Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Feb 1907, p. 9

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DAILY BRITISH . KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1907. Laying Aside The Cares Of State : * » Family wh . Socks a SPECIALTY. F=-- } } -carrying more complete -- \ es : . . e make, 23¢. ? . ecial make, at 45¢.. 50c. fy < Tad h¥ : | LASSE NAS > in 3 different makes. | RE ---- 3 jualities, in both fine or | & fe 18c., 20c., 25¢., accord= ~~ i. 1 Sh. b i ~-- - --~-- / To-Night 71 4 il il 1) --------_---- ---- > -- a -- SETS ey Ra Sema Al Sa S © Duihess of Devonshire ISIN SS = ~ a i 7/7 / / / ---- SN SS -- ~~ _~--~ --~-- ~ I mere Socks CARE OF ROYALTY askmere Wool, sizes 103 KING EDWARD TAKES NEED- red extra good value at ED HOLIDAY. Lady Maud The_flower Pot Gate : en Chatsworth House Lagy Wrey we oN ! | tide of the Marquis de St, Andre, ox Pint me, LL [AS SEEN FROM AFAR England's Popular Sovereign and A roe] nr 35¢c. oT Consort Pay Extended Warrender Saiiriaien of a Wealthy idol lady Visit hi k d Duchess a , ol foun, who advanced him $40,000, AR w------------ Vislt tg tie Duke on be Bose Bb and 1 Tomewand.. witout § ' Thin lady 8 mother, unknown to * bor EXTRAORDIN Y STORY nN ire, 1 a cob an rode homeware ithout | « rhte o e noble By a Distinguished House | waiting for the rest of the party I N Sage, leat ib nels maki an CALIFORNIA PAPER. : Nt . © Swen ie money in royal fashion, taking a fine house on ---- Lo the Avenue d'Eylau and engaging ao Tells of Winter in Canada~Nine. staff of servants. Unfortunately for Foot Snowfall ; Drifts 54 Feet 3 himself, the widow di od th » Tunnels was intriguing rd hat be - He. i : Trot A ) Party. Friday was frosty and fairly pleas- | T 3 3 bi London, Jan, 12.--The king and |ant. The King shot over the Chats | RA 3 i queen are again in Buckingham Pal- | worth preserves in the morning and | 2 3 4 , ace, after an extended visit to "'Chats- | the Duchess of Devonshire and a num- | nro WOrth,?--+he' Demutifal country resi- | ber of the ladies joined the sports- | g her | | deme of the Duke and Duchess of De- | men at luncheon. Queen Alexandra ae! AEA, " ti a married ! 1 i $ wvomshire. utilized the dry weather to go for a WE We hy ge £95 000 Shug, Whe hed lent. him Winnipeg, Feb. 1.- Here is the | . . a > 7 : 3 Re -------------- - Sho was sx ' » th. 1. - 8, including CORSET The visit was of more than usual in- | motor drive, accompanied by Lady . Lhss Muri / Wil: go made a complaint = ait pit he ost despatch sent lfondonat ove: the terest, and a large and distinguished | Gosford, amid the beautiful surround v ure. 715017 aay I her fear of ] Q * polios, but |} 18 ) 5 5 . ; a0 D niblicity Wo > nited States, It is take S oa company was assembled to greet their [ing country. The evening was devoted | ! | leay Tar sorie /Tanmers quis being Dey prevented the mar. | 1, Angeles Horald Shen from. the majesties, to the private theatricals which are ion of an association, give it a high - . "Wi ; Cent. Off. Slice . ve able ways bé "special low ro | oundiog title, take ,a |} | - ' Ho then went to Belgium, where he | Winnipeg, Jan. 25.--Roports from The king and queen were able to |always the specia on of a roval a house, and me Prince art Ani hi : ne . 