Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Feb 1907, p. 7

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ells of Her Marvelous Re- AFE CURE EATEST KIDNEY CURE SENT DER OF THE WHIG, WHO SUE- SR OR BLOOD DISEASE. D MRS. SHIELDS STORY. there is any ome in the | who wants to know whout Cure, just tell ity life to that medicine. It cured i three doctors utterly failed to give me relief. ghteen years ago I was taken down meninedtis. I was very badly off uy 3 doctors svemed unable to do for me. After leaving my bed it B months before 1 could "walk. I 0 use of myself at all. All I could as 10 sit and read. ently a neighbor handed me War- Safe Cure book. At that time I ittle faith in medicine of any kind, had taken most everything with- elief, and I had just about given pe of ever getting well. But after Wg your book 1 decided to try War- Safe Cure. Was astahistied 4 at Pe results, for taking it ays began to pick t the end'of the first bottle I Ras to clean up my room. am ndw entirely cured and can say ut hesitation that my recovery is 0 Warner's Safe Cure and nothing have sincs recommended vour Medi- lo many cthers and shall always saved by it. Very gratefully yours. Atlanta, Ga., April 20, 19086, is not carrisd off and this cause heumatism of the Muscles, Rheuma- onstirated and the liver torpid. m and no ill after-effect is experi- is' sold by all containing harmful in two sizes and use substitutes nvince every sufferer from disease of dneys, liver, bladder and blood that NERS SAFE CURE will cure LY FREE, postpaid, to any ome . 44 Lombard St., Toronto, Ont. the Kingston British Whigy © The Dur doctors will also send medical ind treatment of each disease, and e. RS RESTORINE =~: most wonderful Medicine ever dis. astounding the world. 10,000 ome month ia fg National recommended The has res is for use Aaylimg where, as is well a male inmates are victims of lost rible form. In Butope the remedy | governments and is now used as a reat Rauding drales of both Framce Stoos losses lever return. streatment. The skin becomes clean, Confidence returns, stepelastic, bowels ches isa ppest. No more weak me 1 becomes bright and active. A Food Blood. A permzsent cure no matter e case. Just semi us to-day your name ainly written and a 5 days treatment {be sent FREE ia 'ain sealed pack- esitate a moment 'e will treat you d with hovest confidence. WER L, 2341 MONTREAL. JEEN slump. 10 Clarence Street. r the most fragant, Tea in the world. a lb.--All grocers ever fully ciate the bless Poverty until ater! they break millionaire class, - 1 ; w= blac! dr, PIMPLES, BLACKHEADS | Get Rid of All Your Face Troubles | in a Few Days' Time With | the Wonderful Stuart Calcium Wafers. a -- i | Trial Package Sent Free. You cannot have an attractive face or a beautiful complexion when your blood is in bad order and full of im- purities. pure face, always. The most wonderful as well as the | Whose most rapid blood cleanser is Stuart's fire her husband in penetrating the La wad Foo YOu use them: for a |unknown Impure blood means an im. | nidas [FROM PICTON TOWN! CHILDREN WITH MATCHES! CA department, began taking soundings USED A FIRE. through the ice in the on | Phursday morning, he was accompan- Some Bank Changes--Bell Tele- 'ied by seven good tories, who were phone Manager Resigns to Ee- come a Nurse in Training. | Picton, Feb. 1.--It is of interest to note that Mrs. McColl, wile of Rev. | Mr. McColl, the Methodist minister of | Wellington, is a sister of Mrs. Leo- Hubbard, lecturer and daring explorer, | cxplorations in Labrador, | i {and wilds, met his death, is so mn! ays, and the difference tells in | Well-known. Mrs. Hubbard was x away. | Wellington recently and gave a lee | 3 0od purifiers and skin treat- [19re under the auspices of the Me- | ments are full of poison. Stuart's Cal- jodist church. i cium Wafers are guaranteed free from | Children playing with matches were ! any poison, mercury, drug, or opiate. the house water, but {about 'Lhey are as harmless as the results pre astonishing. The worst cases of skin diseases have bein cured in a week by this quick- acting remedy. It contains the