Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Feb 1907, p. 5

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ED NURSE rience, Advises Women in 0 Their Health. nervousness, sleeplesspess, melancholy, all-gone" and Rwanito-be-leit alone A| feel blues and they should remember there is one tried and nd tue eds, Lydia E. Pinkham's mpound at once ramo rE apie ve No other female medicine in the bi world has received such widespread 'and unqualified endorsement. The needless suffering diseases peculiar to their sex is terrible as|to sce. The money which they pay to doctors who do not 'help them is an enormous waste. The pain is cured and the money is saved by Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Com AT, It is well for women who are ill to write Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass,, The re- | present Mrs. Pinkham is the daughter- de, | in-law of Lydia E. Pinkham, her assistant of | for many years before her decease. and wn | for twenty-five years since her advice has ing | been freely given to sick women. In her es- | great experience, which covers many set | years, she has probably had to deal with nt-| dozens of cases just like yours, Her y, | advice is strictly confidential. ompound Succeeds where Others Fail. - . ¥ of women from ow ge- Dy Bes oo BY'S «ww \ CS thes Men how contented you would feel, xnd what satisfaction it would ai- dressed in one of our handsome YW on our st skilful tables. tailors The best de- have all done v- Suits talk to you for. a few to tell of their excellence. » a suit to fit it. 10, $12, $14, 50 and $20. C0000090000000000000000000000009000000000000000000006000000000000000)00000€0000000. . Bibby Co. 4 and Durability Is Our Maxam 150 different styles of Fancy Parlor Tables for our BIG IM- PROVEMENT SALE. ~ No order too large to fill, or 3 too small to have our prompt attention. eA Tt . SID, THE LEADING UNDEETARS: PHONE 147, | Boston, Toronto, Chicago, Denver, £ Winnipeg, Rickets. are not forming- Lack of nourishment is entire i ply the visible sign that baby's tiny bones . Scott's Emulsion nourishes baby's Stimulates and makes bone. Exactly what baby needs. * the cause. Kincstong Pema RAILWAY IN CONNECTION WITH CANs , ADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTON : 12.30 p.m. Exnress--For Ottawa Mon- treal, Quebec, St. John, N.B., patitus, en- frew, Sault Ste. Mame, Duluth, St. Paul, Vancouver, Seattle, Portland and San Francisco. f 5.00 p.m.--Local for Sharbot Lake, [ connecting with C.P.R. East and West. 7.45 a.m., Mixed--For Renfrew and in- termediate points Passengers leaving Kingtton at 12.80 .m. arrive in Ottawa at 5 p.m. ; Peter- ro', 5.12 n.m.; Toronto, 7.830 p.m.J Montreal, 7.15 p.m. ; Boston, 7.80 e.mg St. John, 11.55 a.m. Full particulars at K. & P., and C.P.R. Ticket Office, Ontario street. F. CONWAYy Gen. Pass. Agent. Bay of Quinte Railway New short line for Tweed, Napanee, Deseranto, and all docs! points. Trains leave City Hall Depot atd4 pm. F, f CONWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry.. Ki f Betwéen Montreal and the At- lantie. INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY is the all CANADIAN ROUTE TO CANADIAN winter ports, St. John and Hali- fax. If intending to spend the early months of the new year in warm climate try the . West Indies Full particulars about regular ailings and of a 42 Yachting cruise to the West Indies and k Mexico, leaving Hali- DAYS fax, January 20th, and March 15th. On application to MONTREAL GITY OFFICE 141 St. James Street CRAND TRUN Branch Local Time Table Traine will leave and arrive at City Depot, Foot of Johnson street. GOING WEST "RAILWAY AERA Lve. City Arr. City Ro. 8 Mail .. .. 1245 a.m. 15am '" 3 Express 226 a.m. 3.05 a.m, " 11 Local .. .. 9.15am. 947am " 1 Intern' Ltd 12,16 noon 12.49 p.m. " 7 Mail ... ..3.19p.m. 3.51pm. " 15 Local .. .. 7.03 p.m. 7.38 p.m. GOING EAST Lve. City Arr. City t No. 8 Mail ... .. l48am. 229am " 2Fest Exp. 22am. 305am " 14 Local .. ..8.16am. 847am. " 6 Mail.... ...12.16 noon 12.49 p.m * 4Fast Exp. 1.00pm. 1.29pm * 12 Local ... ... 