sted Food nains"in the stomach and refuses to of i estion. This undigested food sensitive 'coating of the stomach ly, particularly the head; suffer--in | food remains in the stomach, the oses of W'S PILLS he of the stomach and give contents the stomach of its burden ie use rengthens the stomach nerves and , healthy condition. ire all stomach troubles, while their d kidneys greatly improve the gen- used and recommended by the gen- aes Beecham, St. Helens, Lancashire, Eng. | U, 8. Americe. In boxes ag cents, + S0L004£60000000000/0066606660068000600808 will ¢ very. article he is $ : 4 > "Trousers 'ready for use... _ 4 s oolens the best, the making cor- of Trousers, and $5 will buy. 0000000000 0000000000000 0000000ltididiiddsdisssa TVVVVVVITIPVOVOTVOV00000000000000000000000000 3s Our $10 Sale Bibby Co. savor, ts Flavor-- y ibbon PA cate tonic for all. - to 81 a Ib.-- All grocers. ind Dry ® E = RV VIVVOV0000000 han Filtered by nature-- refiltered by science! OCCURRENCES RECOUNTED carbonated with purified gas |. ">" 1N GRIER FORM, there is no water so refresh. | - ER ER -- ing and zestful to mix with Marae Tua tt Sveywdy spirits. Quenches thirstina| of Everything Easily Read wholesome way ; improves | 4 Erbin tint small-pox is the flavor of liquors; does the stomach good. NEWS OF THE WORLD reported on the Muncey Indian reserve. government are taking steps to the imprisonment of diseased w | borses in the west. Xr ¥ i 1° Al desginteh to ths Stockholm, Swe- £ York Sparks sf denis Daghlad, "from St. Petersburg, 0S says Count Tolftoi is dying. John S. Denno, New York, a tra: velling freight agent, thirty-six years old, was chosen as the tenth juror in stop is better--yet costs no more. The Mineral Springs Limited, Toronto RLAND ! the Thaw trial, to-day. JAMES McPA 4 ' The provincial government has de § RIGNEY & HICKEY. tied to establish a new judicial dis- tiict in Northern Ontario, with the town of Sudbury as a centre. Alvin Gilroy, "sentenced over two Years ago to five years in peniten- tiary for robbing Day's store, at Port Stanley, has been pardoned, John Walker, a prominent resident of Paris, Ont., for thirty years, died, T yrmomning, in his soventyisey. enth year. "He had served in the town council and on other public boards, tetocseestetess You cannot buy finer Whisky i than . Orie of Qidbec's most prominent cit- zens, Philippe Huot, notary paiblic, - died, Tuesday morning, aged eighty- two years! Deceased had. hen in ill- health "for some time, so 'that his de- mise was not unexpected, { The 'recount in connection with the LIQUEUR ® | last municipal contest in Victoria » ward, Ottawa, has resulted in the | present alderman, Mr. Boucher, re- / taining h's seat by thirteen votes. He had cloven at the election. Following its " usual progressive poligy, - the Canadian Bank of Com- metee will, on February Ist, open branch at Prince Rupert, terminus of the Grand Trunk Pacific railway. This branch will be in charge of E, Carr-Hilton, of Vaneouver, This bring: the number of Commerce branches to 168. The wolf hunt, being organized by the C. P. R. in northern Ontario, which starts next week, is attracting widispréad attention. Mr. Armstrong has: reccived word that Mr. Chapman game warden of Michigan, accompani- ¢d by a number of United States army officers, from Fort Bradley, near. the Soo, @® to join the expedition' ac- | companied by a number of Russian wolf hounds. -------------- WANTED HIM OUT SCOTCH a the western Amalgamated Distillers Co London Glasgow & Montreal 3 i § : » FIFIIIIIIIIIISIIVIS ERY ---- TTY And One of. Their Own Put In. Toronto, Jan. 23.7 peculiar story was told by Charles Law, a private detective, * this morning, in the inwes- tigation Party Headache and relieve all the troubles net sont to a billous state of the system, such as officials in regard to the conduct of Mr. Vanzant. daw did not know for whom he was mak- ing the enquiry, but, in his evids nce this morning, he said that at the jail it was thought he was from the at- torney-general's department. He testi- fiid that he had interviewed jail stew- of the charges made against Dizziness, Nsusce, Drowsiness, afte | WNancant, of the Toronto aati pie ie nd et Jail." Law was employed by the Cana- dian Detective Agency and was teld to go to the jail and make a private