Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Feb 1907, p. 3

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us ge| We want to clear out all manufactured ic goods. | at = Call and See 0s: &| the Bargains this : : rat I aid, in "IW. F. GOURDI taf ain eir EXCLUSIVE FURRIER aud 78-80 Brock St. Phone 700 ost~ ork ent his, It in well stu- ege re- ad- se ves ars nce, J 3 a die. Spectacles and Byeglasses be vroperly t and New and up-to-date eat mountines., ves Fyes carefully examined. and | 5 SMITH BROS. 5 Jewelers and Opticians the 350 King Street to 3 for Issuers of Marriage Li der the du- ble ple : ing Kiagston and Pembroke Railway Ie ey Company. ri Jn/NOTICE TO SHAREHOLDERS P| THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE loy | Sharehold: de. | held on WEDNESDAY = Tan dull Le vas February next, at the Head Office of the {i i Company in Kingston at vleven o'clock a.m., for the purpose of electing Direc- vi: tors, and transaction of other business The Stock Transler Books will close in nt New York on SATURDAY. 2nd day of : February, 1907, at 1 All Books px- | will be re-opened on THURSDAY. 14th day of February. the ARCHIBALD NeNAUGHTON, inl A Secretarv and reasirer. ia Kingston. January 12th, 190 nd | = tt- | week, and the classes are taught by the same teachers gs in the day sehool. '%e { All the subjects are taken up, inch ip ing telegraphy. Anyone desirous of ne attending the night school, should in- | make arrangements to start in the Mt | classes at once, he | It might be interesting to note that ini the annual "At Home" of the "King- | ston Business College takes place at ce ; +, the City Hall, Friday evening next, to, February Sth, and a most enjoyable X- | time is looked - forward to bv the ho | students. : ------ s William Swain, piano tuner. Orders received at McAuley's, NIGHT alues in Ladies' Black Cashmere 'y Underwear at Garment a regular 35¢. line at a Pair x, usually sold at 35¢c. a pair, 25c. a Pair be sold, 144 packages assorted Hair a Box 40 inches wide, real good quality, AY MORNING after 9 o'¢lock, it \ Yard- 10 yards), ISIT OUR to-Wear Section really dainty articles in ITEWEAR NOW_ON SALE wy Our Tho staf of. the college gave: the spec tators tea, wound up HS. 1 a very ella al ternoon. the match, in visit, - choir comcert while in the a: Winn Lib WANTED-MALE, ANTED--GENERAL. «Tuba gf thalve at Wie ie ii LE AF Gan | HEMP w. FOR SALE, ; the Coury Cub, Club, o- 'th od ue : Way of sowith [THREE BOYS, ABOUT 13 YEARS |1T0 BUY GOOD HOUSE. FOR $3,000 | BILLIARD TABLE, ROM. NEW Lig James Gildersloeve ie Macon: | Meare i Right, Atioe street. i want a So AR [1 is Da 20 I a 13 York make; x5 fh. cushion spnes. et ell being its in. er Junch|{ Miss Mona Bnight, Alice street, will pay. Apply Gould & Co. hing Su, rT Apply through Whig uifice. ? Seat Free. 'Mi ednes-1 4} Tr pl go down 10 Gananique Sor' the dance near Queen. - A UALIFLED TEACHER, FOR 8. 8. | seeds cpl tmsmpeains 4 pire, simple. chareoal, ab- | , from four' lt balf-past six] ay : Ch rm . 1, Barricfield. to Lesin at once. | AMERICAN ENCYCLOPEDIA, NEW al In at the inn, on Wednesday. This un | BITROTIVES ; SHREWD, RELIADLE| Awply to H. Mares, barciefen. sixtesn volumes, at & sorbs ae times' Xa own volume of wore Mes. borg of dhe Nee R Ms. D. D. Cavin. Willian street, fortunately clashes with Si date of our man Tor profitable secret sorvice, to reason. Apply through W gas. here a3 gosto 1 Gor and Ti vi s | domi dance here. Miss kK t will act under orders : no experience ete | BY MAY 1st, OR SOONER, MEDIUM- office. is just absorbed by the charcoal--the W. Garrett, with Mrs, Nool Kent eut.]2%ked a few girls to tea carly in the hr ios # Het. peck nigh Ai sary. Write H. ©. Webster, lpdian- sted house. Peatrally 1 h o ply, gas disappears and there is loft a] Yimg ices. Among' the mssistamts were | YOK "a ws das to visit Miss ills Heruid. wpalts, 1nd, stating rent, to Box 60, care Whig | TWO SECOND-HAND CREAM SEPAR. pure, fresh, . Sweet | atmosphere, free | the three daughters of {he house, Miss Haast Porter i] Mics Pasi" Watson, af I oronto, is | TT hice. tory, Jn Ae. isp», sum all aPlritics and *] Edith. Miss Pisié' and Miss Marjorie, | ¥iss Emma'3ao Potter en R. J. Carson, Brock | YOUNG MEN. BRAKEMAN, FIRE- CR SAF 183 Clarence street. : ! germs. asnumber: of people with a the guest of Mrs. Carson, Brock man, Electric Motorniah: Porters, | A SHOOND HAND OFFICE SAFE, Al- fram ali what happens in your stom- Miss Blan he Deacon, Miss May Ford, atin R young fi ards dune | street EEXperience = UNNecossary. 