most offective working power of amy purifier ever distovered--chlgium Salo, Most blood and skin treatments gre terribly slow. Stuart's Calcium Wafers have cured boils in 3 days. Every particle of impurity is driven out of vour svs- tem completely, never to return, and it is den: without deranging your sys- tem in the slightest. ! : No matter what your trouble is. whether pimples, blotches, blackheads, rash, tetter, eczema, or seabby crusts, you can solemnly depend upon Stu- art's Caldium Wafers as never-failing. Don't be any longer humiliated by having a splotchy face. Don't have stranifers stare at you, or allow your friends to be ashamed of you because of your face. ' Your blood makes you what you are. The men and women who forge ahcad are those with pure blood and pure faces. Did you ever stop to think of that? Stuart's Calcium Wafers are abso- lately harmless, but the results mighty satisfying to you efen at the nd of a week. They will make you happy heciuse your face will he a wel- come sight not only to yourself when you look in the glass, but to every- hodv else. who knows you and talks with you. We want ta prove to you that Stu- art's Calcium Wafers are beyond | doubt the best and quickest blood and skin purifier in the world,--so we will send you a free sample as soon as we get your name and pddress. Send for it today, and then when you have tried the sample you will not rest contented until you have bought a 50c. box at your druggist's Send ns your name and address to day and we will at once send you by mail a sample package. free. Address F. A. Stuart Co. 51 Stuart Build inz, Marshall, Mich. Maypole Pp Dye The English home of Sop Clean quick: safe. Deillisos tetots to am You can't wash the color out--it's fadelesa. The largest sale in the Ryn. Made in England but sold everywhere. soc. for Colora--ise. for Black, Dr. Hugo's Health Tablets for Women Make Healthy Women ONE MONTH MORE AND THEN WE VACATE 100 Reams Note Paper, 40c. per Ream. Think of it, Sheets Paper. Envelopes, 25¢:. per box. Fnvelopes for business, 60c. per 1,000. 500 Page Account Books, Fools- cap, for 10c. per 100 pages. only 2c. for 24 All Sheet Music, 5 copies for 10c. ; : Now is your time, everything goes. T. McAuley Try a Pound of Myers' HOME MADE Sausages For Sunday's Breakfast, 60 Brock St NewYork Chinese Restaurant 83 Princess Street Open from 10.50 a.w, to 3.00 am The best plac to wet am all round Lunch fn the city; Meals of sll kinds on shortest motice; English and Chinese Wehes » specialty. i= Tramcar As A Hearse. London, Feb. 2.--The body of George Herbert Harris, a tramway employee, was carried to the cemetery, yester- day, at Preston, on a special electric tramecar. 'The mourners followed in another car. - teat Bargains In Fresh Meat! To-Nigkt. 3 lbs. best rovmd steak. 2c. prime roast, 8c. per lb. boiling pieces, 6c ., at Mullin's. : A -------------------- ite ol gloves, 15¢ i i namelictte night 50c. up. New York Special k tights, weg from horse radish, for roast , and all kinds of meat. It's ¥ grocery for it. Have no on | Stomach tubes at Chown's, of a small fire which did $100 damage in the sitting room of the home on Union street of Nelson Bailie, on Wednesday night. | A match lighted by one of the chil- | dren caught fire in the cosy corner and the flame quickly shot up the lace curtain nearby. Before the blaze could be extinguished Mr. Bailie had severely bur his hands, heside bad- | ly scorching his face and head. D. H. Kennedy, for the past two years accountant in the loeal branch | of the Metropolitan Bank, has been | transferred to Guelph and left town, yesterday. On Wednesday evening a banquet was held in his honor at the Globe hotel, and Mr. Kennedy was presented with a handsome Masonic ving. Mr. McMaster, of Toronto, will fill the local vacancy. A second move in the local banks this week has been | the promotion of W. C. Wales; of the | Standard Bank staff to the Bloomfield | office. Bruce White, of Toronto, is the new ledger keeper in the Standard Rank. | It is- understood, Miss Nellie Clapp | has resigned as local manager of the Bell Telephone office, which position | she