Cottons AE SEWING . we have received avery large [E COTTONS. These we con- August, otherwise we could not s at (the prices we now offer, However as long as they - ou on every purchase. SR e.. So, 10¢, and 12 1-2. English White Gottons, er. y a fine White Cotton, 10c. 2 1-2¢., 15¢c., 18ec., 20c., 25¢. e White Cotton for Ladies' 18c. 20c., 25¢. gown Cottons . White Cottons. al Bargain yw Morning 9.30. 300 Yards Genuine Pure White Irish Linens FOR WAISTS AND SKIRTS : This that we offer To-morrow is perhaps the best thing of its +) kind for the price ever offered to Kingston ladies. It is 36 inches wide, of good weight, and a round thread, This quality is easily laundried and'will give great wear. lar value is 45c¢. yard. VHILE THE LOT LASTS 29¢c. Yard. 30 AM. = fot ---- 000: TE IRONS GPCL E0000000000000040004064 Price 65c. Set e Gutters, 26¢ Up oy & Birch: ock Street, Kingston 9000: BLOCK TIN METALS 0., Ltd, wjofoferls Fables L 2 2 William St., Toronto, 'Phone Main 1729 - «= « 25ec. x" House Slippers - - - ~~ - - - $1. aed Juliet Slippers, Leather Sole 75¢c." led Juliet Slippers, Leather Sole Cleie as wisinin nein nee FLED ted Juliet Felt Sole - - - - - - - 50c. Felt Slippers - - - - - - - = - - 35c. Felt Slippers, regular $1.50 - - - 75¢. ace Dongola, regular $1.50 - - - 75¢c. ter Line Reduced in Price. SHOE STORE LLLLL0000000000000000¢ i Janvary & February = YEAR 74. NO. 30. Board of Trade, 8 p.m. Excursion to Toronto, Feb. 9th. Princess St. BUSY SPIE DAILY MEMORANDA. Methodist church Concert, Sale of Furniture &|°: City Property Committee, 4 p.m. Wednesday. 4 iE Goods This day in history =e Robert Peel F 3 00 are going fast. born, 1788 ; Galvani died, 1799 ; Carlyle ¥ going har, 1748 oreigners Dogged An In- : Rare Bargains. Some goods only a little while in use, good as new, 50 per cent. reduction. Iron Beds, Mattresses. 1 Parlor Sett, Mahogany Frames, Silk Cover, $35, for 3 Springs and $25. 2 Sideboards, $35 for $25. 2 Sideboards, $25, at $18 and $20. Hatracks from $6.50 to $35. 2 or 3 Extension Tables about $10 and $12, for $7 and $9. ROBT. J. REID 230 Princess street. The Leading Undertaker 'Phone 577 Ambulance GEEEEVR SPEER We have always in Stock a full line of Colgate's 243--Business Office. 229--Editoral Rooms. a 202--Johhin~ Department. Embossing and Engraving a specialty. ad " price $9.75. : ventor's Steps WHIG TELEPHONES. Josiah Wedgewood UPON AUSTRALIAN. His Safe Was Rifled--Man Mis- taken For Jim Assaulted and Searched in Melbourne. London, Feb. 3G. B. Austin, the Australian inventor, who has just sue- ceeded in 'placing safely in the custo dy of the war office the plans of his latest invention, has done =o only al- ter a series of most trying, nerve-rack- ng experiences, Mr. Austin, who asserts that his in- vention will revolutionize warfare, by making it possible to sight big guns with absolute accuracy up to a range of twelve miles, has been followad all the way from Australia by secret ser- vice agents of foreign governments. He has been in London. evin in the We have some old Blue DINNER SETS of 'this celebrated maker, v:cy quaint shape, regular --NOW--- $7.25 Robertson Bros. Toilet Soaps Including the following : Cradle, 25c. cakes, Heliotrope, 25c. cakes La France Rose, 25c. cakes Lettuce 10e. and 25c. cakes Monad Violet, 10c. and 25c. cakes Sandal Wood, 10c. and 25c. cakes Cashmere Boguet, 10c., 20c. and 80c. cakes, Jas. Redden & Co. P.S.--~We have still a few Calendars left, should any customer desire a second copy. It you wish to be successful at- tend The Kingston Business College Limited, head of Queen street. Canada's Highest Grade business. . school. Book-keeping, shorthand, typewriting, tele graphy, and all com- mercial subjects thoroughly taught by comptent, experienced teachers Day and nicht classes. Enter at any time. Rates very moderate. 