Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Jan 1907, p. 3

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shrink, -- your own dealer so uarantees it FUR SALE | only Gent's Fur-Lined Coat, ed with best quality 'Russian ack' Rat, No.1 ' Otter Collar, rth $125, for $95. | Ladies' Electric "Seal, worth 0, for $32.50. . Ladies' Raccoon Coat 50 shes long, worth $75, for $52.50. 'he above are for Cash Oaly. W. F. GOURDIER EXCLUSIVE FURRIER -80 Brock St. Phone 700 Optical Work fully Executed Spectacles and Eyeglasses vroperiv fitted. New and up-to-date mountin~s. Eyes carefully examined. SMITH BROS. = Jowelers and Opticians 350 King Street Testers of Marriage Licenses. Wood's Phos IR 3 Fatt, vetiah, Bema A ie Per ire, Bee iest of 4 buse or Kacesses. e §1 per box, six for One will aly cu; Sold by all or mailed i X; . on feoe] of pamphle Ay Windsor) Toronto, Ont. Trya Poundot OPS' mows wane Sausages Sunday's Breakfast, 60 Broek St. . mbroideries. We show the sweliest range of IBROIDERIES ! verbrought into Kingston, | the very narrow widths ie wide widths, for flounc. Insertions, mn an end. variety of patterns and hs, all at opular Prices ything in the way of Ce NTER G00DS il be sold at a big reduc In price. 'ool Underw re: ankets. weed Suits, : firts and Children's i be sold very cheap. For all kinds of Family Baking BEAVER FLOUR has no equal. It is the only flour blended especially for household use and this blend- ing "Duan nd Saee enables the housewife to get the best "Fall Wheat gives flavor Spring Wheat gives strength. The bet cofts no more than the next beat. Your grocer should have it for you. write for prices on al) kinds Coarse Grains and Cereals. ed, Chatham, ie con which women can old in three degrees azes ORCHESTRA THE BUSY ONE. Out-of-Town engagements accepted. Violin, Viola, Cello Instruction. 'When . You ' COAL P. WALSH You getgenuine Scranton as he handles nothing Sitters stet ems Au English promoter has signed contracts for steamers for a proposed fast line between Galway or Berehaven and some point on the east coast of Cobalt Development . Gompany Own 5 Mining Properties and tra Town site: 5; C. PER SHARE J. E. Cunningham * Sarees JANUARY SALE CONTINUES {BRITISH RELATIONS te Sa ---- . : GOOD WITH ALL POWERS, SAYS MR. BRYCE, -- United States Es - bassador Praises Mr. Root's Speech and Refers to the Case of Canada. Manchester, Eng., Jan. 28.--James Bryce, the ambassador to the United States, and Mrs. Bryce, were given a farewell dinner at the reform club. A lage company was present. Mr, Bryee ing 10 a toast to his health, re- ferred to Great Britain's rela ane | itions with all the powers, "There is one friendship which is of especial valde to all of us; I refer to the United States. ' I am happy to think our relations with that countsy have never 'been better. Never, in- deed, do I think they have been so good as they are at this 'moment. The incident fresh ih our memory need be referred to only for the sake of saying that the moral of it was. "This is how different things are mow, happily, from those times when an incident like that would have been the signal of cries of defiance in the press of bbth { countries." Fortunately, in both coun- | tries no one took this matter as any- thing but an occasion wherein we loould show our trust in ome another. Even "more significant was the recent visit of Secretary Root to Canada. 1 hope you all read the speech of Mr. Root. I never remember any deliver ance of a responsible statesman utter ed in a higher or broader spirit, and nothing more calculated by its recogni- tion of "the splendid progress of Can- ada, and its lucid statement of the reasons for good feeling between Can- ada and the United States, to promote friendship and good will between Can- adda and the United States, and our selves and the "United States. This speech is an admirable, omen for the future. It is an admirable sign of the new spirit of relationship of these three people, or rather these two peo ples, for we and the