has held for the pust few years. | Miss Clapp will leave, shortly, to en- ter a Buffalo hospital, as nurse-in- training. She is a denghter of Capt. Clapp, the well-known! mariner and master, associnted with the Niagara | Navigation company, of Toronto. Frederick Brewster, for some time in- speetor, has been appointed as Picton | manager of the Bell Telephone pany. Mrs. 8. B. Gearing gave a delightful "At Home" at the Standard bank, vesterday afternoon. Miss Florence Carter has gone to Detroit to visit her sister. Mayor Farrington has re- turned from Chicago, where he at- tended the United Tailors' and Cut- ters' convention. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Mulligan are visiting in Ruffalo. Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Rose have been spend- ing the week in Toronto, with friends. Miss Helen Blakelw is visiting in Port Rope. Rev. William Shearer, of St. Andrew's Presbyterian church, is spending a two weeks holiday in To- ronto. Miss Procter, of Brighton, is | the guest of Mrs. Gearing, at the Standard bank. Mrs. Wilham Wright, Wellington, has been spending the week with Mrs. H. 8, Wilcock. Some town visitors include: A.M Terrill, Calgary, with Mr. and Mrs. J. | } com- E. Terrill; Miss VanNorman, Belle- | ville, with Mrs. G. H. M. Tanner; G. | W. McMullen, Chicago, with H. C and Miss McMullen; Miss E. Gardner, | Port Hope, with Miss Dunbar . MAY BE A STRIKE { Among the Paper Workers at | - Hull. Ottawa, Feb. a 2.~There may be al strike aniong the 'paper workers of | Hull. Some 400 men are concerned, | and preliminary meetings point to a | demand from 'the E. B. Eddy company | for better wages and conditions. | Meantime, one of the labor organizers who brought on the strike at Bucking | ham, Que., is going the rounds of the | Hull workers' union, seeking the | names of the girls who left Ottawa as | strike breakers at They wish | to see if their fathers or brothers are | members of any union Through these, the painters would attack the | girls in some way as a punishment. | P. Charette, superintendent and col-| Jector of Gatineau Point water works, | refused to hang over the keys of the! power house to the newly-elected coun- cil of the village. The mayor and con- | stable demanded them from the em- | ployee, whom they hac dismissed, ow- | ing to heated disputes during the | municipal election. The council is to | arrest Charette for trespass, and he will be served with a mandamus to | prevent him further acting for Gatin eau Point corporation. The new rink, to be built, to replace | the Rideau, destroyed by fire, is to Toronto. cost £75000. The capital is raised locally. ~The site, however, is just now doubtiul. Joseph Savignac was sentenced "to seven vears' imprisonment for at- tempting to murder his wile. The trial will prove a fairly expensive ome. An Ottawa syndicate has purchased a considerable part of the famous Gal, lies' Limit, adjoining Cobalt. It con- sists of about fifty square miles of timber limits, the minerals being re served by the government. ~---- Brutality In Australia. Adelaide, Feb. 2.---At the meeting of the .science eongress, today, Prof. Klaatseh, of Heidelberg, related results of ethnological researches among the negroes of Northwest Australia. He confirmed "the reports that have been current of ill-trentment of the natives, and compared the relations hotween whites and blacks there with the state | pf afinirs that prevailed in Tasmania | in 1530, which rdsulted in the' exter | mination of the blacks, Prof. Klaatsch | said that he had witnessod at Wynd- | hum the arrival of native prisoners, who had trgvelld 300 or 400 miles chained together by the neck. Teanher Theeting at Chown's, Victoria ¢wtamery, Lindsay, is send- ling a large y of rich cream to Lour dairy © Seol here, so 'you can de- | pond on ting Victoria creamery Hresh and & y. 1.ook Jo- 40 list included in the February * sele, at Gibson's Red Cross Pro tore, Makter Ata Dougely, the oy oprano, ingston, will sing in t + Preshyterian oh yg Napanee, Sun- "day m the brilliant writer | § | Fuller. | chute, ' vg DAILY BRITISH