'Phone, 440. H. F. METCALFE, President. J. BE. CUNNINGHAM, 'Secretary. Sharbot Lake and Bolton Creek Bridges. SH West Ends Hotel, where he is staying, persistently dogged. Mr. Austin has been in communica: tion with the war department for two years, snd ever since the importance of his invention became known he has had strange experiences, from Trapper ToWearer MCKAY First of all his private papers in his 'house in Caufield. a suburb of uU Fe S Melbourne, were rifled, Then a safe at his office was tampered with. and later a servant was eaught in the aot of =earchine his desk. When at last he obtained leave of absence from his government vost in Melbourne; Mr. Austin made all the ar- rangements for his home through a secret service agint in Melbourne. The agent gave him specific instrue- tions concerning keeping himself on board the Mongolia, on which he and his puard, unknown to Mr. Austin, sailed for london. He was nof to speak to strangers, drink at the ship's bar. or walk too close to the ship's railing after dark. Notwithstanding these warninos, Mr. Austin was twice made the vietim of attemits to search both himself and his cabin. He was induced ta make an appoint- ment to go ashore gt Marseilles. hat STERED 'FOR MEN Our Own Make and Guaranteed. Raccoon, Beaver and Fur-Lined COATS Fit any man in size DaAsEaZe and PURSE. did not keep it; the man who went in his stead was knocked on the head and sear hed. Speaking yesterday. regarding h's McKAY FUR HOUSE new invention, Mr. Austin said: "1 have had an uphill ficht, even to get a hearing. I took my idea to an ex pert in Victoria, wholsd'an adviser of th: British government/in the matter of such inventions. After ecarcful ex . amination, he described my improve 149-163 BROCK ST, KINGSTON A COMMITTER APPOINTED BY the Frontenac County Council will meet at Sharbot Lake, on FEBRUARY 7th, at 2 o'clock p.m., to sell certain jobs of repairs to Sharbot Lake Floating Bridge and Bolton Creek Bridge, in the Town- ship of Oso. Any person or persons wishing to ten- der for the whole or any part, of the work should inspect the two bridges and meet the Committee at Sharbot Lake at the time stated above. J. W. EDWARDS. 'County Clerk W.J. FRANKLIN, Chairman and Bridges Committee. Ladies! a invite you to visit our establisi- mint. You will be delighted with the Coats tailored by us. Roads rts and combine the most careful workman- |; ov0 or less destroyed, . the most exquisite designs, the | . : y : 4 Yow- most graceful models and the result is likewise: been the fate of the two Jew beautiful and attractive. ish synagogues. The Wesleyans have ) (Spi 3 . . Nh Faria 8 Detect St arate | (wo Groumtr, in Kingston, with ie faction, Customers can supply their own ministers, and the value of their goods, or secure them from the Company. | church property is put down at over Our urices nre moderate. Money return-| £30000, The Ba tists have a newly £30, i ed, if not satisfactory. The American Ladies' Tailoring Co 231 Princess Street. Phone, 556. TAKE NOTICE New King Gas Range, Oak Sideboard, Six Oak Leather-Covered Chairs, Ouk Extension Table, Ouk Bed room Set, Springs and Hair Mattresses. all as good as new, nT TURK'S SECOND-HAND STORE 398 Princess Street. i -------------------- 4 ROBERT J. REID 4 THE LEADING | UNDERTAKER 4 em . CHURCHES SUFFERED BADLY. |it ment as the biggest thing he had ever seen, and strongly urged me to take to England. "Though I had only spoken to the [0 FIND THE SECRET| PERSISTENT ATTEMPTS MADE }! also an ED TRAGIC ERROR. and Sis; Met--Band on Girl's Hand. pM, Mich., Feh. 5~"That my mother's ring," remark- ag Pengilly, a former Calu- al, attracted by a worn gold a8 he was placing an engage: 3 upon the finger of Miss Nel- I. "That was my mother's she replied, The ring prevent marriage of brother and sis wandering thirty years in Af and the lake Superior country, 1 Pengrilly had met his sister in fent., was atiracted by her pod her and won her hand fir's courtship they were to The date had heen set. old ring he had seem on of hi mother lost him a guined him a sister, Two ms never lived, As a ma Le prospered and he has Barch for other brothers and able to aid hoping to he them. Pengilly heard of the death of his ts ile in South Africa, but Pt g4 his brothers and sisters were cared for, and after wat i for Several years, began to lose all trace them, Nellie was adopted bya Wealth family named Howell to Giving Personal f When Trying to Buy Feb. H.--Columbia, 8S. 3 America says : § experiment extending over pars, during which time trafficking in Jiquor has been absolute ly in control of the state, the pensary is about to be repealed. "The house of represe ntatives, by a vote of Beventy-four to forty-cight, has passed a bill abolishing the state dispensary. A canvass of the senate thows a rity of three toward fav- diss oring the bill. "Kver since the dispensary law was fathered and kept in existence by Sen- ator + it has been the cause of a continual conflict. The people re sented the passage of the law on the ground that it was an encroachment of persopal liberty. "Prior to the enactment of the law the people could walk into a saloon and, on payment of the ordinary price, get what they wanted After the enactment of the law it was ne 10, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1907. 