0 ne 8 so a sewing - machine, f.r tailors - ch when you take one or two. of | Miss Bessie Gordon, Miss Nora Gor- | Pre4ng Party, x 1 t Mr, Ernest St * who 'is now tion ; 100 positions open, Juter. Rail work, Address price, ete, to "X.' |SPLENDID SWEET TONED PIANO, Stuart's Chi ges, the most | don, Miss Mabel King, Mise Dorothy | ine and cards were iivlgd In She + Brantford' $a holie Tor "i short way Tost. Dept. 97, Indianapolis, Ind me wifes, in good condition, to tr a cheap; powell] purificrs. science has yet dis. | Brownfield, Miss Mildred Jones, Miss | home of Mine Ha garet Wright, Rage a nis: homa:on Ring street. PARNING TO WRIPE ADVERTISE APhiy to Cal. Rages' 138 gh ff Tk overed. Lillian Kent, and Miss Grade Rogers. {iet, this week. = sit at hie homie gl SPRING BUTTS Wents, you can carn $35 to $100 per . . ey la gas in company. some weet . . : oe Calvin, King street, is us a a ANAK, GENTLE week. Send for = prospectus. Post lymupicAL PRACTIOB, WORTH by aocident 4 M J Mrs. George Mills, University ave- Marion inp street, Davis Co. 15 Toronto St. Toronto. DIGAL TRAC A times, > greatly to yom | Mrs. John Hewton, King street, o Jeasant thimble te ong up to Toronto, on Tuesday. cheap up-to-date suit made. le, Ae oe we, 85 own humiliation. Thay. is bec on . nue, gave a pl t thimble a, on | gong up Sy price and finish vuaranteed. Pressing : > p from' Toronto. ause § gave a. very pleasant little tea for Friday, in =~ hcnor of her daughter. Miss Jessie Polson . at her home and ropairing done. weil. Galloway, | AN. UP-TO-UATE. DWELLING, Not byterian. M. Macintosh, there is a great amount' of gas 'being | Miss Gertrude Hewton and her friends, Mrs, Edward: > Melenn' El illow | on® University avenue, for a thre The Tallor, 181 Brock strect. wore than fifteen minytes waik from street, Toronto RY formed in | your stomach by ferment: | 0a Thursday. Mrs. Manley Baker was City, North Dakota. The Som wars weeks" visit. She expects to be allow- Fooms. wm price. hot, wore than ---- ing food, Your stomach is not digest-| in the ten room, and had Mies Marion 4 on ted ith: candles od - home: "for good ® from Saranac $3,000. Address "A.8.D.." Whig DOUBLE FRAME RoUGTAST ing your foud * properly. Gas is in- | Hewton, Miss Kdith Green prettily - ligh wi ' K he ADR hi MEN TO LEARN BARBER TR House, on Baget and Johnson Sts. evitable. Whenever 'this happens, just d Mi E Hende! <0 were sweet with flowers. Those i Lake, in pe fo oight weeks, graduates --- 36 TO.LET To he removed from dot "- oF about take one OF two of Stuart's ode her. An Bia Snderson, helping wait d upon the thirty-five = or forty | Mrs. ¥. B. Gaylord, and Mr, vik to 818 weekly. Ahroughout 3 » {orl int omdern will be ST mong 1 we vs. x b, # Lozenges Tight after cating, and you £ guests wero Mrs. Mills' two daughters, | liam Gaylord, ct A wee) one" _poaitions: Ou fies | DWELLINGS, OFFIOES. STORES, | noon of Yor 30d, 107 eased ns Hugo Craig, Mrs. Albert Scott, wholyie "pronses and Miss Laura, and | seronto, to-day, to spend the week Mol her Oi t MeC 51 Brock street. I li ha ely they wilt ing in a measure the guest of honor; Miss Ada Chown. Little Miss May | end with Mrs, Hiram Calvin, Kine Spadina Toronto. ngs Sasi "hal Ane a. risings. 'Eat all you want and what Soh Mie, A a Mills opened the door. Mrs. Ely re- street. Miss Gaylord will return with AT COMMODIOUS "FATRLAWN. 