WHI1G, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2. THE TORIES"OUSTED. Jobs With Government Enginepr. : When Eriincer Fuller, of the marine supplied to hun by a local company to cut thé necessary holes in the ice. During the day, some equally good grits visited the scene of the opera- tions, and were greatly amazed to see tories at work on a grit patron: age joh. apd drawing two dollars a ay. The grits were indignant that the marine department incer should have gone {quite unknowingly) to a tory firm for helpers, and declared that the policy of Premier Whitney, Ontario, that "to the victors belong the spoils," must be carried out on their side as well. The idea of seven tories being engaged by the grit gov- ernment at Ottawa to cut holes in the harbor ice, when there were just as good grit axes, saws and chisels to do the work, and just as many grit pockets needed replenishing ! It didn't take long for a change to occur. The engineer in charge receiv- ed orders, yesterday, from Ottawa that another marine man was to sup- ply the helpers, and this morning a different seven went to work with Mr. Ii the original force of work- ers had been divided politically. no objection would have n raised, but when literals saw the scheme worked on the government engineer, they couldn't content themselves, and en- tered a very quiet but forcible pro- test, A large number of soundings have already been taken, but anovhed week will elapse before Mr. Fuller com: pletes his work. The occurrence does not cause much comment. To the victors must go the spoils. No grit cabman could have his services engaged to drive a pris. oner to the penitentiary while Whitney )s in power at Toronto. No grit rewspaper office gets any Ontario legislature printing or advertising, and hence the grits were only doing themselves justioe in demanding the privilege of wielding the axe in the harbor. ¥ ------ NEWS OF THE WORLD | OCCURRENCES RECOUNTED | IN BRIEF FORM, { 4 Matters That Interest Everybody | ~Notes From All Over--Little | of Everything and Remembered. | Thomas Bayles was killed at Green: | wood, Ont, by a pile-driver falling ou | him. | vames D. Wards has resigned as | cas in the provincial secretary's | | | Easily Read Mr. Balfour, speaking at Hull, Fug., stated fiscal reform was still a plank in the unionist platiorm Hamar Greemwood, who has reached Britain from Jamaica, defends ton of Governor Swettenham, tremier Whitney introduced a bill in | the legislature 10 repeal manhood suf: frage registration except in cities. | A system of free ext books, in pub- lic sthools, is advocated in the report { i | | i ! | the ae- of the text book commission. Albert Bennett, a thirteen-year-old boy. was "arrested, charged with set- ting numerous incendiary fires in To- | ronto. | The Belgian steamer St. Andrew. on her way Je Antwerp, to New York, struck and killed oa huge hammerhoal | whale. Prof, D. Mitri Ivamochefi Mendeloff, | known as one of the world's greatest | chemists, died at St. Petersburg, on | Sunday. | The unmarried ladies of Wakefield, | Mass., have petitioned the state as | sembly, asking that a tax be levied | on all bachelors. | Toronto is going before the reilway | board to ask that the Toronto Rail-/ way company be not allowed to over crowd the cars. Solomon Turck, the oldest powder explosive manufacturer in/America, is dead at his residence if New York, He was seventy-nine years old. Hon. R. Dandurand was invested, vesterday, 'at Ottawa by the French consul-general with the insignia of an Officer of the Legion of Honor. Sir Louis Jette, presented with an | address hy the Bar Association of Moatreal, to mark the fiftieth anni versary of his admission to the bar. The striking Toronto telephone oper- ators have offered to return to work i the government would make an on- quiry into their conditions of labor. William Doherty, father of W, B, Doherty, city solicitor of St. Thomas, died at the Amasa Wood hospital, this morning, aged eighty-four years: It is said that John Mclntosh, who were it not for public senti- * ¥ . ANXIOUS TO FIGHT. ¥ in ¥ New York, Feb. 2.