Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Feb 1907, p. 3

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DR. SCOTI'S WHITE LINIMENT best for all pains. should be without it. It cures Frost bites, Sprains, Burns, Swellings, &c. and as a seneral has no equal. DR. 5, Large bottles, » St. John N.B Sale at J. B. s FURS We want to clear out all manufactured goods, the Bargains --R W. F. GOURDIER EXCLUSIVE FURRIER in eins. Sures Nevo. on haa, = Leak duse Price #1 pet Dox, six for huss Bele shi ER al a . © 0 pa Toronto, Ont. *Jondency, Wisdsord Optical Work Carefully Executed Spectacles and Eyeclasses vroperly fitted New and mountin~s. Eyes carefully examined. SMITH BROS. Jewelers and Opticians 350 King Street Issuers of Marriage up-to-date 'AUCTION SALE Book at once with the Leading Auctioneer JOHN H. MILLS 600DS Piling in on us from every quarter and as a result our store is taking on a spring - like ap- pearance. Whi itewear . Prints . Musling ~ Dress Goods And other goods for Spring Wear are all in stock and selling too. Many lines on sale now that cannot be shown-later. You will do well to see the display. : All Winter Goods being cleared out at very low prices. If you way want anything in the of heavy goods, we can quote some intensely interesting prices. be NEWM Tn AN & SHAW No family household remedy it SCOTT'S White Liniment Co., Ltd. Proprieters of Herners Mcleod's Drug BARGAINS IN Call and See 78-80 Brock St. Phone 700 Wood's Tones and ogi mad nervous makes | PILES QUICKLY CURED AT HOME Just send your name THE WORLD! OCCURRENCES 'RECOUNTED -- IN FORM. DEATH OF A PIONEER. ; te y Edmund L. Godirey, of Mountain Mountain Grove, Feb, 4.~On Friday February 1st, DAILY BRITISH Grove. there passed to rest, of the oldest and.most respected ceived the offer of the assistant rec a, $n ---- Instant Relief, Permanent. one > n B-- Mailed Free ato ¥ S---- residents of the township of Olden, in CONDENSED ADVERTISING FOR SALE. » . Trial Package : Matters That Interes he pers sodirey. He Te Wrapper: t Everybody !the persen of Edmund L. Godlrey. R . NEW All in Plain FX te --Notes From All Over--Little | Was bora in Cape Vindent, N.Y., Feb ATES 0 BUY J00R _ROLSE, Jon $2,000 | BILLIARD oe : ARON pass. Piles is a fearful disease. tnt gary to of Everything Easily Read "ruary 25th, 1521, and was the eldest | First insertion, lc. a word. Each cons a es auwinmsioiet Tork Through Whig office. . gure if you wo at t eho fs dnnger- 4d R d y Ison of the late Warren Godfrey. For secutive fhsertion thereafter fc. 8 | A QUALIFIED TEACHER, FOR 8. 8 . An operation and uepecessury. a emembere . : "several years he sailed with his uncle, word. Minimum charge for one ine No. 1, Barricfiold, to begin at once. CAN ENOYCLOP E pus, cruel, Thaw's counsel will plead insanity | the late Captain Coleman Hinckley, sertion, 25e. Apply' to H. Murray. Bareiofich. AMERICA oR at Ricans foe R as an excuse 'for his crime, from Cape Vincent to Kingston. Com- Sem------ , ' = - SHI reason. Apply ' $ st, S00) . N IM. ¥ Charles Allan, brakeman, was killed |inz to Canada, with his parents, they Everybody in Kingswo Reads the WHIG ny MAY Jit UR_SOORER, ME niu M- etal 4 su yl at Hamilton by being run over. settled in the township of Hinchin- Er ----------------wTCEeE stating rent, to Box G6, care MR eee -------- An avalanche in the Bavarian Alps | brooke, where he married Arabella HELP WANTED-MALE, -- ee -------------- SPLENDID SWEET. TONED PIANO. has crushed two houses and killed hi- | McKnight. He moved with his family in Sua comitith, to be said . teen persons. to Olden, in Mareh, 1850. when the THREE BOYS, ABOUT 15 YEARS TO-LET. Apply to Col: fangs. ing St. McLeod Stewart, for the past twen- | township was a perfect wilderness, but old, who, want steady work, 8QO i ty-live years Brazilian consul at Ot- {he bravely endured the privatiops and a . pay a Jould & Co, King Sb. | nop INGS, OFFICES, STORES. | mp Ty TWO FOOT GASOLINE bans, has resigned. he Tel hardships of carly pioneer life. Tn rv To's eitty fol Bibs, les 'and - i etc., at McCann's, 51 Brock street. Toat, with or Without engine. he returns of the Bell Telephone Jigi vi " Methodist and was : | SALBSMEN FOR AUTOBPRAY: | sr naansonmons. "4 TT a first-class boat for family y company, in Ott oD ligion he was 3 Me od ork tin sizes for women, men an Best hand Sprayer made, automatic. | AT COMMODIOUS FAIRLAWN." 