106 MONEY AND RUSINESS. you want, jd there is, any gos | ingston, Migs Bdith Malone, Miss going to be Lone of these won- | Katie Murray, Miss Edna Mitchell, rful little hh a Stuart Char-| Miss Hazel. Massie, Miss Constance conl Lozgnge, will take cate of all the § Low, Miss Gertrude Wilkinson, Miss gas. Pearl Oldrieve, Mifs Lorraine Mines, And it will do more than that. Ew- Miss Teta Carson, Miss B. Fraser, erv particle of impurity in your stom- | Miss Mabel Mills and Miss Jeseio ach and fontbeinee i going: e be car-| Rilis. They nearly all brought ried away e charco: © onef (hoi ¥ ol ' i seems to know why it does this, but ih de work: thoweh | Now: much 'of it it does, and does it wonderfully. You notice the difference in your appe- tite, general good feeling, and in the purity of vour blood, right away. You'll have no more bad taste in your mouth or bad breath, either from drinking; eating or smoking. Other people; will notice your bad breath quicker than you will yourself, Make your breath 'pure,' fresh and sweet, so when you talk to others you won't disguet 'them. Just one or two Stu art Charcoal Loegenges will make your breath sweet, and make you feel bot- ter all over for it. * 'You can cat all t the and odorous foods you | oceason. ita want, and no one cal tell the differ . ; ss ence. Mvs. Famuel Bailey, University Besides, charcoal is the best laxative | avemie, is entertaining at tea this known. You can take a whole boxful and no harm will result. It is a won- derfully. easy regulator. And then, (oo, it filters your blood --every particle of poison or impurity in vour blood is destroyed, and you begin to notice the difference in your face first thing*<yéur clear complex- ion. Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges are mage from pure willow charcoal, and just little honey is put in to make them palatable, but not too sweet. They will work wonders in your stomach, and make vou feel fine and fresh. Your blood and breath will be purified, We want to prove all this to you. so just send for a free sample to-day. Then after you get it and use it, you will like them so well that you will go to your druggist and get a 28e. box of thede Stuart's Charcoal Lozen- ges, Send us vour name and address to day and we will at once send you by mail a sample packnge free. Address, F. A. Stuart Co., 54 Stuart Building, Marshall, Mich. Teething Babi are saved suffering--and mothers given rest--when one uses Nurses' ana Mothers' Treasure Quickly relieves=regulates the bowels -- prevents © convulsions. Used 50 years, Absolutely safe. At drug-stores, 25¢. 6 bottles, $1.25, National al Drug & Chemical Co., Limited, Sole Proprictors, Montreal. 41 Indoor Sports curlers, next Tuesdny night, when Shey i i will have ths pleasure of seeing iss oe of sedentary habits require Annie Rpssoll® i 4 "Midsummer The inventive genius with the physicians knowledge has invent- ed. Exer isers That will develdp the muscles of almost any part of the body de- sired. For that tired, sluggish feeling, make a selection of some good Exerciser from our stock of Sporting Goods. ANGROVE BRO 88 and 90 » Princess St nue, gave another very delightful tea, afte noon. . a luncheon at Tuesday, and dt will be bridge. y give a theatre party, for the Kingston ageous enough watched the hockey match at the Roy- al Military College yesterday. T. Taylor was Martin, Victor Williams, Mrs. Norman Stuart Lesite, whom everyone is glad to find taking Mrs. RV Saturday Night Ribboir Sale hey did is another matter. - - - - Mrs. W. J. Renton, University ave- 'n Wednesday. Her rooms were ex-| remely pretty 'with flowers and pret-| tily* dressed women. Tea 'was partaken| ; of at quartette tables. assistants were again 'Mrs. W. J, White, Mrs. L. T. Nest and Miss Flor-| ence Elliott. but this time Miss Ber- tha stepoed White's place, and Master Jack Ren-| ton opened the door instead broth'r, who officiated on the former, Mrs. Renton's B. isto Migs Christine of his} oe Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Strange have been spending their honeymoon in a » - ' lovely spot. uoon Tamalbais. a moun tain five hundred