--"We 3 # must fight Japan unless #% Japan backs down. It is 3 # Inevitable. Japan wants ¥ ¥ to fight and is being egged ¥ # on by Great Britain, which 3 ¥ wants to destroy our com- ¥ ¥ merce in the east," declared ¥ Captain Richmond Pearson ¥ ¥ Hobson. '"'As it stands ¥ * now Japan could whip us, ¥ ¥ because we have no navy to ¥ ¥ save ourselves. Japan ¥ ¥ would fight us in a minute ¥ ¥ ment and the fact that she ¥ {ytally, burned, #. must negotiate some loans ¥ | 'Iwo houses in a valley near Mittel- % in England. Tbe chances of 4 |hach, Bavaria, were crushed and fif- % a war with Germany are ¥ ten persons were buried by sn aval- ¢ much less than the almost ¥ |anche of snow. on Tuesday. Eight of ¥ certainty of a war with %¥ | them were taken out dead. ¥ Japan." ¥ | Smith's Falls defdated Brockville for ¥ y PERSONAL MENTION. Movements of The People--What They Are Saying And Doing. Justice Britton is in the |city. H. Derbyshire, Brockville, is in the i city on business. J. E.'Adams, Prescott, spent yes- terday in the city. ank Tothill, Montreal, is visiting friends in the city. Bishop Mills, preaches in St. Jude's church, Montreal, on Sunday. Mise Julia Lynett, of Westport. has entered the House of Providence, Kingston. James W. Robertson and bride, La- Que., were the guests of Mr and Mrs. M. Clow, Nelson street. Pte. Young. of Tete de Pont Bar- racks,was called to Hamilton, Friday, owing to the serious illness of lis sister, M. H. McGivern and wife, Water town, N.Y., who have been in the city the past few days, returned home yes- terday. Dr. McCammon, vice-president of Queen's University Club, in New York. was a guest at the Toronto Club's dinver in that city. Mrs. N. E. Ferrier, who has heen iting her parents, Capt, and Mrs. Sharpe, Barrie street, left to-day for Schenectady, N.Y E. G. Garretson, Filmer Walters representing the attraction, spent to- day in the city. He is arranging for the appearance 'here on Saturday not of "A Thoroughbred Tramp." J. E. Duval, manager of the Cana- dien Car Service Bureau, Montreal, was a visitor in military circles to- dav. He was here attending to some business matters, TAKEN TO PENITENTIARY. Mrs. Miller Arrived in City Drom Toronto. Mrs. Miller, sentenced at Toronto, to two years in the Kingston peni- tentiary, for selling villainous pills, arrived in the city on Saturday after noon, from Toronto. Deputy-Sheriff Jarvis and a matron from the Tor: onto jail, were in dharge of the pris- on r. At the station the party took a cab to the Grand Union Hotel, where they had their dinner, and afterwards the trip was made to the pen. The arrival of the prisoner was known around the city in a very short time, and when the cab drove away from the hotel, quite a large-sized crowd of people had gathered to g*t a glimpse at the prisoner. Mrs. Miller was dressed in a black suit, and also wore a black' hat. She has poor eyesight, and wears classes. She appeared very uncopcerned, and as she sat at the dioner table enioy- ing the meal, no one would have im- agined that she was in trouble. She spoke very little, but when she did affected. Deputy Sheriff Jarvis and the mat- ron returned to Toronto on the af ternoon train. 5, PL -- at Chown's Drug Store, is under arrest in Hamilton, on a (charge of fraud, collected $30,000 {from sales of bogus Hill railway | stock. | Louis Desiardines was hurled sever {al yards when the crown plate of the { locomotive on which he was firing Mew out at Indian Head, Sask., and the district championship of No. 1 group, intermediate 0. H. A. by 12 to 10. The game was played at Smith's Falls, before 1,500 people. Gen, Luis Mata Y. Nas, the gover nor of Caracas, was assassinated by intoxicated vartizans of Gomez, vice president. The assassinge were captur- ed in the mountains without blood shed. Cn the M. (X R. at Tilbury, Ont. an extra ran head-on into engine of a local, demolishing both engines and wrecking ahout fifteen freight cars. None of the train crews seriously in series i V. Bonhag, the Irish-American crack, | race will be pulled 'off at the 74th Re- { giment Armory at Buffalo, on Febru- - ---- THE SPORT REVIEW. The Frontenacs Met Defeat at] Picton. louis Bruce, the Indian outfielder, who