enquiry among the Constipation, { Meadnche, yet Carter's Lite Liver Pills are { 1 a ain com; it, while hey oe eorrectall disorders of { hestomach stim Alves hut regulate the bowels. Even if they only | DAILY PERSOJAL MENTION. * Movements of The People--~What They Are Saying And Doing. BRITISH WHI1G, TUESDAY, E. Botting left yesterday for Cape Vinven'. ; N. K. Turner, Toromo, was in the city to-day. W. F. Kidd, Simeoe, is in the city on business. R. A. Scott, Montreal, on business] H. B. Sherwood, Napance, was. in the city to-day. H. G. Erook, city on business. EF. L. Smith, city is in the city Peterboro, is in the Napanee, is in on business," rs. W. K. Routley, stret, is quitell. . F. Stephen, Huntington, is in the city on business. Frank McCue left yesterday for Na- panee to affend the races. James Sutherland has returned to the city after his southern trip. Miss Madelon Jackson, Kingston, spent two months in Battersea. Mr. and Mrs. Goorge Richards the Sydenham Madelon Jackson spent Sunday in | California. J. L. Day has returned to the city after an extended business trip Toronto and Cobalt. Clarence Cole and John Kilborn, of Cape Vincent, weil known here, are in the city today, on business. Miss Beatrice Tandy won in the points competition for January, at the curling rink, by one point. Wod reccived from Carey, from Preston Spi that he is much better, to go to church on Sunday. Miss Craig will represent Queen Street Methodist church society at a Christian ~ Endeavor convention to be held at Carleton Place, next wink, Henry Hague, uncle of G. Hague, of this city, died at Glen Ridge, N J.. on Friday, last, aged seventy-two years, He was the New York represen. tative of the Merchants Bank. The many friends of Edward H. Ball, the venerable tyler of the Masonic lodges, in this city; will be sorry to learn that he is confined to his home, Ordnance street, suffering from no very severe attack of sciatica and stomach trouble. MADAME LE GRAND REED onothey would bealmostpricelossto thosewhe | ard, John MoMillan, deputy gover | Soprano Soloist, = with The Pittshurgh suffer from this goomplaint; butforts | nor, Wilson, ~Engineor Brown and riot The, "truswl, 'on Bho cacatey te ad youd ered thoss other' officials, and they all expressed hs! : in so many ways that they will not be wil a desire to have Vanzant t 0 ETA m. But after alla: sk heed NE a ant out aml on of "our party," as . they put it, ap: pointed as governor, It appeared in the examination that Law really. had . oe been engaged on behalf of Governor the bane of 50 many lives that here is where Vansant to go fo the jail and find We make our great boast. Our pillscureit while out the feelings of the officials" there A LIVELY RUNAWAY, Farmer's Team Makes a Dash on King Street. There was a lively runaway on {ing fixed and | Price, in | pcared for the | the circumstances of the case sentenced | Popay to one year in the Central pri- son. : ; | Avery sad part of the affair is the {fact that the prisoner was married a Archdeacon | Kingston lady. Mrs, rings, says | thing about her husband's trouble till and was able | after he had been sentenced, when word | the { prisoner cried bitterly when led avay | | { | | | | i | | to volte. | | | | was { | the | clerk had informed the deputy that he | | regards the King street. shortly after éight o'clock Carter's Littlo Liver Pills are very small and were towards the governor. This was Ro i easy to take. One or two pills makes doso. admitted } Vn conse]. W a this morning. William Vanhorn, They are strictly vegetablo and do not on oh Y }anZant s mae. Ward. | well-known Pittsburgh butcher, drov Jo, hut by thelr Hlonction plensedll wha | tn Gilmauriof the Central Prison, was up to an 'hotel on King street, to BY rains ov enn acrnae} fvetor $1. e called as a witness and. said that he deliver. some meat. He had Just CARTER MEDICINE CO. New Yor heard nothing of Vanzamt but good. alighted from the rig, when the ani i " mals set off ut a fast gait, heading Small BL Small Do, Small Pris MAY LOSE EYESIGHT. for the market square. Several other | rer aA The Water Proved to Be Car |: : bolic Acid. ° v Port Huron, Mich., Jan. 29. --Bert |' Desmond, a bartender at the St. Cloud hotel, may. los¢ his sight as the result of what was meant to be a harmless joke. While