabihet changes in the near future. No announcement is made of Mr. Dowhey's intentions, but it is possible he may start a new paper. gd. ha "Carnation Day." Washington, Jaw, 29.--As the carn- ation is said to have beén President McKinley's favorite flower, thousands of Americans all the world over, are today, wearing it in honor of the anniversary of the late president's birthday. The carnation league of America i* now a strong organization much as the English have establithed the Primrose League in memory of Logg Beaconsfield. } >a The pope has issual new instructions on the: French question, which may moke a compromise possible. KINGSTON, SE TO STOP FRENCH DUELING. -- Bill Imposing Fine and Imprison- ment, Paris, Jan, ®.-The recent duel, in which Lieut. Spitzer was seriously wounded, hus drawn attention to a bill which has been introduced in the chamber, imposing severe penalties on anyone taking part in a duel, either as principal or aecessory. The measure provides that anyone concerned in a duel, oven as a wit ness, may bo imprisoned for from one to twelvk months, and fined from $20 to 8200. In cass wher one of the duelists is wounded sovire penalties are Authorized, The act of inciting to a duel is made punishable by imprisonment sand fine and the newspapers are forbidden to publish the detuils of any encoun ter. E The Abbe Lemire, who introduce | the measure, proposes that in cases where a settfement by law is impos sible arbitration should be resorted to. The bill has been referred to a com Mittee. ¢ BH. HARRIMAN, Whose' railrond system and public Tawd operations fre being investigated. LUNATIC'S GIFT TO ASYLUM. Court Sustains Will Giving Insti. tution Bequest. Paris, Jan. 2A curious case was heard, tosday, in which the Franch academy and a lunatic asylum laid claim to a beljuest of $30,000, A Mile. Jang " the to the- a iH 1500 In 1902 she was locked up in an asylom, in 1903 sh: made a segond will, leaving the money to the asylum, and the next year she died The court decided in favor of the academy, holding that while Mile James Was possibly insane when she made the first will, she was certainly insane when she made the second, HAASAN ¥ & FORM COALITIONS. N » * kK oi] + Berlin, Jan. 29.--Reports 3 ¥ from the Provinces show a 3 Mk tendency among all the ¥ # other political parties to 3 # form coalitions, with the MW view to defeating the # social demoersts in the # second balloting on Febru- PM ary 5th. SHANI TERRIFIC IMPLEMENT OF WAR tid New Cannon Which Demolish An Army, 20.~M. Edmond Potier, inclined Frenchman, the minister of war to equip the army with a deadly cannon which he has invented, and which is guar anteed to revolutionize modern war- are. Armed with this eannon, he Says, 2.000 men could hold at bay an army of half a million men equipped with ordinary arms. The cannon only weighs 170 pounds, so that two or three strong men can carry it about with them and demolish an army on their own account. Paris, Jan a peaceably wishes *% WILL WAIT. Melbourne, Jan. 20. -- Premier Deakin made 'the announcement that the question of a complete tariff échedule for the Commonwealth will not be taken up until after the colonial conference has been held. ;Esfablish A Union. New York, Jan. 29.-Preliminary steps have beem taken by some of the best-known human prodigies now ex- hiliiting in New York, to form what will be, iit effect a "freaks' union." Letters have been sent to prominent freaks all over the country soliciting plies have, it is said, been received. An elastic skin man, who ir on ex- hibition at a Fourteenth street" mu- eum, i& one of the men interested in the new orgdfiization. "The main purpose of the union.' he said. yestorday., "is to: provide sick henofits and a fund for the burial of unfortunate and indigent members. "Just three more days" you can buy robber goods at bargain prices at the January rubber goods sole at Giheon's Pod Cvosg Drug Store And nothing is éaleulated fo give a self-made man a harder jolt than a %ill of fare in French, their co-operation. Many favorable re- | UESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1907. MIRERS SLAIN VARIED ACCOUNTS COME OF THE EXTENT OF THE DISASTER. } ---- A Second Explosion Has Likely Killed All Who Had Any Hope of Escape--Emperor William Has Asked For a Report--an Explosion in French Mine--o Lives Lost. Berlin, Jan. 29.