1 oh cus 4 } } : \ start mbl | net 4 Mme Durcampf, with a fortune nn Albert toll of a terrific Mmow- journey to ih! atewal - with less in Sigien : wi wtsworth i Shi h went | 3 ly ig mr of 220.000. He Proposed. marriage ony storm The flakes fell for six days ine canvenience than coulc wave heen ex oit priliy Vv, some oO eC tun | : - % . % M 1 ns, cal pe " ub de} ne was accepted. | . comsantly to a depth of nine - pected. By the time they reached the [worn by the ladies being i {| DENS UNDER GUISE OF SOC- | I'ran the Avenue MacMahon, had | SON GF MEXICAN COBBLER | mom , to bt Hum, helore the cere | ip onen, and drifts Hor hr a Sewing Peak country the snow was dis at Ihe king and queen and « | "" JAL CLUBS i Amene y bership of men and ey : that he was the on Jame, asking high piled up. Fortunately, the snow ing even from the hills, but rain was | bers of the hous party rove i : Wome " fa ripti in ep : qm POSES AS ONE. Due de Penthiovre i on hs the | wan woft and the settlers had no diffi 2 - falling heavily to the disgust of the r car on Saturday to Re } Ti nomin ! , and at oy 1 t ho waa Mme ureampl, Voulty in digging xe Wikine-Gottons-and- with falling sarily fo the Spent of the jor sar op Sytuer fo Rane Women Among Victims--After | most of the heavy losses by women or: | poo ooo o--= Ta mes asdous to batoms a duchons { house, yoing tunnels from House ta : & i 1 i 1] durton | . rid eC n Luxur t . ( he y ' _ . 1 supply away back last July ,, give the king and his consort a right | with Lord nd L wv Burton cir | Losing Their Money Some Hi . Or on i Seneds place. A oe she ¥ : weds ing Rok snow will disappear before spring, and y , ve os ) ed a rps in h Ch ¥ ! run f auds po . $ J or with ne ro " : t royal welcome. m 2 " . ] qt ty : ! 1 | Take Off Jewels and Sell Them | rooms in 0 ? pon redulous |, baby and without any mone many farmers are arranging to live The railway station, however, was | grounds, a vd the party returned y | ts Brok ne Women, of Whom He Had The *"Mmarghis" next ; ; ey under it for the winter. A fow who x ) 1 Li $ BR + 'S. « " % , » A v o . ¢ > aglow with light and warmth and Chateworth by the suive route. O Broter reer. 1 Twenty Victims. quaintance of a Mlle. Armandine Vag | #1 "ot have their fall ploughing dons tive adornments, and hundreds of « On Sunday afternoon their g al revels ! : Paris, Feb. 3. A cobbles* Geldgr, an nctress, gand m 1 anf havd propped up the snow in the fioldy tric lamps sparkled amid the colored | drove by motor ear to Wingerwort i the 1 W d Viendoune Rreole. who son hah borrow considerably Y hinges to | and are carrying on the work as usu- draperies and garlands of flowers, | Hall, the r sidence of Captain Hun- |, Gambling | 00 1 as the Morais de St oe MRT { {from her, He alto he th y money al. Their only complaint is the dime While the booking offic was turned {loke, Taking, an meection of the bers of 1p St. Autre Comte de Conrcelles: waa [#1 Without het permission. Tr 1 | ness of the light. Since the mantieof 3 aCatits anil | interesting old Derbyshire resi MM Pp : uretlles, was mT . mn, mow is so thick fire i ' into a sumptuous reception room an ntéresting. 0 v 1 1 ok ntenesd. tod to Hive oars' The number 4 ss o thick, no fire is required in b Underwear, 12%c.. 15¢., banked with flowering plants brought [and rema to tea. The kin ¥ froh hd \ it AX ao 3 ar ime foo 8 nay hee of won he has vidtim- | the houses, and, in order to prevent from the "Chatsworth" conserva : . < 1 their visit to Chats th or oh an astonishing ea " i aft a scare, being overcome bv heat little cooking A : 3 wn immer I - eet baton TI . totes. worth on Monday. Before leaving | 1h mhling : . Breole ix a omulished: Bo » in being done. While it is alwolutes Chis we have at 12%e.. The Duke of Devonshire awaited his | majesty conferred on the Duke of De « : wl 4 1 : t Wonder | 4 by hi n a i" ] li h d Don June, Faith Was Justified. ly necessary to come to the surface, august guests on the pla and | vonshire the honor of Knight Grand ofits from « I i i) a them: in ) ari a » wal a a hon ) Lance, Fob. 2A "faith tea" was | ladders are used, and the shafts are s ¥ : . 