7.03pm. 7.38 p.m Nos. 1, 2, 8, 4, 5 and 8 run daily. All other trains daily except Sunday. Train Nos. 2 end 5 carry Pullman Sleeper to and from Ottawa daily. Lirect route tv 'Toronto, Peterboro, Hamilton, Buffalo, London, Detroit, Chicago, Bay City, Saginaw, Montreal, Ottawa, Quebec, Portland, John, St. Roston and New York. J. P. HANLEY Kgent, Cormer Johnsom and Ontario streets. ALLAN "81 LINE From St. John From Halifax. Tunisian .. a Jan. 25. Sat., Jan. 26. Halifax, lonian ... ri., Feb. 1. Sat, Feb. 2. Parisian F Feb. 15. Sat, Feb. 16. .. Sat., Feb. 23 Pretorian " BATES OF PASSAGE. First Cabin. $55 and upwards, accord- ine to steamer. Second Cabin, Tunislas and Iomian, $42.50. Moderate Rate Steamers Parisian and Pretoria carry second saloon passengers at $40 and upward, Third-Class, Pretorian, steamers, $27.50. For further information and Sailings, ie. ot Boston-Glasgow and St. John, N. $26.50; other . ndon Services, avoly to J. P. HANLEY, Agen .T.Ry., or J. Py GILDERSLBEVE, Clarence street: Try a Pound of Myers' move ave Sausages For Sunday's Nreakfast, 60 Brock St. TRAV V TE TVET VAWTTEVR When You COAL. From P. WALSH You get genuine Scranton as he handies nothing Buy That will develop the muscles almost any part of the body de- sluggish feeling, make a selection of some good Exerciser from our stock of Sporting Goods. ANGROVE BRO None need suffer with Rheumatism. It makes one think that perhaps some people WANTED to have Because they wont Now, isn't it a fact that there area lot of People in "Bu-Ju completely ¢ ured we of Rheumat- sired. Exercises For that tired, Rheumatism. take Bu-J your neighborhood who sa ism." Sciatica and g tried remcdy after reme Bu-Ju, you will wonder how peo will go on having Rbet home. out con a felt that I was getting worse. 1 began the us Bu-Ju, when I scon found re complaint. 1believe Bu-Jn to cine on record for Rheumatism Buy it with that guarantee. box. At all druggists, or from Canada Life Assurance ESTABLISHED (1847) HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO, ON ults in this Company, this great. Canadian Company made Canadian people 60 years ago et an 'Annual Guaranteed cheerfully given. Telephone 703. Special Agent. BOILS AT ONE TIME Biters Cured B'm, ---- imperfect agtion ot every bodily organ. the blood becomes impure, poisoned suffer in consequence. \ known remedy, for all éases of bad blood. NS says <1 think ters a medicine time. ed me. I cannot Price $1.00 per bottls or 6 bottles for 3 Men of sedentary habits require exercise. The inventive genius with physicians knowledge has invent- e the of 88 and 90 + Princess St When you read their letters; the agony they suffered with Musculd and Inflammatory Rheumatism relief, and then found health ir when they can cure themselves al The Gentle Kidney Pill what I suffere« using a few boxes, I found Lh reugth . ! R nicely, and after les 3 rad been | membership the five junior boys taken, it left me v t eof theold | classes at Queen Street Methodist re best medic MRS. DRYSDALE. So confident are we of the powers of Bu-Ju, of its unfailing success in coping with cases that have baffled even the best physicians, that we guarantee Bu-Ju will cure you or your money wiil be refunded. 50c. a large The Claflin Chemical Co., Lid. Windsor, Onl. Thousands of Canadians have profit] re- that have nave been equalled by any other Company.--]| Why delay in taking your Assurance. ii or] You cam Dividend dolicy'" with this Company at the regu- lar premium rate. giving you a guaran- teed bonus written _ in the Policy A. Hughes; centre, ($750.00) to each {810.000 ) of Assur- |R. Ohlke; rover, W. Shiltz; right ance each five years. This contract 18 | i, " ' . . ee to the moment. ing, H. Thornton; left wing, G. Specimen Policies. also Results to Dunlop; refohee, A. Hafiner; goal Kingston Policyholders can be seen at | judges, P. Aylesworth and R. Marri he office, where full information will be |'o,\. time keeper, T. Hughes J. 0. HUTTON, Manager 18 Market St., Kingston, Ont. " J. R. URQUHART, 153 Alfred St. HAD THIRTY.TWO Two Bottles of Burdick Blood Imperfect organic action wakes bad blood, #0, too, bad blood, in turn, makes | A. contaminated in any way from comstips- tion, biliousness or any other cause, some especially weak organ must soon become diseased thereby, or the whole system may serious and perhaps incurable blood disease may result. There is no medicine on the market to-day to equil the old and well BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS Ernest B. Supper, Round Hill, urdock Blood Bit- for boils. 