played a portion ot last season with Columbus, has been sold to Baghamton, N.Y. Clack Griffith announces that the New York Highlanders will get to g'thor 10 go south, on March 12th. ahey will wain at Atlanta, Ga. The 674 members of the American Trotting association held 688 meet: ings in 1906 and in the aggregate the amount of purses was 31,789,755, The New York to Bermuda race for the Maier cup has peen fixed for June 5th. Sail craft not measuring more than ninety feet only are eligible. There are already thirty entries, District-Attorney Jerome's anti betting bill will meet with terrific op- josition when it is put to the New York state house. Sportsmen, of all grades are lending a hand to" oppose the bill, Longboat, the great Canadian run ner, has been matched to fun George ---- -- The distance is three miles, and the ary 9th, The following players must appear before the 0. 1. A. executive in Tor onto, next Thursday evening and show that they are amateurs: McGinnis, Berling Mickus, Waterloo; Morgan, Whiteroft and Crowley, Peterboro; Johnston, Munp and Brady, Galt. The most valuable stake the United States has is for two-year-olds. hn England there are $60,000 stakes for three-year-old and upward, and four. year-olds. In France the most valuable stake is the Grand Prix, for three" year-olds, which will in the course of two years be a $50,000 stake. At a meeting of the 0.H.A. sub-com mittee it was decided that Spangen- berg, of Belleville, who is now living in Toronto, was ineligible to finis the season with Belleville. Baillie, of the Toronto Simecoes, is also rred for the same reason. He is now in Paisley. Picton wrote the O.H.A., pro- testng aga'nst Spangenberg, being allowed to play with = Belleville, as loner as he is living in Toronto, The Athletic Federation of Canada came into being at Montreal yester day. Thirteen clubs were represented, and a great deal of discussion it was decided to form a federation to 're lace the C.AA.U. This move is lange ly the result of vrotests against ama- teurism, Under the new arrangement clubs in the federation may have pro- fessional! teams in hockey, lacrosse, ete., but must define them as profes. sional. Officers elected were: President, V. C, Buchanan: first vice-president, T V'Connell; second vice-presid nt. G. FE. Mercier: secretary:tregsurer, (. A Springings, Curlers Lost And Won. There were two curling gmmes at the local rink, yesterday. In the after noon, Brockville rinks won out by two shots, and in the evening, Prescott proved easy marks, going down hy the score of thirteen shots, Both games proved interesting, the Broek ville ecomntesa especially developing some fine curling. The afternoon game was with Brockville, the teams and scores were Kingston--J. Hooper, W. Bampfield, W. Lesslie, Dr. Watson (skip)--14 Brockville -W A. Gilmour, G. OG Mallory, H. W. Going, J. E. Chrisler (skip)y--20 Kingston, No. 2-7 Elliott, W. B. Dalton, (skip) 19 Brockville, No. 2-./ Slater, J. MN A. Strachan Mix, Ii: R. Bol tem, R. Craig, D. W. Downey (skip) 15 : In the evening, two Prescott rinks jured, Captain 'Arthur navieator. is dead at St. John, N.B aged sixty-four. He was in command of the ship which carried Commande: Robert E. Peary to Greenland in the expedition in 1586. Georpe W. Ross. superintendent of nost officers for the dominion, carr ing ont the duties of deputy. postrnas ter of Toronto, will be relisved from the former. W. F. Lemmon, who has been superintendent of the Toronto nffwe for the last three vears, has been appointed to the nosition. | The nralessional train robbers of {the Upited States are said to he =o | discouraged by the way our North- { West Mounted Police cantored and | at the covered rink, this morning, the | seeurnd the punishment of the gang | tean proved themselves one better who beld up a train on the CPR. | than K.C.1. II. At hall time the score {main line two or three years ago, | was a tie, each tha storing two {thet ther have decided th carry on | goals, and the second hall proved their business in a region less dan- | close und fast, the Regiopolis boys gerous for themsalves. ROYAL RINK CARNIVAL. { Merry