Canadians ave, after all, part of the British people, that such a visit has been paid, and such a speech made. There is nothing that ought to be dearer to us than the maintenance of the most friendly and the most intimate relations with the great republic across the *Atlantic." The guests of the evening here inter rupted Mr, Bryce with cheers. "There is no higher task to which auy one can be called," Mr. Bryce continued, "than trying, in however small a degree, to contribute to the drawing closer of these ties, not only of interest, but what is higher, and greater, of sympathy, ties that rest in community of language, and in the possession of the same literature, and the same political institutions and traditions." At this point Mr. Bryoe was again interrupted by cheers. "Ihave had the honor of being se {lected to represent this government in the United States," the speaker con- tinued, "but not only this government but the English people, desire the clos cst friendship with the United States." The assembled company here inter rupted Mr. Bryce with cheers for the third time, Mr. Bryce concluded his spech with emphasizing the necessity of intnoduc- ing radical reforms in the House of Lords. He referred also to Ireland, saying he leit that country peaceful | and tranquil. He deprecated the pub- lication of false reports concerning dis turbances in Ireland when he was ad- ministering the country. Mr, Bryce reminded his hearers that they must bear in mind thé past cen- turies of mis-government and misun- derstanding, the results of which could solved, and that he trusted most of those present would live to see the so- have/n ver stood against good lution. \ AGAINST GAMBLING. A Picton Clergyman Has Made : otests Picion, Jan. 28.--Rev. W. L. Armi- tage, vicar of Bt. Mary's 's has begin a pulpit crusade against ag, which is said to be con ted quite openly about town. "1 ck sport,' said Mr. Armitage in Sunday sermon. "But of late there as been too much money up on the resalt of the local hockey matches. There 'are men who meet night after night to gamble at cards; this comes fiom betty' on hockey, ete." It js rumored that a result of Mr. Armi- tages attacks will be that information against certain places will shortly he laid at the proper place, Instead of five as at present. it is ood that there will be eight on the teaching staff of the new. Col legiate Institute. Domestic science and manual training. are to be the new features of the school, each elass of which will require its instructor. The board will institute these new fea- tures and take advantage of the gov- ernment grants. The third new toach- er will be a specialist for the com- mercial class, which through the luck accommodation in the rooms over Gilbert's restaurant, which are serving for high school this winter, had :c he discontinued. H has-/ beer' estimated that the increase in the teachinr si, ff will not entail more than $200 extra expenditure for salaries, by the board. The government pays the pd- ditional required. Mr. Benson of the Bank of Montrag! has becn called to his home in the lower provinces, owing lo the illness of his father. Arthur Dunéan, nephew of John Jamieson, has been promoted from the Londen branch of the Bank of Mcntreal, to Fort William. Mr. Duncan is well known in Picton. T. J. Milne, chief engineer of the Hep- burn fleet, was in Montreal last week purchasing new machinery for the S.S. Lloyd 8. Porter. Miss Annie Evans, of Trenton, is the guest of Mr. and Mis. D. J. Barker, "Old Grange." Miss Maude Waddon has gone to | [i New York city for a month's visit. Wo. G. McClellan has returned from Co- | boure. where he spent last week es- | tablish'ne a new branch of the Met ropolitan Rank. Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard Benson leave this week on a trip to Missouri. Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Al ison have returned from Toronto. |} Mrs. W. V. Pettat is visiting friends | in Toronto. Toronto Street Market. Toronto, Jan. 28.