Desmond Institution Frontenac Business . College KINGSTON ONTARIO Pay and Evening Classes Moderate Rates. Ty N. STOCKPDALB, Principal. }: b and argument, the latter picked up what |" he thought to be a glass of water and The liquid in the glass proved to be 3 ta I earbolic acid instead of water and the ed. A physician was summoned, but it | | is doubtiel if Desmond's sight can be 1 saved. A DOCTOR FINED For Béing Late in Attendance at Court. Phone, 880. court, as a witness, was an unexpect- od' incident before Justice Clute, this morning, in ( charged with the sale of noxious drags. Dr, A. P. Rose had been sum- |! moned: as a - witness and, yesterday | afternoon, the court had to adiourn twenty minutes earlier than usual, because. the doctor was not there. This morning the doctor was twenty minutes late in appearing in court. Jnatios fli asked or an explana- tion and the @oclor snid he was nt- 3 tending a patient. Because he had not | | sent word to the court he was fined | © $5 by the judge, via pfu x Yon cannot bly bave a better | ' 3 A delicious drink and a sustaining food. Fragrant, nutritious and economical. This sxcellent Cocos maintains the om -in robust health, and a it to resist winter's extreme cold. ( | Sixty Candidates Jo. Hamilton, Ont., Jan. 99. The annu- al reunion. of the Ancieat Jd Acitps Recovering Bodies. 3 and 'wi continue for hres days 'A Buffelo, NY... fan, :20¢-Tom md v : 3 rere of | 1¥3sted, the bodies of Ligut. William rl EE eR in }-1b, and &-| : andi t Mitel States, 'are in attend- | Megan, 'of Engine company No, R, I------------------ ce ¥¥ork of the fourth h, | were found in the ruins of the Seneca sixth and seventh degrees was p on this moming: sixty candidates," were | F up for initiation. { ¥ i ---------- "TNESURht To Do With It. Washington, Jan. 290.--1t was stated by a high official of the administry- tion that if Governor Swettenham is interested in the poultry in- er and vicinity have uptted to form the Renfrew Co-opera- tive. Poultry and Egg Association, and have elected D. Muirhead as pre sident dnd Halter 8. Wright an tor ' members TT er: and the Square, they Kennedy a. fricad, ern. engaged in o friendly | 10% 90 50. as the agaist a | mals wanted to continue their threw the contents in Desmond's face. course y ' scene, succeeded 1 bringing the horses youg man's face was horribly burn- done to the rig. Had Lived in Gananoque For v8 Toronto, Jun. 29.--1he fining of a |°" Jonny, of doftor for being late in attendance at | Tatty, widow of Mrs. Bridget Hann the late James Me Givern, aged sixty-five years. Decens- od W&d resided in this city for three the trial of Mrs. Miller, |-Yo0T vived by three children, F. MeGivern, Migs Alice, Givern ratty, of Toronto, who lived in King- consed was a cathedral, and the League of the Kae. red 4 place on Wednesday to Gananoque, building fire, early this morning. Fire- man Henky's body, ered in a few hours, sleighs and waggons were on the road vay. but luckily the runaway horses nanaged to keep clear of thom. After naking a few turns travelled house towards stables, votner of Jrock and Ontario streets, and would | wave 'gone inside the vard, gate was shut. Ing naking another turn, the rig smashed' The ani wild | but at this stage, Peter Dev- | who had been attracted to the | telegraph pole in, 0 timo. Only slight damage was --------ts OLD RESIDENT PASSES. Forty-Eight Years. The death tagk place in Kingston, but had been a resident of sananogue for forty-eight years. Al hough she had heen ailing for some ime, death cane rather suddenly The late Mrs. MeGivern was born in 'ounty Armagh, Ireland. and is sur- sananoane; M. N.. Clinton, N.Y., and of Kingston. Mrs~+ Me was a sister of J. J. Hann- ton some fourteen years.ago, and was mployved as an insurance agent. De- member of St. Wary': Heart." The funeral. will take the last one miss rg. 18 in. sight, and will be réeos- {of his duty. | poll only when he is unable to nttend on the market | vides for his the {poll clerk, | vd in the clerk's position but could |.pey the led | conducted. streets, was also-frozen, but is again n good order, o Letter Withdrawn. London, Jan. 29.