Crowd of Skaters Pleasant Time. The first carnival of the seasor. at the Royal rink, last night, proved a promt sureese. The ice was in fine con ditiorz, A choice programme of music was rindered by the 14th band The Spend casion, and resented a very anpearance. Flags, bunting and Chin- ete Yanterng formed a vraminent part of the decorations. were in costume, The iudors hod a difficult tock in choosing the nrize winners, Mre M Woodcock, ne "Tapanese 1ad" and H. James, as the "Duke of Cumive ond," were awarded first price, while Lthe second Indv's single prize was represented a "Javanese Lex A Routley won the eentleman' rrizge as "Prige Albert." Among these 'nn rostume wore © W. Brvant, Devil's Tmp: i. Hipsom, dolly Tramps A. Metealie, Wocker Referee: GG. Bryant "Towgh: Wise ¥ Gillespie, Housernid: K. Mackenzd { Pil Bones: A. | Mullin Parson; N. Derry. | Coen Mise BE. Mackenzie, Dutch Girl; fw i Migg Jorn Hantett, Ammt Peter: Mize Formeri, Honeemnid: Ryan, Flags of AN Nations} Navidson. Qiwen of Heavie: 8 Greer, Shane, Gingerbread Man; Mise Ko » speak she did not appear to be at all | MeCanes, )Tombonrine Ciel" A. Fard- | ing, Prof. Skidoo 23; Miss Annie Hat ton, It. : | Hon. J. 8S. lr Hamilton, is seriously ill. 3 ha oo aps and bags at Chown's. Jackson, arctic | rink was nicely decornted for the oe! pretiy | A large number | awarded to Mise F. Lalonde who also | Vawlor, Convict: B. | American | gramme Mise RB. | Wiss | Qtgre and Stripée H. Follev, Tramn:; | played, with the following results Prescott, No. 1-1. Adams, F. 8 Evanson, J. K. Devitt, G, Rooke { (sleinn)-11 i Kingston, No. 1-W. H. Montgom ery, J. Hooper, L. L. | Lassie (skipp- 16 Prescott, No. 2-E_ E. E. Mills, E. F, ers (skip)-11, Kingston, No. 2-J. M, Elliett, E. Lyons, 8S. Bailey, W. B, Dalton (skip) 9 Henderson, 'W 4 Newman, 8, Wiser, C. Carruth: i The Kingston curlers play at Rock- wood this afternoon. | Hockey This Morning. In the Junior City League contest, i scormg one more goal and their op ponents nothing. The score at the fin | ish stood © Regropolis, 3; K.C1. 11,2 1 D. Torrence made an efficient referee | -- ! Varsity Beat McGill. | The senior intercollegitite hockey | match, in Montrenl, last night, result ed : Varsity, 9; McGill | Varsity three straight wins, and also { the intercollegiate championship. This in the first time Varsity has won the intercollegiaie championship since the colleges formed their own hockey un jon, in 1901 3. This gives i WAS A BIG SUCCESS. { The Carnival at Zion Rink Fri- { day Night. | The carnival at @iom rink, last night, attracted a large crowd, and ery standpoint. ioe so far this winter, v i | the affair was a big success from ev. | The ice was in good] condition--in fact some of the skaters | | made the remark that it was the best | | Htrramery, bunting and lanterns, {| a very gala appearance. Members the 14th band jwovided a choice of music. Mrs. Pugh | "Mother Goose," was awarded land," the pretty: decorations of flags, w with reel, white and blue lights, putting on | +The tink presented a regular "Fairy | | William Millard, as "Uncle Sum, » | tured the gentleman's prize. The com- petition was keen, ' woe I The judges were : Misses M, ( rozier, J. Mervison, and Messrs. A, Trucsdile | and A. Thornton. 5 ri endl + | Bee our special auality cashmere stockings, 25c., ribbed or plain. fined drawers and undervests, | New York Dress Reform. E: ts for hot ter bottles, | and also those upon which the Co mpany has ed x at Chown's: | will be sent in due course to each policyholder. syringes, and atomi - i | | JAMES McPARLAND, Whol served steaming digested greater nourishment easily w Instead of mushy, ed Porridge try Cast : York Water (Still or Sparkling) Drink York Springs Water for its own sake and yours. The purest known water. Wholesome -- Limpid-- Delicious. . Order it from your dealer--six sizes. For surety of bottled purity at IN COLD WEATHER START YOUR MORNING MEAL WITH uncooks Shredded Biscuit, hot. More Gives Less heat trouble to prepare The North American Life Assurance Gompany Held its Annnal Meeting at its Home Office, in Toronto, on Tuesday, the 29th Day of