feet above the level of the sea. Thev have just retveped to their new home in Oakland. Cali- forn'a. Mr. Stranioe wns married on! January 3rd. to Mrs. Hoyle, former- ly of Tos Angeles, | - - Mrs. Le Grand "Reed snent yester- | day morning in driving ahont tawn. and in looking up hor old friends, Colenel snd Mrs," Sydenham WeGill Wo are glad to Frio she is delighter iN with K'n+ston and ite people. There is a possibility that she may come down for one of the even' ng recitals of the, Ladies' Musical Chib. The curlers go'ns to Montreal," Mondav, will he: Mrs. Mrs. W. St. Pierre 1" Mss ne hel Dalten and Miss Yercainn Dalton, minister at Fernie, have becn holding joint recoptions. "days" the Cn one of their visitors numbered sixty, ' so that the hostesses were kept busy wit the small talk and the tea | things. | . : Fowl dinners are the order of | the 2 Mise Nan Skinner, Mise Florence Cun- i Miss May. Woche Sole dllihs ! day on Sundays, and the fowl Offered n'nghm. Miss Carrie Waldron and Wee zone '0 He ir ith M . Me. | on Saturday is always sold early fa Miss Lettice Tandy. vod éetmount. Her visit wi PR: le 1 the day. LL wl giv oy Arthur, in Montreal, has been very gay. N Coil Gill will be * aidan The sleighing in the -- Mrs. W. H. Noll Gill will be *At A y 3 4 e sleighing in the country was Home,"" at #6 Earl street, on Thurs- Miss Fogtiic Tireh, Bagrot street, very poor the fore part of this week, dav next, February Tth. and will re- nas expectc ome from Ottawa 10- ,.§ the snow fall on Thursday was AND ceive on the first and third Thurs- | "Gt Winni o 2 | gladly welcomed by the farmers. The days of each succeeding month, Miss innitred Seale Salle up, yes: = mujority of the farmers were forced to » ARNE gia, rom Mental, fo wi" se | ng oul. Sh] WE ibe 3 4 as Li y y street. , Fernie, B.C., may be far away, but, Ms. Hobrecker, who has been the city, to, the "huigling Wan, Yery; poor 18 . ® ¥ » gaiety and Social fife 'are very much guest of her daughter, Mrs. Alexander | 7}, i is. are still being | ® hn ovidonce, Of 'those taking part. in Laird, Johrson street, retarned to mie wth yittaoed hoy. n a & TT R 3 by . gs Smgsion, an interesting, Halifax to-dav. She has been much | er has been ideal this week for team ¢ Iwo of the most 3 figure E a a il Tp form-' feted in a quiet, informal little way ing, and the farmers certainly took just ly celebrated erly Miss Annie Moutray. She and while in town. advantage of the fine weather, Every $ . » Mrs. Gragi' the charmine wife of the] Mise Constance Tandy, Johnson | available car has been put: i use by Scotches on the mar. ® original 'of Ralph Connor's " "Sky | street. left to-dav for Montreal. where the railway companies, & 2 Pilot, apd now thie Presbyterian i ® ket. & 4 i 3 * + wv Mrs. Willam R. will receive Digk. Albert street, in futugg on Monday. -. y . * - Arthur Flower March will give the Country Club on followed by Mrs. oo lr on . Mrs. Whitehead, oi Montreal, will Night's Dream." y - - - 5 and nu few girls cour to witness the sight Brave wives, Mrs. there and Mrs. John « Cochrane, E. Iva Mrs. Mrs. in + social affairs again, Mrs. 'H. las Young, John Bell Carruthers, de B Mrs. Dov 10 Pieces All Silk Dresden. Ri colors, from 5 40 7 inches wide, NIGHT Special Ladies' Plain Black Cashiers seamless, all Pure Wool, sizés, Special TO-NIGHT black, 35c¢., for Come in and look over $6.50. to 10,; togiiay prices. 35¢c., Bite 10 ". - 2c. pain in all colors and a. + +" = = = 192. pair, Hose Supporters, with Satin Pad, Our Whitewear Display. Corset Rovers, Drawers, Gowns and Skirts, from 25c., We have in stock a full wsaortmont pe! Long Silk Gloves. THE JAMES JOHNSTON STORE. 180 WELLINGTON STREET. bbon, good assarbument oof regular price, 35c., 10- «memes. 