106 sell cheap. Address Box Nu. 6 Whig pany, in Ottawa, from the local | the first Sunday school superintendgn and gusmnteed by your own dale. | | Sample By a approved Johnson St., suite of rooms on frst office. bran'h are $148,114.78. at Mountain Grove, and was always 2 Sie | © agent. Cavers Bros., Gult. floor, 3 rooms, on second floor, 3 -- eae Seite ------_ 3 conservative convention will be | pithiul to his t of duty. He was Ts { single rooms om third foor. » CAL PRACTION. ¥ 2 held at Ottawa immediately after the | 4 life-long temperance worker and, an > | serine SUITS TO MAKE, GENTLE- | Srl (UMPHP : 500 , in thei 4 session, viz., the end of April. rhea eg sixty-five years. NEWS FROM PICTON men, brine your own cloth and get a BIISION, iTRIUME PRoNoGRARH | trom a change for Free The lifeless body. of an infant, wrap- | He was county lecturer for a number | shiap Apedate uy wade, SL¥le, moderate. Postal will bring be lle Mactat tosh, py in = old Jat, was gum in Ham- | of years. and district lecturer at the -- sod ropairing done well. Galloway, Thos. McGinues. 381 Division street, cb ton. ; 18 suspected. hore i failor, 18 rock . 3 en oul 9 BY IE rs "were [Te of his death. 4 two | THE INFEB-URBAN RAILWAY be Taior. 181 Brod Siem et PRIVATE SALE QF HOUSE . wenty-five or thirty miners were Surviving ave two Sons an two Bre TO LPARN BARBER TRADE LOST. RN aiture at Wim. Bryant's, No, a killed by an explosion . in mine at daughters, Mrs. Taidley and Mus. COMPANY'S PLANS. ER eight weeks, graduates earn $10 | -------- tem Concession St... thily. oe . A thomas, West Va., on Monday. | ppgdley. John and Henry Godfrey of to $18 weekly. Branches throughout | , LRESBYTERIAN HYMNAL, BE- till 4 p.w., until all is g . A crusade has been begun in Chi- Mountain Grove; two sisters, Mus. Pa: D t A Canada and United Sate. Help tween St. Auwdrew's church and Pay pg a : = [cago against men who accost ladies | John McKnivht ond Mrs. RBadour The Town ys Damages to n Secure Hoon, Ont ue oe street. Finder please leave at Whig MONEY AND BUSINESS. here 18 o H H i re i 3 . 3 ce r EA < 3 o Cure wtiale iy Bo Sivage IP the streets and public places. Captan C. Hinckley, Kingston, and ed . Employee--Death of _Soadine Toronto. offic ety . Ord home--it is Pyramid Pile | Fred, 'G. H. Williams is leaving Tor- | payter Hinckley, Wolfe Island, are Edward L. Welsh--A Domestic VETERINARY UR POLICIES COV SORE I we free to all onto. to become buriamentary repre: | oousins. His wife pro-decensed him Broke Her Leg. HELP WANTED---FEMALE. . © vh yn Any Of nl Re oe sentative of the Ottawa Free Press. Jv AW . vears. The funeral ser . m --; 'Emporium, : e ¥ n arly twenty vears. The funeral > 5. as Hoo | eee rem TW : ; Ss a company : vou 'instant relief, show | At, Welland, Ont, burglars broke | Vices: were conducted in the Method: Pic von, ig ah : has oe le | A GOOD COMMON SENSE COOK FOR DR. U.N EN HAS RE & in's Insurance painless nature of this | into Hurgel's gents' furnishing store : CW. 8 t who nounced that apy ation wi be Im a hotel. Apply Box 472 Belleville . Nave the Post Office. I. you well on the . jst church by Rev. W. Smart, t h t session of the ligisla street, just ab Wels and stole about $100 worth of goods. | =o hod a wery impressive serm ,at pie en: Rt Pa cree ---------------------- Calls | hv telephone = or telegraph ized hox from The Fagonal Rifle Association an- i choir added to the imnressivenyer Ontario Taterurbon ry Souipany COQ FLAN CO to the evening. -- ne ---- , and often one] nounces that the Bisley meeting be- of the service Church members 0! T , =F ---------- w---- out J ) r o . to build snd 'operate a line of electric | = eo a Ey tries, to sell you some- | NS on July 8th, and «nds on the y ntain Grove and Arden L.O.T. jo Hui ring y v re thon | A GIRL, FOR KIT HEN WORK TO ARCHITECTS. ey te = metitute be Wh, lev St t. eight 1d followed the remains to the COmeLery rons the May of Quinte bridge, run- sleep at home. "Apply 020° Prices - olders, ¥ and io! jofe mone; n the substitute Stanley Ste pig 8 . . 