is F § § £ j t i £ 7 : f He iit } , and independent criticisms of the This was said to * have, d.sthe premier that he de- incident was regarded with doubt, v Sir Wilfrid acting the, or, in, Biter repudiation of his te for courtesy and in violation of the proprieties ! The assumption the evidence of this $ Passes compe h non." This is 're-| hos come from Mr. Lavergue, who is SG Ri ISAAC ZACKS 271 PRINCESS ST. ¥ i 3 4 { FIRE WOOD | 3 Tut iesived seven cars of Good Hard Maple Wood. : Can furnish it in long { lengths or sawed short ready for use. NICE AND LRY } Write, "phone or call ana your order will have prompt 4 and careful attention. ---- 3. c 8. ANGLIN & C0. Foot of Welling. ton Street. AAA AAAAAAAANAAAAAAAND What a mistake to use coarse Salt for cooking! Fine, pungent WINDSOR SALT adds such a daintiness to the food | prot | government, with its majority, whith it uses with mechanical effects, went | ports," he asserts. They are com- on with jts wicked work, to the evi. dent delight of the office hunters. % be retaliation--that the Ottawa gov- erament should remove from the fed- eral service a conservative for every liberal removed from - the provincial | canse he did not, in his first speech service--and it held the Whitney gov- | as leader of the opposit ernment in check for a time. It be | himself on the local option question eame evidint, however, that the feder- al government did not approve of de- | stroying the public service for politi- | al, has been showing how big and cal » And the dismissals in Op- | covrageous ho is. | tarid were sovive. The liberal press is not done with | tentions the question. The sins of the govern. | three-fifths' ment are accumulating, and they will | Whitney bave to be atoned for some day. It is | object of the cnjuiry." Mr, Whitney the function of the press, in the pro- | had been reading the papers, and per time, to bring all things vo the | was wholly satisfied wit] remembrance of the people, and the Bpoi's system will be discussed, and in a way that promises the most good. tins "| broach to candour by saying that Mr. x Gillespie is an old man, anyway. | majority in favour of the act. The ex- atout eighty, and that tiers can tie | perience hero is like unto the ex Do great hardship about sanling Wm | ence which has been had in several into: vetirement, places, ; The promier speaks of course for the 118% Hifuity 'of meunnese of the got. | government. He has given what the At iy Lon agoinst him that he [Mail calls o "quietus" upon the re: a partizan official, and the gov- | Forts that the law will 'be amended. : p Suppose Mr... Graham now moves moval. Ho wax not asked for any ex- | an amendment, and to the, effect, that planation. He was not permitted to | a majority Yole--anything over filty enter a defence. Was this in accord per cent, + ance with the ossions of the gov- | tion elections, nt peo There would be a big difference be. against the spoils system, and claim- tween him and the premier, and it od credit for holding 10 his ground | Might be representative of the differ- against the demands of the party. {nce between the people and the tory f any one were charged with wrong. | arty. | afraid of ? That Hon. Mr, Ross would It was proposed that thers should The age of the Han deus not affect ernment peremptorily ordered his re-. ernment? The premier declared doing he would be given a chance to hear the evidence and submit what proof he could in support of his Posi: is simply assumed, reasonably, that the government has surrendered to the ed. Because Mr, Gillespie is an be treated brutally. His advanced years, the veneration with which he not in good form. What was the Whitney -Foy, idea of declaring the West Middlesex seat va- Sant and sending 'out. a proclamation with the seven seals of parliament ¥ A 'member of the Commons cannot be was abolished many years ago. tor; nothing 'to show that he is die qualified for local honors. It is im. Proceeding, When the pesolution or or- der was handed to the speaker, he looked at it askance and asked when What was the Whitney-Foy $action RAWFORD in good fuel, X a! a Queen ar want it. The | again. be a candidate, and, being i Ross was published in the Papers, and the phantom of the gov- ernment was laid. ! Ross of other days still lives, however, and he way happily be re- presented in the legislature by his son, who has the liberal nomination and the assurance of a viotory when tha people do the polling on February 20th. pour? of against, ; car and" come back to harass and dis- the minister of 'railway says that all those plants will be put under the $ of the railway commission. eY | don {Score for Billy. liberal na bls to say the least of it. The [0 ashamed of the Iabrication, that he liberal papers pr tested--they are still [says he must make a statement in' toring ani be vain, Why? The/| parliament respecting it. "There