100 P an ) k 1 turning ¢ heads « old after hearty mutual greetings, they [ Cross of the Victorian Order 1,000 per annum. It ma ying thom so hk ot 3 a number of women and defranding Aah o d iat Swanage, in connection with a | carefully covered with trap<doors to entered the motor car which had b ! t during t iris 2IY devoted to hit Wore [of 3100,000. Ho lived in very . Tan wap y Sinsjon, o provisions | Prevent draughts from annoying those " . : 1 i o ins have d y x ry ] 1 \ Hs ure ordered, er . y We or y " menciag at 123 and ranging substituted for a carriaee with postil An Economical Power. Jin ide In bis: Patis hosed his intrenduced le in a house near the Ercole Mili-] to lave aud mt tho attending were | under the sow, lions and outriders on account of the Suction gas plant being int 00,1500 form: of butoafat ved | tire, keeping a motor car, horse ary foo 2 on trust that the neces -- 3 x 3 i 1 f I nt, ove ar, 5 1s » « a 3 state of the roads. More cars bronght | duerd on the Boliviah tablelands, say ; x: Sidi ealingly popular, but very costly riage a + number of servants. | ere : id he sent in. So gen Woman's Hat Stops A Pla the. suite, and they all 1 down | a British consular report, The fuel gambling which has recently! take | ely nr, | Hix cont-of mms was inscribed with | wan there whe. Supply. thut not only | poy" Feb, 3.~The performs t . Ae hat * | problum ther serious one. and the } flice from th \ . the motto : "W v . " ax there, enough~for tea, but a sup BN © 3 rae puricrinante 8 es and widths, hall a ile from ¢ gts ly m hi hn ih se it or 7 an nicking establishments Ne He : 1 a prize o nut a v vi ue and worth pr was added later in the up the Theatre d' I'Ambigu was stopped to emjof the striking t t i g plants a | foo ner the first nore vw tall, of athletic build, and | and 13 B+ for twonty minutes,' yesterday. whi session bi over 500 of sed vinn mines with anthro. Numbers of bills remained unpaid by | O84 SU, Be DEL IEE SGGRUREE of very distinguished appearance, He] lft over for: rl husketiuls wore | {hy angry" audience a et hg : : 1 well-known gaciot v n ! rom 8 to ' r A ' over for ot 4 . . . noe on a wo ployees, who formed « for as the most economical "0 cin tr vi hoa : meant f supposed to be a bachelor, and | poor tusrihution among. the § yun removing a large hat which she A 3 ore 1 ! 0s OW) » thelr ROS fashiiol NOMON } . i a alone the ave : 5 n be Toon! 01 oda ng Suleide By Arson. a wor " yh ed au} intri was wearing, Shortly afterward the Boys' Brigade and five bri Yi dame to dhe ki 1 Fon " . vited to we delightful Cor : : woman jeft the house on the advices #d a sort of guard of honor near the May Appoint A Negro thoril "Mhat 3 ) Lone Feb. 2.--An extraordinary ree he gave oroner's Object Lesson. of the police commissary : bok Wadhington, Fob. Itt was admit ¥ rit os tha in y \ 2 y had [m thod of suicide was described, ves Now. with xnening, to the aston (Jom, Feb. 2.0 Dr. Wynn Westoott ary. oF Wednesday was favored with a re téd at th White Hous that ry re pambling houses, where some of them hri top) nn ' ¥ the 8 Erp ishinent of Paris society, the hand: Ye oe, gavela demonstration at Letter Delivered By Water Jar blizzard, and the king wisely rv cident is considering the nape of had lost [15.000 to X20.000 nt stop ! ny 1 re, St. 1 one marquis has disappeared One i" ackney coroner's court, Thurs or x " s - i ioining the guns. Thurs: | T¥ler, a negro, of Columbus, Ohic od clobeated Sl ferns coroner's court. He barricaded [morning un fow weeks ago he rocsived 1 | 49% of the possibility of rendering | i lavcrpool, Feb. 2.