5 3 . ¥ : § s et. B y on . x "on having what you call for. By Lg Neen J | where they paid the last isfute lo bin through the townships of | -------------- ---- | ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OF | Derty noire ut lon A The cure begins at once and continues | SA0 TC n the act of tobbing a | (1 memory of their departed brother: | ao jisghurg mand Hillier, to Welling | GIRLS TO WORK ON BROOM CORN fics, Cor. Queen and Bagot streets. new | ggg w from ox rapidly itil = Sourplets aif} Permant Bin Sheesh. .Senlestiogery Bore, lo. i _-- { ton thenee to Picton Branch will Apply Gould & Co., King St, near & Stran~e. Apests. {© La ant t{ronto. oh, : h- iy n ' 1 TH, AROHITEOT 8 "You can_ro Heht, shead ih Nhe | The Dominion line has ordered a ANNEXATION SCHEME. [likely be laid to Wellor's Bay and the er | HENRY ar Building, Market Sa o a © COS CO or 3 @ e - x N , - , J » ¥ € Hork nd be easy ant S miortable a new 14,000-ton twin sc steamship - ": 1sund, BuskS> od that Cabon. Rob | REBIATELY, A 600D (OENERAL tPhone, 845. % MEDICAL. | oF iw wall wort Cvs. Ly frre Husland & Wot, Belfast, for , the Picton Man Bears Away Brown-| {0% WAGE (\L rently © ely Mee. A. P. Kuehl. | powER & SON, ARCHITECT, MER : ¢ os ol : : TY : 8, own, rect re of ply Mrs, A. » . 3 . y OT, and address Canadian service, ville's Fairest Daughter. erts, oO ! = Alice stroet. a hank Mullin, corner Brook | pp, MeCARTHY, OFFICE LATELY "Phone, 31% occupied by Dr. Ryan, corner Mon 65 Pyramid Build- receive free hy M 00( Pyramid Drug Co., i arshall, Mich. and mail the trial package in a plain wrapper. - Thousands have heen cured in this easy, painless and inexpensive way, in the privacy of the home. No knife and its torture. No dottor and his bills. ' Bu All druggists "50 cents. Write to-day St for a free vac th tr 1S A PERFEOT SUBSTITUTE FOR . MOTHER'S MILK. BABIES' LIVES ASK YOUR DRUGGIST ; FORT. a THE DOCTORS AGREE. o Of Two Physicians Both Agree on w the New - Scientific Dandruff |! Treatment. --ws' | the far west have resulted in famished : J. M. Powell, of Spokanty Wash., |seock drifting in large numbers on the Yi says : "Herpicide has given good sa- {railway tracks of the range section. 4 tistaction in my family for dandruff," | Every passing train kills large num- Dr. W. G. Alban, of Walla Walla, hers. Wash., says: "I find Herpicide all Plans are on foot for a big exhkibi- it unless you kill the dandruff germ, |) Newbro's Herpicide, the only prepara- tion in the world that destroys the A delightiul hair dressing; instantly; makes hair glossy nnd soft as silk, It is a sure dandrufi destroy Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c. in stamy for sample to The Herpicid Detroit, Mich. Two sizes, 50c. and $1. G. W. Mahood, special agent. parasites. allays itching le Co., PowDER PURE AND WHOLESOME. ONE POUND CAN 25¢ E.W.GILLETT 20a LIMITED ary, at Troy, and § M'nn., died on Sunday. William J. Sh for a Mr who won the Marathon race at ens, is stationed at Bridgeburg, in | FOOD gate charges made regarding the con- 4 duct of Thomas McDonald, the regis. lard and Arthum Roy, were killed by between Cote St. stitute, New York, to partment husband. law "that in the newspapers. The vote carried by Alberta but one tion in London next year. It is to be a joint affair of Britain and France that is claimed for it as a dandruff cure. 1 shall prescribe it." Dandruff | is a germ disease and you can't cure |and and vou can't do that unless you use hibition." irs. Russell Sage has donated $1, Emma Willard semin- $250,000 to the In- 0,000 to the . Mary's Hospital, Rochester, ring, of Hamilton, Ath- e customs department. td J. C. Judd, London, will investi- ar of the county of Dundas. I'wo voung French-Canadians, Ade cave-in in a sand pit on the canal Paul and Lachine. Mrs. Russell Sage has given $1,000: 0 to the Rensselaer Polytechnic In- found a de- to be named after her late Marlborough township option hy- will be contested on the grounds notices of it were mot. published maiovity of «eight at the election. The C.P.R. has cut out all passen- | or trains across Saskatchewan and each way, to maka ay for coal trains, t'e fucl <'tua- jon being more serious than ever. The ficree- storms and heavy snow in the colonics of both, and is to wo called the "Entente Cordiale Ex- The government of