~Reports concerni the explosion of the fire dump which occurred, yesterday, in the Reden coal mines, St. Johann, Rhenish Prussia, are very conflicting as the number of miners voor ais the agement telegraphed q newspaper, late last night, that sixty-two had oon killed and sixtyrsoven injured and that seventy-two were still below. These latter, it was added, were certainly dead, Tha accounts from St, J and Redvn say 125 bodies have been recovered and that 250 miners are still below, their fate ho ing doubtful. Another report states 180 bodies have been taken out and that 450 men are still in the mine, The progress of the fire, last evening, compelled the withdrawal of all the rescuers. Subsequently tere was ane other big explosion. It is not expect ed that any one in. the mine sur- vives, Emperor William has ordered that a full report of the disaster be sent him. Saar Brueoken, All Miners Safe. Leas, France, Jan. 20.--When the ex- plosion of fire damp occurred in 'the mine, at Lievin, in" the Couriers dis- trict, yesterday, there were over 800 miners in the pits, and it was fear ed at first that many of them had been killed. ~ Al}, however, have re- turnnd to the surface and, it ja be lieved, the only victims were the chief Shiner of He Tine and his re os- Ristants. 0 wo to search for oa PART hd of these, terribly mangled, have been brought to the surface, PITH OF THE NEWS. Latest Interesting Notes From Many Places. The United States interstate com- merce commission has brought in a re port exposing Standard oil methods. The appointment of A, E. Duff is made as general agent GTR. passen- ger department, with headquarters at Winnipeg. At a meeting of 'the Young Men's Li- beral Club, of Toronto, a resolution of censure upon Henri Bourassa, M.P., was introduced, The Grand Trunk Pacific have lot the contract for a ten-million bushel eleva- tor, at Port Arthur, said to be the largest in the world. Anthony McLaughlin, a member of Prince Edward's legislative assambly, is on a mission to Scotland to foster emigration to his province, Judge H. TI. Taschereau has been ap: pointed chief justice of ghe bench, at Montreal, in succession to Sir Alexander Lacoste. Farmer missionaries from Canada are planning an invasion of England. Two are already at work there and twenty-three more will gail shortly. W. E. Smith, treasurer of the New Brunswick . Telephone company, of which the late Hon. A. G. Blair was chairman, is about $25,000 short in his accounts, Prezident ving, of the Guelph 1 Club, has forwarded his charges of professionalism against members of Berling, Marlboros, Stratford and Peterhoro hockey clubs to the O.H.A. A Pittsburg man returning home late on Salurday found his wife's body on a table and burned to a crisp, while the fable contained not the least mark of fire. The affair is shrouded in mystery, mel se omni Tax Revision. New York, Jan. 29.--The report of the state commission, appointed by Governor Higgine, to revise the tax laws of the state has been presented to the legislature. The eommittee in- stead of making on income tax or habitation tax makes a fosture of the inheritance tax. The report provides for an increase in the inheritance tax graded on the remoteness of the re. lationship of the donor to the bene ficiary. The report recommends an in crease of the tax now paid by eorpor- ation? The exemption from taxation of deposits in savings 8 in re duced from $3,000 to $1,000. The re port recommends an increase on the fax on the surplus of savings banks, in such a way that the state does not benefit hy the increase, the addition. al amount raised by tax going to the Toeality. Condition Is Critical. St. Petersburg, Jan. 20--The con- dition of Count Leo Tolstoi, the well: known" novelist "and social reformer, who has been in some time, is believpd to bd &itial. After an illness which extended since August last Wilbert L. Phelps, Kempt- ville, son of L. N. Phelps, Delta, passed away on Monday, Deceased was in his thirty-second year. An awkward man in a ballroom is apt to be a train wrecker. 4 king's mediately stricken with typhoid; Yes- NEW RAIL CARRIERS. Rails. to Port With Wheat. Halifax, N.8., Jan. 28 --Captain Robert Fraser, marine superintendent of the Montreal Transportation com- Pany, and C. C. Morris, superintend- ent of transportation of the Dominion Tron and Steel company, left on the steamier Tunisian for Fagan, yester- day, to inspect several s AMers now building on the other side which will rin to Sydney next summer, Two of these boats are being built or the Montreal Transportation com. Pany to carry rails to Port Arthur, and three for the Dominion Iron and Steel company. A scheme is now under way to ertet a grain elevator at North Sydney and ve these steamers bring grain down as a return cargo. One of the boats will be ready in April and the other in May or June, SWALLOWED HIS BRAINS. torn Jury's Strange Verdict as to Cause of Death, Decatur, Hl, Jan. 20.