19c. yard.. Hose, full fashidned and to ceived with the hostess. - -. - - will 'entertain at tea, next . ale. gave a euchre this afternoon. asked a few girls to tea, on Wednes- day, will be with us in town for some litte will go to Ottawa shortly, | *ail on Wednesday, J WH a \ Mrs. T. F. Harrison, William street, Tuesday. Mrs. George Mahood, Gore street, v Sg ee James Lesslie, William street, Mrs. to meet Miss Jean Malloch. «so Mrs. Christopher Abbott, King St. as she does M r, time yet, not think of 'oininy Nrs. G. W. G. Grout, Brock street, to visit her son. Mr. Francis Grout. Charles Abbott in Strat- | I ford till some time in Mai them on Monday. Mr. George Grover, William street, is in Toronto. The Rev. Janjes Shortt, who has given up his charge in the North- Wiest, and has been spending the fust week with his sisterdn-law, Mrs. am Shortt, King street, left on a day, for Toronto. Dr. H. Baker, of Stratiord, brother of Prof, Manley Baker of Queen's, is expected in town on Friday next. Gips For Gbe Farmers Mrs. H. W. Snellin~, r. turned, on visit in Montreal, Miss MeKeracher. of Qriern's, spent a week or so, lately, in Montreal. * Mise Kathleen Harty has gone to Toronto. where she will join Mrs. and Miss Osler, and co with them to Win- niveg for a fortnicht. Miss Madeline O'Connor, of Tong Point. Leeds. is spending a few days with her brother. Pr. F. 1. (0'Connor, house surceon of the Hotel Tieu hos- pital, and other friends in the city. oe ee Division street, Caotain Frith, R.E.. formerly of Toronto. and an ex- -cadet, has been in town for a few dave visitine Captain Russell Brown. at the R.M.C. He will for Tondon. Fng- is in the war office Miss Macanlay and Miss Frences Macanler, King street, will not ig till the week after next. Jeremy Taylor. Alfred = street, ln been so seriusly ill for some has now taken a turn for the bet. ter. ard her friends are much pleased. Miss DeLyle Ramsden, of Port Hone, oe #toving with her aunt, Mrs. Robert Crawford, Barrie street. lane, where he the her Montreal visit. the will stay with Miss Fitzhnoh. Ns. Staflord Kirkpatsick, Frontenac street, will go down with the curlers to Montreal, Miss Jessie Macarow, who has been visiting her sisters on William street, left, on Thursday, for New York on her way to Lakewood, N.J. . . . . Mrs. J. C. C. Almon. Barrie street, will go down to Montreal with the curlers on Monday. Mrs. William Lesslie, George street, is going to Montreal next week. Mrs. C. P. Johns expects to return to Thornhill on Monday. Co'onel and Mrs. Frederick "Wilson, of Quebec, are coming to town to- morrow or on Monday, Miss Marion Branden. vho has been the guest a her aunt. Mrs. George Bateman, fjpoham street, has re- turned to T nto, Mrs. Hellem. of Tweed, who has heen. -in the hospital for "some little time is decidedly on the mend, Mrs. G-orge Richardson, University avenpe, has gon» down to Prescott to visit Mrs. McAdam, Migs Mahel andl Miss Torraine Dal- tn. Johneon street, will stay with Mrs. Claxton while in Montreal. and Mise Nan Stipner. Maitland street, will stay with her brother, Mr. J. S. Skinner, . Ld ¥ * Mrs. R. J. Hooner, Albert strect, will be the guest of her sister, Mrs. Petrie, in Montreal. Mrs, Jem E. Wilmot, of Suata, is the guest of her mother, Mrs. W. J. Mahood. Onern stre~t. Mrs. B. Warper snd Mrs. W. King, are two Napanee visitors in town. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured. with LOCAL APPLICATIONS 2 cannot reach the seat of p here, Catarrh is a blood or constitutional dispaze, 'and in order to cure take imternal remedies. th Curé is taken internally acts Sirertiy on & blood and 'mu # Catarrh Cure auick medicine. - ibid on kK Sue ent Jct A this country 0 . i" a meghlar prescriptic Tt is Fompused of the best tonics Rnown: ful jas a ¢ Catarrh . testimonials fre i JF: J. CHEN Y & €CO., Props, Toledo, Thursday, from a little be | Mier Maud Dutton has returned from Tt was prescribed hy one rf, combination of the two. n- s what n for BY UNCLE JOSH. The address given at Ghnburnie, Wed nesday by W. F. Stephen, of Hunting ton, Quebec, was g most instructive oné, and it is to be regretted thata { larger number could not have been pre sent to hear it. 1 Une important statement was made "by Mr, Stephen, and that = was that there is no reason