New South Wales will in future contribute £6 towards the passage money of every agricul- turist and domestic servant who goes to the colony, with the agent-general's approval. Major-General John F. Weston, now in command of the department of Luzon, is to be placed in command of the entire military forces of the kn ited States, in the Philippines, on the relief from that position of Major- General Leonard Wood. Nathaniel 'BDyment, Barrie's million aire lumbermun, died, shortly after Monday morning, after two weeks' illness, Mr. Dyment was born in Exeter, Eng., seventy-four vears ago, and came to Canada as a lad. Russia has recalled M. Schischegtoff, her representative in Bulgaria, on ac- count of the continued friction be- tween him mod the Bulgarian minister of foreign affairs, who accused M. Schischegtofi of maintaining a press campaign against the government. midnight, on An Econémical Remedy. Wade's Ointment is put up in large boxes at a smell price. It is true in the cheapest sense because you get for the price a large quantity of a most valuable remedy. Wade's Ointment cures skin affections that many dol- lars' worth of other remedies would probably not cure. . Cures Eczema, Salt Rheum, Scaly wr Itching Eruptions of the Skin, TORONTO. ONT. 1 OUR WHITEWEAR SALE : IS NOW AT ITS BEST Pimples, Blotches, Dandruff, ete. In big boxes, 25¢., at Wade's Drug Store. Come in and look over Our dainty Garments, and at prices Corset Covers, Drawers and to $6.50 the garment. || If you prefer to make your beading EMBROIDERY SALE 10 pieces Corset Cover Embroidery, on edge and nice fine lawn, 37jc. yard, TO-MORROW, per yard, display. We have some that are sure to please. Night Gowns, at from 25¢. up £4 rh Ld very Corset Covers. » 18 inches wide, with would be fegular" price op RR BEATE Rn THE JAMES JOHNSTON STORE! ~~ 180 WELLINGTON STREET. -- ks a op lA y day, at the home ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. |H1. Bury the presence of about thirty relatives tions were given and refreshments were Cordon will return to Brownville n fow days before their departurs for their future home in Picton, Cenada. i for N.Y., Feb. 3.--On Thurs- of the bride's par Maynard, oc Prownville, ternational Y.M.CA. | curred the marriage of their only Bishop Stang, of Fall River, Mass, ' gq uohter, Helen E. Maynard, to J. |. who lately underwent an operation at ped Gorden, of Picton, Ont. Rev.'W. Hin performed tha: ceremony in od friends, after which congratula- srved. The bride wae gowned in a ark blue suit with white alk waist, | and carried a shower bouquet of pink ' and white carnations. She wat at- |g tended by Miss Lizzie Walrath. Mar !4j chall Gustin was best man. The house gation for £2,000, have settled with the decoraticns were pink and green. Mrs. | Gordon is one of Brownville's most popular young ladies and Mr. Gordon of "is a well-known former resident, hos many friends here. Jifte were manv and beantiful. 2 short wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. local dev-goods store and After | 1 for t 8 ® WHERE LIFE IS FAST, ' : ------ Insanity Increases in New York State. New York, Feb. 4.--There are al pre- rent 28,302 persons in the for thy insane, in this state. being an 'narease of 5,701 over last year. cordinr to the annual report of the state lunpcy commissicn, 1.468 were | discharged = as recovered, while 1,142 hed recovered sufficiently to resume al life of uwnrestraint. The state last year expended £5,722.429 in caring for the floor, | insane which was at the rate of $3.50 rer capita, including salaries of em- plovees and medical attendence. The commissicn urges immediate consider- | ption of the needs of the mwetravolitan district in the way of accommodations the insane, The commission Points owt that the state lease of Ward's Island expires in six years and they request an immedinte approvria tion to vrovide a #ite for an entirely now establishment on an extremely large scale. i -------------- "Special sale during February," Red Cross cough syrup. Blaud's Tron tonic pills, En~lich tooth vaste. and head. ache powders, and 2 for 28c. at Gils gon's Rod Crass Drue Store Hon. Mr. Hanna said, in the legisla- ture.' that the question of prison con tract labor, was under the