1had them 0 could not work. I had thirty-two used only two eur. Er oom) recommend loo eA » | in A GAME OF HOCKEY! BETWEEN LADS OF THE The Formation of An Association By Queen Street Sunday School Lads--The Tce | is Fine For Races. | of "the ice, a very fast and exciting | Mrs. A. Peters has returned home, speaker a the Sunday afuernegn % i | me of hockey was vod on tho | ssiti i Srimmds oo" {vice in Convocation hall, yesterday. Ro u flo after visiting with friends in King He chose for the subject of his re | Royal rink, Saturday afternoon, tween teams representing the office | staff and machine shops of the loco- motive works, At half time the score stood 1 to 1, but in the second half th» superior condition of the office stad players enabled them to set a faster pace, with the result that they notched two more goals, making the score at the finish of the game, 3 tol in their favor. Derry, for the office men gave an exhibition of some of his old time clever skating and stick hand ing, and was responsible for two ol the goals scored; Keeliher for the ma- chine shop, played a very hard game, | but was not given enough support by the other forwards. The teams were : Machine Shop--Goal, O'Brien; point. Lunman; cover-point, McKenzie ; for- wards, Parkins, Keeliher, Ryan and Hughes. Office Stafi--Goal, O'Brien; point, Kennedy: cover-point, Bearance; for- wards, Scrutton, Derry, Robinson and Burton. Referee-- Edgar Summerby. Report Wrong. In Saturday's issue of the Whig the | score of the hockey match, between | Regiopolis College and F. B.C. 1.} was wrong. The right score was: | Regiopolis, & F. B. C.1I, 6. ! -- Rockwood Curlers Won. | The Kingston curlers were defeated | at Rockwood, on Saturday afternoan, by the hospital representatives, who won out by ten shots. The contests between the rinks skipped by T. Me- Cammon and Fdward Lyons proved very interesting, the score being tied at several different ends. W. Fen- wick easily defeated Dr. Ross' rink by nine shots. The teams were : Rockwood, No. 1--A. Carey, W. R. Dick, W. Potter; T. McCammon, skip --11. Kingston, No. 1--E. J. Reid, W. H, Montgomery, J. Gibson; Edward Lyons, skip--I10. Rookwood, No. 2-J. Lawless. Dr. Herriman, T. Davidson; W. Fenwick, skip--19. Kingston, No. 2---Dr. Dyde, W. R. Sills, Dr. Etherington; Dr. Ross, skip 10. Slow This Year. Movements of The: People--What LOCOMOTIVE WORKS. today. onto, on business. Methodist | was in the @ty, yesterday. | Watertown, N.X., on Saturday. Notwithstanding the soft condition | of Mrs. E. G. Patterson, "| stom. attack of lumbago. ed a demonstrator of anatomy at the Queen's Medical College. J bearers at 1 Methodist PERSONAL MENTION. They Are Saying And Doing. Joseph Burt, leronto, is in the city Major A. B. Cuaningham is in Tor H. R. Thompson, Morristown, N.J,, J. Hurley, of Folger's, went to Miss Adams, Kingston, "Doc" Lewers, property man at the mn jrand, has recovered from a severe Dr. J. F. Sparks has been appoint S. E. Ryan, Berlin, G. 1. Baldwin, | (y Galt, and P. McCammon, Toronto, are in the city on business. generations. But such was not the Miss Mclean, of Point Rood, left | ee This absolute harmony never Saturday on a Visit to her sister, | oxisted as the later and more careful Mrs. Dinn, at New York study of the New Testament has made Rev. R. 8. Fomeri the Canon Burke, at Belleville, J. El Leggett has returned to Wat- ertown, N.Y. He was called here owing | thought to the death of his sister, at Enter- | great prise. get Street | stood for some portion of the truth, for | which it would have been too bad for the church to have lost. to-night at that place. for the Christ spiritual. i depend on Paul for of Christ's life we would have a very meagre The male quartette of Queen Methodist church, left. at noom, Mallorytown, to assist at a concert given J. B. Walkem, confined to the hospi- tal for the past two weeks, is so far recovered that he expects to leave the institution in about two days t F. Hepburn, steward of the steamer Kingston, is here, to assist Ww. H. Whinton, in arranging the banquet 'to the Ontario legislature members. Every New Generation Has to Re- fore henceforth know we no man af ter known Christ 'after the flesh, vet now henceforth know Him no more." turn, handed on down through the was one of the] clear. funeral of the late | church was marked by a healthy and digestive discussion. St. Paul him- | self gave much of his life up to The trwth was far too for even » man like Paul to all. His opponents certainly QAI BRITS WMG: MOYDAY FEBRUARY: SERMON AT QUEEN'S ON SUNDAY BY REV. PROF.