is no foundation for -------------- Whitney Committing Himsety, Mr. Graham has been oriticized be- on, express Give him time. He has been quiszing | Mr. Whitney, and the premier, gs usu- Mr. Graham wanted to know the in- of the government on the The item of public notice, as the reports Were concerned, t what the people wanted or To Mr. by pie largely belongs the credit for such railway taxation #8" haw 'beeti 'proposed. She an Set getic campaign him in this direction the ture dealt with the. question. his efforts a j enquirids as' "tc railway tion in plete fabrications, and uttered in a spirit of deviltry for which thers is no | aceounting § Pettvpicee should not be refused the many of the states of the un where, facts and "arguments were secured which 'could not be refuted. Mr. credit' which is his due. J Je Whitney Is Crawling. Hamilton Times. After all Whitney's boasting his crawl on the 'coercion of the rural | Pyne says the government's policy is trustees in. the teachers' salaries mat. ter was a most inglorious ome. And #till "rudimentary and chaotie. for many 'years they boasted how they would settle the school hook matter and improve the schools jf they only had a chance. Now they majority clause, and' Mr. |grope im the dark and imix and "does not understand the with several ballots in peri- ------ Editorial Notes. Senator Ross' farewell to the elec- tion. No reason has been assigned | tors of West Midd for an abandonment of 'that policy. It | political literature. besex ranks high in ------ Judge Fitzgerald did a wise thing 8Poils party and that when some man's | When he put an end to the sketching place is wanted he must be decapitat- in court during the Thaw trial Some of the alleged sketchers were dreadful man does not warrant that he should | 4aubs. There is inspiration in the life of a , " : y man like Eaton. The head of the hr et eee den pam ms NOL: receive it. | "The apologies of th ronto and Winnipeg though dead yet Toronto News for Mr. Whitney are Spon etl It is recorded of the Inte Mr. Eaton that he studied to please the people, Alarm In The House. oe and would paid for an dissatisfy the oustomer. gladly return th» money article at any time than -- Ontario railway commission ig being called down for its weakness in a member of the legislature, That was | the Hamilton case. It,.is trovided for when dual representation [timid about something and is seek- ing conferences when it should give But thete is no reference to a seha- |orders. evidently ------ Eaton entertained the belief that plied, however, and' no one but ga [Some day the busines of 'the people Whitney or & Foy' "would worry about | Would be done in five days, and that it or go to the trouble of issuing spe- | the other two days would bo. given up 1 cial dors cting it, to diversion and test. How far are There was great haste about the | Ve away from this * ------ Mr. Tarte knows how Hon, Mr. Blair got q ke know how Mr. Blair got out bf it would be put, and he was some- . 'I what startled Me the furidus reply of parliament ? There is a great mystery Me Whitney, *"Forthwith." And putt here which no one seems to be able to Was, and the awful deed was done. olear up. into federal politics. Does Maclean is doing something in Ot tawa. He hus been after the sleeping people, and now -------- The Hamilton Herald, scores the libérals because they applaud Stud. holme and censure Lavergne. The Herald is basing its observation in the story that the Premier scorched Lavergue at a public function when ho did nothing of the kind. The ty finds no fault with the independinee of any mum, stood pat upon | he pas prevail in Tocal 6p- | J | employed in continental muddle everything they touch. Some Mean Libels. ie' Toronto Star bh the position | the het as it stood, in other weds the government the question, Whitney refers to what is in t Gillespie's Bad Treatment. | pers, and in the Mail, ote fo th re- | the The dismissal of Sheriff Gilles;is, of | Port of his speech, 'is a reference to] Trince Edward county is variously de- | the Teeswater contest. Here the vote | bos fendsd by the conservative papers, | on local option was 134 for and 59 but of them successfully, The by. hate 2 makes the nearvst wp- doubt. The issue depends on two or three votes, and yet there is a large ! The easiest mark for a libel suit is a newspaper. The offence, when com- mitted, ie easily proved, an there is usually something for -the sheriff to collect. Yet the pewspaper libel ig probubly the least harmful of all, for the moment. it appears it is known to sufferer, and he may obtain his iy pers, also, are to exercise care in their state ments, not only because of the libel law, but because 'they must retain the confidence. of their readers. The man who 'repeats. a scandalous story in private conversation is under no such restraints. A newspaper reporter, who ou out to