--1t is authorative breed one y lv announced that the international ah the Ete Wandos ) asked to resign, it will be due eftire- | phase of the Kingston incident has ln le, | to th lin ovr in ERG | nal Snr ao? a gentle: action * and | own government, not, tenham withdra . . ¢ ee 's Tittle Laver | he of , re | ter to Rear Admiral Davis, and % | gave it as his opinion that the election i at the pol} in question had been show deputy bride a most sod groom returned to their home, in YEAR IN CENTRAL BUGLER POPAY PLEADS "GUILTY TO THEFT. -- Admitted Having Stolen Letters From Mail Box at R.M.C.-- Came Here From Halifax. With tears streaming down his face Bugler Popay, aged twenty-four, of the Royal Military college, stood be fare Judge Trice, at the court house, | noon day, and pleaded guilty |to a charge of stealing letters which | bad been carried by a messenger from { the general post office in Kingston, and teft in the mail box at the voll for the cadets. Fopay was arrested Mon- day, and at four o'clcek in the after 'noon he appeared before County Ma- gistrate Hunter at Portsmouth. He | pleaded guilty then, and made a whole { confession to the court, his trial be i for Tuesday, before Judge The prisoner had no lawyer to de find him, and asked that the judge deal with hiwcase) J. L. Whiting ap- rosecution. The judge, after inquiring into all few. weeks ago, the bride being a Popay knew no- was conveyed to her by friends. The to the cells. According to the authorities at the Roval Military college for some' time letters addressed to the cadets at the college, containing remittances, have been miksing--in fact it was reported that "wholesale" thieving was going on. The matter became quite serious the result that Popay was suspected, and placed under arrest. To the judge the prisoner said that this was the first time he had been placed under arrest. He had been en- gaged at the college for two months, and came here from Halifax, where he rerved two years in the Royal Cana- d'am Regiment. "You have had positions of trust and you should have known hetter than to do such a thing," remarked the court to the wvrisomer. "You were in a position that called upon vou to guard the property of the ca- dets.™ BREACH OF DUTY For a Deputy to Leave His Poll- ing Sub-Division. The city solicitor "reperted to the city council,' last evening, regarding the municipal elections on January 7th at No. 10 polling sub-division in La taraqui ward. Complaint had been made of irregularities there, and the city council instructed the solicitor to secure evidence and report his finding. Mr. Melntyre did so and his report showed that the deputy-returning offi. cer wt"No, 10 peecived fifty extra hal lots for use. These ballots he did not require, and were all returned to the city clerk. Hefore he received the ex tra ballots the deputy announced that he intended going to Frontenae ward Objection was male to this by. a couple of scrutineers, but the de puty said he had scoured legal advice and was informed that he could leave the booth temporarily in charge of the poll clerk. He went away to vote and absent fifteen minutes, during three votes were - registered There was no delay caumxl én the vot ing. Lhe solicitor which reported that the city must not ve his poll. Mr. Melntyre con lveted with entire regularity, except as deputy paving his post In doing 80 he had committed 5 breych A deputy can leave his to his duties, and then the law pro place being taken by the and a serutineer being place On motion of Alds. Nickle and Rig. report of the solicitor was fy Ald. Nickle said that the object of the report was to show the people that the election had been properly The council owed this to voters. It was also intended to returning officers what their duty was. the CGUINN-ANDERSON, Marriage of Kingstonian in New York City. wi wedding took place, om Sat whny evening last, in St Jerome's Romun Catholic church, The Rroux, New York, when Miss Franoes EK. An derson, daughter of Mrs. Jumes EE Anderson, 00 Willian street, Kings ton, was united in marriage to Cor nelius J, Quinn, of New York. The was attended by Miss MeCnva nagh, and John Raleigh avted as groomsman. The ceremony was per- formed by Rev. Father JJ. J. Kane. After the ceremony, the bridal party drove to the Grand Union hotel, where a dainty supper was served and after pleasant evening, the bride The Bronx, where they will reside per- nmianently, ee The light