--~Wheat, white, per | | bush., 730. to 7de.; wheat, red, per bush., 73¢. to T4c.: wheat, spring, per bush., 70c.; wheat, goose, per bush., Ghic. to 67c:; oats, per bush., dlc. to 43c.; barlev, per bush., 5c. to 36c.: peas. per bush., 78¢.; hay, timothy, per ton, $13 to $14.50; mixed, ° por ton, £10 to $12: straw, per ton, S13: {'seeds, Alsike, fancy, per bush., £6.75 to 87; No. 1, per bush., 85.75 to £5.85. red clover, néw,. per bush., 88 t, 88.25: red clover, old, per bush.. $7 to & : timothy, per bush., £1.25 to $1.80; dressed hogh, $9 10 $9.40. eggs, new laid, per dos; 35¢.; butter, dairy per 'b., 2B/e. to Re; troamery, por Ib., 30c. to 32.: chickens, dressed, per Ib.' lle. to 13¢.; ducks, per lin, lle. to 12c.; turkeys, per Ib., 1c. to 16e.: apples, per bbl, $1.50 to £9.75. pota , toes, per bush., 65¢c. to 75c.: cabbage, per doz, 30c. to 50¢c.: onions. per bag, $1: beef, hindquarters $6.50 to 87.50; foreguarters, £4.50 to £3.30: choice, carcase, $6.75 to $7: me linm, carcase, $5.50 to $6; mutton, per not be abolished in afew years. He ©Wt., £9 to $10; veal, per cwt., §9 to exhorted those to remember how much better things ' had ' become since Mr. » are oing to offer some very spicialiprices i yn ler of the week. Al Winter (Goods must be sold. Furs and Blankets at_1-3 Off Co 0 'THE JAMES JOHNSTON STORE 180 WELLINGTON STREET, * $10.50; lamb, per ewt., $10 to $11.50 The Unrest In Servia. Belgrade, Jan. 20. into effect in the ing members of the House of Depu ties, prominent men in civil and mili- tary life, and the chiofs of the politi- cal parties are stated to have Joined the conspiracy to aad the Karageor- gievitch dynasty. According to infor- mation received, the intended first ro- Martial law gos sult of the coup d'etat will be the es- takdishment of o in' the hands of six The regents would then take time to prepare an explanatory statement of the situation for presentation to the great powers, which they would also consult as to the choice prince for the throne of Servia. They would urge upon the" friendly consid- eration of the powers the fact that the two present dynasties of Obrenoviteh and Karagenorgeivitch have been fair- ly tried and found incompatible with the culture necessary to the worthy - at tainment of Servia's proper' political destiny. Great unrest prevails and foreigners aro leaving the state. provisional regency or eight ministers of .a foreign econgmical welfare and progressive I ------ Curing Rheumatism. The cure of rheumatism has been difficult, and takes time, even when al- lowed to become chronic. But there is ho longer reason why any one should doubt that rheumatism can be thor oughly cured. Dr. Hall's Rheumatic Cure has been tested in all sorts of casts of Rheumatism, Sciatica and Neuralgia, and it has cured them. It rémoves rheumatic poison from the blood, eloanses the entire system and removes every vestige of the diseases. In ordinary cases results are Surpris- ingly prompt. Ten days' treatment, price -» at Wade's Drug Store. -------------- have grave apprehensions about the time their patients' dis- feaeh a' climax. | any. o man's idea of hospitality is to bring other men home and have his cook for them. you hive. Blind, ternal, ng. or rdt's Hem-Ioid usand stestimonials have been permanently by / . are mot cured you get your Y hoe, $1.00 at drueeists, or the Fyle Co. Limited, Niagara Falls, - Piles Sufferer, Saved From An Operation By a Half Box of the Pyramid Pile Cure--You Can Try It Free. "1 cannot belp writing to you about fou wonderful cure for piles. When hidie to you fae o mmple | was thinking going through an opers- tion. It I thought 1 would give your eo 4d al. I amSa happy that 1 did for 1 am cured and only used half & box. 1 write this for hu- manity's sake. I had piles over since the year 1891. 