why the output of | our dairy cows may not be doubled within the next five rs. This, he says, can be accomplished by breeding well, feeding liberally, and weeding out the unprofitable COWS. The timely "tips given by Mr. Step hen should be carried out 'to the let ter, and better results are sure to fol OW. Mr. Stephen says that in order to | accomplish big things the farmer must have intelligence and business methods. In the dairying business the principles | of breeding, ete., must be observed. He pointed out what had been accomplish ed by some farmer and said that what cne could do others could do. There is a great demand for poultry +n the Kingston market on Saturdays. A well-known authority sags: "Too many of us do not.test our wilk for butter fat, but take the word ef, the creamery manager, and JI bel short weights and low te Foti times the causé of failire' th' get pro fits from the dairy. Jp fact I have known many cases where farmers bave been systematically robbed hy the 'managers of creamerics, both ia wilights and teste. ia One of my peighhors had a separa tor and was selling his cream cn the "'you-weigh-and test it" plan. He had four cows to start with, find af first was so pleased with the results that he bought four more. Things moved ~ along satisfactorily for several months, whan without any known enuse, his test began to get lower and there was a gorresponding shrinkage in the amount of cream. Matters kept getting wobks Bnd Worse until he got disgusted and offeved his cows for sale, Pe quit the creamery, Shall from the herd for two days When ho sold his 'cows the cream was sold and the butter sold for 8c, per | pound Sid brought for twa days $1.98, lacking: just. cpe pany of $11) each cow per thay. Yet thie farmr bad re erived onlv $8 for the thirty days pro- vious to the two days the eows Barn- ed for 'him 99. per day. This way have been en' extreme cate, vet 1.have known 'of others where thie stealing was neatly as great, > but saved the When it is not ¢ Possible to.supply a HELP WANTED-FEMALE, GOOD PLAIN COOK. APPLY TO MRS. Bagot street. EDISION TRIUMPH PHONOGRAPH folmachs St., suite of rooms on first & rooms, on secomd floor, 8 rcoms on third floor. Possession April 1st. Apply at above oom: offers. OUR POLICIES COVER MORE building and 8 other ON Oodwin's Insurance Emporium, ot Square, Nickle, 130 Earl St.. in the evening: largest in city. 200 selections. Terms moderate. Postal will bring hast, ------------ M . cQ , 381 Divisi treet. NEY OE 3 A GIRL, FOR KITCHEN WORK. TO Thos. NeGishes, 381 Division of Blo_MONE Y at © priser on ok ies Sieh at home. Apply 520 Princess THE RESIDENCE NOW OQCUPIED lead ore in the world. Send fir the Sire : by J.J. Behan. Beg. 191 Brock "Stogh Broker wiving full infra S---------------- Sul H heated with hot water. Ml ton, From, Famtelmnn: ongshore, Co, p! st Spokane, Wi ton. GIRLS TO WORK ON NROOM CORN Hodern, conveniences, Donscasion 198 pone, Washing ply nu o., in t.. mear Queen, i. . street. LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND OLOWE | emer | 16 Np py A SINGLE BRICK HOUSE, 305 AL FRE asta a", 187, 31s. i) i" oo 5 » t oceup od re wi the dors nve BOYS 70 LEARN THE HARDEARE | LiL tt fxtther 'y With first-class | wecurity the umiiiiited Hahitity of all inten, Abpiy na i brick coach house, barn and stable the sioekhoiders. elf Towan , ceesheseses Have you tried onr famous: Old Scotch Whiskies 2 We sell JAMES McPARLAND, King Sirest, « Kingston SII IIIIIII IIIS ---------------------- I ------ spade each yard, and in one or two, if divided info three spaces, plant some early vegetables that will require some coltivation--radishes, for example. When the crop is taken out turn the fowls into this"yard aid plant the others in the same way. ihen' the yards are divided into three one of them may he prepared thoroughly and Lrass seeds or oats are millet sown in it, with the vegetables in the second yard, while the fowls cecupy the third. When the grass or small grain gets two or three inches high