10 TAKE STR The Challenge Thrown T0 BE THE MASTER Down By Lords. CHURCHILL SAYS IT HOUSE OF COMMONS, Is Must Bring All Progressive Forces Into Line Against the Com- mon Enemy--Objects to Pro- viding United States Infor- mation--Another Earthquake Reported. London, Feb. 5s-In a Manchester, yesterday, Winston Churchill, parlinmentary) secretary of the colonial office, referred to the com- ing comphign oguinst the House of Lords, The peers, he said, had delib erately provoked wo constitutional struggle und the House of Commons, in the heyday of strength and youth, would take up the challenge unhesi- tatingly and show those lordly per sons, without delay, that it was the House of Commons and not the House of Lords that would be master, The end of the conflict must be a general election. But there were many things to do first. They had to pass a cou ple of good radical budgets, and they had to educate the people upon the is sues, and bring all progressive forces into line against the common enemy. The election would come soon enough for everybody, but the battle must be fought out in sarlinment, Richard = Arthur, president of the Australian Immigration League, writes to the papers Jrouating against in- formation regarding the United States being provided at public cost, and suggesting that the initiation of a great system of imperial immigration should be discussed at the colonial conference, Ie says Austrulia is pre pared to enter heartily into such a proposal. The Chronicle says this is a form of colonial preference to which the commonwealth need take no excep: speech at tom. has the same giit for advertising a¥ Canada has. Prof. Blair, the well-known seianol- that lasting several min- 4,600 miles its maximum intensity at ¢ p.m. He points out that his records of the earthquake of ogist, telegraphs, from Tnibech, an carthquuke, utes, occurred, yesterday, Laibach, reaching MN from ceskary to make application to the public dispensers for the ligunid goods in pac of one pint and upward Much personal information had to be given before the application was granted. It was to this information ths people principally objected "The Deon of the law about to be repealed were carried out by a These men purchased all the liquor consumed in the state, after which it was sent to a representative i in each county and offered for sale bers In Terrible Catastrophe at King- Jritish authorities on the matter, the | "In eleven months of one ycar the g t i : + : \ ston, Jamaica. story of my invention leaked out receipts from the sale of liauor under Kingston, Jamaica, Feb. 4 Relig "Over and over again the papers in | the law amounted to $2,421 840, on Ss" yt gd . y safe are rifle ; ¥ 3 hk 206 ous bodies have suffered heavily as a my safe were rifled, but, fortunately, | which the net profit was 39 1,50 congequence of the terrible catastrophe my Plans were never discovercd This money was equally divided be: at this place church buildings of all i I have a grievance, it is that | tween the state school fund and the $ . our governmint does hot encourage | county in which the money was col- denominations having been greatly damaged. The church of England has seven churches in the Jamaican capi tal. and we know for a certainty that the old parish church has fallen. Ro- man Catholic, Baptist, Presbyterian, Wesleyan and United Methodist churches and chapels have also been and this has training college at a church. erected native Kingston as well as ------ An avalanche in Bureges, a fashion- able watering place, near Lourdes, France, has wrecked twenty houses, burying a number of people in . the d | ruins. " January of this year proved to he far colder than Januwary of last year. And February is getting into line. inventors to offer their ideas to th own country before taking them else where. I have been asked to pay half th: cost of the experiments in connec tion with my invention. "Many times I have been tempted to take ths whole thing to another rower, aud sell it outright. but after all 1 am an Australian. and I am de- other devices. A Political Scandal. Vancouver, B.C., Fob. 5.