| MACNAUGHTON. Embody the Ever-living Christ | For Itseli--~We Must Not Seek Him in the Past. Rev. Prof. Macnaughton was the arks 11 Corimhians, v, 16: "Where the thesh; yea, though we have It is supposed our Lord gave to his isciples a well laid down set of hristian laws or rules, which they, in From the very beginning the Paul stood If we had to the worldly side Delicious Soups and Tasty Gravies Are what every lady desires to have served at her table. But unfortunately it often happens that when prepared in the ordinary way they lack nourishment and flavor. At such times "Bovril" is invaluable A little "Bovril" added to a weak, taste- less soup gives it richness, strength, and a delightfully appetising flavour. The next time you make soup try a little "Bovril" in it. You'll appreciate the difference. nccount thereof. Our concep- | ion of the actual life and the gospels | { come out of the view point of Paul's opponents, between the gospels and Paul's epistles which | Now, if we had to choose would we take? For the | Mr. Baldwin, Galt. spent Sunday in | speaker's part, he would unhesitating- o the city, and spoke Sunday school. He is a member of Dr. Antlifi's church in Galt, Arthne Sparham. chief steward of the Thousand Island and St. lLaw- rence Steamship compunv. has arrived in the city from Brockville. and is the guest of John Stansbury, Barrie street. . Mr. and Mrs. Fu T. Lund. Morven, announce the marriage of their danch- ter. Mav Flizabeth, to Harvey Van coughnet. Carman. Man. to take place at Willow Grove farm, on Feb- ruary 13th, Mrs. Charles H. Martyin, Dorches- ter, N.B., surprised her parents, Mr. and Mrs, G. F. Wilson, by reaching here in time to aid in the golden wed- ding anniversary on Saturday. She will remain a month, E. .1. Orwell, who formerly conduet- I The Ice Yacht Club is not taking advantage of the fine weather for ice boating this winter. For a number of years the snow has been too deep to make the sport possible, and this season a number of owners did rig their yachts. Saturday's rain has left the harbor like a sheet of glass and if the club intends conducting races this winter, better possibilities will never be had than are offered at present. Formed Athletic Association. An association, to be known as the Queen Street Athletic Association, has just been organized, having for its church. Officers have been elected, as follows : President, E. Skinner; vicerpresident, R. M. Allen; secretary- treasurer, H. E. Low; executive, B. Gage, S. Crawford, S. Warren, H. Glasford, H. Hunter, with the officers. It is the intention of the association to have football and baseball teams, w | the members being already into the hockey game. Rovers Won Out. The Queen street Rovers defeated the Granites by a score of 3 to 1, at Zion rink, Saturday. The teams were as follows Rovers--Gaal, W. Doherty; point, B Gage (captain); cover, M. Cooke; cen tre, 8. Crawford; rover, M. Boyce right wing, C. Funnel; left wing, W Slemmons. Granites Goal, S. Hall; point, H. of | Stratford; cover, DIED AT PERTH. She Was a Native of That Town. Perth, Ont., Feb. 4.--The death oc- curred here, yesterday, at her home, of Harriet Nichol, Meighen, Sr., of the firm of A. M Meighen & Bros. Mrs. Meighen was born in Perth, where she lived all her life, and was a daughter of the Dr. James Stewart Nicol. Her sur viving sisters and brothers arc Mrs (Dv.) Howden, Winnipeg; Mrs. F. A wife of William ing children survive' Mrs, Gordon Ed- wards, Ottawa; Mrs, J. E. Mount Vernon, N.Y Misses Isabel Norma and Lenore, at home; Dr. W and J. M., Perth; Emest, Toron If | to. and Desmond, Ottawa. The de not | i The fire department has finished an late | Frost, Smith's Falls; Mrs. Arthur Campbell, ed the tobacco business on King street, recently sold to Routlev Bros, har secured a mosition as traveller with James MeParland. and entered | on his duties this morning. | INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. { Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By «Reporters on Their Rounds. Mothers favorite toilet soap is sold at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Gasoline yacht houses are to be erected by the Yacht Club in the spring. H. P. Smith, architect, has prepared plans. The corporation men worked, all morning spreading sand on the slip pery sidewalks. Two tubes English tooth paste for 25c. during February 25¢. sale at Gib- son's Red Cross Drug Store. Queen's students will be given a | half holiday, Wednesday, to enable them to hear the addresses by the visiting members of the legislature New York daily papers, containing a complete account of the Thaw trial in New York City, are on sale every | day at