1 wish you would pub lish wy name through the Bulletin per for 1 am wellknown in the ine C Use my name the best way you know how. Thanking you for your good advice. Yours trul- Cleophns Forte, Marine Barracks, U. S.N: Training Station, San Francis co, Cal What should induce this United States seaman to write us in this manner if not. gratitude for being vured of a disease which had torture) him for: fifteen years ? Mr. Forte was positively unknown to us until = he wrote for the sample of cur wonderful remedy. Possibly you too are driven nearl: to madness with pies and have thought an operation the only cure. Let us urge you before going to this expense and suffering and submitting to this humiliation, write vs to-dav for the free trial package, of the Pyramid Pile Cure. Its action is im- mediate and relief is sure. The rs putation of its makers is a guarante: of its freedom from harmful ingre- dients. There is nothing in_it but healing, soothing elcments, which work upon the fevered tisws, brag mew Jife to the bowel and make its action painless and natural. The sample we 'send vou contains exactly the same romedy as you buy at any druggists at 50c. per box. Send to-day and sce what wonderful results this sample will bring. It costs you nothing to trv. Pyramid Drug Co.,' 78 Pyramid Building, Mar- shall, Mich. ELECTED WARDEN, A Sketch of Lennox and Adding- ton's Head. State, to-day. Lead- | L. GALLAGHER. Napanee Beaver L. Gallagher, warden of Lennox ond Addington, was born in the Coun ty of Lecds, in May, 1860, and belongs to one of the pioneer families of the county, being the sixth son of the late James Gallagher, one of the fore moit a¥ a farmer 'and local man of «nterprise. Ho is also a brother of J. S. Gallagher, M.P.I". Harrowsmith faithfal helper to his* father up to the time of his coming to this county in the fall of 1585, whapihe embarked as a merchant in the old stand of the late Sidney Warner; ~ Wilton. which profession he still Tollows. . He has also been much © infepestad in the cheese industry, and probably has done as much as ang other man in the county to utd to ite advance ment, having snctessipli® rated and managed what (e-Enowaf as the 'Farmers' Friend," and "Farmers Choire," ch ese and butter factories for fourteen yracsl~Hp has occupied the position of Yioe-PhSident of the Eastern Dnirvman® Asoeiation for alot ten vears, has been president of the Frontenac "Cheese Poard at Kingston: also secrethtyfreasurer of {+ board for five years. As a munici 1al comeillor, no man in. the town ship of Emestiown has done more to put the fnancial ateoupts in ao pro- rer-amd trie light before the electors, rnd he attributes much of his suceess to his faithfulness asa Servant in this respect, and no doubt the people have confidence in him because he has made a success of all hic business under takings. Mr. Gallagher was elected resva in 1906, and re-elected hy pear lv double the majority in 1907, which fo to show his serviers are avpreci- etd. Np doubt the townshin of Ern- esttown will congratulate itself on having the warden as its peeve, Mr. Gol'asher has taken the Yine of temperance reform from his childhood. and being =trict to observe the true principle of eaval rights and justice to nll, hat acted in such a manner in public bukiness that the confidines of the peorls romaine unshaken in him. In politics, bn is a libaralconserva- tive, and in religion, a Methodist, hot has a vrofonnd respeet for all religi- ous d naminaticn:s. Wo feel sure we have in the verson of the new warden she that will dot in shy way disgrace the county which he represents. hut on the contrary will bring to the Tosi tion dignity and respeet. Too Many Mounted Heads. New York Sun. . Lovers of fine animal skine would have heen interested in the eollection recently mounted at the workshop of a Seventh avenue taxidermist. They wera all native hnimals, some half a don in number, and represented the fruits of a hunting expedition of I'r~ sident Roosevelt in the Rocky Moun taine. He had sent them on here to ive mounted for ure in the White House. 