--A lighthouse: frained from join y A « ated tress lo 1¢ lk : ' a fhe dosit Fs FE enstoms u hy Bguakn REM oi F107 himself in his room, smeared his bed solite ne a flarmelotie fireproof . : ooper living on the Bishop lighthouse, day, though very cold, was bright and | the position of surveyor of customs at ga in one cvenin an by roam, , polite note requesting his presence in ne proof. Te held a lighted | Qeifly Totes pit a Ietiac witi » 8, 2 od | Cincinna r a clothing am we floor o w room he office of M. Dr ah " ws match to a piece of the treated . ) idobiar "a ie » wishing a bracing," and his majesty motor 1 | Cincinnati. . | Some of the women, after losing all hi : aper, a Jug d'in he 'rented ma- | farmer ivi : » : | » Ww yutte A er ot Foy orig : at Newford F es er . SIE he vi - . H a coum } : : y buttir, and set fire to the robm truction. The magistrate sg J terial and it did not burr . ing at N arm, wn i oon he pe : " 5 2 % le Yo bw. Vil oo % F money, wi g ) taka afl ot The jury found that he committed | Belgian Mile. A a on said Shas u | coroner declared that, ari Rin happy New id into a bottle aml nity of Edensor. and lunches Ii» ittle Fiver wir jewelry and dispose of it athb: | jinide 'while of unsound mind "by Lbeatity = Tat tae toilets a 1 pot clothe the d ; irew it into the sea. Tht bottle wa them in: a tent. Queen Alexan Ira #flso Pills fon he, liousness or qurd prices to -shady brokers, who setting his room on fire. ) bonaty dali y aged Risedeon, of Hob elath Wis i shildeen with A he- } found 'a' few hours. Tater by ie a -- 3 ithe o afternoon with | constipation, vou will never Ix ith sunt th y g fo he purpo 3 my , wd filed on complaint charg Ole £ nh a yard mor " : 2 y Jotered hither in ns. Lot thar Tig wre pirele vesttaiie loo PO re purist ing the marquic with swindling her | than the dangerous ind." ~ + | tees Playing he each, It Jad . i 3 = Such gams h | wen © py , , i : hi * am hour. Quite a crowd [small and casy to (ake. Don't forget 1 'opy. wamen } Bellringers On Strike. out of £100 and valuable articles of yy hn cight miles by the ti 2 » leute a : . : ! iw 7 Bri dy - z ET ---------------------- » antle and sin look- | thi r luck once more--in the Ver ~Feb. 2.-The boll ringer X rigands Rob Diplomatists 2 cp - Fs, pentle ar iE 2 gE Be Rl a LE i ¢ 2.~ The b ringor J a : gb . | 2 ) od on at the sport. oon iter the be Bi » pairs of gloves beat three of gf jority of cases only to lose Parish church, Neweastl iy mae uid was ast tinded What | Tohetiin, Feb. 2.-To all appearances H . © queen had departed the king no ounted | kur | Staffs, have resigned in ey a man of title antl wealth, accused | there is an unknown influence at work ine ir ure | wse revelations cansed the govern: la body beeanse of a dispute with the | ©! rinetling ! He pointed out to the | he te which is attempting to ervate a ' : pt---- j ment to make inquiries, and it was rector, the Rev, J. W. Dunne. It is |0o¥istrate that he was an ex-om- | feeling of insseurits: in the country For Catar h Cold o - . discovered that M. Margect's g { pod "that some of their privileg brerssy atta In that he was on the] Two members of the German legation 7 Pr S 3 ' » tension of gambling ye , hy a been restricted. The bells of the | Pest of terms withe many of the fore: | While out shoofpg with a woman, » -- 5 " or 7 curions ire tar be 1 church have not been rung | most political min of the day, and he | Were robbed, The Nost from the south Dwellers in pine forests never have ra ay possible A . law of wil pulled" out a" pockethook containing has berm robbed twelve mild ofit of | colds, never know the meaning of ; 38s 1901 assed to put an end | an notes to the value &f very) thou- § Teheran, and the road guards, 'on go- | tarsh. 2 Of eas al to the rifigious associations said pon : ing to the rescue, lost a few killed and | Upon this fact is built ho: : a : 7 : . g . % *t is built "Cai o Unter thie ure be ipund that} Ruin For Undertakers. ' ; w fed lap amt pon. t at \ tar der « mogsure he fgund that he 3 - The nmgistrite thought! it wiser not ounded, zone," which forces into the | p= : could open st be without | London, Feb, 2.