tira the fowls in this yard and sow the suil in the yard they occupied in a like man n+. By the time they Pave cleaned out the grass lot, the one in which the vegetables are grown will be'ready for them to scratch over. It is surpris- ing how well the fowls will 4 under this plan, even though. each"yard is small. Mangels are of considerable value, ws a'so suger beets if kepttill early spring, when sueculent food is scarce. An acre yielding thirteen tons of mixed red clover and red grass silage in {wo cuts, would contain about the same amount gf digestible feeding mat range of considerable size for the fowls and they must be practieally kept in yards, ah exeellent plan is to divide the yard into two or three sections, secording to its size, and reat them in the following manner: Plow or ------- another thine, Dygpepsia, ving and excelldnt food for lambs or : {fate nin ning sheep in early sammer or adical Srishce deostlt Sosmn to be |r.) x arrots are valugble on all farms 3| ae to, once h fine proletent nn having suitable soils. ad all the time people keep on suffering terri Now what's the use of posting we words i i Kingston, Peb. 2. The [following prices prevailed in the city to-day : ol, food --Flour, bakers, ter as it cofftained in forty-five tons of mangels. The expense of growing {*"seeds'" is small to that of growing a | heavy crop of mangels, and the ground is Jeft in high manurial condition in toth cases. Rape i8 aq. useful catch crop on a stock farm, as it produces food for the ewe flock before the clip * Produce And Prices. istrong, 82 ta $2.10; farmers, 32.10 to $2.30. Hungarian patent, $2.30 to £2.50: oatmeal and rolled oats, $4.40 to $4.50: cornm $1.50 to $1.65; bran, $19 to $20 ton; shorts, $822 to a ton: straw, to $8; hay, loose, suitable | o 3be, Yih New laid, 30c, doz.; held eggs, 250. to 270. = dot, Grain.--Oaty, 37c.; wheat 76¢c. (different grades); Eh 50¢.; barley, 48c. to bbe; rye, SOc; peas, 75e. Butter--Choice, eroamery, 28. to 300. a dbx farmers' butter, in prions, be. 3 2i0. a lb.; packed, Pe, Meat--Beof, curcase, $5 to 85.560 ewt.; choice, cuts, 10e, to 124c. per lb; pork, . 89 to 810 a owt; veal, by the quarter, Se. to Be. per 1a; cuts, Oc. to 10c,; by the carcase, 5¢. to Te. per lb; cutlets, 124¢.; hogr live weight, $6.23 per owt, carcase, $8 to 80 per owt; cuts, 12}c. to Be. a lb; lamb, 100. to bc. a Bb. Fish--Salmon trout, 18jc. a lbh; whitefish, 12}c.; pike, 16¢, a Ib.; Chin- ook salmon, 30c. a lb; smells, 20c, a Ib; kippered herring, Yarmouth bloaters, 40c. a dozen; Atlantic salmon, 80c. a lb; salt cod- fish, 7c. to 15¢c. a lb; halibut, 20¢, a tbs fresh haddock, 10c. a Ib.; bull heads, 10c. a Ib.; red herring, 16c. a box; mackerel, 18¢, a lb; white fish and trout, 12jc. a lb; prec, 30¢. a doz; frog's legs, 40¢c. a | CinCons, 18c. a Ib.; oysters, 40e,, B0c., and 60e, per quart; bluefish. 150. per Ib. butter- fish, 13¢, per lb; lake herring, l0e, Ib; Atlantic salmon, 30a. Ib. Poultry--~Fowl, from 500. to 90e. a pair; young chickens, B0c. to 78¢, a pair; young ducks, 5c. to $1.25 a pair; turkeys, $1.30 to 81.60 each; wild ducks, 75c. to $1 a pair. Fruit--Lemons, 25¢. to 30c. a dos; oranges, 30c, to 60c. per doz.; banan- as, 200. to 25¢c. a doa; Malaga grapes, 15¢. to 20g: per 1b Vovetgifles-- Potatoes, 600. to 70c. bushel pew cabbage, Be. to 10s. a head: celery, Be, a head, or B0c. a dozen; parsnips, 200. peck; - turnips, 150. p 3 beets, 20c. peek: turnips, 200. peck; onions, Rc. to 40c. peck. ever ha than yo tion, the past; ture, . receipt of held Fon 141 skins, than your is not the ways the ray. direet. flaming of the imprisoned sunshine of into our God's 'whisper to you new. JRE. wedress nie led ne old or ne YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST IN THE , ne oF Strance, A 3 es Diimay Seep ax hese: | goys®, 86 DARRIE ST. FROM FEB, i : - 1st, to May lst, Fith option of Mona : LW er period. One of the most compl + 4 A © GENERAL SERVANT, GOOD | and up-to-date residences in the city: PERSONALS. wages, no washing. Apply to Mrs location Jnsurgasd, Enquire "at vo ---- ei sybapreert L. L. Henderson, Cor Bagot and Barrie street. PROF'S CARL & ROLLIN TRUTHFUL, Went streets. Jelioble eon using Soy ants . 