-- Proceed ings are now pending against the late minister of lands and werks, Hom. Mr. Green, who will be charged with having received a bribe of $37,000 shares in the Transcontinental Syndi cate, of which Sir Adolphe Caron is ome of the chief promoters. It is al leged 'that the former minister, m ex- change for favors granted by the de- partment, to the syndicate, was asdoed H. Cunningham, piano tuner, from Chickering's, Orders at McAuley's book store. C. H. Walker defaulting G.T.R cashier at Guelph, got six months in p | jail for thefts. The socialists in Spain have decided b | to join the republicans in the coming elections, ° William Swain, piano tuner, Orders received at MeAuvley's. The Crown Princess Victoria of Swe den is seriously ill with influenza. 'Phone 577, 227 Princess St tee ILLUSTRATED LECTURE "Australia and Its People." Under the Auspices of I. O. F. By THOMAS LAWLESS, AS CR. Instrumental and Vocal Music hy J. ( Morgan, M.A. Geo. others. 4 CITY HALL THURSDAY, FEB. 7th. | p.m. Admission, 25 cents. ENQUIRIES Are coming in residential property to purchase and Tent or to May next. Let me aid you to dispose of yours to good advantige. SWIFT'S Fail, Race Roney" Hammoad and Joo Marks' company will be here all next week. Lent begins on February 13th. i-ready elothing for mine. This is the best season of the year to hammer for business. The Best Hammer is a good Ad. and the Best place to use it to get businessis on the Wuic WaNT Pace. to name a suitable person to hold shares for him in trust. The syndi cate, it is alleged, became dissatisfied with the way Green treated it, and ex- posed the transaction to the executive council Despite this knowledge of corruption. which the government is said to have had in May last, it ab lected." HARRIMAN GETS BUSY. Begins to Give His Officers Juris- dictipn. Chicago, Feb. 5..-Edward H. Harri. man has begun to extend the jurisdic: Thrail to be superintendent of mails Oregon $hort Line It was impossible vesterday to an cortain whether there riman officers, to include the Tlinoi were Kruttschnitt that Julius firmed rumor Stubbs and ma ly of that road. Wounded. Deamoines, In., Feb. 5.--At least i lowed Green to retain his cabinet seat till last December. Documents dealing fully with the case are now in posses. sion of the authorities why Beef Packing Firm Formed. Jersey City, Feb. 5.--As a rival of the Chicago beef packers in Mexico, a new company, known as the Mexican National Packing company, has just been incorporated, under the laws of this state, with an authorized capital of $10,000,000. This company, which has seeured liberal concessions from the Mexican government, proposes to build three large packing houses in Mexico amd | enter info competition with the Armour, Swift, and other forms in that territory. Pitiyt's Sudden Death. St. Jobn, N.It., Feb. 5.--Father Me Aulay, chief witness in the trial of Thomas Collins, last month, convict off of the murder of the' priest's. _cou- sin, died from heart failure. He had been greatly' worried over the case. Kingston shortly . Ga 2 mi-Ready tailoring will be in were killed and probably fourteen ir ured North-western railroad, near caught fire and several are said tol | caught under the wreckage Killed By Wood Alcohol. Ottawa, Fob. 5.--Henry Rushlow, Ogdensburg, aged thirty-five, died the Arlington hotel, that his death was occasioned drinking wood alcohol. We was trainer in charge of Frank Rober string of and was in atten anee updn the ice races which here yesterday. horses Has Been Ré-Elected. Publin, Veh. 5.~The mentary party" has unanimously elected John Redmond as chairman. 3 SRemi-Ready tailoring is eothing Kingston. «tate board, consisting of three mem- | about two years. is a plan to extend the jurisdiction of other Har- Central. There is. however, an uncon long J. C. have authority over the traffic and the eperation and maintenance respective THROUGH RAILWAY WRECK. in a wreek, on the Chicago & Des: moines, last night. The accident was caused by derailment. Most of the vietime ore coal miners, Stveral of the iniured may die. The wreck and it in said began Trish parlia re Jamumry 2nd, aré now shown to have been those of the disturbance that oe curred in the Tonga Islands, ee ------ PRESIDENT IS FOR CANTEEN. --m Believes Institution is Useful to | Army. Feb. 5.