considera tion of the government. The charge against George R. R. Cockburn, ex-president of the Ontario bank, was dismissed in police court. the Toronto Eat Right and Feel Right Take Care of Your Stomach and You Will Escape No End of Trouble. We can't abuse the stomach without paying a penalty. This penalty is most frequently indigestion, with all its ac companying distress. Eat the right kind of food and you will not suffer. The right kind of food is a natural malted whole wheat food, Malta-Vita, the most delicious, the most satisfy. ing food in the world, always fresh and crisp, containing every food ele: ment necessary for the sustenance and uphuilding of the body and the brain. A perfect breakfast is without Malta-Vita. Being a grain product it if rich in focd ele ments-- all the food _ | tovship of. Holy Trinity church, To- _ lronto, hut did not accept, preferring to remain with his present charge. teen to six, Quite p crowd witnessed the game. the town with power complainant for $750. Welsh, Jr., died very suddenly Sunday The wedding | mornine at home on Washburn street, for the winter races. Ww. 4. tan Bak, has returned to her home in Lindsay. institutions with her son, Dou~las, 1 ill in Ac- | Rose, impossible pure elements of the best white wheat grown and the finest barley malt extract--intemsely vitaliz- At the Arena on Saturday night, the nior OHA. "hoekevists defeated a ptette. from Adolphustown hy eigh- "The special committee appointed by to make a judi- nl scttieheng, with Davig MeClelland, ho was badly Injured in December, hile working on the electric light nstruction, and who had given no ce of an action against the carpor- Fdward Leon Welsh, the fifteen-year Id son of Mr. and' 'Mrs. Thomas fad was employed. a and 'worked un- he young il within two days of his déath. uffered fram diabetes. B. R. Hepburn, E. J. Healy and overal local horsemen are in Ottawa Miss Spiers. af- or bn mohth'< visit With Mr. amd Mrs. McClelland, © of 'the Metropoli- Rosa ig in Brockville whé is serious the hospitals there. W T collector of customs, spent over Sunday in the Island City. Mrs. Bush, a domestic in she home | of W. Mackensie, registrar, wet with | a verv painful injury last night. She | glinned while crossing the' diniv->room falling broke her leg' in Mes. W, 1 and ees tp -- LADIES TO DO PLAIN | In "A Thoroughbred Tramp,' at ) LIGAT sewing at home, whole spare time; wr, NEWLANDS, ARCRITEOT, OF " d ; work sent any distance, co, secon oor _over are id i send "et mh for full store, corner noess and »R.1. oon, DR. J. PF. SPARKS, particulars. National anufacturing sireeta. Entrance Bagot street bia and 0 TN rue , Company, Montreal, and Wellington stroeta. ema mre -- treal and GERTRUDE B The Grand, The Paragraph Pulpit REV. C. Ww. CABSON, OTTAWA $ einen An Everyday Religion. What (he world most noeds a! a conception of religion that will sane tify all life and spiritualize all pose and spiritualize a action. its overyday marvels tight | vention, with its everyda sorrow and suffering, wi day problems of it needs ok ha ---- saving, spiritualisi evel gion. We need a religion that «uablo us to face with good courage al the trials of everyday life, and by whiely i i from day 2 We that will showsitsell in tha, | in the financial transection; in daily relation with our fellows, ou Address Mr, Casson for free literas ture, KINGSTON'S ASSESSMENT Not Increased--Interview With the Assessor. "Has the assessment of Kingston ins crossed in the past year?' was by a Whig represeritutive of City As Has ARKER, on Saturday, Mat- night. two places { inee an d Gordon R. Ross has arrived from | Toronto to take up his position as | Tarn thi Rank of Momtrenl, Mr. | THOMSON SETON. Kennedy. teller of the United Empire oe - Pank, ill the past month 'with A Sketch of This Noted Nature tvnhoid fever, is progressing fuvor Writer By Rev. Dr. Mackie. ably " 1 : ---------- Thomson Seton is coming to lecture 3 ; n Kingston. Welcome news | Proba in SCHOOL OF MINING. bly there is no man who has done | nore by his writings than he has, to hn Students Indulge in Mid Winter | instruct and interest the youth of the Diving. world in Mae habits of wild animals. | On Saturday forenoon, the fourth Everywhere his books are devoured