NEY BISCUIT 3 CANDY, CO STRATFORD. CANADA 7 A) i AEH HAAS ns in sings aced on Sale all the stock. We do not ver, so will sacrifi€e elow : 3K ASHCHAATK HHH HAASE H 5, knee length LY -----=a==--- 49¢c. X¥ VEEK ONLY - - - - - - 89c. % K ONLY - ----- -- 79. ¥ he Knee, HAHAH » © 0 2 or o IGS © ® ££ # 0 = - ¢ o = - o = Bs o B o » 0 ©o eo HGH to clear WINDOW," c., A | HAE HAS AAA SHOE STORE y' S HHASIHISASIASISICIGIGICIRICIR ¥ Retetasescanciennaat resents 1 | for a "Xmas Present articles : y ppers, all sizes. 1 Coffee Pots. Tea and Coffee arpet Sweepers. ic. to $10.00. ves, Forks apd merous to mention. BROS, STREET. FIPIVIIIIIIIIIIIE Y essrrenensissssssivee A Sg A We have personally clients... Ussher, Praveair & Martens Cobalt Stocks Bought and Sold 'On Commission Cobalt district and are prepared 2 EY Hie bust propartise a ie \_ TRADERS BANK BUILDING, TORONTO _Long Distance Telephones Main 7450, 7451 8 WE DOUBT IF YOU CAN And that's just what's the mat- ter with our prices. Just now we are selling our Men's Box Calf Blucher Cut Goodyear Welt=something pretty = swell; worth . $3.50 for $2.75 We Have another line Men's Boots that are splendid value at $2.50 for $1.90 See them in the window. H. Jennings, King St Waggoner's Big Clearing Sale Now On. Call and see the great values now hes ing given in_ Suits, Overcoats and Trousers. Suit lengths. sold by the piece. Gcods must go at once to clear up stock. Alex. Waggoner, 188 Wellington Street REPAIRING Jewelery, 'Wateh and Clock repairing is our specialty. We ca. for your clock, re pair and deliver {t and see that # runs ta time. Kinnear & d'Esterre, 100 Princess Street. mouse ORCHESTRA HOUSE THE BUSY ONE. Out-of-Town engagements accepted. Violin, Viola, Cello Instruction. E: H. MERRY, 155 Sydenham St. Citys Wm. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Harness, etc., for sale. Sale of Horses Every Saturday re -------------------------------- Papering By Machinery. Paper can now be hung on the wall by machinery. The device has a rod on which a roll of paper is placed and a paste reservoir with a feeder placed so as to engage the wrong side of the paper. than two in every 10,000 employed meet their death from accidents con- nected with their work. | Of factory operatives in England less I i ! EE -- THE CHOICE MODES THE NEWEST THINGS IN FASHION LINE. Picking Up Goods in Paris at Very Cheap Prices--Pompa- dour Sil Are Good Invest- ments. New York, Feb. 2.~The Fiench imod- els have given out and the shops have a most lon:some look with only a few imitations to remind one that here are to be found the creations of the great Callot, Doucet and Jacqua- Line, are not Yo be seen until the TO PREVENT BRONCHITIS or CONSUMPTION RE ne Eireaghiet ue die rig o sensi tive air passages sooner or later will lead te fatal results, If on the first appearance of a cough er cold you would sake a fow doses of Dr. Wood's. Norway Pine P- sgreabdeal of un necessary Dr. Wood's RisaSytap sottuim fg nt oe the pine tree combined with Wild Cherry Bark and other pectoral remedies. It stimulates the weakened bronchial or- gans,allays irritation and subdues inflamma- tion, 33d hosls The irsiiated paris; loosens the phlegm aad mucous, aide nature to easily disledge the morbid eo cumulations, .. Miss Belle Campbell, River, P.E.L, writes: "Nor gome time I was troubled with bronchitis, . A friend advised me to try Wood's Nerway Pine Syrup. So I pro- cured three bottles but it only took two te cure me. Be careful. when purchasing to see that you 8 the genuine Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, It is put in a yellow » three pine Tren the trasle mark and Gb pte 2 cents at all dealers, ROBBER GANG'S CHIEF. Regarded as Model Officer By Superiors. Paris, Feb. 1.--A Paris policeman named Melleux, who was arrested last night for brawling in the streets, con fessed this morning that for months past he had heen the leader of a band of robbers who committed felonies nightly. Melleux had been regarded by his superiors as a model officer, always smart and well-dressed, ready. and polite. His neighbors had noted that he lived in lavish style, but when any- thing was said to him on the subject he replied that his wife had money of her own. In the small hours of yesterday morning Melleux and his band robbed a butcher of $75, and the police who were detailed to search for the rob- bers found him in th: even'ns march- ing along at the head of his band of "Apaches" bawling comic songs. The policemen tried to reason with their comrade, but he drew his sword bayonet, wounded one of them in the arm and shouted to the "Apaches" to come and help him. The "Apaches" drew their knives and came to the rescue, but the, pol- icemen had managed to blow their whistles, and reinforcements arrived Aiter a severe fight, in which several "Apaches" and policemen were wound- ed, Mellenx was dragged off to the police station gnd locked up for the night. Both Animals Were Dead. Here is a curious little story about Sir James Simpson, the man who in-, the use of chloroform into a peril which he escap- Lyon ' Playfair. busy with his research t of anesthetics, call- troduced and recorded by on, wher es into the subj ed one day on Playfair and asked if he had anything new likely to pro- duce anesthesia. Playfair had just prepared a liquid which seemed worthy of tri Simpson, who knew no fear pre ed instantly to test it on him- sol Fhis Playfair refused to allow until it had first been tried on rab- bits. Two were procured and placed under the effects of the anesthetic Next day Simpson proposed to try vit on himself. "We might as well sen {how the rabbits have fared," said { Playfair. They found -both the = ani- { mals dead None Left. "A college education," declared the enthusiastic mother, ings out all good in a boy. . "Yes," retorted William's father, 'and in Bill's case I wish a little of it. could have stayed in.' Sn ------ MARTYR DAYS ARE NOT YET Bt Sucgass jo PASSED! OF MEN AND WOMEN GO UP AND DOWN THE IN SUFFERINGS MORE INTENSE, FINDS.IN THESE LATER DAYS HIS COUNTERPART IN. Dr. ew's Catarrhal Powder whose mission it is sui Which mission it fills in freeing thousands from the bondage of disgust dreaded, IS no respecter o s persons. Symptons -- dropping in the throat, offensive breath, dryness in the nostrils --gny or al symptoms are forerungers of catarrh, and cat How do you know you : headache, watery eyes, Pol over the eyes, deafness, buzzing in the head, discouraging, distracting catarrh, that cruel, relentless master that are in its thrall? Note the 1 of these arrh in the headache stage can be relieved i i , ede he suffoter may be saved the in 10 minut Dr.\Agnew's Catarrhal Powder and t suffering that Ye ut the chronic stage and the distress and maybe fatal results when catarrh takes hold on the lung tissues. Take catarrh in time with this wonderful cure, which, as thousands have said and thousands more could s is the keynote to health 4hd happiness. ALL DRUGGISTS AND MBP works like magic," and you will have struck the chord that ICINE DEALERS SELL IT. \ LD. AGNEW'S CURE FOR THE HEART gives relief in thirty mifiutes. DR. AGNEW'S OINTMENT relieves eczema, scrofula and all skin eruptions with first application -- 35 cents. "SOLD BY H. WADE." maker fiock of birds migrate homeWard from Paris with their néw spring ereations. Nevertheless this is the time of the year when the practi- cal shopper goes out bargain hunting, and among the stock of model gowns now offered for half the price they once were, she searches until she finds what is not too shop worn to be re- novated and secures smart and at- tractive models that are $ometimes ahead' of the fashions of the moment, but she does not confine her efforts al- together to buying "made-up gowns, for she knows that this is the time of the year to discover rare treasures and materials and trimmings at ridi- culously small cost. Embroidered lac- es, fancy boleros, fichus, bretelles and all - sorts of attractive adornments are to be had, such as will trim up last season's gown and made it look like new. A broad girdle with sash ends is in fashion at the present mo- HON. JAMES BRYCE, Author of "The American Common- wealth" England's new Ambassador to Washington. ment, and certainly goes far in mak- ing an otherwise shabby gown look fresh and smart, so that the invest- ment in ribbon and effective buttons and buckles at this time is certainly wise and prudent. The new crepe de chines and flower ed, silks are more beautiful than ever. These serviceable goods are a boon to the forced to be economical woman, for there are so many different shades in the one and patterns in the other as to make it by no means impossic ble to: have an attractive gown with out being sinfully extravagant. Figur cd net and just a bit of handsome lace with ribbons and bright buttons comprise all the trimmings needed, Furthermore; if there be a silk linihg that has already done duty, provided it fits and hangs well the dressmak- ing part of the sown need not present great difficulties, The pompadour silks are good in- vestments at the present moment, and the odd shades are to be carefully sought, as they make up in a more distinctive effect than the rather more ordinary designs. They are suitable for the simple styles of