=An undertaker who | ry ; ol : ngs i bis ! re 0 are um, and let himggo, . with and nostrils the healing balsams and having to pot ALOR All | was sued, ¥odperday, at the Lambeth | ihe request that he would call o G : a hi Rak. Lia ou 3 : ) 3 . i ¥ ' mig] old Paint For Sixpence soothing antiseptics oi the pine for sol X t v d to wa elarn- Jf ty cqurt for mo due for coll { cH t : [ hg pe . ng Y or: Sw Lined. and cotton ' 3 be h : ny br Hiurnit rd . 4d oh i : yn ir week, Next day: the marpuis dis London, Peis, 255 At. Yarmouth Jane ost: TE thE sees einiesns i i i i Shc I ppeared, and he"has wot been feard [Watts, a married 'Woman, was r The heelth-laden vapor of "Caterrh- ous Slip 3 nz that his business had | of dines . asislal 1 » WAS Te | pone" cures the Worst of 15 POTS 2 ses. so #1 die: of the dectsase in | « manded on charges of attempting to | CHES 3. ol aliet Slippers, Leather Sole 75¢. ' th rate. He declared that las Then the legal AUtharitide sel to Wotlk Hoa fa half uovorsign gilded six. | FH i ig dose it n'a Juliet, th ne i Pree} 200 made dEcoverieg hoy foand pence. At her home, At Stokesbury, ne Sunp o Ye ra je Slippers, Leather Sole waist he hid evn {that the seli-styled mar mis was renily [two bottles of liquid gold paint ote The tiniest corners of the lungs are "ees ae ol $1.85. i the son of a Vorsican shoemaker, and [partly used, were discovered. treated, the uttermost parts of the iliet . i Felt Sole - - = 4 - . . 50e. | C a | that he das born at St. Andre de Co EE Irimehial tubes are A r | "rows Stop A i ' py a : i - cell in the nose: SUPP nos aout ase. iL Pas x ; >» Train. : n 4 in Corsica, His real name is Mirrors For Soldiers. on the bre oindt Hiront an 3 ars, reb.. 2 rn wit wrought « onn cole » N a EN . Siippers, "ogular $1.80 - - - 75. pe a ho Ze A vin wpe bruh Vcdonte Bev nt be a" von | pin, oh" The gerne som: { on a of ow ¥ : ; ito nd erdun,® yesterday, wn a ous times ag the Con ' a el ni : i ongola, regular $1.50 - - - 75c. ' 13 One way is io pay fie Sie ntion 10 it; fiby the presence on the line of thou: 'de Courdifles and the Marquis de vin ami ol the Hed i Infantry at Lo ply ntuluable js {% cast, not until itdevelops into pneu- | 2006 of an Le rare : : Sb Arras has ordered a large mirror to ! bfcause so safe, so effective, so ine Reduced in Price. [Ss 10nia, of brong itis, or i nd An- } ihe + fu wn ott ri 2. Jud a po i Wo artived in Ibo fixed in the barracks yard so that ! cure huskiness, whoopin g ; y . » u OW Out ¢ oe re ur & fro Jalirie aly » x >a " , A 3 ------------ pid a 91 plans) oD ho ecu win ott of the re ar" ri ire m uri +, in Ital; : wher he [tho soldiers may make sure that they { tarrh, nose colds or bronshitis--try it : . i ws Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. If he says, || iris voor. ¢ rites iy th rh abt n in oe . xill Bo ee 1 xp the = rok and amars. befors leaving | yourssil ." ol ~ ' oR hg Ate : 1 > 4H te i A r j#* O Frenne » ol py " 5 STORE TT BEATRICE DILGER, ** The best thing for colds," then take § 11.0 (he train, and they vor. Soren In that City. Thin abled tims a eter, unrated, peice. 31s sail (sheet) ith , HA 2, Anyway. ns numbers that the to. print on his card," Attache in the Even guaran » price $1; smal . % in : } A » rt 1 has ecard, 4 ; Sven a busy man must tak i or The only female aviator in the world. She 2 as Dilakioma girl and {5 AreRSe. x baw eiildl, and the train was French Consular Soon. alter Savon aah AL at dake 5. day oF Fs dralers, ot x & Holenn 4 Ca. E . 7 i ascengions with M. Santos mont. temporarily stopped ving . : . Pr ' in, U.S.A, ings- i g made a' number of a f i arr in he gave himself the tending his ow 8 aR A ' " ng m funeral, ton, Ont, Te : a tial

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