t venr students in evil engineering with greediness by our Loys and girls, ! Vieited the city's pumping station, in and also big men and women, who f company with Profs Kirkphtrick and | ate a jAensure in nature, and have } © McPhail. Capt. John Donnelly had | a liking for the inhabitants of the kirklly placed at their disposal two complete diving suite, with which the students in turn proceeded bs encase themselves. Each man under water: and. made an examination of the bottom of the slip in which the wintering. As there iy | | | | went Donnelly is ahout sixteen feet of water at this point the noviee divers found the depth quite er ough for an initial ex perience This new departure in the course of the School of only civil engineering at Mining promises to become. not popular gut useful as well. An engi peer i6 frequently called upon to minke examinations of masonry strive- tures under water, and should be equal to the task himself in case the services of a professional diver not available. LATE R. McMAHON. are The Death of a Former King- stonian. Another of the former residents of this city has passed away in the per son of Robert McMahon, whose death occurred, orf Monday, at. Rochester, N.Y. Deceased had been ailing for a long time and finally sucoumbed to heart trouble; He left Kingston about forty vears ago and, proviovs to that time, had worked at his trade on the stafi of the News. Three years ago he attended the Old Boys' Re-union, in this city, and had a pleasant time, renewing old associations. Deceased forest, the swamp, the prairie and the mountain. ( hristmas new fornd more acceptable than his thril i There ix always a sharp look out ax f approaches for anything from the wonderful pen of Thom son Seton, for what present can be {nz truthful stories, illustrated by his equally wonderful pencil. To the man, who unseen, has charmed thousands and thousands of readers, will be an event not to be forgotten after many days, and to hear his voice will be a treat for which everything else will be gladly laid aside, There is oftentimes a nervousness on the part of those who have succeeded in getting a g reply from a quiet man and secured the promise of see a visit from him lest the audience through inadvertence, or ignorance be not at least numerically worthy of the noted speaker, but in this case there surely should be no such fear, for Canada is proud and justly so of Thomson Seton. The very asnnounee ment that the author of "Wild Ani mals 1 Mave Known" 'Lives of the Hented "Two Little Savages," "The Bogravhy of a Grizzly Pear" "Monarch, the Big Bear," "The Trail oft the Sanhill Stag." "Art Anatomy' of Animals," "Mammals of Manitoba." "Birds of Manitoba," will actually appear in the flesh, speak to us with living voice. and produce before our ayes his ininitable sketches, will at one compel us to make an entry in our book of engagements for his visit, Joaves a wife and five children, thive of whom are married, also two sis inz end casy for even the stomach to digesk "I had been debility and vears, without any from various tomice and indigestion for severa benefit or relie other medi when, a short time after ment.' --P. All grocers sell Malta-Vita. er tasted anvthing weakest sufferer from nervous cal prescriptions. Ithagine my surprise beginning the use of Malta-Vita, 1 became aware The Shamrock Concert and Medicine of its beneficial effects by the gradual disappearance of my lomg-standing ail Gersper, Earnesville, Ohio. Try A real some with milk, cream or fruit. You 0 good and ters, Miss E. McMahon and Mes: John Boyd, of this city, and two brothers, Pr. James McMahon, Texas, 'and A. 1] C. MoMahon, of this city. A kind and i | loving husband and father, beloved - |by those who knew him, his demise will be deeply regretted by all. company, appearing at the city hall every evening, during the past week, loft to-day for Perth. winter's day was: this. how the chill east wing] faufhid the marrow. t There was no Session ar will be glad we told yom abou wi it. \Ready to eat. Now lOc. court This morning. =o a My Nowhere should the naturalist to tha government of Manitoba, and the gifted writer have a more appreciative andience thea in this city, of learn: in+ and culture, and we are