verily a story knows ow much 'inaccuracy creeps into the common talk of the streets, and he soon learns to sift and discriminate. The private alander is the worst; it is also' the mdst difficult to trace and to punish. . Extent Of Child Labér. St. John Teluogr s A bulletin arn, issued shows that "the total number of Eread winners definéd" as those earning money regu- rly by labor, contributing to the family support, or appreciably assist- ing 'in meohamical or agricultural in- dustry, ten to fifteen years of age, United States according to the census of 1900, was 1,780,178. By far the most important occupation for children is that of agricultural laborers, the ber of children, ten to fifteen years 80 em- ployed being 1,064,446. This is an oo. eupation not open to most of the ob- fections ordinarily urged against child labor. Thus about two-thirds of the total number of child bread winners were emploved on the farm. and most of these children were members of the farmers' familics. The 688,207 chil- dren employed in pursuits not, nected with agriculture are the chil. dren employed in trade and transpor- tation, in manufacturing and me- chanical pursuits, and in domestic and personal service." ----------. ALTHORPE DEATHS. ---- The Late Alexander Menzies and Robert Lynn, Althorpe, Fob. 1.--The death occur- red at the family residence here, Moa- day morning, of Alexander Menzies, a respected resident of this place. De- ceased took suddenly ill a couple of weeks ago, and mever rallied. © was an indestrious workingman. His wife pred him about one year ago. Deceased was in his Seventy-sixtin year, He leaves three dons and four daugh- ters. They are James of Westport ; Joseph and. Thomas at : James Dowdall in the Notth-West; Liz 7ie_ and Annie at home, and Mrs, R. Forrester, Westport, Early Wednesday morning a -second death occurred . in Westport, in the i of an old and: respected resi- £ Gf this place, Robert Lynn. De- ceased had spent the great part of his life here, but. last spf he re- tired to Westport to spend rest of his days. Mr. Lynn was a foremost man in this district, and very indus {rious and a hard worker. He was hiehly respected. He leaves besides his widow, who is very ill at present, two sons, Thomas and Abraham, of West- Tort; Mrs. Shellington, n Mrs, E. 0. Whitmarsh, Westport: Alice a professional nurse in Boston; Rebee- ta, nurse-in-training at Waltham, Mass. If deceased had lived he would Save reached ' his eightieth year in ny. Thomas Fowler arrived home from Portage La Prairie to buy a earload' bof horses, to take west, in the spring. James Dowdall, Fr.. arrived home from Calpary, to soend a fow months. Nr. Victor Nell. home from Water. town, for a week, retwrned last week. Rev. 'MF. Gregg wrenched ' his farewell fermon here on Sunday last. : -- From Their Point Of View. New York Sun. Recipe for. a Jamaica official *hu- A Fieth-of Malvilios A fourt Malvolio: » fourth of Armado: a half of Dogbéery .. boil-long enonsh in Covlon and Ringapore; corve twith Tarfar sauce and tabasco, Ahi A Rough Hockey Ma : Pride Wiptiess. 4 Ganahoque, 2 Leaf rink, Thursday eveni dress carnival was held. yoy five Costumes petit i 3 Batata itizons' band was evening the Star-Bachelors and Lawrence teams battled ition of tail-enders. in: the. hook, game was hotly contest- lips ~ reforecd fy , The handily by 12 to 3. t member of the opposing over the head with his stick and ] Medical aid was brought tended to in and his injuries at Henry Pelow and Jose gned charged . with. ey and fined $3 the semi-annual in- officers for Gananoque 24, RT. of T,, took! senior - past councillor of ceremony, acting grand councillot Joseph Cornell; P.C., Jas. Lattimore: . Bates; R.S., W. G. Bates: i. G. Bates; BST, Mys Mise A. Dewitta; her « Clow: guard, Miss K. enjoyable evening Joyed, Miss Nellie Thetis Wright, Sydenham red & position as teach- ton' school, and nter upon her du- spending a short ti me with relatives and friends mn: Ga nanoawe and vicin- aig, Princess street is spending a cou who has been spending t with' her parents in Kin turned home. Mrs. William { st. accompanied by her Gussie, left, yesterday, wenks with relatives Stone street, is spending the guest of her friend, shonding a few weoks w ---------- NAPANEE NEWS. is Transpiring Napance, Feb, 2 | ~William Ferguson Sask., visiting his won, and other rela apanee and vicinity, sino returned. Wednesday. Har mn, with the Robinson com several years, leaves, nexi position in New Wagar entertained on soh, James Ferg Thursday afternoon, Mrs, man, John street, ber of friends on T| son and heir arrived at the home and Mrs. E. Bar Hall (nee Au- Princeton, B.C., on entertained a num hursday evening. A gusta Perry), at M.B.A. ball, held in own hall, on. Wednesday evening, Free Hair Remedy Quickly Removes Dan Falling Hair Faded Hair and Grows TRY A FREE PACKAGE AT y how well you would look, and what satisfaction it would ai- , Bromley Suits ? signers and cutters. The 'most skilful tailors have all done Nothing Quite So Nice as Beautiful Head \of Hair. actully grows hair, was the most successful 'in the history the organization. Nearly three huttired people enjoyed the popular Stops hair faili » insures en a chamber, which I don't ask you to provettient over fo x It apstairs. Crosby & O'Conne ] s a The chosen, Kingston, furnished tie muse fhe social democratic candidate. Th FREE PACKAGE COUPON. Fill in vour name and tied Hes below and . Cincinnati, "Ohio, A mail you wii receive ty free a free 10 ht Sick foeding cups; at Choyta's, Armours Solig PorTes wn canoe) "of 'Beef potted in Canada by the makers. 