'oretell your me, stamp IMMEDIATELY, A GOOD GENVIRAL MEDICAL ay birth . date. Ao Clark St., servant. Good wages. No washing cago. or ironing. Apply Mrs, A. P. Knight, | DR. MeCARTHY, | eno LATELY Alice surest. Sue No wire, MEE-YOUR FORTUNE TOLD, -- Juture and pas Tovealed, phiRHsing LADIES TO DO PLAIN AND LIGHT by America nen losophers sewing at home, whole or spare time; PR. Pan aid oi ea ARES, Retreioist Crain Sy Jahn, k t distance, do ONILO. hy ood pay tan Ho full Wallington and Willan streets. date and statup. Know Thysed. particulars. National M facturing Company, Montreal. LOST, LOVE, MARRIAGE, BUSINESS made lear, und alto od to win the t 2 WHEPTE Wr n spss durable affection nother sex RAINED NURSES. A FEW VACAN- |A = LADIES WHITE WOOLEN VENT, Tninat wil rivals. Send your. birth cies to be filled in the Training WE a Delo date and 10¢. J. Grant, Box 207, school, for nurses of the Buffalo on inside, on Friday A hate Re a Lachine P.O. Que. Homeopathic Hospital, a high. class Queen' 2 U ans reity am to this 'Office. registered school, nineteen years old, Rewardgfor its Tetum tc % ol conducting a three-year graded course. - GENTLE! MAN orn Ser 25-000, Applicants must have one year High | A CADDY oF BRIER TOBACCO, in estate, fiheris bl School mark or its equivalent. For Tuesday, Jun. 20th, hetween King: wou Lie to suet th view information| address Miss Frances ston and Odessi Rewari for infor. to Jatriony. Ne No pletion ah por ol Superintendent, 74 Cotta, tion wading to the recovery of maiden © Ha Way N cant ae T--, 8. Bond, Odessa Room 400 Ceylon 'po am. >The Paragraph Pu " REV. ¢ WBS, array A The Reality i - Revelation is the disclosure of truths by God to the individual direct, What « come through other mimls ur lation to the first dawned as a living truth, cannot become so to you, reflection of truth; own it is the It was rove mind i but i It is not own, or by other medium personal perception, may be truth, but it cannot be revelg- It is only hearsay. one in whose t t Revelation it is al the sunbopm Aashing Revelation is faces today, fm Sold at hy pith DI uy Frontenac Reform Association, ANNUAL Frontenane ileform the Necrotary: 10¢ per ib; MEETING Asgociation will } Whig Hall, THURSDAY, bh, at 1.80 p.m. be delivered by prominent spoakers. J, J. KEENAN, dairy skins, each; kipw or grassors, 8¢. per Ib; ren- OF TH Address Mr. Casson for free litera LOOARANAAAAEAOAGIALALA Dre sr Ends 'smale od al BL CORP VEPPETVITRIII IIS wn Addresses will R. J, VAIR, President. ihe, to $10; pressed, $12 wo $14. ; Pe : RETIN TTT Tew Owing ta the decline in the hide | deved tallow, Bic. per 15H.; 'hoes wax, market, the following prices will take | No. 1, 26c. per 1b. ginseng, wild, dry effect, in. Kingston, on Mondny, Janu- | root, 85 per Ib; red fox, No. large, ary 28th : . $1; mink, fine, and dark, - to Fo Beef hides, No. 1, 84c. por Jb; No: | raccoon, 600. to $2, according to 2, and bulls, 7c. per lb.; sheep pelts, | beauty of same; skunk, 280. to The. freshly taken off, 81 to $1.25; = calf | according to color. iinivivleleiriviieleleldeieeimivivieivirieie iim rieimee ers PO CAf Invent * ter-inventory x0 BR Sale" £ -ALL WINTER STOCK MUST GO TO MAKE ROOM ' T FOR SPRING GOODS NOW ARRIVING . . . o, i oie k oe o J CHILDREN'S FLANNELETTE G RLS CLOT H SKIRTS, sizeg + ole DRAWERS, sizgs 2 10 . $2 . oe 14 years, regular 258. , JF}: : ' 98 * + ab ii & oe s + WOMEN'S LANNELEITE MISSES' AND WOMEN'S 9 + DRAW i RS, 50s, nam WARMLY LINED 3 T iw, for .. Ty e LTH COATS, at 1 00 o oe \ . = L i" or Ry vo $ WOMEN'S FLANNELE wong 8 SKIRTS, regulor Ie CORSET COVERS £3.50 to 2 3, now ...... . were 50e., now 9 > . 3 "AN Winter oor at Big nations; * 3 : 3 i SPENCE'S The Le Lendipé Mitfery tore 3 tle $ * . oS Be Se ee ps eC BR bb Nth Bl . Sip a tere

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