glad that Kingston is not to be nassed hy when { the author of world wide fame makes | his journey from Toronto to Mont. | real. | ccrm-- ------------------ | Xova Scotia Steel company, at Syd ney Mines, are on strike to compel all the miners to join the union. Norman McDougall, real estate deal- Reported Alterations in the Gulf of America and . ran close 'to the western end of Cuba, curving coast from the south and bending to the east aronnd Florida pen'hsula. It Nine hundred miners employed by the © somsor Gordon, No," he replied, "the asscssmoent just about the same as it ago, close to cight million "Hus there been much increase the past five years ¥' "No," replied Mr. Gordon, "the erense in that period is scarcely no able." "that FAVORS AMERICA. Stream. Orleans, Feb, 4.~Since the Ja wien earthquake, an important hange in the gulf stream has been oted, and its effect upon the climate Europe is being dis assed, the gull stream, recogmized as he great hot water heating plant of he Atlantic, again to have avored America, for it has enddled ip closer to the northern continent. The discovery is made by Capt. John Rolev, New Orleans, of the gulf div- sion of the hydrographic survey. Be- ore the earthnunke the gulf stream New "How is it," was asked, value of property in the eity of ton hax mot increased in late "Well, the reason is simply Mr. Gordon said : "The value of © estate depends upon whether or men with money are i in Now, in Kingston there is ment in real estate, The this city "who have investing it hevos the not increased" in 'population for vears, and how then, can p t values ineronse 7 The tendency is me the other way," "Does the increase in rent lead fo increase the assessment 'on & J perty " x "No," was Mr. Gordon'n Nn "rent is only one factor in dele ing assessment. Here in Kin rent has had tg be increased for reasons, first account of int cqpt of living, and, od count of the "increased and materials for repairs sem toward the United States woms that now the stream hugs the Centers] American const and comes ont into the Atlantic deflected more to ths west than formerly, The poplar notion that the climate of Fngland and western Europe de pends uron the gulf stream is not supported hy the best authorities now, 'A snap for the workingman's wile at Crumley Bros', on Thursday. Read Susan Ellis, a widow; has advts., Monday and Wednesday. writ at Osgoode Hall, to recover George W. Denhath, sixty-one years| stated damages from "ohn 'W. old, an old-time actor, dropped dead! ym for breach of promise. of apoplexy in New Ye rh. Toronto, New Cure for Nose, Throat and Li chitis, asthma, ills, nothing possésscs the power cure quickly as Catarchozome. Men of prominence an Rich, Pure Essences Are Breathed Right to the Spots That Are eatarrh and ; the Sick. Cure Follows. freely recommend Catarrhotono-- know it is a real cure--one th Svinpm--------. cures permanently, and the stab The merit of "Catarrhozone" is is quoted of Nova Scotia's insp most remarkable, : of mines, Mr. Ngyill : fae In a few years this famous remedy _ "'Cotarrhosone™ig the best 1 over used; it cured me of caf the head and throat, and I ) pleased to recommend such a sal Fach year hundreds of thousands tary remedy." > of. "Catarrhozene" outfits are sold, Que of the most experienced ; and doctors regularly prescribe it be- able druggists in,Canada, Heory cause it is the ourest and safest. re- Taylor, of Halifax, says : 0 mody of its kind over prodwoed. : Catarthorope is composed of heal- wherever it goes: It is convenient to use, and has won its way throogh sheer power 'ing ingredients that instantly allay i n 8; irritation and clear all mucous from throe times the sale of any ob the linings of thacnose and throat. tarrh renwdy sold in er, at Winnipeg, and his little davgh- of the police | ter, were suffocated in a fire in the r pears. residence, The irritation of constant coughing 'A complete outfit, w hard i» stopped at once--catarrhal ) d- ber inhater, sufficient for Bonin che and bumsing ears no longer use, guarapteed, costs hothers . : trial) sie, 256. All hother--overy trace of cold disap- ; Ison & Co, : Por au elitctive medicine in bron- A., and Kiggston, Ont.

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