McDermott Bros'. other week without having a cell. The men and hdrses are in great con- dition to fight anv kind of a blaze. Buy chamois vests and chest pro tectors at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. The Cape Vincent stage leit King | ston with a full complement of pas the sengers this afternoon. Among passengers , were: J. H. Lennox, A Kirkland, T. Herrington and wife, Mrs. H. Rider, William Paynter, E Gurd, C. A. Shirley. Piles get quick relief from Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment. Remember it's made alone for piles--and it works with certainty and satisfaction. Tteh- ing, painful, protruding, or blind piles disappear like magic hy its use. Trv it and sen ! [ald hv all dealers "Buy Laxative Bromo Ouinine for Grippe." Sold gt Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. New York papers will be delivered at Queen Street | I» select good that both view points have been retained. Miss Gertrude Carter, one of the would it be to us to lady performers in the "Dolly Dim- know the bare outline of Jesus' life ples" company, sang at Lake Ontario | ¥ We did not grasp the underlying Park two summers ago, and is well- ideas and powers thereof. Of abso known in. the ¢ity: lately no use, of course. Simply to try to repeat the past is far from pos- sible, and those who try to do so are trying to work out its own life. Thus it is just ments to which Christ had to adapt Himself were far from the advancement of our commercial and social day. They knew nothing in those days Besides there is much doubt the former. Hence it was | | Of what use east loyal to those whom they are simulate. Every age must he same with n those days ur Canada of Jesus'life, Palestine was far different from to-day. The onviron- life to of thy laws of God ax we realize them. and dif ficulty on the subject as to just what the real details of Christ's life are. It's the Christ that lives on to-day, that we are in search of, and then the historical surroundings cannot count ! Wear. Overshoes Keep War our Feet and Dry Rubbers Overgaiters Our Stock is complete in all these lines. THE SAWYER SHOE STORE | die did for much. It's the Christ that repeats Himself, yesterday, to-day, and to-mor row that is of use to use in working | out our salvation A belief in any- | thing but what is deep convinesd with. | in us falls far short of being worthy. Then the question arises, are not the historical details of Christ's life of use ? Of course they are, and worth more than all the other literature of the world. In them we find the truth that really matters, the one thing | that i« nesdful to ue, wade clear to | us better than anywhere else. There is | found the sort of man to whom our hearts Over that world with which he had to do Jesus won th victory though the path was rugged and hard. So we by faith can grasp those orces which lived in Him. Can gain the victory over our world also Not by might and fore, but by the spirit of the Lord. Not by turning stones into bread or with the sword of angels hosts. Rv steadfast loyalty to the light, Ly following God's word | and voiee into the darkest vlaeces Ry | lovalty, love and serviee. This is then | whnt gives the gospels their enduring | worth | The church i= the body of Christ and avery nw generation has to re embody the overliving Christ, for it- wolf. We con go back pnd study thean | old form and endeavor to find | fae underlying svirit of Christ Tot | reat task ic to reinearnate Him in terme that will be as active for onr own life. "Whe seek we the living | among the dead *"' | co ont | | our If you are constipated, dull or bili- ous, or have a sallow, lifeless com- plexion, try Lax-ets just once to see what they will do for you. Lax-ets are little toothsome candy tablets nice to eat, nice in effect. A vo pain, Just a gentle laxative effect | that is pleasingly desirable. Handy for the vest pocket or purse. Lax-ets meet every desire. Sold by all deal : At Sharon, Pa., while temporarily insane, Hamilton Wright shot an killed his wife, to vour address: st a special weekly rate during the trial of Harry K. Death Of An Old Kingstonian. Cumberland Astiley, Princess street, died on Saturday, at his home, from a complication of diseases which brought W. Lister, Ottawa; Dr. Christopher | i : . Ee Nichol, Montreal, and Archibald i vaonia, eosin 1 ar Nichol. Her husband and the follow: | Y ant a Princess Street Methodist church. A wife, three daughters and one son left to