January, 1907. The' President, Mr. John L. Blaikie, was appointed Chairman, and the Managing Director, Mr. L. Goldman, Secretary, when the Biscuit for Breakfast and Triscuit for Luncheon All Uroeers--18¢ ensures health and comfort a carton or 2 flor 28, following report was submitted : New Business Saving in Expenses Cash Income Payments to Policyholders Assets Addition to Reserve Net Surplus Increased Assets Safely Invested Full Report ! Sent to Government Monthly Audit of | pro- | s 88} the | Kelly, Tremp: 6G. Greer, Mexican; | Jadies' prize for the best costume, and | 'The Annual Report, showing masked 4 proofs of the 3 ; ti f the C contain a of the * ye - gy made collateral loans, a First Vice-President, Hon, Sir William / ance, The policies issued for the year, together with those revived, amounted to the sum of 84,361,004, Le- ing less than the new business transacted for the pre- vious year. Owing to the conditions prevailing in the life insurance busines s on this Wontinent, the Directors considered that in the interests of the policyholders the reduction in expenses was of greater importance than expansion in new business, and in this respect the statement presented shows they have bees omin- ently successful, by making the very large reduction of about five per cent. in ono year in the ratio of ex- penses to premium income, This percentage of redue- tion has resulted in the material saving in expenses of $45906.49, as compared with the previous. year. The cash income for the year from Premiums, In tirest, ete, was $1,746,504, showing the satisfactory increase for the year of $86,480.94, 5 The amount paid on policyholders' account was 8589,195.68, and of this amount the sum of $306,179 53 represents payments for dividends, matured endow- ments, ete, The assets increased during the year by the sum of $831,050.79, and now smolmt to $7,799,004.45. all liabilities, reserve fund, and After making ample provision for including specias addition to the paying o relatively lage amount for dividends to policyholders during the year, there was a handsome addition made to the net surplus, which now wnounts to $650,208.08, the vear's _. fromy the financial standpoint, being the best in the Company's history. The assets of the Company hawe heen, as hereto fore, invested in the best be of securities; a detailed list of these will be published with the Annual Repons for 'distribution. As heretofore, the Company's hooks were closed on the last business day of the year, and in due course full reports with detailed list of the securities held by the Company were sont to the Government. A monthly examination of the books of the Com- puny was made by the auditors, and at the close of the year they made a thorough scrutiny of all the securitics held by the Company. In addition to the expmination of the securities by the Auditors, a Com- mittee of the Board, consisting of two Dicectors, aud- ited these securities each quarter, Owing to Dominion Legislation providing that Judges should not be Directors of Corporations, the R, Merudith, CEL who had been associnted: with the Company for many yeyre, much to ite advantage, felt compelled to hgh Tis position on the Board of the Company, and othe Directors accepted the same with great reluet- Are It will he the duty of thie Mecting to elect a Di- rector to fill the vacancy thus created, The Insurance Legislation tnacted in New York tate which went into effect January lst, 1907, had the effect of our Manager and Agents there declining to accept the statutory terms of remuneration, and it was, therefore, found necessary to cease writing new business in the State. Provision has been made at the Syracuse office to look after the interests of Pol icsholders in that State, while the large deposit will remain there for the security of Policyholders in the Uniteel States. The care and attention manifested: in their duties by the Company's Officers, Provincial Managers, In- sectors, District Agents, and all deserving of the highest commendation. - L. GOLDMAN, Managing Director. t. other Agents, are

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