--"Death from swallowing his own brains" was the verdict rendered, yesterday, at the in quest over the body of George RB. Thomas, an Mhinois Central brake man, who was injured by falling into some pumping machinery. The base of Thomas' skull was broken in such a way that the man's brains oozed . down into his throat and he swallowed them. After reponts ing the swallowing at intervals for several hours, oy whieh nearly all his brains had oozed through the aperture in the skull, Thomas died. snm---- BULLETS FOLLOW REFUSAL -- Two Men Wounded, One in Pro- tecting a Woman. Olean, N.Y., Jan, 20.<R. H. Finley, a Brooklyn travelling man, and Mor: tis Sinan, of Wellavillo, were wounded by bullets that flew in a fight on an Krio passonger train near here, Yes terday. Li One bullet struck Sinan in the feck coming out through his mouth and tearing out some teeth. Finley was struck in the hand. Sinan had sat in a seat that had been gcoupied by two Italians, The latter returned and debwmnded their seat of Sinan. He refused and the Italians shot. Finley was injured While he shioldul a woman and child rom the flying bullets. Artilleryman Killed, Washington, Jan, 29.-A shooting affiray occurred. in a road house near Fort Washington, Maryland; an army post, fifteen miles from here, late Sa- turday night, in which Pte, William 8S. Wirebarger, of the 104th company Coast Artillery, killed Pte. Frederick Gotnay, 17th company, Coast Artil- ory. A dispute ' regarding a woman lod to the shooting, Wircbarger eseapod, but returned to the post to-night amd sirrendered, and is now held a pris. oner in the guard house. Gosney was twenty-six yoars old and enlisted at Ottawa, II, 'He had boen in the service for two years, Wire barger, who will be tried for murder, is from Cincinnati. Lady Grenfell Very Il. Ottawa, Jan. W.-Lady Victoria Grenfell, eldest daughter of Karl and Countess Grey, is in a eritical con: dition. Lady Vietoria arrived from Mexico two weeks ago, and was im- ay was critical day, and her condition was so serious that Dr. Tyrrell, Toronto, was hurriedly som- moned to Ottawa. Later. --Lady Victoria Ghenioll, has successfully passed the erisin of the typhoid attack under which she was suffering. Earl and Countess Grey, in their anxiety, did not attend the opening of the musical dramatic competiti 'The Toronto specialist has assured | them that there will be improvement. Spread Of Bubonic Plague. Rio 'De Janiero, Jan, 20. The hu- bonic plague is spreading at an alarming rate. Up to the present there are sixty cases and fourteen deathw, Yellow fever has also 'made its appearance and several deaths from leprosy are reported. The bubonic plague was brought into this ecuntry by a numbér of coolies on a Britis tramp steamship. They were shi in Bombay. All steps are being taken by the sanitary authorities tp. stop the spread of the diseases, » Panic In A Theatre. Viena, Jan, 29.--A mouse scurried across the auditorium of the Royal ro in Josefstadt during a per- 'formance of "The Fiedermaus," last night. Some of the women t stood upon their seats and a causing a semi-panic, the bulk of the andienee not knowing . the cause of the alarm, The performers left the stage twenty minutes before calm was restored. The mouse escaped. Nine Jurors Now. is to try Harry K. Thaw for killing Stanford White * is rapidly pearing completion, When court adjourned last evening there were nibe men in the New York, Jan. 20.-The jury which | When we say cheap, we don mean it in the amse of "trash we mean good wuts | and waists garments that © will wear Tong and well and will be | a eredit to the wearer and to) this store, ; coats, skirts, colors p Models at $15 to $18 Tomorrow at inn ... $5.00 Shi Wail a Made of fine duality od Justre, front fn To-morrow oc. S& "nas | No Exchange. Sales for Cush, J STEACY'S ---- BORN. HEPBURN .-Ii Kineston 1907, to Mr. wind . Mes. King 'st 3 QUINN~ANDERSON In Roman Catholic ¢hurch New Fork, on 'r, 5 DIED. MeCINERN In, Ringeton, on Ja s ty, of the lute ve: ¥ Sixty-five years. i 4 unernl will take place w, terment heine tate at Canina late residence, No. 3 : sixty-seven years. Funeral private ; no flowers. ROBERT J. REID 55 Musicians--C Assisted by the jury box, one having been added dur ing the morning, and a second jut be fore the hous of fi a a oF thought to-night that the testimony may be begun Wednesday afternoon. Chobe! : , "English." a _-- = Gibson's Red Cron PA Sow ni schools orth Jin oom is Wi a doeen in the poolroom, . 3