evening gowns to be worn now and will be most use ful in the summer season, as they are in keebing with the picturesque [fash ions that are so rapidly gaining a hold on popular favor. The new striped and checked goods which promise to be as fashionable as they were during the past season, are as soft and supple as the weaver could make them. They will be used for the practichl walking suits and such suits often have plain skirts with Plaits at the back and front to make them flare out well at the hem. A suit of this kind has a perfectly fitting lit tle short-waisted coat trimmed with galloon embroidered in Oriental col ors A more dressy gown seen lately was a mouse grey wool batiste checked with green. This had a half empire coat, short-waisted at the back, but becomingly long-waisted at the tront, giving a slender waist line. It was trimmed with Japanese embroidery on white satin. There was a novel fichu arrangement crossing at the back, and it was finished with gold but tons, But after all, it is not the made-up costumes that women are looking at ust now, for she knows that, except in cases of need, this is a bad time to buy. It is at the new cloths and cot- tons and the first importations of silks that interest her most. The coun- ters are full of the cotton fabrics, and while no great difference is to be seen in the staple goods, the coloring and designs are more beautiful than ever. Linen, it would seem, has come to stay, and it is to have another sea- son of extensive use, and coat and skirt suits of washable materials are to be as much liked az they were last vear. Judging from the washable suits being turned out for the south, white will be in advance of colors in popular estimation. There are new floral organdies of new) patterns selling at twenty-five cents a vard, printed voiles in delicate designs, rdnging from fifty to ninety cents a vard. Thin cotton and silk mixtures for evening wear are dotted with jacquard spots, striped or flow- ered, and cost fram twenty to fifty cents. A new kimono materials of thin silky Wéae is printed in Japa nese designs, As the season of warmth advances towards ue, the lingerie blouse shows every sign of taking on new life and ousting the tailored ones from the field. The linens opening up this weok are as multifarious in style os weave as ever. 'They coul is the unsurpassable THE E. D. MARCEAU CO., - THE DAILY wig, sa TURDAY, YEE, 2, What has made "Ma -- e Huot's . : 9" rs Coffee" so Popular =] quality of the blending of coffees from the best plantations; it agresbly stimulates and relieves : body and mind fatigue. Be your own judge of our assortment's value. Sent free on reception of $2.80. \ w the 2 tbs, Madame Huot's Coffee... eoiiienien VeasassaERea aan Nessraansansann axas. T8¢. pay , Fr eight 1 > wonder - Hn Toa Tea | OF 2 Ibs, of either Tea at your choice { 4c, FREE. .e In the Provinces of 115. Absolutely Pure "Condor" Mustard, with all its Oil....... 50¢. Quebec and Onta 1b. Alten, Baking Powder, unrivalled 28e, "The Art of . ro. 11b. Assorted Spices 14 1h. tins, the highest qualities. : mre So LIMITED, Wholesale Teas, Coffees, Spices, Vinegars, 281.285 ST, PAUL ST, MONTREAL, Canada. discs are also among the favored mo tives in cottons. Cross-barred white dimitics printed with dainty floral patterns, have come in with the new cottons. Among the designs there is a tiny green sham- rock that proclaims then Irish, and rose garlands, sprays, single flowers, and tiny figures all of the daintiest nature. The dimity is twenty-five cents a vard. A material that will be popular this coming season is flowered cotton tulle in a great variety of patterns on white and tinted grounds. Another idea that allows of many a change is a tulle over-dress in white with an under-dress of flowered organdy, which gives the same offcet as the more ox- pensive talles that are printed. With the same owver-dress on wear a silk slip, indeed one may have several slips and thus apparently have several dresses. The idea is a good one when several evening gowns are needed for little money. The silk slip will be as much in demand as it was last sum mer, for numbers of new may goods nre thin and open-meshed or have lace strips running through them and sometimes the checked goods have their checks of open work, Grey; in a variety of shades, is a fashiosable color and is more stylish all the time queer stone grey that is extremely po pular, but is rather trying for it has a cold, hard tome to it. It is, how- ever, much softemed when white trim mings aré used with it. Then there aré the Hghter shades of prov in all varieties of shades that were once con sidered