mourn. Deceased was sixty-five years of age, and was a resident of Kingston all his life. The funeral was conducted from his residence, Princess street, this afternoon, to Catarasui or | ceased lady was "age, and was a "member of St. An drew's Presbyterian church, and wu of a very generous disposition, Howard I'. Frothingham, while delirious, jumped from the se Seventy-Seventh street, New r died just before midnight. Strair ie believed to have caused' the despor dency. : The Allan liner Tymisian, from Hal steamer Numidian, from Boston, « 3rd, with eight cabin and nine steel age passengers. The Allan lonian, from St. John, N.B. during the February 25¢c. sale. at Gibson's Red one, 230. %. ane sixty-two voars of wi i = hooked to appear here, to-night, have | | ond storey of his home, No. 20 West N York, due to recent reverses in Wall street, At | fax, arrived at Liverpool, on 3rd. The | A. : To 200 Blaud's iron tonic pills for 2c. | wife, , ting will he a pleasure if you got} skates ground at Hallidays, 345 | tion a* cemetery. 3 Jumped Engagement. house, received word from Albany, to- | day, that "Bill Bailey's Jubilee," for Boston. | i at x Pittsburg, Pa, Ernest Davis r- | vighteen years of age, of Toronto | wns locke up in Allegheny, charge = wm | are Cross Drug Store. | o Ont, for fifty-eight years, died sirddenly on Sunday evening. G. W. Duncan hax resigned cashier treasury. Thaw. Apply at MeDarmott Bros'. | | jumped their local engagement and left with threatening to shoot Mrs. Charles | a afte: Painter, wife of a retired million- Here's the Cure for Sick | | Kidneys | TEST THEM FREE | | Perhaps you are skeptical | PILLS. | So was Mr. Brown | couldn't get well, | When he first read about GIN PILLS | { would write for a sample just to see if | he laughed. The second time, he { tl t. The third time, he said "he there was any chance of well." | He was y nearly tickled to death | over that would ha paid $s a box for the second, if . dizziness, headaches and backaches . Those shooting Joins hips and legs died away. Urine j lost its high color. He sle h the night without being d y | bladder trouble. His appetite began to ' Pick. Up aud lie felt 'betier than be lua { for years. John St, Hamilton, Ont. Dissiness in the Hand, aud coud to help me, I saw in t Pllis were doing. 1 got a sample box, and r At Ougwa, Joseph Sevignac was ddr =1 jot inves ares steamer | smlonos to seven years imprison [1 . They have worked wo rs | ment for attempting to murder his forme n recommend them 10 any simi ' i y A Pills Only | Frank Nellis, a resident of Wood- aise le B diced, Dive Git |' they cuted Mr. wn. Mention this a free sample. { X . : and we will send hix posi | ' of 'the provi i Fie Bole Drug Co., Winnipeg, Man. soc. a box--6 for $2.50. 86 No griping, -- | about GIN | I . He had | tried so many things for his kidneys, | without getting any better, that he had | just about made up his mind that he | . x of GIN PILLS. They! Manager Branigan of the local opera' did fim so much good that he i y Kidueys and | w ¥ Still One More Week number of ladics who desire a well made, not able to see about it last week, we will continue our Skirt Sule for one week more. Hundreds of women have secured this bargain in the last two weeks. The cost will bo the: same to you, i.e, £1. The price in reality. haw been advanced; but we are prepunad to meet this advance ourselves and give the Skirts to you at the old figure -:' Special for Thursday © ° _ Ramomber, our special sale of Coats, Skirts and Hods for Thursday. fle on hand early, for at the following figures, these articles will not last long 95 Ladies' Conts, comfortable garments, well made different sizes, dark colors, at $1.25, and $1.49 20 badies' Tailored Skirts, different lengths and waist measures, dark and light colors, at The., 81, 81.25, 100 Untrimmed Mats, all shapes and colors, at She To nccommodate a great fashionable skirt, and who were 10c., 15e., 28c., and Th ------------------------'. CRUMLEY BROS. THREE COBALT MONEY-MAKERS THREE COBALT WINNER Cobalt Columbus Cobalt Stocks Cobalt Merger To Buy Cobalt Development Prospectus and Price Lists on request. Agents wanted to handle meritorious Cobalt Stocks. Daily quotations issued on a!l Cobalt Stocks. INVESTMENT EXCHANGE COMPANY 48 SCOTT ST, TORONTO CANADA. For choice of SWELL WINTER SHOES, in Patent Colt, Velour Calf , and Box Calfy FIVE DOLLAR VALUES McDERMOTT'S Shoe Store .

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