1 heads, revived at Med Cnr of his injunctions' to the taxider- mist was to moimt the heads flat as ing blokes' in the. w nr William Senin, piano fer, Orders | The warden remained as a true and J certificie | ared he had too many "'stumb- | nuphications of Peck's Com Salve. jie duviated hia ' ot mounted | Guaranteed. Money back if not satis | factory. In boxes 15c., at Wade's THE PE Firat le. a word. Bach cone sortion, : A « & lines or . or Sond Sevrybody in Kincswe 801ds the WHIG HELP WANTED-MALE, tt te ---------------- DETECTIV aS SHRED, RELIABLE man for profita secret service, uel wuder orders; no Shpt lence neo cessary. Write H. ©, a dianapolis, Ind. men, bring your own cloth and - cheap up-to-date suit made. price and finish Funtenteed. The Tailor, 181° Brock: strevs. : VEN To Ral BUMS TRAE in to $18 weekly. hou Canada and Unites Noir Bhroer ollogs, ad Spadine Toronto. HELP WANTED-FEMALE. a -------------------------- GOOD PLAIN COOK. APPLY TO MRS. Nickle, 130 Earl St.. in the evening. GIRLS ™ WORK ON LADIES tailoring, those Who can rua sewing ' machines. Johnston Tuiloring Co. HOUSEMAID, REFERENCES RE. quired. Apply to Miss Brown, 1388 University Ave. GOOD GENERAL SERVANT, HIGH. est way paid. Avnly in the even fug to Mrs. C. F. Qidersieeve, 199 King street. A FEW SMART GIRLS, TO WORK IN paper box factory. Good Fong 4 sad 'steady work. Apply Kingston Hoglery Ci Co., ine street. GENERAL SERVANT -TO COOK AND do housework, small family. Apply Mrs. Meyer, 196 Johnson St., be tween 7 and 9 p.m, A FEW SMART GIRLS TO WORK JN finishi room, to opera sewing ------ Good wages and steady work. Annly Kingston Hosiery Co., King street. MEDICAL. DR. McCARTHY, OFFICE LATELY occupied hv Dr. Ryan, corner Mon- treal and Brock streets, ee DR. IL. WOOD, DR. J. F. SPARKS Physicians and Si "orner Wellinwrton and William i, © She Was Not Allowed in Unitéd States. Niagara Fells, N.Y. Review. ", "> igation ests at the up per bridge turned buck ou young girl, about sixteen years of ag? ha tried to got into this country three times. The girl in question. is a young Syrian, who, about & month ago, was married in Kingston, Ont., and after living with her husband a few days became weary of cobnubial bliss and started for this side, where she was turned back, on the ground of at- tempting to bring stolen jewelry into the United States The second at tempt she made to get over the bridge her becoming reconciled to remain in the king's domain. HAD SLUGGISH LIVER. Bileans Effected a Complete Cure For Indigestion. The Liver rules the body: Bileans rule the liver. "A sluggish liver in my case led to constipation and in- ligestion,"' says Mrs. Frances Greene, Earl street, Kingston, Omt. "I felt dull and sleepy, had no energy what ever for work, ani ever now and agnir I had a bad attack of biliousmess, The food I ate seemed to lie htavy on my stomach and did me no good. I bad wind and cramps in the stom- ach and bowels from the food decom- posing. The constipation was so bad that my bowels had to he forced at each passage. All kinds of medicines I tried, but nothing did me any last ing good until 1 got Bileans. I have nme: found anything 10 equal them for constipation and liver and stom- ach troubles. They soon began te do! me good and in the end cured me. Sines using them 1 feel like & differ ent woman. I am bright and buoyant in spirits, not dull and sleepy as 1 used to be. 1 have got my energy and activity back, and, in fact, all my ailments have yielded to Bileans.' Bilcans are a purely herbal remedy and operate gently on liver and sto- mach, stimulating those organs to carry out their functions in nature's normal way. Headache, constipation, bilionsness~ piles, pains in the chest and hack, wind pains and dizziness-- all those symptoms arise really from derangements of liver and stomach, sd fiat bv eotrecting the root canse of these trovbles, Bjleans speedily end them all. This is surely better than tak- ing powders for headache, hot drinks for wind pain, and dealing with each symptom piecemeal ? All druggists wcll Bileans at Bbc. ner box, or ob tainable from the Bilean Co.. Toron- to, upon recsipt of price. Six boxes for $2.50. Write for free sample, which