only appropriate for house or evening wear; they are to ha made with coats and skirts to match or else the dress is made in. such wise to be smart and attractive, with an extra coat of some contrasting color, The mouse greys are soft and pretty and very fashionable just now. Black and white trimming on grey is com ing into fashion again smd when indiciously used it is very satisfactory. It. is, however, rather too striking to please everybody. Velvet trimming 'ised on all sorts of gowns is considered rather more up-to-date. than the bigs fold of satin or silk that until now have been considered so effective. The amount of embroidery that is still required as trimming on the more elaborate go®ns ® most intri- ¢ate in design and pattern and com- bination of colormg. It might have been thought that by this time every possible design. did finish of detail had been worked out; bot. on the contrary r+ every day. now. sees : Some arigihal Tendering of the 8 rlals. THE samo is trie in the combinations weed with velvit and lace and braiding. HCATHERINE MANN-PAYZA NT. becoming There is a as Curing Rheumatism. The cure of rheumatism has been difficult, and takes time, even w hen al lowed to become chronic. But there is no longer reason why any one_should doubt that rheumatism can be tho oughly cured. Dr. Hall's Rheumatic Cure has been tested in all sorts of In ordinary cases results are surpris ingly prompt. Ten days' treatment, price 50c., at Wade's Drug Store No Suiting Them. Exchange ls Chicago physician was once eall ed to attend a sick child inn * nteel" quarter of shabby a certain city, "Madam," said the doctor to the mother, "vou should send thig child into the country for several wecks cach summer.' "1 am sorry to say, doctor," re sponded the woman, "that we are not rich enough to do that." "Then," suggested 'the physician, "have her sent 'by the Fresh-Air Fund." 'Oh, doctor," exclaimed the woman i are not poor enough When Freedom from the Mountain high, Unfurled her Standard for all to se These words appeared in black white, "Drink Rocky Mountain Ten." cases of Rheumatism, Sciatica and Neuralgia, and it has cured them. It removes rheumatic poison from = the | blood, cleanses the entire system and removes eve vestige of the disease It every bho The good Should sca Attentive If every m Should jc Upon our How many Which no Would gr I do beliey Would sh And every Would sh But we, in If other Intends 1 If SE To set s If Mrs. Br And let The Might pa Might from Each oth The othe How glad The . fooli The price For such Ii If you sca The rich The other When go And claim When ga The Lord If you sho! Upon so And And mus From sea E'n tho't ran r -- POETICAL SELECTIONS. Arising with the sun, Should plan this day to do alone Strong, helpful hands should lend ; And to each other's wants and cries And joyous, And thus nerlect so much that God Kiser. It Brown would only cease a while Greens mirht have a hreathing And on their income Avoid embarrassment If Green would only If each could have a glimpse How quickly they would cease td pay Who scattered seeds before. though they vibrate round the And cross the Could not he right on ng some joy where sorrow If Every Boy, oy and every girl, decds to be done ; tter smiles and kindly words, ears should ler ; . . an, and woman, too, be Sup for in Quality. vin these workers small-- a flood of happiness + earth would fall { I w would sunny be «d with care, ing faces, too, col us everywhere, © the ry sun ine m clear and bright, little twinkling star ed a softer light: stead, oft folks are watch to see true or us to do. They But Knew, 0 fast a pace own would have un in the race less style spell, y the r long-due rent a the killing strain be free easily * Competition is the life of King Edward VII. Scotch." SCOTCH Casts Croton Distillers, Argyleshire, Why ? Because upon tasting it and comparing it. with other brands upon the market it is found to cease some day ws exigenct below r's proud pretenw, . they all would he to end sh, killing strain KNOWN BY NAME AND they offer day a paltry eain uy day ° You Scatter Seeds. ttor seeds along and fertile ground harvest where you've sown Iden grain is found, the gleanings rich und rare ae fn ain | REPUTATION w ll know at ha ---- uld strike a sweeter chord ------- me tuned heart strings, world ic sweeter to sea, rings from NO SIGN NECESSARY. were Rings the ease some troubled heart, pained your own, dwells, To try to beat the Browns, If Mrs. Green would not display M A D E IN CAN A DA . Such costly, gorgeous gowns The Browns might pay the debts they owe And live within their means BY A Might gladly rid themselves of care And end the strain that they must bear In equaling the Greens If Both the Hrowns and Greens could know 1 ALWAYS LOOK FOR THE NAME : hele lilliamb And on the ir reward He knows on whom to call OE I gin: YoU TUR soe THE WILLIAMS MANUFACTURING CO. e ght one know ' il a t i now COMPANY OFFICES: MONTREAL, P. 0. LIMITED, st ving hentts i Ie " TORONTO, LONDON, HAMILTON, OTTAWA, PT. JOHN, N. B. rewar ou AQENTS WANTED STVLCRYWHERE. Escaping Gas. . St, 7 Times . . rr ------ i Av light cscape of gas, insuf . 