--Washington cor the Inter-Ocean says (hieago, respondence of "president Roosevelt, yesterday, en dorsed the work of the Woman's Army Canteen Club, an organization formed for the purpose © bringing about the sale of beer and light wines in the canteens at the army posts. A committee accompanied by Re- presentative Kahn, of California, call President Roosevelt. The delo- gation consisted of Mrs. Inez Sey- mour, president of the club; Anita Mc(ioe, an army nurse; Capt. J. Wal ter Mitchell, a Spanish war veteran, wl on 1t doubts, however, if Australia. PRAISED BY A JUDGE. Old Man Defeats Two Burglars Bold. Paris, Feb. 5.~An extraordinary ae count of the desperate and successful | struggle of a man of eighty-five with two burglars was given at the assize courts here yesterday, Van der Nest, who door to Baron Rothschild at Bou- logma-sur-Seine, was sleeping alone in|) his house, when he was awakened by the noise made by two burglars. In spite of his great age, he got out of bed, snatched up two revolyers and ; mot the burglars at the top of the) staircase, The old man, fired, wounding one of the burglars, He then flung the other weapon in the face of the other man, | § and immediately dashed at him. In the course of the desperate struggle ; which followed the old man was bad ly knocked about, but when neigh- bors, who heard the noise, arrived, they found him sitting on one burglar and holding the other down by hair. M. Van der Nest had twenty: two bruises on his head and face, in flicted with a "life preserver." In court yesterday the old man, who was warmly complimented by the judge, declared that he suffered no ill effects from his encounter, Exeept for a little deafness, he had pever been better in his life. "IT think the exer: cise did me good," he added. A PORTER HACKED PRIEST HAS NARROW ES- CAPE FROM MADMAN. An lives next pe Rushes Upon Him With a large Knife, But Would-Be Victim Escapes. London, #Feb, 6.--Father Carr, a Roman Catholic priest, had a narrow escape from death during a terrilje encounter with a lunatio in Dewsbuny § 4 Union workhouse, 7 The reverend gentleman ond his choir had visited the institution for the purpose of giving an entertain ment, and while they were partaking i rofreshments the head nurse rushed n and begged the purty to assist in putting a straitincket on a demented patient, who had been under observa: tion in the infirmary. ith, they were assisting the mad man broke away and secured posses sion of a knife which he had previously secreted in a locker. Rush' ing at the priest, he cried: "He's come for my soul and he shan't have'it i Fortunately, the reverend gentleman was alert, and escaped through a door at the opposite end of the ward to that through which the terrified nurses had rushed, Father Care turned the kev in the lock. just ns the madman threw his whole weight against the door in the hope of breaking it down. At this stage a porter entered through the other door. and the demented man rushed at him, and slashed at him with the Kile, badly injuring his hands. Three of the twenty-four beds in the ward were occupied, nnd the patients were relieved #0 see the man disarjpear. Although attired In a shirt only, the lunatic scaled a high wall and got ints the oven. fortunately losing his knife in his flight. He took a course over the fields to the main road, where he boarded one of the tram-cars, and after a short struggle was captured. « i and Mrs. Henry f Capt. Shurtleff, «of the marine corpa. President Roosevelt they work are termined that England. and Fngland | tion of the Harriman system officers | that the president will place himsel alon®, shall have the benefit of my over the lllinois Central railroad. An |at the bead of the organization. He invention." Yl official circular has been issued an | said the organization is doing a Mr. Austin is the inventor of many jnouncing the appointment of H. P. gmat work in the interests of the army and the enlisted men, and ex for the Hlinois Central. Mr. Thrall has | pressed the wish that the press been superintendent of mails' for the | the country would help the move Southern Pacific, Union Pacific, Ore: ment." gon Railroad & Navigation Co, and re ct TO WED MAKES HER DEAD. Death Notice. ' Baltimore. Feb, B ger was married terday the following death notices of a local newspaper : BURGER. --Suddenly, on Tuesday, last Tuesday. ¥ Va, papers plense copy. Miss Burger's marriage to The bride is now wi her parents. his home in her husbomd at mouth, Va. ° "To, all iments ig dead to me, the father, "and 1 x and purposes have sent her present. | want who knows us to understand she dend to wus. She can never home. | will never sco her again." Cape Vincent Man Dies. Cape Vinant, N.Y., Feb. 5.