will be mailed you on receipt o a on» cent stamp. Se -------- Miss Rowan, a pupil of the Pem- broke High School, was not. givin the he obtained at the mid- examination owing to a sus: picion that she "copiéd." The de- partment investigated and sent hee er certificate, saying she passed with honors. If you once try Carter's Little Liver Pills for sick headache, biliousness or constipation, you will nover be with- out them. They are purely yegetable; | small and easy to take. Don't forget this. Hard: or soft coins cured with three v OP TO BUY GOOD HOUSE. FOR $2,000 8 Wha oma Address Box QUALIFIED TEACHER, FOR S. 8. pte plies, vig, BO 100 CARS NU. 1 and NO. 3 TIMOTHY Hay, shipment, December Rw ye Wo wyer Uo., Limited, Trust h ttawa, Oot. 3 § HELP WANTED--MALE, | Sales Manager. Experienced specialty - salesman re- quired for Liptow's English line of goods. Must be thore ly expert enced in the wholesale and retail cory trade thro put the whole of Canada. Write il particulars in confidence, stating Age, Past trav. cling experience, whom at resent employed hy salary required, ete, to * care THOMAS J. LIFTON, 39 Pearl Street, New York Qity. ARCHITECTS. te ete es ARTHUR ELLIS, ROHITECT, OM fice, Cor. Queen al Bagot re -------------------- WM. \NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF fice, second floor over M 's roots. En ---------------------------------- LADIES' SILVER WATCH, WITH monogram on back, on Thu afternoon. Liberal reward for its re. turn to Temperance House, on Queen street. A LADIES SILVER WATCH, WITH gold fob attgched, on Saturday. Re- ward for its return to this Office. MRS. NICKLEBY'S GARDEN, Where Dickens Laid One of Mis Famous Scenes. Lomdon Daily News. Many interesting associations are linked with the Grove Hall estate, at Bow, which is to come under' the auctioneer's hammior, to-day. It was here 'that Charles Dickens laid the scheme of the amusing love making episodes between Mrs. Nicholas Nickle by dnd the "gentleman belonging to | the house next door." Here stood {the "little cottage at Bow," and the {quaint, old garden in which Mrs. | Nickleby and her daughter, Kate, re {osived the love offerings of vegetable i * 3 {marrows, cucumbers and onions, iy occurred about two wicks ago. This | still in exi last 'unsucoessful effort to eater the | Luited States will probably result in | stence, Until recently the estate was the sito of Myas' private lunatic asylum {ust off the Bow road the high road {to Chigwell, with which. the novelist was well acquainttd--and about three jor four hand .road the visitor comes to a large, high | brick wall. Passing through the nar- {row porters lodge, he at once stops {into an Old World garden of quainte| and singular beauty. In front of him | stretches a long avenue of plane trees, red yards down Fairfield and away in the distance are vistas jof winding paths and leafy anes. It is a strange spot, situated in the {heart of London's east end, a spot which few would expect to find in this busy district. At the end of the avenve and away to the left lies the {old time garden in which the eocen- tric lover communed in the days of long ago. The old wall, thickly cov- ered with ivy and creepers, over which the "'gentloman from next door" con- versed. with Mrs. Nickleby, is still { there, much worn with age. In the {ventre of "the garden is a large patch {of evergreens. and marigolds, while Sweet smelling . jasmine perfumes the wir With it3 fragrance. Une can easily reconstruct the love mene in this old- fashioned corner and see in imagina- tion the lady demurely 'rejecting the proposals of the madman from next door." The little cottage has long since been demolished, and on its site now stant the remains 'of a lawndey. But the land if these old associations are nllowed to he wbliterated by the march of the marks are still loft, and it will be a pity bailder. Ht is a de lightful svlvish retreat and the many lovers of Dickens will hope that the suggestion of the Dickens Fellowship that the authorities should' secure