department, this afternoon, completed the thawii; out of a num her of gas services which were frozen yesterday. An old main on Clatene street, from Wellington to King You M ay . the number heretofore employed. This 1 the figures representing the atomie JANUARY 29 DANGER LURXS IN DUST. Microbes of Various Diseases Float: On Every Breeze--Experiments Show Fast Traveling of Germs. Few persons realize the danger to health and life that lurks in dust. Already automobile sore throat has e a recognized disease. That its cause is dust is plain, from the fact that it is only those who drive near and in large towns who suffer. Same such bad throats may arise from the mechanical irritation set up by the sharp particles inhaled; but, as a rule, ese are real, septic sore throats caused by poisonous disease germs, A fact which few of us recognize is that the dry dust which we see whirl- ing before the wind on the surface of a turnpike road is composed not only of finely divided mineral matter, but also of vast quantities of animalcules and of germs of different kinds, some harmless, some deadly. In one putt of that dust may be meteoric dust from space, finely powdered diatoms, de- cayed animal matter, scales from the wings of insects, rotifers and miero organisms, including the germs of sev- i eral different diseases, dust pér- Fill a pill box with this fectly dry and 'apparently altogether lifeless and add to a pinch of it a few drops of distilled water. Then ex- amine the result under a microscope. Almost immediately the particles gin to stir, and pr esntly the water is alive with rapidly moving, furiously hungry animalcules, These dust creatures are most tena- cious of life. Some years ago Dr. Mi- guel proved this by an interesting ex- periment. He took some earth and dried it for two days in a temperatute of about 100 degrees F. Then he placed the dust in hermetically sealed tubes in a corner of his laboratory and left it there for sixteen years. When that soil was firs, taken from the open it contained 6,500,000 bacteria per gram. When the tubes were opened sixteen years later there were still 3,600,000 and among them the germ of lockjaw, alive and able, as Dr. Miguel proved, to kill a guinea Die: More recently the Iris rofl . McWeeny, showed how rapidly germs travel He took a huiber o sasily recognized microbes and spray em upon a dust heap nearly 300 yards from a house where Jelntin culture plates were exposed. The wind at the time was blowing across the dust heap toward the houge, but the air was damp. Within three hours specimens of the microbes which had' been spread upon the refuse heap were recognized upon the plates. i Greatest Long Distance Walker. Mr. Mark All, who is seventy-eight years old, and holds the lon ia- tance walking record of the world. Mr. All, who is an engineer by trade, volunteered to walk 60,000 miles in seven years, in order to prove that a man is not too old for work at forty- five. To keep himself during his walk ur { January Sale are Be 1% MARK ALL, World's greatest long distance walker a' 78 years of age. he has to work at his trade, and may not ask for assistance, though he may accept any money voluntarily offered him. He started from Fleet street in August, 1900, and has been through Spain, France, and Germany, having covered down to the 3rd inst. 58,008 miles. Mr, All, who has been personal- ly congratulated by King Edward for his pluck, is now in France, starting on his lagt lap of 1,904 miles. Atomic Weight of Silver. One cannot be too often reminded of the fact that in science it is the little things, sometimes the littlest of things, that are -frequently of the greatest importance. An instance is furnished by the recent redetermina- tion, upon the invitation of the inter- national committee on atomic weights, of the atomic weight of silver. The work was done by P. A. Guye and G. Ter-Gazian, who after many experi- ments have concluded that the atomie weight of silver should be expressed by the number 107.89 instead of 107.93, 'apparently insignificant change de- mands a corresponding alteration in weights of many other substances, and by increasing the exactitude of chemi- cal knowledge it may result in futurd, discoveries of great importance.