'A i Sortp EXTRACT OF BREF is simply the best extract of the finest beef. Absolutely pure ang healthful, 4 There is no opportunity for adulteration in Axrxour's EXTRACT OF Brur. Fluid Beefs are mixed with + Water and other ingredients, and will go only oge. a far * Write for free booklet ** CULINARY WRINKLES." ARMOUR LIMITED = = Toronto x CANADIAN - FACTORY--TT Fronr Synerr Easy 3 Easy to Apply Quick to Cure Don't you see this is something ep, tirelyl new--something far more effec- tive than any amount of Poisonous dope or drugs. It does mot patch you up--it cures you permanently ud quickly. All sufferers from Rhoumatism, ane Back, Indigestion, Nervous Debility, s of Energy, can have a moder complete Electrical' Treatment in their own homes. Doctors Ehdorsn Electric- ity--Hospitals and Sanitaria use it, and are curing t ousands anun- ally. Mo new Style Electric Belt appliance IS "A WONDERFUL CURE for alk the above diseasss. No need to give up--Wear my Belt --It will flood your system with new life- new hope and new health It. brings to all an expensive Electrical), Treatment in their homes. IT IS EASY TO BUY. I will send my high grade Belt to every sufferer on such easy terms that T will be almost giving it away. I have every confidence you will be cured: long before you have paid for the Belt. 1 do not undertake any cass that 1 think I cannot help. I have written a book on Curative Electricity, which 1 want to send vou. This book explains folly and clearly how electricity pro perly applied does 'cure' the above ailments. From it you can learn all about my new appliance an how it is used. Address : DR. J; M. MACDONALD, P.0. Box 565, Montreal, P.Q. own PPPEPEPPEPPEOP000 000000 0000000006 0006600004 »> BIBBY '8 F ine Clothes For Men Have you ever thought how contented you. would feel, 0000000000000 0000000000.¢ 1000000000000. ford your friends to see you dressed in one of our handsome The new garments are now on our tables. The best de- their best for you. Come in and let our new Suits talk to you for a moments. » £ They have a great story to tell of their excellence. Every purse can find here a suit to fit it. : Suits at $10, $12, $14, $15, $18.50 and $20. The H. D. Bibby Co. Tove Yeee 2000000000000 000000000 090000000090 000000000 4 4 < i 4 4 3 X 4 L 4 + & 9 > + p ; . . ) p > y p | A Socialist Defeated. Bexlin, Feb. 2.--The first of the re i ts ichst ce whith ervel in the souncil | (S10, for members of the Reichstag Em 8 decided im | cat at Bremen, where 5 radical was ) i ns or- | elected by a majority of 1,800 over seat had been held for a long time Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Downey, | 1¥ the Socialist, whose majority, in Sandhurst, will rémove to, Napahee in | » was 1,100, be course of a few weeks, wp bs : 5 oo Mark Graham snd Earl Vanalstine | Hard or soft cofns cured with thre il open a' clothing and gents' furm- | : ta ishing business, in the stand next door ! aunty. Money hack H Rat Sats to the Beaver office, the premises form: | Dr = " yee, Si ~ erly ocoupied by Graham 8: Co. | rug Store, O8STS. | | applications of Peck's Corn Salve. ------ | Kingston shortly. | Pus basing, all sizes, at Ch |. Semi-Ready tailoring will (= in ns. PEPE Reread *I thank Per The rapid growt! eine Company is a business world as larity of their fam « The plant covers snd employs seve No other medicin reaches anything business done by I Although Peru: medicine, the deta ing are in strict ac maceutical discov gives Dr. Hartm: than to show his | friends through t For years Dr. H in his private prac scription. He had facturing it or ad: prietary medicine mand made upo friends, who clam Prescription. PAA PP WAAAY There is no refor the many such ads gaining favor with popularly known ¢ people, is growing with representative comitant, corporat be taking a more « article in the Inde the House of Lord gests that the gov of Commons, in ca oi grieviously amen with the provision jority of those ve measare it should mitted to the asse Though in this lat people must come + federal (dominion) cree of the executiy not a petition to | citizenship, was es' CURE YOUR COUGH. NOW MATHIEU' of Tar and !