--Edw Byer died at the home of his sis » of at by n ts' vd ternoon. ---- The stale commission apvointed ble for election for linmen t Sunday - was: 'Many were cold, few wore frozin,'" hit the hall on head. B. Shurtlefi, wife of complimented the officers of the organization on the doing, and they left the White House with the impression of | easterly direction, Jrobubly bound for « She Receives Present in Form of 5.-<Miss Louisa Bure Yes appeared in the Jan . rinks from Michigan, Algoma and Ni- Parry Sound will take 20th, 1907, Louisa, » A 18 years Funeral at Portsmouth, Va Chicago, I York, Pa. and Norfolk, Hugh McConville was against the wishes of Ports "anid John D. Burger, copy of the death notice as a wedding her and everybody come Mrs, Godensugh, at Carthage, Friday morning of typhoid fever, The remains wore brought to the Cape ond taken to the home of George Bearup, east of this village. THe funeral was held from St. John's church on Sunday af- revise the eomsfitiition of Holland, re- commends that women be made eligi- members of par: The small hov who =aid the text on but TOOK STEAMER IN TOW. Disabled Craft Picked Up at Cape Sable. Halifax, N.8., Feb. 5.-A wireless message, received here from Cape { | Sable, reports that a small steamer, Toronto, Strong jortheast ow fair, with continued low ¥ GREAT CLEARING | SALE MORROW eady-to-wear Garments ) Prices so low, it's hard to believe, but we're determined to clear out every winter | garment to make way for § the incoming spring goods, Every item just as advertis- ed. Come and investigate. B They're all money savers' for | TO-MORROW'S Lao + i Ladies' Tailored Suits Of navy, black and tweed cloth, Sonie are made Eton Styles, others are fitted } Models. Skirts are made with gores and sell strapping, | others with pleats, regular § } price, $12 and $13, TO-MOR- } ROW at $4.50. Ne ! white and black only ) twelve in the lot, regular price, $3 to $4, TO-MOR- ROW at $1.80. Shirt Walsts Made of French Flannel, | Lustre, etc., colors, sky, castor, black and black and white spot, regular price, $1 to §2, TO-MORROW at 50¢. Walking Skirts 0dd lines, made of tweed, cheviot, vicuna, ete. Some are made with 7, 8, 9 gores and self-stra 3 8 price, $4.50 to $5, TO- ROW at $1.98. No exchange. No approval. SALES FOR CASH. Steacy's apparently in digtress, was taken in tow hy a large steamer about eight miles south-west of Cape Sable, The disabled steamer was towed in an this port. The isabled vessel is thought to be the Norwegian steamer Nanna, Halifax, for New York, with a cargo of lumber. She broke her shaft last week near Cape Sable and had been signalling for a tow. Bonspiel At North Bay. North Bay, Ont., Feb. 3. The Nor thern International Curling Associa tion bonspiel begins here, this after- noon. Thirtv-eight clubs and thirty pissing ond part. Some very valuable prizes have men of the town, th pte Died On Way To Hospital. Sarnia, Ont, Feb, rangements take him to a hospital, Beckford, Ont., he a {gon, of last stages of consumption, died. Wil is | son claimed his family had refused to although he was aged care for him, and helpless, Two 20¢. bottles for 25c., Gibson ard ter, ruary sale at Gibson's Red Drug Store. Senator John F. Jersey, has Withdrawn his name as States senate, to --Melntyre & Meintyre BARRISTERS MONEY TO LOAN the been donated by citizens and business B.~Before ar- could be completed to James Wil- who applied for shelter at the jail recently, in the Red Cross cough cure during the Feb- Cross Dryden, of New |tory, candidate for re-election to the United ------------------------------ BORN. KOEN. ~In Kingston, Feb. bth, 18 Mr. and ing A Koen, 21 St. a daughter, DIED. DODD. --In_ Kingston, on February 4 1907, Janel Paterson, widow of late Cuoprge Dodd, aged eighty: years. Funeral private, from her ve Ju a Fenidence, ra R. rm rh 1 rontenanc t., ednend afternoon at 2.80 p.m. pid i GALLAGHER. --In Kingston, on 4th, 1907, Mary Jane © daughter of the late Capt. Col of the Township of Storringtat. Joliet of the late Emmanuel r 4 ivate, Thu ormin te ry's Saray «ae od . oa i be sung for pose of AON MCMAHON. --At Ri N.Y., Monday, Feb, 4th, 1907, Mahon, printer, formerly of ng ont. OPERA WEDNESDAY, JAN. 6th, CHARLES E. 1 BY Pres 's | AUG. ANDERSON, in his Grea road Melodrama, ©The Curse of D n