-- Youth's Companion. a JL emcees New Form of Fuel. " Peat contains much water, and jn & newly patented process it is pressed with dry cement to form such materi- als as pipes, building blocks, etc. The water necessary for the hardening of the cement is withdrawn from the peat. This results in close union of the constituent parts, and the product is given great strength and resistance Need It . the wisdom of our keeping Ayer's Cherry Pectoral ke . coughs, ie says it's all of it at once. little foresight in such to atmospheric action. Clean Teeth. fo remove tartar and stains from the teeth try a Dr. Horsey fibre tooth brush, a perfect cleanser and polisher, Sestment, carly cure. drug store, i 4. i 'all and examine them at Wade's varied stock of SPENCE'S ™e There ave 2 DAYS more and we intend to keep your est keen on this Sale, until the last special price for the month is withdrawn THURSDAY NIGHT. In addition to many Specials in Hardware, Cutlery and Enamelled Ware. y days, one large a putting in for the last couple of Wire Goods Per Cent. Discount This Stock Comprises--S trainers, Broilers, Beaters, Potato Mashers, Vegetable and Fry Shakers, Knife Baskets, and Soap Holders, vid at i £00 Un 20 Tdasters, Egg Baskets, Soap & amelled Ware Our HALF.-PRICE Table will have on it for WE Y, a few pieces slightly imperfect En. LN ay. - McKelvey & Birch 69 and 7x Brock Street, Kingston : 0000000000000 00000 0000000008004 44 aaa & VOTIITIoeesesee TVIITIEPIINITNMN Ieee Best Values in Women's and : Children's Warm Underwear CHILDREN'S AND GIRLS" Rin. $ BED DRAWERS, 150, 170. and | WARM RIBBED = VESTS, 130., 2Be,, Ase. Boe, WOMEN'S RIBBED DRAWERS. We 25c., 40c., and 50cf BOYS RIBBED, CHILDREN'S AND GIRLS' RIB- | . 15e., 200. D VESTS, + 20c. 0c, 124, 180, WOMEN'S Wonderful Values Coat and Skirt Sale Women's and Girls' Warm Coats; LOO Girls' Winter Skirts for g8¢c. Women's Heavy Winter Skirts; worth i 3.50 to 6.50. at, each 2.25. AND GIRLS" at 13, to 28. and ¥ HOSE, "100; 124 ir HEAVY WOOL HOSE at the i . Mantle Store A Living Grosn Reed how Mrs. James.Stecls, Water. villa, Que., was sured by the use of tho writes 1 * For the past fourteen months 1 was nervous all the time, and becsme so ren downl About Her ts ts, PiLLS LOOK LIKE 30c. The Profits Paid By Some. When Compared With The | Royal Insurance OF ENGLAND, Pusines a Force rogie Via + Expenses To Income 83 We Invite Your Investigation. Ww. J. B. White, Agent, Kingston Companies. Co'y| eh 000.000 tineas 0 $ 'was unable to walk across the ow Wal vie Shed and Lown soovmuiant Ionkes t Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills ach directly on the heart and prices. nerves, restore them to healthy action. They have ne for revivioy sud NO ACCIDENTS IN NATURE. Every Calamity, No Matter How Great ning. The aval mont's warning rushes headlong down the mountain side, is not an aocident. For year been erystalizing, minute weight to %the mass which loft its base wh ed a ceria Neither i infinitesmally small germ which is the cause of I silently and long before the resiilt' is seen. The small germs which thrive on the scalp and which are - the, cause . of Baldness and Dandruff, cannot exist, however, when Newhro's Hegpicide is applied, old by 10c. in Jtamps picide Co, I 50¢. and $1. agent. Calvert's carbolic tooth powder and fe, mold av Cibpon's ed O * are no accidents in nature. o business Has a Definite Begin- A *phy, ois anche that without a mo- ® previous tiny atoms have 4. B. CU and adding their en the accumulation reach- in point, : s baldness an accident. The Emma C. D Jandrufi and Baldness, foeds loadin, druggists. dhe : nM to The Her-§ troit, Mich. Two sizes, G. W. Mihood, ipecial there is none better mined. o We deliver it 40 you clean and without slate, at the very hottom BOOTH & CO. Phone 133, If you wish to be successful at- tend The Kingston Business Canada's Highest urade shorthand, 1 subjects thoroughly taught Day and Eh Sr So: ni he 8 any Ome. Rates very moderate. "Phone, 440. . H. F. METCALFE, President. ® Peter Pringle. owd, in Good Peter Pringle cannot read, Péter Pringle connot write ; But Peter Princie he can eat, yi oT -- tread, The sudden 'ch coat. We kind that t. ang | itm and money can buy Foot of West St College of Queen wtreet, school. Book-keeping, SYpowriting, eles an NNINGHAM, Secretary. Housekeeping, © ik & a lot of nose, |