the place as a public recreation ground will be acted upon. The estate, which is still surrounded by the high wall of Byas' private lunatic asylum, com- prises close upon a doren acres of beautifully. wooded 'land. Such a *pot would make an ideal recreation ground. The asylum itself was closed early in the present year, and thebuildings, with the exception of one or two at the extreme loft of .the grounds, hav, been pulled down. 5 Wate To Visit Kingston. It is intimated What the members of the Ontario legishature purpose mak- ing a trip to Queen's 'niversity campus, to look over the Sthoel of Mines, now asking for additional sup- port. The Alma Mater Society, of Queen's,' will look after the members on their arrival at the college. a ---- . Kingston And Cape Stage. Connection with Cape Vincent is now made by warm, covéred stages. Cross ing first-class, leaving here at 2 p.m. Sixty-five Sonia lnry a 81 fountain tore, . syringe. The énd of L January The family tree of the gealter is a Subbb goods sale - Sinen's Set | plum tree. PLES FOR CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES * TE ------ NURSE STRIKERS' CHILDREN. DOUBLE RAM, Howse. on Bagel PETROV Art st. Tenders TR W. Newlands, Architect, noon of Feb. 2nd, 1907, v LIVERPOOL, LONDON Be & Stranve. Avents. CaM oe SO 1st of 2 « ' Mahon, 7. wii a8 EDISION ' 3 har Ss Bo eo EE ---------------------------------------- aE . vingston, roe "EEE HESSEN The Paragraph Pulpit REV. C. W. CASSON, OTTAWA 'the: 3 2 & Br be purities are ji by the errors the economio tem. It is our task to teach the absolute need of person-i ul Shradler. jot the essential to soci al safety and permanent progress real reform. The social system a i the product of character. than charac ter is the product of the social sys. tem. It is only the individual oaverts his diviner self, and defies his made environment, that progress is and maintained, Address Mr. Casson for free litera: tare, New Method of Aiding Partieip- ants in Labor Dispute. ; Paris, Jan. 29.-Sixty little boys ond girls arrived here, to-night. to be nursed hy the families Paris workers whl their a athers, the boot« makers, are on strike at Fougeres. The premier, M. Clomencoaw, has expressed his sympathy with the humane arrangement, and has volun- tered to py all the railway fares. The little children were sot by an enthusiastic crowd when they arrivedie by specind tenip, and wore driven | A ¥ brakes to the Bourse du Travail. Here. they were allotted, and the workmen who have arranged to look after them took them home. ! Thee ure 7,500 workers on strike in 'Fougeres, and ° other batches of theirgehaldren will arfive later. REFUSED TO BE AMBASSADOR. Prefers Salary to a Mere Honor, Paris, Jan. 205M. Leygies has re fined he pust of ambassador at Ma: drid, as he probers to retain his, posis. ton ax depuly, with its salary of $8 per day. re M. Levgues might have retained his deputyship if his appointment as am- : i or had been made a temporary 'ove, renewable every six nronths. Ki Alfonso, however, did not consider compatible with his dignity to accept a temporary ambassador. "I have been 4 minister myself," says M. ley , "and 1 know the way to keep your hold ow the ifisiariol memory is nit an active politician. Once d Jong active politics, and you are he EE -------- CURES THE WORST 5 COUGHS OR COLDS. The Ozonated Air Cure, "Be known as "'Catarrhosons;" is den to colds. 3 \ : Ita health-laden fumes contain the healing balsams of the pine woods. Soothing and antiseptic, = it gives instant relief--stops gagging, hawk ing and sneesing. ; pous gr are "eleared away, breathing mn casy and oa-' tific. nothing possesses such might of siarit in winter Hi ri] me, Fo a dh N.C. Poison & Co. ta 1 symptoms entirely disappear. Delightful "and pleasant is Catarrh- ogone, Simp to use hetause you breathe ft--sure to cure Ids sod catarch checause it + the cause. Doctors say nothing is more solen- Do try Catarrhokone !: sant: Kingston, #

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