3 | eent to nee nl nh coon, | THREE COBALT MONEY-MAKE RS THREE COBALT WINNERS | is enough to cause constant heucake, b 1 | ulcerated throat, and general i heath to chose. vig. or Sowing in Cobalt Columbus Cobalt i the room, sayvs® a writer. One of the | vos Caf aii in he pronty | STOCKS i Merger | ing of You might y all through 0 alt evelopment | a real TO Buy ! to gmt Pym the loosest bun 1 buy Prospectus and Price Lists on request. enough of he bo neu Doaleria Pain Agents wanted to handle meritorious Cobalt Stocks. | : apes 1a produse a. ha tain to Daily quotations issued on a!l Cobalt Stocks. ward the ear, and ther v are tender INVESTMENT EXCHANGE COMPANY ness and swelling in th neck about 43 SCOTT ST. TORONTO CANADA, | the angle of the juw on the affected ide, the gl in the side of the | neck being hard and enlarged, ---- -------- | | other; "he out how nm | mizing on pay-roll of | | ,{ In the ca 4 and | equal size and weight, the" thngue of 1he womsa the man. Saving In The Wrong Place. trying to figure uve by insisted on wech we could wreckages instead of on the signal operators. econo a © en's sull se of pn man and woman of n i# smaller than that of Orowths, also ing up the fish where caused by yourself at home Remember, tha Cents u week, of less than two ccais a day, Just send me your same and adare: treatment for your esse, entirely fr : tell me how you suffer, if book-** WOMAN'S UWN tion," you can decide ¥ remedy, It cures all, oid or treatment wiich speedily ax ® Wherever you lt el ean refer you to ladies of your own lo: well jany sufferer tha this Home Treatment really cures all w well, sir 3 also the book, W teil you how t the Liclp of a doctor. FREE TQ f0U----MY SISTER mesa 2x snosyeny sen aurrem: -- women's ailments, I want to tefl all this cure -- yoti, my render, for yourself, your ur mother, or your slater, Plagementor Faliag of the Woy tor Falllag of the Wom! or Paiaful Periods, U Growth, ius in the held; back And bowels, caring down feclings, nervousness, crecping feels spine, mielancholy, desire to cry, hot es, weariness, kidney and bladd kneases peculiar 1want'to send you a complete (0 days' treatment entirely froe to. prove (5 you that yon o© es , easily, s it wiil cost you nothing treatment a complet trial] and if you should wish to continne, it will cost you ou y It will not interfere with your work orocenpat you wish for yoursell, Thousands of women have cured themselves with my oung. To Mothers of Daughiers, I will explain a simple eifectually cures Leucorthoea, Green Sickness and T Trregular Menstruation 45 Young Ladies, Plampacss and health always result from its nse y who he free Washington Star So Tam gi ert "Why did youn dismiss that em { kuow woman's nites { o * ployee #" asked one railway official. # rik ¥ will mail, free cf any charge, my home treats "He became annoying," answered the Fo p Hnte, ment with full Instructions to any sufferer from nest about 1 want lo ire yourselves 3% Home without Men cannot understand wore ings What we women know from x= perience, we knoes better than aay doctor, | know that my home treatment isa safe and sure eure for Ulceration, Diss er troubles 10 ONF 0X. quickly "sode surely. he a 12 ud Iwill 3in wrapner, by return mail. 1 will also send yi ICAL ADVISER" with explanatory illustrations shows ng why wonien suffer, and how they can easily cure themselves at home, Ever: ave it, and learn to think for herself. Then when the doctor says--""You ning woman shoud AYe An Opeias ine oe sinful or know and wiil gladly s diseases and makes women ten days' treatment is 1y, 4% YOu may not see Luis ofler again, Address: MRS. M. SUMMERS, Box ns, 11 10 tar te WINDSOR, Ont. Parlor attention DR. T more so. af pronounced ny Plenti- fal enough ong the fhin cottons to show the cd fashion will take in that di Polka dots and o antici S THE AERONOUT, And his new wind wagon, whieh did not prove as successful as pated. N and Durability Is Our Maxam I50 different styles of Fancy Tables for our BIG IM- PROVEMENT SALE. No erder too large to fill, or too small to have our prompt AT PHONE 147. be | JAMES REID. THE LEADING aaah